Jamie Pudsey
Studio Brief 1
16 Page Publication
The Creative Olympics
Brief / Concept:
Target Audience:
Produce a 16 page publication based on your research into the Olympic Games throughout the 20th & 21st Century. The publication will be used as a free supplement to a recent issue of the Creative Review. The publication will be used as a free supplement to a recent issue of the Creative Review.
The consumers of Creative Review magazine. Young creative professionals and students.
Jamie Pudsey
Studio Brief 1
16 Page Publication
The Creative Olympics
The header of the magazine ‘Creative Review’ needs to be covered up to remain recognisable to consumers. Creative Review and the free supplement be need to be packaged together. As the supplement is free the publication needs to be produce cheaply.
The problem of housing both the issue of Creative Review was solved by crafting a sleeve which fits the both of them. The packaging has been die-cut to subtly reveal the pictograms of the Olympic Games which feature in the free supplement.
Jamie Pudsey
Studio Brief 1
16 Page Publication
The Creative Olympics
Stock Choices
The contrast of using black card and white paper is reversal of the more traditional black pictograms, white background. If the packaging and publication was to be printed on a bigger scale, black card wouldn’t be the choice of stock used for the packaging. A more glossy and durable stock would be needed.
This publication breaks up the different areas of design used in the Olympic Games into various sections for the reader, including Logos, Pictograms and the general look of the games.