Jamestown College Summer 2011 Alumni & Friends

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Your Success. Our Tradition. Alumni & Friends Summer 2011

The Jimmie Generation

Chairman’s Message

Alumni & Friends Summer 2011

Board of Trustees Chairman James Unruh ’63 Jamestown College President Robert S. Badal, Ph.D. Dear Alumni and Friends, Baccalaureate and Commencement on May 7th represented the culmination of another very successful academic year for Jamestown College. I am always impressed by the quality and accomplishments of the young men and women comprising the graduating class; this year was no exception as 65 of the 173 graduates achieved cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude honors. I was certainly impressed with the remarks of the two graduates, Ryan Nygard and Corrissa Schottmuller, who spoke at Commencement. They were excellent examples of the caliber of Jamestown College graduates. It is a special honor and pleasure for me to hand each graduate their diploma and to be able to personally congratulate them. Jamestown College has prepared them well to begin their careers or to continue their academic pursuits for advanced degrees. Commencement also serves as a reminder of the critical role our alumni and friends play in making this possible. Your support takes many forms but I particularly want to highlight your financial support. Our College requires your strong financial support on an annual basis to underwrite our costs and to provide the scholarship aid many of our students need to be able to complete their degree. Scholarships are an excellent way to support our students. Many of you have established scholarships which support students and establish a relationship on a multi-year basis; we thank you for that generous support. This year another scholarship opportunity was created called “the Jimmie Generation” program. Your response was tremendous and we thank you for your generosity. The Jimmie Generation scholarships provide the dual benefit of current year student financial support and important Annual Fund support, while also establishing a direct donor/student link that may become a long-lasting connection. I encourage all of you to consider this additional opportunity to provide direct student aid while also supporting the very important Annual Fund. Thank you for your continued support of Jamestown College. Sincerely, James A. Unruh ’63 Chairman, Board of Trustees

Alumni Board President Gary Purath ’71 Vice President for Institutional Advancement Polly (Larson) Peterson ’89 Director of Development Bill Robb Director of Design and Publications Donna Schmitz News and Information Writer Erin Klein Associate Director of Annual Progress Fund & Major Gifts Karen Crane Research Associate Dan Hornung Office Manager Marlene Wiest

“Alumni & Friends” is published two times per year, in the winter and summer by the Jamestown College Office of Institutional Advancement for alumni, faculty, staff and friends of Jamestown College. Jamestown College welcomes your thoughts and comments about “Alumni & Friends.” Please send letters to Alumni & Friends, 6082 College Lane, Jamestown, ND 58405. Send address changes to Marlene Wiest, Office of Institutional Advancement, 6082 College Lane, Jamestown, ND 58405 or by e-mail to alumni@jc.edu.

Presidential Greeting

Contents 2

Chairman’s Message


Presidential Greeting


Continuing a Jimmie Generation


Donors paying it forward


Making a career out of kindness


Academic enhancements continue across campus


Continued cultural connections


Campus Headlines


Sports Wrap


Jimmie Soccer goes global


Dance Team joins athletic lineup


Nominations for Halls of Fame


Upcoming Arts Events


Jimmie Generation-Pass it ON!


Refer A Student


Homecoming 2011 Preview


Science & Math Symposium


Alumni Association News


Class Notes

28 Births 29 Marriages 30

Faculty Notes


In Memoriam


Important Dates On the cover: Character in Leadership students take part in offcampus retreats to practice teambuilding, develop leadership skills, and hear from motivational speakers.

Dear Alumni and Friends, Last week the Class of ’61 celebrated its 50th anniversary at Alumni Days, and on the following Saturday the Booster Club presented the 25th anniversary Jimmie Scramble. Both of those great events served as reminders to me of the love and care that our Alumni have for their Alma Mater. The highlight of our reunion was the “mass confession” by the perpetrators of the now famous “sodding” of the Dean’s Office, an event that still shines as a glorious testimony to the spirit of our great students. Following Alumni Reunion, the Board of Trustees held a summer planning retreat on campus to discuss strategic plans that will ensure continued success and a bright future for Jamestown College. Our plans for the future involve improved facilities for the sciences and nursing, exciting new program developments in fields such as exercise science, and major changes for Jimmie athletics. We are diligently working on each of these aspects, and we will soon take significant steps forward in each area. A number of our alumni have asked about our plans to join a new athletic conference now that the DAC no longer sends certain conference championship teams on to nationals. This year, we will play as an NAIA independent as we look to a new affiliation. Over the past several months, we have been meeting with representatives of two conferences with an interest in Jamestown’s involvement, and we are working with the Board of Trustees on a final decision based on academic, enrollment, cost, and competition criteria. Meanwhile, our recruiting and scheduling has continued smoothly for the ’11-12 year, and we will participate in the NAIA independent conference playoffs based upon our rankings. I want to thank Alumni for referring prospective students to our Admission Office by use of the Alumni Referral Form which is available on the Alumni Website alumni.jc.edu. The significant number of alumni who answered the call for the new Jimmie Generation Scholarship exemplify the strength and commitment of our alumni. With your help, more students are learning about JC and we are now realizing a significant increase in the number of deposits for the Class of 2015! Sincerely, Robert S. Badal, President



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Continuing a Jimmie Generation

Incoming student represents fifth generation of his family at Jamestown College Learning the ropes at Jimmie football practice, participating in New Student Orientation, meeting new friends, and settling into the routine of his first college classes are sure to keep Jordan Lynch ’15 of Jamestown busy as he enrolls in August, but he’ll also want to take some time to reflect on how he is continuing a family tradition dating back 100 years. Jordan represents the fifth generation of his family to attend Jamestown College, after his parents, John ’84 and Jeri (Held) Lynch ’84, his grandfather, Jack Lynch ’57 of Bismarck, N.D., his John Lynch ’84, Jordan Lynch ’15, and Jack Lynch ’57 great-grandmother, the late Ada Lucille (Colvin) Lynch ’23, and his great-great-grandfather, the late Robert Colvin ’14. “I didn’t know I’d be the fifth generation until later last year when it became one of my options for school,” Jordan says. “I think it’s great though, and I enjoy knowing I can keep a tradition going in the family.” Extended family members sharing in the tradition include Ada’s sister Christine Colvin ’24 and brother Donald Colvin ’32; Jack’s two brothers, Robert Lynch ’56 and Donald Lynch ’63; and Jeri’s brother and sister-in-law, Brian ’92 and Sara (Ketterling) Held ’93. “Jordan makes it complete,” Jack Lynch says. Robert Colvin moved to Cass County in North Dakota from Missouri. Once, when

the family traveled through Jamestown, young Robert saw Jamestown College which was at that time one building on a hill - and decided it was where he would continue his education. “After college, he became a Presbyterian minister in Sharon, N.D.,” Jack says. “He told stories about how the small classes made it easy to make friends and told us dancing and parties were not allowed. “What a great man he was, and he had such feelings for everyone he came in contact with,” Jack continues. “As I got older, I was fortunate to drive him around to churches he served, like Erie, Clifford, and Galesburg.” Jack says Robert provided a great influence on daughter Ada to attend Jamestown College. “He felt it gave a rich education and a great moral atmosphere in which to grow,” Jack says. “A favorite memory of Jamestown College for my mother was being a Big Sister for freshman girls and providing guidance for them during their college years. She had a good sense of humor and enjoyed fun times.” Ada and her sister, Christine, often sang or played the piano or organ at college events. After graduating from Jamestown College, Ada became a grade school teacher in Jamestown. In fact, Jordan is not only following his predecessors to Jamestown College; he’s following in all of their footsteps as he aspires to become an educator. John Lynch is Director of the James Valley Career and Technology Center, and Jeri has also been involved in the education field. Jack Lynch is retired from teaching and coaching in the Bismarck Public


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’The right college for me’ Several Jamestown College students enrolling as freshmen in the Fall of 2012 have alumni parents who have shared fond memories of their alma mater, but the final decision to attend Jamestown College has been the students’ choice.

School System and is a recent recipient of Jamestown College’s Rollie Greeno Award which recognizes excellence in teaching and coaching.

“I picked the college because I felt comfortable and welcomed,” says Katie Dauwen, West Fargo, N.D. Her parents are Wayne ’89 and Nanci (Mears) Dauwen ’88.

“Jamestown College is a good school for people like me who want to go into education,” says Jordan, who plans to major in secondary education with particular interest in history/political science. Jordan says that while his family tradition at Jamestown College wasn’t the deciding factor in his college decision, it was always in the back of his mind as he heard his parents’ and grandfather’s own Jamestown College stories.

Ada Lucille (Colvin) Lynch ’23

“We played a supporting role, but we are proud to say that she found and selected Jamestown College on her own,” Nanci says. “She attended the State Music Contest as a junior and fell in love with the campus. She also had an excellent admissions counselor.” Roxanne (Rose) Johnson ’85, Jamestown, says her freshman-to-be son, Matt, and daughter, Haley ’13, both initially wanted to attend college away from their hometown, but chose Jamestown College in the end.

“I decided on Jamestown College because it is a good school,” he says. “My wife and I had hoped one of our children would attend,” says Jack. “We were quite pleased when John decided to attend and even happier when he married a fellow classmate. Now that Jordan has enrolled at Jamestown College, we are doubly thrilled.”

“I think the biggest thing that influenced Matt was the small campus and class size,” she says. “He also liked the idea that he could participate in track. Haley has done well on campus and with getting involved in things.” Jessie Steinwand of Bismarck, N.D., says her dad, Todd ’82, always told her how his Jamestown College days were the best time of his life.

Robert Colvin ’14

“My dad has told – and retold – me many stories from when he attended Jamestown College,” says Jessie, who plans to major in elementary education. “He never pushed me one way or another and made sure I was choosing the right college for me.”



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Jimmie Generation donors paying it forward As Salutatorian of his high school graduating class, Homer Rudolf ’60 benefited from a $600 scholarship over his four years at Jamestown College. In the fall of 2011, a Jamestown College student will benefit from the Homer Rudolf Jimmie Generation Scholarship. In less than one year of existence, the Jimmie Generation Scholarship Program has resulted in more than 75 new named scholarships being created to benefit Jamestown College student-scholars, student-athletes, and student-artists. “The simplicity of the program, the fact that it makes it possible for someone with my financial means to participate, and the knowledge that I’m providing financial assistance to a current student made the Jimmie Generation Scholarship Program an attractive option for giving,” Rudolf says. The Jimmie Generation is an opportunity for Jamestown College supporters to

establish an annual scholarship without having to establish an endowment. A Jimmie Generation Scholarship may be named in honor of the donor or anyone of the donor’s choosing. “When Jamestown College announced this program, I knew it was an affordable opportunity to honor the College,” says Tessa Gould ’96, Bismarck, N.D. “Not long after deciding to participate, I realized it was also a way to honor my grandmother, and fellow alumna, Mirt Brown ’79.” Gould says her grandmother is a true advocate for Jamestown College’s offerings to the community and is appreciative of the College’s embrace of non-traditional and older-than-average students. “I’m proud to honor her commitment and ongoing passion to serve Jamestown College by helping students on their own journey with assistance from the Mirt D. Brown Jimmie Generation Scholarship,” she says.

Brown says Jamestown College provided the education she needed to pursue her commitment to the field of aging issues in a professional way. “I have reached the stage in my life when I am downsizing my treasures rather than adding more things,” she says. “It is wonderful to receive a meaningful gift that will benefit a Jamestown College student.” For Darrell Christie ’62, Plover, Wis., giving to the Jimmie Generation program was a way to help a current student just as he was helped by scholarships. “I benefited from scholarships when I attended Jamestown College and was very grateful for them,” he says. “I’ve been greatly blessed. My education was excellent and helped prepare me for the future.” Edie (Hochhalter) Prentice ’55 of Jamestown says the College has enriched her life and has made Jamestown a better place in which to live. “It just seems right to pay back and help current students with their education,” she says. “These bright and talented students are a joy to know.” Since Jimmie Generation Scholarships are annual cash scholarships, they address students’ real and immediate concerns about the affordability of a quality college education. Each commitment to the future of an individual student at Jamestown College truly makes a difference—and it’s a difference that is established person-to-person.

Tess Gould ’96 and Mirt Brown ’79

For more information on the Jimmie Generation Scholarship program, visit http://alumni.jc.edu.


Making a career out of kindness Cathy Lutz biDs farewell after 16 years at Watson Hall

A new school year will soon arrive, eager first-year Jimmies and parents will haul belongings into Watson Hall, and roommates and floormates will plant the seeds for lifelong friendships. Still, it won’t be quite the same. Watson Hall Resident Director Cathy Lutz is retiring on Aug. 1 after 16 years in charge of Jamestown College’s historic hall. “What I’ll miss the most are the students,” Lutz says. “I’ll miss getting to know them and watching over them.” Lutz came to Jamestown College after working for several years as a “dorm mom” at St. Mary’s High School, a boarding school in New England, N.D. While living and working in Watson, she has coordinated conferences and weddings hosted at Jamestown College, and she was Director of Residence Life for 13 years. “Watson prides itself on having a homey, community atmosphere,” says Lutz, who oversaw an assistant resident director, four to five resident assistants, and about 110 students each school year. “Part of my day-today work is having my door open for students’ needs.” Lori Listopad, Director of Residence Life, says Lutz is always available to her students. “When I first became a resident director, I would constantly call Cathy with questions,” Listopad says. “She really is a go-to person on the staff for advice because she has so much experience and knowledge. The students love her thoughtfulness, her great surprise late night cocoa, her popsicles, and, most of all, her ability to care and get to know each and every student on an individual basis.” Lutz says Watson has been a home for many Jamestown College siblings, including several sets of twins, as well as international students. Most recently, she has enjoyed hosting groups of students from colleges and universities in Korea as they spend time studying at Jamestown College. “It has been wonderful to connect with our international students over the years,” she says. Lutz’ future plans include visiting her daughters and her five grandchildren. She’ll also assist her mother, beloved Jamestown historian Mary Young, as Young researches and writes a book on the trail linking Fort Seward and Fort Totten in North Dakota. Lutz says she’ll fondly remember the winter tradition of s’mores and hot cocoa in front of the fireplace in Watson’s Westley Commons lounge. She’s also proud of random acts of kindness occurring on campus and beyond. “Spread kindness, and you get so much more in return,” she says.

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Academic enhancements continue across campus First online program approved by Higher Learning Commission Jamestown College now offers its first online program: a Certificate of Christian Ministry. “It’s our first fully online program, and that was a goal of ours,” says Dr. Gary Watts, Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs. Getting the program accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association will pave the way for developing more online programs. Dr. Watts says the Certificate of Christian Ministry is an opportunity for lay people in the church who desire more knowledge. “These people are already using their gifts and talents in the church but may want more education,” he says. “Online courses provide flexibility for people with busy schedules.” The program is a set of five courses: Introduction to Theology, Old Testament, New Testament, Christian Traditions, and Introduction to Christian Ministry. All are existing courses in the Department of Religion-Philosophy and are required of students pursuing a minor in Christian Ministry.

Human resources concentration

Beginning in the fall, the newest concentration in the Department of Communication will fill a need in response to a growing demand in the job market and will also provide students with solid training for future professional positions. The concentration in Human Resources and Management will enhance the communication major by combining interpersonal, group, written, and oral communication skills with a background in business management, business law, marketing, human resources, and organizational culture. “Each year as part of our assessment process, we look at the external environment to determine areas of growing opportunity for our students,” Dr. Watts says. “This concentration will be housed in

the communication department but will include business courses much like the health and fitness administration major is housed in our physical education department and includes business courses.”

Health and Physical Education During 2010-11, the Department of Health and Physical Education revised its curriculum for physical education teacher education majors, and is now working toward the goal of offering a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science. “The curriculum enhancements were designed to help graduates meet competencies set by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education and to prepare for the Praxis II exam,” says Chris Mahoney, Department Chairman. New courses in the curriculum include Technology Integration in Physical Education, Health, and Fitness; Fitness Education; and a variety of new content classes in curriculum, assessment, and physical education. Mahoney says the interest in exercise science has been around for several years, and a few students have recently put together their own exercise science majors using the Individually Designed Major program. “As we work toward offering this major, we’re looking to be at the top of the standards and align everything we do with the recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine,” he says. Graduates with degrees in exercise science can advance to graduate school for a variety of careers in exercise physiology, sport science, and more. “We’re very interested because there are opportunities for our graduates in a variety of fields,” Dr. Watts says.


Continued cultural connections Delegation from Teacher Education Department attends Korean Studies Summer Program

Jamestown College has enjoyed hosting groups of Korean students in recent years as they study nursing, business, and other fields while brushing up on their English skills. This summer, the exchange happened in reverse. Sue Anderson and Dina Laskowski, Associate Professors in the Department of Teacher Education, along with student Brandon Robbins, Columbus, Mont., attended the Korean Studies Summer Program June 20-July 10 at Hannam Univeristy in Daejeon, South Korea. “It’s an excellent way of making connections,” said Laskowski a few days before leaving for the program. The program included classes in Korean language, culture, communication, family, and society. Weekend field trips brought participants to sites such as Jeonju Hanok Village, Gyeongbok Palace, and the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea.

“At some point, we’ll stay with host families, and we’re hoping to tour and teach in the elementary schools,” said Anderson, who has taught in China, Finland, and Mexico. The group also planned to visit the fourth grade class of Alex Woodruff ’10, who is teaching in a school just minutes from Hannam University. Robbins, a senior elementary education major, said the trip would be a great way to combine learning with travel. “Sue was really excited and passionate about it and thought it would be a great opportunity for me to participate and earn credit,” he said. “It will definitely expand my horizons and will help when I get into a classroom and teach on my own.”

“This summer program is a terrific way to get introduced to Korea,” said Jamestown College President Robert S. Badal, who met last fall with administrators from Hannam University. “We had a great conversation, not only about the summer program, but about their new nursing program and the possibility of developing a dual degree program,” Dr. Badal said. “We continue to work toward the goal of establishing a regular connection there, and we hope to have one or two of their students here this fall.” Hannam University was founded in 1956 and is an associate member of the Association of Presbyterian Colleges and Universities. The summer program attracts students and instructors from around the world.

Dina Laskowski, Brandon Robbins and Sue Anderson

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Student recognized for sales performance as intern Perhaps at a Jamestown College Alumni Days Reunion 50 years from now, Dustin Herrmann will tell the story of how he began his financial planning career by making sales calls from his residence hall room as an intern for Northwestern Mutual. And if his success as an intern is an indication of how his career will pan out, he has a very bright future.

Dustin Herrmann ’11

Business, Accounting, and Economics, says part of Herrmann’s success is his ability to put people at ease quickly. “Dustin has a gift of communicating with people of all ages,” she says. “He is very mature for his age and has a way of making people feel comfortable. In sales, high ethical standards are of vital importance, and you get that sense when you talk with Dustin.”

Herrmann, a senior from Fargo, ranked sixth in sales out of 3,500 student interns working for the company nationwide, all while taking a full schedule of classes and playing basketball for the Jimmies.

Herrmann says the connection with clients is his favorite part of the job.

He’ll graduate in December, finishing his Jamestown College education in three and a half years, and will then dive fulltime into his career at Northwestern Mutual.

Paulson says another important quality Herrmann possesses is forward-thinking.

“I’m planning to give 100 percent this summer and make sure this is what I want to do by the time I graduate,” says Herrmann, who has put together a portfolio of 23 clients. As a financial planning and wealth management major, Herrmann has taken classes that cover topics such as retirement, investments, and estate planning. Like all Jamestown College students who take advantage of internship opportunities, he can use the tools from classes as he meets with prospects and clients. “If a question comes up during a visit, I can draw on something we have discussed in class,” he says. Herrmann’s academic advisor, Teddi Jo Paulson, instructor in the Department of

“Meeting people, building relationships, and getting to know their situation is the most exciting part for me,” he says.

“Dustin focuses on where he wants to be and takes steps to get himself there,” she says. “He sold ads for the Collegian to get introduced to sales and then wanted to do an internship. The Office of Experiential Education was instrumental in helping him apply for the internship with Northwestern Mutual.” “You have to get out of your comfort zone and try new things,” Herrmann says. “That’s the advice I’d give anyone. Otherwise you’ll never reach your full potential.”


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Jamestown College students present research at national conference Jamestown College senior psychology students Samantha Myhre of Sheyenne and Marci Spaeth of Mahnomen, Minn., were selected to present posters at the National Conference for Undergraduate Research March 31-April 2 at Ithaca (N.Y.) College. Myhre presented “Employment and Grades: Does Working Pay Off?” and Spaeth presented “The Effects of Extraversion and Marijuana Use on Academic Success.” Both students began working on the projects during their junior year for a statistics and experimental design class. Myhre’s study was designed to test the nature of the relationship between paid employment, gender and grade point average. “The analysis (results of surveying 66 Jamestown College students) revealed that neither working nor gender has an overall effect on GPA, but there is a marginally significant interaction,” she says in her abstract. “Females who work appear to have higher GPAs than females who do not work, and males who work 20 or more hours a week have the lowest GPA. Gender differences between the rationales for working while attending college full-time are discussed as the potential reason for the interaction.” Spaeth analyzed survey results measuring age, gender, introversion/extraversion, conscientiousness, frequency of marijuana use, and cumulative grade point average of 65 college students. “Results revealed that in general extraverted individuals have a

Samantha Myhre ’11

significantly higher GPA than introverted individuals,” she says in her abstract. “It was also found that nonusers had a significantly higher GPA than marijuana users. Lastly, although it was not significant, there was a trend that suggests introverted marijuana users had a lower GPA than extraverted marijuana users.” The National Conference on Undergraduate Research is the largest such symposium in the country, bringing together 2,000 undergraduate students from all fields and disciplines.

Marci Spaeth ’11



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Campus Headlines Character in Leadership students complete service projects Students enrolled in the Character and Leadership program used this year’s service projects to benefit children – both locally and globally. Sophomores worked on behalf of Community Action Region VI’s Weekend Backpack program. The program distributes backpacks filled with nutritious meals and snacks for local children to bring home each weekend. The students collected backpacks, sorted food, solicited donations, and packed and distributed the bags. Nearly $3,000 was raised for the program, which runs from October through May. For their global service project, juniors selected Invisible Children and raised more than $6,500 using eight different fundraising initiatives. Invisible Children is dedicated to helping children in Uganda, who often are abducted from their homes by the rebel army and forced to fight. The organization is working to build schools, protect children, and rescue children from the army. Representatives from Invisible Children visited Jamestown College in the fall. The Character in Leadership program helps students to develop the knowledge, attitudes, values, and skills that enable them to live and to influence others to live with the sound character that naturally leads to service for the good of all.

Student Media Center a finalist in business competition

Best of the Midwest

A business venture of the Jamestown College Student Media Center was a Top 20 finalist in Innovate ND, a statewide entrepreneurial competition. A team made up of students April Baumgarten, Erin Delo and Samantha Riehl, along with Broadcast Adviser Dana Creasy and Student Media Center Director Steve Listopad, pitched their plan for The Media Center to a panel of judges in May in Grand Forks. The group’s business plan describes The Media Center as “a non-profit news organization and client-based strategic communication and new media service center.” The plan builds on the concept of the Student Media Center, which opened in 2008 and already functions as a business and provides students with integrated newsroom, production, and management experience. The 2010-11 academic year was particularly successful for the Student Media Center, as the student newspaper, The Collegian, was named Best of the Midwest by the Associate Collegiate Press and Best Newspaper at the North Dakota Professional Communicators’ College Contest. JCTV’s “KnightWatch” public affairs program won first place in the NDPC’s Broadcast Special Programming Category. The monthly hour-long program is produced by the Broadcast and New Media class in conjunction with the Student Media Center.


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Graduation 2011 “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” – French writer Anatole France (1844-1924) The motto selected by the Jamestown College Class of 2011 speaks to the ideals of higher education, lifelong learning, and the quest for excellence. One hundred and seventy-three graduating seniors received their degrees May 7 at the Jamestown Civic Center. Dr. Peggy Foss ’58, Ann Arbor, Mich., delivered the Commencement address. Dr. Foss retired in 2004 after serving for 24 years as Director of Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. She is Second Vice Chair of the Jamestown College Board of Trustees. Speakers representing the Class of 2011 were Ryan Nygard, a biology graduate from Fargo, and Corrissa Schottmuller, a nursing graduate from Eveleth, Minn. Dr. Thomas Johnson, Associate Professor of History-Political Science, was the Baccalaureate speaker.

Dr. Peggy Foss ’58

Student attends leadership conference Jamestown College student Kelsey Barstad of Fargo was awarded a $1,000 scholarship from the Jamestown chapter of AAUW to attend the 26th annual National Conference of College Women Student Leaders June 2-4 in College Park, Md. “I’m excited to have the opportunity to learn from women leaders and to meet other college students from around the country,” she said. Barstad is a junior pursuing a major in English education and a minor in leadership. She is a Jimmie Ambassador, a member of the Residence Life staff, and is active in the Jamestown College SNDEA chapter. The conference featured keynote speakers, workshops, and the 2011 Women of Distinction Awards Ceremony. Each year, the conference focuses on important and contemporary leadership issues for women, providing them with the inspiration and skills they need to succeed.

Stunningly Silver Dine & Bid’s 25th Anniversary

What better way to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Dine & Bid than to raise a record amount for Jamestown College student scholarships? “Stunningly Silver: The 25th Anniversary of Dine & Bid” raised more than $90,000. The event also set a record for attendance, with more than 330 people savoring an elegant meal, bidding enthusiastically on a treasure trove of fabulous items, and enjoying the company of good friends and fellow Jimmies. “Each person who attended, donated, supported or helped prepare for this event is the reason we had such an exciting outcome,” says Karen H. Crane, Associate Director of Annual Progress Fund and Major Gifts. “The students who will ultimately benefit from these scholarship dollars will know that they attend college in a caring, supportive community.”

The Jimmie Ambassadors were one of several student groups assisting with Stunningly Silver.



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Jimmie Athletic Update Men’s Track & Field

J.J. Koerber

The Jimmies were the runners-up at the DAC Meet held in Spearfish, S.D., and sent five athletes to the NAIA National Championships in Marion, Ind., in May. DAC champions for the Jimmies were junior Josh Ewalt (Miles City, Mont.) in the decathlon, Rob Nelson (junior, Britton, S.D.) in the discus, and Trent Roemmich (freshman, Linton, N.D.) in the 400 hurdles. Joining them at Nationals were senior J.J. Koerber (North Branch, Minn.) and sophomore David Londe (Cheyenne, Wyo.), who both ran the marathon. Head coach Ed Crawford was nameed DAC Coach of the Year.

Trent Roemmich

Women’s Track & Field

Katie Conlon

Katie Conlon (junior, Jamestown) won the 3000 meter steeplechase at the NAIA National Championships with a time of 10:27.90, breaking her own school record and besting the two-time defending national champ by nearly 11 seconds. Sarah Skipper (senior, Lewistown, Mont.), also brought home All-American honors by placing sixth in the heptathlon and was named the DAC’s Most Valuable Senior. Jamestown College posted the highest grade point average of all NAIA track and field teams, led by the team’s 10 seniors, all of whom earned GPAs of 3.15 or better. The Jimmies were runners-up at the DAC Meet, and head coach Jim Clark was named DAC Coach of the Year.

Sarah Skipper


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Baseball Head coach Tom Hager and the Jimmies (32-13-1, 14-6 DAC) returned to the NAIA National Tournament for the fourth straight season after winning the DAC Championship. Eight Jimmies were named All-DAC, and outfielder Jesse Ramirez (senior, Santa Fe Springs, Calif.) and pitcher Chad Boldt (senior, University Place, Wash.) earned Gold Gloves. Ramirez also received Honorable Mention All-American Honors. Two-time DAC Pitcher of the Year Alex Kreis (senior, Grand Forks, N.D.) became the first Jimmie ever to be selected in the Major League Baseball Draft as the Washington Nationals picked him in the 35th round. Alex Kreis

Softball Head coach Kevin Gall picked up his 300th win with Jimmie softball as the Jimmies compiled a record of 19-33 (9-13 DAC). Junior centerfielder Heather Haegele (Kalispell, Mont.) was named All-DAC for the third straight year and also earned her first Gold Glove. Junior outfielder/utility player Erica Rush (Augusta, Kan.) was also named to the All-DAC team, while junior pitcher Jessica Lees (Arcola, Saskatechewan) earned a Gold Glove.

Heather Haegele

Men’s & Women’s Golf

Kameron Hunter

The Jimmie men’s golf team closed the season as the top DAC finisher at the NAIA Unaffiliated Tournament in Sioux City, Iowa, in April. The Jimmies finished fourth in the 11-team meet, 11 strokes ahead of DAC regular season champion Minot State. Freshman Kameron Hunter (Gillette, Wyo.) was named to the All-DAC team. Hunter finished seventh in DAC individual standings, while teammate Brad Quast (junior, Staples, Minn.) finished eighth. The Jimmie women finished fourth in the DAC standings and were paced by junior Tracy Gustafson (Wadena, Minn.), who finished sixth in individual standings. The Jimmies are coached by Ryan Thompson.

Tracy Gustafson



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Jimmie soccer goes global International players making their mark Student-athletes who come to Jamestown College to play soccer get the best of both worlds: a top-notch education and the opportunity to compete in the sport they love. “In other countries, an athlete generally has to make the choice between their sport and getting an education,” says Phil Bohn, who’ll begin his third season this fall as head men’s and women’s soccer coach. Seven new international recruits will join the Jimmie men’s team in 2011, joining five international players returning after the 2010 season. Players from Australia and the United Kingdom will also join the Jimmie women’s team this fall. Bohn says the recruiting process is about networking, making connections, and spending time in conversation to see if the student and school are the right fit for each other. “A small, private school can make the transition (to college in the United States) easier, so it is appealing to the studentathletes and their families,” he says. Matt Balshaw, a sophomore from Preston, England, says Jamestown College is a community. “You get to know a lot of people,” says Balshaw, who coached this spring for Jamestown boys’ rec soccer. “Being one of the first international soccer players on campus, it was a huge step for the program and for the College, and we were welcomed and greeted by many wonderful people. It was very easy to get

Matt Balshaw ’14 settled and my time here has been a great experience.” Senior Gaston Vodopivec agrees. “People are focused on students’ success,” says Vodopivec, who works in the College’s Student Media Center. “One of the things we talk about is to get involved in all that Jamestown College has to offer,” Bohn says. “They want to get the overall college experience.” Describing his 2011-12 men’s soccer recruiting class, Bohn says recruits from the U.S. say Jimmie soccer’s top selling points are 1) the team’s diversity and 2) the team’s improved record. The team went 8-7-3 in 2010 and also had the highest grade point average in Jimmie men’s soccer history. “They’re not just learning soccer; they’re learning about other people from all over the world and how to take everyone’s attributes and make them into what’s best for the team,” Bohn says. “It’s something many other schools can’t offer. “They’ve taken every chance they’ve had to leave an impression on people on this campus,” he continues. “They have given back so much more than soccer.”


& friends 17

Dance team is newest athletic offering Since the introduction of Jamestown College’s newest sport, Kimberly Williams has hit the ground running dancing. Williams, the Jimmie Dance Team Director, is planning routines, building a schedule, and recruiting the dancers who will make up the firstever official dance team at Jamestown College. “I’m looking forward to giving students the chance to continue dancing through college,” says Williams, whose dance training includes ballet, tap, jazz, modern and musical theatre. And it’s not just new students who will be a part of the first dance team. Current students are excited to incorporate their passion for dance into their college experience. “I’m always looking for new ways to be involved on campus,” says Suzanna Koll, a junior from Battle Lake, Minn. “With my dance background, I thought this would be a great thing to be involved with.” “I have missed being on a dance team (since high school) and can’t wait to compete at the college level,” adds Shelby Rose, a junior from Wimbledon, N.D. “With the high level of participation in dance at the high school level, it makes sense to offer a program with such broad appeal,” said Athletic Director Lawrie Paulson when the addition of Dance Team was announced in March. “Competitive dance is an emerging sport with more than 50 schools in the NAIA participating.” The dance team will have a year-round season which will include performances at Jimmie sporting events as well as at other events and competitions around the region. Williams says the Jimmies could ultimately compete at the Universal Dance Association National Championships held each January in Orlando, Fla.

in this part of the country, so it will probably be incorporated into the team’s routines. “I am looking forward to learning new routines in the different dance styles,” says Courtney Diestler, a sophomore from Fergus Falls, Minn., who has been involved with dance since the second grade. “I am used to competing with high kick and jazz, so learning pom and hip-hop routines is going to be fun. I can’t wait to get started.” While fans may just see a two-minute routine that is the culmination of the team’s hard work, Williams says she enjoys teaching dancers the science behind each muscle’s movement. “I like making things practical for dancers and talking about the anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology behind the movement,” she says. “That awareness is the difference between good teams and great teams. “The payoff for me is when I can help someone connect with what I’m saying and see them grow.”

“It’s possible to have 30 different routines in our arsenal,” she says. “We’ll have to ask ourselves, ’What’s our strongest style?’”

A native of Oak Grove, Mo., Williams attended Oklahoma City University’s Ann Lacy School of American Dance and Arts Management Master of Fine Arts program and holds a Bachelor of Arts in dance from Lindenwood University, Saint Charles, Mo. As a member of the Lindenwood Lion Line Dance Team, Williams competed at the National College Dance Team Championships and was a part of the 2008 National Championship team.

The three main dance styles are jazz, pom, and hip-hop. Williams says high kick is a popular style

“It’s nice to be around those who share your passion,” Williams says. “It’s invigorating.”

Kimberly Williams Jimmie Dance Team Director



& friends

Nominations sought for Halls of Fame Young Alumni Medallion

The Young Alumni Medallions honor the successes of individuals possessing the characteristics of a Jamestown College liberal arts education. The recipients will reflect the following qualities: •

Combined professional competence and skills with a commitment to broad-based learning and intellectual curiosity. Demonstrated a commitment to life-long learning through a continued effort to learn and grow as individuals.

Rendered valuable service to the local or wider community.

Demonstrated good character in their relationship with other individuals and the community as a whole.

Recipients will be graduates from any classes of the previous ten years, portraying the purpose of the award by success in personal and professional areas of life.

Alumni Hall of Fame The Alumni Hall of Fame honors alumni who have made outstanding contributions to their alma mater and humanity. Admission to this Hall of Fame is the highest honor presented by the Jamestown College Alumni Association. To be considered for the award: •

A candidate must have received a bachelor’s degree from Jamestown College or provided outstanding service for the development of Jamestown College.

10 years must have elapsed since the candidate graduated, or in the case of non-graduates, 10 years from the commencement of service to the college. The candidate must have made an outstanding contribution to the college or humanity as a student, faculty member, or administrative staff member of the college; or through distinguished career and/ or volunteer efforts in the period following his/her years at Jamestown College.

Inductees’ pictures are included in the Hall of Fame Walkway located between Westminster Hall and Lyngstad Center.

Athletic Hall of Fame The Athletic Hall of Fame honors former Jamestown College athletes, coaches, and friends for outstanding contributions to the College’s athletic history. Admission

to the Athletic Hall of Fame is the highest honor presented to a Jamestown College athlete, coach, or team. Candidates must be men or women of outstanding qualities, high moral character, fine leadership abilities, and must be held in high esteem by their colleagues, former coaches, or former athletes.

Rollie Greeno Award The Rollie Greeno Award for Outstanding Commitment in the Field of Education and Coaching was established in 1994 by the Jimmie Booster Club to honor Coach Greeno’s many years of dedicated service as an instructor and coach at Jamestown College. The award honors individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to youth through their careers in education and/or coaching professions.

Deadline for Nominations Nominations for the Young Alumni Medallions must be received by the Office of Institutional Advancement no later than April 30, 2012, for induction during the Opening Convocation. To submit a nomination or for more information, call Liz Hunt at (701) 252-3467 ext. 5551. Nominations for the Alumni Hall of Fame must be received by the Office of Institutional Advancement no later than January 15, 2012. To submit a nomination or for more information, call Marlene Wiest at (701) 252-3467 ext. 5576 or e-mail wiest@jc.edu. Nominations for Athletic Hall of Fame and the Rollie Greeno Award must be received by the Jimmie Booster Club no later than April 30, 2012, for induction during Homecoming 2012. To submit a nomination or for more information, call Lawrie Paulson at (701) 252-3467 ext. 5409 or e-mail paulson@jc.edu.

You may also submit nominations online at alumni.jc.edu.


& friends 19

Barbara McClintock to speak at Jamestown College The Jamestown College Friends of the Fine Arts will welcome New York Times award-winning children’s books author and illustrator Barbara McClintock (’77) to speak on at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 11 in the Reiland Fine Arts Center’s DeNault Auditorium. At the age of 20, Barbara left Jamestown for New York City to begin her career. Largely a self-taught artist who honed her talent by copying images from art books that she checked out of the library, Barbara also developed her craft by visiting museums around the world and sketching what she saw. Her success as an illustrator and author has included a wide range of experiences such as illustrating for Jim Henson’s “Fraggle Rock” books and television series, as well as winning acclaim for her books “Animal Fables from Aesop,” “The Fantastic Drawings of Danielle,” “Dahlia,” “The Gingerbread Man,” and many more. Barbara’s books have won four New York Times Best Books awards, plus additional awards from the Times, The Boston Globe, and several other awards, best book lists, and starred reviews. Tickets to Barbara’s presentation are $5 for adults and $2 for students. Tickets will be available through the Reiland Fine Arts Center Box Office. Join the Friends of the Fine Arts prior to Barbara’s presentation for a 6:30 p.m. reception in the lobby of the Reiland Fine Arts Center. For more information about Barbara and her work, please visit www.barbaramcclintockbooks.com.

Performing Arts Series


New York Kammermusiker 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 6 Reiland Fine Arts Center’s DeNault Auditorium Directed by North Dakota native Ilonna Pederson, the New York Kammermusiker is a world-renowned double reed ensemble whose musicians have performed in the Vienna Philharmonic, the New York Philharmonic, the Metropolitan Opera, the Munich Bach Orchestra, and for numerous Broadway shows.

The Water Coolers 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 13 Reiland Fine Arts Center’s DeNault Auditorium The Water Coolers are a New York-based comedy group using Broadway talent to deliver hilarious songs and sketch comedy about work, life, and everything in between. The act was created specifically for the meetings industry, although they’ve since found an audience and gained critical acclaim in the mainstream entertainment world. The New York Post says “Anyone who suffers through the 9-5 grind… will find plenty to relate to in The Water Coolers… sharp comic timing and enormous energy.”

Of Ebony Embers: Vignettes of the Harlem Renaissance 7:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 6 Reiland Fine Arts Center’s DeNault Auditorium This musical theatre piece for actor and chamber music trio examines the lives of the renowned African-American poets Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, and Claude McKay. The Core Ensemble, a nationally acclaimed trio of cello, piano, and percussion, performs music by African-American composers ranging from Duke Ellington to George Walker.



& friends

Jimmie Generation — Pass it ON!

Your Success. Our Tradition.

Pass the torch to the next Jimmie Generation through your gift of education. In the fall of 2010, we asked our Alumni & Friends to help us raise 100 new named scholarships for the Jimmie Generation. To date, 77* Jimmie Generation Scholarships have been established at levels starting at $500. Over $500,000 has been pledged over four year period to support this initiative. Thank you to all who have given thus far! Nearly 100% of Jamestown College students receive financial aid. If you received a scholarship during your time at Jamestown College, you know the difference a scholarship makes for our students. Pass on your pride, and partner with us to create more educational opportunities for more students. Establish a Jimmie Generation Scholarship today.

Be 1 of 100! For more information or to establish a Jimmie Generation Scholarship, call Karen at (701) 252-3467 extension 5512. Or, give online at http://alumni.jc.edu. Click on Support Jamestown College. *as of 5/26/2011

Annual Progress Fund


& friends 21

Many Journeys, One Destination At Jamestown College, we call our approach to education the Journey to Success. Think back to your own journey at Jamestown College: your favorite professors, challenging classes, fun activities, and great friends. Encourage the young people in your life to envision their journey at Jamestown College.

Introduce us to a student you know. Alumni Referral Scholarship valued at $500 for a student’s first year

Contact Admissions:



Refer a student online at alumni.jc.edu (click on “Refer a Student”) or send in the form below. Please send information to this student: Name______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City________________________________________________________________________ State_______ Zip________________ Phone Number__________________________Cell phone number _____________E-mail___________________________________ Parent’s/Guardian’s Name______________________________________________________________________________________ Academic Area of Interest______________________________________________________________________________________ Year of Graduation________________Extra-curricular Activities________________________________________________________ Your Name___________________________________________May we use your name when contacting student? ___yes


How do you know this student?_________________________________________________________________________________ Mail this form to Jamestown College Office of Admissions, 6081 College Lane, Jamestown, ND 58405



& friends


Homecoming Friday, October 14 9 am Science Symposium 3 – 5 p.m. Registration Nafus Student Center Lobby, Westminster Hall Register, receive a current schedule, and enjoy some refreshments. 10 a – 12p Campus Tour Westminster-Nafus Student Center Lobby Haven’t been back to campus for a while? You’ll enjoy visiting familiar sites and be amazed at new additions. 12 noon Booster Club Luncheon Westminster Hall, Level 2 The Jimmie Boosters invite all fans to rally around the orange and black as Jimmie coaches bring everyone up to date on the fall sports and Homecoming sporting activities. Cost: $6 per person – Pay at the door. 3:30 pm Alumni Baseball Game Jack Brown Stadium Watch Jamestown College Alumni take on the 2011-2012 Jimmie Baseball Team in a double header. Cost: FREE

Larry Knoblich ’58, Jamestown

4:00 pm Jimmie Cross Country Invitational Hillcrest Golf Course Cheer the Jimmies to victory at their home cross country meet.

Dave Tews ’78, Jamestown

5:00 pm Science Symposium Keynote Address

Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

7:00 pm Concert Reception Reiland Fine Arts Center Lobby Enjoy a hot beverage and a sweet treat before watching the performances.

Rollie Greeno Awards

Rick Hack ’81, Ellendale, N.D. (football, baseball, track) Bonnie (Pfannsmith) Freije ’88, Devils Lake, N.D. (basketball) Andy Wade ’91, Kennewick, Wash. (baseball) Cory Mantyka ’93, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (football)

7:30 pm Homecoming Concert Reiland Fine Arts Center Performance by the Jamestown College Wind Ensemble Voorhees Chapel Performance by the Jamestown College Concert Choir immediately following the performance by the Wind Ensemble.


8:30 pm All Class Alumni & Friends Social Gladstone Inn and Suites Jamestown You don’t have to be a member of a reunion class to enjoy this opportunity for friendship, food, and fun! This is a great time to reminisce about college days over hors d’oeuvres and a beverage.

Saturday, October 15

& friends 23

8:30 am Jimmie Jane Alumni Breakfast Westminster-Nafus Student Center Lobby Join fellow Jimmie Jane Alumni for a delicious breakfast served by current Jimmie Janes! Cost: FREE 9:00 am Athletic Hall of Fame Breakfast Westminster Dining Hall, Level 2 Join us for breakfast as we honor this year’s Rollie Greeno Award winners and Athletic Hall of Fame inductees. Cost: $8 – Please register in advance

7:30 am Jimmie Homecoming 5K Race, Fun Run, 4-Person Relay & Walk Larson Sports Center (YMCA) Pull on your sweats, lace up your shoes, and join us for an early morning 5K run, walk or relay. Race begins and ends near Larson Sports Center/YMCA. The entire race is run on the Jamestown College campus. Water, sports drinks and other refreshments will be provided. The race is sponsored by and any proceeds go to the Jimmie Men’s & Women’s Track & Field and Cross Country Club. Please contact Coach Clark for details at clark@jc.edu. Cost: $15 advanced payment, $20 day of event

9:30 a–1 pm 16th Annual Street Fair Allen Field Commons Always one of the highlights of Homecoming Weekend! Stroll outdoors in the heart of campus with family, friends, alumni, and students while you enjoy food, games, arts and crafts, and entertainment in a memorable atmosphere. Admission: FREE

(cost includes entry fee, race T-shirt, awards & refreshments)

After Game Chili Feed Gladstone Inn and Suites Jamestown Warm up after the game with some hot chili, compliments of the Jimmie Booster Club. Cost: FREE For more information visit:

8-11 am Registration Westminster-Nafus Student Center Lobby Homecoming registration and refreshments will continue throughout the morning hours.

REGISTER online at alumni.jc.edu

1:30 pm Jimmie Football vs. Mayville State Taylor Stadium Cheer on the Jimmie Football Team! GO JIMMIES!!!!




& friends

Leuther to deliver keynote at 4th Jamestown College All-Science and Math Symposium October 13 — 14, 2011 All Jamestown College Science, Math and Computer Science alumni and friends are invited to make presentations of scientific and mathematical accomplishments and experiences at the 4th Jamestown College All-Science and Math Symposium. If you are unable to present, we look forward to having you attend the Symposium to catch up with colleagues and to meet current Jamestown College students.

Keynote Address Dr. Kerstin “Kiki” Leuther ’88, San Jose, Calif., will deliver the Keynote Address at the Fourth Jamestown College AllScience and Math Symposium on Friday, Oct. 14. The Keynote Address will take place at 5 p.m. in the Reiland Fine Arts Center’s DeNault Auditorium. As Director/Project Management for biopharmaceutical company Affymax, Inc., Dr. Leuther has played a critical role in a number of drug discovery projects, is the co-inventor on several patent applications and was a key member of the team that assisted Dr. Roger Kornberg in his Nobel Prize-winning research. She has been with Affymax since 2002 and Director/Project Management since 2004. Dr. Leuther is a native of Heusenstamm, Germany and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.A. in biology from Jamestown College. She completed her Master’s Degree at Duke University and earned a Ph.D. from the University of Texas.

Schedule of Events Thursday, October 13th 7 p.m.

Symposium Social

Nafus Student Center/Level 2

Friday, October 14th 9 a.m.


Denault Auditorium/Reiland Fine Arts Center

5 p.m.

Keynote Address

Denault Auditorium/Reiland Fine Arts Center

6:30 p.m.

Evening Banquet

Nafus Student Center/Level 2

To register to present or attend, go to alumni.jc.edu/event/science.

Scheduled Presenters (as of publication date) Darci (Evans) Block ’04

Laboratory Medicine

Shawn DeKeyser ’91

Wetland Restoration with invasive species

Lisa (Nayes) Holding Eagle ’05

Chemistry in the Oil Patch

Jennifer (McCulloch) Inlow ’95

Structural Predictions for the Enzyme Tyrosinase

Andrew Klose ’09

Collinear Laser Spectroscopy/Natl Superconducting Cyclotron Lab

Douglas Larson ’63

Crater Lake, Oregon

Keith Marek ’95

Solution Chemistry of Metal Oxides

Teresa (Vogel) Urlacher ’92

Near Infrared Detection of Proteins

Mel Wahl ’70

An Operator With Mathematical and Artistic Implications


Alumni Association President Gary Purath ’71, Red Lake Falls, Minn., has been named President of the Jamestown College Alumni Association. He succeeds Dick Hall ’57, who has been named to the Jamestown College Board of Trustees. Purath has been involved with the Alumni Association since 2006, initially as the chair of the Enrollment Committee and later as Vice President. He says the Association is working on an Alumni Chapters program to reach out to alumni in their communities. “I’m excited about the direction in which Jamestown College is headed, and I look forward to continuing to work with the tremendous group of dedicated alumni serving on the Alumni Association,” he says. “I also want to acknowledge Dick Hall’s leadership in strengthening the Association.” The Jamestown College Alumni Association is an organization of graduates supporting the mission and needs of Jamestown College and its alumni. The Association provides leadership in the areas of alumni relations, development, and enrollment.

Jamestown College Alumni Association Board Meet the Board Executive Committee

Development Committee

Gary Purath ’71, President

Gerry Gunderson ’80, Vice President

Connie (Mears) Altringer ’90, Secretary

Dr. Joe Bennett ’84

Polly Peterson ’89, Campus Representative

Wade Borth ’90 Tessa Gould ’96

Alumni Relations Committee

Bill Robb, Campus Representative

Karen (Smith) Schenck ’85, Vice President Brian Johnson ’98

Enrollment Committee

Denise (Baadte) Mathern ’96

Michelle (Monson) Nyhus ’03, Vice President

Dave Schweigert ’90

Ross Berg ’01 Jeff Hanson ’82 Sandra Thiel ’72 Tena Lawrence ’81, Campus Representative

T0 submit a comment to the Alumni Association, send an e-mail to ppeterso@jc.edu.

& friends 25



& friends

Class Notes 1940’s

Diversity & Inclusion National Standards taskforce to establish professional standards for Top Diversity Professionals.

Elizabeth (Hall) Berg ’44 (BA) and her

The two-year process will establish

husband, Sherwood, Brookings, S.D., were

standards in the Diversity profession

honored by South Dakota State University

for the areas of leadership, metrics, and

in April as the University’s Agricultural


Hall was renamed Berg Agricultural Hall.

Joe Howell ’77 (BA), Kindred, N.D.,

Dr. Sherwood Berg is President Emeritus of SDSU.


David Evinger ’74 (BA), pictured above, has joined the Chicago-based law firm Grotefeld, Hoffmann, Schleiter, Gordon & Ochoa as a partner.

Carol (Scouten) Malcolm ’68 (BA),

Mary McLain ’75 (BA), Mill

Talent, Ore., recently retired after 31 years

Valley, Calif., judged the sixth annual

with the Phoenix-Talent school system.

International Chamber of Commerce Commercial Mediation Competition in

Russ Schmeichel ’69 (BS), Andover,

Paris, France. The competition included

Minn., was inducted into the North

58 universities from 26 countries.

Dakota High School Track and Field Hall

She is an attorney mediator with a

of Fame in May.

commercial practice in Marin since 2000.

1970’s Dr. Linda (Gall) Gutensohn ’71 (BA), Bismarck, N.D., is a professor in

Additionally, she is an adjunct professor at both UC Berkeley Boalt Hall School of Law and UC Hastings School of Law where she teaches Mediation, Negotiations and Settlement and the Mediation Clinic.

the School of Education and Behavioral

Dr. Gayle (Whitmer) Schantzen ’75

Sciences at the University of Mary.

(BA), Ontario, Ore., has changed her

She was a finalist for the Outstanding

focus in medicine to palliative and end-

Dissertation of the Year Award from

of-life care and has joined XL Hospice, a

the International Reading Association.

leading provider of hospice care. She is

She presented a poster session based

working towrd a sub-specialty certification

upon her dissertation “Literacy Stories:

in that area. She reports that she has also

The Reading and Writing Attitudes and

been traveling and reconnecting with old

Behaviors of Preservice Teachers in


Education” at the annual conference in Orlando in May.

retired after 33 years as head boys track coach at Lisbon High School and received a Special Achievement Award from the North Dakota Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association in June. Lawrie Paulson ’77 (BA), Jamestown, was named Co-Athletic Director of the Year by the Dakota Athletic Conference. He has served as Athletic Director at Jamestown College since 2004 after serving as Jimmie women’s basketball coach for 19 seasons.

1980’s Scott Spanton ’82 (BA), San Antonio, Texas, has published “Coaching the Five Wide Empty Offense.” (Coaches Choice) Lori (Olson) DeKeyser ’89 (BA), Mapleton, N.D., a senior vice president for Union State Bank, Fargo, N.D., was named the 2011 North Dakota Financial Services Champion of the Year by the U.S. Small Business Administration. The award recognizes individuals who assist small businesses through advocacy efforts to

Dennis Brennan ’76 (BA), Wake

increase the usefulness and availability of

Forest, N.C., Director of Inclusion for

accounting or financial services.

McDonald’s Corporation, was selected as one of 210 voting members on the SHRM


1990’s Laura (Appert) Fuerstenberg ’91 (BA) is a family nurse practitioner at Mid Dakota Clinic Gateway Dermatology, Bismarck, N.D. Kristen (Groven) Mitchell ’96 (BA), Rolla, N.D., has been named principal at Kyle Elementary School, Rolla. Steve DeLap ’97 (BA), Bismarck, N.D., is an agent for New York Life Insurance

registered nurse practitioner at Penn

Fylling works full time for the Guard in

State Hershey Medical Center’s Heart and

Bismarck and is a member of the 188th

Vascular ICU.

Army Band in Fargo.

Elisha (Jones) Anderson ’04 (BSN),

Tia (Gottwalt) Kocka ’06 (BSN),

Lisbon, N.D., is a nurse practitioner in the

Park Rapids, Minn., is a certified diabetes

family medicine department at Essentia


Health Clinic in Lisbon.

Louis Anderson ’07 (BA) earned a

Parker Wiltse ’04 (BA) is an associate

Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine from

loan officer with AgCountry Farm Credit

Kansas State University in May. He

Services, Lisbon, N.D.

received the Merck Veterinary Manual

Heather Anderson ’05 (BA), Castle


Rock, Colo., is a traveling senior Oracle

Brian Johnson ’98 (BA), Grand Forks,

Perficient, Inc.

N.D, has been named Chief Executive

& friends 27

business intelligence consultant with

Award for academic excellence and the Minocha Memorial Award for virology. He will begin an internship at BluePearl Veterinary Partners, Eden Prairie, Minn. Raissa Johnson ’08 (BA) is enrolled

Officer of Choice Financial.

Rachel Cudworth ’06 (BA), a Ph.D.

Jacqueline (Casavant) Lindell

Department of Organizational Leadership,

’98 (BA), Jamestown, was appointed

Policy, and Development, was selected

Stutsman County Treasurer.

to present at the 2011 OLPD Student

Andie (Brintnell) Roise ’08 (BA) is a

Research Conference. She will focus on

kindergarten teacher in Stanley, N.D.

2000’s Marilee (Erickson) Mann ’02 (BA), Rocklin, Calif., received an Associate of

candidate at the University of Minnesota’s

issues surrounding induction through the traditional and alternative pathways of preparing a future educator, primarily in the secondary setting.

Occupational Science Degree in Advanced

Sgt. DeAnn (Hickel) Fylling ’06 (BA),

Health and Fitness Training from Bryan

Bismarck, N.D.,

College, Gold River, Calif., in 2010 and

was awarded

holds two national certifications in

the Army

personal training: ACSM and NASM. She


is employed at 24Hr Fitness in Antelope,

Medal in May


for her quick

Jeremy Skoglund ’02 (BA), Williston, N.D., is Vice President/Assistant Chief Financial Officer at American State Bank and Trust Co. in Williston. Arian Klose ’03 (BSN), Harrisburg, Pa., received a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from North Dakota State University in December with a Family Nurse Practitioner focus. She is a certified

thinking and swift actions

at the University of Colorado at Boulder, pursuing a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance.

Kallie (Hokanson) Wass ’08 (BA) received a Masters in Library and Information Science in May from St. Catherine University, St. Paul, Minn. Michael Cudworth ’09 (BA) is a financial advisor for Edward Jones. He opened an office in Laurel, Miss., in August. Ryan Thompson ’09 (BA) has been named head boys’ basketball coach at Hazen High School, Renton, Wash.

in response to a car accident on U.S. Highway 2 in North Dakota. A certified Guard combat lifesaver, Sgt. Fylling provided first aid and care to three accident victims while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Sgt.

Editor’s note: In Class Notes, alumni who received a degree are designated by the year of graduation followed by the degree they received. Alumni who attended, but did not graduate, are designated by their class year in parentheses.



& friends

Births Scott and Jennifer (Hoversland) Nasner ’00 (BA), daughter Kate Elisabeth, Nov. 29, 2010

Matt and Miranda (Brown) Needham ’05 (BA), daughter Finna Ember, Sept. 6, 2010

Jeremy ’02 (BA) and Erica (Larson) Skoglund ’02 (BA), daughter Kjersten Ruby, March 27, 2011

Summer and Derrick Hansen ’06 (BS), daughter Portia Estelline, April 13, 2011

Michelle and Anthony Zimney ’02 (BA), son Jaxon Anthony, Feb. 4, 2011 Dan and Leigh (Carter ) Dornfeld ’03 (BA), daughter Svea Grace, Oct. 27, 2010 Adam (’05) and Sheena (Greenwald) Buckhouse ’05 (BA), daughter Halle Sandra, Jan. 27, 2011 J.P. ’02 (BA) and Lexie (Wasem) Lueck ’05 (BA), daughter Emry Jade, Oct. 10, 2010

Dana ’05 (BA) and Tia (Gottwalt) Kocka ’06 (BSN), son Zaden David, May 28, 2010 Levi and Amanda (Brossart) Serfoss ’06 (BSN), sons Gavin Matthew and Porter Thomas, July 13, 2010 Tim and Heidi (Backstrom) Buseman ’07 (BSN), daughter Lily Charlotte, Feb. 3, 2011 John ’08 (BS) and Cassie (Spencer) DuBray ’08 (BA), son Evan Charles, Feb. 16, 2011 Dustin and Tracy (Finken) Stangeland ’08 (BSN), son Cainen James, Nov. 22, 2010

Jeremy ’02 and Erica (Larson) Skoglund ’02, with daughters Adeline ’30 and Kjersten ’33.

Jamestown College publications strive to comply with the mission of the College and its relationship with the Presbyterian Church. Jamestown College reserves the right to not publish any items submitted to the magazine for publication in Class Notes or personal information revealed during a story interview which does not comply.


& friends 29

Marriages Andrea Staiger ’00 (BA) and Brad Nelson, Oct. 9, 2010

Kelsey Matthews ’08 (BSN) and Mark Augsburger, April 16, 2011

Donovan Gruebele ’02 (BA) and Teal Larsen, Aug. 27, 2010

Mitchell Wanzek ’08 (BA) and Alicia Bryant, June 18, 2011

Rachel Drevlow ’03 (BA) and Jacob Schunk, Jan. 22, 2011

Nick Schuetz ’09 (BS) and Courtney Wright ’10 (BA), Oct. 16, 2010

Nicole Harty ’05 (BA) and Brett Anderson, May 28, 2011 Kristen Lodgaard ’06 (BS) and Andrew Langbehn, Sept. 4, 2010

Send us your news! We welcome submissions for our Notes sections.

Write to 6082 College Lane, Jamestown, N.D., 58405, or visit alumni.jc.edu and submit your news online.

Carlyle Scott ’09 (BA) and Sarah Reinarts ’10 (BSN), Aug. 16, 2010

Tara Opdahl ’06 (BA) and Jake Mills, June 4, 2010

Sharing in the wedding celebration of Farah Shaikh (’09) and Michael Turner (’09) on May 6 at Atlantis the Palm in Dubai, United Arab Emirates were (from left) Mikio ’08 and Yayoi Ishihara, Laura Bernal (’08), Michael and Farah Turner, Ryan Fitts ’09, and Mallory (Kludt) Fitts ’09. (photo courtesy of Mary Reed)



& friends

Staff/Faculty Professor, Staff Person of the Year named Jamestown College recognized outstanding students, faculty and staff at its annual Honors Convocation held April 14. Dr. Brian Lang, associate professor of Religion-Philosophy,was named Professor of the Year. Dr. Lang has taught at Jamestown College since 2003. Keith Liudahl was named Staff Person of the Year. Liudahl is a custodian with the College’s Physical Plant. He has been employed by Jamestown College since Dr. Brian Lang


Keith Liudahl

Reed presents paper at conference Dr. Stephen A. Reed, professor and chair of Religion-Philosophy, presented his paper “Virtue Ethics and Psalms 111-112” in November at the Society of Biblical Literature 2010 annual meetings in Atlanta. “In my paper I addressed several questions,” Dr. Reed says. “First I wanted to explore how these two ‘twin psalms’ should be read together. Secondly I wanted to determine why there is a correspondence between divine and human ways of life. Thirdly I wanted to see how the theory of virtue ethics can help us better understand the connections between the two psalms.”

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& friends 31

In Memoriam Crystal (Werner) Bole ’30 (BA),

JoAnne (Moseng) Anderson (’58),

May 4, 2011

Jan. 29, 2011

Eulah (Robertson) Caine ’31 (BA),

Betty (Osborne) Maule (’58), Dec. 31,

March 3, 2011


Melba (Whithey) Trobec (’32),

Wallace Johnson ’60 (BS), Dec. 2,

Feb. 18, 2011


Florence (Buchholz) Klein ’38 (BA),

Keith Lindsay ’65 (BS), Jan. 23, 2011

May 10, 2011

Nancy (Gall) Haarstad ’72 (BA),

Grant Perry ’39 (BA), June 1, 2011

April 16, 2011

Kathryn (Odney) Benshoof (’41),

Paul Summers ’74 (BA), May 3, 2011

Jan. 22, 2011 Irene (Moore) Rivinius Shaw (’41), Jan. 13, 2011 Vivian (Henne) Kramer ’44 (BA), Jan. 21, 2011 Albert Lawrence (’44), May 19, 2011 Norman Schulz (’44), March 13, 2011

Correen (Kindelspire) Mogck ’75 (BA), Jan. 7, 2011 Michael Fisher ’78 (BA), March 16, 2011 Dwight Rexin ’85 (BA), March 17, 2011 Brent Malard ’93 (BA), May 6, 2011 Evelyn Bryn Infinger (’95), April 30,

JoAn Albright (’48), May 25, 2011


Richard Buehler ’48 (BA), Jan. 16,

Anita Bergeson ’96 (BA), June 6, 2011

2011 Mildred (Rice) Ebertz ’48 (BS), June 10, 2011 James Jungroth (’49), March 15, 2011 William McGarvey ’50 (BS), Jan. 6,

Friends Melvin Burleson April 20, 2011 Ada Haraldson, Dec. 3, 2010


Patricia Knoepfle, Jan. 17, 2011

Eunice Friedholm ’51 (BS), May 25,

Anne Larson, May 7, 2010

2011 Fern Liechty, March 15, 2011 Lowell McGhie ’53 (BS), April 20, 2011 Margaret Lindberg, March 15, 2011

Opening Convocation/ Young Alumni Medallion Awards September 1 Board of Trustees Meeting September 23-24 Science & Math Symposium October 14-15 Homecoming 2011 October 15 Character in Leadership Fall Conference November 10 Board of Trustees Meeting January 27-28 Arizona Golf Outing January 26

2011-12 Important Dates:

Office of Institutional Advancement 6082 College Lane Jamestown, ND 58405

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