The Collection
The Collection To be sold by auction at e Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York
4th January 2012 THE NEW YORK SALE AUCTION XXVII An official auction of the New York International Numismatic Convention Over 600 Spectacular and Historically Important Greek Coins For more details or to pre-order a copy of the auction catalogue please contact Paul Hill, or Seth Freeman,
11 Adelphi Terrace London WC2N 6BJ Great Britain tel: +44 (0)20 7930 9808 fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450
P O Box 950 New York, NY10272 United States tel: +1 908 470 2828 fax: +1 908 470 0088
P O Box 65908 Washington, DC20035 United States tel: +1 202 833 3770 fax: +1 202 429 5275
11 Adelphi Terrace London WC2N 6BJ Great Britain tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879 fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450
Consisting of over six hundred coins from the Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic Greek periods, The Prospero Collection encompasses the entire ancient Greek world; from Magna Graecia and Sicily in the west, through to Thrace and Macedonia, mainland Greece, the Peloponnese and the Aegean Islands, the Ionian coast and beyond, and North Africa. Put together over several decades with a discerning taste for outstanding examples of the most beautiful and famous ancient Greek coins, the collection has not been added to in the last twenty years and remains complete and untouched. Not since the legendary Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection of Ancient Coins, sold more than two decades ago in New York, has such an important and comprehensive collection of high quality ancient Greek coins been offered for sale in one auction. The Prospero Collection contains coins of sublime quality, of extreme rarity, of supreme artistic beauty, and of exceptional historical importance. Many of the coins have important pedigrees to the great collections of the last century, some dating back over one hundred years. The artistic beauty of ancient Greek coins has never been equalled by any other civilization that has existed since, and this collection contains masterpieces of the very highest archaic and classical style, created by the most famous artists and engravers of the time.
The Collection
Included in the collection are beautiful coins from the Greek colonies in Italy, a particularly fine example being a gold Stater from Tarentum. Its obverse shows the head of Hera and its reverse type, perhaps one of the most beautiful compositions of all ancient Greek gold coins, shows the boy Taras raising his hands in supplication towards his father Poseidon.
The coins of ancient Sicily, particularly those produced at Syracuse, represent the very pinnacle of the die-engravers art and they feature prominently in The Prospero Collection. There are examples of the Dekadrachm of Syracuse, among the largest and most famous of all ancient Greek coins, including a signed example, struck from the very first pair of dies engraved by the artist Kimon. The famous ‘Demareteion’ Dekadrachm, one of the most beautiful creations of fifth century B.C. numismatic art, is represented in the collection. The artist who created this coin is considered to be one of the greatest master-engravers of the archaic and classical periods. Apart from this important Dekadrachm, the collection includes its companion piece, the ‘Demareteion’ Tetradrachm, as well as a Tetradrachm from the neighbouring city-state of Leontinoi, also believed to be engraved by the ‘Demareteion’ master. The Prospero Collection is significant for containing beautiful examples of the coinage of Naxos. The coins from this city-state are widely considered to display some of the greatest artistry of all ancient Greek coins. The famous Tetradrachm from the mid fifth century B.C., its obverse type depicting the head of Dionysos and its reverse showing Silenos with his drinking-cup, is perhaps one of the greatest of all fifth century ancient Greek coins. It is important as it illustrates a move from the more rigid archaic artistic style to a more naturalistic classical one. The master-engraver who produced the dies for this coin is believed to be the same individual known as the ‘Aitna Master’, who produced the famous, and unique, Tetradrachm of Aitna. The coinages of Thrace and Macedonia are very well represented in The Prospero Collection, among them being examples of the spectacular Tetradrachms of Amphipolis, with the facing head of Apollo as their obverse type. These are among the most sublime of all facing head coins ever produced. From the Macedonian Kingdom, there are historically important coins of Alexander The Great. Among them is an exceedingly rare silver Dekadrachm, its obverse type the head of Herakles wearing a lion’s skin headdress. Another special Dekadrachm issued during the lifetime of Alexander the Great was struck in Babylonia. Its obverse type shows Alexander the Great riding his horse, Bucephalus, in pursuit of an Indian elephant bearing a mahout and his master. This coin is historically fascinating as it probably commemorates Alexander The Great’s defeat of the Indian King Poros.
“The Prospero Collection contains coins of sublime
quality, of extreme rarity, of supreme artistic beauty, and of exceptional historical importance.”
One of the most admired of all ancient Greek coins is included in The Prospero Collection. The breathtaking gold Stater from Pantikapaion, the importance of which cannot be overstated, bears a facing head of a satyr, bearded and with long dishevelled hair. The work of a master artist, it is without doubt the greatest ancient Greek gold coin and its appearance in the sale will be met with considerable enthusiasm by numismatists. From mainland Greece are included exceptional early Athenian issues from the sixth century B.C., as well as a spectacular example of the Athenian Dekadrachm. The Dekadrachm is one of the most majestic and highly-prized of all ancient Greek coins, with the head of Athena as its obverse type and a facing owl, with its wings spread, on the reverse. From Crete, a very interesting Stater struck at Knossos depicts one of the most famous mythological creatures, the Minotaur, which had the body of a man and the head of a bull. The Minotaur, held captive in the Labyrinth, was fed with condemned criminals, maidens and young boys, and was eventually killed by Theseus in the well-known myth. An aerial view of the Labyrinth appears on the reverse of the same coin. The Prospero Collection contains high quality Electrum Staters from Kyzikos, some of them extremely rare and with fascinating mythological types. A gold Stater from Lampsakos has a female head on its obverse, purported to be that of the poetess Sappho.
The Collection 4
“The artistic beauty of ancient Greek coins has never been
equalled by any other civilization that has existed since.”
From Carthage on the North African coast, a silver Shekel dating from the period of the Second Punic War against Rome depicts a male head as its obverse type which, it has been argued, could be that of Hannibal himself. The reverse of the coin shows one of the African elephants that Hannibal would have used to cross the Alps into Italy. An extremely rare silver Tetradrachm displays the head of the Carthaginian Queen, Dido, on its obverse. This coin was struck during the Carthaginian invasion of Sicily, and its artistic style is exceptional, suggesting it was created by a Sicilian die-engraver of the greatest skill. It is a masterpiece from the fourth century B.C. Finally, from Kyrene on the north African coast are a group of spectacular Tetradrachms. The most important of these shows the head of Zeus Ammon facing three-quarters right. This excessively rare coin, apparently only the second known example, renders the head with immense power and majesty, the eyes being piercing and forceful in their purpose. These are just a selection of the many highlights from The Prospero Collection, which offers everything that the serious collector desires, from superb quality and extreme rarity, to the very highest artistic and historical importance. A.H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd are proud to present The Prospero Collection for auction and it promises to be one of the most significant and anticipated numismatic events in recent decades.
“…one of the most significant and anticipated
numismatic events in recent decades…”
“A superb example and
one of the most beautiful designs of all ancient Calabria, Tarentum (c.344-338 B.C.). Gold Stater. Head of Hera facing right. Rev. Taras standing right, raising his hands in supplication towards Poseidon. A superb example and one of the most beautiful designs of all ancient Greek gold coins.
Greek gold coins.� Ex Sir Arthur J. Evans Collection. Ex William Harrison Woodward Collection. Ex Arnold Mallinson Collection.
“A spectacular coin of
immense power and majesty, Kyrenaika, Kyrene (c.400 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Zeus Ammon. Rev. Silphium plant. A spectacular coin of immense power and majesty, of the greatest rarity, apparently only the second known example.
of the greatest rarity.� Ex W. Giesecke Collection. Plate Coin From The British Museum Catalogue.
Mysia, Kyzikos (c.475-410 B.C.). Electrum Stater. Helios kneeling, with two horses. Rev. incuse square. Perfectly centred on a broad flan, a fascinating and superbly detailed obverse design of great animation and movement, extremely rare.
Kingdom of Macedon, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.). Silver Dekadrachm. Babylon mint, struck during the lifetime of Alexander. Head of young Herakles. Rev. Zeus. Well-struck in high relief, superior to the Bunker Hunt Dekadrachm, a spectacular example of Hellenistic die-engraving, of the greatest rarity and importance, apparently the second known example of this variety.
Sicily, Naxos (c.415 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Dionysos. Rev. Silenos squatting. An excellent example of this famous coin, of wonderful classical style.
Troas, Abydos (c.410 B.C.). Gold Stater. Eagle standing left. Rev. Gorgoneion facing. Unique and of great importance.
Ex Countess de BĂŠhague Collection.
Ex Kunstfreund Collection.
“Unique and of the
highest importance� Mysia, Lampsakos (c.360 B.C.). Gold Stater. Female head. Rev. Pegasos-protome facing left. Exquisite style, well-struck, unique and of the highest importance, the head purported to be that of the poetess Sappho.
Sicily, Syracuse, Dionysos I (c.405-367 B.C.). Silver Dekadrachm, struck from the first pair of dies engraved by Kimon c.404-400 B.C. Reverse die signed by the artist Kimon. Charioteer driving quadriga. Rev. Head of Arethusa. A beautiful and delicate depiction of Arethusa shown as a young woman, one of the true masterpieces of ancient Greek coinage. Ex Sir Hermann Weber Collection. Ex Clarence S. Bement Collection. Ex Garrett Collection.
Attica, Athens (c.467-465 B.C). Silver Dekadrachm. Head of Athena. Rev. Owl standing facing with wings spread. Struck in high relief, extremely rare, only two other examples known from this pair of dies, of the highest numismatic and historical importance, a magnificent example of ancient art.
“…one of the greatest and most admired of
all ancient Greek coins, Cimmerian Bosporos, Pantikapaion (c.350-300 B.C.). Gold Stater. Head of bearded satyr. Rev. Winged griffin. Fantastic style, one of the greatest and most admired of all ancient Greek coins, a true masterpiece, excessively rare and a coin of the highest importance.
a true masterpiece.”
Sicily, Naxos (c.530-510 B.C.). Silver Drachm. Head of Dionysos. Rev. Bunch of grapes. Of superb late archaic style with an attractive cabinet tone. Ex Countess de BĂŠhague Collection.
Macedon, Amphipolis (356/5 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Apollo. Rev. Raised linear square enclosing a race-torch. A wholly exceptional work of ancient numismatic art, an absolutely breathtaking head of Apollo engraved to the very highest artistic standard, a magisterial example of one of the greatest ancient Greek coins.
Kyrenaika, Barke (c.360 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. Silphium plant. Rev. Facing head of Zeus Ammon. A superb coin, the head of Zeus is spectacular in its rendering of the King of the Gods, excessively rare.
Carian Islands, Rhodes (c.404-375 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Helios. Rev. Rose. Outstanding style, one of the very finest of this series, a superb coin.
“A wonderful example of one of the greatest of all 5th centuary Greek coins, one of the most Sicily, Naxos (c.461-430 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Dionysos. Rev. Silenos squatting. A wonderful example of one of the greatest of all 5th century Greek coins, the work of a master artist, one of the most famous coins from antiquity. Ex Countess de Béhague Collection.
famous coins from antiquity.”
Kingdom of Epirus, Pyrrhos (297-272 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. Head of the Dodonian Zeus. Rev. Dione enthroned. The head of Zeus is one of the most magisterial ever to appear on a coin, a masterpiece of early Hellenistic art.
Carian Islands, Kos (c.480-475 B.C.). Silver Triple Siglos. Diskobolos, about to hurl a discus. Rev. Incuse square. One of the greatest types of the entire ancient Greek series and the most successful rendering of an athlete ever to appear on an ancient Greek coin, in exceptional condition with light iridescent tone, extremely rare.
Kingdom of Syria, Seleucid Kings, Seleukos I Nikator (312-280 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. Pergamum mint. Bridled head of horned horse (perhaps Bucephalus) facing right. Rev. Elephant walking right. A magnificent coin of almost medallic impact, attractively toned, one of the finest known examples of this extremely rare and historically significant coin.
Crete, Knossos (c.440 B.C.). Silver Stater. The Minotaur running right. Rev. The Labyrinth. In unusually good condition for this issue, extremely rare, an excellent depiction of one of the most famous of all mythological creatures.
Babylonia, Alexander III, The Great (336-323 B.C.). Silver Dekadrachm of Five Shekels. Taxla mint. Alexander The Great on Bucephalus (his horse), in pursuit of a mahout and his master seated on an Indian elephant. Rev. Alexander standing left, wearing military attire. Probably struck in commemoration of Alexander’s defeat of King Poros of India, this extremely rare coin is without doubt one of the most historically important ever produced.
Zeugitana, Carthage (Second Punic War Issue, c. 213-210 B.C.). Silver Shekel. Male head facing to left. Rev. Elephant walking to right. It has been suggested that the head could be that of the Carthaginian general Hannibal, extremely rare, only a few known specimens of which this is perhaps the finest.
Crete, Phaistos (c.350 B.C.). Silver Stater. Youthful Herakles seated on lion’s skin. Rev. Bull butting right. A beautiful coin of superb style and wonderful old cabinet tone, a wholly exceptional example of exquisite die-engraving. Ex R. Carfrae Collection, Sotheby’s 1894, lot. Ex Sotheby’s 1900, ‘Late Collector’ (Rothschild). Ex Jameson Collection. Ex Kunstfreund Collection.
Sicily, Syracuse (c.466-465 B.C.). Silver Dekadrachm. By the Demareteion Master. Charioteer driving quadriga. Rev. Head of Arethusa. The Demareteion series is the most famous, and among the most beautiful, of all the archaic and classical coinage of Syracuse, of superlative style, very rare. Ex Nelson Bunker Hunt Collection.
Sicily, Syracuse (c.405-400 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. Signed by Eukleidas. Female charioteer driving quadriga. Rev. Head of Athena. A magnificent example of this beautiful issue by a master engraver, attractive iridescent tone and very rare.
Sicily, Syracuse, Dionysos I (c.405-367 B.C.). Silver Dekadrachm. Both dies signed by the artist Kimon. Charioteer driving quadriga. Rev. Head of Arethusa. Well-struck and with a handsome cabinet tone, a superb example of Kimon’s later style, and one of his greatest creations. Ex R.C. Lockett Collection.
Sicily, Leontinoi (c.466-460 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. By the Demareteion Master. Charioteer driving quadriga. Rev. Head of Apollo. Beautiful cabinet tone, a wonderful example of the Demareteion Master’s work, combining the very finest late archaic and early classical artistry.
Attica, Athens (c.525 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. Gorgoneion facing. Rev. Forepart of panther facing. Well-struck on a broad flan, wonderful style and very rare, a fantastic example.
Thrace, Ainos (c.385/4-384/3 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Hermes Rev. Goat standing to right. Of exceptional style, struck in high relief.
Siculo-Punic (c.360 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. Head of Queen Dido left. Rev. Lion walking left. Of the highest artistic style of the period, exceedingly rare, a masterpiece.
Sicily, Syracuse (c.466-465 B.C.). Silver Tetradrachm. By the Demareteion Master. Charioteer driving quadriga. Rev. Head of Arethusa. Oustanding style and very rare, an important coin from the famous Demareteion group.
Attica, Athens (c.545-515 B.C.). Silver Didrachm. Owl standing to left. Beautiful old cabinet tone, extremely rare and important with a wonderful old pedigree dating back to 1890. Ex Jameson Collection. Ex Kunstfreund Collection.
THE NEW YORK SALE GROUP Formed in 1998 the New York Sale partnership currently comprises three of the most prestigious numismatic auction houses in the world, who together form a powerful international force in the numismatic industry. Original partners A.H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd (London, UK) and M&M Numismatics Ltd (Washington DC, USA and Basel, Switzerland) were subsequently joined by Dmitry Markov Coins & Medals of New York (USA) in 2000. e partnership has expanded to hold two multi-million dollar sales per year, specializing in Ancient and World coins and Russian Coins and Medals. Held each year in conjunction with one of the largest and annual numismatic events (e New York International Convention) the group holds two auctions on Wednesday and ursday of the week long conference in January and has held over 22 auctions since its conception. By pooling a vast array of experience and knowledge the group strives to offer the best service to their clients and customers, whether buying at the auction or as a potential vendor for the sale, any one of the partners can offer advice. Catalogues are produced to the highest possible standard and may be used as a useful reference for serious buyers and coin collectors. Over the years the partnership has aimed to achieve the best possible prices for their vendors and undertake a marketing strategy which is proven by the excellent results achieved year upon year. In 2004 the sale of an 1825 Russian silver Rouble for US$603,750 broke the world record price achieved for any non-US coin sold by public auction and since then lots have regularly attained prices well above estimate. In 2008 results from the Italian section of the sale made a staggering US$1,118,400, four times the pre-sale estimate. Even in the current economic climate recent results have spoken volumes about the ability of the group to attract discerning buyers for quality lots. A. H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd, London Founded in 1872, A. H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd set up their in-house auction department ‘Baldwin’s Auctions’ in 1993 and have since expanded to hold regular auctions of all numismatic material in London, New York and Hong Kong. Baldwin’s have been based in central London for over 100 years and are the last remaining traditional coin dealers in London offering an old-fashioned personal service to help you build your collection with confidence. e Baldwin’s specialist team has worked as advisors and cataloguers of coins for many of the most prestigious auction houses in London and abroad for decades. Our extensive library, comprising thousands of reference books, allows us to research thoroughly all aspects of numismatics from Ancient times to the present day, with the main focus including English, European, Russian, Islamic, Indian, the Americas and Oriental coins, as well as commemorative medals, for auction and direct sale. Today our permanent staff of numismatists include: Edward Baldwin (European, Colonial, Oriental and Russian Coins), Dimitri Loulakakis (English, European, Latin American and Modern Greek Coins), Steve Hill (English Coins), Graham Byfield (Indian and Islamic Coins and Commemorative Medals), Paul Hill (Ancient Coins), Seth Freeman (British Tokens and Banknotes), David Kirk (Military Medals), Caroline Holmes (Numismatic Books), and Laurent Stainvurcel (European Coins). e merger of Baldwin’s with Noble Investments (UK) PLC in 2005, and the acquisition in early 2008 of Apex Philatelics Ltd., has seen the company expand to become a formidable market player offering a complete package for any coin or stamp collector or investor. A. H. Baldwin & Sons Ltd is one of the largest numismatic houses in Europe and the only numismatic trading company listed on the London Stock Exchange. Baldwin’s has been a member of the International Association of Professional Numismatists (IAPN) since 1969, and is also a member of the British Numismatic Trade Association (BNTA), the British Antique Dealer’s Association (BADA) and individuals on their staff are members of the American Numismatic Association (ANA), the Royal Numismatic Society (RNS) and the British Numismatic Society (BNS). Dmitry Markov Coins & Medals, New York Dmitry Markov’s interest in coin collecting goes back to 1972. In 1985 he graduated from the History Department of the Kiev State University (Ukraine) and received his M.A. for the thesis – “Monetary Circulation in Ancient Russia (8th to 13th cent. A.D.)”. His broad interests in numismatics include Russia, Ancient Coinage especially those of the Northern Black Sea area, as well as Islamic Central Asia and Caucasus. He has published a number of research articles in these fields. After coming to the U.S. in 1990, Dmitry Markov founded “Dmitry Markov Coins & Medals”, a well-known leading firm dealing with medals and coins. Dmitry Markov’s continuing research on Russian, Ancient and Islamic coinage makes an invaluable addition to his very extensive auction catalogues. He had issued over 40 illustrated reference catalogues, as well as many other fixed price lists. Dmitry Markov Coins & Medals have been an elected member of the International Association of Professional Numismatists (IAPN) since 2000. Also a Life Member of the American Numismatic Association (ANA), American Numismatic Society (ANS), a Life Member of the Orders & Medals Society of America (OMSA), as well as many other trade and collectors associations.
11 Adelphi Terrace London WC2N 6BJ Great Britain tel: +44 (0)20 7930 9808 fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450
P O Box 950 New York, NY10272 United States tel: +1 908 470 2828 fax: +1 908 470 0088
M&M Numismatics Ltd, Washington DC & Switzerland Münzen und Medaillen AG (M&M) was established in Basel, Switzerland in 1941. e founders of the firm were the brothers Dr. Erich Cahn and Dr. Herbert Cahn, professional numismatists, together with several eminent Swiss collectors. M&M became well-known in the post WWII period for its monthly fixed price lists, a series which continued for over 60 years. e firm has also conducted over 100 auctions, including great collections such as the Rosen (Ancient electrum), Bally (Roman), Kohlmoos (crown-sized coins) Sutter (Italy and Sicily) and many others. In partnership with Leu Numismatik, M&M also auctioned the Kunstfreud and Niggeler collections. In the 1990s, Dr. Hans Voegtli assumed responsibility for Ancient coins and Dr. Bernhard Schulte for Medieval and modern coins. In 1996, M&M Numismatics opened in Washington, DC with Lucien Birkler as managing director. In 1997, M&M Deutschland opened in Weil am Rein, Germany, with Joachim Stollhoff as managing director. e Basel office was closed in 2004, but both the American and German firms remain active. Today both companies continue the long tradition of serving collectors and look forward to serving your numismatics needs now and in the future.
P O Box 65908 Washington, DC20035 United States tel: +1 202 833 3770 fax: +1 202 429 5275
11 Adelphi Terrace London WC2N 6BJ Great Britain tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879 fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450
11 Adelphi Terrace London WC2N 6BJ Great Britain tel: +44 (0)20 7930 9808 fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450
P O Box 950 New York, NY10272 United States tel: +1 908 470 2828 fax: +1 908 470 0088
P O Box 65908 Washington, DC20035 United States tel: +1 202 833 3770 fax: +1 202 429 5275
11 Adelphi Terrace London WC2N 6BJ Great Britain tel: +44 (0)20 7930 6879 fax: +44 (0)20 7930 9450