University of Jamestown Alumni & Friends Winter 2014

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Your Success. Our Tradition. Alumni & Friends Winter 2014

Finding Their Future

Chairman’s Message

Alumni & Friends Winter 2014

Board of Trustees Chairman James Unruh ’63 University of Jamestown President Robert S. Badal, Ph.D. Alumni Board President Gerry Gunderson ’80 Dear Alumni and Friends, This winter has been very cold and sometimes a little bleak in North Dakota, but there is nothing bleak at the University of Jamestown. It continues to be a very exciting time and a time of continued progress for the University. The growth of the incoming freshman class, the wonderful addition of the remodeled Orlady Hall and the very successful first year of the Doctor of Physical Therapy program are just three examples of continued success and progress. However, the Board and Administration are always looking forward to the challenges and opportunities ahead. Standing still would mean falling behind. As we consider the University’s future, we recognize we must continue to strengthen existing programs, add additional undergraduate and graduate programs, and upgrade as well as add selective facilities to meet the changing needs of students. We see growth in enrollment and in academic programs. Underpinning this must be a solid financial base which will necessitate a capital campaign in the near future. It will be based upon a plan for the future of the University of Jamestown that will be exciting and one that will enable us to continue to move ahead in fulfilling our mission of preparing the highest quality students for their career pursuits and to be our future leaders. Your University’s Board and Administration are optimistic about the future. We are committed to a future in which the University evolves to address changing needs and opportunities, and a future in which the University rises to the next level. Thank you for your continued support to this commitment. Sincerely, James A. Unruh ’63 Chairman, Board of Trustees

Executive Vice President Polly (Larson) Peterson ’89 Director of Development Karen Crane Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving Bill Robb Associate Director of Alumni Relations and Booster Club Dustin Jensen ’02 Research Associate Dan Hornung Office Manager Marlene Wiest Director of Design and Publications Donna Schmitz News and Information Writer Erin Klein “Alumni & Friends” is published two times per year, in the winter and summer by the University of Jamestown Office of Institutional Advancement for alumni, faculty, staff and friends of University of Jamestown. University of Jamestown welcomes your thoughts and comments about “Alumni & Friends.” Please send letters to Alumni & Friends, 6082 College Lane, Jamestown, ND 58405. Send address changes to Marlene Wiest, Office of Institutional Advancement, 6082 College Lane, Jamestown, ND 58405 or by e-mail to

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Chairman’s Message


Presidential Greeting


Name change brings excitement


Liberal Arts and the Journey


Impactful leadership


Journey of Discovery


Alumni Hall of Fame


Young Alumni receive Medallions


Nominations for Halls of Fame


Campus Headlines


Alumni Association News


Winter Sports Update


Athletic Hall of Fame


Alumni Days Schedule


Class Notes


Refer A Student






In Memoriam


Fine Arts Calendar: Choir Tour


Dine & Bid Benefit Auction - Save the Date


Important Dates On the cover: Photos of a skateboarding Grant Mehring ’09 appear throughout University of Jamestown publications. Grant currently works at North Dakota State University as a research specialist in the Department of Plant Sciences, working in corn, soybean, and wheat agronomic research. He received his M.S. in 2012 and is working toward a Ph.D. in Plant Sciences. Grant is a wonderful example of one of our alumni prepared for a challenging career by the Jamestown Journey to Success.

Presidential Greeting

Dear Alumni and Friends: All of us know that the Mission of the University of Jamestown is longstanding, even as we witness significant changes within and around our campus. We are committed to the development of wholeness in our students, to balance between the liberal arts and the professions, and to our Christian tradition as it relates to the continuing growth of the individual. The Mission is based upon our values, but until last spring we did not have an explicit statement of our foundational values. Make no mistake, we have always had strongly held values—we simply did not write them down neatly in one place! As a result of two years of study, a small committee of faculty and administration put together a foundational set of values which was subsequently approved by the Board of Trustees. Our values begin with a simple declaration: “As an institution of higher education in the Presbyterian tradition, we celebrate God through the use of our minds and the exercise of reason, believing that God is the source of all truth.” We embrace the liberal arts as we promote education as a means to improve lives, search for vocation and create lifelong seekers of truth and wisdom. We value the life of the mind and spirit and hold that faith and reason reinforce each other. Through mind, heart and hands one can honor God and serve humanity. We are non-sectarian and welcome students of all faiths and beliefs. Our Latin motto, “Lux et Veritas,” proclaims to all that the pursuit of truth lights our Journey today as it has since 1883. You will find our values statement and mission on our website As you read it, reflect over Henry David Thoreau’s observation in Walden: “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” As we move the institution forward, we must keep our faith and tradition firmly under us. Sincerely, Robert S. Badal, President

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Name change brings excitement Student Senate President Logan Caldwell and his fellow Senators are on the receiving end of a welcome side effect of Jamestown College’s change to University of Jamestown. “Students are coming to us with so many ideas for new programs and majors they’d like to see added,” he says. “They have brought up everything from a fire science degree to majors like nutrition, Latin, Russian, music therapy, and engineering. The buzz among students has been positive. They’re excited about the change and what it can mean for the future.” After the initial stir, University President Robert S. Badal observed a rallying around the new name. “It has given everybody a positive base for thinking about the future and the potential of this place,” Dr. Badal says. Dr. Mark Brown, Professor of English, says he looks forward to growth, not only in the University’s enrollment, but also in student diversity and academic programs. “I’m a firm believer in the liberal arts,” he says. “There are plenty of universities in which the liberal arts thrive.” For international students like Tom Cooke, of Northampton, England, receiving an education from what is now known as University of Jamestown validates the expectations they have for an institution they choose to attend. “I and the other international students found it wonderful,” says Cooke, who in December completed

On the horizon

The future is bright at University of Jamestown! In future issues of Alumni & Friends magazine and the monthly e-newsletter, you’ll read about exciting developments in all areas of the University:



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his degree in Exercise Science. “Outside of the United States, ‘college’ is viewed as a post-high school level course that prepares someone for university. A university is any institution where you earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree.”

“This includes continuing functions at cities with large concentrations of alumni and finding other ways to get alumni reconnected,” he says. “We look forward to connecting to more alumni in 2014.”

Growing international student enrollment is among the University’s goals. Russel Boris ’90 has been involved in international education for 18 years and is currently Director of International Education at Okanogan College, Kelowna, B.C., Canada, where he often finds himself explaining that his institution is indeed a four-year school.

Looking back on fond memories of being involved in Chapel, completing service projects with the SPURS organization, and learning from influential professors like Dr. Cameron Fisher and Dr. Harold Strandness, Rev. Dr. Kathy Nelson ’76 says the University’s new degrees and programs make it a good time to move forward.

“Personally, I had mixed feelings about ‘University of Jamestown’ because of all of the tradition of Jamestown College, but having ‘university’ in the name provides a shortcut to the core of what you are about,” he says. “You don’t need that extra explanation. Most of the world understands ‘college’ differently. The change will be a good thing in international recruitment, which provides such valuable globalization in the classroom.”

“As alumni, it’s a strange thing to see a change, but I’ve always been proud of the long, rich tradition of Jamestown College,” she says. “This is just a new step in its ongoing journey.”

Like Boris, Alumni Association President Gerry Gunderson ’80 says he loves the traditions of Jamestown College but has grown to embrace the new name. “While I will always hold the JC name in my heart, I see the reason for the change and the reflection of where the institution is today,” he says. “It is really just an extension of where we have come from and where we are going.” Gunderson says the Alumni Association will continue to pursue ways for alumni to be connected to the University.




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Liberal Arts and the Journey


Since graduating from University of Jamestown, Alex Woodruff ’10 has spent time teaching English in China and South Korea and working on political campaigns in Missouri and California. Now, as a marketing and community outreach coordinator for a startup software company in San Francisco, she especially appreciates the liberal arts background instilled in her and her fellow alumni. “Whether in a job interview, making a new friend, or bonding with a colleague, a liberal arts education gives students a vast pool of knowledge to help create common ground with people in the real world. That is something everyone wants – a connection.” she says, “I have met so many different people with impressive backgrounds. I feel like I can have a conversation about anything with anyone.” The liberal arts model of exposing students to subjects across the curriculum, building well-rounded, engaged thinkers and problem solvers, has taken criticism in today’s educational marketplace.

“We are a liberal arts university at a time when liberal arts are under siege in the media,” Says University President Robert S. Badal. “Parents question whether the liberal arts will lead to their student finding work. “We need liberal arts to meet the changes that are inevitable in any professional career,” he continues. “At University of Jamestown, our vision is distinctive because we connect the liberal arts to the world of work.” Among liberal arts universities, Jamestown is unique in offering, through the Journey to Success program, a guaranteed hands-on experience for students to apply their liberal arts knowledge in the real world. The University’s consistently high placement rates for graduates are a testament to the Journey’s success. “Our approach is that a liberal arts education leads to a meaningful life,” Dr. Badal says. “We know that liberal arts graduates are employable. They can solve problems, think critically, and communicate effectively. That is a set of skills that

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Telling their stories employers seek and need. I think the public will come to realize in a fairly short time that there is inherent value in providing students with a liberal arts education.” Besides pursuing a major in political science, serving as a member of Student Senate, and running on the Jimmie cross country team, Woodruff was a member of the University’s first Character in Leadership class. She says the program, through the study of leadership and ethics principles, group service projects, and guest speakers, significantly shaped her education. “That program challenges your belief system and helps form who you want to be, both professionally and in life,” she says. “I’ve often referenced my personal leadership philosophy (a senior Character in Leadership project) on applications.” Woodruff is now thinking about an entirely different career trajectory than the one she had planned while she was at University of Jamestown. She’s not alone, as the average person can expect to change careers at least seven times. With the tools and personal guidance she received at University of Jamestown, Woodruff feels she’ll be prepared for what is next. “I am so glad I went to University of Jamestown,” she says. “The people there have one agenda: to help you succeed.”

Your Success. Our Tradition.

graduates have found success.

A new publication from University of Jamestown highlights the journeys of several young alumni as they reflect on the value of their education. “Journey to Success: UJ Alumni Success,” distributed to prospective students and accessible online at, celebrates the strong placement rate of University of Jamestown graduates, as well as the diversity of fields in which

“There simply is no better testimony to the strength of a University of Jamestown degree than providing a prospective student with strong and consistent stories of the success of our alumni within five to ten years of their graduation,” says Scott Goplin, Vice President of Enrollment Management. “Combined with exceptional year after year placement rates and a stellar list of graduate schools and employers, the University’s value proposition competes favorably with the finest schools in the U.S.” “It is exciting to see so many of our young alumni doing well and achieving success in their chosen professions,” says Polly Peterson, Executive Vice President. “The University of Jamestown has always been about the relationships we have with our students, and when our graduates return to campus or send us notes sharing their successes, the pride we feel is indescribable. I couldn’t be more proud of the difference our graduates are making in the lives of others.”

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Impactful leadership


The Class of 2014 will be the last group of newly-minted University of Jamestown graduates to shake the hand of Dr. Gary Watts, Vice President for Academic Affairs, when they receive their degrees at Commencement. Dr. Watts and his wife, Myra, Director of the Learning and Academic Advising Center and the Character in Leadership program, are leaving Jamestown after serving the University for 25 and 20 years, respectively. The Wattses will move to Spokane, Wash. Dr. Watts has been named this year’s Commencement speaker. “I cannot imagine our being where we are today without his help and leadership,” says President Badal. “Under his leadership, we have developed new programs, both traditional and online, new international friendships, new graduate level offerings, and better measures for improvement. “Similarly, when we needed a new head of the Character in Leadership program several years ago, Myra was ready to take

on the challenge, having then recently completed her master’s in leadership,” Dr. Badal continues. “I am always proud to say that we have the finest and most intellectually rigorous leadership program in the country. Myra has made it all possible while balancing other responsibilities with her strength and compassion.” A&F: What brought you to Jamestown, and in what capacities have you served the University over the years? GW: I was working in Minneapolis and met Dr. Jim Edwards, who was Chair of the Religion-Philosophy Department. He mentioned an open position in the department, and I had always wanted to teach; that’s what I went to school for. I started as an assistant professor in the Fall of 1989 and was also College Chaplain that first year. When the Center for Ethics and Character was established, President Combee appointed me as Director, along with my Religion-Philosophy department responsibilities. I became Department Chair in 1997 and Academic Dean in 2003.

Left to right: Myra Watts, Dr. Gary Watts, daughter Jacqueline (Watts) ’11 and Chris Kramlich ’09

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MW: After a temporary position with the Learning Center, I became full-time Director of Learning and Academic Advising in 1994. I had been teaching in the Character in Leadership program and took over as Director in December, 2007, having earned a master’s degree in organizational leadership from Gonzaga. I have also been Director of the Journey program for the past four years. A&F: What’s next for you? GW: We’ve raised three children here in Jamestown, and we recognize that being closer to family involves us moving, not them moving back here. Julie is an attorney in Spokane; Aaron is an entrepreneur in Los Angeles; and Jackie and her husband, Chris, are in Uganda, working for Amazima Ministries and adopting four children. Julie’s law practice is thriving, and I will be helping her with that. MW: I would like to do something in leadership or work for a nonprofit. A&F: What are some of the highlights of your time at University of Jamestown? GW: The highlights all have to do with different groups of people. The students we have taught have gone on to do great things. They cycle through this place, you celebrate with them, you wonder who can ever replace them, and then you begin to connect with the next wonderful group of students. It is a unique privilege for those of us who work in universities. I tell every prospective new faculty member that everyone here is not only a colleague, but also a friend. It’s a great working environment, and it’s wonderful to be in a place with so many people bringing knowledge from different disciplines. With my supportive colleagues in the administration, we’ve explored new things; starting the Doctor of Physical Therapy program has been a real highlight. And the Board of Trustees is tremendously engaged with the University and continues to be generous and supportive. Everything that’s done here is done together. MW: I’ve been blessed to have had great opportunities with our students and to maintain relationships with them. Seeing students go through the Character in Leadership program has been so rewarding. The changes at the University, especially over the past 10 years, have been exciting. A&F: What changes have you observed in higher education? GW: There has been a growing concern for assessment and measurable outcomes in higher education. Online education has grown and will continue to shape the delivery of education.

There is also a push toward seeking education in order to obtain jobs. There is a growing interest nationwide in graduate study, particularly master’s programs. Students have grown in their expectations of what will be present to assist them in all areas of college life. MW: I don’t know that this is a change, but students now are really geared toward wanting to do big things and to make a difference in the world. They’re focused, and they want their lives to count and have impact for good. A&F: What will you miss about the University? GW: We will miss all the people, particularly students. When working with students, you’re always interacting with people whose vision of the world is fresh. It keeps you alert and connected. MW: I will especially miss the people – the students, faculty, and staff. My great reluctance to leave Jamestown is leaving the wonderful people we have come to know and love here. We’re tremendously grateful for all the opportunities we have had to develop our gifts and strengths.

SEARCH UNDERWAY for Vice President for Academic Affairs A search committee representing University of Jamestown faculty, administrators, and trustees is working with AGB Search to identify and hire a new Vice President for Academic Affairs to be in place for the start of the 201415 academic year. The committee organized in January, is currently working to build the pool of candidates, and expects to narrow the field of candidates during the month of March. Finalists will be invited for campus interviews by early April. Updates about the search process can be found on the University web site. Those interested in making nominations or expressions of interest for the position should visit

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Journey of Discovery Stenberg shares family history in new documentary

When Daniel Stenberg ’05, Bismarck, N.D., was helping to clean out his grandmother’s home a few years ago, little did he know he’d uncover something that would lead to a documentary project highlighting one family’s place in the history of North Dakota. “I found 600 pages of letters that my grandpa wrote from the Philippines during World War II,” Stenberg says. In reading those letters, one written each week for about three years, Stenberg went back in time. “(My grandfather) was pretty much my age at that time, facing the world, but frustrated with the world, too,” Stenberg says. “He just wanted to get home to North Dakota and settle down. I viewed him as more vulnerable than I had before.”

of Jamestown.

Stenberg’s initial question, “How can I get this story out?” and the subsequent three years of research, interviews, and filming culminate Feb. 26 when his hour-long documentary, “6 Brothers: A Story of Hope, Loss, and Perseverance on the Northern Plains” premieres on Prairie Public Television. A screening will be held at 7 p.m. February 25 at University

Stenberg’s grandfather, Chris Stenberg, and his brothers Arnold, Cap, Henry, Ray, and Selmer, grew up on a farm/ranch in western North Dakota’s McKenzie County. The documentary touches on their experiences through the Great Depression, wartime, and beyond. “In the beginning, I just started writing ideas down and talking to people who had made films,” Stenberg says. Research included combing through North Dakota newspapers published between 1920 and 1950 and interviewing relatives and neighbors of the brothers, humanities scholars, and newspaper editors. “The State Archives in Bismarck is a great resource,” Stenberg says. “They have a lot of documents, like church records, that are very helpful for family history research.” Stenberg notes that he learned about his great-grandparents, too, especially through his newspaper research. “My great-grandfather’s brother was often mentioned in the paper, going to visit different people and going to different social events,” he says. “But my great-grandfather was hardly ever mentioned; he was more reserved and content to work on the farm. It was a self-discovery process for me; I know a little more about why I fit in where I do. “These stories will hopefully resonate with a North Dakota audience,” Stenberg adds. “A lot of people have these types of stories in their families.” After graduating from University of Jamestown with majors in business and history/political science, Stenberg spent five years working in Washington, D.C., first with the Federal Reserve and later with the Midwestern Governors’ Association. He now works as a researcher for Job Service North Dakota and says filmmaking has proved to be a worthwhile hobby, but not a full-time vocation. “When it’s a hobby, the pressure is off,” he says.

For more information: | On Facebook: 6Brothersdocumentary

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Alumni Hall of Fame 2013 The Jamestown College Alumni Association has inducted Susanne (Schlegel) Conrad ’79, Dr. Kenneth Metz ’58, and Jeffrey Young ’88 into the University of Jamestown Alumni Hall of Fame. They were recognized at a dinner in their honor May 10 and officially inducted during the Commencement ceremony on May 11, 2013. Jeffrey Young ’88, West Fargo, N.D., is chairman and chief executive officer at Evolution1, the nation’s largest electronic payment, on-premise, and cloud computing healthcare solution. Mr. Young was named a HealthCare Consumerism Superstar in 2012 by the Institute for HealthCare Consumerism. He has more than two decades of leadership experience in software and the financial systems industry. Prior to joining Evolution1 in 2008, he was vice president of business applications – U.S. for Microsoft and was responsible for sales, marketing, and partners. Prior to that, he held a number of senior leadership positions at Great Plains Software. Mr. Young earned degrees in mathematics, computer science, and business administration from the University of Jamestown. He serves on the University of Jamestown Fargo Advisory Committee, Board of Directors for Bell State Bank and Trust, and for West Fargo Baseball. He and his wife, Terri (Emineth) ’91, have three children.

Dr. Kenneth Metz ’58, Monroeville, Pa., is Dean Emeritus, School of Education, and Associate Professor Emeritus, Health and Physical Activity, after a career of 31+ years at the University of Pittsburgh. His nominator notes “the Liberal Arts education Ken received at University of Jamestown provided the foundation that allowed him to build his distinguished and dedicated career in the field of education.” He earned degrees in health and physical education and mathematics at Jamestown College and holds a Ph.D. in physical education from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Metz is the recipient of numerous honors and awards, including the Leo “Horse” Czarnecki Award for outstanding teamwork, enthusiasm, and effort on behalf of the University of Pittsburgh Athletic Program. Organizations which have benefited from his volunteer service include the American Heart Association, March of Dimes, and Pittsburgh Public Schools. He and his wife, Barbara (Seaborn) ’60, have four children and nine grandchildren.

Susanne (Schlegel) Conrad ’79, Mainz, Germany, has been a journalist with the national German television network ZDF since 1985 and since 1989 has been anchor of the ZDF live midday newsmagazine, Mittagsmagazin. Ms. Conrad was a recipient of the Cosmopolitan Club Scholarship, which sends young women from Germany to University of Jamestown, and she has remained a strong supporter of the scholarship program for more than 30 years. She earned a degree in English from University of Jamestown and a degree in literature and philosophy from the University of Mainz. Outside of her career, Ms. Conrad is a national leader in a German breast cancer awareness organization and volunteers as a moderator at conferences focused on fighting the disease. She and her husband, Ekkehardt, have three children.

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Young Alumni receive Medallion

University of Jamestown presented three alumni with the Young Alumni Medallion at Opening Convocation held Sept. 5 in the Reiland Fine Arts Center’s DeNault Auditorium.

Chris and Jacqueline (Watts) Kramlich are the first husband-wife team to receive the Young Alumni Medallion. They are both involved with Amazima Ministries International, an organization that sponsors 700 children in the village near where they live in Uganda. Chris Kramlich, who earned a degree in religion-philosophy in 2009, trains local farmers in sustainable and profitable farming methods in his role as farm/project manager. “Since my graduation, the appreciation for my education here has only increased,” he told the students, faculty and staff. Jacqueline Kramlich, who earned degrees in nursing and Spanish in 2011, is medical and media coordinator, and she is tasked with arranging medical treatment plans as well as documenting the organization’s work. She has recently started an HIV and AIDS support group in the village. “University of Jamestown is producing fruits of encouragement, enlightenment and empowerment,” she said. “To the students, with a degree from University of Jamestown, you will have the ability to change the world around you.”

JR Price, Bethesda, Md., is currently a federal tax manager with Ernst & Young. His previous accounting experience includes positions with Fannie Mae, CapitalSource Bank, and PriceWaterhouseCoopers, LLC. He earned a degree in communication with a minor in business administration in 2005 and is pursuing a Master’s of Taxation from the University of Baltimore. He holds professional memberships in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, North Dakota State Board of Accountancy, and Maryland Board of Public Accountancy. “Early on in my time at Jamestown, I realized the importance of mentorship,” he said. “My professors taught me what the learning environment is really about, and they helped turn some of my weaknesses into strengths.”

Each honoree designated a mentor from the University’s faculty or staff. Chris Kramlich named Dr. Brian Lang, Professor of Religion-Philosophy; Jacqueline Kramlich named Dr. Teree Rittenbach, Professor of Nursing; Price named Polly Peterson, Executive Vice President. The Young Alumni Medallion is presented each year to young alumni of University of Jamestown who exemplify the characteristics of a liberal arts education while demonstrating lifelong learning, community service, and character.

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Nominations sought for Halls of Fame Young Alumni Medallion

service for the development of University of Jamestown. •

The Young Alumni Medallions honor the successes of individuals possessing the characteristics of a University of Jamestown liberal arts education. The recipients will reflect the following qualities: •

combined professional competence and skills with a commitment to broad-based learning and intellectual curiosity. demonstrated a commitment to life-long learning through a continued effort to learn and grow as individuals.

rendered valuable service to the local or wider community.

demonstrated good character in their relationship with other individuals and the community as a whole.

Recipients will be graduates from any classes of the previous ten years, portraying the purpose of the award by success in personal and professional areas of life.

Alumni Hall of Fame The Alumni Hall of Fame honors alumni who have made outstanding contributions to their alma mater and humanity. Admission to this Hall of Fame is the highest honor presented by the University of Jamestown Alumni Association. To be considered for the award: •

A candidate must have received a bachelor’s degree from University of Jamestown or provided outstanding

10 years must have elapsed since the candidate graduated, or in the case of non-graduates, 10 years from the commencement of service to the college. The candidate must have made an outstanding contribution to the college or humanity as a student, faculty member, or administrative staff member of the college; or through distinguished career and/ or volunteer efforts in the period following his/her years at University of Jamestown.

Inductees’ pictures are included in the Hall of Fame Walkway located between Westminster Hall and Lyngstad Center.

Athletic Hall of Fame The Athletic Hall of Fame honors former University of Jamestown athletes, coaches, and friends for outstanding contributions to the University’s athletic

history. Admission to the Athletic Hall of Fame is the highest honor presented to a University of Jamestown athlete, coach, or team. Candidates must be men or women of outstanding qualities, high moral character, fine leadership abilities, and must be held in high esteem by their colleagues, former coaches, or former athletes.

Rollie Greeno Award The Rollie Greeno Award for Outstanding Commitment in the Field of Education and Coaching was established in 1994 by the Jimmie Booster Club to honor Coach Greeno’s many years of dedicated service as an instructor and coach at University of Jamestown. The award honors individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to youth through their careers in education and/or coaching professions.

Deadline for Nominations Nominations for the Young Alumni Medallions must be received by the Office of Institutional Advancement no later than June 30, 2014, for induction during the Opening Convocation in 2014. Nominations for the Alumni Hall of Fame are accepted year-round. Nominations for Athletic Hall of Fame and the Rollie Greeno Award are accepted year-round. To submit a nomination or for more information on any of these awards, call Dustin Jensen at (701) 252-3467 ext. 5557 or e-mail

You can also submit nominations online at

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Campus Headlines University of Jamestown names Fargo Advisory Committee University of Jamestown President Robert S. Badal announced this fall 12 individuals have been named to the Fargo Presidential Advisory Committee, a group supporting the University in its outreach to the greater Fargo-Moorhead area. Committee members are: •

Connie Altringer, University of Jamestown alumna, Business Manager, Microsoft

Dr. Robert Arusell, University of Jamestown alumnus, retired physician

Dr. Howard Berglund, Sanford Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

Molly Bestge, University of Jamestown alumna, West Fargo Public Schools

Bruce Furness, University of Jamestown alumnus, former Board of Trustees member, former Mayor of Fargo

Dr. Gregory Glasner, President and Chief Medical Officer, Essentia Health Fargo

Audrey Kloubec, University of Jamestown alumna, Trustee Emerita, retired

Dr. Dennis Millirons, President, Sanford Health Fargo

Dr. Dale Shook, University of Jamestown alumnus, former Board of Trustees member, retired radiologist

Rick Thoreson, Partner and CIO, Thoreson Steffes

Harris Widmer, University of Jamestown alumnus, Trustee Emeritus, Partner, Widmer Roel PC

Jeffrey Young, University of Jamestown alumnus, CEO, Evolution1

“We are pleased to be able to draw on the advice and knowledge base of this distinguished group of leaders in the F-M community,” Dr. Badal said. “We anticipate the need to learn more about the community and how we may best be able to serve its educational needs. This is a group that will provide meaningful guidance as we plan for the future.”

Doctor of Physical Therapy Program The first class of the new physical therapy program will graduate in 2016.

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China Partnerships strengthened Scott Goplin, University of Jamestown Vice President of Enrollment Management, traveled to China in November, visiting the cities Guangzhou, Guilin, Liuzhou, Weifang, and Beijing with a delegation representing the U.S. Consortium for International Education (USCIE). The group participated in two educational summits and also visited seven high schools around China, including Beijing No. 4 High School, a top public school, and True Light School, a top private school located in Guangzhou. “Our goal is to bring four to five Chinese students each fall to University of Jamestown with a total of 15 to 20 at any given time,” Goplin said. “Our primary message (at the summits and high school visits) was that small liberal arts schools provide the best opportunity for Chinese students to thrive, succeed and become involved in the life of the school.” Goplin, one of the founding members of the Consortium, said it was invaluable to introduce the University of Jamestown to over 150 high school principals. “China has so few universities and so many high-achieving students,” he says. “Most are not accepted into Chinese universities, and if they want the chance to go to school, they must seek their education outside of China. Often the high school has some influence in where a student will end up attending. Our summit with staff from our partner high schools gave us a chance to talk about fostering this relationship.” University of Jamestown’s fellow schools in the Consortium are Augustana College (IA), Benedictine College (KS), Saint Louis University, Trine University (IN), University of Evansville (IN) and Westminster College (MO).

Temple Grandin delivers Character in Leadership Keynote University of Jamestown welcomed animal sciences professor and autism advocate Dr. Temple Grandin as the keynote speaker at the eighth annual Character in Leadership Fall Conference held Oct. 10. University of Jamestown students for the past four years have viewed the Emmy-winning film “Temple Grandin” upon arriving to campus as part of the Journey 101 class. In front of a capacity DeNault Auditorium audience, Dr. Grandin discussed her approach to learning and leadership, emphasizing hands-on learning and the importance of discerning the different types of thinking people possess. “It’s been an interesting journey learning how different minds think,” she said. Dr. Grandin explained that, like herself, people on the autism spectrum are “bottom-up thinkers” who take specific pictures and experiences from their memories and put them into categories in their mind. She said innovation and leadership takes all types of thinkers – visual, pattern, auditory, and photo-realistic – to come together and use their different strengths. Dr. Grandin also spoke the next day at a luncheon for the University’s Character in Leadership students.

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Physical Therapy Dedication U.S. District Judge Ralph Erickson ‘81 delivered the keynote address as the University of Jamestown’s Fargo-based Doctor of Physical Therapy program was dedicated Oct. 17. A banquet held at the Radisson in downtown Fargo followed an open house at the University’s Fargo facility on 26th Ave. S., where the first class of 36 doctoral students is enrolled. “There is something magical about the University of Jamestown,” Erickson told the 140 guests gathered at the dedication. “The University…produces men and women of character who are committed to rising to the challenge of modern life. They will lead in various ways and in various industries – but they will continue the long tradition that Jamestown College pioneered: they will be men and women of excellence in their professions, their communities and most importantly their families.” The new program is University of Jamestown’s first doctoral program and the first to be located outside of Jamestown. “We are committed to making this program another shining success story in the history of the University,” Erickson said. The evening also included music from the University of Jamestown Concert Choir. Michael Raber ‘94 served as Master of Ceremonies. “October 17 was an historic moment in the history of the University of Jamestown as we were welcomed to Fargo by our Alumni Association and by a new set of friends and partners,” says University of Jamestown President Robert S. Badal. “Our open house attracted a constant stream of visitors, the Chamber Ambassadors and Mayor Walaker. The evening dinner at the Radisson was an absolute celebration of both tradition and innovation, an opportunity to accentuate the importance of our new DPT program in Fargo.”

University makes Top Tier U.S. News The University of Jamestown (formerly Jamestown College) has again received the highest ranking of all North Dakota institutions in any category of U.S. News and World Report’s “Best Colleges 2014” edition. For the seventh consecutive year, the University of Jamestown (listed as Jamestown College in the rankings) is ranked in the top tier of Best Regional Colleges in the “Best Colleges 2014” rankings released Sept. 10. “Jamestown College was the first North Dakota college or university to reach the top tier, and now as a University, we remain the topranked North Dakota institution of higher learning among all categories. We are pleased to be named as one of the top 35 schools in the Midwest,” says President Robert S. Badal. This ranking increase comes just weeks after the school’s announcement of a name change to the University of Jamestown and opening a campus in Fargo, ND. U.S. News’ “Best Colleges” is the most recognized and popular of all college rankings. The report evaluates colleges and universities annually by assessing criteria such as peer assessment, graduation rate, student/faculty ratios, class size, alumni giving, and student testing scores. Categories are Regional Colleges, Regional Universities, National Universities and National Liberal Arts Colleges. Each category consists of a top tier and a second tier. In addition to being named to the top tier of “Best Colleges 2014” by U.S. News and World Report, the University of Jamestown (listed as Jamestown College) was again recently named a “Best in the Midwest” college once again by Princeton Review.

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Alumni Association News

Dear Alumni and Friends, As we reflect back upon 2013, we do so with pride and excitement for what the future holds. Great things are happening on our campus and throughout our alumni network. On Oct. 17, the University of Jamestown’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program was welcomed to Fargo/Moorhead at an event hosted at the Radisson Conference Center in downtown Fargo. Prior to the evening’s festivities, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the site of the new campus. Your Alumni Association’s Board of Directors played a significant role in the planning and execution of the event, and it came together beautifully. Numerous alumni from the Fargo/Moorhead metro area took part by serving on committees, sponsoring and attending the event. Highlights of the evening included the University Choir performance and a keynote address from my friend and classmate U.S. Federal Judge Ralph Erickson ‘81. Last year we reached a school record $1,030,000 of gifts to the Annual Progress Fund. This achievement marked the first time in the school’s history that gifts to the Annual Progress Fund surpassed the $1 million threshold. These gifts contribute directly and immediately to scholarships, programs, and student activities that make the University of Jamestown a destination of choice for students. Judge Erickson said it best during his address: “Well done. Well done, indeed!” The Association’s Enrollment Committee, through the work of the Office of Admission, launched a new scholarship during 2013. The Legacy Award has been created for prospective students whose parent, grandparent, brother or sister graduated from the University. The University of Jamestown’s community of faculty, staff, current students and alumni take seriously our commitment to families who have provided generations of support to their alma mater. The Legacy Award is only one way of demonstrating our gratitude. Striving to always improve the educational environment of the University for each succeeding generation of alumni is another way we work hard to demonstrate this commitment. At our most recent meeting, Wade Borth ’90 of Fargo was elected Executive Vice President of the University of Jamestown Alumni Association, and Sandy Thiel ’72 of Fargo was elected Secretary. As a group, we look forward to working with you in the coming year to communicate and act as your liaisons to the University. Please watch for further information from your Alumni Association Board, and please participate in any activities, events or requests as they are developed. Thank you for all you do for the University, and I hope to meet you at a future Jimmie event. Sincerely, Gerry Gunderson ’80, Alumni Association President Dustin Jensen ’02, Director of Alumni Relations

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Winter Sports Update Men’s Basketball At press time, the Jimmies (11-11) are 6-0 in 2014 and opened NSAA Conference play with a win over Mayville State and Valley City State. Brequan Tucker (sophomore, Joliet, Ill.) leads the Jimmies in scoring, averaging 17.59 points per game, and Mark Hoge (senior, Ironton, Minn.) leads the team in rebounds, assists, and steals. The Jimmies are coached by Justin Wieck.



Women’s Basketball The Jimmies (20-2) achieved their highest ranking in school history when the team reached No. 3 in the NAIA poll in January. After an impressive compilation of wins against several ranked teams from around the country, the Jimmies look to continue their success throughout the NSAA Conference portion of their schedule. At press time, Hannah Steele (senior, Circle Pines, Minn.) is sixth nationally in assists per game (5.5) and fifth in total assists (122). The NSAA Conference Tournament gets underway Feb. 28 with NAIA Nationals March 12-18 in Sioux City, Iowa. The Jimmies are coached by Greg Ulland.


Men’s Wrestling At press time, the Jimmie men are competing at the NAIA North Qualifier with NAIA Nationals coming up March 6-7 in Topeka, Kan. Former All-American Pat Nord (senior, Enderlin, N.D.) won the 165-pound title at the Cusatis Open in Hastings, Neb., in January and is ranked eighth nationally at press time. The Jimmies are coached by C.J. Campbell.


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Women’s Wrestling The Jimmie women picked up some international hardware this season when Amy Fearnside (sophomore, Morgan Hill, Calif.), brought home a silver medal from the Henri Deglane Challenge held in November in Nice, France. Mary Westman (sophomore, Cattaragus, N.Y.) placed first at the Waldorf Open in January. Competitions in Colorado, Oklahoma, and Nevada will round out the 2014 portion of the season.


The Jimmies are coached by Tony DeAnda.


Men’s Indoor Track & Field The Jimmies are showing promise early in the indoor season. Garrett Tenney (senior, Gardnerville, Nev.) set a new school record in the weight throw (53’) at the Northern State Open in January. Kaleb Garcia (sophomore, Chandler, Ariz., 200 meters) and Jesse Hacker (sophomore, Alexandria, Minn., shot put) also picked up wins at the season’s first meet. NAIA Indoor Nationals are March 6-8 in Geneva, Ohio. The Jimmies are coached by Ed Crawford.




Women’s Indoor Track & Field In their first outing of the season, the Northern State Open, the Jimmies captured first place finishes from Samantha Goff (sophomore, Danvers, Minn.) with a time of 5:22.90 in the mile, Emerald Gyuricza (sophomore, Missoula, Mont.) clearing 10-7 in the pole vault, and Nikki Iverson (senior, Jamestown) leaping 34-9.75 in the triple jump. NAIA Indoor Nationals are March 6-8 in Geneva, Ohio.




The Jimmies are coached by Jim Clark.

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Hall of Fame 2013 Athletic Hall of Fame inductees Ida Allen, Steve Hockert, Serenus Hoffner, Gary Mailloux and the 1970 and 1971 men’s tennis teams, plus Rollie Greeno Award recipients Charlie Sizer and Alan Taylor were recognized at the Hall of Fame Breakfast hosted by the Jimmie Booster Club on Oct. 12 during Homecoming festivities.

Alan Taylor ’58

Alan Taylor’s career in education included positions as science teacher, coach, assistant principal, principal, and superintendent. Schools benefiting from his service were Wishek (1958-62), Grafton (1963-73, named Young Educator of the Year in 1965), Grand Forks Red River (1973-76), Garrison (19831995), and Max (2002-05). He coached District championship teams in football, basketball, and track at Wishek; coached Grafton’s State Boys’ Basketball Championship team in 1964; led Garrison’s boys’ basketball team to three district championships; and led Max’s girls’ basketball team to the regional championship in 2005. He was named Co-coach of the Year in 2004 and Coach of the Year in 2005. As a head basketball coach, his record was 288-138. He was also a 30-year high school and college basketball official and served as President of the North Dakota Officials Association in 1976-77. From 1978 to 1995, he was a member of the North Central Accreditation Association and was Chairperson of the committees that evaluated the Plaza and Flasher school systems. In retirement, Alan continues to serve in the education field by substitute teaching at Garrison, Max, and White Shield, as well as for the Mercedes and Donna School Districts while wintering in Texas.

Charlie Sizer ’73

Charlie Sizer recently retired after a 38-year career in education, 35 of those years at Miller, S.D., where he was a business teacher, Athletic Director, and coach of numerous sports. His girls’ basketball teams from 1991 to 1993 amassed a 73-game winning streak, taking the State Championship in 1991 and 1992 and finishing as runners-up in 1993. The team holds the Class A record for consecutive wins. Charlie was named Girls’ Basketball Coach of the Year for 1985-86 and Regional Athletic Director of the Year in 2003. “’Leader’ is the one word that best describes Charlie,” says a nominator. “He instilled a PMA (positive mental attitude) in his teammates, classmates, students, and players during his storied high school, collegiate, and coaching career.”

Ida Allen ’99

As one of the top sprinters ever on Jimmie track teams, Ida Allen’s school records still stand 14 years after her graduation. She was the Jimmies’ leading scorer in 1998 and 1999 and holds school records in the 100 meters (12.21), 800 medley relay (1:48.28), and indoor 4x200 relay (1:47.36). She was a twotime NDCAC champion. Ida received the Young Alumni Medallion in 2008. Dr. Allen is a chiropractor and with her husband owns and operates Natural Health Improvement Centers in Rhinelander, Wis.

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Steve Hockert ’00

Steve Hockert was a team captain and three-time All-Conference selection on the Jimmie men’s basketball team, amassing 1,343 career points, which at the time placed him sixth on the AllTime Scoring Leaders list. He is the all-time leader in threepointers made (339). During his time playing for the Jimmies and Coach Brad Huse, the team won 77 games and won the Conference championship in 1998, 1999, and 2000. They played in the NAIA National Tournaments in 1999 and 2000. Since graduating, Steve has coached basketball and baseball in the Wahpeton School District and is currently principal at Central Elementary in Wahpeton.

Serenus Hoffner ’68

Not only was Serenus Hoffner a 12-time letterwinner in football, wrestling, and track and field, he never missed a game, match, or meet. A nominator says “his tireless work ethic represents the spirit of Jamestown College that exemplifies high personal standards that carried over from his college days to his life’s work in education and politics.” In football, he started all varsity games from 1964-67 and was captain of the 1966 co-championship team. In wrestling, he started 72 consecutive matches at heavyweight and was a two-time conference runnerup. He was also a conference runner-up in the discus. He was named North Dakota AAU Athlete of the Year in 1966 and received the Kennedy S. Wanner Award in 1968. He was elected to the North Dakota House of Representatives in 1978 and served 14 years. He was the founder and first principal of South Central High School, Bismarck, in 1983 and retired from teaching in 2001.

Gary Mailloux ’67

A 12-time letterwinner in cross country, track, and wrestling, Gary Mailloux held six school records at the time of his graduation and received the Kennedy S. Wanner Award in 1967. He went on to a career in coaching and administration. At Fargo North High School, he spent 30 years as Activities Director and is head boys’ cross country coach (39 years) and head boys’ track and field coach (45 years). A nominator says “as seen by his accomplishments while on campus in the 1960s, Gary excelled in athletics as a team member and sports leader. This set the pace for his future, outstanding career in the world of high school sports. His leadership, particularly at Fargo North, has been – and continues to be – of the highest quality, his coaching as well as mentoring of students on and off the field recognized by administrators, fellow teachers, parents, and the students themselves as inspirational and heartfelt.”

1970 | 1971 Men’s Tennis

With just one dual defeat through two sparkling seasons, the 1970 and 1971 Jimmie tennis teams won the NDCAC and NAIA District 12 Championships. The teams also qualified for the NAIA National Tournament in their respective years. Team members were Bruce Battler ’72, Tom Clemens ’72, Norm Graham ’73, Lon LaGrave ’73, Paul Nogler ’72, Gene Redmann ’71, Doug Swenson ’72, and Ron York ’71. They were coached by Floyd Boschee.

Alumni Days 2014

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Celebrating Class Reunion Years

’49, ’54, ’59, ’64

As always, everyone is welcome!

Wednesday, June 11 3 – 5 p.m. Early Registration Nafus Student Center Lobby, Westminster Hall

Pick up your registration packet, enjoy some refreshments, and visit with others who have arrived.

6 p.m. Early Arrival Dinner Heritage Room, Westminster

Relax after your day of traveling.

Cost: $10

Thursday, June 12 8 a.m. – 12 noon Registration & Hospitality Room Nafus Student Center Lobby, Westminster Hall

We’ll be here throughout the morning to greet arrivals and direct you to the next event.

8 – 9:30 a.m. Breakfast Buffet Heritage Room, Westminster Hall

Join President Robert Badal for a delicious breakfast. Our chef will whip up a made-to-order omelet for you, and a variety of other breakfast items will be available.

Cost: $6

10-11:30 a.m. Guided Campus Tour Nafus Student Center Lobby, Westminster Hall

Familiar spots from your college days as well as recent additions to the campus will be highlights of this tour led by a Jimmie Ambassador.

12:30 to 2 p.m. Reception with Dr. Robert and Donna Badal Transportation provided - meet at Westminster Hall

Always a highlight of Alumni Days, we’ve moved up the gathering at the Badals’ home to allow more free time in the afternoon. Enjoy the beautiful outdoor surroundings and scenic view of the James River while visiting over hors d’ouevres with your classmates.

3:30 p.m. Class Photos Meet at Nafus Student Center, Level 2 We’ll take photos of each reunion class as well as a group photo of all in attendance. Cost: $15 each (includes Reunion Memory Book) 6 p.m. Reunion Banquet Reiland Fine Arts Center

Enjoy the evening in the company of friends and classmates. Members of the reunion class years will receive a commemorative award.

Cost: $12 – Please register in advance.

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Friday, June 13 8 – 9:30 a.m. Reunion Breakfast Heritage Room, Westminster Hall

Rise and shine! Enjoy coffee and goodies.

11:30 a.m. Presidential Update and Luncheon Reiland Fine Arts Center, Furness Room

Learn about our future plans for University of Jamestown!

Cost: $8

3 p.m. Social at the Jamestown Country Club Transportation provided - meet at Westminster Hall

Enjoy root-beer floats, snacks, and great conversation at the picturesque Jamestown Country Club.

3 p.m. Jimmie Shootout (two person) Jamestown Country Club

Tee off with your partner for a fun afternoon of golf. This is a great warmup for Saturday’s Jimmie Scramble! Registration for this event is separate from Alumni Days. Register online at or contact Dustin Jensen at or (701) 252-3467 ext. 5557.

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 Jimmie Scramble

Every year the Jimmie Scramble raises funds to benefit the University of Jamesotwn athletics. Your donations and participation in this fun-filled event help support the Athletic Department including scholarships and overall operation of athletic programs. The tournament includes 18 holes of golf, cart rental, range balls, lunch, dinner, hole contests and prizes, on course beverages and tee gifts. Format: Four-person Scramble (Net & Gross Divisions).

Cost: AM Golfers: $100 -- PM Golfers: $125

Registration for this event is separate from Alumni Days. Register online at or contact Dustin Jensen at or (701) 252-3467 ext. 5557. For registration and information for all events listed visit:

Overnight Accommodations Accommodations in Wilson Hall are available for those who would like to stay on campus. However, space is limited. These are limited service accommodations. The rooms in Wilson Hall are suite-style with a central living room and private bath facilities with air conditioning. Clean towels will be provided daily, along with one set of bed linens and pillow cases. There will be no daily maid service to your room. A limited number of handicapped accessible rooms are available. Please inform the Institutional Advancement Office if you have any special housing requests. Cost is $20 per person per night for double occupancy. For a single room there will be a $25 per person per night charge. A maximum of $60 per suite per night will be charged. Examples are as follows: 1 person (single room) $25 per night 2 people per room $40 per night 3-4 people per room $60 per night

Registration Deadline May 26, 2014. Refunds will not be made after June 4, 2014. Questions? Please feel free to contact Dustin Jensen in the University of Jamestown Institutional Advancement Office at (701) 252-3467, ext. 5557 or by e-mail at

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RESERVATION FORM We ask that you please indicate which meals and events you will be attending so preparations can be made for your arrival. Please remove this page and send it in with your registration fee. You can also register on-line at, then click on Alumni Days listed in the Calendar of Events. Thank you. Your Name ________________________________________________________________________________ Class Year _____________________ Spouse’s Name, if attending_______________________________________________ Class Year, if alumnus/alumna _________________________ Mailing Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City____________________________________________________________ State __________________


Telephone__________________________________________E-mail Address_________________________________________________________ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 Early Arrival Dinner, 6 p.m.

Number attending

__________ x $10


Breakfast Buffet, 8 a.m.

Number attending

__________ x $6


Guided Campus Tour, 10 a.m.

Number attending

__________ No Cost _____________

Reception at the Badals’, 12:30 p.m.

Number attending

__________ No Cost

Reunion Banquet, 6 p.m.

Number attending

__________ x $12

Reunion Breakfast, 8 a.m.

Number attending

__________ No Cost _____________

Presidential Update & Luncheon, 11:30 a.m.

Number attending

__________ x $8

Social at the Jamestown Country Club, 3 p.m.

Number attending

__________ No Cost _____________



FRIDAY, JUNE 13 _____________

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 Jimmie Scramble: For information contact Dustin Jensen at (701) 252-3467 ext: 5557 or e-mail Total $____________ HOUSING Wilson Hall (see costs and description on previous page) Please reserve overnight accommodations:

Wednesday, June 11 for

________________ person(s)

Thursday, June 12 for

________________ person(s)

Friday, June 13 for

________________ person(s)

Saturday, June 14 for

________________ person(s)

PAYMENT SUMMARY (Make checks payable to University of Jamestown.) Total for events/meals Class Photo and Alumni Days Reunion Book ($15) Number ordered Housing Number of nights

_________ _________ _________

Total Enclosed

Return form to: UNIVERSITY OF JAMESTOWN 6082 College Lane Jamestown, N.D. 58405

$ ___________

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Alumni Days Memory Book

Do you have a special story about University of Jamestown you would like to share with fellow alumni? We will be compiling a book that will be available for purchase. Feel free to include a picture if you would like. All photographs will be returned to you.

Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Graduation Year _______________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________________________________________ State ___________________ Zip____________ E-mail Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Family __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Current Employment ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Life since University of Jamestown Career highlights and/or volunteer activities: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Free time: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Remembering Yesterday Memorable/funniest experience:______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Favorite faculty or staff person: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

26 alumni & friends

Class Notes 1950’s

Rev. Wayne McKirdy ’55 (BA), has written “Together,” a memoir of his marriage to his late wife, Maybelle. Donna (Wiederrich) Wallender ’55 (BS), Medford, Ore., was commended by Harvard Medical School for being an original and present member of the university’s Nurses’ Health Study. Now entering its 38th year, hundreds of research papers have been and currently are being published from the NHS data. Richard Kendall Buchwitz ’56 (BA), Hollywood, Calif., recently sang at the Alumni Reunion Concert of the Los Angeles Master Chorale held at the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Bruce Berg ’58 (BA) and Laurel Woiwode ’07 (BA) of Jamestown have collaborated on a collection of short stories, “Pages Between Ages.”

The biannual gathering of the 1967 nursing class took place in Littleton, Co., at the home of Karen (Mears) and Ralph Roberts ’65. Cool weather greeted them but did not dampen their spirits or activities. Those attending from left to right: (back row) Sherry Holden, Joyce (Eidem) Vanderbeek, Kaye (Knoblich) Shriver, (front row) Mary (Dovenmuehler) McKinstry, Nora (Blackwell) Rowan, Nancy (Bumbaca) Perey, and Karen (Mears) Roberts. Their next gathering is tentatively planned for 2014 on the Oregon coast.

1960’s Phyllis (Judd) Schultz ’60 (BSN) and her husband, Robert, moved to Lebanon, N.H., in May after 44 years in the state of Washington. They report that they enjoy being closer to their sons residing in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Dr. Allen Strand ’63 (BA), Hamilton, N.Y., was named to Princeton Review’s top 300 Best Professors list as based on student reviews on Rate My Professor. He is a professor of mathematics at Colgate University.

Peggy Foss hosted a four-day reunion for five members of the Class of 1958. Pictured (from left) are “Pinkie” (Sanderson) Larson, Joan (Jongeward) Bietz, Peggy (Meister) Foss, Jo (Kilzer) Knoblich, and Marcia (Rogers) Houtz after seeing the play “Superior Donuts” at the Purple Rose Theatre, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Dr. Lilly (Schubert) Walker ’67 (BA), Tucson, Ariz., retired in August after 41 years in higher education, most recently at Memorial University of Newfoundland.

alumni & friends 27 “What a privilege it has been to share the journey of transformative learning with young students,” she says. Marv Schulz ’69 (BS), Edgeley, N.D., and his wife, Jolene, were named Rancher of the Year by the North Dakota Stockmen’s Association.

1970’s Dr. Glen Cameron ’73 (BA), Columbia, Mo., was recognized as a faculty honoree at the Mizzou Alumni Association’s Faculty-Alumni Awards ceremony held in October. He is the founder of the Health Communication Research Center in the University of Missouri School of Journalism. Dennis Brennan ’76 (BA), Wake Forest, N.C., has written the book “As a Leader... 15 Points to Consider for More Inclusive Leadership” (Tate Publishing, 2014). He retired from McDonald’s Corporation and is the Diversity Expert in Residence at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, for the current academic year. Grant Richardson ’77 (BA), Fargo, N.D., has been selected to serve as chair of the Senior Level Task Force for the Association of Lutheran Development Executives. He is Senior Executive for Development and Community Relations at Bethany Retirement Living. Paul Sukut ’77 (BA), Bismarck, N.D., was named interim CEO and General Manager at Basin Electric Power Cooperative in January. He was previously Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer and has been with the co-op since 1983. Rev. Dr. Nancy (Krohn) Young ’77 (BA) joined the First Presbyterian Church of Franklin, N.J., in June as interim pastor.

1980’s Scott Spanton ’82 (BA), San Antonio, Texas, received a plaque for 25 years of

service at the Texas High School Coaches Association’s annual convention.

Counseling for Catholic Charities of North Dakota.

Lisa Fair McEvers (’84) was appointed to the North Dakota Supreme Court by Gov. Jack Dalrymple in November and was sworn in Jan. 17. She was previously a District Judge and had also served as North Dakota’s Labor Commissioner.

Scott Walch ’98 (BA), Bainville, Mont., is Senior Representative of Environmental Health and Safety for Hiland Partners, which works with natural gas and crude oil.

Kelly Rachel ’84 (BA), Jamestown, is President of Unison Bank. Beth Boschee ’85 (BA), Minden, Nev., wants to hear from classmates, particularly her fellow nurses, interested in a 30-year reunion during Homecoming 2015. Bubba Schweigert ’85 (BA) has been named head football coach at the University of North Dakota.

1990’s Anjanette (Rieger) Delgado ’93 (BA), Danbury, Conn., was promoted to digital editor/mobile at The Journal News and in Westchester, N.Y. Larry Eslick ’93 (BA) is head wrestling coach at Jamestown High School. Paula (Granlund) Krogen ’95 (BA), Moorhead, Minn., earned her Master of Science degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in English Language Learning from Minnesota State University Moorhead. Caroline (Vetter) Kozojed ’96 (BA), Mandan, N.D., was named to ND Business Watch’s “40 Under 40” feature. She is Director of Experiential Education for the Gary Tharaldson School of Business, University of Mary. Russell Boyle ’97 (BA), Moorhead, Minn., is Director of the Customer Contact Center for Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota. Catherine Johnson Dutcher ’98 (BA), West Fargo, N.D., is Director of

2000’s Robyn Behlke ’00 (BA), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is working at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, as an Assistant Director, Careers, for the MBA program. Keeta (Neibauer) Knaup ’00 (BA), Bismarck, N.D., graduated in August, 2012, with honors from Vanderbilt School of Nursing with a Master of Science in Nursing. She works as a neonatal nurse practitioner in the NICU at Sanford Health Bismarck. Jennifer (Axt) Shea ’00 (BA), Laveen, Ariz., is a Ph.D. candidate at Arizona State University, where she is studying educational leadership and policy studies. Her research focuses on higher education and educational equity. Jeremy Wells ’00 (BA), Blaine, Minn., is Vice President of Philanthropic Services at Minnesota Philanthropy Partners, working with The Saint Paul Foundation and Minnesota Community Foundation. Carmen (Mattson) Scherman ’01 (BA), New Market, Minn., was named 2013 Scott County Child Care Provider of the Year. Jeremy Skoglund ’02 (BA), Williston, N.D., is Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at American State Bank & Trust Co. of Williston. Gina (Herrick) Hough ’03 (BA), Fargo, N.D., completed her Master of Business Administration degree at North Dakota State University in May.

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Where are they now? Want to update your classmates on what’s been happening since your days as a Jimmie? Want to share the impact University of Jamestown has had on your life? Contact Dustin Jensen at to be featured in our alumni spotlight, “Where Are They Now?”. These features are written by Ashley Barnhart ’16, an elementary education major from Kenmare, N.D., and can be found on the alumni web site, “Hearing and writing about the experiences former students have had because of their experiences at Jamestown has been an enjoyable project,” Ashley says. “We have connected and reconnected with alumni who have accomplished many different things all over our world.” Alissa (Ausdahl) Perry ’03 (BA), St. Cloud, Minn., received a Master’s in Communication Sciences and Disorders in May, 2012, from St. Cloud State University and is a speech and language pathologist in the Pediatric Rehabilitation Department of CentraCare Health System. Mary (Jordre) Jensen ’04 (BA), Jamestown, is an associate attorney at Dalsted & Ryan, P.C. Brandon Lemer ’05 (BA), Aberdeen, S.D., is executive director of New Tec, Inc., where he is in charge of work and technical training programs designed to meet the needs of area employers. Caitlin (Oliphant) Bellum ’06 (BA) has joined the Seattle-based law firm of Helsell Fetterman, working in the business law and intellectual property practice groups.

Sgt. DeAnn (Hickel) Fylling ’06 (BA), Bismarck, N.D., of the North Dakota Army National Guard’s 188th Army Band, received the Army Achievement Medal for her contributions to unit safety and physical fitness. Nicholas Nankivel ’06 (BA), Bismarck, N.D., is an auditor with the North Dakota Department of Transportation.

Creighton Bachmeier ’13 (BA), Minot, N.D., has been named head boys soccer coach at Minot High School. Megan Germundson ’13 (BSN) is an RN on the surgical inpatient floor at Sanford Health, Fargo, N.D. Michael Kvidt (’13) is engaged in U.S. Air Force Special Forces combat training.

Katherine Farrington ’08 (BA), St. Paul, Minn., graduated with a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology in May, 2012, and is a clinical program therapist for the Minnesota Department of Human Services.

Kayla Lemieux ’13 (BSN), Lisbon, N.D., is an RN at Lisbon Area Health Services.

Amanda Reed ’09 (BA) and Alan Mitzel, July 26, 2013

Brandon Robbins ’13 (BA) is a third grade teacher and assistant boys’ basketball coach at in Meeteetse, Wyo.

2010’s Lance Cpl. Jordan Gengler ’11 (BA), Jacksonville, N.C., was promoted to Lance Corporal in the United States Marine Corps and is stationed at Camp Lejeune, where he is a field artillery radar operator. Tim Perkins ’11 (BA) is assistant manager of Buffalo Mall, Jamestown. Lisa Graalum ’12 (BA) is Development Director at Rebuilding Together FargoMoorhead Area, an organization dedicated to creating safe and healthy homes for low income families. Caleb Grossman ’12 (BA) is Student Advocacy Coordinator at University of Jamestown. He is also the Kroeze Hall Resident Director. Eric Haas ’12 (BA) has joined the Bismarck, N.D., office of Brady Martz & Associates, P.C. Cassandra (Hite) Kaspari ’12 (BA), Sheldon, N.D., is a fourth grade teacher at Enderlin Public School.

Todd Nagel (’13), Strasburg, N.D., is employed with Clairemont Real Estate, Bismarck.

Shelby Rose ’13 (BS) is pursuing a master’s degree in Exercise Physiology at the College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, Minn. Jordan Shive ’13 (BA), Casper, Wyo., is participating in an internship at the Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole, leading ministry and worship while being trained in current ministries and the call to ministry.

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alumni & friends 29

Many Journeys, One Destination

At University of Jamestown, we call our approach to education the Journey to Success. Think back to your own journey at University of Jamestown: your favorite professors, challenging classes, fun activities, and great friends. Encourage the young people in your life to envision their journey at University of Jamestown.

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30 alumni & friends

Marriages Keith Poverud ’80 (BA) and Karen Haarsager (’82), June 23, 2012

Steve Barthel ’11 (BA) and Kendra Leidholm ’11 (BA), Sept. 8, 2012

Michelle Koenig ’90 (BA) and Joseph Rubio, June 8, 2013

Tori Eichelberger ’11 (BA) and Gerrit Haerter ’11 (BA), June 29, 2012

Jennifer Beck ’93 (BS) and Bradley Lindemann, Nov. 9, 2012

Jordan Gengler ’11 (BA) and Jasmin Loftsgard, Nov. 9, 2012

Christine Johnson ’97 (BA) and Shawn Gaffney, March 8, 2013

Benjamin Kaspari ’11 (BA) and Cassandra Hite ’12 (BA), June 9, 2012

Mitch Splichal ’05 (BA) and Brenda Haug, Oct. 20, 2012

Anthony Morrison ’11 (BA) and Leah Olmstead ’13 (BA), Jan. 4, 2014

Naomi Janke (’06) and Michael Evans, Oct. 6, 2012

Tim Perkins ’11 (BA) and Krysten Williams ’11 (BA), July 20, 2013

Nicholas Nankivel ’06 (BA) and Megan Ferguson, Sept. 1, 2012

Sephra Pfaff ’11 (BA) and Robert Puffe, June 22, 2013

Nikki Royal ’06 (BA) and Nathan Braaten, June 23, 2012

Tim Ranum ’11 (BA) and Madeline Hornung ’12 (BS), Nov. 24, 2012

Louis Anderson ’07 (BA) and Emily Gaugh, Nov. 9, 2012

Samantha Revering ’11 (BA) and Rory Beckman, June 29, 2013

Jason Berge ’09 (BA) and Christa Cook ’12 (BA), May 19, 2012

Jenny Schock ’11 (BA) and Brandon Miller, Sept. 15, 2012

Patrick Cronin ’09 (BA) and Elizabeth Asheim ’10 (BA), Feb. 9, 2013

Dana Albert ’12 (BSN) and Jonathan Leonard ’12 (BA), Sept. 15, 2012

Mark Klug ’09 (BA) and Abby Callahan ’11 (BSN), June 22, 2013

Dustin Herrmann ’12 (BA) and Leah Jystad ’12 (BA), Aug. 10, 2013

Valerie Wahl ’09 (BA) and Shilo Ford, Dec. 1, 2012

Aryn Ost (’12) and Kelly Grugel ’13 (BA), Aug. 10, 2013

B.J. Etzold ’10 (BA) and Jenna Helvik, Dec. 29, 2012

Sean Rinkenberger ’12 (BA) and Katherine Ukestad ’12 (BS), Sept. 8, 2012

Kayla Fee ’10 (BA) and Dustin Erbes ’11 (BA), June 7, 2013

Jeffrey Prentice (’13) and Marissa Jensen, Aug. 10, 2013

Ross Florhaug ’10 (BA) and Katie Kachel ’10 (BA), June 30, 2012

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Births Timothy and Catherine Johnson Dutcher ’98 (BA), son Isaiah, June 6, 2013 Paul and Kristen (Sagness) Olsen ’98 (BA), daughter Veronica Grace, April 2, 2013 Chad ’99 (BA) and Ann (Fritel) Hall ’02 (BA), twin sons Brayden Douglas and Lucas Daniel, Jan. 16, 2013

Justin and Melody (Haugen) Morrison ’02 (BA), daughter RaeAnn Lynne, April 21, 2012

Dana ’05 (BA) and Tia (Gottwalt) Kocka ’06 (BSN), son Azden David, May 16, 2012

Scott ’03 (BA) and Tiffany (Simon) Hemberger ’03 (BA), son Jack Simon, Sept. 25, 2012

Jason and Amber (Christenson) Fiesel ’06 (BA), daughter Abigail Lynn, Oct. 5, 2012

Jared and Abigail (Greshik) Perrine ’03 (BA), son Gryffin David, May 6, 2013

Bradley and Kathleen (Sirois) Huber ’06 (BA), daughter Celeste Elizabeth, Sept. 5, 2013

Dave ’00 (BA) and Patty (Greenwald) Glennon ’00 (BA), son Jack Andrew, Jan. 30, 2012

Anthony ’03 (BA) and Alissa (Ausdahl) Perry ’03 (BA), daughter Avara Marie Rilan, June 16, 2012

Lucas ’01 (BA) and Gretchen (Schulz) Kindseth ’00 (BA), son Kjell Lucas, March 11, 2012

Stephen and Jennifer (Larson) Shafer ’04 (BA), son Clark Stuart, Nov. 14, 2012

Jason and Carmen (Mattson) Scherman ’01 (BA), daughter Adiah Joy, Feb. 6, 2012 Jason and Meghan (Ukestad) Braun ’02 (BA), son Henry James, Oct. 9, 2012

Dana and Lindsay (Maier) Bontjes ’05 (BSN), daughter Addilyn Ruby, Dec. 24, 2011 Chris ’05 (BA) and Melissa (Tschetter) Hoke ’99 (BA), son Maximus Randall, June 17, 2013

Daniel ’07 (BA) and Danielle (Yunto) Kohler ’07 (BA), son Gaborik Daniel, May 8, 2012 Aaron ’07 (BA) and Jayme (Muscha) Loff ’08 (BA), daughter Raegan Jaye, Nov. 14, 2012 Corey ’07 (BS) and JoAnn (Botner) Rood ’06 (BA), daughter Mila Grace, June 13, 2012 Andrew ’09 (BS) and Kristen (Hesby) Klose ’09 (BSN), daughter Brittany Lynn, Oct. 22, 2012 Tim ’09 (BA) and Darci (Purath) Moch ’09 (BA), daughter Jillian Kay, Dec. 28, 2013 Nathan ’10 (BA) and Katie (Finsaas) Peine ’09 (BA), daughter Zoe Ann, May 12, 2012 Bethany and Stacy Mello (’11), son Briarus Kurtis James, Aug. 13, 2012 Shannon and David Bratton (’14), son Thayer William, Sept. 7, 2012

32 alumni & friends

In Memoriam Mercedes (Pitzer) Hector (’32), May 19, 2012

William McMillan ’41 (BS), March 29, 2013

Alice (Sandness) Fisher (’33), Sept. 11, 2013

Earl Amundson (’42), Jan. 23, 2013

Phyllis (Freeberg) Thompson ’34 (BA), Nov. 28, 2013 Margaret (Lang) Watts ’34 (BS), Sept. 8, 2012 Evelyn (Engstrom) Pelton ’35 (BA), Nov. 23, 2012 Rose (Evert) Haralson ’36 (BS), June 18, 2012 Sadie (Borg) Sargent (’38), July 30, 2012 Joyce Benson ’39 (BA), Feb. 4, 2013 Thelma Berntson (’39), March 31, 2013 Duane Converse ’39 (BS), Feb. 1, 2013 Lillye (Baston) England (’39), Aug. 10, 2013 Gladys (Malmin) Dailey (’40), June 18, 2012

Evelyn (Vie) Conitz (’42), Oct. 2, 2012 Charles Estee ’42 (BS), Aug. 14, 2012 David Graff ’42 (BA), Sept. 16, 2012 Lorraine (Torrey) Kiernan (’42), Feb. 28, 2013 Jean (Gloege) Buck ’44 (BA), Nov. 23, 2013 Frances (Wicks) Horner (’44), April 11, 2013 Florence (Gerald) Irwin (’44), Feb. 26, 2013 William Krivobok (’44), June 10, 2012 Milton Luikens ’44 (BA), Dec. 6, 2012 Grace (Dittmer) Oyan ’44 (BA), Nov. 29, 2013 Lena (Pantleon) Price ’44 (BA), Sept. 21, 2013

Mary (Grafenstein) Guenther (’40), May 31, 2013

Joyce (Hartley) Hyde (’45), Dec. 29, 2013

Esther (Wells) Kneeland ’40 (BA), June 25, 2012

Lorraine (Keller) Gallagher ’46 (BA), April 5, 2013

Mazie (Nelson) Roeszler (’40), Aug. 11, 2012

Wendell Josal ’46 (BA), March 28, 2013

Doris (Dittmer) West (’40), Nov. 21, 2012 Evalyn (Bietler) Johnson ’41 (BA), Sept. 25, 2012

Marjorie (Peeler) Poulson ’46 (BA), Sept. 21, 2012 James Cusator ’47 (BS), Jan. 15, 2013

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Vernon Pearson ’47 (BA), Feb. 4, 2013

Douglas Helm ’54 (BA), Nov. 9, 2012

Ronald Johnson ’70 (BS), Oct. 25, 2013

Jane (Schwartz) Pederson ’47 (BS), Jan. 13, 2013

Dennis McDonald (’54), July 10, 2012

Thomas Boehm (’72), May 17, 2012

Kathryn (Katzke) Swedberg (’54), Feb. 16, 2013

Kenneth Alber ’73 (BS), July 21, 2012

Rose Mary (Matz) Reiland ’47 (BA), May 19, 2013 Alan Campbell ’48 (BA), Jan. 22, 2013

Corinne (Retterath) Allen (’55), Sept. 8, 2012

Fern (Jenson) Frank (’48), Sept. 15, 2012

Thomas Kiernan (’55), Jan. 7, 2013

Gilbert Holle ’48 (BA), Nov. 8, 2013

Lemuel Braunagel ’56 (BS), Dec. 9, 2013

Colleen (Haroldson) Mastel (’48), Nov. 21, 2012

Daniel Prentice ’58 (BS), Nov. 29, 2012

Rev. Emery Roy ’48 (BA), July 5, 2013 James Frey ’49 (BA), May 23, 2013 Grant Schafer ’49 (BA), June 16, 2012

Allen Stahl (’58), Feb. 12, 2013 Gerald Jerdee ’59 (BS), Oct. 10, 2012 Miles Freitag (’60), Jan. 2, 2012

Brooke Hammond (’80), Aug. 24, 2013 Casey (Poseley) Helmstetler (’80), July 17, 2012 Kim Kruschwitz ’81 (BA), Feb. 4, 2013 Steven Rowell ’82 (BA), May 17, 2013 Jeffrey Snyder ’87 (BA), Oct. 2, 2013 Karl Theige (’89), May 25, 2012 Shirley (Favel) Celley ’90 (BA), April 18, 2013 James Pratt ’90 (BA), May 12, 2013

Bruce Sorenson ’49 (BA), Jan. 16, 2013

Sharon (Yeater) Powell ’60 (BS), Oct. 11, 2012

Mary (Bon) Subart (’50), May 27, 2012

David Willingham (’60), June 7, 2012

John Wanser ’50 (BA), Feb. 20, 2013

Bruce Ellis ’61 (BA), April 8, 2013

Kala (Schroeder) Bercier ’01 (BA), April 1, 2013

Brian Briggs (’51), Jan. 9, 2013

Demaris (Hafner) Venzke ’62 (BS), March 2, 2013

Debra (Flemmer) Harris (’01), July 18, 2012

Gordon McLeod ’51 (BS), Sept. 2, 2011 William Adam ’52 (BS), July 6, 2013

Cheryl (Livesay) Roos (’64), Jan. 24, 2013

Kevin Ward (’93), July 22, 2012


Leona (Richards) Fehr (’52), May 17, 2012

Charlotte (Strand) Pfeifer ’65 (BA), Sept. 29, 2013

Maurine (Samuelson) Jacobson ’52 (BS), Sept. 15, 2013

JoAnn Ulrickson ’66 (BA), Jan. 3, 2013

Joseph N. Anderson, July 4, 2012 (President 1975-1983)

William Hein ’67 (BA), April 1, 2012

William Aylmer, Dec. 26, 2012

John Pettit ’52 (BA), July 24, 2012

Karen (Romig) Larson ’67 (BS), May 29, 2011

Dr. Roger Engberg, Sept. 24, 2012

Porter Eddy ’53 (BS), Aug. 24, 2012

John Kraft ’68 (BS), May 13, 2013

William Kuebker (’53), June 21, 2013

Norman Shawchuck ’68 (BA), May 20, 2012

Lawrence Panek (’52), July 24, 2012

Arthur Stokes ’53 (BA), Sept. 24, 2012 Gene Enockson ’54 (BS), Aug. 19, 2013

Mary (Rodham) Grant ’70 (BS), Sept. 21, 2013

Marilyn Hart, June 2, 2012 Rev. Edward Hoag, March 26, 2013 Jeane Mason, Nov. 4, 2013 Richard Nierling, July 16, 2013

University of Jamestown publications strive to comply with the mission of the University and its relationship with the Presbyterian Church. University of Jamestown reserves the right to not publish any items submitted to the magazine for publication in Class Notes or personal information revealed during a story interview which does not comply.

34 alumni & friends

Friends of the Fine Arts Calendar of Events MARCH Monday, March 17 Senior Thesis Exhibit

Reiland Fine Arts Center

Sunday, March 23 at 2 p.m. Choir Home Concert Basilica of St. James

APRIL Monday, April 7 All-Students Spring Art Show 2014 Reiland Fine Arts Center

Thursday through Saturday, April 10, 11 & 12 at 7:30 p.m. Once in a Lifetime by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart DeNault Auditorium

Concert Choir Tour Watch for more details The distinguished University of Jamestown Concert Choir will share music on its Spring Break performance tour. For more than 90 years, the Choir has had a reputation for excellence in choral performance and has toured throughout the United States, Europe, and, China. The Choir performs under the direction of J. Aaron McDermid, Director of Choral Activities at University of Jamestown. The variety of musical styles, sounds, and unity of choral sound will delight you. Make plans now to hear these great young singers in a city near you!

Monday, April 14 at 7:30 p.m. Spring Concert featuring the Chapel Choir and Chamber Orchestra Voorhees Chapel

MAY Thursday, May 1 at 7:30 p.m. An Evening of One-Acts DeNault Auditorium

Friday, May 2 at 7:30 pm Wind Ensemble Concert DeNault Auditorium

Friday, May 9 at 7:30 p.m. Commencement Concert Voorhees Chapel

Annual Spring Tour Schedule Sunday, March 2, 5:30 PM Nativity Catholic Church Fargo, ND Sunday, March 9, 7:30 PM First Presbyterian Church Bismarck, ND Monday, March 10, 7:30 PM Lutheran Brethren Fellowship Williston, ND Tuesday, March 11, 7:30 PM Little Flower Catholic Church Rugby, ND Wednesday, March 12, 7:30 PM St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Crookston, MN Friday, March 14, 7:30 PM Perham Center for the Arts Perham, MN In conjunction with the Perham High School Concert Choir

Saturday, March 15, 7:30 PM First Presbyterian Church St. Cloud, MN Sunday, March 23, 2:00 p.m. Basilica of St. James Jamestown, ND

alumni & friends 35

April 12

May 9

May 10

June 11-13

June 14

September 4

Fall 2014

September 26-27

October 3

McKenna Thielsch Center Dedication

Homecoming 2014

Character in Leadership Conference

Young Alumni Medallion Awards

28th Annual Jimmie Scramble

Alumni Days reunion

Baccalaureate and Commencement

Alumni Hall of Fame Induction Dinner

28th Annual Dine and Bid Benefit Auction

2014 Important Dates

Office of Institutional Advancement 6082 College Lane Jamestown, ND 58405

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