EMBERS: Fire Paintings

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EMBERS: Painted from Fire A small collection of paintings by Jamie Madison, September 2020


The 2020 fires near my home in Northern California were particularly fast, extremely hot and covered vast swaths of the land I frequent. Seeing the blackened earth, the trees scorched to a shade of white, and smelling the acrid smoke I was compelled to paint from emotions of alarm and wonder. So strong were the feelings it was almost as if the paintings painted themselves. Here is the thing about fire: something that you know and trust in a certain form changes in an instant. It evaporates, it transforms into something very different. Words like “loss” and “devastation” seem trite compared to the vision of this amazing transformation. As I painted, I thought about Samsara, the great wheel of life turning now. Realizing how temporary our short visit to earth is, I felt deep appreciation to be here witnessing this sadness and promise of these embers.

Down Here on Earth 30” x 48” Oil and Fire Charcoal on Wood Panel

Rewritten 22” x 30” Acrylic on Paper

Pleasant’s Valley 29” x 41” Mixed Media with Fire Charcoal on Paper

Conjuring Samsara 18” x 26” Oil on Canvas-wrapped Panel

Recalculating 22” x 30” Acrylic and fire charcoal on Paper

Cadmium Sky 11” x 15” Oil on Paper

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