FOREWORD This report provides an analysis of research conducted and a description of the creative solution developed by an undergraduate student team from Herron School of Art and Design in Indianapolis Indiana. The results of the research linked poor graduation rates to low socioeconomic status, a lack of caring adult relationships and safety concerns. More importantly, research revealed that teens at-risk of dropping out have limited or no access to places where they can escape from the stresses of their school and home lives. Using this information as a guide, the team then explored, prototyped and tested several creative solutions that could help improve
graduation rates in Indianapolis Public Schools. What emerged was an incredibly unique solution to the graduation crisis, presented on the following pages of this report.
PROJECT INTRODUCTION As fulfillment for a Visual Communications Design seniorlevel course, the student design team Hubco was formed to address the current situation of graduation rates at Indianapolis Public Schools. The team spent the entire Fall 2012 semester focused on developing a creative design solution that could help local teens at risk of dropping out.
found during the first phase. The third, and final phase focused on developing the best and final prototype to present to community members.
Hubco conducted the project in three phases. Phase one included the research and evaluation of the current situation of Indianapolis graduation rates and students at risk of dropping out. Phase two consisted of prototyping several creative approaches to solving problems
During this project, the team engaged in dialogue with local community stakeholders affiliated with at risk youth and education in Indianapolis. One of these stakeholders was Robert Helfenbein, who holds a PHD and is the Associate Director of the Center for Urban and Multicultural Education. The team also collaborated with Danielle Guerin and Anne West, co-directors of the Student Success Initiative from the Marion County Commission on Youth.
creating a third place
the challenge
project introduction
DEFINING THE PROBLEM In the last decade, declining high school graduation rates have raised many concerns for educators, parents and students nationwide. Each year, roughly 30% of students do not graduate from high school on time (US Department of Commerce, 2009). This issue tends to disproportionately affect the minority and poor populations, which creates a poverty cycle that is extremely difficult to escape.
a person with at least a high school diploma (Harlow, 2003). + Dropouts are more likely to be unemployed, live in poverty, receive public assistance, go to prison, end up on death row, be unhealthy, and get divorced (Bridgeland, 2006). + High school dropouts earn $24,000 on average per year as compared to average earnings of $40,000 per year for individuals with a high school credential (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2008).
+ Dropouts are more likely to receive some type of government assistance and more than eight times as likely to be in jail or prison compared to
creating a third place
There is no single reason as to why students decide to drop out. However, studies clearly indicate that low academic success in key subjects,
the challenge
absence rates, and misbehavior are closely related to a student’s predisposition to drop out. It is very important to understand and recognize when these warning signs are displayed by at risk students. Studies have found that students who eventually drop out typically display one or more warning signs in the sixth grade: failing either English or math, attendance less than 80 percent or a mark of unsatisfactory behavior on their report card. It has also been proven that when the same warning signs were developed after sixth grade, they are not as powerful in predicting eventual dropouts (Balfanz).
defining the problem
N E E D S S TAT E M E N T In order to keep students in school, their social, health, economic and family needs, as well as their academic needs must be met. The schools alone cannot provide this kind of support for students. The collaboration of local community members and organizations is needed to help solve the drop out crisis.
Citizens need to accept responsibility and contribute to the local community by providing teens with community spaces where they can go to simply relax and be with peers without feeling threatened or excluded. The construction of such a space would provide an outlet for at risk students to build relationships with caring adults in the community—increasing their chances of academic success and healthy youth development.
“The schools alone cannot provide this kind of support for students.�
creating a third place
the challenge
needs statement
AUDIENCE Clearly, early identification of warning signs is critical to improving graduation rates. It is also important to identify and understand the students who are affected most. If students are not correctly identified, then efforts and resources could be wasted. Students enrolled in Indianapolis Public Schools between the ages of 12-15 who display early warning signs of dropping out are the primary audience.
Because of the time span these students have between their current situation and the act of dropping out, they have a greater opportunity to change their attitudes and school performance than their older peers. Most of these teens struggle academically and face other barriers to educational attainment such as the lack of parental involvement, not feeling safe either in school or home environments and struggling to balance multiple responsibilities.
Research also shows that they have limited or no community places where they can escape from the stresses of their school and home lives. A report of a youth focus group representing Marion, Hamilton and Hendricks counties, revealed that “they want opportunities and a place to go where they can play intramural sports, to learn to cook, manage money, and learn basic car maintenance and life skills. Most importantly, they want a place where they can go and choose from a variety of no-cost activities.” (United Way, 2008)
“they want opportunities...” creating a third place
the challenge
BACKGROUND American urban sociologist and former professor emeritus of Sociology, Ray Oldenburg, is best known for his written work about the importance of informal public gathering places to communities and public life. He is credited for coining the term “Third Space”. In his book, The Great, Good Place , he defines the “first space” as the home, the “second space” as the workplace and “Third places”, are the public places on neutral ground such as bars, coffee shops, pubs and general stores where people can gather. Oldenburg argues that “third places” are central to a community’s social vitality and the foundation of a functioning democracy. The benefits of a third space serve not only community residents but also the community at large. For an individual, the third place offers stress relief from the everyday demands of both home and work. For the greater community, the third place strengthens community ties through social interaction. It also provides a feeling of safety and security by being publicly accessible and promoting open and visible interaction (Soukup, C. (2006).
creating a third place
the challenge
+ They are on neutral ground. All are welcome, and no one plays “host” + They are a leveler; people of different socio-economic strata attend + Conversation is the main activity. Even though the setting may be a place for drinking, or exercising, or playing a game, talking is always present + They are accessible; there are no physical, policy, or monetary barriers to entrance + They are a home away from home. There are “regulars” who find the atmosphere comfortable enough to “root” them there + The mood is playful, laughter is often heard, and wit is prized
SOLUTION The Bloc would serve as a third space for local Indianapolis teens to socialize and relax away from home and school. Because this space was designed using two repurposed shipping containers, it could easily be transported or duplicated to reach more teens. The space could be located and partnered with neighborhood centers around Indianapolis.
+ To provide a safe place for teens to be away from school or home. + To provide caring adults for teens to build positive relationships with. + To build community partnerships within local neighborhoods. + To motivate and inspire teens who are at risk of dropping out. + To improve graduation rates at local Indianapolis high schools.
creating a third place
the creative approach
CONSTRUCTION On August 8, 1989, a United States patent was granted to Phillip C. Clark for an invention described as a “Method for converting one or more steel shipping containers into a habitable building at a building site and the product thereof.� The document of this patent contains diagrams and information that have created the foundation of many shipping container architectural projects buildings such as offices, homes, apartments, dormitories, art studios and libraries.
There are several benefits to shipping container architecture. First is the cost. Purchasing a shipping container and converting it into a building is relatively inexpensive compared to the cost of constructing a permanent building. Repurposing an existing container is also a more environmentally friendly and time efficient. Design and transportation are also simplified because shipping containers are made to standard measurements and provide modular elements that can be combined.
Some container companies even offer prefabrication services to have the container altered before delivery. Shipping containers allow for design customization as well. The ability to dictate where doors, windows, walls, and facilities are placed ensures that the space can be tailored to a specific use and audience. (Singla, 2011)
creating a third place
the creative approach
O P E R AT I O N S The inside of The Bloc has been designed to be a customizable space. This is appropriate because The Bloc is a temporary space. It may need to be relocated or the inside may need to be rearranged often. What would go inside would depend on the community resources available such as organizations, programs and volunteers. More importantly it would depend on the needs and wants of the student members.
We met with teens from the Marion County Commission on Youth student council to ask them what they would like to see inside a space like The Bloc. We had them draw floor plans and present them at a round table discussion. The most common responses are on the page to the right. As a part of The Bloc’s kit, there is a flash drive with the audio version of the round table discussion, the times are listed with the quote.
O P E R AT I O N S THEATER/STAGE AREA (8:00) “… and then you would have a
theater, which would also double as a stage with surround sound..” (15:10) “If local, small bands could play – that would be cool.” (5:30) “There would be weekly movie screenings or open mic night or things like that.” (6:15) “…dancers, musicians, anyonethey can come.” TECHNOLOGY LAB (4:50) “An Ipad lab – so just having
computer, ipad access…” (8:30) “…a computer lab with free wi-fi, a work out room with a lot of weights, a basketball court and a game room with, like, at least ten different flat screens and game systems…” creating a third place
(4:50) “…Lots of bookshelves with
(7:10) “… a green room, that would be
good books and college resources.” (13:50) “ Comfy chairs, like, chairs where you can take off your shoes and just recline.”
nice.” CAFÉ/KITCHEN AREA (9:07) “… and a cafeteria with a lot of
food and snacks”.
STUDY/WORK AREA (4:50) “There’s free wi-fi and it’s
really bright and colorful and there’s probably, like, big couches – meeting space; and other comfy chairs for if you just want to chill or read or do homework or something....” (10:10) “There are lots of tables for people to do group work”
the creative approach
THE BLOC BRANDING DESCRIPTION defined in the space, for easy classification and association. The symbols are combined with the color palette, also.
After initial the initial research phase was complete, the making
began. The color palette for The Bloc was chosen for the “hip/cool� factor that teens are looking for, also while staying gender neutral. The logo is to resemble the shape of the shipping container through closure by allowing your eye to form the shape. Using black and gray, the only neutrals in the palette, creates a standard for the logo. There may be later uses when the logo may be converted using the rest of the large palette. The pattern was created as an exterior for the shipping containers, as well as a visual graphic element to use as an accent throughout The Bloc, such as the symbols. The symbols are made to use as wayfinding within the interior space of The Bloc. Each area is
creating a third place
the creative approach
branding description
Inspiration for the identity of The Bloc sprouted from the round table discussion with the student focus group (also discussed on the operations pages). The students and experts were able to contribute valuable visual descriptions to begin the branding process. Initial visual research was made to study what is currently being done with the exterior and interior of shipping containers in the world today. Visual research on the branding and identity for brands such as MTV and Nike helped to visually frame the look and feel The Bloc is going for.
This brand is a result of both primary and secondary research that provides a voice for the space as well as the audience.
creating a third place
the creative approach
logo and color
creating a third place
the creative approach
SYMBOLS kitchenette
conference table
creating a third place
work stations
screening room
the creative approach
couch entrance
creating a third place
the creative approach
creating a third place
the creative approach
interior perspective
creating a third place
the creative approach
exterior perspective
S I D E E L E VAT I O N side a
side b
creating a third place
the creative approach
side elevations
F R O N T E L E VAT I O N front a
creating a third place
front b
the creative approach
front elevations
CONCLUSION Creating an environment in our community where all students can access the support and resources they need to succeed will require members of the local Indianapolis community. There are some promising members and organizations present in the Indianapolis community that could get involved to take the next step in fixing the drop out crisis. #1: LOCATION
It could be located and partnered with local community centers, schools and other organizations including: Concord Neighborhood Center Fay Biccard Glick Neighborhood Center Forest Manor Multi-Services Center Hawthorne Community Center
creating a third place
Kaleidoscope Youth Education Center Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center Peace Learning Center #2: MENTORS
Once open, there would need to be responsible adults on site during all hours of operation to help run activities, programming and events. These adults could be community members such as teachers, mentors, counselors, coaches, college students or volunteers from organizations such as: Ace Mentoring Achievement Team Attendance Anonymous College Mentors for Kids Down But Not Out Communications Indiana Youth Group INDYpendence Job Corps
Learning Well Mentors of America The Bully Prevention Alliance Young Audiences of Indiana #3: FUNDING
Ideally, the space would also receive funding and sponsorship from local organizations. Some of these could include: Dollars for Scholars Eli Lilly Co. Goodwill Industries of Central Indiana National Alliance for Child Safety Scholarship America Teachers Credit Union Twenty-first Century Scholars Program United Way of Central Indiana U.S. Department of Education
WORK CITED Balfanz, R., & Byrnes, V. (2006). Closing the mathematics achievement gap in high-poverty middle schools: Enablers and constraints. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 11(2), 143-159. Bridgeland, J.M.; Dilulio, J.J.; Morison, K.B. (2006). The Silent Epidemic: Perspectives of High School Dropouts. A report by Civic Enterprises in association with Peter D. Hart Research Associates for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Harlow, C. W. (revised 2003). Education and Correctional Populations. Bureau of Justice Statistics Special Report. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice. <>. Singla, Smita. “7 Benefits of Shipping Container Home Design.” N.p., Aug. 2011. Web. <http://www.marineinsight. com/marine/environment/7-benefits-of-shipping-container-home-design/>. Soukup, C. (2006). Computer-mediated communication as a virtual third place: B Building Oldenburg’s great good places on the world wide web. New Media & Society, 8, 421–440. United Way of Central Indiana. 2008 COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT CHAPTER 4. United Way, 2008. U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Current Population Survey (CPS), March 2008.
creating a third place
work cited