Gavin Gardiner

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SPoRtinG GunS GlEnEAGlES HotEl Public ExHibition


Sotheby’s 34-35 new bond Street london W1A 2AA

Monday 22 August 2011 at 6pm

Monday 15 August 2011 9 am to 4.30 pm Tuesday 16 August 2011 9 am to 4.30 pm Gleneagles Hotel Auchterarder Perthshire PH3 1nF Saturday 20 August 2011 10 am to 5 pm Sunday 21 August 2011 10 am to 5 pm Monday 22 August 2011 10 am to 3 pm

Gleneagles Hotel Auchterarder Perthshire PH3 1nF

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SPoRtinG GunS GlEnEAGlES HotEl lots 1-173 Monday 22 August 2011 at 6 pm

lot 1 A. FRAncottE A .375 MAGnuM bolt-Action SPoRtinG RiFlE, no. 20467 26-inch barrel with ramp fore sight with folding shade, raised rear sight with folding leaf, the receiver mounted with a Swarovski Habicht 1.5-6x42 telescopic sight, bolt with flag safety, magazine with hinged base plate, half length figured stock with pistol grip, cheekpiece and rubber recoil pad, 14 1/4-inch pull, sling swivels, Belgian nitro proof, 10lb. 6oz. ÂŁ1000 - 1500

1 6

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 2 JoHn RiGbY & co. A .275 tAKE-DoWn bolt-Action RiFlE, no. 2515 25 1/2-inch barrel with ramp fore sight, rear sight with folding leaves to 300, the receiver mounted with a Swarovski Habicht 1.25-4x24 telescopic sight, with quick detachable Holland & Holland type quick detachable mounts, bolt with side safety, magazine with removable base plate, the half length stock with pistol grip and recoil pad, 13 1/4-inch pull, sling eyes, 8lb. 10oz., nitro proof, in its maker’s full length canvas case £2500 - 3500

2 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 3 JoHn RiGbY & co. A FinE .275 tAKE-DoWn bolt-Action SPoRtinG RiFlE, no. 2189 24 1/2-inch barrel with ramp fore sight and folding hood, raised rear sight with folding leaves to 200, receiver ring with matted top surface and mounted with a Swarovski Habicht 2-9x42 telescopic sight with quick detachable Holland & Holland type mounts, bolt with side safety, magazine with hinged base plate, the half length stock with pistol grip, cheekpiece and leather covered recoil pad, pistol grip cap with trap, 14 1/2-inch pull, sling swivels, 9lb. 9oz., nitro proof, in its brassbound oak and leather case The rifle was re-barrelled and re-stocked in 2001 and has been extensively modernised and refurbished to an as new condition. ÂŁ4000 - 6000

3 8

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 4 HollAnD & HollAnD A .375 H&H MAGnuM bolt-Action SPoRtinG RiFlE, no. 1937 24 1/2-inch Hykro steel barrel with ramp fore sight with folding hood, the rear sight with folding leaves to 350, the P14 receiver with matted top surface and mounted with a Swarovski Habicht 1.5-6x42 telescopic sight with Holland & Holland quick detachable mounts, together with its original period Nickel Marburg telescopic sight numbered to the rifle, bolt with side safety, magazine with hinged base plate with applied lion motif, recoil stud, the half length stock with pistol grip, cheekpiece and leather covered recoil pad, with old break and repair at the hand, pistol grip cap with trap, 14 1/2-inch pull, sling eyes, 9lb. 15oz., nitro proof, in its maker’s canvas case with outer cover £4000 - 6000

4 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551




lot 5 RonAlD WHARton (FRoM RiGbY) A .275 tAKE-DoWn bolt-Action SPoRtinG RiFlE, no. 0240 23-inch barrel, the receiver dated 1909 and mounted with a Swarovski Habicht 6-24x50 telescopic sight, quick detachable Holland & Holland type mounts, bolt with side safety, magazine with hinged base plate, 13 1/2-inch pull, 9lb. 4 1/2oz., the half length stock for the left shoulder with pistol grip and cheekpiece, with additional raised extension, 13 1/2-inch pull, 9lb. 4oz., nitro proof

lot 6 DAKotA ARMS A .264 Win MAG lEFt-HAnDED bolt-Action SPoRtinG RiFlE, no. 0377l 26-inch barrel, the matted receiver mounted with a Schmidt & Bender 6x42 telescopic sight, left-handed bolt with side safety, extended magazine with hinged base plate, the half length laminated stock with pistol grip, cheekpiece and rubber recoil pad, 13 1/2-inch pull, 10lb. 15oz., nitro proof

ÂŁ1500 - 2000


enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

ÂŁ800 - 1200

lot 7 cHARlES lAncAStER A .270 bolt-Action SPoRtinG RiFlE, no. 14686 24-inch barrel with ramp fore sight and folding leaf sights on a raised bed, the receiver mounted with a Zeiss Diatal Z 6x42 telescopic sight, quick detachable Holland & Holland dial mounts, bolt with sliding side safety, magazine with hinged base plate with details inlaid in gold, recoil stud, half length well figured stock with pistol grip, cheekpiece and rubber recoil pad, sling eyes, 7lb. 8oz., nitro proof The rifle appears little used. ÂŁ1500 - 2000

7 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 8 JoHn RiGbY & co. A .350 MAGnuM bolt-Action SPoRtinG RiFlE, no. 5381 24-inch barrel with ramp fore sight, rear sight with folding leaves to 400 yards, the square bridge magnum Mauser receiver mounted with a Pecar 3-7x telescopic sight, together with a further Hensoldt telescopic sight, bolt with folding safety, the magazine with engraved hinged base plate, recoil stud, the half length stock with pistol grip and recoil pad, 15-inch pull, sling eyes, 9lb. 8oz., nitro proof, in its recent full length oak and leather rifle case ÂŁ6000 - 8000

8 12

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 9 K. H. RittERbuScH A FinE .308 bolt-Action tAKE-DoWn RiFlE, no. 16306 23 1/2-inch quick detachable barrel with ramp fore sight, the short raised rib with folding leaf sight, the maker’s name signed in gold, the square bridge receiver mounted with a Swarovski Z6 2.5-15x44 telescopic sight, on quick detachable swing mounts, the bolt with side safety, magazine with hinged base plate, recoil stud, retaining virtually all of its original colour hardened finish, without outline detail inlaid in gold, set trigger, 14 1/2-inch highly figured stock with pistol grip, cheekpiece and leather covered recoil pad, grip with cap, sling eyes, 10lb. 15oz., German nitro proof, in its maker’s light case, together with a copy of a magazine article reviewing this rifle The rifle is virtually unused and was finished in 2009. £8000 - 12000

9 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 10 MAuSER A .270 MoDEl 66 bolt-Action RiFlE, no. G05490 23 1/2-inch barrel with ramp fore sight and folding rear sight, and mounted with a Zeiss Diatal-DA 4x32 telescopic sight with quick detachable claw mounts, the two piece bolt with crossbolt safety, the half length stock with pistol grip, cheekpiece and rubber recoil pad, 14-inch pull, sling swivels, 8lb. 7oz., German nitro proof £400 - 600 lot 11 bRno A .375 H&H MAGnuM MoDEl ZKK-602 bolt-Action SPoRtinG RiFlE, no. 15236 25-inch barrel with ramp fore sight and folding leaf rear sight, the receiver mounted with a Leupold 1.5x5x20 telescopic sight, bolt with side safety, recoil stud, set trigger, magazine with hinged base plate, half length figured stock with pistol grip, cheekpiece and rubber recoil pad, 14 1/2-inch pull, sling swivels, 9lb. 2oz., nitro proof



The rifle appears virtually unused. It has been extensively reworked by rifle maker David Perkins. Work includes the ramp fore sight and recoil stud as well as bedding the action. £500 - 700 lot 12 VoERE A .30-06 bolt-Action SPoRtinG RiFlE, no. 175448 24-inch barrel with ramp fore sight and folding leaf sight, the receiver mounted with a Browning variable power telescopic sight, bolt with sliding tang safety, magazine with hinged base plate, recoil stud, the half length stock with pistol grip, cheekpiece and rubber recoil pad, 14 1/2-inch pull, 8lb. 2oz., nitro proof £250 - 400 lot 13 JoHn RiGbY & co A .275 bolt-Action SPoRtinG RiFlE bY PARKER HAlE, FiniSHED bY JoHn RiGbY & co., no. b09886 22-inch barrel, the receiver mounted with Schimidt and Bender 6x42 telescopic sight, bolt with side safety, magazine with hinged base plate, the half length stock with pistol grip and recoil pad, 14-inch pull, sling swivels, 8lb. 1oz., nitro proof, escutcheon missing from stock

12 14

13 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

£800 - 1200

lot 14 SAKo A .308 “FoREStER” MoDEl boltAction SPoRtinG RiFlE, no. 74974 23-inch barrel fitted with a sound moderator, the receiver mounted with Leupold 3-9x telescopic sight, bolt with sliding side safety and turn down handle, the magazine with hinged floor plate, the half length stock with pistol grip and cheekpiece, 14-inch pull, 9lb. 7oz., nitro proof £400 - 600 lot 15 MAnnlicHER ScHoEnAuER A 6.5MM MoDEl 1903 bolt-Action cARbinE, no. 24329 18-inch barrel with ramp fore sight and folding leaf sight, the receiver mounted with its period Kahles Helia Bier telescopic sight, on quick detachable mounts, bolt with flag safety and provision for a peep sight, double set triggers, rotary magazine, the full length stock with pistol grip, cheekpiece and ribbed steel butt plate with trap, 14 1/4-inch pull, sling swivels, 8lb., German nitro proof £500 - 700 14




lot 16 c. G. bonEHill A 12-boRE/.577/.450 bElMont intERcHAnGEAblE HAMMER cAPE RiFlE, no. 4476 28 1/4-inch damascus barrel with 2 1/2-inch chamber about full choke boring, the rifle barrel with Henry rifling, full length machined rib fitted with leaf sight to 700, patent clip lump, crossbolt extension, the plain frame, rebounding bar lock and hammers with border engraving, 14 1/4inch figured stock with pistol grip and steel butt plates, 9lb. 4oz., black powder proof £600 - 800 lot 17 RobERt HuGHES & SonS A 12-boRE/.577/.450 HAMMER cAPE RiFlE, no. 1376 30-inch barrel with 2 1/2-inch chamber about improved cylinder boring, the rifle barrel with Henry rifling, machined full length rib with leaf sights to 500 and folding ladder sight, crossbolt extension, the frame, rebounding barlock, hammers and top lever with border engraving, 14-inch stock with pistol grip and engraved heel and toe plates, 8lb. 15oz., black powder proof £600 - 800

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 18 HollAnD & HollAnD A .244 H&H MAGnuM bolt-Action SPoRtinG RiFlE, no. 2692 24 1/2-inch barrel with ramp fore sight with folding shade, rear sight with folding leaves, the receiver fitted with Holland & Holland quick detachable mounts, the bolt with side safety and cocking piece mounted peep sight, magazine with hinged base plate, recoil stud, the half length stock with pistol grip, cheekpiece and ribbed butt plate, sling swivels, 7lb. 14oz., nitro proof The maker confirms that the rifle was built c.1960 ÂŁ2000 - 3000

18 16

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 19 J PuRDEY & SonS A ScARcE .300 E QuAlitY RooK RiFlE, no. 14737 25 3/4-inch octagonal barrel with machined top surface and folding leaf sight, automatic ejector, the rounded frame with border and scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch well figured stock with pistol grip, 5lb. 2oz., nitro proof, barrel re-lined, in its maker’s black painted canvas case £2700 - 3500

19 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 20 KREiGHoFF A .270 SinGlE bARREl “KiPlAuF” boxlocK SPoRtinG RiFlE, no. 981070 23 1/2-inch barrel with ramp fore sight, machined short raised rib with folding rear sight, mounted with a Zeiss Diavari VM 5-15x42 telescopic sight, with quick detachable claw mounts, gold lined breech, the frame, pierced top lever and dummy side plates with bold foliate scroll engraving, cocking lever to tang, set trigger, trigger plate signed by the engraver, Salzmann 99, 14 3/4-inch highly figured stock with pistol grip, cheekpiece and rubber recoil pad, engraved trap for three rounds, sling swivels, 8lb. 11oz., German nitro proof, in its full length animal hide slip £5000 - 7000

20 18

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



lot 21 WilKinSon & Son A ScARcE 16-boRE PinFiRE RiFlE, no. 6213 26-inch barrels with broad flat rib, folding leaf sight to 200 and signed Gunmaker to Her Majesty, the rounded frame, bolted back locks, hammers and rotary underlever with fine scroll and border engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, Wilkinson’s lever fore-end, 14-inch figured stock with pistol grip and cheekpiece, sling swivels, 8lb. 8oz., black powder proof, butt plate missing

lot 22 cHAPuiS A .375 RiMlESS MAGnuM boxlocK EJEctoR RiFlE, no. 7294, REtAilED bY DYnAMit nobEl 25 1/2-inch barrels with raised ventilated rib and mounted with a Leupold 1.5-5 telescopic sight, the frame with border and scroll engraving, 14 3/4-inch figured stock with pistol grip, engraved trap and rubber recoil pad, sling swivels, beaver tail fore-end, 10lb. 15oz., nitro proof

£1000 - 1500

£2200 - 3000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 23 bRoWninG A 9.3x74R oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR RiFlE, no. 26080, WitH ADDitionAl 20-boRE AnD .410 bARRElS, A tHREE bARREl SEt 23 1/2-inch monobloc barrels with ramp fore sight, short raised rib with fixed rear sight, the 26 1/2-inch 20-bore barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about 3/4 choke borings, with machined ventilated rib, the 26-inch .410 barrels with 3-inch chambers, the frame and top lever profusely engraved with foliate scrollwork around scenes of wild boar in woodland landscapes and inlaid with gold, selective single trigger, 14 3/4inch highly figured stock with semi pistol grip and engraved steel butt plate, 7lb. 8oz., Belgian nitro proof, in its new English lightweight leather case with W. P. Sinclair trade label The rifle has been extensively reworked and upgraded and was engraved in the UK by Bill Sinclair and stocked by Mark Crudgington. ÂŁ7000 - 9000

23 20

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 24 bRoWninG A bElGiAn 12-boRE SinGlE tRiGGER oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR Gun, no. 77012S7, WitH intERcHAnGEAblE 9.3x74R coMbinAtion bARRElS, A tWo bARREl SEt 28-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/2 and full choke borings, machined ventilated rib, the additional 9.3/12-bore 25 1/2-inch barrels with raised fore sight, file cut short raised rib with folding leaf sight, the frame engraved in the C2G style with scenes of duck and game birds surrounded by foliate scroll engraving, 14 1/4-inch figured straight hand stock, 7lb. 6oz., Belgian nitro proof, in its leather case The rifle appears relatively little used. ÂŁ3500 - 4500

24 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 25 JAMES WooDWARD & SonS A ScARcE lEAtHER liGHtWEiGHt DoublE MotoR cASE with lift-out oak tray for 29-inch barrels, with removable tray for accessories, etc £600 - 800

lot 29 W. PRAin A 12-boRE “GAnnocHY” RAPiD-loAD cARtRiDGE cASE with spring clips to take 100 cases, with a rain flap, lid, straps, etc, the lid embossed E. E. G. from E. de W. W.

lot 26 liGHtWooD & SonS A bRASSbounD cAnVAS Gun clEAninG Kit with 12-bore snap caps, oil bottle, set of turnscrews, etc A show sample from the mid 1970s. £200 - 300

lot 27 HEnRY AtKin A bRASSbounD lEAtHER cARtRiDGE MAGAZinE with compartments for about 250 cases, with leather straps and oak dividers

lot 28 AlExAnDER MARtin A bRASSbounD lEAtHER Gun cASE with compartment for 30-inch barrels £300 - 500

£500 - 700

lot 30 W. PRAin A “GAnnocHY” RAPiD-loAD cARtRiDGE cASE with rain flap and straps, leather lid missing

lot 31 J. PuRDEY & SonS A bRASSbounD oAK AnD lEAtHER DoublE Gun cASE with compartments for 30-inch barrels

£250 - 350

£200 - 300

lot 33 HollAnD & HollAnD A FinE bRASSbounD lEAtHER cARtRiDGE MAGAZinE for about 250 cases, with leather straps and dividers, remaining in virtually unused condition

lot 34 JAMES PuRDEY & SonS A FinE bRASSbounD oAK AnD lEAtHER cARtRiDGE MAGAZinE for about 500 cases, with oak dividers and remaining in a virtually unused condition

lot 35 JAMES PuRDEY & SonS A bRASSbounD oAK AnD lEAtHER cARtRiDGE MAGAZinE for about 250 cases, with leather straps and oak dividers, remaining in a virtually unused condition

£500 - 700

£700 - 900

£600 - 800

lot 32 HollAnD & HollAnD A SHEEPSKin linED cAnVAS Gun SliP with leather trim and strap £150 - 200

£400 - 600


enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 36 A HiGHlY FiGuRED WAlnut StocK blAnK £150 - 250

lot 37 HollAnD & HollAnD A bRASSbounD lEAtHER Gun cASE with compartments for 30-inch barrels, green velvet lined interior

lot 38 J. PuRDEY & SonS A PuRDEY “liGHtWEiGHt” cAnVAS tRiPlE Gun cASE with compartments for 28-inch barrels

lot 39 AlEx MARtin A bRASSbounD oAK AnD lEAtHER Gun cASE with compartment blocked for 28 1/2-inch barrels

lot 40 JoHn DicKSon & Son A bRASSbounD oAK AnD lEAtHER cARtRiDGE MAGAZinE for about 400 cases, with leather straps and oak dividers

£250 - 400

£150 - 250

£250 - 400

£400 - 600

lot 41 JoHn DicKSon & Son A bRASSbounD lEAtHER cARtRiDGE MAGAZinE for about 200 cases, with leather straps and oak dividers

lot 42 JAMES MAcnAuGHton A bRASSbounD lEAtHER cARtRiDGE MAGAZinE for about 250 cases, with leather straps and oak dividers; together with a leather tube for a telescopic sight (2)

lot 43 MAYER, lonDon A bRASS clocKWoRK DucK cAll stamped Mayer, London

lot 44 HollAnD & HollAnD A lEAtHER SinGlE Gun cASE with compartment blocked for 28inch barrels

£250 - 350

£250 - 350

lot 46 lEicA A PAiR oF 10x42bA tRinobiD binoculARS with rubber armoured body and central focus, in their maker’s leather pouch

lot 47 WEStlEY RicHARDS A cAnVAS AnD lEAtHER Full lEnGtH Gun SliP with sheepskin lining and leather trim; together with its matching cartridge bag (2)

lot 48 A QuAntitY oF SHootinG AccESSoRiES including: 2 canvas cartridge bags, a leather W. J. Jeffery “The Victoria” stalking bag, 4 cartridge belts, rifle slings, etc

£500 - 700

£200 - 300

£200 - 300

£200 - 400

£350 - 500

lot 45 A bRASSbounD lEAtHER DoublE Gun cASE with compartments for 30-inch barrels £150 - 250

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 49 HollAnD & HollAnD FouR lEAtHER AMMunition PoucHES together with 8 further leather ammunition pouches; and a leather belt with 3 ammunition pouches and a strap (13)

lot 50 A lEAtHER AnD cAnVAS Full lEnGtH RiFlE SliP with sheepskin lining; together with a further leather rifle slip, etc

lot 51 J. GRAHAM & co. A MoDERn StAlKinG tElEScoPE in its leather tube

lot 52 A collEction oF SPoRtSMAn’S KniVES of numerous types and styles, many with horn handles (16)

£200 - 300

The scope appears virtually unused.

£100 - 200

£200 - 300

£200 - 300

lot 53 A SilVER PlAcE FinDER of rounded rectangular form, the hinged cover opening to reveal 8 thistle-shaped pegs, hallmarks for Horace Woodward & Co Ltd, Birmingham, 1909, brown leather case £450 - 550

lot 54 A SilVER PlAcE FinDER of rounded rectangular form, the hinged cover opening to reveal 8 acorn shaped pegs, hallmarked for Dingley Brothers (D.Bros), Birmingham, date letter 1902, D Bros mark registered 1907, leather case

lot 55 A lEAtHER lEG-oF-Mutton Gun cASE with compartment for 30-inch barrels with reproduction James Purdey & Sons label to the lid £150 - 250

£450 - 550

lot 56 G. & J. HAWKSlEY A collEction oF GunMAKERS AccESSoRiES comprising: 2 oil bottles, a pair of snap caps, percussion combination tool, wad punch, pull through, etc; together with 4 pairs of snap caps, an oil bottle, makers including Grant, Hellis and Rigby £250 - 350


lot 57 J. PuRDEY & SonS A SMAll GRouP oF GunMAKERS AccESSoRiES comprising: 3 pairs of 12-bore snap caps, a pair of 20-bore snap caps, oil bottle and .303 cartridge extractor

lot 58 HollAnD & HollAnD A GRouP oF GunMAKERS AccESSoRiES including 5 pairs of snap caps, an oil bottle, a pair of horn-handled turnscrews and a striker disc key

£150 - 250

£150 - 250

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 59 A WEll FiGuRED WAlnut StocK blAnK

lot 60 A WEll FiGuRED WAlnut StocK blAnK

£500 - 700

£550 - 650

lot 61 A WEll FiGuRED WAlnut Full lEnGtH RiFlE StocK blAnK

lot 62 A WEll FiGuRED WAlnut Full lEnGtH RiFlE StocK blAnK

£650 - 750

£700 - 900

lot 63 A PAiR oF WEll FiGuRED WAlnut StocK blAnKS £1000 - 1500

lot 64 cARl ZEiSS A 4-20 VARiAblE PoWER StAlKinG tElEScoPE, no. nR50558 with adjustable eye piece and impressed with Carl Zeiss Jena trademark, in its leather scope tube £200 - 300

lot 65 PREMiER MultiGAuGE A boRE MicRoMEtER GAuGE to measure 8, 10, 12, 16, 20 and 28 bore barrels, with interchangeable tips, sizing rings and instructions, in its maker’s case, new condition £400 - 600

lot 66 A SMAll GRouP oF GunMAKERS AccESSoRiES comprising: ivory-handled turnscrew and striker key, 2 further striker keys and a nipple key, 2 striker pots, a Purdey named 12-bore cleaning rod and a similar unnamed 20-bore cleaning rod

lot 67 A ScARcE 8-boRE tHREE-PiEcE clEAninG RoD together with 2 further 20-bore cleaning rods, one named William Powell £150 - 200

lot 68 A QuAntitY oF GunMAKERS AccESSoRiES comprising: 4 oil bottles, 2 striker pots, 3 pairs of snap caps and 2 cartridge extractors, maker’s names including Holland & Holland and E. J. Churchill £150 - 250

£200 - 300

lot 69 JAMES WooDWARD & SonS A bRASSbounD oAK AnD lEAtHER DoublE Gun cASE with compartments blocked for 29inch barrels, re-lined and including some accessories £250 - 400

lot 70 J. PuRDEY & SonS A liGHtWEiGHt lEAtHER MotoR cASE suitable for a .300 double barrel rifle, with compartment for 24-inch barrels, the charge card numbered to gun 29181, in its canvas outer cover

lot 71 J. PuRDEY & SonS A liGHtWEiGHt lEAtHER MotoR cASE suitable for a .577 double barrel rifle, with compartment for 24-inch barrels, the charge card numbered to gun 29141, in its canvas outer cover

£200 - 300

£200 - 300

lot 72 HollAnD & HollAnD A liGHtWEiGHt cAnVAS Gun cASE with compartment for 28-inch barrels; together with a leather leg-of-mutton case (2) £200 - 300

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 73 A PAiR oF Full lEnGtH lEAtHER Gun SliPS fleece lined with straps, etc; together with a matching pair of rifle slips (4)

lot 74 WilliAM EVAnS A PAiR oF Full lEnGtH lEAtHER Gun SliPS sheepskin lined with leather straps

lot 75 A Full lEnGtH lEAtHER RiFlE cASE suitable for a bolt-action rifle, 47inch compartment

£200 - 300

£200 - 300

£200 - 300

lot 76 W. W. GREEnER tWo RARE GlASS tARGEt bAllS the dark blue moulded balls with maker’s details around a central band, W. W. Geener, St. Mary’s Works, BIRM & 68 Haymarket London £300 - 500


lot 77 E. JonES tWo GlASS tARGEt bAllS the light blue body moulded indistinctly with maker’s details around a central band; together with a further target ball, of mid blue colour with moulded box design (3)

lot 78 n. b. GlASSWoRKS tWo GlASS tARGEt bAllS light blue, moulded with the maker’s details around a central band, N. B. Glassworks, Perth; together with a further target ball, of medium blue colour with small box design (3)

£200 - 300

£200 - 300

lot 81 HollAnD & HollAnD A GRouP oF GunMAKERS AccESSoRiES comprising: 4 named oil bottles, 2 pairs of horn-bodied snap caps, 4 further pairs of snap caps, a pair of turnscrews, snapping block and striker pot

lot 82 J PuRDEY & SonS A GRouP oF GunMAKERS AccESSoRiES comprising: 4 named oil bottles, a pair of snap caps with horn bodies, 3 further pairs of snap caps, a pair of turnscrews, striker pot and snapping block

£300 - 500

£300 - 500

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 79 A bRASSbounD lEAtHER cARtRiDGE MAGAZinE for about 250 cases, with leather straps and oak dividers, reproduction James Purdey & Sons label £300 - 500

lot 80 boSS & co. A GRouP oF GunMAKERS AccESSoRiES comprising: 4 named oil bottles, 2 pairs of horn-bodied snap caps, a pair of turnscrews, a striker pot and snapping block £200 - 300

lot 83 “tHE booK oF RED DEER & EMPiRE biG GAME” London, 1925; together with “My Scottish Sketchbook”, by Lionel Edwards, London, 1929 £100 - 200

lot 84 A QuAntitY oF GunMAKERS cAtAloGuES including: catalogues by Holland & Holland, Churchill, Holloway & Naugthon, Alex Martin, Westley Richards, etc; together with a number of ICI and Nobel publications £150 - 250





lot 85 tHE bARREllED Action oF A .300 H&H bolt-Action SPoRtinG RiFlE, no. 77496 26-inch barrel, the Mauser 98 receiver with bolt, magazine and trigger guard, in the white £200 - 300

lot 86 JoHn WilKES tHE Action, StocK AnD FoRE-EnD oF A 12-boRE boxlocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 8329 the frame with bouquet and scroll engraving and the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, 15-inch replacement stock

✸ £200 - 300

lot 87 JoHn WilKES tHE Action, StocK AnD FoRE-EnD onlY oF A 20-boRE boxlocK non-EJEctoR Gun, no. 4507 the frame and top lever with fine bouquet and scroll engraving, the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, 14 1/4-inch highly figured stock

✸ £300 - 500

lot 88 coGSWEll & HARRiSon tHE Action, StocK AnD FoRE-EnD onlY oF A 12-boRE “ExtRA QuAlitY VictoR” SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 57644 the frame, hand detachable locks and gold numbered top lever with bouquet and scroll engraving, 14 1/2-inch figured stock, Brady leather case

✸ £200 - 300

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 89 cHARlES HElliS & SonS A FinE PAiR oF 12-boRE “FEAtHERWEiGHt” SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 3943/4 26-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and full choke borings, top extension, the frames, locks and gold-numbered top levers with fine border and scroll engraving surrounding a pair of feathers within a shield, retaining much original hardening colour, the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, lined cocking indicators, rolled edge trigger guards, 14 1/4-inch well figured stocks, slightly cast for the left shoulder, 6lb. 4oz., nitro proof, in their brassbound oak and leather case The guns were completed in December 1935. The guns are built for the right shoulder, the current owner having had the stocks cast on. They will easily return to their original position.

✸ £8000 - 12000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 90 coGSWEll & HARRiSon A PAiR oF 12-boRE ASSiStED-oPEninG SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 56145/6 30-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the frames, locks and top levers with bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, 14 3/4-inch well figured stock, 6lb. 15oz., nitro proof, No.2 gun bores marked, in their maker’s brassbound leather case

✸ £4000 - 6000

90 30

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 91 cHARlES lAncAStER A PAiR oF 12-boRE nEEDHAM’S PAtEnt bAcKlocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 5900/5901 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, doll’s head extensions, the frames, locks and top levers with fine scroll engraving, 15-inch figured stocks, No.1 gun a replacement, No. 2 gun including 1/2-inch extension, 6lb. 12oz. and 6lb. 15oz. respectively, nitro proof (No.2 gun black powder proof), No.1 gun bores marked, No.1 barrel wall thickness below recommended minimum

✸ £1800 - 2400

91 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 92 HEnRY AtKin A PAiR oF 12-boRE SElF-oPEninG SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 2346/7, built FoR loRD iVoR SPEncER-cHuRcHill 28-inch replacement chopper-lump barrels by the maker, with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, the frames, locks and gold numbered top levers with fine bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 15 1/2-inch highly figured replacement stocks, 6lb. 10oz., nitro proof, in their maker’s brassbound oak and leather case The maker confirms that the guns were built for Lord Ivor Spencer-Churchill in 1919 for his 21st birthday and that the guns were re-barelled by themselves in 1970. The guns have been little used since. Lord Ivor Charles Spencer-Churchill (1898-1956) was the younger son of the 9th Duke of Marlborough. His first wife, the former Consuelo Vanderbilt, was an American railroad heiress and his elder brother John, was the 10th Duke of Marlborough. Spencer-Churchill was educated at Eton College and Magdalen College, Oxford before joining the Royal Army Service Corps in 1917 and gaining the rank of Lieutenant. He fought in the First World War and was decorated with the French Legion of Honour. He married Elizabeth Cunningham on November 15 1947 and had a son, Robert William Charles (born 1954). He developed an inoperable brain tumour and died in 1956. He is buried beside his cousin, Sir Winston Churchill, and close to his mother at St Martin’s Church, Bladon, Woodstock, Oxfordshire.

✸ £10000 - 15000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 93 HuSSEY & HuSSEY A PAiR oF 12-boRE “iMPERiAl EJEctoR” MoDEl SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 2076/7 28-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the frames, locks and gold numbered top levers with bouquet and scroll engraving, and retaining traces of original hardening colour, 15-inch well figured stocks, 6lb. 7oz., nitro proof, in their maker’s brassbound oak and leather case

✸ £8000 - 12000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 94 J. WooDWARD & SonS A PAiR oF 12-boRE SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 5794/5 29-inch Whitworth steel chopper-lump barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, the frames, locks and gold numbered top levers with fine scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, arcaded fences, raised gold lined cocking indicators, 14 3/4-inch highly figured replacement stocks including rubber recoil pads, 6lb. 13oz., nitro re-proof, in their maker’s brassbound oak and leather case The maker confirms that the guns were built in 1905

✸ £15000 - 20000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 95 HEnRY AtKin A MAtcHED PAiR oF 12-boRE SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 2811/2816 28-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the frames, locks and numbered top levers with border engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, 15-inch figured stocks including leather covered recoil pads, 6lb. 11oz., nitro re-proof, brassbound oak and leather case

✸ £8000 - 12000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 96 J. blAncH & Son A PAiR oF 12-boRE SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 6965/6 28-inch chopper lump barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the frames, locks and gold numbered top levers with bouquet and scroll engraving, gold lined cocking indicators, rolled edge trigger guard, 14 3/4-inch figured stock including 3/4-inch ebonite extension, 6lb. 15oz., nitro proof, oak and leather case The guns are of late production and appear to be built utilising Spanish barrel actions.

✸ ÂŁ3000 - 5000

96 40

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 97 HollAnD & HollAnD A MAtcHED PAiR oF 12-boRE “bADMinton” MoDEl SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 24937/26856 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 and improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings respectively, No.1 gun barrels sleeved by Westley Richards, the frames, locks and gold numbered top levers with fine scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, gold lined cocking indicators, 15 1/4-inch well figured stocks, built for the right shoulder but now with slight cast-on for the left shoulder, 7lb. and 6lb. 8oz. respectively, nitro proof The maker confirms that the guns were built in 1911 and 1913 respectively

✸ £6000 - 8000

97 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 98 HEnRY AtKin A PAiR oF 12-boRE SElF-oPEninG SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS, no. 2059/60 28-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the frames, locks and gold numbered top levers with bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining traces of hardening colour, possibly renewed, 15-inch well figured stocks including leather covered recoil pads, 6lb. 9oz., nitro proof, in their maker’s brassbound oak and leather case The maker confirms that the guns were built c.1910

✸ £10000 - 15000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 99 HollAnD & HollAnD A PAiR oF 12-boRE “bADMinton” MoDEl SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 34205/6 28-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the frames, hand detachable locks and numbered top levers with bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, 15 1/2-inch figured stocks including 1 1/2-inch extension, 6lb. 5oz., nitro proof, re-jointing recommended, in their maker’s leather case The maker confirms that the guns were built in 1937

✸ £10000 - 15000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 100 HEnRY AtKin A FinE PAiR oF liGHtWEiGHt 12-boRE SElF-oPEninG SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 3023/4 27-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, the frames, locks and gold numbered top levers with fine bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, spring bladed front triggers, 14 3/4-inch well figured stocks including rubber recoil pads, 6lb. 1oz., nitro proof, in their maker’s lightweight leather motor case The maker confirms that the guns were built in 1930. The guns appear little used and retain much original finish.

✸ £14000 - 18000

100 46

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 101 D. GRAY & co. A PAiR oF 12-boRE SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS 29 1/2-inch replacement barrels by W. P. Jones with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and full, 1/2 and 3/4 choke borings respectively, mid extensions, the frames, locks and gold numbered top levers with bouquet and scroll engraving, the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, 14 1/4-inch figured stocks including chequered butt plates, 6lb. 13oz., nitro proof, in their maker’s leather case

✸ £4000 - 6000

101 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 102 coGSWEll & HARRiSon A PAiR oF 12-boRE “ExtRA QuAlitY AVAnt tout EJEctoR” MoDEl ASSiStED oPEninG boxlocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 22073/4 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/4 choke borings, the frames and top levers with fine scroll engraving, the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, 14 1/2-inch highly figured stock including 1/2-inch extensions, 6lb. 9oz., nitro proof, in their maker’s brassbound leather case

✸ £800 - 1200

102 48

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 103 c. S. RoSSon A PAiR oF 12-boRE boxlocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 6504/5 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, the frames with scroll engraving, 14 1/2-inch well figured stocks including rubber recoil pads, 6lb. 6oz., nitro proof, brassbound oak and leather case with Holland & Holland label

✸ ÂŁ4000 - 6000

103 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 104 JoSEPH lAnG & Son A FinE 12-boRE SinGlE tRiGGER SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 15380, 28-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the frame, locks and top lever with fine bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, gold lined cocking indicators, single trigger, serial number inlaid in gold, 14 1/2-inch highly figured stock, 6lb. 8oz., nitro re-proof, in its maker’s brassbound oak and leather case. The gun appears little used and retains much original finish. The maker confirms that the gun was built in 1912 and was supplied to Von Lengerke and Detmold in New York.

✸ £7000 - 9000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 105 HollAnD & HollAnD A 12-boRE “RoYAl bREViS” MoDEl SElF-oPEninG SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 33060 28-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the frame, locks and gold numbered top lever with fine acanthus scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, gold lined cocking indicators, rolled edge trigger guard, 15-inch highly figured stock including rubber covered recoil pad, 6lb. 9oz., nitro proof, bores slightly marked, leather lightweight case with Holland & Holland label The maker confirms that the gun was built in 1936 as the No.3 gun of a set of three.

✸ £10000 - 15000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551




lot 106 W. W. GREEnER A 12-boRE l90 GRADE SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 66038 28-inch replacement chopper-lump barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, mid extension, about 1/4 and 3/4 choke borings, the re-coloured frame, locks and top lever with fine scroll engraving around scenes of game and dogs in landscapes, gold lined cocking indicators, 14 1/4-inch figured stock including 1/2-inch extension, cracked at the hand, 6lb. 11oz., nitro proof, canvas case

lot 107 JoSEPH cuRRY A 12-boRE SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 4023 25-inch shortened barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about true cylinder borings, the frame, back action bar locks and top lever with border and scroll engraving and retaining much original finish, 14 1/2-inch figured stock, chipped at the toe, 6lb. 4oz., nitro proof, canvas case with Alexander Henry & Co. label

✸ £1500 - 2000


enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

✸ £600 - 800



lot 108 WilliAM PoWEll & Son A 12-boRE SinGlE tRiGGER SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 12233 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, doll’s head extension, the frame, locks and gold numbered top lever with bouquet and scroll engraving, and retaining traces of hardening colour, 14 1/4-inch figured replacement stock, 6lb. 10oz., nitro proof, bores marked, in its brassbound leather case

lot 109 A bElGiAn 12-boRE SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 3158 26 3/4-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/2 and 3/4 choke borings, mid extension, the frame, locks and top lever with border engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 15 1/4-inch well figured stock including 1/2-inch ebonite extension and recoil pad, 7lb., Belgian nitro proof

✸ £700 - 900

✸ £1400 - 1800

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 110 StEPHEn GRAnt & SonS A 12-boRE SiDE lEVER SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 6367 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/2 and full choke borings, the frame, locks and side lever with border and scroll engraving and retaining traces of hardening colour, side lever with repair, 15-inch well figured replacement stock including recoil pad, 7lb. 2oz., nitro proof, bores pitted, rejointing recommended The maker confirms that the gun was built in 1892.

✸ ÂŁ2500 - 3500

110 56

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 111 HEnRY AtKin A 12-boRE SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 1883 29-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 1/4 choke borings, the frame, locks and gold numbered top lever with scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch figured stock, 6lb. 7oz., nitro proof, left bore dented

✸ ÂŁ3000 - 5000

111 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 112 cHARlES lAncAStER A 12-boRE SinGlE tRiGGER ASSiStEDoPEninG bAcKlocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 6237 28-inch replacement barrels by John Wilson, with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 3/8 choke borings, the rounded frame, back locks and numbered top lever with fine scroll engraving, 14 1/2-inch figured replacement stock with pistol grip, 6lb. 14oz., nitro proof, in its canvas case with Atkin, Grant & Lang label The replacement barrels were fitted in 1977.

✸ ÂŁ2000 - 3000

112 58

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 113 WAtSon bRoS. A 12-boRE ASSiStED oPEninG SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 7581 30-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/4 and full choke borings, doll’s head extension, the frame, back action bar lock and top lever with border and scroll engraving, 14 1/4-inch figured stock including slim recoil pad, 6lb. 10oz.

✸ £2000 - 2500

113 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 114 J. PuRDEY & SonS A FinE 12-boRE SElF-oPEninG SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 22828 30-inch chopper-lump Whitworth steel barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the frame, locks and top lever with fine bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining much hardening colour, lined cocking indicators, 15 1/2-inch highly figured replacement stock, 6lb. 12oz., nitro proof, in its brassbound oak and leather case with maker’s accessories The maker confirms the gun was built in 1924

✸ £18000 - 24000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551





Lot 115 JOSEPH LANG & SON A 12-BORE SIDELOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 16403 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, top extension, the frame, locks and top lever with border engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 14 3/4-inch well figured stock, 6lb. 7oz., nitro re-proof, bores pitted, re-jointing recommended, brassbound leather case with Joseph Lang & Son label

Lot 116 J. McCRIRICK & SONS A 12-BORE SIDELOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 78505 28-inch sleeved barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, mid extension, the frame, locks and top lever with bouquet and scroll engraving, the maker’s name signed within a panel, 14 1/4-inch figured stock, 6lb. 9oz., nitro proof, in a leather case with James Kirk trade label

✸ £3000 - 5000

✸ £800 - 1200

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



lot 117 t. WooDWARD A 12-boRE lEVER cocKinG SiDElocK non-EJEctoR Gun, no. 17774 28-inch sleeved barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about true cylinder and 1/4 choke borings, the rounded frame and locks with border engraving, hinged top safety and cocking stud, 14-inch well figured stock with chequered butt plate, 6lb. 7oz., nitro proof

lot 118 E. J. cHuRcHill A 12-boRE SiDElocK non-EJEctoR Gun, no. 438 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the re-coloured frame, locks and top lever with fine scroll engraving, the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, 14 3/4-inch highly figured replacement stock including rubber recoil pad, 6lb. 7oz., nitro re-proof, bores pitted, top lever spring weak, right barrel wall thickness marginal, leather case with reproduction maker’s label

✸ £500 - 700

✸ £1000 - 1200

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 119 W. W. GREEnER A FinE 12-boRE G60 RoYAl GRADE uniQuE EJEctoR Gun, no. 56067 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, engraved breeches and crossbolt extension, the frame profusely engraved with fine scrolls surrounding scenes of game and dogs in landscapes, the whole surrounded by highly detailed borders of strapwork and oak leaves and retaining some original hardening colour, bolstered arcaded fences, the top lever engraved with a Royal crown, non-automatic side safety, 14 14/-inch highly figured stock with ribbed horn butt plate, 6lb. 1oz., nitro proof, in its recent lightweight leather case with maker’s label

✸ £3500 - 5000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 120 HollAnD & HollAnD A 12-boRE H&H SHot AnD REGulAtED MoDEl boxlocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 37738 28-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/4 and 3/4 choke borings, the frame with border and scroll engraving and retaining virtually all of its original hardening colour, 15-inch highly figured stock, 6lb. 6oz., nitro proof The gun appears little used.

✸ ÂŁ1800 - 2400

120 66

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 121 cHARlES boSWEll A FinE 12-boRE boxlocK EJEctoR PiGEon Gun, no. 18037 28-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about 3/4 and full choke borings, the broad file cut rib with crossbolt extension, the heavy frame with bold foliate scroll engraving within strapwork borders and retaining traces of original hardening colour, the maker’s name signed with a scrolling banner, clipped fences, 15 1/4-inch figured stock with pistol grip and rubber recoil pad, 7lb. 6oz., nitro proof, canvas case with W. J. Jeffery trade label

✸ £1500 - 2000

121 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 122 JoHn DicKSon & Son A 12-boRE boxlocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 14069 27-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/2 and 3/4 choke boring, the frame and top lever with scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, 14 1/2-inch figured stock, 6lb. 2oz., nitro proof, in its brassbound canvas case

✸ £1500 - 2000

122 68

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 123 JoSEPH HARKoM & Son A FinE 12-boRE boxlocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 2492 29 1/2-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about true cylinder and improved cylinder borings, possibly shortened, the distinctively shaped frame and top lever with fine scroll engraving within lined borders and retaining some original hardening colour, the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, 14 3/4-inch well figured stock including 1/2-inch ebonite extension, 6lb. 9oz., nitro re-proof, in its maker’s leather case

✸ £2000 - 3000

123 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551




lot 124 W. W. GREEnER A 12-boRE boxlocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 44981 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/4 choke borings, crossbolt extension, the frame with border and scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, non-automatic side safety, 14 1/4-inch well figured stock, 6lb. 10oz., nitro re-proof

lot 125 WEStlEY RicHARDS A 12-boRE boxlocK EJEctoR Gun, c2018 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 3/4 choke borings, doll’s head extension, the rounded scroll backed frame with foliate scroll engraving, the maker’s name signed within a scroll cartouche, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with 1/2-inch ebonite extension, with excessive right hand cast, 6lb. 3oz., recent nitro re-proof, in its maker’s leather case

✸ £500 - 700


enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

✸ £1000 - 1500

lot 126 coGSWEll & HARRiSon A 12-boRE “KonoR” MoDEl ASSiStEDoPEninG boxlocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 62646 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, the frame and side plates with bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch figured stock including 1/2-inch ebonite extension, 6lb. 9oz., nitro proof, bores pitted and dented, right barrel wall thickness below recommended minimum

✸ £150 - 250 lot 127 coGSWEll & HARRiSon A 12-boRE “SAnDHuRSt” MoDEl ASSiStED-oPEninG boxlocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 55173 29 1/2-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about true cylinder and 1/4 choke borings, the frame and dummy side plates with scroll engraving, 15 1/2-inch figured stock, cast-off for central vision, 6lb. 14oz., nitro proof, rejointing recommended, leather case

✸ £300 - 400





lot 128 JoHn tiSDAll A 12-boRE SinGlE tRiGGER boxlocK EJEctoR Gun 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 3/4 choke borings, the frame with border and scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 14inch figured stock with ribbed butt plate, 6lb. 10oz., nitro re-proof, leather case

✸ £700 - 900 lot 129 J. P. SAuER & SoHn A 12-boRE “RoYAl” MoDEl boxlocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 245309 28 1/4-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 3/4 and full choke borings, machined rib with crossbolt extension, the scroll backed frame with border and scroll engraving, fences with side clips, cocking indicators, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with pistol grip, cheekpiece and ribbed butt plate, sling swivels, 6lb. 10oz., nitro proof The gun appears little used and was built in 1960.

✸ £500 - 700

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551




Lot 130 J. MACNAUGHTON & SONS A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. H17301 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about cylinder and improved cylinder borings, the frame with foliate scroll engraving surrounded by highly detailed borders, the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, 13 3/4-inch highly figured stock, 6lb. 5oz., nitro proof

Lot 131 J. BLANCH & SON A 12-BORE BOXLOCK EJECTOR GUN, NO. 6293 29-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 3/4 choke borings, top extension, the frame and top lever with scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, 15 1/2-inch well figured replacement stock, 6lb. 13oz., nitro proof, canvas case with Charles Ingram label

✸ £1000 - 1500


enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

✸ £800 - 1200

lot 132 VERnEY-cARRon A FREncH 12-boRE boxlocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 10J391 26-inch monobloc barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about true cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the frame with bouquet and scroll decoration, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with chequered butt plate, 6lb. 8oz., French nitro proof The gun appears virtually unused.

✸ £300 - 500 lot 133 AYA A 12-boRE (3-incH MAGnuM) no.3 MoDEl boxlocK non-EJEctoR Gun, no. 556430 29-inch chopper-lump barrels with 3-inch chambers about full choke borings, the frame with border engraving and retaining virtually all of its original hardening colour, 14 3/4-inch figured stock with pistol grip, beaver tail foreend, 7lb. 4oz., Spanish nitro proof The gun appears virtually unused.

✸ £500 - 700





lot 134 W. W. GREEnER A 12-boRE “GP” MoDEl MARtini Action Gun, no. 46989 30-inch barrel with 2 3/4-inch chamber about full choke boring, the plain blacked frame with breech block, side safety and under lever, 14 1/2-inch stock, nitro proof, 6lb. 3oz.

✸ £100 - 150 lot 135 W. W. GREEnER A 12-boRE “EMPiRE” MoDEl boxlocK non-EJEctoR Gun, no. 78494 32-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about full choke borings, cross-bolt extension and machined rib, the plain frame with border decoration and retaining virtually of its original hardening colour, non-automatic side safety, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with pistol grip and ribbed butt plate, 7lb. 12oz., nitro proof, fore-end tip missing

✸ £300 - 500

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 136 MAcnAuGHton & SonS A 12-boRE RounD Action EJEctoR Gun, no. 2934 28-inch sleeved barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, mid extension, the rounded and slightly scroll-backed frame and top lever with fine scroll engraving within Celtic borders, retaining some original hardening colour, the maker’s name signed within a panel, top strap with swing safety catch and removable inspection plate, 14 1/4-inch highly figured stock, 6lb. 11oz., nitro proof

✸ £3000 - 5000

136 74

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 137 JoHn DicKSon & Son A FinE 12-boRE RounD Action EJEctoR Gun, no. 6679 29-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 1/2 choke boring, top extension, the rounded frame and gold numbered top lever with fine foliate scroll engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, the fences carved with shells, the maker’s name signed within a shield, 14 1/4-inch well figured stock with pistol grip including a 1/2-inch ebonite extension, 6lb. 6oz., nitro re-proof, in its maker’s leather case The maker confirms that the gun was built in 1916 as the No.2 gun of a pair.

✸ £8000 - 12000

137 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 138 J PuRDEY & SonS A RARE 12-boRE HAMMER EJEctoR Gun, no. 14981, built in 1895 FoR loRD RiPon (AS EARl DE GREY) 30-inch chopper-lump Whitworth steel barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 3/4 choke borings, the rounded frame, rebounding hammers, back locks and numbered top lever with fine bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, fences with side clips, 14 3/4-inch well figured stock, probably a replacement, 6lb. 8 1/2oz., black powder proof, left barrel wall thickness below recommended minimum The gun was built in 1895 as the No.1 gun of a pair. (The No.2 gun of this pair was sold at the Gleneagles Hotel on 30 August 1999). The guns were originally supplied without chequering on the grip and fore-end. An unusual feature of the gun is the presence of a manual half-cock between full cock and the rebound half-cock. Provenance: By family descent from Lord Ripon’s head keeper, Chas. Julian. Lord Ripon, Earl de Grey, was born in 1852 and became the second Marquis of Ripon in 1909. He is arguably the greatest game shot of all time with a recorded lifetime’s total of 556,813 head of game. Much of his shooting was conducted with a set of three guns and with great speed of loading is known to have had seven dead birds in the air at one time. He persisted in the use of hammer guns. The unprecedented size of his “bag” has led to his frequent description of the greatest shot of all and his feats are unlikely to ever be repeated. At Studley Royal, his Yorkshire estate, he entertained the royalty and nobility of England and Europe and in turn shot with the greatest sporting estates, such as Holkham, Sandringham and Elveden in the heyday of the shooting party. It was his combination of natural ability and total commitment to his chosen sport which raised him above the level of other good shots. In the shooting field throughout his life he was repeatedly top score and despite increasing age he maintained the highest standard to the end. He died on September 22nd 1923 in the field, having killed 51 grouse on his last drive, while the last birds of the day were being picked up, he fell down dead.

✸ £14000 - 18000 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 139 loRD RiPon’S coRK-HAnDlED WAlKinG cAnE the cane with spherical knop, with gold escutcheon engraved with his coat-of-arms, 34-inches The cane features in virtually every photograph of Ripon shooting in his latter years.

✸ £800 - 1200



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 140 PuRDEY A 10-boRE PERcuSSion WilDFoWlinG Gun, no. 5228 32-inch damascus barrels with platinum lined breeches and plugs, the hammers and locks with border and scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, half length figured stock with 14 1/2-inch pull, engraved steel butt plate, 8lb., black powder proof, right nipple missing, slightly worn overall The maker confirms that gun was built in 1856 and that it is the No.2 gun of a pair that were delivered at a cost of £110.

✸ £1000 - 1500

140 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 141 boSS & co. A ScARcE MAtcHED PAiR oF 12-boRE HAMMER GunS, noS. 921 AnD 3736 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about true cylinder borings, the frames, rebounding bar locks, hammers and rotary underlevers with border and scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch highly figured stocks with grip safeties and engraved steel butt plates, 7lb. 4oz., nitro re-proof, in their associated canvas case The maker confirms that gun no. 921 was originally built in 1949 as a muzzle-loading gun and that it was converted to breech loading centrefire by them in 1872. Gun no. 3736 was built to match and make a pair to the earlier gun in 1883 for J. E. Gladstone Esq.

✸ ÂŁ5000 - 7000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551





lot 142 REillY A ScARcE 16-boRE PinFiRE HAMMER Gun, no. 10128 30-inch damascus twist barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about cylinder borings, the rounded frame, back lock, hammers and forward pointing under lever with border and foliate scroll engraving and retaining traces of original hardening colour, the 14 1/2-inch figured stock with heel and toe plates, 6lb. 12oz., black powder proof, leather case with lift-out ammunition compartment

lot 143 cHAS. H. MAlEHAM A 12-boRE toP lEVER HAMMER Gun, no. 1416 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and full choke borings, top extension, patent treble grip action, the rounded frame, rebounding bar lock, hammers and top lever with fine scroll engraving, 14 1/4-inch well figured stock with original horn butt plate, 6lb. 8oz., recent nitro re-proof, barrel wall thickness below recommended minimum

✸ £700 - 900

✸ £1400 - 1800

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 144 JoHn WilKES A FinE 12-boRE toP lEVER HAMMER Gun, no. 13926 30-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about full choke borings, the frame, rebounding bar locks, hammers and top levers profusely engraved with fine scrollwork, surrounding gold inlaid scrolls and rose bouquets, retaining all of its hardening colour, 14 3/4-inch highly figured stock with chequered butt, 7lb, nitro proof The gun appears virtually unused.

✸ ÂŁ2000 - 3000

144 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 145 W. W. GREEnER A RARE PAiR oF 28-boRE toP lEVER HAMMER GunS, noS. 64852/3 27-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 3/4 choke borings, crossbolt extensions, the breeches and maker’s name signed in gold, the ribs further engraved stocked and finished by John Wilkes, London, the frames, rebounding bar locks, hammers and gold numbered top levers profusely engraved with fine scroll engraving around delicate gold inlaid rose bouquets with further gold inlay, the maker’s name and serial numbers signed in gold, the action flats stamped with Greener elephant trademark, retaining virtually all of their original hardening colour, 14 3/4-inch highly figured stocks, 4lb. 14oz., nitro proof, in their leather green velvet-lined leather case with maker’s labels together with companion Wilkes label and with compartment for a companion John Wilkes hammer gun, gold plated oil bottles, snap caps, etc, canvas outer cover The guns appear unused. At the time that Greener ceased manufacture in the 1960s, these guns remained unfinished and they were completed, stocked, engraved and finished by John Wilkes. The guns have remained unfired and formed part of the legendary Tulchan collection.

✸ £6000 - 9000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551





lot 146 E. FlEtcHER & Son A 16-boRE boxlocK non-EJEctoR Gun, no. 148988 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 1/2 choke borings, the frame with border engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch figured stock including 3/4-inch ebonite extension, 6lb. 4oz., nitro proof

lot 147 JAMES MAcnAuGHton A ScARcE 16-boRE boxlocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 3132 27-inch damascus barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about 1/4 choke borings, the frame and numbered top lever with scroll engraving and retaining some hardening colour, possibly renewed, 14 1/2-inch figured stock including 3/4inch ebonite extension, 6lb. 2oz., nitro re-proof

✸ £200 - 300

✸ £1100 - 1500

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 148 J. PuRDEY & SonS A 16-boRE SElF-oPEninG SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 11522 29-inch Whitworth steel barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers, about true cylinder and 1/4 choke borings, the frame, locks and top lever with fine bouquet and scroll engraving, the fences carved with fleurs-de-lis, 15 1/4-inch figured replacement stock, 6lb., nitro proof, lightweight leather case with reproduction maker’s label The maker confirms that the gun was built in 1883 as a non-ejector gun. It has subsequently been converted to ejector.

✸ £3500 - 5000

148 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 149 HollAnD & HollAnD A coMPoSED PAiR oF 20-boRE “RoYAl” MoDEl SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 22844/27303 27-inch replacement chopper-lump barrels by the maker, with 3-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, the frames, locks and gold numbered top levers with acanthus scroll engraving and signed with the maker’s name, gold lined cocking indicators, 14 1/2-inch well figures replacement stocks, 6lb. 6oz., nitro proof, in their leather case with maker’s label Holland & Holland confirm that the guns were built in 1902 and 1912 respectively. The guns were re-stocked and re-barrelled by Holland & Holland in 1990.

✸ £32000 - 40000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551




lot 150 linSlEY bRoS. A 20-boRE boxlocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 2141 25-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about improved cylinder and full choke borings, file cut Churchill rib, the frame with border and scroll engraving, 14-inch figured stock including recoil pad, 5lb. 11oz., nitro proof, leather case, bores pitted, re-jointing recommended, top lever spring weak

lot 151 DuMoulin A 20-boRE SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 3410 27 1/2-inch monobloc barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, matted solid rib, mid extension, the frame, locks and top lever with bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining all of its original bright finish, gold lined cocking indicators, the trigger plate signed R. Baptister, articulated front trigger, 15-inch highly figured stock, 6lb. 11oz., Belgian nitro proof, with a copy of its maker’s certificate

✸ £700 - 900

✸ £3500 - 4500


enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



Lot 152 ARMY & NAVY C.S.L. A 20-BORE TOP LEVER HAMMER GUN, NO. 44392 28-inch barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, the rounded frame, rebounding backlocks, hammers and top lever with border and scroll engraving, and retaining traces of original hardening colour, 14 3/4-inch figured stock including 1 3/4-inch extension, 5lb. 3oz., nitro proof

Lot 153 AYA A 20-BORE “BEST QUALITY BOXLOCK” MODEL EJECTOR GUN, NO. 600330 27-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, the scroll back frame and top lever with bouquet and scroll engraving, 15-inch figured stock, 5lb. 12oz., Spanish nitro proof

✸ £1200 - 1800

✸ £500 - 700

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 154 RonAlD WHARton (FRoM RiGbY’S) A FinE PAiR oF Hunt EnGRAVED 20-boRE SElF-oPEninG SiDElocK EJEctoR GunS, noS. 30488/9 28-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/2 and full choke borings, the maker’s name signed in gold, the frames, locks and gold numbered top levers with foliate scroll engraving around scenes of game birds and wildfowl, the fences carved with scrolls, the maker’s name signed within a shield, each scene signed by the engraver, M. A. Hunt, gold lined cocking indicators, articulated front triggers, rolled edge trigger guards with gold inlay, Holland & Holland type self-opening mechanisms, 14 1/2-inch highly figured stocks including rubber covered recoil pads, 6lb. 5oz., nitro proof in their maker’s leather case The guns were completed in 1990 by Ronald Wharton, utilising Spanish barrelled actions, supplied by Grulla. The guns have been finished to the highest English standards and are engraved by renowned engraver, Marcus Hunt. They appear virtually unused.

✸ £10000 - 15000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 155 J. PuRDEY & SonS A FinE 20-boRE SElF-oPEninG SiDElocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 28970 27-inch chopper lump barrels with 3-inch magnum chambers about improved cylinder and 1/4 choke borings, narrow matted rib, the frame and locks with fine bouquet and scroll engraving and retaining all of its original hardening colour, the maker's name signed in gold, clipped fences, lined cocking indicators, the trigger plate signed P. M. Frenette, 15-inch highly figured stock including ebonite heel plate, 5lb. 12oz., nitro proof, maker's case The gun was built in 1988 and appears virtually unused.

✸ ÂŁ24000 - 28000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551





lot 156 nEWnHAM ltD A 20-boRE boxlocK non-EJEctoR Gun, no. 5688 28-inch sleeved barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, top extension, the frame with scroll engraving, 14 3/4-inch stock including rubber recoil pad, 5lb. 14oz., nitro proof

lot 157 YilDiZ A .410 SinGlE tRiGGER boxlocK nonEJEctoR Gun, no. D3245 28-inch monobloc barrels with 3-inch chambers, about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, the scroll backed frame with border decoration, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with pistol grip, 5lb. 1oz., nitro proof

✸ £200 - 400

✸ £300 - 500

lot 158 Geo. Hinton A .410 SinGlE bARREl Gun, no. 66523, conVERtED FRoM A RooK RiFlE 26-inch octagonal barrel with file cut top surface, bead fore sight and folding leaf sight, automatic ejector, the frame, central hammer and side lever with border and scroll engraving and retaining much original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch well figured stock with pistol grip, 4lb. 10oz., nitro proof; together with a belgian single barrel 9mm garden gun, no. 647, 29 1/2-inch barrel, Belgian black powder proof (2)

✸ £400 - 600


enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 159 AbbiAtico & SAlVinElli A 12-boRE “FAMARS Ml” MoDEl SinGlE tRiGGER oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR Gun, no. S0055 29-inch monobloc barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 3/4 and full choke borings, solid file cut rib, the frame, lock plates and top lever engraved with fine scrollwork surrounding highly detailed scenes of game against landscapes, the left lock with woodcock, the right with grouse, the action base with pheassant, the trigger plate signed by the engraver, D. Bonsi, rolled edge trigger guard, 14 1/4-inch well figured stock with pistol grip, 7lb. 4oz., Italian nitro proof, in its maker’s case with certificates, etc The gun was completed in 2001 and appears relatively little used.

✸ £8000 - 10000

159 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 160 boSS & co. A HiStoRic 12-boRE SinGlE tRiGGER oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR Gun, no. 5773, tHE FActoRY PRototYPE Gun 28-inch sleeved barrels with 2 1/2-inch chambers about 1/2 and full choke borings, breech with short rib, the frame, locks and top lever with border and scroll engraving, the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, patent single trigger and rolled edge trigger guard, 14 3/4-inch highly figured stock including leather covered recoil pad, 6lb. 10oz., nitro proof The maker confirms that gun no. 5773 was the first over and under built and that it is the prototype gun and was completed in 1909. It incorporates the three key Robertson patents, namely the single trigger (patent no. 11278) of 1905, the revolutionary over and under action (patent no. 3307) of 1909, and the over and under ejector work (patent no. 3308) of 1909. There are numerous detail differences between this example and the gun that achieved volume production, the two most significant being the lack of the small rib extension to the breech, as well as a differenct shape to the fore-end iron ejector housing. As the prototype and demonstration gun, it would have been used extensively to show off and promote the revolutionary new design. To this day it is a design that has never been bettered and in the ultimate form of flattery, its key elements have been copied by gunmakers around the world.

✸ £10000 - 15000 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 161 E. J. cHuRcHill A FinE AnD RARE 10-boRE PREMiER QuAlitY SinGlE tRiGGER oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR Gun, no. 3979, A tHREE bARREl SEt 27-inch barrels with 3 1/2-inch chambers about extra full choke borings, the additional 25-inch barrels by the maker with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, and a further set of recent 32 1/2-inch barrels by T. A. Smith with 3 1/2-inch chambers about full choke borings, full length solid matted file cut rib and engraved breeches, the frame, locks and top lever with fine scroll engraving and retaining virtually all of its original hardening colour, the maker’s name signed within a scrolling banner, the action base signed in gold, gold lined cocking indicators, rolled edged trigger guard, 15 1/4-inch well figured replacement stock with pistol grip, 9lb. 4oz., nitro re-proof, in its leather case with maker’s label, tools, accessories, etc, canvas outer cover, and spare stock The maker confirms that the gun was built in 1928 with consecutively numbered extra 25-inch barrels. The 32-inch barrels were fitted by T. A. Smith in 1997, reputedly made with tubes originally from J. Woodward & Sons. For further information, please see “The House of Churchill” by Don Masters.

✸ £15000 - 18000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 162 bEREttA A 12-boRE “AS-12-E” MoDEl oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR Gun, no. 7523 28 1/4-inch monobloc barrels with 2 3/4inch chambers, about 3/4 and full choke boring, solid machined rib, crossbolt extension, the frame with border engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with chequered butt plate, 6lb. 12oz., Italian nitro proof, stock head loose, jointing required, bores pitted, barrel wall thickness below recommended minimum

✸ £300 - 500 lot 163 bEREttA A 12-boRE “AS-12-E” MoDEl oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR Gun, no. 7537 28 1/4-inch chopper-lump barrels with 2 3/4inch chambers, about 3/4 and full choke borings, machined solid rib, the scroll back frame with border engraving and retaining some original hardening colour, 14 1/2-inch figured stock with ribbed butt plate, 7lb., Italian nitro proof, canvas case

✸ £500 - 700 162


lot 164 lAnbER A 12-boRE SinGlE tRiGGER boxlocK EJEctoR Gun, no. 272710 27 1/2-inch monobloc barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers with interchangeable choke tubes, machined ventilated rib, the frame with scroll decoration, selective single trigger, 14 1/4-inch stock with pistol grip and recoil pad, 7lb. 9oz., nitro proof; together with a benelli 12-bore selfloading gun, no.A77222, 27 1/2-inch barrel, restricted magazine capacity, Italian nitro proof (2)

✸ £250 - 350 lot 165 WEblEY & Scott A 12-boRE MoDEl 900 oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR Gun, no. 300827 26 1/2-inch monobloc barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, the rounded frame with scroll decoration and retaining some of its original hardening colour, articulated front trigger, 15 1/4-inch figured stock with pistol grip and ribbed butt plate, 7lb. 8oz., nitro proof, in its canvas case The model 900 over and under was produced in partnership with Beretta during the 1970s. 164 102

165 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

✸ £400 - 600



lot 166 PERuGini & ViSini A 12-boRE SinGlE tRiGGER oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR Gun, no. 2771 32-inch monobloc barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/2 and 3/4 choke borings, machined ventilated rib, the plain blacked frame with border decoration, the maker’s name signed in gold on the action base, gold plated trigger adjustable for reach, detachable trigger block, 15-inch well figured stock with pistol grip, 8lb. 5oz., Italian nitro proof, in its maker’s case

lot 167 RiZZini A PAiR oF 12-boRE “MAcnAb HiGHlAnDER” MoDEl SinGlE tRiGGER oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR GunS, noS. 44012/3 29 1/4-inch monobloc barrels with 3-inch magnum chambers, about 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings, machined ribs, the frames, dummy side plates and gold numbered top levers with scroll engraving around scenes of grouse and snipe in flight, trigger plates signed Perlotti, selective single triggers, 14 3/4-inch highly figured stocks with semi pistol grips, 6lb. 15oz., Italian nitro proof, in their lightweight maker’s case

The gun appears virtually unused.

✸ £3500 - 4500

The guns appear little used and retain virtually all of their original finish.

✸ £2000 - 3000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 168 bRoWninG A FinE 28-boRE c2G MoDEl SinGlE tRiGGER oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR Gun, no. 324Mt04532 29 1/2-inch monobloc barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/2 and 3/4 choke borings, narrow ventilated rib, the frame engraved with scenes of pheasant and duck within scrolling borders, signed G. Lieben, selective single trigger, 15-inch well figured swan-neck stock including 3/4-inch ebonite extension, 6lb. 15oz., Belgian nitro proof, in its maker’s lightweight leather case The gun is of recent manufacture and appears virtually unused.

✸ £8000 - 10000

168 104

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 169 FAMARS A 28-boRE “ExcAlibuR blx SiDE PlAtE” MoDEl SinGlE tRiGGER oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR Gun, no. F0909 30-inch monobloc barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about 1/2 and full choke borings, machined solid rib, the rounded frame, side plates and top lever with bold foliate scroll engraving around scenes of game in flight, the maker’s name signed in gold and signed G. Marocchi, detachable trigger block, 15-inch highly figured stock with pistol grip and engraved caps, 6lb. 10oz., nitro proof, in its maker’s case The gun was completed in 2009 and appears virtually unused.

✸ £9000 - 12000

169 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 170 bRoWninG A PAiR oF 12-boRE 325 HERitAGE MoDEl SinGlE tRiGGER oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR GunS, noS. 57720 Mn/57721 Mn 30-inch barrels with 3-inch chambers and interchangeable choke tubes, machined narrow ventilated rib, the frames, side plates and gold numbered top levers engraved with foliate scrollwork around roses, the side plates with scenes of game, selective single triggers, 15-inch well figured stocks with pistol grips and maker’s butt plates, 8lb., nitro proof, in their individual maker’s cases with spare chokes, instructions, etc The guns appear very little used and are less than a year old.

✸ £5000 - 7000

170 106

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551

lot 171 AlEx MARtin A coMPoSED PAiR oF 20-boRE “continEntAl” MoDEl SinGlE tRiGGER oVER AnD unDER EJEctoR GunS, noS. 7031 AnD 7047 30-inch monobloc barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers about improved cylinder and 3/4, 1/4 and 1/2 choke borings respectively, narrow solid matted ribs, the scroll backed frames and gold numbered top levers with acanthus scroll engraving around scenes of game in flight, detachable trigger blocks, 14 1/4-inch well figured stocks with pistol grips, 6lb. 11oz., Italian nitro proof, in their leather double case

✸ £7000 - 9000

171 enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551



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lot 172 J. PuRDEY & SonS A MAGniFicEnt KEn Hunt EnGRAVED 12-boRE SinGlE tRiGGER SiDElocK EJEctoR oVER AnD unDER Gun, no. 27927 28-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about 1/2 and full choke borings, the 26-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 1/4 choke borings, narrow stippled ventilated rib, the frame, locks and top lever profusely engraved with scrolling foliage surrounding scenes of gold inlaid game birds in flight, the right lock with pheasants against a woodland scene, the left lock with flighting duck and the action base with a further scene of ducks, heavily carved and chiselled, the maker’s name signed within a banner, retaining all of its original hardening colour, lined cocking indicators, the trigger plate and each lock signed K. C. Hunt, selective single trigger, rolled edge trigger guard, 14 3/4-inch exceptionally figured exhibition grade stock with pistol grip, 7lb. 8 3/4oz., nitro proof, in its maker’s case with canvas outer cover The maker confirms that the gun was ordered in 1969 and was finally delivered in 1974. It is profusely engraved by master engraver Ken Hunt, whose work of this period is renowned. The gun has remained in the same family from new and is virtually unfired and retains all of its original finish and specification.

✸ £75000 - 95000

enquiries: +44 (0)1798 875300 or +44(0)7831 645551


lot 173 J. PuRDEY & SonS A FinE KEn Hunt EnGRAVED SinGlE tRiGGER 20-boRE oVER AnD unDER Gun, no. 26830 26-inch barrels with 2 3/4-inch chambers, about improved cylinder and 1/4 choke borings, solid file cut rib, the frame, locks and top lever with bold foliate scroll engraving and retaining virtually all of its original finish, the lock plates engraved with scenes of pheasant and duck in flight, the maker's name signed boldly in gold, lined cocking indicators, single trigger, 15-inch highly figured stock, 6lb. 5oz., nitro proof, maker's leather case The maker confirms that the gun was built in 1960, and supplied to Abercrombie and Fitch in New York, and that it is recorded as having standard fine scroll engraving. The records make no mention of game scene work by Ken Hunt and it must be assumed that the gun was subsequently re-engraved, either for Abercrombie and Fitch or their subsequent customer. It appears virtually unused.

✸ ÂŁ30000 - 40000

173 110

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Gavin Gardiner Limited Auctioneers of Modern and Vintage Sporting Guns, Rifles and Accessories

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Gavin Gardiner Limited Auctioneers of modern and Vintage sporting Guns, rifles and Accessories

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