Fear & Cult Mind Control

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Fear and Cult Mind Control This article is one of the most important on this site. It compares research into mind control techniques with Watchtower practices, examines the use of fear and highlights the emotional affects on members, particularly those that leave the Watchtower Society. A vast volume of research has been compressed into a few succinct pages, so it is recommended to be read several times for the criteria and implications to be fully understood. No one joins a cult. No one joins something they think is going to hurt them. You join a religious organization, you join a political organization, and you join with people you really like. - Jonestown survivor The passion for freedom of the mind is strong and everlasting, which is fortunate, because so is the passion to squelch it. - AM Rosenthal, New York Times There is no clear definition of what constitutes a cult. Steven Hassan,1 foremost cult expert, defines one simply as "any group of people who have a set of beliefs and rituals that are non-mainstream". However, Hassan makes the distinction between a benign cult and a destructive cult, which is any religious, political or commercial group with "a person or group of people that have dictatorial control" using "mind control techniques to keep people dependent and obedient." It is counter productive to tell members of any controversial group that they belong to a cult. A cult member does not believe they are in a cult, no matter how unusual the group may be. It is therefore an emotive issue to question whether the Watchtower Society constitutes being a cult. Though clearly non-mainstream the important question is whether the Watchtower Society uses mind control techniques and contains a belief structure that is damaging. The main indicators of cult mind control is when a group; • • •

contains a hierarchical leadership that demands strict obedience claims to be the only ones teaching absolute truth punishes dissenters by strict shunning

The Watchtower Society closely aligns with this description and as such is classified as a "high control group" appearing on most cult awareness lists. The single most important concept for a Jehovah's Witness to realise is that in no way are they unique; neither in doctrinal beliefs, displays of love or techniques of control! Sites dedicated to cult awareness suggest that there are over 3,000 organizations in

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