Jamestown News - June 29, 2022

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YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1978 w w w. j a m e s t o w n n e w s . c o m

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JUNE 29 - JULY 5, 2022 Vol 44 no 27 | 1 Section | 6 Pages

D.R. Horton hearings continued yet again By CaroL BrooKs freelance writer cab1hp@gmail.com

It is a well-known fact that government often moves at a snail’s pace. Sometimes this is not a good thing but at other times it is beneficial, proof that the government wants to do all it can to get it right and create a good outcome. The Town of Jamestown and developer D.R. Horton are at that snail’s pace regarding the property along Guilford College and Mackay roads, once known as the Johnson Farm. While Horton originally said in November 2021 it wanted to start work soon on the 466.7-acre property, the company also suggested the

creation of a development agreement between the two entities. Approval of that agreement by both sides has held up Horton’s request not only for annexation of the property but also for rezoning from Agricultural (AG) to Planned Unit Development (PUD). The Jamestown Planning Board approved the rezoning in November 2021 but the Town Council’s approval of rezoning in addition to annexation and a development agreement has now been continued for the seventh time. One bone of contention was the lack of a study to determine if the Town’s portion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant could handle the new development. That

Photo courtesy Town of Jamestown

tom terrell study has now been completed and the “report was very positive,” according to Public Services Director Paul Blanchard. “It said [that] with no improvements we would meet all the

recommendations for about half of that development,” Blanchard said. He noted some manholes need to be raised prior to construction along with an improvement to a section of the sewer line. These will be added to the Capital Improvement Plan. Land Use Attorney Tom Terrell has been working with both the Town and D.R. Horton on the development agreement. He spoke for approximately 30 minutes, giving the history of the property as well as his frustration with the lack of progress. He began by recalling the initial failed rezoning attempt by Diamondback Investment Group. “Not a single reason for denial was the Town’s unwillingness to see this land developed,” Ter-

rell said. “The Town’s statement explaining its reasons for denial clearly embraced this land’s development, if development included careful planning, forethought, town involvement, affordability and higher quality than just a large and generic subdivision. “While ‘quality’ is not a self-defining term, it is easy to explain that the Diamondback proposal — a mass-graded project with 100 percent vinyl-sided homes with slab-on-grade foundations, minimal landscaping, no functional open space and no variation in architecture — did not rise to the level of the Town’s expectations.” see horton, PaGe 2

Let freedom ring According to composer George Gershwin, “Summertime and the living is easy.” Summer does seem to offer its own unique pace. Perhaps it is the longer days or the fact many take advantage of the warmer weather to enjoy multiple outdoor activities. But one summer day above all others unites Americans in a way no other can. July 4 is celebrated nationwide as the day in 1776 that America officially declared its independence as a nation, cutting ties with English rule. America has often been referred to as a melting pot with people arriving here from many locations in Europe and beyond. Although many continued the customs of their native countries, the early settlers were all subject to British rule. The colonists resented the dominance of Great Britain and there was open conflict between them and England when a Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1776. Thomas Jefferson received the task of drafting a document declaring independence from England. The Continental Congress asserted American independence on July 2, 1776. It took two days of discussion, however, before the final Declaration of Independence document was approved. Many delegates were not able to travel to Philadelphia to sign the document until Aug. 2. But July

4 is the date written on the original Declaration of Independence and that is the date printed on copies of the document later distributed throughout the new nation. The original copy of the Declaration of Independence is housed in the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Abraham Lincoln once called it, “a rebuke and a stumbling-block to tyranny and oppression.” There were no celebrations in the early years of independence but by the 1820s and ’30s, copies of the Declaration, featuring the date July 4, 1776, once more began to circulate. In 1870, Congress declared July 4 an unpaid national holiday and further legislation about holidays, including the Fourth, made it a paid federal holiday in 1941. It might be noted that three presidents died on July 4 including Declaration signers John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, who both died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. President James Monroe also died on July 4, 1831. Today families and friends take advantage of July 4 to enjoy patriotic parades, cookouts and fireworks to celebrate the occasion. The Jamestown Veterans Committee will hold a special ceremony at Wrenn Miller Park July 4 at 11 a.m. to commemorate America’s history as a sovereign nation. (Historical information compiled from facts found in various articles on the Internet.)

Council passes 2022-23 budget By CaroL BrooKs freelance writer cab1hp@gmail.com The new budget for the upcoming fiscal year for the Town of Jamestown totals $18,157,299. It did not take the Town Council long to unanimously approve it on June 23. The budget covers all Town operations, capital improvements, transfers and debt service. Once inter-fund transfers are subtracted, the final budget amounts to $16,204,659, or 53 percent more than the amended 2021-22 budget of $12,069,536. “A large part of the increase is approximately $2.9 million that will be expended in FY 2022-23 for the Water/Sewer fund to pay for the Town’s portion of the Riverdale Pump Station Expansion project,” said Finance Director Judy Gallman in her budget message. “Other capital projects

and purchases also contribute to the increase.” The property tax rate for the upcoming fiscal year will be $0.485 per $100 of valuation. “At this current tax rate, the amount of ad valorem property tax revenues is estimated to be approximately $2,824,500, based on a collection rate of 99.82 percent.” Gallman noted that the total estimated value of property for taxation is $582,937,117. Water rates will increase by approximately 3.17 percent due to a 3.5 percent increase in the rate from the Piedmont Triad Regional Water Authority and a 4 percent increase from the City of High Point. Jamestown purchases water from both entities. Sewer rates will increase by approximately 7.59 percent, based on an increase in the rates the Town pays High Point for sewer treatment. The largest category is capital outlay, which is approxi-

mately 37.2 percent of the total budget. It includes vehicles and equipment valued greater than $5,000 and improvements valued at greater than $20,000 and infrastructure valued at greater than $50,000. The 2022-23 budget includes a new sanitation truck for $220,000, bathrooms at Wrenn Miller Park and on the golf course for a total of $540,000, improvements to buildings, storm water, crosswalks, as well as other equipment. Approximately $3 million is designated for the Town’s share of the Riverdale Pump Station expansion, which is considered as capital sewer improvements. Various capital expenditures are also accounted for in Capital Project Ordinance funds, which are multiyear funds that exist for the life of the projects, including sidewalk projects and a Recreational Maintenance Facility. The new facility is estimated

to cost slightly over $1 million. Total for the Water/Sewer fund is $58,486,405, compared to $5,492,205 in the 2021-22 adopted budget. Personnel expenditures account for 21.3 percent of the total budget and include salaries, FICA, retirement, insurance, 401(k) and other miscellaneous benefits. There are 37 full-time positions. The budget includes a 3.75 percent cost of living increase and 0-3 percent merit increase. Councilmember Martha Wolfe thanked the staff for their work on the budget and commented on all the meetings the Council had while working on the budget. “It was a hard budget,” she said. “The last few years have been hard with so many unknowns. Funds kept changing on how they could be used.

CoMPILed By CaroL BrooKs and norMa B. dennIs OCeAnS OF POSSibilitieS, SuMMer reADing PrOgrAM The 2022 Summer Reading program at Jamestown Public Library has begun, but it is not too late to join the fun. Programs for all ages will be held each week and reading logs are available to track books read. Attendance for many of the programs is limited and registration is required (* denotes need to register). Visit the circulation desk or call the library at 336-454-4518. Programs for teens and adults will beheld at 2 p.m. Wednesdays and include: *June 29 — Fish are friends, not food: sushi and mocktails *July 6 — Ocean of fun: games, prizes and snacks July 13 — Jaws interactive movie *July 20 — Day at the beach July 27 — Chased by Sea Monsters film *Aug. 3 — Save the seas: recycle crafts *Aug. 10 — Escape Room: Mysteries of the Deep Aug. 17 — Summer movie: Aquaman Programs for children will be held Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. *July 30 — Treasures from the Deep July 7 — Summer movie: Luca *July 14 — Jet-setting cephalopods *July 21 — Ocean day *July 28 — Sea turtle migration *Aug 4 — Here be monsters *Aug 11 — Sharks are our friends Aug. 18 at 10 a.m. (note time change) — Pirate Party with Captain Jim.Last day to turn in reading logs. tOwn hAll ClOSeD FOr july 4 The Jamestown Town Hall will be closed on July 4th to celebrate Independence Day. There will be NO CHANGE in recycling schedule. Payments may be made through the drop slot, the drop box at Guilford Road, online or by phone at 833-394-6865. rAbiD FOx FOunD in jAMeStOwn Guilford County has confirmed a rabid fox was found June 20 on Colony Ridge Court, about halfway between and Harvey roads. For information on rabies prevention, contact Guilford County Animal Services at 336-6412506 or visit www.guilfordcountync. gov/our-county/animal-services.

see toWn, PaGe 2

see BUdGet, PaGe 6


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By norMa B. dennIs freelance writer ndworddesign@gmail.com

From The Front


Wednesday June 29, 2022

Council has full agenda, long session By CAROL BROOKS freelance writer cab1hp@gmail.com The agenda for the June 23 Town Council meeting was so full that it ran two pages. A large part of the time was taken up with the public hearings regarding possible development at the property along Guilford College and Mackay roads and the 2022-23 budget. (See related stories.) ADA compliance A vote on the 641-page document outlining how the Town handles residents and visitors with disabilities was continued by the Council until the July 19 meeting due to councilmember concerns. ADA compliance is required by the Department of Justice. Ted Kallam, director of transportation at Withers Ravenel, a civil and environmental engineering firm, led the presentation. His

company identified physical obstacles and suggested ways to correct these obstacles. All areas of the town were surveyed including interior and exterior areas using the “ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities”. Kallam noted problem areas that are barriers such as sidewalks, curb ramps, signage, pedestrian signals, accessible parking and crosswalks, among others. Things that are rarely considered by many would be location of paper towel dispensers and hand dryers in restrooms, missing grab bars, how doors swing, maneuverable spaces. Some areas, like the Jamestown Public Library do not have to be ADA compliant because it is a historic building.

ics program promoting the tagline, “Where history and possibility meet.” After some discussion, the Council voted 3-1 to accept the marketing plan. Councilmember Martha Wolfe was the abstaining vote, believing the graphics needed more work.

Plan and Policy updates The Strategic Plan is designed to be a guide of the Town’s mission over several years, offering goals and outcomes to be carried out. Many of the items in the original plan from March 2021 either have been completed are have seen considerable progress. One of the goals is to update the plan on a regular basis, noting the progress. The Council unanimously adopted the June 2022 update to the plan. Marketing video The Clubhouse Use PolTigermoth Creative icy update includes rate unveiled a new two-minute changes to be consistent marketing video and graph- with rates for cleaning ven-


Chipotle to open The new Chipotle restaurant in Grandover Village is scheduled to open June 29. An ABC store is planned next to Jersey Mike’s, which is across the parking lot from Chipotle. Diamondback wins GSO annexation On June 21, the Greensboro City Council unanimously voted to annex 111.45 acres in southern Guilford County for single-and-multi family homes at Vandalia Crossing development proposed by Diamondback Investment Group. The company once owned the property known as the Johnson Farm along Guilford College and Mackay Roads. Jamestown denied approval of Diamondback’s Castleton Village project in February 2021 and the property was sold to D.R. Horton in June of that year. Diamondback also was denied approval in Mebane for another development. It is currently developing a community of at least 1,300 homes in Greensboro and another project in Sedalia. The new property is near the planned Toyota lithium battery plant in the Randolph County megasite. GTCC receives millions in county budget Guilford Technical Community College is expected to receive $19,657,500 in the 2022-23 Guilford County budget, which passed by a 6-3 vote on June 16. That represents a nearly $2 million, or 9 percent, increase from the previous fiscal year. The GTCC Board of Trustees will decide how to spend the money, but they are expected to concentrate on operating expenses, debt repayment and capital expenses. All Guilford County schools, including GTCC, have been allocated $408 million.

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The Community's Best Source of Local Information Member of North Carolina Press Association, National Newspaper Association (NNA) and Jamestown Business Association. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily the opinion of this publication. Copyright 2022 by Womack Newspapers, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without written permission is prohibited.

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ment markings and several signs to reduce speed would be helpful. Councilmember John Capes spoke about how the Oakdale mill and village needs renovation because they are “going to seed fast.” Preservation North Carolina has offered to help more than once but the Special event out-of-state owners are not The Council unanimous- receptive. The Town may ly approved a special event need to look into housing request for a 5K/dog walk/1 violations in that area. mile fun run to benefit Earlier Breast Cancer Tests. Following the nearly This event will be held three-hour regular sesSept. 16 on several streets sion, the Council went into in town as well as Wrenn a one-hour closed session Miller Park. to discuss matters related to attorney-client privilege Committee reports for 2216 Guilford College Councilmember Wolfe Road and a personnel matsaid Wright Archer, ter. No business was conNCDOT Division 7 engi- ducted when the regular neer, has surveyed areas of session resumed. East Fork Road near the golf The entire Town Council course and traffic signage meeting, including the marand barriers are acceptable. keting video, can be viewed A guardrail is not necessary. at www.youtube.com/c/ He did suggest some pave- TownofJamestownNC.

continued from front

Ogunjobi signs with Steelers Ragsdale High School graduate Larry Ogunjobi has signed a one-year deal with the Pittsburg Steelers. Defensive end Ogunjobi, who graduated from Ragsdale in 2012, previously played with the Cincinnati Bengals and Cleveland Browns.


Offer to purchase property The Town received an offer from George Ragsdale to purchase property located at 304 R1 E. Main St. (parcel# 160253) for $15,200. This property is a one-half acre landlocked section owned by the Town of Jamestown behind the businesses in the 100-200 blocks of East Main Street. It abuts Ragsdale’s farm on East Main Street and would be used as a buffer. The bid is twice the tax rate. If the Town opted to sell the property, it would be required to advertise for

an upset bid and if there were to be an upset bid, the process would have to be repeated until no upset bid is offered. After some discussion, the Council unanimously voted not to sell the property. It contains a waterline and power line.


continued from front


dors, event host wages and security detail wages. In addition, the policy makes it clearer what types of activities are permitted and prohibited, policies for refunds of deposits, and limits of liability insurance required. With a few changes noted, the policy was unanimously approved.

Terrell noted D.R. Horton purchased the property from Diamondback and the company said it wanted to construct 1,500 residential units “and move quickly to a decision once they purchased the land.” At that point, those involved agreed to formulate a development agreement. In August 2021, Terrell and urban designer Seth Harry addressed the Town Council. “Both of us addressed the need to recognize some of the limits inherent in being a production builder, but that our written understanding was that D.R. Horton would go beyond its typical standards and produce a higher quality product,” Terrell said. “D.R. Horton representatives attended the weeklong visioning workshop attended by many Jamestown citizens in mid-September, and they applied for rezoning to a Planned Unit Development on Sept. 27. “To its credit and to be fair to D.R. Horton, a few layout concepts from that workshop were incorporated into its site plan.” Terrell completed a draft development agreement for all parties in February of this year. Some areas were left black to be filled in as the parties negotiated. D.R. Horton argued it would not start to review the agreement unless it was 100 percent complete. “I have negotiated somewhere between 25 and 30 development agreements since they were made possible by legislation in 2005, and such statement is completely outside any norm I have experienced,” Terrell said.



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Another draft was sent and it took D.R. Horton six weeks to respond. Upon reading, Terrell was extremely disappointed, feeling like D.R. Horton was putting down the Town. “The entirety of D.R. Horton’s response was a denial of the original understandings we had reduced to writing, or a least a denial of their own obligations. “We told them that we found their response to be a material breach of our agreement. That it had a belligerent, not a collaborative, tone. That all they did was say no, demanding that the Town negotiate against itself in a new draft as if we were so naïve that we would do that. “On page 2 of the development agreement, they added a comment in the margin that reminded the Town of staff’s pledge to recommend 1,500 units — which we put into the development agreement, in fulfillment of staff’s obligation — but they conveniently omitted any acknowledgement of their own duties.” Most of the comments acknowledged the company was not doing anything different than they would do anywhere else and that the Town’s requests would raise costs and lower affordability. Terrell also noted that Marc Isaacson, D.R. Horton’s land use attorney, had not seen the document. Isaacson told the Planning Board in November 2021 that D.R. Horton was determined to work with the Town on the development and has repeatedly said the development would be of high quality. Perhaps ironically, Issacson’s firm also represented Diamondback Investment Group. Just like Diamondback, D.R. Horton unsuccessfully petitioned the N.C. General Assembly to change the annexation line for the property, moving it to within Greensboro’s extraterritorial jurisdiction. “On May 26, we received a revised and amended development agreement response from D.R. Horton,” Terrell said. “This response, their second, had the same comments as the

previous draft, word for word, changed only to add the phrase ‘please consider’ in front of the identically worded comments. If D.R. Horton cannot see how that change was received unanimously as unprofessional sarcasm, it needs new representatives and spokesmen. “D.R. Horton’s next move was to approach the mayor of Greensboro, asking her to approach the Town on D.R. Horton’s behalf. Implicit in the outreach was that Greensboro would be glad to accept zoning control of this critically important property. I was not present, but I understand it was a cordial meeting with no outcome.” In conclusion, Terrell offered the Town two options. “Before I outline what they are, I want to make two points very clearly. First, the Town has fully met its obligations under the June 2021 letter of understanding. It offered the speed and the staff-recommended density that D.R. Horton said it needed. It is D.R. Horton that acted contrary to our clearly-stated understanding and caused the delays, and it was D.R. Horton that resorted to strong-arm political maneuvers instead of just doing what they said they would do. “Working with local governments on matters related to land development is how I have spent most of my time for 37 years. I know an unreasonable government when I see it, and Jamestown certainly has not fallen into that category. To the contrary, Jamestown has acted more than reasonably, and it has done what it told D.R. Horton it would do. In this case, it is the developer who has failed to meet basic expectations.” Terrell’s options were to give D.R. Horton another chance, another 90 days to work out details. He suggested the company have someone else be the point person for negotiation, as the Town finds this person to be part of the problem. This is Terrell’s preferred choice. Another option was to turn down the requests because the company is showing disrespect to the

Town, forgets its own commitments, and fails to listen to what the Town is saying. He did not recommend this option. Following Terrell’s talk, Town Manager Matthew Johnson offered a few comments, noting the Town receives requests from potential developers of property but is not actively seeking projects. “We felt that it was important for the Town Council and the citizens to understand that our staff and consultants have been working very hard over the past year to ensure that Jamestown receives the very best product from D.R. Horton,” Johnson said. “The Council and staff have treated and will continue to treat this applicant with respect and will continue to offer the hand of collaboration. To not do so would reflect poorly on the Town of Jamestown. However, I feel it is imperative that the public know that we are working diligently to protect Jamestown’s interests on all fronts, while also trying to be reasonable and accommodating to an owner of what is arguably our most critical undeveloped property.” D.R. Horton’s representative, Ryan Motes, read a prepared statement before he was grilled by the Town Council. Motes referred all questions to attorney Issacson, who could not make the Jamestown meeting as he was attending a Greensboro Zoning Commission meeting at the same time. Several citizens spoke during public comment, noting the lack of green space and already overcrowded schools. Some thanked the Council for standing up to the company and suggested just walking away from the project without giving D.R. Horton a 90-day extension. After some discussion, the Council unanimously voted to grant the extension and to continue the public hearings until the September Council meeting. Terrell’s comments can be viewed around the one hour and five-minute mark of the June 23 Town Council meeting at www.youtube.com/c/TownofJamestownNC.


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Just $50 for 3 years Call 336.316.1231 to sign up IN COUNTY/STATE ONLY NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DONALD T. CARTER The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Executor of the Estate of Donald T. Carter, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Thursday, September 8, 2022 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 8th day of June, 2022. Michael S. Carter, Executor Donald T. Carter, Deceased c/o Christopher W. Genheimer, Esq. Carruthers & Roth, P.A. Attorneys & Counselors at Law 235 North Edgeworth Street (27401) Post Office Box 540 Greensboro, North Carolina 27402 June 8, 15, 22, 29, 2022 NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the ESTATE OF AL MERTIS GRAY, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned at 202 West Lexington Avenue, High Point, NC 27262, on or before the 9th day of September, 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 8th day of June, 2022. TERESA JEAN GRAY WHITWORTH, Executor Estate of Al Mertis Gray Maxine D. Kennedy Attorney at Law 202 West Lexington Avenue High Point, NC 27262 June 8, 15, 22, 29, 2022 NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the ESTATE OF MICHAEL J. NEELY aka MICHAEL JEROME NEELY, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of September, 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 8th day of June, 2022 Edward Deandre Neely 4315 Kildare Drive Greensboro, NC 27405 June 8, 15, 22, 29, 2022 NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of MACK ARVIL COOKE, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 8, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 8th day of June, 2022. Kasey R. Howerton, Administrator of the Estate of MACK ARVIL COOKE 910 Neal Street Greensboro, NC 27403 June 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2022 (PAID) NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, Leigh Waddell Turner and Beverly Waddell Jiggetts, having qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of Alfred Coleman Waddell aka Alfred C. Waddell, Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate to present such claims to the undersigned in care of the undersigned’s Attorney at their address on or before September 8, 2022 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the above named Co-Executors. This the 8th day of June, 2022. Leigh Waddell Turner, Co-Executor Beverly Waddell Jiggetts, Co-Executor Estate of Alfred Coleman Waddell aka Alfred C. Waddell Justin N. Plummer, Esq. Law Offices of Cheryl David 528 College Rd. Greensboro, NC 27410 Telephone: (336) 547-9999 Facsimile: (336) 547-9477 June 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2022 NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of RODNEY G. WATSON, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 8, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate

payment to the undersigned. This 8th day of June, 2022.

Sandra M. Watson 6838 Spencer Dixon Road Greensboro, NC 27455 June 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2022 (paid) NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY 22 E 1995 The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of PAUL JUNIOR THOMAS, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 8, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 8th day of June, 2022. Paul James Thomas Administrator of the Estate of Paul Junior Thomas c/o Lawrence J. D’Amelio, III Attorney for Estate 1834 Pembroke Rd. Ste. 2 Greensboro, NC 27408 June 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2022 NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY 22 E 1995 All persons firms and corporations having claims against WILLIAM MELVIN TWILLEY, deceased of Guilford County, North Carolina, are hereby notified to present them to Sandra T. Thompson as executor of the decedent’s estate on or before September 8, 2022, in care of the undersigned executor at the address below, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the above-named administrator This 8th day of June, 2022. Sandra T, Thompson c/o Larry W. Pearman P.O. Box 8178 Greensboro, NC 27419 June 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2022 NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of RUBY G. WORRELL, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 8, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 8th day of June, 2022. VALERIE ROBIN REIS AKA ROBIN REIS 1909 STRATHMORE DR. GREENSBORO, NC 27410 June 8, 15, 22 and 29, 2022 (PAID) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT V. FIELDS, deceased All persons, firms and corporations having claims against ROBERT V. FIELDS, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, are notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before September 17, 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 15th day of June, 2022. MARGUERITE FIELDS Personal Representative 317 South Greene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 - 2427 GABRIEL & BERRY, LLP Attorneys at Law 317 South Greene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 - 2427 Telephone: (336) 275 9381 June 15, 22, 29, July 6, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE ESTATE OF DOROTHY BAKER, deceased All persons, firms and corporations having claims against DOROTHY BAKER, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, are notified to present the same to the undersigned on or before September 17, 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 15th day of June, 2022. BRENDA A. ONWUKA Personal Representative 317 South Greene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 - 2427 GABRIEL & BERRY, LLP Attorneys at Law 317 South Greene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 - 2427 Telephone: (336) 275 9381 June 15, 11, 29, July 6, 2022 NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Executor of the Estate of GEORGE JAMES MACMILLAN, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 15, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 15th day of June, 2022. Bradley L. Jacobs, Executor PO Box 2888 Greensboro, NC 27402 TUGGLE DUGGINS, P.A. 400 Bellemeade Street, Suite 800 Greensboro, NC 27401 Telephone: 336-378-1431 June 15, 22, 29; July 6, 2022 NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Executor of the Estate of BOBBY MCRAY BURLESON, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 15, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 15th day of June, 2022. SUSAN LEE BURLESON 4860 CURRY ROAD KERNERSVILLE, NC 27284 June 15, 22, 29; July 6, 2022 (paid) NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY Having qualified as Administrator of the

Estate of William Franklin Head, deceased, Guilford County, North Carolina, File No. 22-E-1952, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file an itemized, verified statement thereof with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of September, 2022 (90 days from this date of publication) or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt payment. This the 15th day of June, 2022. Laurine Head 2570 Sandy Drive Marietta, GA 30066

persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at P.O. Box 5994, Greensboro, North Carolina 27435, on or before the 13th day of September, 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 15th day of June. Patricia A. McMath Janet N. Baughn Co-Executors of the Estate of Rebecca N. Nance

Attorney for the Estate: Danielle Feller Daly Mills Family Law 111 West Broad Street Statesville, NC 28677 June 15, 22, 29; July 6, 2022

Jonathan M. Parisi Attorney at Law Spangler Estate Planning P.O. Box 5994 Greensboro, NC 27435 June 15, 22, 29 and July 6, 2022

NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY 22 E 1049 The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Executor of the Estate of RICHARD THOMAS JINNETTE, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 15, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 15th day of June, 2022.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, Peter Randall Ross, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Susan Sherman Day aka Susan Ross Day, Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate to present such claims to the undersigned in care of the undersigned’s Attorney at their address on or before September 14, 2022 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the above-named Administrator. This the 15th day of June 2022.

NANCY J. ELLINGTON 5661 N. CHURCH ST GREENSBORO, NC 27455 June 15, 22, 29; July 6, 2022 (PAID) NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Executor of the Estate of JANICE P. AMMONS aka JANICE CLEO PENLEY AMMONS, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 15, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 15th day of June, 2022. SHANE R. LOCKLEAR AKA SHANE LOCKLEAR 1519 RITTERS LAKE ROAD GREENSBORO, NC 27406 June 15, 22, 29; July 6, 2022 (PAID) NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Co-Executor of the Estate of EDDIE HAMILTON MOODY, JR. aka EDDIE H. MOODY, JR., deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 15, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 15th day of June, 2022. REX JASON MOODY 10346 NASH CHAPEL HILL, NC 27517 JOEL BRIAN MOODY 6010 LUCYE LANE GREENSBORO, NC 27410 June 15, 22, 29; July 6, 2022 NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Personal Representative of the Estate of RONALD MACK SIMPSON, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 14, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 15th day of June, 2022. MARY KAY SIMPSON 4610 LAKE BRANDT ROAD GREENSBORO, NC 27455 Personal Representative of the Estate of Ronald Mack Simpson, Sr. 22 E 2001 Attorney: John W. Kirkman, Jr. 100 S. Elm Street, Suite 410 Greensboro,NC 27401 336-274-7898 June 15, 22, 29; July 6, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, Jerry Lynn Vanhoy, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Yvonne Jewel Vanhoy aka Yvonne Swinney Vanhoy, Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate to present such claims to the undersigned in care of the undersigned’s Attorney at their address on or before September 14, 2022 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the above-named Administrator. This the 15th day of June 2022. Jerry Lynn Vanhoy, Administrator Estate of Yvonne Jewel Vanhoy aka Yvonne Swinney Vanhoy Justin N. Plummer, Esq. Law Offices of Cheryl David 528 College Rd. Greensboro, NC 27410 Telephone: (336) 547-9999 Facsimile: (336) 547-9477 June 15, 22, 29 and July 6, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD All persons, firms and corporations having claims against JEFFREY GEORGE LEWIS WILLS, deceased, are notified to exhibit them to TONYA MILLER WILLS, Executrix of the decedent’s estate, on or before September 15, 2022, at 4200 North Church Street, Greensboro, North Carolina, 27455, or be barred from their recovery. Debtors of the decedent are asked to make immediate payment to the above-named Tonya Miller Wills. This the 15th day of June 2022. Henderson & Henderson, Attorneys 4200 N. Church Street Greensboro, NC 27455 336-288-0222 June 15, 22, 29 and July 6, 2022 (PAID) NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of Rebecca N. Nance, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all

Peter Randall Ross, Administrator Estate of Susan Sherman Day aka Susan Ross Day Justin N. Plummer, Esq. Law Offices of Cheryl David 528 College Rd. Greensboro, NC 27410 Telephone: (336) 547-9999 Facsimile: (336) 547-9477 June 15, 22, 29 and July 6, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned,, having qualified as CoAdministrators of the Estate of WILLIAM A. LEWIS SR. aka WILLIAM ANDERSON LEWIS SR. Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate to present such claims to the undersigned on or before September 15, 2022 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the above-named Administrator. This the 15th day of June 2022. ANGELA KAY LEWIS MCGEE 5227 BETHANY PARK DR. PLEASANT GARDEN, NC 27313 WILLIAM A. LEWIS, JR. 566 RAMBLEWOOD CIRCLE LITTLE RIVER, SC 29566 June 15, 22, 29 and July 6, 2022 (paid) NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned,, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of BETTY JEAN AKER aka BETTY JEAN BOTKIN AKER, Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate to present such claims to the undersigned on or before September 15, 2022 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the above-named Administrator. This the 15th day of June 2022. Brandon David Aker 7850 Clinard Farm Road, Lot B High Point, NC 27265 June 15, 22, 29 and July 6, 2022 (paid) NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES E. STARMER, JR. The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Executor of the Estate of James E. Starmer, Jr., deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Thursday, September 15, 2022 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 15th day of June, 2022. Linda T. Starmer, Executor James E. Starmer, Jr., Deceased c/o Davis McDonald, Esq. Carruthers & Roth, P.A. Attorneys & Counselors at Law 235 North Edgeworth Street (27401) Post Office Box 540 Greensboro, North Carolina 27402 June 15, 22, 29 and July 6, 2022 NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PROCESS OF PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION 22 CVS 4324 Anser J. Wareatch and Khan M. Ail Plaintiffs, Vs. Akir S. Khan, Anwar S. Khan, Sohail Khan, and K. and Khan, Inc., Defendants. TO: Sohail Khan Last known address: Sohail Khan Last known address: 5502 Turtle Cove Court Greensboro, North Carolina 27410 TAKE NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above-entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is: Breach of contract, Interference with contract. Relief sought: money damages, attorneys fees and costs You are to make a defense to this pleading not later than July 25, 2022, said date being 40 days after the first publication of this notice, and upon our failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 15th day of June, 2022. David W. McDonald Hicks, McDonald, Noecker, LLP 100 South Elm Street, Suite 510 Greensboro, NC 27401 336-574-0200 June 15, 22, 29, 2022 NOTICE TO DEBTORS & CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Roger Donald Ingold, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 15, 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 15th day of June, 2022 Phyllis G. Ingold Administrator of the Estate of Roger Donald Ingold 4755 New Walkertown Rd. Walkertown, North Carolina 27051 June 15, 22, 29 and July 6, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Pamela Webb a/k/a Pamela S. Webb, Pamela Smith Webb, late of 150 Asbill Avenue, High Point, Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the



undersigned at the law offices of Hatfield, Mountcastle, Deal, Van Zandy, & Mann, L.L.P., 2990 Bethesda Place, Suite 605-C, Winston-Salem, NC, 27103, 336/768-1842 on or before the 16th day of September, 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 10th day of June, 2022 Heather Walling, Executor of the Estate of Pamela Webb R. Brandt Deal hatfield, Mountcasle, Deal, Van Zandt & Mann, L.L.P. 2990 Bethesda Place, Suite 605C Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Phone 336-768-1842 Fax: 336-768-1773 June 15, 22, 29 and July 6, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD File No: 22-E-2064 ON ESTATE OF: Montrell Antonio Rudd ALL persons, firms and corporations having claims against Montrell Antonio Rudd, deceased are notified to exhibit them to Tifanie L. Rudd, c/o Kenneth M. Johnson, P.A. 701 E. Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27401, Administrator for decedent’s Estate, on or before the 16th day of September 2022, or be barred from their recovery. Debtors of the decedent are asked to make immediate payment to the above-named Administrator. This 15th day of June 2022. Tifanie L. Rudd c/o Kenneth M. Johnson 701 E Market Street Greensboro, NC 27401 Kenneth M. Johnson Attorney at Law PO Box 21247 Greensboro, NC 27420 (336) 272-8273 June 15, 22, 29 and July 6, 2022 (PAID) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE ESTATE OF DESIREE A. SEMPLISS, DECEASED All persons, firms and corporations having claims against Desiree A. Sempliss, deceased of Guilford County, North Carolina, are notified to present such claims to the undersigned on or before September 16, 2022 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 10th day of June 2022. Kenneth A. Smith, Administrator of the Estate of Desiree A. Sempliss C/O Michael Nash, Attorney for Estate PO Box 4578 Greensboro, NC 27404 Telephone: 336-337-6219 June 15, 22, 29 and July 6, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of CHRISTA L. TREDWAY, Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate to present such claims to the undersigned on or before September 14, 2022 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 15th day of June 2022. JOANN E. TREDWAY 2828 SW 36thTERRACE CAPE CORAL, FL 33914 (paid) June 15, 22, 29 and July 6, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Ann Geraldine Crenshaw a/k/a Geraldine H. Crenshaw, late of Guilford County North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at P.O. Box 5994, Greensboro, North Carolina 27435, on or before the 20th day of September 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. Patricia C. Ghering Executor of the Estate of Ann Geraldine Crenshaw a/k/a Geraldine H. Crenshaw Jonathan M. Parisi Attorney at Law Spangler Estate Planning P.O. Box 5994 Greensboro, NC 27435 June 22, 29; July 6, 13, 2022 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF MARVIN REED ELECTRIC CO., INC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Articles of Dissolution of MARVIN REED ELECTRIC CO., INC, a North Carolina corporation, were filed in the Office of the Secretary of State of North Carolina on June 14, 2022, and that all creditors and claimants against the corporation are required to present their respective claims and demands immediately in writing to the corporation so that it may proceed to collect its assets, convey and dispose of its properties, pay, satisfy, and discharge its liabilities and obligations, and do all other acts required to liquidate its business and affairs. Any such claim must be submitted in writing to the corporation at the address below and must set forth the full name of the claimant, contact person, and telephone number of the claimant, amount of the claim (expressed in U.S. Dollars), and detailed description of the basis of the claim. Any claim against the corporation will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce such claim is brought against the corporation within five (5) years after the date of this publication. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. MARVIN REED ELECTRIC CO., INC PO Box 10943 Greensboro, NC 27404 Nathan A. Chrisawn, Attorney Gallimore Levy Chrisawn Gallimore PLLC 1838 Eastchester Drive, Suite 100 High Point, NC 27265 (336) 754-8500 June 22, 2022 ($95) NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, DeeAnna Staley Lilly, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Thomas Eugene Lilly, Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate to present such claims to the undersigned in care of the undersigned’s Attorney at their address on or before September 26, 2022, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the above-named Executor. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. DeeAnna Staley Lilly, Executor Estate of Thomas Eugene Lilly Blaire D. McClanahan, Esq. Law Offices of Cheryl David 528 College Rd. Greensboro, NC 27410 Telephone: (336) 547-9999 Facsimile: (336) 547-9477 June 22,29, 2022; July 6 ,13, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of DORIS BERNICE AKERHOLM HOOVER, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 25, 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. KENNETH L. HOOVER aka

KENNETH LEE HOOVER 301 PINEWOOD PLACE EDEN, NC 27288 June 22,29, 2022; July 6,13, 2022 (NC)

NOTICE TO CREDITORS NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of PATRICIA A. COCHRAN, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 25, 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. Kathleen C. Clayton 5809 Stanleyville Drive Rural Hall, NC 27045 June 22,29, 2022; July 6,13, 2022 ((paid)

NOTICE TO CREDITORS NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of MICHAEL HALL, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 25, 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. DEBORAH H. HALL 2607 FUZZY HOLLOW DRIVE PLEASANT GARDEN, NC 27313 June 22,29, 2022; July 6,13, 2022 ((paid)

NOTICE TO CREDITORS NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY Having qualified as Executor of the ESTATE OF JOAN WOOD BROWN, late of Spring Arbor Assisted Living, 5125 Michaux Rd., Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina, 27410, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the Estate of said Decedent to present them to the undersigned at 301 N. Elm St., Suite 800, Greensboro, NC 27401, on or before September 25, 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. CHANDRA WOOD YOUNG, Executor c/o Higgins Benjamin, PLLC William P. Benjamin, Esq. Greensboro, NC 27401 June 22,29, 2022; July 6,13, 2022

NOTICE TO CREDITORS NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified heretofore qualified as Executor of the Estate of LESLIE PHILIP HERMELIN, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 22, 2022, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2022.

Marcia Jane Hermelin, Executor 1708 Fox Hollow Road Greensboro, NC 27410 TUGGLE DUGGINS, P.A. PO Box 2888 Greensboro, NC 27402 Telephone: (336) 378-1431 June 22,29, 2022; July 6,13, 2022

NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Judith Collins Millar, late of 702 Sunset Drive, High Point, Guilford County, North Carolina 27262 does hereby notify all persons, firms or corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned c/o Angela Kreinbrink, McAllister, Aldridge & Kreinbrink, PLLC, at P.O. Box 5006, High Point, North Carolina 27262 on or before the 22nd day of September 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June 2022.

Marian Gail Millar aka Marian Gale Millar Executor of the Estate of Judith Collins Millar Angela Kreinbrink RESIDENT PROCESS AGENT Attorney at Law McAllister, Aldridge & Kreinbrink, PLLC PO Box 5006 201 Neal Place High Point, North Carolina 27262 June 22, 29, July 6, 13, 2022

NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Executor of the Estate of Mary Gay H. Brady aka Mary Gay Halbleib Brady aka Mary Gay Brady, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 22, 2022, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22” day of June, 2022. J. Scott Dillon, Executor Estate of Mary Gay H. Brady aka Mary Gay Halbleib Brady aka Mary Gay Brady, Deceased c/o J. Aaron Bennett, Esq. Carruthers & Roth, P.A. Attorneys & Counselors at Law 235 North Edgeworth Street Post Office Box 540 Greensboro, North Carolina 27402 June 22, 29, July 6, 13, 2022 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DAVIDSON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NO. 21 JT 63 NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION IN THE MATTER OF: BELCHER TO: Sanay Htoo, Father of A Male Child, born June 30, 2021 in Davidson County, North Carolina. TO: Ley Paw Ley, Father of a Male Child, born June 30, 2021 in Davidson County, North Carolina. TAKE NOTICE that a Petition has been filed against you in the District Court of Davidson County, North Carolina. The nature of the relief being sought is termination of your parental rights. You are required to answer the Petition and make defense to such pleading not later than forty (40) days after the date of first publication of this notice on August 1, 2022. Upon your failure to do so, Petitioner will apply to the court for an order terminating your parental rights.

You have the right to be represented by a lawyer in this case. If you want a lawyer and cannot afford one, the Court will appoint a lawyer to represent you. You may hire a lawyer of your choice at any time, or you may waive the right to a lawyer and represent yourself. Sanay Htoo has been provisionally appointed Katie Hall as an attorney, P O Box 611, Lexington, NC, 27293, 336-242-1122; and Ley Paw Ley has been provisionally appointed Tim Smith as an attorney, P O Box 1702, Lexington, NC, 27293, 336236-4357. At the first court hearing, the Court will determine whether you qualify for a court-appointed lawyer. If you do not, the lawyer named above will be released. NOTE: If a lawyer is appointed for you and if the Court terminates your parental rights, you may become liable for repayment of the lawyer’s fees and a judgment for the amount of the fees may be entered against

4 Wednesday, June 29, 2022 | Jamestown News

you. You are entitled to attend any hearing affecting your parental rights. The contact information for the Court is: Juvenile Division, 110 W. Center St., Lexington, NC 27292, (336)-242-6709. Jason F. Hicks NC State Bar No. 57028 Assistant County Attorney Davidson County Post Office Box 1067 Lexington, North Carolina 27293-1067 Telephone: (336) 236-3084 June 22, 29; July 6, 2022 (245 PAID) NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY All persons, firms and corporations having claims against TODD WAYNE ALLEN, deceased, are notified to exhibit them to Karen B. Allen as Executrix of the decedent’s estate on or before September 22, 2022, at 206 Barden Drive, Kernersville, NC 27284, or be barred from their recovery. Debtors of the decedent are asked to make immediate payment to the above-named Executrix. This the 22” day of June, 2022. Karen B. Allen, Executrix Durant M. Glover Attorney for Executrix Frassineti & Glover PO Drawer 1799 Greensboro, NC 27402-1799 Telephone: (336) 273-9794 June 22, 29, July 6, 13, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified heretofore qualified as Administrator of the Estate of JACQUELINE REBECCA BARLOW, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 22, 2022, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. ANGELA LOU FREEMAN 8 SEDGELANE COURT GREENSBORO, NC 27407 June 22,29, 2022; July 6,13, 2022(paid) NOTICE TO CREDITORS NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified heretofore qualified as Executor of the Estate of JAMES CLARK, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 22, 2022, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. MARILYN HAMMONDS 10898 SHANNON ROAD SHANNON,NC 28386 June 22,29, 2022; July 6,13, 2022 (paid) NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of FRANCES VIRGINIA RHODES, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of September, 2022, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. Stara Daughtridge, Administrator of the Estate of Frances Virginia Rhodes 2505 Hilburn Drive High Point, NC 27260 Jennifer Noble Fox Rothschild LLP P.O. Box 21927 Greensboro, NC 27420-1927 June 22,29, 2022; July 6,13, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD All persons, firms and corporations


having claims against MICHAEL WAYNE DUNN, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, are hereby notified to present them to Carolyn W. Dunn, as Administrator of the decedent’s estate, on or before September 22, 2022, in care of the undersigned’s attorney, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the above-named Administrator. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. Carolyn W. Dunn Administrator of the Estate of Michael Wayne Dunn Steven W. Arrington, Esq. The Arrington Firm, P.C. P. O. Box 4753 Greensboro, NC 27404 June 22,29, 2022; July 6,13, 2022 NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of James Baxter Robinson, late of 4600 James Landing Apt 1D, Jamestown, Guilford County, North Carolina 27282 does hereby notify all persons, firms or corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned c/o Angela Kreinbrink, McAllister, Aldridge & Kreinbrink, PLLC, at P.O. Box 5006, High Point, North Carolina 27262 on or before the 22nd day of September 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June 2022. Clarke Lewis Robinson Administrator of the Estate of James Baxter Robinson Angela Kreinbrink Attorney at Law McAllister, Aldridge & Kreinbrink, PLLC PO Box 5006 201 Neal Place High Point, North Carolina 27262 June 22,29, 2022; July 6,13, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS OF MARCIA W. JONES aka MARCIA WIEBE JONES The undersigned, Roland M. Jones, Jr., having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Marcia W. Jones aka Marcia Wiebe Jones., deceased, a resident of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned or his attorney on or before September 23, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. Roland M. Jones, Jr., Executor Mike Casterlow, Attorney at Law The Elderlaw Firm 403 W. Fisher Avenue Greensboro, NC 27401 336-378-1122 June 22, 29, July 6 and 13, 2022.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY 22-E-1972 The undersigned, having qualified heretofore qualified as Administrator of the Estate of WANDA KAYE JONES, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 20th days of September 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. Scott Andrew Jones, Administrator c/o Dennis E. Boring Attorney at Law 318 South Eugene Street Greensboro, NC 27401 Telephone: 336-275-8591 June 22,29, 2022; July 6,13, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified heretofore qualified as CO-Executors

NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION GUILFORD COUNTY BEFORE THE CLERK 21 SP 396 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Shirley M. Allen and Paul A. Allen (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Shirley M. Allen and Paul A. Allen, Heirs of Shirley M. Allen: Cosette Renee Blackmer) to William R. Echols, Trustee(s), dated December 7, 2006, and recorded in Book No. R 6646, at Page 1370 in Guilford County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Guilford County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse, West Door U-G Level in Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 10:00 AM on June 29, 2022 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in Greensboro in the County of Guilford, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: All of Lot 16, Block D, Holiday Hills Subdivision, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 36, Page 87, Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina. Together with improvements located thereon; said property being located at 4105 Lagrange Drive, Greensboro, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to appli-

of the Estate of HENRY OBED BLAKE, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 22, 2022, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. ANNA B. SNIDER 3812 MOSSY ROCK RD. GREENSBORO, NC 27406 MARGARET B. VAN POUCKE 8116 RENFREW ROAD GREENSBORO, NC 27409 June 22,29, 2022; July 6,13, 2022(paid)

NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, Brian Akers Hall, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of William Lynn Hall, Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate to present such claims to the undersigned in care of the undersigned’s Attorney at their address on or before September 22, 2022 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the above named Administrator. This the 22nd day of June, 2022. Brian Akers Hall, Administrator Estate of William Lynn Hall Justin N. Plummer, Esq. Law Offices of Cheryl David 528 College Rd. Greensboro, NC 27410 Telephone: (336) 547-9999 Facsimile: (336) 547-9477 June 22,29, 2022; July 6,13, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, The Law Offices of Cheryl David, Blaire D. McClanahan, Agent, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Frances McGeady George, Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate to present such claims to the undersigned in care of the undersigned’s Attorney at their address on or before October 3, 2022, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the above-named Executor. This the 21st day of June, 2022. The Law Offices of Cheryl David, Blaire D. McClanahan, Agent, Executor Estate of Frances McGeady George Blaire D. McClanahan, Esq. Law Offices of Cheryl David 528 College Rd. Greensboro, NC 27410 Telephone: (336) 547-9999 Facsimile: (336) 547-9477 June 29; July 6, 13 & 20, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, Kay H. Chesnutt, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of EDWIN LEE CHESNUTT, Deceased, late of Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having any claim against the Estate of said decedent to present such claims to the undersigned c/o Howard L. Williams, Esq., Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & Leonard, L.L.P., P.O. Box 26000, Greensboro, NC 27420 on or before September 29, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned Executor. This, the 29th day of June, 2022. KAY H. CHESNUTT Executor of the Estate of Edwin Lee Chesnutt, Deceased Howard L. Williams, Attorney Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & Leonard, L.L.P. PO Box 26000 Greensboro, NC 27420 June 29; July 6, 13 & 20, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD

cable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the deposit. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including SingleFamily Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. This the 15th of June, 2022 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 4194 - 15107 June 15, 22, 2022 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION GUILFORD COUNTY BEFORE THE CLERK 22 SP 800 Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust made by Oscar R. Conde (PRESENT RECORD OWNER(S): Oscar R. Conde) to William R. Echols, Trustee(s), dated May 25, 2007, and recorded in Book No. R 6730, at Page 168 in Guilford County Registry, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the

The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of MICHAEL J. NEELY aka MICHAEL JEROME NEELY, Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate to present such claims to the undersigned in care of the undersigned’s Attorney at their address on or before September 30, 2022, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the above-named Executor. This the 29th day of June, 2022. EDWARD DEANDRE NEELY 4315 KILDARE DRIVE GREENSBORO, NC 27405 June 29; July 6, 13 & 20, 2022

NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of SCARLETT ANN HILL, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of September, 2022, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29th day of June, 2022. James Ray Hill, Jr., Administrator of the Estate of Scarlett Ann Hill 7 Saint Augustine Square Greensboro, NC 27408 Jennifer Noble Fox Rothschild LLP P.O. Box 21927 Greensboro, NC 27420-1927 June 29; July 6, 13 & 20, 2022 NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE TO CREDITORS GUILFORD COUNTY Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Steve W. Dean a/k/a Steven Wallace Dean late of Guilford County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms or corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at PO Box 5945, High Point, North Carolina 27262 on or before the 29th day of September, 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29th day of June, 2022. Maria B. Dean, Executor Estate of Steve W. Dean a/k/a Steven Wallace Dean PO Box 5945 High Point, North Carolina 27262 Kevin L. Rochford, Attorney Estate of Steve W. Dean a/k/a Steven Wallace Dean PO Box 5945 High Point, North Carolina 27262 June 29; July 6, 13 & 20, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SHIRLEY M. BOWKER (A/K/A SHIRLEY ISABEL MONEZ BOWKER) The undersigned, having heretofore qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of Shirley M. Bowker (a/k/a Shirley Isabel Monez Bowker), deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before Thursday, September 29, 2022, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29th day of June, 2022. Ross E. Bowker (a/k/a Ross Edwin Bowker), Co-Executor Janet E. Bowker (a/k/a Janet Elaine Bowker), Co-Executor Shirley M. Bowker (a/k/a Shirley Isabel Monez Bowker), Deceased c/o Gregory S. Williams, Esq. Carruthers & Roth, P.A. Attorneys & Counselors at Law 235 North Edgeworth Street (27401) Post Office Box 540 Greensboro, North Carolina 27402 June 29; July 6, 13 & 20, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS

NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of MICHAEL BRUSH HUSSEY of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 28, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29th day of June, 2022. Margaret H. Hussey Executor of the Estate of Michael Brush Hussey 511 Emerywood Drive High Point NC Edgar S. Levy III Gallimore Levy Chrisawn Gallimore PLLC 1838 Eastchester Drive, Ste 100 High Point, NC 27265 Telephone: (336) 754-8489 June 29, July 6, 13, 20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NORTH CAROLINA GUILFORD COUNTY 22 E 2199 The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the Estate of AUDREY HEUSKIN, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before September 28, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms or corporations indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29th day of June, 2022. Patricia Wray Executor of the Estate of Audrey Heuskin, Deceased c/o Lawrence J. D’Amelio, III Attorney for Estate 1834 Pembroke Rd., Suite 2 Greensboro, NC 27408 June 29, July 6, 13, 20

NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD All persons, firms and corporations having claims against REBECCA W. HANSLEY, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, are hereby notified to present them to Sylvia Karen Hudgins aka Karen Williams Hudgins, as Executor of the decedent’s estate, on or before September 29, 2022, in care of the undersigned’s attorney, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the above-named Executor. This the 29th day of June, 2022. Sylvia Karen Hudgins aka Karen Williams Hudgins, Executor of the Estate of Rebecca W. Hansley Steven W. Arrington, Esq. The Arrington Firm, P.C. P. O. Box 4753 Greensboro, NC 27404 June 29; July 6, 13, 20, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD All persons, firms and corporations having claims against SHELBY PORTER DOUGLAS, aka SHELBY P. DOUGLAS, deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, are hereby notified to present them to John F. Douglas, III, as Administrator of the decedent’s estate, on or before September 29, 2022, in care of the undersigned’s attorney, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the above-named Administrator. This the 29th day of June, 2022.

present them to Jasmin J. Nicholson, as Administrator of the decedent’s estate, on or before September 29, 2022, in care of the undersigned’s attorney, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the above-named Administrator. This the 29th day of June, 2022. Jasmin J. Nicholson, Administrator of the Estate of Charles Alexander Nicholson, Sr. Steven W. Arrington, Esq. The Arrington Firm, P.C. P. O. Box 4753 Greensboro, NC 27404 June 29; July 6, 13, 20, 2022

NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD Having qualified as Limited Personal Representative of the Estate of Kenneth L. Nance aka Kenneth Leo Nance, late of Guilford County North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at P.O. Box 5994, Greensboro, North Carolina 27435, on or before the 27th day of September 2022, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 29th day of June, 2022.

Janet N. Baughn Limited Personal Representative of the Estate of Kenneth L. Nance aka Kenneth Leo Nance Jonathan M. Parisi Attorney at Law Spangler Estate Planning P.O. Box 5994 Greensboro, NC 27435 June 29; July 6, 13, 20, 2022

NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD The undersigned, Larry Gene Gregory Jr. and Donna Gail Solomon having qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of Larry Gene Gregory a/k/a Larry Gregory Sr., Deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, hereby notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the Estate to present such claims to the undersigned in care of the undersigned’s Attorney at their address on or before September 28, 2022 or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the above named Co-Executors. This the 29th day of June 2022. Larry Gene Gregory Jr., Co-Executor Donna Gail Solomon, Co-Executor Estate of Larry Gene Gregory a/k/a Larry Gregory Sr. Justin N. Plummer, Esq. Law Offices of Cheryl David 528 College Rd. Greensboro, NC 27410 Telephone: (336) 547-9999 Facsimile: (336) 547-9477 June 29, July 6, 13, and 20, 2022

John F. Douglas, III, Administrator of the Estate of Shelby Porter Douglas Steven W. Arrington, Esq. The Arrington Firm, P.C. P. O. Box 4753 Greensboro, NC 27404 June 29; July 6, 13, 20, 2022 NOTICE TO CREDITORS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GUILFORD All persons, firms and corporations having claims against CHARLES ALEXANDER NICHOLSON, SR., deceased, late of Guilford County, North Carolina, are hereby notified to

promissory note secured by the said Deed of Trust and the undersigned, Substitute Trustee Services, Inc. having been substituted as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an instrument duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds Guilford County, North Carolina and the holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness having directed that the Deed of Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse, West Door U-G Level in Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina, or the customary location designated for foreclosure sales, at 10:00 AM on July 6, 2022 and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the following real estate situated in High Point in the County of Guilford, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being all of Lot 3, Block F, Map 2, of Chestnut Hills Townhouses, as shown on the plat recorded in Plat Book 74, page 135, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Guilford County, North Carolina. Including the Unit located thereon; said Unit being located at 1409-C Chestnut Drive, High Point, North Carolina. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole discretion, delay the sale for up to one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. §45-21.23. Should the property be purchased by a third party, that party must pay the excise tax, as well as the court costs of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). The property to be offered pursuant to this notice of sale is being offered for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor the holder of the note secured by the deed of trust/security agreement, or both, being foreclosed, nor the officers, directors, attorneys, employees, agents or authorized representative of either the Trustee or the holder of the note make any representation or warranty relating to the title or any physical, environmental, health or safety conditions existing in, on, at or relating to the property being offered for sale, and any and all responsibilities or liabilities arising out of or in any way relating to any such condition are expressly disclaimed. Also, this property is being sold subject to all taxes, special assessments, and prior liens or prior encumbrances of record and any recorded releases. Said property is also being sold subject to applicable Federal and State laws. A deposit of five percent (5%) of the purchase price, or seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever is greater, is required and must be tendered in the form of certified funds at the time of the sale. If the trustee is unable to convey title to this property for any reason, the sole remedy of the purchaser is the return of the deposit. Reasons of such inability to convey include, but are not limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy petition prior to the confirmation of the sale and reinstatement of the loan without the knowledge of the trustee. If the validity of the sale is challenged by any party, the trustee, in its sole discretion, if it believes the challenge to have merit, may request the court to declare the sale to be void and return the depos-

June 29; July 6, 13 & 20, 2022 (150)

it. The purchaser will have no further remedy. Additional Notice for Residential Property with Less than 15 rental units, including SingleFamily Residential Real Property An order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold.

Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may after receiving the notice of foreclosure sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in this notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVICES, INC. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE c/o Hutchens Law Firm P.O. Box 1028 4317 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Phone No: (910) 864-3068 https://sales.hutchenslawfirm.com Firm Case No: 7115 - 26893 June 22, 29, 2022 (858) NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION GUILFORD COUNTY BEFORE THE CLERK Special Proceedings No. 22 SP 702 Substitute Trustee: Philip A. Glass NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Date of Sale: July 7, 2022 Time of Sale: 10:00 a.m. Place of Sale: Guilford County Courthouse Description of Property: See Attached Description Exhibit A

Being all of Lot 239 Chapel Ridge Subdivision Central Section Phase 2 Map 1 as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 173, Page 148 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Guilford County, North Carolina.

Subject to easements, restrictions and rights of way of record, and utility lines and rights of way in existence over, under or upon the above described property.

PIN: 7876499456 Property Address: 3 Grace Chapel Court, Greensboro, NC 27405 Record Owners: Terri Clemons Address of Property: 3 Grace Chapel Court Greensboro, NC 27405

Coffee Break


Wednesday June 29, 2022

Need to place a notice? Call Charles at 336-316-1231!

LEGAL NOTICES Deed of Trust: Book : R 7844 Page: 2447 Dated: August 15, 2016 Grantors: Terri Clemons Original Beneficiary: State Employees’ Credit CONDITIONS OF SALE: Should the Union property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay the tax of Forty-five Cents (45¢) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). This sale is made subject to all unpaid taxes and superior liens or encumbrances of record and assessments, if any, against the said property, and any recorded leases. This sale is also subject to any applicable county land transfer tax, and the successful third party bidder shall be required to make payment for any such county land transfer tax. A cash deposit of 5% of the purchase price will be required at the time of the sale. Any successful bidder shall be required to tender the full balance of the purchase price so bid in cash or certified check at the time the Substitute Trustee tenders to him a deed for the property or attempts to tender such deed, and should said successful bidder fail to pay the full balance purchase price so bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Carolina General Statutes Section 45-21.30 (d) and (e). This sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bids as required by law. Residential real property with less than 15 rental units, including single-family residential real property: an order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 4521.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Dated: 6/9/22 Philip A. Glass, Substitute Trustee Nodell, Glass & Haskell, LLP 5540 Centerview Drive, Suite 416 Raleigh, NC 27606 (919)821-2600, Posted on 6/9/22 June 29; July 6, 2022 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION GUILFORD COUNTY BEFORE THE CLERK

Special Proceedings No. 22 SP 477 Substitute Trustee: Philip A. Glass RE-NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Date of Sale: July 7, 2022 Time of Sale: 10:00 a.m. Place of Sale: Guilford County Courthouse Description of Property: See BELOW Exhibit A CERTAIN PREMISES IN THE MOREHEAD TOWNSHIP, GUILFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL OF LOT 16, IN BLOCK 5 AS SHOWN ON PLAT 27 IN THE SUBDIVISION OF THE PROPERTY OF CONE MILLS CORPORATION, GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OF GUILFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, IN PLAT BOOK 27, PAGE 5. THIS BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CONVEYED TO HERMAN E. VANSTORY, JR., DATED 06/17/2010 AND RECORDED ON 06/17/2010 IN BOOK R 7134, PAGE 2626, IN THE GUILFORD COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE. Subject to easements, restrictions and rights of way of record, and utility lines and rights of way in existence over, under or upon the above described property. PIN: 7875176628 Property Address: 1214 Gordon St. Greensboro, NC 27405 Record Owners: Heirs of Herman E. Vanstory, Jr. Address of Property: 1214 Gordon Street Greensboro, NC 27405 Deed of Trust: Book : R 8086 Page: 1413 Dated: September 10, 2018 Grantors: Herman E. Vanstory, Jr. Original Beneficiary: State Employees’ Credit Union CONDITIONS OF SALE: Should the property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay the tax of Forty-five Cents (45¢) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). This sale is made subject to all unpaid taxes and superior liens or encumbrances of record and assessments, if any, against the said property, and any recorded leases. This sale is also subject to any applicable county land transfer tax, and the successful third party bidder shall be required to make payment for any such county land transfer tax. A cash deposit of 5% of the purchase price will be required at the time of the sale. Any successful bidder shall be required to tender the full balance of the purchase price so bid in cash or certified check at the time the Substitute Trustee tenders to him a deed for the property or attempts to tender such deed, and

should said successful bidder fail to pay the full balance purchase price so bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Carolina General Statutes Section 45-21.30 (d) and (e). This sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bids as required by law. Residential real property with less than 15 rental units, including single-family residential real property: an order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 4521.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Dated: 6/2/22 Philip A. Glass, Substitute Trustee Nodell, Glass & Haskell, L.L.P. Nodell, Glass & Haskell 5540 Centerview Drive, Suite 416 Raleigh, NC 27606 Posted on 6/2/22 June 29; July 6, 2022 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION GUILFORD COUNTY BEFORE THE CLERK Special Proceedings No. 22 SP 702 Substitute Trustee: Philip A. Glass NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE Date of Sale: July 7, 2022 Time of Sale: 10:00 a.m. Place of Sale: Guilford County Courthouse Description of Property: See Below Description Exhibit A Being all of Lot 239 Chapel Ridge Subdivision Central Section Phase 2 Map 1 as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 173, Page 148 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Guilford County, North Carolina.

Jamestown News | Wednesday, June 29, 2022


Court, Greensboro, NC 27405 Record Owners: Terri Clemons Address of Property: 3 Grace Chapel Court Greensboro, NC 27405

Deed of Trust: Book : R 7844 Page: 2447 Dated: August 15, 2016 Grantors: Terri Clemons Original Beneficiary: State Employees’ Credit Union CONDITIONS OF SALE: Should the property be purchased by a third party, that person must pay the tax of Forty-five Cents (45¢) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1).

This sale is made subject to all unpaid taxes and superior liens or encumbrances of record and assessments, if any, against the said property, and any recorded leases. This sale is also subject to any applicable county land transfer tax, and the successful third party bidder shall be required to make payment for any such county land transfer tax.

A cash deposit of 5% of the purchase price will be required at the time of the sale. Any successful bidder shall be required to tender the full balance of the purchase price so bid in cash or certified check at the time the Substitute Trustee tenders to him a deed for the property or attempts to tender such deed, and should said successful bidder fail to pay the full balance purchase price so bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Carolina General Statutes Section 45-21.30 (d) and (e). This sale will be held open ten (10) days for upset bids as required by law.

Residential real property with less than 15 rental units, including single-family residential real property: an order for possession of the property may be issued pursuant to G.S. 4521.29 in favor of the purchaser and against the party or parties in possession by the clerk of superior court of the county in which the property is sold. Any person who occupies the property pursuant to a rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after October 1, 2007, may, after receiving notice of sale, terminate the rental agreement by providing written notice of termination to the landlord, to be effective on a date stated in the notice that is at least 10 days, but not more than 90 days, after the sale date contained in the notice of sale, provided that the mortgagor has not cured the default at the time the tenant provides the notice of termination. Upon termination of a rental agreement, the tenant is liable for rent due under the rental agreement prorated to the effective date of the termination. Dated: 6/9/22

Subject to easements, restrictions and rights of way of record, and utility lines and rights of way in existence over, under or upon the above described property.

Philip A. Glass, Substitute Trustee Nodell, Glass & Haskell, L.L.P. Nodell, Glass & Haskell, LLP 5540 Centerview Drive, Suite 416 Raleigh, NC 27606 (919)821-2600, ext. 217

PIN: 7876499456 Property Address: 3 Grace Chapel

Posted on 6/9/22 June 29; July 6, 2022


Wednesday June 29, 2022


continued from front “I feel confident in the budget that was presented tonight. I’m satisfied with it.” Councilmember John Capes agreed, noting the recent property assessment where valuations increased. “This was not something Jamestown thought it was a great idea to do. This happened at a larger level. The things we’ve been doing since have been downstream effects of it. It’s important to note that so there is some clarity to know what is happening in Jamestown proper. We have to react and respond to what’s happening around us.” “I agree in several instances that lower taxes are better,” said Councilmember Lawrence Straughn. “We are faced with service increases, changes in things this town has done historically, and they’re going to cost more money.” Councilmember Rebecca Rayborn noted other cities have been hard-hit and had to pull items from their budgets. “We’ve been very consistent with saying what we need and getting the tax money for it,” she said. “Sometimes that has to be moved from year to year.” “Jamestown keeps the standards high and we take care of what we’ve got. That’s what makes Jamestown ‘home’,” Straughn added. The 2022-23 budget goes into effect July 1 of this year. A copy of the budget is included in the June 23, 2022, Council packet, located at https://www.jamestown-nc.gov/my-government/meetingminutes-and-schedules. The budget discussion can be viewed around the two-minute mark at www. youtube.com/c/TownofJamestownNC.



LIFeSTYLeS Making memories

If there is any lesson to be learned from life, it is that nothing stays the same. That has certainly been true of the Dennis Cousin Camp. Originating as a one-day event featuring Olympic-style games, it evolved into an annual camping experience for the entire Dennis family. For the past 17 years, children and grandchildren have gathered in the Dennis backyard in Jamestown to enjoy a full-fledged campout. Many activities have remained the same, such as sleeping in tents, cooking over a campNORMA B. DENNIS fire or on a camp stove, ndworddesign@gmail.com swimming, kayaking, games, storytelling and sporting events. Photo submitted At one time as many sunday afternoon saw the largest group of cousins gathered for as 10-11 tents were the recent dennis family 2022 Cousin Camp. eight were missing spread across the from this photo. small strip of land beyond our fence, seen in the people. From The key objective of the event — crewhich we lovingly pre-teens and toddlers to ating family memories — has always refer to as our “back forty.” This year mostly married and engaged adults, the remained the same, however. And while we averaged three tents to accommodate cousins have gone from full-time campers the future of Cousin Camp is yet to be those who chose to rough it. to come-and-go participants. Some were determined, it is the shared memories that Perhaps the biggest change can be not able to attend at all. will last a lifetime.

Notes from


Good Housekeeping It wouldn’t be an American summer get-together without grilled chicken brushed with barbecue sauce.

chicken: preheat oven to 425 F. Arrange chicken quarters in large roasting pan (17 by 11 1/2 inches), overlapping pieces if necessary. Sprinkle chicken Oven-Steamed Chicken with salt; top with lemon wedgServes 12 es and onion. Cover roasting 3 chickens pan tightly with heavy-duty foil. 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 2. Oven-steam chicken 1 hour 2 lemons and 15 minutes or until juices 1 large onion run clear when thickest part of chicken is pierced with tip 1. Prepare oven-steamed of knife, turning chicken over

halfway through baking time to ensure even cooking. Discard lemon and onion. Refrigerate broth for use another day. Transfer chicken to large platter; cover and refrigerate until ready to grill. 3. Prepare covered grill. Place chicken on hot grill rack over medium heat; cover grill and cook 10 minutes, turning chicken over once. Cook chicken 5 to 10 minutes longer, turn-

ing chicken over occasionally and frequently brushing with barbecue sauce until chicken is heated through and sauce is browned. Heat additional barbecue sauce to serve with chicken. For thousands of triple-tested recipes, visit our website at www.goodhousekeeping.com/food-recipes/. ©2022 Hearst Communications, Inc. All rights reserved

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