The Furniture Store WordPress Theme
Install Wordpress 1. Make sure you have an .htaccess file (I have provided one along with the theme so look for it in the Documentation folder) in the root directory. It needs to be writable by the server as the theme is being set up. After you finish with the installation you can change the permisions to something more secure (For SEO friendly URL's the .htaccess file uses the directive mod-rewrite. If your web server hasn't loaded this module then it will ignore this directive. You will then need to contact you hosting provider for more information. If you are on a Mac chances are that this file (htaccess) is hidden. Perhaps this link may be of help: Also inside the Documentation folder you will see an "uploads" folder with some more folders inside. Take the entire folder as is and upload it inside the wp-content folder. Next make the uploads and all folders inside writtable by changing permissions then to 777. Be sure not to miss any of the inside folders!
And inside this →
Next, let's install the theme. Installing the theme: 1. Unzip. You should see the TheFurnitureStore parent theme and the 2 child themes: TheFurnitureStoreDark and TheFurnitureStoreLight inside the "Theme Files" folder 2. Connect to your hosting account with the FTP client of your choice, and get inside of your WordPress install 3. Take the 2 theme folders and move them inside the themes folder. Make sure that they are on the same level as the default theme-so not inside any other folder!! (I'm not trying to insult your intelligence here but please do pay attention to this as half the support emails I get is from people that upload the entire unzipped folder and then wonder why the theme appears broken) 4. So here's a screenshot of what you should have by now: At this point:
The Furniture Store WordPress Theme Change file permissions: There are some folders inside the TheFurnitureStore parent theme that you will need to make writtable (set permissions to 777). 1. pdf and the one inside: bills. (They will be used when creating the bill pdf's for you and your customers) 2. dl (this will be used for creating the temporary download links for the products your customers purchased. If for some odd reason you do not have one please create one. It should be an empty folder next to the other folders inside the parent theme) 5. Now go back to your browser, login to your WordPress administrator interface - and go to the Appearance > Themes. Once there, you should now see a new listing for your new WordPress parent and child theme you just installed. 6. From there, click on one of the child themes to activate it.
7. Very Important! From your Settings > Miscellaneous set "Store uploads in this folder" wp-content/uploads and do NOT "Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders". 8. One last thing. Set your permalink structure to /%category%/%postname% Go to Settings > Permalinks for this and select „Custom Structure “
The Furniture Store WordPress Theme 9. Next go to the eCommerce > Theme Options and follow the installation Wizard we have prepared for you. Please keep in mind that the dummy content I have included will not import all the categories and pages of the demo site. Upon request from the majority of buyers I have included only the bare minimum of pages, categories and product posts. So what you'll have is simply a some content to serve as a basis to build on. This completes the theme installation process. Up next, Adding Content