ST JOHN’S SIXTH FORM CENTRE Turpins Lane, Woodford Bridge, Essex IG8 8AX Telephone: (020) 8504 1818 Fax: (020) 8559 2409
Headteacher: Ms. J. Sheehy
Chair of the Governing Body: Fr. Bob Hamill Trustees: The Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary Charity No: 287232
The Sixth Form Centre was officially opened and blessed on February 11th, 2000 by the Right Reverend Bishop Thomas McMahon of Brentwood.
In St. John’s School our general aims are: • To help the children to grow to maturity with an awareness of their own spiritual and emotional needs and the needs of others.
• To encourage them to achieve the physical, intellectual, cultural and emotional independence appropriate to their age.
• To prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiencesof adult life. • To enable them to enjoy their childhood in an environment where the ethos is of a caring Christian community.
Using the Independence flat
With approximately 100 pupils on roll, St. John’s is a small school compared with mainstream secondary or college environments. At Post 16 level it offers:-
• A Sixth Form building with three tutor groups and approximately 34 students.
• A Sixth Form teaching flat for learning life skills eg. cleaning, cooking, using a washing machine, making beds etc.
• A salon for practising personal care eg. hair washing and styling, personal hygiene, make up.
• A computer suite for developing ICT skills and supporting work across the curriculum.
• A Sixth Form dining and canteen area.
• A quiet room for students to have some time to work individually or talk to staff.
Using the Independence flat
St. John’s Sixth Form Centre n Learning for Life
• Teaching is in small groups with LSA support attached to groups.
• Teaching and resources are geared to different learning styles. For example, symbols are used across the curriculum to support learning and understanding.
• A total communication approach is used across the department including Makaton signing and PECS.
The school being presented with a new minibus
• We have trained staff to work with students with a variety of SEN.
• Transport is available for life skills work which is an important part of the curriculum, including the use of the school minibus for shopping, outings etc. We also use public transport to encourage Independence skills.
• Students have access to a range of different experiences. Activities include a leisure programme to promote health and fitness.
• We have close links with the Essex Connexions Officer attached to the school. The students own Connexions Officers are invited to attend Annual Reviews.
• We have access to Speech and Language Therapy advice on site and offer class based communication groups.
• Friendships and different relationships are also discussed as part of life skills work and within the R.E. lessons
In the Sixth Form we aim to prepare students for life after school and also to develop their skills across the curriculum. The range of subjects offered is designed to be of the most benefit and relevance to the students.
St. John’s Sixth Form Centre n Learning for Life
The students follow two different ASDAN Award schemes:
Towards Independence
Modules cater for the less able students who require more support through their work. Modules are chosen to develop their life skills and communication and to give them a range of experiences.
Students on the Towards Independence scheme visiting a cafĂŠ and meeting new people.
The Bronze / Silver Award Scheme
This is used for our more able pupils who are able to record more of their own work and participate in discussions about topic areas.
These schemes are used as part of a broad balanced curriculum catered to the individual needs of the students. They also provide the students with formal accreditation which is moderated both internally and externally. The students can see that they have achieved and have goals to work towards.
Students on the ASDAN Bronze/Silver award scheme developing our Sensory Garden as part of a challenge 4
St. John’s Sixth Form Centre n Learning for Life
Pastoral and Spiritual Well-Being
• A strong Catholic ethos emphasised throughout the school via assemblies, Masses, RE lessons and PSHE. • A high staff ratio to allow individuals pastoral care time.
• Learning mentors to support students with any additional needs Eg. behavioural support.
• A group run by Speech and Language Therapists and mentors for pastoral needs of specific students.
Vocational Skills – Work Related Learning
Students all take part in a range of Enterprise activities designed to prepare them for life in the working world. Students make items to sell, hold cafes, grow plants, wash cars etc. to raise money. Students help to count the money they have made and all get a share of the profits at the end of the year. Students also have the opportunity to have some work experience around the school and offsite during their time in the Sixth Form.
We have a Careers library with prospectuses from a range of colleges and information about different careers and activities. Students, parents and staff are able to access these resources. Students also have the opportunity to visit different career’s fairs.
St. John’s Sixth Form Centre n Learning for Life
We have college links with Waltham Forest College and Epping Forest College. During their time in the Sixth Form the vast majority of students will have the opportunity to attend a links course at one of the colleges on a Friday morning.
Waltham Forest College offers more practical-based activities to our students, generally art and craft, cookery and painting and decorating. Epping Forest College offers more academic based activities in the form of self-advocacy and media studies.
Creative Arts
Music, drama, art and dance all form part of the curriculum. During the school academic year students will take part in rehearsals and performances at the Christmas concert and during assemblies throughout the year.
All students experience singing in assemblies and have some set music lessons. We are currently in the process of developing our own resources for music in the Sixth Form.
Students have a lesson a week with the art teacher, but also carry out many art activities in their class bases.
St. John’s Sixth Form Centre n Learning for Life
Communication is emphasised across the curriculum. As our students may communicate in different ways, a range of approaches is used, including signing, symbols, PECS folders, reading, writing, photos, speaking and listening activities, which are all available to pupils depending on their communication needs.
We aim for the students to be able to communicate as effectively as they can using their preferred means.
Students with sensory impairments are encouraged to use any aids necessary and to make others aware of their needs.
Involvement of Parents
It is the philosophy if the Centre to maintain close collaboration with parents. They are welcome to visit the Centre, by appointment, for discussion with the staff at any time during the year. Parents’ Evenings are held termly.
Parents are strongly encouraged to attend their son / daughter’s Annual Review meeting during which the student’s future placement is discussed and appropriate transition arrangements planned.
A parent governor represents the interests of all parents at our Governors’ meeting which take place three times a year.
In line with our Mission Statement, our Behaviour policy and the Christian ethos of the Centre, students are expected to at in a socially acceptable manner, with courtesy and good manners, showing respect for other people and their possessions. They will be expected to treat school property with respect. Further information about the Centre may be obtained by contacting the Headteacher.
St. John’s Sixth Form Centre n Learning for Life
ST. JOHN’S SIXTH FORM CENTRE Turpins Lane, Woodford Bridge, Essex IG8 8AX Telephone: (020) 8504 1818 Fax: (020) 8559 2409
Headteacher: Ms. J. Sheehy Chair of the Governing Body: Fr. Bob Hamill Trustees: The Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary Charity No: 287232
St. John’s Sixth Form Centre n Learning for Life