A rc h i t ec t u ral
T h eor y
I n Se a rc h of Ly r ic s to t h e S i r e n s ’ S ong The Blanchotian Narrative of One and the Space-time Fabric of Reality and Imagination . J a m e s F e n g .
Early twentieth century Europe saw a concurrence of socio-political paradigms1. In France, escalating sentiments towards rebuilding national and cultural identities were prevalent and permeated themselves into politics, arts and literature.
Maurice Blanchot’s essay ‘Le Chant des sirènes2’ was written in 1954 and published five years later under the opening chapter named ‘La Rencontre de l’imaginaire3’ of an essay collection Le Livre à venir4. While raising the possibility of creative diversity and alternative approaches in thinking, the concept reveals a multifaceted insight into negotiation and approach to irreality5.
The effects of WWI & Nazi occupation had profound impacts of the literary and art world, particularly
evident in Levinas’ ethics philosophy of the Other. 2
‘The Sirens’ song’
‘The Encounter with the Imaginary’
The Book of Events still to Come
Irreality is referred to as imagination occurring in an natural environment, the seductive nature of the song
comes from its reality of the irreal.