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our services
Education and training
To increase mental health literacy and gain practical skills, we run online courses, seminars and events for educators, youth workers, community organisations and anyone with an interest in mental illness.
Online counselling
We offer free, safe, online mental health and wellbeing support through Qwell, a mental wellbeing accredited platform.
Advice and signposting
We advise and signpost to local and national services to help people get the support they require.
We match individuals with a volunteer with shared interests to provide practical support and friendship.
One-to-one and group support
Our occupational therapists, social workers and peer support workers provide short-term intense support and longer-term ongoing support that is tailored to each individual’s specific needs.
We support and empower people, their carers and family to have a voice, understand their rights and make informed decisions.
Group and peer support
We provide learning opportunities, support and connection with others through a weekly programme of free drop-in and online community group sessions.
Children and Young Person’s (CYP) service

Our multi-skilled team works with individuals, families and schools to address the mental health needs of secondary-school-age children.
Carer and family support
Through individual and specialist group sessions, we provide unpaid carers with practical advice and emotional support.
Vocational support
We help people to access, prepare for, and succeed in meaningful activity, including volunteering, education, skills training and paid employment.
Head Room
Alongside offering great food and drink, our social enterprise café provides an alternative to traditional mental health services. Our free community programme for everyone inspires open conversations and mutual support.