Alumni & Friends Magazine - Winter 2022

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More than “just” moving teeth Dr. Alison Fallgater ’96


Alumni & Friends

“…a community dedicated to the development of wholeness in our students.”


visitor to our campus recently shared this sentiment with me: “This is really a special place; we felt it everywhere!” What a good reminder this was of the exceptional work that is happening here every day—all guided by our mission to create wholeness in students.

It is inspiring for me to think of the many ways our University has helped students develop into a whole person—the person God intended for them to be. The “light bulb” moment during a class or lab might lead to a long and fulfilling vocation. A chance meeting during Welcome Weekend might result in a lifelong friendship. Our commitment to providing a wholistic education for our students, where liberal arts and Christian faith are intricately woven into the fabric of what has become a thriving Midwestern University, continues to guide our decisions today as it has for the past 140 years. The stories on the following pages of this issue of Alumni & Friends exemplify, with clarity, that wholeness continues to develop beyond our students’ time here. And, like learning, it continues throughout one’s lifetime. Maintaining connections, serving others, and sharing talents are all built on the foundation provided by UJ. Thank you to all of our alumni who shared their stories of growth and success with us. It is a blessing to know that what happens for our students today has a very real impact on all aspects of their future. And thanks to each of you for all you do to support UJ.

Dr. Polly Peterson ’89

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The Jimmie Life:

Responsible Stewards by Brett Moser x’03/’21 I’ve been thinking a lot about stewardship lately. The term has its roots and origin in the Bible as the Greek word oikonomia. Two distinct words are fused together, creating a new word: oikos, which comes from the Greek word for house, and nomos, the Greek word for law. Therefore, the word stewardship has the literal meaning of “house law” or “house rule.” In the context of ancient life, a steward managed and was hired by the owner to handle responsibilities of daily life within the home to achieve desired outcomes.1 In a similar fashion, the lives of Jimmies in the world demonstrate this same concept of stewardship as it relates to our mission and vision. As Alumni and Friends, we personally do not own the mission and vision of the University of Jamestown, but we can be stewards of it. The best way we can manage the education and share the transformative experience given to us by our great institution is to go above and beyond in our lives for the sake of others, as others (professors, coaches, directors,

pastors, community members) went above and beyond during our time in Jamestown. We are stewards of the mission and values of the University of Jamestown as we live out lives that have been changed. We hold in high regard that, as our statement of values says, the “University of Jamestown promotes education…….to improve lives, search for vocation, and create lifelong seekers of truth and wisdom. We value the life of the mind and the life of the spirit and therefore hold that faith and reason reinforce each other and that through mind, heart, and hands one can honor God and serve humanity.” The human soul is an interesting beast. The longings of ownership are residual and create complexities that drive human behavior, creating desires to own more, while sharing less with others. However, what I have found to be true of our Alumni and Friends is that there is a drive to serve, honor, share, and give as responsible stewards—especially among fellow Jimmies. In this issue, you will read stories and interviews—some told by alumni–about Jimmies who have gone above and beyond. A special thanks to Tonya (Sickel) Fehr ’92, Luella (Dooley) Menet ’01, and Abigail (Greshik) Perrine ’03 for serving alongside our staff as creative writers for this issue. Jimmie Alumni and Friends: Would you continue to be a steward, managing the beautiful mission and values of our institution, honoring God and serving others? I have confidence the answer is yes! I hope to see you soon!

“What Is Stewardship?” Ligonier Ministries, 18 June 2014, 1


Alumni & Friends








More than “just” moving teeth Dr. Allison Fallgater ’96 (Dr. Ali)

Big Ambition Devon Schultz ’22

Staying in tune with the community Katie Carpenter ’15, Mary (Heinzen) Cooper ’07, Adrianna Klocke ’20, Carol Land ’80, Tom Land ’80, and Matthew Leidholm ’10

14 A passion for compassion 16 18

Heidi (Erlenbusch) Titze ’02

UJ Roots Grow a Friendship of 50 Years Kelly Gleave ’73, Todd Gross ’72, Allen Guthmiller ’73, Bill Holzworth ’72, Mike Leier ’72, Tom Mahan ’73, Curt Nyhus ’73, Jim Riggleman x’74, and Charlie Sizer ’73

Creating a legacy on the court Sheena (Greenwald) Buckhouse ’05, Patricia (Greenwald) Glennon ’00, Cheryl (Greenwald) Schiele ’96, Hannah Schiele ’22, and Rachel Schiele ’25

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Winter 2022


Letter from President Peterson


The Jimmie Life: Responsible Stewards

Board of Trustees Chairman James Unruh ’63 University of Jamestown President Polly Peterson, Ph.D. ’89 Alumni Board President MaryBeth Hegstad ’97 Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations Brett Moser x’03/’21 Director of Development, Jimmie Booster Club and Annual Giving Tara Kapp ’00 Director of Alumni Relations Setareh Campion


Introducing Tara Kapp


Dine & Bid Benefit Auction


Jimmie Scramble


Greetings from the Alumni Association


Homecoming 2021

Director of Design and Publications Donna Schmitz


Hall of Fame Nominations

Creative Writer Natalie McKenna






Refer a Student


In Memoriam


Important Dates

Director of Development, Planned Giving, and Major Gifts Michael Savaloja Research Associate Dan Hornung Office Manager Bridgett Brewer Stewardship Manager Joleen Steinmetz

Contributing Writers Tonya (Sickel) Fehr ’92 Luella (Dooley) Menet ’01 Abby (Greshik) Perrine ’03 Michael Savaloja “Alumni & Friends” is published two times per year, in the winter and summer by the University of Jamestown Office of Development and Alumni Relations for alumni, faculty, staff and friends of the University of Jamestown. University of Jamestown welcomes your thoughts and comments about “Alumni & Friends.” Please send letters to: Alumni & Friends 6082 College Lane Jamestown, ND 58405 Send address changes to: Bridgett Brewer Office of Development and Alumni Relations 6082 College Lane Jamestown, ND 58405 or by e-mail to


Alumni & Friends

More than “just” moving teeth by Brett Moser ’03/’21

Dr. Alison Fallgater ’96 (Dr. Ali)

grew up on a cattle ranch in Kidder County, near Steele, North Dakota. “When I was 18, I was ready to bust out of here!” Dr. Ali states. Her grandparents lived in Tennessee which led her to enroll at Vanderbilt University as she was interested in a career in medicine. Vanderbilt, having one of the top medical schools in the country, seemed like a logical choice to pursue her education. However, “I got very homesick after the first semester and came home.” Dr. Ali enrolled at Bismarck State College and got an associate’s degree before coming to Jamestown College as a Biology major, while minoring in Chemistry. It turns out, a career in medicine wasn’t in Dr. Ali’s future as the summer before her senior year, “I worked as a CNA, and absolutely decided I didn’t want to do medicine.” Dr. Ali reflected on her educational experience: “My time at Jamestown College was very instrumental in my life. My only regret is that I didn’t do all four years at JC! Jamestown provided a unique opportunity for me to join my faith and science together. “One of my favorite courses was a science and religion course taught by Dr. James Edwards, Dr. Gary Watts, Dr. Charles Ault, and Dr. Bruce Jensen. I was hesitant and not sure about how I felt about science and faith coming together, but I am still grateful for this course today. I was able to see how God has ordained change as there is no denying that we’ve changed through time. For example, from a tooth perspective, we don’t have room for our wisdom teeth anymore.” So, what was this country girl supposed to do upon graduation with a degree in Biology and a minor in Chemistry from Jamestown College? Dr. Ali’s roommate at the time, Gina (Bogar) Tan ’97, pursued dental school and was the one who told Dr. Ali to check out dentistry. Further, when Dr. Ali was a kid, she had braces three times, plus jaw surgery. “I was one of what we call ‘bad growers.’” Her roommate’s suggestion led to seven years of additional schooling for Dr. Ali at the University of Minnesota in dentistry and orthodontics, while practicing as a dentist three years in between. Dr. Ali currently owns and leads Smile Studio (formerly The Dental Specialists) in Jamestown. When asked about what motivates her in service to go above and beyond serving a community with orthodontic care, Dr. Ali pointed to her vision statement which is to “Love God and people well.” She became emotional when speaking about how this vision statement came to be her guide. “When I went to Ethiopia to adopt my son, Will, I found myself asking the question….am I really going to spend my life moving teeth fractions (at times) of millimeters….is that

it? I knew that my life needed to be about something more. If I am going to be moving teeth, it’s going to be my ministry too.” Dr Ali has an exceptional staff that shares this vision alongside her. “They are better than I deserve,” she reflected. Customer service is important to Dr. Ali, and often, she will ask her staff what the best customer service is they’ve experienced. “Is it Disney, at a hotel, or at Chik-Fil-A? Our staff shares the same vision to love God and people well. If you’ve walked through our door and haven’t had excellent customer service, we are talking about it.” Part of this service is a red carpet send off that signifies the end of a journey. It’s a fun way to celebrate! There’s a point and outcome that Dr. Ali is aiming toward and hitting a target. “I want people to leave feeling better than when they came in.” If that happens, Smile Studio is going above and beyond. Dr. Ali has decided to share and give back to the folks that have supported her. In the summer of 2021, she opened a new office in Jamestown. A beautiful building on the north side of town, just blocks from the University, where she received that first nudge from a roommate to pursue her current vocation and ministry. And in late August, Smile Studio hosted a free outdoor concert with food, games, and a community atmosphere that communicated their love for Jamestown and their vision, to “Love God and people well.” “We love this community…when I opened in 2009, it was popcorn and ramen for me,” Dr. Ali shared, exemplifying how important it was for her to not just start a business, but to do it right, regardless of the cost. Because, Dr. Ali is not only moving teeth, she’s creating smiles with a purpose.


Alumni & Friends

BIG AMBITION “Above and beyond” is a simplistic phrase that all too often gets categorized as cliché: How far has one reached to advance a cause or enrich those and the institutions around them? But in many instances, a great deal of not-so-simple mental and physical capital was first invested by a determined individual bound to make a difference.

University of Jamestown senior Devon Schultz is an above-and-beyond example of what can be achieved with the right attitude, work ethic and – yes – a dash of God-given talent. “It’s been a process,” explained University of Jamestown head men’s basketball coach Danny Neville, who recruited the 6-foot-11 Schultz to campus in the fall of 2017, part of a strong frontcourt recruiting effort that included current fifth-year senior Brady Birch and 2021 graduate Brock Schrom. “But he’s had a lot of people that have been on his side and have pushed him. He needed that and – just like anything – when you see some results, you want more and more and more.” Schultz, raised by his mother, Sara, 60 miles southwest of Minneapolis in Arlington, Minnesota, never saw himself attending a smaller university. An all-

How Schultz is getting the most out of his UJ experience. by Michael Savaloja

conference star on the local high school basketball team – the Sibley East Wolverines – Schultz envisioned leaving his small-town roots and blending in on a campus where few would ever bother to know his name. But UJ and the brand-new Harold Newman Arena quickly became too enticing to pass up, and the college freshman who had always been one of the best players in a Minnesota Class 2A gymnasium showed up to campus excited to play and … vastly out of shape. “I came in very overweight,” said Schultz, who was averaging a career-best 6.4 points and 6.3 rebounds per game for the Jimmies in January at a seemingly slender 260 pounds for the nearly 7-foot-tall post. “But I had the mentality of like, ‘Ok, just be aggressive and you’ll get your playing time.’” Schultz’s first season was spent redshirting, and in 2018-19 he played Jimmie JV ball while Birch and Schrom, now sophomores in eligibility, again made varsity. The following season, and after the graduation of all-conference forward Leighton Sampson, Schultz was still largely too unpolished for the challenges he’d face under the bucket in the Great Plains Athletic Conference.


Alumni & Friends

“Coming to Jamestown was one of the best decisions of my life.”

But throwing in the towel on himself, his teammates and his education wasn’t an option. Schultz kept working, he kept studying and pursued interests on and off the court, fortifying his future. A business administration major with a concentration in marketing, Schultz is also set to graduate this spring with minors in computer graphic design and online journalism and social media. “I think there are some students that make a lot of noises, but they’re empty noises,” said UJ Professor of Marketing Dr. Mort Sarabakhsh, who has instructed 10 classes of Schultz’s coursework. “He’s a very softspoken man and very attentive. “He’s one of those students I would never forget, not only because he’s a tall fellow, but when you talk to him it’s been 100% attention. That behavior and mannerism – and personality – I think can help him a long way in his professional and personal life.” Schultz migrated to UJ’s Reiland Fine Arts Center and Dr. Aaron McDermid, UJ’s Director of Choral Activities, in 2019. Initially spurred by his mother, who made him sing a solo as a junior in the Sibley East High choir, Schultz realized he not only enjoyed singing, but it was something at which he could excel. Online TikTok performances first gained Schultz’s singing notoriety campus-wide, and his original song “With No Sound” can currently be heard on Spotify and all major streaming platforms. Ironically, the tall Jimmie basketball center was blessed with short vocal cords, and Dr. McDermid was all but forced to move Schultz and the rest of UJ Concert Choir’s first-part tenors from the top fourth row of the risers to row No. 3, which helped to accommodate the soaring musician proportionally to his crooning peers. “The first year I didn’t think to do anything about it, because the (first tenors) stand in the back row. You definitely noticed him there,” Dr. McDermid lightheartedly recalled. “It’s just been a joy having him in the choir. He could really make a career of singing, I think, if all the stars align for him.” Professionally, Schultz hopes to someday see himself climbing the social media marketing ladder between composing new songs to upload. “Obviously, the dream is to be a big shot in some company somewhere,” Schultz said. “To be honest, I’m more of a ‘go with the flow’ type of guy.” That could very well be true, but an against-the-grain inner drive to keep believing in himself has made a remarkable impact on the once underprepared

freshman who could’ve easily looked at the challenging road ahead and chose a simpler path. Back on the court, Schultz – in his fifth year – is now an integral part of UJ basketball. He had garnered seven starts for the 15-2 and nationally ranked Jimmies by early January, averaging 15.3 minutes of playing time over the 17 games. Schultz averaged just 4.6 minutes of court time in 36 prior games for the orange and black. “When I wasn’t playing, I was always happy for the other guys that were playing. I was never, like, one of those guys to be sour … I just cared about winning and whatever it took,” Schultz said. “I just had to keep trusting the process. Coach Neville had a good talk with me at the end of last year, basically saying, ‘This is your last year next year, you need to just give it your all…’ I’m so grateful that we had that talk.” Neville, in his seventh season heading up the Jimmies, knows not every student-athlete could persevere to Schultz’s extent. It can be argued UJ’s culture of opportunities played a large part. “It’s been awesome,” Neville said. “To me, it’s a lifelong lesson. The time you put in, the hard work you put in and all that. He can take that with him the rest of his life.” And, at skyscraper height, Schultz will be a UJ and Jimmie basketball ambassador for life, as well. “I’ll go to Wal-Mart and end up talking to random people about basketball for 30 minutes,” Schultz laughed. “It’s nice though, because they’ll ask about the team if they’re not really familiar with the University of Jamestown or Jimmie basketball. “Coming to Jamestown was one of the best decisions of my life.”

From left to right; Matthew Leidholm ’10, Carol Land ’80, Adrianna Klocke ’20, Mary (Heinzen) Cooper ’07, Katie Carpenter ’15, and Tom Land ’80

Staying in tune with the community by Tonya (Sickel) Fehr ’92

Whether they graduated 40 years ago or as recently as 2020, several University of Jamestown alumni, who were each a part of the choir, continue to use their gifts of music to serve their community. Husband and wife team, Tom and Carol (Prentice) Land ’80, along with Katie Carpenter ’15, Matthew Leidholm ’10, Mary (Heinzen) Cooper ’07, and Adrianna Klocke ’20 are six of more than 70 members who participate in the Bismarck-Mandan Civic Chorus, a non-profit community choir whose mission is to foster and develop the art of choral music for its members and surrounding communities. The members give back to their community by performing at special events throughout the year. They even host a “run-out” concert—one that is performed for rural communities that would otherwise have limited exposure to professionallevel choral music. Each of these events is meant to keep them in tune with the community they serve. In a choir, many different voices become the music. And each voice participates for a different reason. As a group, these six alumni recognize that they

alumni & friends 13 learned more than just music while at UJ. And they’ve carried those lessons into why they joined the Bismarck-Mandan Civic Chorus. For Carol Land, who both sings in the choir and teaches voice, the bond with fellow choir members is important, as it’s allowed her to get to know fellow Jimmies. Similarly, Mary Cooper, a music teacher, has enjoyed being part of a group working toward a shared endeavor, fulfilling a human need for belonging and union. Mary’s voice is not only a gift to others; she uses her singing “as an emotional release” and an opportunity to be around like-minded people. Sharing music with family and the community is another big driver. “To sing in the chorus gives you access to incredible music, like there was at UJ,” explained Tom Land. The youngest UJ alum, Adrianna Klocke, agrees. She may be new to the chorus and new to teaching music, but she’s experienced in knowing the importance of being part of a choir. Just as each singer knows when to sing, when to be quiet, when to move quickly, and when to slow down, Adrianna knows that the gift of her voice to others is important to her well-being and to the community. And let’s not forget about music for the sake of music. Katie Carpenter, a Bismarck attorney, joined the choir because she “missed making music and being part of the bond of a choir.” Similarly, working in a technical field left Matthew Leidholm “missing the arts and the social part of music,” which he now finds in each rehearsal and concert. Being part of the arts was something that he had at UJ, so it’s comforting for him to not only fill that void, but to give back to the community.

Whether they are attorneys, or teachers, or IT professionals, each member of the Bismarck-Mandan Civic Chorus represents a diverse group of people who each contribute their own voice. The result is harmony. But, actually, it’s much more than that. Through their music, these six UJ alumni serve the community through song.

A passion for compassion by Luella (Dooley) Menet ’01

When Heidi (Erlenbusch) Titze ’02 talks about her work, you can’t help but be energized. You immediately pick up on not only her passion and enthusiasm, but also her realness and practicality. The common theme throughout her work is her compassion for the most underserved and vulnerable. In high school and college, she cared for children with developmental disabilities at the Anne Carlsen Center in Jamestown. After graduation, she started her nursing career at county hospitals in Minneapolis-Saint Paul where she got a daily reminder of what life is like for so many. “There were days when we were discharging people to a bus stop because they didn’t have anyone to pick them up after surgery. We had collected sweatshirts and sweatpants so patients would have something to wear home,” said Heidi. “There is just such an incredible need and these experiences lit the fire in me to use my gifts to serve those who need it most.” Heidi obtained her Family Nurse Practitioner certification in 2014 and joined the Southside Community Health Services, a nonprofit community health center that provides access to primary care to anyone in the community, regardless of ability to pay. It was a perfect fit. There, she quickly realized how important mental health care is to primary care and how difficult it is to access, especially for the uninsured and poor. She earned her Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Certification and shortly thereafter began her current role as Clinical Director.

A safe space and compassionate approach At Southside, Heidi is responsible for overseeing and guiding the care they provide. She also sees patients as a Family and Psychiatric provider. Southside takes great care to meet the unique needs of their community, including providing a safe space for immigrants.

“Knowing the strength and determination it must take for a family to leave their country, their language, food, culture and everything they know and try to get a fresh start makes me want to help make at least one thing easy and safe for them and their children—their health care,” said Heidi. Southside also strives to be a safe place for the LGBTQ+ community. It’s important for trans individuals to receive the recommended cancer screenings for the sex they were assigned at birth. “But,” explained Heidi, “if you don’t love those parts of your body, [caring for them] can be hard. We work to make that population comfortable enough to take care of themselves and get the checks they need.” When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, they responded swiftly. “Because we are small clinic, we have more agility and flexibility to make quick decisions and were able to pivot really quickly to a telemedical platform,” said Heidi. They also were one of the first clinics in the area to do mass testing, and when vaccines became available they partnered with other community organizations to vaccinate those at particular risk of COVID-19.

Big steps ahead In her role at Southside, Heidi’s always thinking of new and innovative ways to expand access to care. “We offer so many great services from cooking classes and diabetic education to hypertension education in culturally sensitive ways,” said Heidi. “My hope is that we will have a new/or bigger building in which we can expand our psychotherapy services and add in other services as we continue to partner with the community.” Heidi and her team are currently working with community leaders to find a space in South Minneapolis to either build or find an existing structure to make their own— fingers crossed for 2022!

UJ Roots Grow a Friendship of 50 Years by Abigail (Greshik) Perrine ’03

When a group of student athletes met in the late 60s, they had no idea they were starting a life-long friendship. Six members of a much wider group joined us via Zoom to tell us how their time at UJ brought them together—and built a connective tissue unbreakable by distance or time. Despite the 50+ years that have passed since they first met, the bond amongst this group of alumni was clear as they ribbed each other about watching Days of Our Lives in the lounge, who got sick on his first plane ride to a football game in northern Montana (bagged PB&J may have been a factor), and who was at whose weddings. “We were all small-town Class B students from North and South Dakota,” said Allen Guthmiller ’73. Each played football, basketball, track, or baseball. Rollie Greeno (who passed away in 2010) recruited most of them, and they speak fondly of the legendary coach of 37 years. According to Bill Holzworth ’72, “Rollie made us run up and down hills together for four years! He really brought us all together.” Mike Leier ’72 agreed that sports initially brought the group together. “When you go into a competition, dealing with adversity, with your brothers, you forge a bond.” Still, with everyone located in different towns, cities, and states, it was difficult to get together after their UJ years. Enter Tom Mahan ’73, who’d always pushed the group to attend UJ’s annual homecoming game. In 2010, Mahan suggested a fishing trip that would become the first of many.

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As Charlie Sizer ’73, self-proclaimed ringleader (a mantle he wears proudly) tells it, the death of a friend in 2017 pushed him to seek even more ways to stay connected. He planned another group trip—this one to Deadwood, SD. The next year, they did the trip again, with upwards of 20 alumni attending. Word was getting out: Everyone was welcome.

A Lifetime of Celebration and Support The friends speak openly about the value of the education they received at UJ and are quick to tout each other’s successes—Kelly Gleave ’73 pointed out Jim Riggleman’s x’74 success as a pro baseball coach and manager. Leier boasted about Sizer’s successful coaching career and 2018 induction into the SDIAAA Hall of Fame. They reminisced about careers as coaches, physicians, insurers, and mental health care providers, their pride in each other’s achievements apparent. But, as Curt Nyhus ’73 said, “It is not about our accomplishments back then, or about them today, but about our relationships and keeping up with each other’s family, health, and needs which gives us this great bond of friendship.” “The one thing that really sticks in my mind is ‘Jimmie Pride,’” said Holzworth. “We’re all proud of that institution, we’re all proud of each other—and that’s why I continue to push all of my grandkids and all of my relatives to experience that Jimmie pride.” The longevity of their friendship has also inspired generosity. When a friend’s wife was ill, members of the group chipped in to help with medical bills. Last year, the friends officially created Jimmie Flowers—a group fund that supports those who are going through a difficult time. In addition, they were humbled to realize current Jimmie athletes looked up to them as an example of the bonds that can be built in collegiate sports.

Willard Holzwarth ’72, Michael Leier ’72, Kelly Gleave ’73 and Todd Gross ’72

Committed to Maintaining Connections The close-knit group is looking forward to staying in touch, particularly at their respective 50th homecoming games. Holzworth said, “I don’t see this getting any smaller. Every year there’s more that are hearing about [our reunion] and want to attend. We’re going to have to find places that can take care of more than 30 people.” “The nursing home,” quipped Gleave, to laughs from the rest of the group. “Well, we’re all going to need pallbearers,” added Todd Gross ’72. Whatever comes next, it’s clear that this group of friends will be in it together.

Creating a legacy on the court by Michael Savaloja


emember the early 1990s, when after-school excitement for rural Midwestern kids more than likely involved whatever their older brothers or sisters were doing? Long before attention-snatching cell phones were available to quell the young, bored and restless, high school volleyball was rocking Sheena (Greenwald) Buckhouse ’05 to sleep on her dad’s lap in Plummer, Minnesota. On the court was her older sister, Cheryl (Greenwald) Schiele ’96, and later Patricia (Greenwald) Glennon ’00. The trio of sisters eventually became part of a University of Jamestown women’s volleyball family legacy that’s still reaching above and beyond today. “I was well past the age of naptime … It says a lot more about me than it does my sister’s volleyball skill,” Sheena laughed. “I am so grateful for what that eventually led to. But, yeah, it started out as a snooze-fest for me.” Cheryl would become part of 80 victories for the Jimmies and then head coach Tom Heck from 1992-95. The eldest Greenwald, who desired to become a nurse, fell in love with Jamestown College’s small-town feel and only tried out for the team once she was already committed academically. The Greenwald’s Jimmie trailblazer was first introduced to volleyball just six years prior as a seventh-grader — like most all Minnesota kids during the early ‘90s — but Cheryl exceled having already participated in basketball and tumbling.

“We had a lot of kids come in that wanted to be involved in the program, so we actually had tryouts and then cut the team down to the size we could manage or be able to coach,” said Heck. “She came to practice with a smile on her face every day, and she was just the kind of kid you wanted to have in the program because she was a winner.” An “excellent” back row player according to the coach, Cheryl rotated onto the court for varsity hitters after spending two JV seasons as a setter. The switch was arguably a wise move, as a 5-foot-2 setter more than likely would’ve struggled in the North Dakota College Athletic Conference. “I wasn’t nearly good enough to set in college, but coach was good enough to say we could use you in the back row,” recalled Cheryl, who now works as a registered nurse for Jamestown Regional Medical Center’s Home Health & Hospice. “We had good teams, but Dickinson was kind of a powerhouse then. They had girls they recruited from Turkey, and they were exceptional.” Middle sister, Patty, entered the program in 1996. Another 5-foot-2 Greenwald setter, Patty was promoted to Coach Heck by sister Cheryl. The daughters of Michael and Sandra, volleyball had by now already completely enveloped the Greenwald household and strong-serving Patty knew she wanted her career to extend past high school. “Our family just loves the sport of volleyball and so in high school, you didn’t want to be done when you got to your senior year,” Patty said. “Serving maybe was something that (Coach Heck) thought, ‘Oh yeah, she’s got a good serve and she can come and try,’ and so I did. Cheryl opened the door for that opportunity.”

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Coach Heck probably didn’t need the VHS scouting tape Patty sent to his office to make his decision. “Cheryl was a great addition to our program and so we wanted her sister to come also,” Heck recalled. “Jamestown was a good fit for those girls, I think, because they came from a great family, a great set of parents, had good values and they just fit in.” Just like her older sister, Patty was a setter-turned-back row talent. The Jimmies would win 74 matches with Patty in the picture, including a trio of 20-win seasons that marked the first three years of Chris Mahoney’s 12-year run as head coach. Assisting under Heck during Cheryl’s senior season, and in 2001 landing Sheena – who at 5-foot-6 towered over her older siblings – Mahoney’s first and only time coaching a trio of sisters was the Greenwalds. “The Greenwald sisters are some of my all-time favorites,” said Mahoney, who currently chairs UJ’s kinesiology department. “It’s just one more reminder of how important relationships are, and were, to the success of our team, and also the bigger picture of the kind of people we produce here at the University of Jamestown.” With no youth programs in those days, the front-row hitting and back-row defending Sheena was ahead of the curve by high school. Her peers largely didn’t have the luxury of older siblings pushing them, and that would continue for the youngest Greenwald in college as she’d be coached by both Cheryl and Patty as a Jimmie. For two seasons together, including Sheena’s first of two in the program in 2001, Cheryl served as an assistant under Mahoney while Patty coached the JV. Patty still remembers the first time the head coach – in the heat of battle – asked his assistants on the bench for possible suggestions.

“[The Greenwald sisters are] one more reminder of how important relationships are, and were, to the success of our team, and also the bigger picture of the kind of people we produce here at the University of Jamestown.” —Chris Mahoney


Alumni & Friends

“We were like, ‘What? You’re asking us? We’re just the lowerlevel coaches,’” laughed Patty, who resides in Casselton, N.D. with her family and works for Collins Aerospace in Jamestown. “I kinda do remember that first time I looked at them and said, ‘What do you think?’ And their eyes were as big as deer in highlights,” Mahoney joked. Cheryl would remain coaching at the middle school level in Jamestown for nearly two decades, bringing up her current Jimmie volleyball daughters, Hannah Schiele ’22 and Rachel Schiele ’25, in the heart of the family sport. Hannah just completed her senior season with the Jimmies, which wrapped up with a third consecutive trip to the NAIA national tournament semifinals last December.

The current Jimmies have been transformed into a national powerhouse under current head coach Jon Hegerle, putting together a win/loss record of 98-9 over the past three seasons. And, of course, the Greenwald sisters have been following every step of the way. “We don’t really take vacations,” Cheryl said, who has traveled with her husband Jeremy Schiele ’94 to Sioux City, Iowa, to watch Hannah play in the past three national tournaments. “When we know the dates (of the tournament), we ask for them off and use that as our vacation. My mom and dad come, and my sisters try to make it and their families. It’s just been wonderful.” Both Patty and Sheena also met their husbands – David Glennon ’00 and Adam Buckhouse x’05 – at UJ and each have a pair of daughters as well, who might wish to wear Jimmie colors someday if that’s what they’d prefer to pursue. Rachel Schiele, who played JV for the Jimmies this past season, still potentially has plenty of matches ahead of her to carry on the family tradition.

“There’s really – truly, honestly – orange and black in our blood.”

“It’s so amazing just to think that if Cheryl hadn’t made that decision to go to UJ, how different life would be,” said Sheena, who works as an elementary ESL teacher in Aberdeen, S.D. “UJ was just the start of a wonderful life. A foundation to which life has just grown from. “There’s really – truly, honestly – orange and black in our blood.”

Cheryl (Greenwald) Schiele ’96, Hannah Schiele ’22, Sheena (Greenwald) Buckhouse ’05, Rachel Schiele ’25 and Patricia (Greenwald) Glennon ’00 gathered for a picture following the Jimmies’ 3-1 victory over College of Saint Mary on Senior Day, Oct. 30, 2021, at Harold Newman Arena.


New Director of the Jimmie Booster Club and Annual Progress Fund

It’s a superb day to be a JIMMIE!

Why UJ

The University of Jamestown is honored to welcome Tara Kapp ’00 to the Development and Alumni Relations department overseeing the efforts of directing the Jimmie Booster Club and the Annual Progress Fund.

Tara states: “Being accepted into the University family as the Booster Club and Annual Fund Director is incredibly surreal for me! I’ve been super blessed with my careers leading up to this new opportunity, but this just feels like I’m coming home, as if all my experiences in the past were leading me back to UJ. I remember being 17 and telling my mother how much I wanted to get out of Jamestown and go to college somewhere else. Then she told me about how my greatgrandparents met on the campus of Jamestown College and my great-grandmother graduated from Jamestown College in 1915. Like most amazing mothers, my momma knew what she was talking about. I cannot imagine being anything less than a Jimmie. I was given my great-grandmother’s 1915 graduation ring when I graduated from JC in 2000 – a meer 85 years later! The support I’ve already received from many members of the UJ family is overwhelming and I’m beyond honored to officially be back on campus. I very much look forward to what my future brings and what being a full-time Jimmie will mean for myself, my family and my fellow UJ team members. It’s a superb day to be a Jimmie!”

Brett Moser, Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations, states, “Tara’s skill set is exactly what we were looking for in our search as she brings a background of being a communicator, event planner, and fundraiser to our team. I believe she will build upon a great foundation of the Jimmie Booster Club and Annual Fund, taking our efforts connecting with alumni, friends, and boosters to the next level.” Tara (Wolf) Kapp is a native of Jamestown and a 2000 graduate of Jamestown College with a bachelor’s degree in Communications and minor in Art. Before coming to UJ Tara worked in radio, was a business owner, and most recently was in business development/relations.

Jimmie Wonka DINE & BID 2022 36th ANNUAL BENEFIT AUCTION • APRIL 23, 2022


• Social hour beginning at 5:00 p.m. • Unique items on the live and online silent auctions • Exquisite four-course dinner and entertainment Join us at the Harold Newman Arena or from your home virtually for a unique Dine & Bid experience! All proceeds benefit UJ student scholarships. For more information, contact Setareh Campion at or call 701.252.3467 ext. 4104. To purchase tickets and stay up to date on all the latest information, check out:

36th Annual


Jamestown Country Club For more information contact Tara Kapp at or call (701) 252-3467 ext. 5024.

alumni & friends 23

UNIVERSITY OF JAMESTOWN Alumni Association Update Alumni and Friends, Thank you to everyone who joined us for Homecoming 2021. One highlight of the weekend was the dedication of the incredible new Charlotte and Gordon Hansen Stadium. The stadium renovation, an $11.7 million joint venture between UJ and Jamestown Public School District, was made possible by gifts from lead donor Dr. Jo-Ida Hansen and 287 total donors. If you haven’t been back to campus recently, seeing the new stadium is among the great reasons to visit! The Alumni Association selected Korey Erickson ’08 & ’12 and Dr. Serena Christianson ’10 as this year’s Young Alumni Medallion recipients. The awards were conferred on September 2, 2021 at the Opening Convocation for the 2021-2022 school year. Congratulations, Korey and Serena!

ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD MaryBeth Hegstad ’97, President, Fargo, ND Tonya (Schlaht) Holmstrom ’04, Vice President, Bismarck, ND Carol (Prentice) Land ’80, Secretary to the Executive Committee, Bismarck, ND Kyle Blumenshine ’13/’16, Jamestown, ND Matt Gooding ’94, Clive, IA Deb (Clark) Hornung ’85, Jamestown, ND

We hosted alumni socials last fall in Bismarck, Fargo and Minneapolis, with more than 50 alumni attending each event. We also hosted an alumni social in Scottsdale, AZ on January 29, 2022.

Sami King ’98, Moab, UT

Mark your calendars—Dine & Bid is April 23, 2022! You do not want to miss this fun night of dinner, silent and live auctions, entertainment by UJ students, and reconnecting with UJ alumni and friends. The theme for this year is Jimmie Wonka! If you can’t be there in person, be sure to connect with us virtually at

Jackie (Schneider) Maggers ’01, Powell, OH

We are always looking for new ideas for socials and gatherings in your area. If you have suggestions, requests, or would like to host a social, please contact Setareh Campion at

Andrew Klose ’08, Sioux Falls, ND Jack Lawrence ’98, West Fargo, ND Emily Paulson ’15, Fargo, ND Kelly Rachel ’84, Jamestown, ND Carlyle Scott ’09, Bismarck, ND Dan Stoudt ’07, Lake Elmo, MN Alexis Young ’18, Denver, CO

Thank you for all you do as our alumni, representing the University of Jamestown professionally and in your communities. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to connecting with you soon. Please join us for our upcoming events in Jamestown: Alumni Association Meeting

April 23, 2022

Dine & Bid 2022

April 23, 2022

Alumni Hall of Fame Banquet May 6, 2022 Commencement

May 7, 2022

Jimmie Scramble

June 18, 2022

MaryBeth Hegstad ’97 MaryBeth Hegstad ’97


September 29–October 1

Catch up, reminisce, and see our campus! We hope to see you in your ORANGE and BLACK! Homecoming festivities include: Booster Club luncheon, alumni sporting events, Band and Choir concerts, the annual street fair, tailgating, and of course, the Homecoming football game. Check the UJ website at UJ.EDU/HOMECOMING for updates and registration details.

FOR MORE INFORMATION Setareh Campion Director of Alumni Relations (701) 252-3467 ext. 4104

alumni & friends 25

HALLS OF FAME NOMINATIONS Young Alumni Medallion The Young Alumni Medallion honors the successes of individuals possessing the characteristics of a University of Jamestown liberal arts education. The recipients will reflect the following qualities: • Combined professional competence and skills with a commitment to broadbased learning and intellectual curiosity. • Demonstrated commitment to life-long learning through a continued effort to learn and grow as individuals. • Rendered valuable service to the local or wider community. • Demonstrated good character in their relationship with other individuals and the community as a whole. Recipients will be graduates from any classes of the previous twelve years, who exemplify the traits listed above by success in personal and professional areas of life.

Alumni Hall of Fame

The Alumni Hall of Fame honors alumni who have made outstanding contributions to their alma mater and humanity. Admission to this Hall of Fame is the highest honor presented by the University of Jamestown Alumni Association. To be considered for the award: • A candidate must have received a degree from the University of Jamestown or provided outstanding service for the development of University of Jamestown. • Ten years must have elapsed since the candidate graduated, or in the case of non-graduates, 10 years from the completion of service to the University. The candidate must have made an outstanding contribution to the University or humanity as a student, faculty member, or administrative staff member of the University; or through a distinguished career and/or volunteer efforts in the period following his/her years at University of Jamestown.

Athletic Hall of Fame The Athletic Hall of Fame honors former

University of Jamestown athletes, coaches, and friends for outstanding contributions to the University’s athletic history. Admission to the Athletic Hall of Fame is the highest honor presented to a University of Jamestown athlete, coach, or team. Candidates must be men or women of outstanding qualities, high moral character, fine leadership abilities, and must be held in high esteem by their colleagues, former coaches, or former athletes.

Rollie Greeno Award

The Rollie Greeno Award for Outstanding Commitment in the Field of Education and Coaching was established in 1994 by the Jimmie Booster Club to honor Coach Greeno’s many years of dedicated service as an instructor and coach at the University of Jamestown. The award honors individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to youth through their careers in education and/or coaching professions.

Jim Clark Award

The Jim Clark Award for outstanding commitment to character-driven, servant leadership was established in 2017 by the Jimmie Booster Club to honor Coach Clark’s many years of dedicated service as a coach at University of Jamestown. The award honors individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to serving others through their career since leaving the University of Jamestown. Individuals considered for the award shall meet the following criteria: 1. A graduate of University of Jamestown 2. A former student-athlete at the University of Jamestown 3. Of outstanding character as demonstrated through his or her commitment to community and global betterment, volunteerism, empowerment of others, and leadership


for Nominations Nominations for the Young Alumni Medallions must be received by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations no later than April 30 of each year for induction during the Opening Convocation in the fall. Nominations for the Alumni Hall of Fame must be received by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations no later than January 15 of each year for induction during May Commencement. Nominations for Athletic Hall of Fame, Rollie Greeno Award, and the Jim Clark Award must be received by the Jimmie Booster Club no later than April 1 of each year for induction during Homecoming in the fall. The Jimmie Booster Club Board of Directors is responsible for the selection of the honoree(s). Inductees are honored at Homecoming each year. To submit a nomination or for more information about any of these awards, call Tara Kapp at (701) 252-3467 ext. 5024 or e-mail Or, submit nominations online at

Inductees’ pictures are included in the Hall of Fame Kiosk located in the Harold Newman Arena.


Listed in alphabetical order by family last name. 1.

Jill (Brosy) ’11 (BS) and Dale Ackland ’08 (BA), daughter Quinn Rae Ackland born July 16, 2021


Andrea (Toepke-Floyd) ’15 (BSN) and Nick Crannell ’15 (BSN), son Micah Crannell born July 8, 2021 (not pictured)


Amy (Kassian) ’14 (BS) and Joel Ebbert, daughter Lilah Brooke Ebbert born December 30, 2020 (not pictured)


Sara and Rob Harty ’11 (BA), daughter Zoey Mae Harty born November 11, 2021


Michel (Maurer) ’06 (BA) and David Haugh, son Elias Malcolm Haugh born September 15, 2020


Holly (Kurth) ’10 (BA) and Luke Heck ’11 (BA), daughter Elle Ruby Heck born December 26, 2021


Shelby (Steinmetz) ’14/’17 (BS/DPT) and Tyler Jager, son Cooper James Jager born November 5, 2021


DeAnn and Thomas Mayhair ’17 (BA), son Griffin Mayhair born September 19, 2021 (featured on page 27)


Abigail (Nill) ’14 (BSN) and Nicholas Nelson ’14 (BA), daughter Kiah Ruth Nelson born August 16, 2021

10. Kimberly (Weinand) ’12 (BA) and Troy Niemeier, daughter Vera Magdalene Niemeier born June 12, 2021 (not pictured) 11. Ola and Milos Pejovic ’97 (BA), daughter Amelia Pejovic born February 2, 2021 12. Krysten (Williams) ’11 (BA) and Tim Perkins ’11 (BA), daughter Miah Jean Perkins born October 9, 2021 13. Carley (Ward) ’16 (BA) and Mark Potter ’16 (BA), son Graham Potter born December 14, 2021 14. Paige Vetter ’05 (BA) and Francisco Rodriguez, daughter Emerson Rodriguez Vetter born March 2, 2021 15. Stacee (Oberlander) ’13 (BSN) and Michael Sandness ’10 (BA), daughter Lizzy Claire Sandness born November 18, 2020 16. Alyssa (Jordan) ’18 (BS) and James Stein ’18 (BA), daughter Abigail Jo Stein born August 7, 2021 17. Alannah (Dosh) ’14 (BA) and Abram Valenta, son Theodore Robert Valenta born July 21, 2021 (not pictured) 18. Amber and Craig Weber ’09 (BA), daughter Sophia Ann Weber born August 11, 2021

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Births (cont.) N S






alumni & friends 29

Karrah Macdonald and Jack Bietz ’13 (BA), September 18, 2021

Recently engaged and planning for the big day? Have you had an addition to your family within the last year?

WE WANT TO KNOW AND TO CELEBRATE WITH YOU! Update your information at to receive a free t-shirt for your new future Jimmie or a flag for photos on your wedding day!

I Griffin Mayhair

After you have received your t-shirt or flag, be sure to send us your photo so we can include it in the next issue of the Alumni & Friends magazine. EMAIL PHOTOS TO SETAREH.CAMPION@UJ.EDU





Listed in alphabetical order by family last name. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Alicia Mattern ’01 (BA) and Zachary Adkins, October 31, 2020 Karrah Macdonald and Jack Bietz ’13 (BA), September 18, 2021 (featured on page 29) Mallory Sand ’09 (BA) and Craig Brown, July 31, 2021 Cassie R. Dellwo ’08 (BA) and Steven D. Carty, July 17, 2021 Cara Romeike ’19 (BA) and Angel Garcia, July 26, 2021 (not pictured) Ashley Barnhart ’16 (BA) and Kory Harrell, August 14, 2021


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7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Joey Kleinsasser ’21 (BA) and Jeremiah Heupel, September 19, 2021 Mila Zonina and Jim Johnson ’65 (BS), December 5, 2021 Tracy Ortman ’15 (BA) and Matt Johnson, September 24, 2021 Serena Christianson ’10 (BA) and Jonathan Madonia, November 13, 2021 Brianna Stein ’14 (BA) and Matt Nagel, July 31, 2021


Alumni & Friends




Marriages 12. Ola Pejovic and Milos Pejovic ’97 (BA), August 7, 2021 13. Meredith Mutch ’18/’21 (BS/DPT) and Christian Prevost ’21 (DPT), January 1, 2022 14. Moira McNally ’20 (BS) and Oscar Rodriguez ’20 (BA), July 31, 2021 15. Alison Kassian ’14 (BA) and Connor Ruff, July 17, 2021 16. McKayla Orr ’18/’20 (BA/MED) and Elias “Alex” Sablan ’18 (BA), September 18, 2021


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17. Madelyn Kramer and Tyler Schwartz ’17 (BA), August 14, 2021 18. Tonie Lagodinski and Andrew Stoen ’12 (BA), October 2, 2021 19. Teagan Skunberg x’19 and Kade Thompson ’20 (BA), August 7, 2021 20. Alexis Piatz ’19 (BA) and Tommy Voss ’19 (BS), December 31, 2021


Alumni & Friends

LEGACY AWARD Tradition is celebrated at the University of Jamestown through our Legacy Award program. Legacy Awards are valued at $1,000 annually ($4,000 over four years, applied to tuition only), and are provided to new students whose parent, sibling, or grandparent graduated from or is currently attending the University of Jamestown.*

ALUMNI REFERRAL SCHOLARSHIP Additionally, one of the best ways to support your alma mater is to “Refer a Student” to the University of Jamestown. Alumni referrals are a strong source of future Jimmies. Encourage a college-bound young person in your church, school, or community to consider the University of Jamestown. You can provide us with the student’s information by completing and mailing the form below or by visiting Our response will be made in the Jimmie tradition…personal, caring, and enthusiastic.

Introduce us to a student you know. Alumni Referral Scholarship ($250 per year for four years) Contact Admissions: 1-800-336-2554 | Refer a student online at or send in the form below. Please send information to this student: Name_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________________________ State_________________ Zip_____________________ Phone Number_______________________ Cell phone number___________________E-mail________________________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Name______________________________________________________________________________________ Academic Area of Interest______________________________________________________________________________________ Year of Graduation______________ Co-curricular Activities___________________________________________________________ Your Name__________________________________________May we use your name when contacting student?_____ yes____ no How do you know this student?_________________________________________________________________________________ Mail this form to University of Jamestown Office of Admission, 6081 College Lane, Jamestown, ND 58405 *Please visit with the Office of Admissions to discuss which awards students may be eligible to receive: or 1-800-336-2554, ext. 5562.

In Memoriam

alumni & friends 35

Jane (Scholes) Nehl x’41, September 23, 2021 Eleanor J. (Estee) Osher x’45, August 6, 2021 LaFaye (Trapp) Krenz x’47, September 12, 2021 Wilbur J. Boldt ’49 (BS), July 24, 2021 Patricia (Falstad) Parker x’49, October 20, 2021 Evangeline (Foster) Staples x’49, October 26, 2021 Seymour Handler, MD x’50, December 11, 2021 Harold “Tank” R. Laraway ’50 (BS), August 15, 2021 Marvin Dockter x’51, March 15, 2021 Kathleen (Gussner) Dehne ’52 (BA), October 15, 2021 Robert Samuelson x’52, November 26, 2021 Dr. L. Marion (Cameron) Stinson x’52, June 19, 2021 Kenneth Kary ’55 (BS), September 6, 2021 Darlene (Zandstra) Feil ’56 (BS), August 24, 2021 Lois A. (Smith) Kenitzer x’57, July 18, 2021 Jeanne (Ulmer) Glynn x’58, October 31, 2021 Marlene G. (Richter) Bischoff x’59, November 25, 2021 Carol K. (Schindler) Linde ’60 (BA), November 29, 2021 John K. “Jack” McDermott x’60, November 1, 2021 August Schaeffer x’60, December 15, 2021 Ronald Bowman ’61 (BA), July 20, 2021 Beverly (Henderson) Jacobson ’61 (BA), December 14, 2021 Mary (Gausemel) Lang x’61, December 20, 2021 Carol A. (Palmer) Duggan x’62, August 2, 2021 Betsy J. (Summers) Wahlstrom ’62 (BA), August 28, 2021 Lynn R. Greshik x’63, November 5, 2021 Billi I. Odegaard ’63 (BS), July 22, 2021 Terry R. Peterson ’66 (BS), September 20, 2021 Elizabeth (LiBrande) Tanata ’67 (BS), October 6, 2021 Carol (Rockswold) Weiler x’67, December 14, 2021 Naomi (Gaul) Adiska x’69, November 26, 2021 Marilyn (Buttolph) Baker ’71 (BA), December 19, 2021 Lawrence Dopson ’71 (BS), November 29, 2021 John R. Walsh ’71 (BS), November 15, 2021 Maryls (Knutson) Boschee x’72, August 12, 2021 Coleen A. (Schell) Hocking ’73 (BA), November 14, 2021 Donna L. (Coleman) Ash ’74 (BA), October 26, 2021 Steve Gilbertson x’75, September 9, 2021 Dennis D. “Denny” Brennan ’76 (BA), November 26, 2021 Kenneth Roeber x’78, September 10, 2021 Lezlee (Lord) Harvego ’79 (BA), March 15, 2021 Keith “Puff” Poverud ’80 (BA), August 27, 2021 Penny (Werth) Bobian ’85 (BA), September 8, 2021 Duane A. Kosters x’85, August 23, 2021 Brian J. Dunford x’86, January 8, 2022 Lila (Hougen) Gienger x’89, August 9, 2021 Joseph “Evan” Johnston x’91, September 12, 2021 Belinda (Presser) Scott x’95, September 28, 2021 Tiffiney Jo (Struble) Dick x’01, November 27, 2021 DeAnna (Muske) Dathe ’06 (BA), December 14, 2021

Friends Brian Fehr, September 24, 2021 Donald Hauck, December 18, 2021 Lois Hopwood, December 17, 2021 Dr. Marlin Johnson, October 26, 2021 Patricia L. Johnson, December 30, 2021 Luann Kiefel, December 21, 2021 Milt Ketterling, November 11, 2021 Delbert “Del” Laffen, November 16, 2021 Richard LeFevre, November 16, 2021 Donald Liebing, October 23, 2021 June Morlock, November 8, 2021 Mary Newman, December 15, 2021 Valeria L. Orr, January 11, 2022 Calvin A. Schockman, December 11, 2021 Terry Ukestad, November 8, 2021 Nadine Walker, November 18, 2021 Dorothy C. (Bechtold) Wieland, November 2, 2021 Employee Dr. Floyd Boschee, August 4, 2021 Trustee Emeritus Reuben Liechty, November 30, 2021

Editor’s note: Alumni who received a degree are designated by the year of graduation followed by the degree they received. Non-UJ graduates are denoted by an “x” in front of the class year.

Office of Development and Alumni Relations 6082 College Lane Jamestown, ND 58405

GPAC Soccer Champions 2021

Important Dates 36th Annual Dine & Bid Benefit Auction April 23 Alumni Hall of Fame May 6 Baccalaureate and Commencement May 7 36th Annual Jimmie Scramble June 18 Community Block Party August 24 Opening Convocation/Young Alumni Medallion Awards September 1 Homecoming 2022 September 29–October 1 Athletic Hall of Fame October 1 Character in Leadership Conference Keynote Speaker: Erin O’Malley October 6

Visit UJ.EDU/ALUMNIANDFRIENDS for additional alumni events coming soon!

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