15th to the 19th Century Technology, letterform construction and typographers

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15th to the 19th century technology, letterform construction and typographers

Right: Johannes Gutenburg’s first printing press.

THE INVENTION OF THE PRINTING press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1450 was an incredible invention that made an impact lasting thousands of years later. Consisting of wooden type, and later metal type, ink was layered onto the raised surfaces of the type and imprinted on to paper by pressing. The production of books began, known as Incunabula, and are known as the first traces oftext (Carter, Day, Meggs). Lithography came about in 1796 by Aloys Senefelder as another form of printing (Lithography). It was a cheaper way to print work onto paper (Lithography). its process consisted of drawing an image into a waxy substance applied to a stone plate to transfer the ink (Lithography).

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Above: The rotary press by Richard Hoe.

In contrast, development of the press continued, and Frederich Koenig and Andreas Bauer partnered together to make a press powered from steam (The Arts). Based off of Gutenberg’s design, the flat plate was made a cylinder that impressed the paper while applying the proper pressure. The technique saved the labor of one person because it replaced the need for a dabber because of the rollers. This advancement increased printing quantity by 500%, meaning it could work at a rate of 400 impressions per hour (The Arts). Richard Hoe replaced the flat bed press with a rotary press. By 1861, curved plates called stereotypes replaced hand-set type (The Arts). In 1870 Hoe took his press design another step further and developed a new rotary press that could print on both sides of the paper in a single operation, and moved at an incredible speed of 800 feet per minute. The sheets were then passed over a cutting knife the cut them apart before heading to an apparatus which had the ability to fold them so they were ready for carriers or to be mailed. Their extremely high efficency and the ability to be distributed to several presses. 5

Another invention was Linn

with multiple colors

Boyd Benton’s Benton


Pantograph machine.

The process was the

Based on affine

same, but each color

“It is a press, certainly,but a press from which shall flow in inexhaustible streams...” transformation, it used

got their own stone and

engraving to scale,

it was a much longer

condense, extend and

and expensive process.

slant font design patterns.

It became the most

Linotype, by Ottmar

successful method of

Mergenthalerin 1886,

color printing developed

was invented to mechanize

in the entire 19th century

typecasting and setting


(The Arts). It gets its name

In order to get the most

because the output was

beautiful results it could

Johannes Gutenberg

a line of cast type (The Arts). The machine has a 90 character keyboard where text is entered, and the machine creates the molds of letter forms to then be casted as a single piece called a slug (Linotype). Tolbert Lanston’s Monotype was the same but with individual letters


(The Arts). An advancement

take several months to

to lithography was called

produce the product,

chromolithography which

even by the most

allowed artists to print

skilled workers.

Above is a slug from a lithographic machine. Right: The image shows the prepping for a lithographic print.


Right:Tex­tura Lac­tan­tius’ Opera the first typeface designed by Sweynheym and Pannartz in 1465.

THE STYLES OF TYPE IN THESE TWO timelines have similarities, but in the 1800s type styles grew dramatically different. Sweynheym and Pannartz designed the first type in 1465 in Italy (Carter, Day, Meggs). The typeface was designed with medium weight and flat serifs. The first Roman-style type was also created by Sweynheym and Pannartz, and showed influences of Roman script capitals and Caroline minuscules (Carter, Day, Meggs). A Venetian roman typeface emerged in 1470, where the capital letters had a very large cap height. De aetna by Pietro Bembo used Francesco Griffo, a roman type, as its font (Carter, Day, Meggs). Francesco Griffo also was the first italic typeface. Chancery script was a major influence for the italicized style.

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Above: Romain du Roi in lowercase. Left: Romain du Roi in uppercase.

In 1523, Ludovico Arrighi started his career as a writing master in Venice and soon after became a book seller in Rome (Ludovico). His skills in calligraphy led to his work in La Operina, which is the first book devoted to the formal type known as italic chancery cursive (Carter, Day, Meggs). A Dutch old style type, Christoffel van Dyck, emerged in 1670 (Carter, Day, Meggs). It had special traits, like an extended Q and high x-height on f’s. Pierre Simon was influenced by Rococo style and architecture. Emerging in 1742 was his typeface St. Augustine Ordinaire as a French serif, high fashion style that moved more towards a modernized roman (Art Periods). It has had a few revivals along side of the French baroque style (Art Periods). Romain du Roi was the first transitional type and was later followed by Baskerville in 1750. 9

Caslon Old style was used

The egyptian type followed

through out the British

closely behind. Unlike many

Empire (Carter, Day,

previous styles, egyptian

Meggs). The first modern

had equal stem and serif

style type was Didot made

weights. Progressing, 1816

by Francois Ambroise

was the dated time of the

“Typography is the craft of endowing human language with a durable visual form.”


(Carter, Day, Meggs). These

first sans serif type (Carter,

Robert Bringhurst

were followed closely by

Day, Meggs). Equal line

The Elements of Typographic Style

the first geometric style

weight, its style was

of Bodoni which included

incredibly different from all

hairline serifs (Carter,

previous styles. Decorative

Day, Meggs). The styles

type took a turn in the

changed with the Industrial

1840s compared to the

Revolution. Instead of the

original italic, Roman styles

decorative styles of rococo

designed 400 years earlier.

and Sweynheym and

There was more play with

Pannartz, the focuses soon

unusual, unique designs

became sleek, sans serif

that ultimately created their

or decorative styles. Fat

own typeface catergory

face made its appearance

(Basics). Wood and

in 1803 by Robert Thorne

ornamental type had a basis

(Carter, Day, Meggs). Like

of Roman and handwriting

many of the first old style

styles. Typefaces included

and transitional, it had flat

decorative ornaments

serifs but it was different

and for most characters

because of the extreme

(Basics). They were

weight it had and greater

designed larger and

contrast in the line weight.

used for embellishing.

Above: A poster from 1800s that explores serif, sans serif and slab serif typefaces. Opposite: An old ad that also combined serifs and sans serifs.


Right: Portrait of Claude Garamound. Far right: Portrait of Johannes Gutenburg.

TYPOGRAPHERS FROM THE 15TH TO the 19th centuries not only created type styles to last many lifetimes, but their work established the technology used today. Without their inventions and creativity, Starting with Johannes Gutenberg, the printing press changed how type was read and used. Francesco Griffo made his mark in Italian culture with the first italic style influenced by the popularity of handwriting in Italy and France (Arpin). In connection with Griffo, Claude Garamond was influenced by Griffo’s roman font (Arpin). He kept his emphasis on clarity with his typefaces.

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Above: Clarendon, designed by Robert Besley, in drawers.

The first egyptian slab serif is credited to Vincent Figgins, which he named Antique, features a thick line weight and serifs (Carter, Day, Meggs). His typeface Monotype was widely used in the newspaper industry. William Thorowgood was the typographer of the Grotesque typeface, a sans-serif style from the 19th century. He became the owner of the Fann Street Foundry in 1820, which was originally founded by Robert Thorne in 1794 and specialized in display typefaces (MyFonts). with Robert Besley. Besley was from England, and his Clarendon egyptian serif had clarity and the ability to scale up for larger pieces (MyFonts). His involvement and ownership of the Fann Street Foundry began in 1849 and continued to specialized in display typefaces (MyFonts). As the style of the printing press grew there was less emphasis on handwriting. 13

In the 18th century, John

published the book Manuale

Baskerville and William

Tipografico that contained

Caslon emerged as strong

100 roman fonts, 50

typographers, and their

italic fonts and 28 Greek

styles were influenced by

minuscule fonts (Linotype).

“Of all the achievements of the human mind, the birth of the alphabet is the most momentous.” Gutenberg and the printing

However, his name is well

press (Arpin). Baskerville

known due to his well

had a more transitional type

known typeface Bodoni. His

style with contrasting line

modern style and geometric

weights and set his own

typefaces were influential

principles of maintaining

and major breakthroughs.

Frederic Goudy

his work with simplicity, elegance and clarity (Arpin). His typeface Baskerville remains one of the greatest classical fonts. Caslon had old style type with little contrast in line weight and ascenders can exceed the cap height (Arpin). His typeface Caslon was used for The Declaration of Independence. Into the 19th century, Giambattista Bodoni’s was a talented engraver, type designer, typographer, printer and publisher. In 1788 he 14

Left: Portrait of John Baskerville. Opposite: Portrait of William Caslon.


Designer Jamie Cooper-Anderson Project Typographers Time line French Fold Booklet Course Typography 2 Faculty Francheska Guerrero Typefaces Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk, Rockwell

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