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Jamie Hammond
I always believed in that fairy tale kind of romance but thought it would never come to me in my lifetime. A couple years ago I met my Prince/Knight in Shining Armor when I met my hubs Andy. I'm now living my Happily Ever After because my hubs is the most loving, kind hearted, caring, sexiest, honest, trustworthy, honourable, reliable, funniest, most passionate, one of a kind amazing man there ever was or will be. He walked into my life & gave me his heart & soul, despite my flaws & being damaged goods. In fact he's in love with all of me, the real me & I never thought a man could be like him. He's perfect for me. He made me believe in me, love me, be confident, fuelled my passion & showed me true love which I never knew before. He has shown me more love & devotion than I ever thought a man could or would for his woman. This Is only the beginning of our eternity together. Every day of my life I'm grateful to have found the other half of my heart & soul that day! We have a brilliant, beautiful, one of a k