Furniture, Works of Art & Clocks Wednesday 3rd October 2018
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424505 446955
ASIAN ART John Axford MRICS ASFAV Jeremy Morgan Marta Olszewska Amber Lees
424506 424506 424591 424571
FURNITURE, WORKS OF ART & CLOCKS Mark Yuan-Richards Jim Gale Suzy Becsy
411854 339161 446974
JAPANESE ART Alex Aguilar Doméracki
424509 424598
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446960 424590
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Salisbury Salerooms, 51-61 Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3SU Tel: 01722 424500 • www.woolleyandwallis.co.uk
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FURNITURE, WORKS OF ART & CLOCKS Wednesday 3rd October 2018 at 10.00am VIEWING TIMES Saturday 29th September Monday 1st October Tuesday 2nd October Wednesday 3rd October
10.00am – 1.00pm 10.00am – 4.30pm 10.00am – 4.30pm 8.30am – 9.45am
Mark Yuan-Richards 01722 411854 myr@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
Jim Gale 01722 339161 jg@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
Collection is available on the day of the sale at the Salerooms. Please note, following the sale all lots will be in transit and collection starts on Monday 8th October from our warehouse: Unit 1B, Castle Gate Business Park, Old Sarum, Salisbury, SP4 6QX. Please call 01722 446950 or 01722 424500 prior to collection to ensure the items are ready.
Suzy Becsy 01722 446974 sb@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
All accounts to be settled prior to collection. CONDITION OF LOTS Please note that the condition of lots is not stated in the catalogue descriptions. Reports on condition may be available on request. The absence of condition reports in the catalogue does not imply that the lot is free from imperfections or faults. BUYER’S PREMIUM Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 25% plus VAT TELEPHONE BIDDING Please note that requests for telephone bids cannot be accepted after 5pm on Tuesday 2nd October. LIVE BIDDING
ILLUSTRATIONS Front cover: Lot 372 detail Back cover: Lot 106 Catalogue £10.00 (£15.00 by post)
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Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 25% plus VAT
1. An early 18th century oak dresser, the boarded top with a moulded edge and a raised back, above three frieze drawers, on baluster and block turned front legs, 86.8cm high, 190.2cm wide, 48.3cm deep. £800-1,200
2. A late 17th century oak panelled back open armchair, the surmount carved with leaves, above a lozenge panel, with scroll arms, on bobbin turned legs united by peripheral stretchers. £300-400 Provenance: Ken and Joyce Adams Antiques, Seend, Wiltshire. The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
3. A George II Scottish pine and oak panelled back open armchair, the top rail incised with initials ‘W P A D 1’ and the date ‘1728’, above fielded panels, the solid seat on turned front legs united by peripheral stretchers. £300-400
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4. A late 19th century French cherrywood farmhouse kitchen table, the boarded top with cleated ends, with a frieze drawer to either side, on square tapering legs, 76.4cm high, 158.2cm long, 83.7cm deep. £300-400
5. A French oak country wine tasting table or vendange table, the circular boarded top on sleigh supports, late 19th / early 20th century, 77.2cm high, 100.1cm diameter. £100-150
6. A set of six Lancashire ash dining chairs, each with a spindle back, above a rush seat, on turned front legs united by stretchers, early 19th century. (6) £300-400 Provenance: Purchased from David Tron Antiques, 275 Kings Road, Chelsea, London, 25th February 1988.
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Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 25% plus VAT
7. A late 17th century oak dresser, the boarded top above a geometric panelled cupboard door enclosing a shelf, flanked by three drawers to either side, decorated with baluster split mouldings, on shaped bracket feet, 82cm high, 185.5cm wide, 52.5cm deep. £800-1,200 Provenance: Purchased from Great Grooms Antique Centre, Hungerford, 1st June 2009.
8. A late 17th century oak chest, in two halves, with two short and three long panelled drawers, with panelled sides, 97.7cm high, 97.8cm wide, 65.7cm deep. £250-350 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
9. A Charles II oak chest, in two parts, with two short and four long geometric panelled front drawers, 110.7cm high, 106.5cm wide, 62.3cm deep. £800-1,200 Provenance: Purchased from Period Oak of Petworth.
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10. An early 18th century Welsh oak press cupboard, the plain frieze with turned pendants, above a pair of arched fielded panel doors, the base with three frieze drawers, above a pair of panelled cupboard doors enclosing a shelf, 174.7cm high, 149cm wide, 60cm deep. £600-800 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
11. A Queen Anne oak gateleg table, the oval drop-leaf top on spiral twist, urn and block supports, united by peripheral stretchers, 73.3cm high, 133 x 151.5cm (open). £200-300
12. An oak cricket table, the circular top on baluster ring turned legs united by peripheral stretchers, 63cm high, 51cm diameter. £150-200
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13. A 19th century painted and grained pine concave settle, the panelled back with cross shape outline mouldings, above a solid seat and twin drawers, 163.3cm high, 153.5cm wide, 44cm deep. £400-600 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
14. A Queen Anne oak gateleg table, the oval drop-leaf top above a frieze drawer to either end, on baluster turned and block legs united by peripheral stretchers, 75.5cm high, 122.6 x 148.2cm (open). £250-350 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
15. An 18th century oak cricket table, the circular boarded top made from 17th century panelling, on turned and block legs united by a stretcher, 64cm high, 52cm diameter. £250-350 Provenance: Ken and Joyce Adams Antiques, Seend, Wiltshire. The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
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16. A 17th century oak triple panelled coffer, the interior originally with a till, the front with a thumbnail frieze above lozenge and rosette carved panels, 66.3cm high, 121cm wide, 49.2cm deep. £200-300 Provenance: Ken and Joyce Adams Antiques, Seend, Wiltshire. The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
17. A 17th century triple panelled oak coffer, the interior with a lidded till, the guilloche frieze above lozenge carved panels, 65.5cm high, 115cm wide, 54.7cm deep. £250-350 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
18. An early 18th century oak mule chest, the interior with a lidded till, the triple panelled front carved with leaves, above a pair of drawers, 66.9cm high, 118cm wide, 52cm deep. £300-400 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
19. A carved oak marriage chest, the twin panelled lid decorated with coats of arms, with an eagle and the initials ‘M B’, with caryatids and the date and inscription ‘1756 GOD WITH US’, the interior originally with a till, the front panels of a man and a woman, with a thumbnail frieze, 17th century and later, 59cm high, 98.7cm wide, 47cm deep. £200-300 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
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20. A small early 17th century oak coffer, the hinged lid with a moulded edge revealing a till, above an arcaded frieze, with a scrollwork carved panel front, the sides with panels of stylised trees, 47.5cm high, 77.7cm wide, 29cm deep. £800-1,200 Provenance: Purchased from Period Oak of Petworth.
21. A small early 17th century six plank coffer, the hinged top with a moulded front edge and grooved sides, the interior originally with a till, on cutout ends, 42.4cm high, 85.7cm wide, 31cm deep. £200-300 21
22. A 17th century elm six plank coffer, the hinged lid with a moulded front and grooved sides, revealing a vacant interior, originally with a till, the triple panelled front with a lunette carved frieze, above leaves and flowers, on cut-out ends, probably West Country, 65cm high, 144.6cm wide, 52.5cm deep. £400-600
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23. A pair of 17th century style relief carved panels of river gods, one possibly the Nile, the other the Tigris, 25 x 48.8cm, each in a painted gilt frame, late 19th century. (2) £500-700
24. A continental carved wood and polychrome decorated figure of a bishop, with parcel gilt decoration, wearing a mitre and a red and white cloak, possibly Italian or Spanish, early 18th century, 40cm high. £150-200
25. A European stained and carved wood group of Saint Anthony of Padua, holding the infant Jesus, 18th century, 68.7cm high. £100-150
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Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 25% plus VAT
26. A 15th century English composite stained glass panel, of the lower torso of an archangel in armour, with his wings visible to the side, c.1450, 18cm diameter, later mounted in a modern metal and back-lit frame. £1,000-1,500 Provenance: Purchased from Sam Fogg, Clifford Street, London. See Paul Williamson, Medieval and Renaissance Stained Glass in the Victoria and Albert Museum, cat. 34, p. 139, for a comparable example.
27. A 14th century Netherlandish composite stained glass panel, of a male saint wearing a hat, 29.1 x 23.1cm, later mounted in a modern metal and back-lit frame. £800-1,200 Provenance: Purchased from Sam Fogg, Clifford Street, London.
28. A 13th century and later European stained glass circular panel, probably French, depicting Joachim and Anna at the Golden Gate, inscribed ‘AUREA PORTA’, with later painted glass replacements, 42.5cm diameter, in a modern grey painted wood frame. £2,000-3,000 This panel depicts Joachim and Anna meeting at the Golden Gate of Jerusalem. In style the panel compares favourably to the stained glass of the great cathedrals of the early 13th century, in particularly to a similar panel of Joachim and Anna at Chartres Cathedral.
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29. A Victorian stained glass panel by William Wailes, depicting Christ carrying the cross, with attendant figures, 63.8 x 42.3cm. £500-700 William Wailes (1808-1881) was the proprieter of one of England’s largest and most prolific stained glass workshops. One of his most famous commissions was for the huge west window of Gloucester Cathedral. Restored by York Minster Glass Works.
A bronze model of a bellarmine, dated ‘1507’, 12.3cm high. £100-150
31. A 19th century naive oil on board painting, depicting a man seated smoking a clay pipe in a domestic interior, accompanied by his dog, 12.2 x 9.6cm, in a later gilt frame. £100-150
32. A Medieval style sandstone figure of a female saint, wearing a cloak and holding something in her left hand, 12.3cm high, together with a carved oak panel of a saint, probably from a 17th century chest. (2) £100-150
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33. An Italian carved Verona marble group of a lion and cub in Romanesque style, both peering over a ledge, with stylised manes and almond shape eyes, 37cm high, 19.7cm wide, 39cm deep. ÂŁ300-500 Provenance: From the collection of Edward and Julia Carter Preston, sold on behalf of The Hope Carter Preston Foundation, Liverpool. Edward Carter Preston (1885-1965) was a renowned Liverpool artist, sculptor and medalist, his daughter Julia Carter Preston (1926-2012) was a successful potter.
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34. Two French Romanesque / Gothic iron keys, with pierced bow handles, 13th / 14th century, 10.7cm long (max). (2) £150-200
35. Two 16th century Italian Venetian iron keys, each with a hexafoil Gothic pierced bow, and a ring for suspension, with traces of gilding / bronzed decoration, 11.7cm long (max). (2) £200-300
36. Two 16th century Italian iron keys, one Venetian with a hexafoil Gothic bow and a zigzag decorated stem, with a ring for suspension, together with a ‘crossbow’ key, with a pierced bow and knopped and disc turned stem, 16cm long (max). (2) £300-500
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Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 25% plus VAT
37. Three 16th century Italian Venetian iron keys, each with a pierced Gothic bow and with a ring for suspension, two with hollow stems, 14cm long (max). (3) £200-300
38. Three 16th century Italian Venetian iron keys, each with a pierced Gothic bow with a ring for suspension, one with a hollow stem, with traces of gilding / bronzed decoration, 9.5cm long (max). (3) £150-250
39. Three Italian Venetian keys, each with a pierced Gothic bow and with a ring for suspension, all with hollow stems, iron and steel, 16th / 17th century, 10.7cm long (max). (3) £200-300
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40. An Italian iron sword pommel, decorated on both sides with a pair of angels flanking a male mask, within scrolling leaves and a shell, 16th / 17th century, 7.1cm high. £200-300
41. An iron hammer, possibly for sugar, with panels of damascened type decoration of stylised boteh, the handle pierced, 18th / 19th century, 23.3cm long. £80-120
42. An early 19th century fire tool shovel, with a knopped stem, together with a steel basting spoon, stamped with initials ‘J B D’, together with a large rushnip, with a scroll handle, 56.8cm (max). (3) £80-120
41 43. A rare 18th century wrought iron trivet, the stand worked with a double headed eagle and with an urn issuing leaves, with a long arm and with a hook on a ratchet type mechanism, the top with scroll pierced finials, 22.8cm high, 40.2cm wide. £100-150
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44. A large collection of 19th century brass trivets, pierced, with various designs and motifs, including: birds, anchors, stars, hearts, compasses and a dog, one with a turned wood handle, 30.2cm long (max). (42) ÂŁ150-250 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
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A COLLECTION OF BRASS, COPPER & METALWARE 45. An early 19th century brass trivet, the pierced and revolving detachable top on a screw-off baluster stem and detachable tripod supports, possibly campaign, together with seven other trivets, in brass, bell metal and steel, one stamped ‘TONKS’, a brass kettle, a footman and a bell metal skillet, 35.3cm (max). (11) £100-200
46. Seven brass items, comprising: a large brass and copper lidded pitcher, together with a large brass kettle, a music stool, a Dutch repoussé decorated twin lidded coal scuttle, a funnel, a bowl with copper handles and an Arts & Crafts lidded cylindrical scuttle, 55.4cm high. (7) £100-200
47. A Victorian oak and iron butter churn, with two pats, applied with brass plaques inscribed ‘MELOTTE SEPARATOR SALES CO. LTD. BRISTOL’ and ‘BROUGHTON & WILKS BANBURY IRONMONGERS’, £80-120 together with three brass skimmers, 66cm (max). (4)
48. Three brass grain scoops, with turned ebonised treen handles, together with five brass and tin dairy measures, 1/2 gallon, quart, pint and two half pints, one stamped ‘LISTER’, with crown marks, ‘GR’, 41.5cm (max). (8) £80-120 48
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49. After George Gammon Adams (1821-1898). A Victorian brass bust of Arthur Wellesley 1st Duke of Wellington (1769-1852), on a waisted socle, 30cm high. £150-200
50. A brass and wrought iron adjustable candlestand, with an urn finial above an adjustable sconce, with a circular drip-pan, on a tripod base, 140.7cm high. £150-200
50 51. A collection of brass ware, including: a spoon with a horn bowl, a pair of candle snuffers with repoussé decoration, a mortar and pestle, hanging scales by John Linwood, a wall bracket, two compasses, a wall sconce, a pair of nips, a bracket and other items, 48cm (max). (19) £150-250 51
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52. Two early 20th century brass miner’s lamps, one with a maker’s label inscribed ‘THE PROTECTOR LAMP & LIGHTING CL, NO...MAKERS ECCLES MANCHESTER’, together with a coaching lamp and a smaller lamp with a hinged shutter revealing a red stained glass panel, 26.7cm (max). (4) £80-120
53. A late 19th century copper and brass cylindrical logbin, with a swing handle and a riveted body, together with a copper and brass pail, a copper coal scuttle and a copper and brass lidded milk churn with a treen handle, 57.5cm high (max). (4) £100-200
54. Two Victorian copper dairy bowls, each with a part dipped edge for pouring, with loop handles, together with two copper navette shaped warmers, with brass handles, 83.1cm (max). (4) £100-200
55. A collection of copper ware, including: two small jelly moulds, a kettle, warmers, a haystack measure, a flask with a brass lid and handle, a Jersey milk can by ‘J. Quenault Tin Smith’, a Swedish copper warmer by ‘AKT BOLBA HJORTH & CO. Stockholm, a World War I copper hot water tube ‘THE TURBINE’, pans, jugs and other items, 60.3cm (max). (20) £150-200
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Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 25% plus VAT
56. A harlequin set of seven copper navy rum or ‘grog’ measures, with loop handles, comprising: 1 gallon, 1/2 gallon, quart, 1 pint, 1/2 pint, gill and 1/2 gill, all inscribed and with differing crown marks ‘GR’, ‘VR’ and ‘ER’, 18.9cm high (max). (7) £300-500
57. Two Victorian copper and brass powder flasks, with embossed decoration, one as a game bag and with two pheasants, the other with scrolling leaves, together with two leather powder flasks, one stamped ‘PB 2 1/2’’, 22.5cm (max). (4) £80-120
57 58. A pair of late George III polished steel sugar cutters, with leaf and star decoration, together with a pair of carved beech tethers, with damascened iron mounts, possibly Swiss or Afghan, 23.2cm (max). (3) £100-150
59. Two Victorian meat cleavers, each with a shaped steel blade, one with a turned yew handle, the other stained beechwood, together with an East Asian antelope horn and brass weapon, 62.4cm (max). (3) £150-200
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60. A Dutch brass six-light chandelier in 17th century style, the stem with a lion holding a coat of arms, above scroll arms and with a ball and ring base, 55cm high, 50cm wide. £100-200
Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins. 61. A Scottish brass chamberstick, the handle indistinctly inscribed, with a heart shaped pan and a turned taperstick, 23cm long. £40-60 62. A pair of 18th century style wall sconces, each with a cut mirrored back, above a pair of bronze twin candle holders, 45.5cm high. (2) £80-120 63. A brass altar style candlestick table lamp, the bowl top above two reeded drip-pans, on a hexagonal base, with stylised feet, with shade, 40.1cm high. £40-60 64. A pair of late 19th century French bronze candlesticks, the nozzles decorated with a warrior on horseback and with a female portrait bust, on a reeded and leaf wrapped column and monopodia legs with paw feet, together with a pair of George III bell metal candlesticks and a pair of brass candlesticks with a domed petal foot, 29cm high (max). (6) £80-120
Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
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65. A set of four early 19th century brass candlesticks, each with a detachable drip-pan, above a knopped stem and a foliate decorated foot, 24.6cm high. (4) £600-800
66. A pair of giltwood figures, of scantily clad maidens, possibly 17th / 18th century and later, on a later beechwood plinth, 39.5cm high. (2) £300-400
67. A rare early 18th century japanned pewter wall vase, in Chinese style, of pear shape, painted with scrolling leaves and flowers, with traces of gilt decoration, the base with a band of lappets, 25.5cm high. £100-150
68. A mid-18th century continental gilt bronze holy water stoup, the pierced back centred with a cross, decorated with scrolls in the Rococo manner, the faceted bowl engraved with plumes of feathers, 20.2cm high. £100-150
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69. A mid-18th century oak chest on stand, the moulded cornice above two short and three long drawers, the stand with an arrangement of four drawers, on cabriole legs, 153.9cm high, 111cm wide, 56.2cm deep. £300-400 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
69 70. A William and Mary oak side table, the boarded top above a geometric moulded frieze drawer, on bobbin turned legs united by a central stretcher, 72cm high 80cm wide, 55cm deep. £250-350 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
71. A set of six early 18th century oak dining chairs, each with a vase shaped splat above a solid seat, on turned and block legs united by stretchers. (6) £400-600 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
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72. A George I oak bureau, the hinged fall with a rest, enclosing a stepped interior with drawers and pigeonholes and with a sliding well cover, the base with two short and two long drawers, on bracket feet, 102.8cm high, 95.3cm wide, 54.5cm deep. £300-400 Provenance: Ken and Joyce Adams Antiques, Seend, Wiltshire. The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
73. A Queen Anne oak side table, the boarded top with a moulded edge, above a twin panelled frieze drawer, above a wavy edge apron, on block and baluster turned legs united by peripheral stretchers, 71cm high, 90cm wide, 55.4cm deep. £300-400 Provenance: Ken and Joyce Adams Antiques, Seend, Wiltshire. The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
74. A harlequin set of six 19th century country ash side chairs, four by Philip Clissett, each with a turned spindle back above a solid elm seat, with stretchered legs, four stamped with initials ‘P.C’ to the top of the uprights, the underside of one seat branded ‘W N’. (6) £300-400
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75. An early 18th century oak side table, the boarded top with cleated ends, above a frieze drawer, on bobbin turned legs united by peripheral stretchers, 71.7cm high, 94cm wide, 56.3cm deep. £200-300 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
76. A 17th century oak joint stool, with panelled bicuspid rails, 54.3cm high, 46.7cm wide, together with an elm dairy stool, 48.2cm wide. (2) £150-250 Provenance: Ken and Joyce Adams Antiques, Seend, Wiltshire. The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
77. A Queen Anne oak side table, the boarded top with a moulded edge, above a frieze drawer, on baluster turned legs united by an ‘X’ stretcher, 70.5cm high, 74cm wide, 55cm deep. £250-350 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
78. A pair of early 19th century country oak side chairs, each with a solid seat, on tapering front legs united by stretchers. (2) £100-150
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Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 25% plus VAT
79. A 19th century oak and elm Windsor rocking chair, with a comb top rail and an ash stick back, on turned and block supports and sleigh type rockers, possibly Welsh. £300-500 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins. See Christie’s, South Kensington, The Roger Warner Collection - Part I, 20th - 21st January 2009, lot 41.
80. A fruitwood child’s rocking commode chair, pierced with three handgrips, possibly Welsh, late 18th / early 19th century, with a later cushion. £300-400 80
81. A painted pine long chest or pikel box, the boarded hinged top revealing a vacant interior, with twin locks, on sleigh feet, early 18th century, 49cm high, 194.7cm long, 47.7cm deep. £300-400
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82. A George II Welsh stained pine mule chest, with a fielded panel hinged top, revealing a vacant interior, the conforming front with a pair of drawers, 66.9cm high, 100cm wide, 49.8cm deep. £200-300
83. An early 18th century oak and pine coffer, with a vacant interior, the twin panelled front pin wheel carved and dated ‘1732’, 58.4cm high, 119cm wide, 45.3cm deep. £250-350 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
84. An early 19th century painted and parcel gilt waterfall open bookcase, the later gallery above three shelves and a concave fronted recess, on bracket feet, 161.6cm high, 79cm wide, 40cm deep. £300-400
85. A pair of George III fruitwood country Chippendale style side chairs, each with a pierced splat, above a solid seat and a wavy edge apron, on stretchered legs. (2) £100-150 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
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Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 25% plus VAT
86. A 19th century East European elm troika or sleigh, with painted decoration, with a later leather seat and iron brakes, 128.2cm high, 160cm long, 87cm deep. £300-400
87. A Victorian papier-mâché shop sign, in the form of a smiling farmer, wearing a top hat and holding a walking cane, standing on green painted wood plinth base, 103cm high, 42.5cm wide. £500-700
88. A carved and painted wood child’s sleigh, with a young girl figurehead, flanked by a pair of dogs and painted with winter scenes, probably German or Austrian, early 20th century, 86.3cm high, 152cm long, 57cm deep. £400-600
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89. A planewood and fruitwood armchair, with a serpentine crest above a twin splat back, with outscrolling arms and an oak seat, on baluster turned legs united by peripheral stretchers, possibly Irish or Dutch, late 17th / early 18th century. £100-150 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
90. An oak centre table, the rectangular top with a moulded edge, on turned legs united by peripheral stretchers, 18th century and later, 66.2cm high, 76.3cm wide, 49.7cm deep. £100-200 Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
91. Two 19th century painted wood police constable’s long staves, each with a ribbed finial and decorated with a Royal Coat of Arms, above a shield with a black double headed eagle, possibly the town arms for Falmouth, Cornwall, one dated ‘1835’, the other ‘1851’, 178cm long (max). (2) £100-200
92. A 19th century sycamore dairy stool, on turned ash legs, 30.6cm high, 35.2cm wide, 33.4cm deep. £40-60
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93. A rare primitive treen carved oak lever action nutcracker, in the form of a man with a flat face, late 17th / early 18th century, 29.3cm long. ÂŁ2,000-3,000 See Woolley & Wallis, Furniture and Works of Art, 6th July 2016, lots 51, 54 and 55 and 4th July 2018 lot 66 for similar examples.
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94. A mid-18th century treen primitive lever action nutcracker, in the form of a man wearing a hat and with a flat face, inscribed with two dates ‘1758’ and ‘1773’, 14cm long. £1,000-1,500 See Woolley & Wallis, Furniture and Works of Art, 6th July 2016, lots 51, 54 and 55 and 4th July 2018 lot 66 for similar examples.
95. An early 18th century treen lever action nutcracker, with a snake head terminal and zigzag decoration, 16cm long. £500-800 See Jonathan Levi, Treen for the Table, pp.164-165 for similar examples.
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96. An unusual 19th century South American carved hardwood model of a life size skeleton, adze carved with a vertebra and a ball joint, inscribed to the front and back ‘D. Trindade’, the back also with the date ‘18/11/71’, possibly an effigy or a coffin cover, 162cm high, 57cm wide, 10.7cm deep. £2,000-3,000
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97. A George II treen lignum vitae coffee grinder or mill, of barrel shape and with a screw-off stylised acorn finial, the body in three sections and with a folding iron handle, 24.7cm high. £200-300 See Owen Evan-Thomas, Domestic Utensils of Wood, pl.31 & 33 for similar examples.
98. A Dutch folk art painted planewood boarded box, all over decorated with tulips and other flowers, the hinged lid revealing a lidded till, early 19th century, 15.8cm high, 33.6cm wide, 24.3cm deep. £300-400
99. An early 19th century treen urn, the cover decorated with bands of leaves, above a pineapple type body and a circular foot with a lappet moulding, 17.7cm high. £400-600
100. A Norwegian burr birch tankard, the hinged lid with a turned finial, with a scroll handle with brass mounts and on bun feet, 17th / 18th century, 17.6cm high. £400-600
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101. An 18th century Aubusson verdure tapestry, worked with a château with mountains in the distance, framed by trees before a lake, with two cranes, the left side with a view of a pagoda, within a scrolling leaf and flower outer border, 234 x 419.5cm. £3,000-5,000
102. A rare pair of embroidered silk pictures, worked with coloured silks and gold and silver metal thread, with French knots on an ivory silk ground, one depicting an aristocratic North African black lady in mid-17th century costume and wearing shoes with red heels, being shaded with a parasol by a blackamoor attendant before a pomegranate tree, the other with a figure tending a caparisoned camel, with a palm tree, flowers and a rocky outcrop, possibly French or Italian, early 18th century, originally from a bed hanging, 55.8 x 44.1cm (max), later glazed and framed. (2) £1,000-1,500 Provenance: By repute the Collection of Lady Lebus. By the 18th century depictions of black people in the arts were becoming more commonplace but depictions of wealthy or aristocratic black people were still a rare occurrence. This present lot is unusual as it depicts an aristocratic black lady possibly in a North African setting. She wears sumptuous clothes, red heeled shoes and is attended to by a well-dressed servant. During the 17th century and 18th century red heels denoted wealth and privilege and within the French court of Louis XIV red heeled shoes also denoted favour with the King.
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103. A set of four Kashmiri wool bed hangings in crewelwork style, each worked in chain stitch with scrolling leaves and flowers, with fruit, two parrots and two mice, late 19th century / early 20th century, 223.5 x 107cm. (4) £800-1,200
104. A 19th century wool and needlework picture of a cat, 20 x 25cm, later mounted in a painted and gilt glazed frame probably by Mallett. £300-400
105. A 19th century naive woolwork picture of a tiger, 47 x 67.9cm, in a faux bird’s eye maple frame. £400-600
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106. A fine mid-17th century embroidered needlework double casket, worked with multi-coloured silks, silver braid, metal thread, chenille, seed pearls and with various techniques and stitches including: petit point, couched work, French knots, split and tent stitches and with stump / raised decoration and padded work, the top of the casket of sarcophagus shape, with a hinged lid decorated with a gentleman and a lady flanking a Queen like figure under a canopy, revealing a silk lined interior with a lift-out printed and mirrored proscenium arch, lined with marbled paper, the sloping sides decorated with country scenes of figures, parrots, a lion, a deer, greyhounds and flowers, a further hinged section to reveal a lift-out mirror, a stationery tray with divisions and lidded compartments and secret drawers, with two pounce pots with emery bases, above an adapted hinged fall decorated with possibly the Queen of Sheba playing a lyre before Solomon, revealing a panel with a shepherd and shepherdess above three drawers, a secret drawer and a long drawer, with tortoiseshell edging, the left side with a family, possibly the original owners, the central lady's skirt lifts up to reveal under garments and a chatelaine, the right side with a biblical scene of Daniel in the lion’s den, the back with a probably replaced panel of figures, a stag, lion, a castle and birds and flowers, on turned marine ivory feet, with brass side carrying handles, in unrestored condition, 38cm high, 29cm wide, 20.7cm deep. £15,000-25,000 Provenance: By repute a branch of the Pitt-Rivers Family Dorset. Caskets and boxes such as this were made and used by young girls from affluent families between the ages of eight and fourteen. The techniques were learnt at a young age by completing samplers and these skills were then developed over time on more elaborate pieces. They would decorate small panels with embroidery featuring biblical and mythological scenes that were popular at the time and then they would be sent to a cabinet-maker to be made into a casket. They were used for storing small personal possessions and trinkets. For similar examples see the Victoria & Albert museum number: T.223 to B-1968, which has a very similar fitted arch, also 745:1 to 8-1891 and for silkwork versions a casket in the Burrell Collection, Glasgow and Christie's, The John Parry Collection, 25th March 2010, lot 100.
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107. A Mudejar walnut and bone casket, inlaid with geometric designs, stars and crosses, with an iron handle, clasp and lock, Aragon, 16th century, 14cm high, 34.6cm wide, 20.3cm deep. £2,000-3,000
108. A Dutch colonial tortoiseshell casket, with silver plated repoussé mounts and strapwork hinges, decorated with classical and religious figures, with scrolling Rococo borders, 19th century, 6.9cm high, 19.3cm wide, 12cm deep. £300-400
109. A small ivory casket, with silver foliate mounts, a sliding cover and an iron lock, 16th / 17th century, 7.4cm wide. £300-400
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110. A European ivory panel, carved in relief with cavorting cherubs picking fruit from a tree, with buildings in the distance, the back inscribed ‘Caratu 1609’, possibly 17th century German or Russian, 7.3 x 16cm, in an ebonised frame. £300-400
111. A German carved ivory Corpus Christi mount, of curved form, depicting Jesus on the cross above trees and Mary Magdalene, late 17th / early 18th century, 15.8cm high. £200-300
112. A carved ivory bust of a bearded man, possibly Chinese or Indo-Portuguese, 17th / 18th century, 3.8cm high. £150-200
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114. A late 17th century North Italian ebony and ivory table cabinet, inlaid with marquetry panels of scrolling foliage, with white metal mounts, with a hinged fall, revealing an arrangement of nine drawers, with grotesque male mask and wreath handles, around a central cupboard door, with conforming side carrying handles, on a later ebonised stand, 128.5cm high, 66.4cm wide, 41.2cm deep. £1,500-2,000
113. An Indo-Portuguese ivory group of the Virgin and child, with parcel gilt decoration and traces of polychromy, standing on the devil’s horns, Goa, late 17th / early 18th century, 18cm high. £400-600
Provenance: The Property of a Gentleman.
115. An Indo-Portuguese ivory group of the Virgin and child, Goa, 18th century, 20cm high. £300-500
Provenance: The Property of a Gentleman.
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116. An Italian Baroque style ebonised cabinet, with brass mounts and ripple mouldings, with a scroll pediment applied with a pair of cherubs holding a coat of arms, above an arrangement of fourteen drawers, the fronts inset with 18th century oil on board painted panels with various scenes, including: hunting, fishing, harvesting and other pursuits, around a central architectural hinged niche centred with Venus, revealing four further drawers, the probably later stand with three frieze drawers, on turned tapering legs united by a stretcher, 208cm high, 162cm wide, 58.5cm deep. £2,000-3,000
117. A 19th century Italian serpentine commode, possibly olive wood or walnut, inlaid with stringing, the crossbanded top with a moulded edge above three drawers, 81cm high, 84.3cm wide, 50cm deep. £400-600
118. A late 19th century Italian gilt decorated mirror in Renaissance style, the rectangular plate within a beaded frame and flanked by pilasters decorated with grotesques, the back with a paper trade label, inscribed ‘CESARE GRASSI SCULTORE IN LEGNO FIRENZE Via della Scala 14’, 50 x 51.7cm. £80-120
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119. An Italian lacquered chinoiserie tray table, with a gilt speckled ground, the detachable top with cusped corners, the centre with japanned raised faux playing cards, decorated with landscapes of Mount Fuji, objects, birds and a boat, above a frieze drawer, on pronounced cabriole legs, with scroll toes, late 18th / early 19th century, possibly Piedmontese or Venetian, 74.4cm high, 90.5cm wide, 54.2cm deep. ÂŁ2,000-3,000
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120. An 18th century Dutch red japanned display cabinet on later stand, of canted form, decorated in gilt with chinoiserie with figures, birds, animals, pagodas and prunus trees, the triple arched top with a turned spindle frieze and with four urn finials, above a glazed door enclosing two later fabric lined shelves, with glass side panels, the stand with a hatched panel and acanthus carved frieze, on fluted column legs, £1,000-1,500 216.8cm high, 103.5cm wide, 44cm deep.
121. A 19th century Dutch walnut hanging wall cabinet, with an astragal glazed door enclosing three shaped shelves, 95.2cm high, £100-150 87.7cm wide, 22.2cm deep. 120
122. Two similar early 19th century Dutch mahogany encoignures, each with reeded panels, one with three drawers, the other with a drawer and a cupboard, 81.9cm high, 102.4cm wide, 62cm deep and 81cm high, 76.5cm wide, 48.5cm deep. (2) £300-400 Provenance: Sotheby's, Colonnade 18 Sale, 21st July 1995, lot 783.
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123. A late 17th century Flemish ebony and ebonised cabinet, of architectural form, with two banks of four ripple moulded drawers, flanking a centre section decorated with a pedimented niche, flanked by solomonic columns, with a drawer above a hinged door enclosing an arrangement of seven drawers, above a further plinth drawer, on a conforming later stand, 151.3cm high, 153cm wide, 44.7cm deep. £1,000-1,500
124. A pair of Dutch alabaster finials of reclining Turkish figures, with polychrome decoration, late 18th / early 19th century, 10.3cm long. (2)
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125. A Dutch walnut and marquetry display cabinet on stand, inlaid with flowers and leaves, with an arched cornice, above a pair of astragal glazed doors enclosing two serpentine front shelves, the stand fitted with four drawers, on turned and faceted tapering legs united by a wavy stretcher, on bun feet, the back with a stencilled furniture retailer’s mark, late 18th / early 19th century, 227.3cm high, 162.5cm wide, 44cm deep. £2,000-3,000
126. A 19th century Dutch mahogany and marquetry twin chair back settee, inlaid with urns of flowers and birds, with a serpentine dropin seat and cabriole legs, 115.cm high, 124cm wide, 54cm deep. £300-500
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127. A pair of early 19th century Anglo-Dutch mahogany and marquetry card tables, inlaid with urns of flowers and birds, each with a swivel fold-over top, with an egg and dart moulded edge, the baize lined playing surface stencil decorated with a grapevine, on a turned and reeded stem and a quatrefoil base and paw feet, 75.5cm high, 82.3cm wide, 45cm deep. (2) ÂŁ4,000-6,000 Provenance: The Estate of the late Count Vladimir Caruana, Woolley & Wallis, The Contents of Stour House, Sandwich, Kent, 16th February 2010, lot 37.
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128. A late 18th century French provincial chestnut armoire, the later detachable cornice above a pair of triple panelled doors, enclosing a shelf and with a later hanging rail, 195.3cm high, 144cm wide, 67.1cm deep. £300-500
129. A French oak side chair in Louis XV style, with a padded back and seat covered in brown studded leather, the frame carved with shells, leaves and rocaille, on carved cabriole legs united by an ‘X’ stretcher. £200-300
130. An 18th century French os de mouton armchair, the padded back seat and armrest upholstered with later green leather, the arms carved with scrolls and husks, on reeded legs united by a stretcher. £100-200
131. A French provincial gilt and painted wood wall mirror, the later rectangular plate within a dentil moulded frame, with a lyre, horn and laurel surmount, probably late 18th / early 19th century, 67 x 39cm. £150-250 Provenance: Ken and Joyce Adams Antiques, Seend, Wiltshire. The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
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132. A Louis XVI kingwood and marquetry secrétaire à abattant, the mottled grey marble top with a moulded edge, above a frieze drawer, with ormolu mounts, above a harewood and penwork decorated fall with a wreath and a medallion, revealing a kingwood interior, with pigeonholes and a bank of nine drawers, the fall inlaid with a leather writing surface and inset with a white metal presentation plaque engraved ‘Presented to RONALD MALCOLM ESQRE. by the Members of the Staff of Messrs Coutts & Co on the occasion of his marriage 22nd March 1904’, above a pair of conforming cupboard doors enclosing a shelf, 140.7cm high, 94.7cm wide, 36.5cm deep. £1,000-1,500
133. A French rosewood and kingwood petit commode in Transitional style, with ormolu mounts, the grey and pink marble top with a moulded edge, above two drawers, 19th century, 81.4cm high, 67cm wide, 36.2cm deep. £500-800
134. A French beechwood three seater sofa in Louis XV style, with scroll arms, above a moulded frame, on cabriole legs and scroll toes, originally on castors, 87.5cm high, 197cm wide, 94cm deep. £300-500
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135. A French giltwood canapé in Louis XVI style, with a padded back, seat and armrests upholstered in plush fabric, with a leaf moulded frame, on stop fluted tapering legs, late 19th / early 20th century, 92.6cm high, 129cm wide, 59cm deep. £200-300 136. A French giltwood console table in Louis XVI style, the marble top with a moulded edge above a floral guilloche frieze, on lobed and fluted tapering legs united by a stretcher, with a flaming urn finial, 82.2cm high, 62cm wide, 30.2cm deep. £300-500 137. A French walnut and parcel gilt fauteuil in Louis XVI style, the padded back, seat and armrests covered in silk damask, late 19th century. £300-500
138. A French giltwood fauteuil in Louis XVI style, with a padded back, seat and armrests, covered with tapestry with romantic scenes of lovers and flowers, the frame £300-500 with fluted decoration and a laurel leaf surmount, late 19th century. 136
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139. A French cast iron and gilt and patinated bronze console table in Empire style, the associated white marble top above a pierced Gothic frieze and flanked by a pair of Moor caryatids, each with a gilt Egyptian style headdress and sandals, with applied stars, 19th century possibly originally a fireplace, 87.7cm high, 128,4cm wide, 45cm deep. £3,000-5,000
140. A late 19th century French cast iron adjustable music or artist’s stool, the leather revolving seat with a later cover, above a ratcheted stem and leaf cast cabriole legs and paw feet, 58.3cm high (max), 33.5cm wide. £200-300
141. A painted kidney shape kneehole desk, with simulated marble effect panels, with parcel gilt decoration, the tooled leather inset top above six convex front drawers, with Rococo mouldings, on leaf decorated scroll feet, late 19th / early 20th century, 79.6cm high, 154.5cm wide, 66.5cm deep. £1,000-1,500 141
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142. A French Empire mahogany commode, with ormolu mounts, the mottled grey marble top above four long drawers, flanked by Egyptian caryatids, 91cm high, 132cm wide, 60.8cm deep. £1,000-1,500 Provenance: From the collection of Angus James McBean, 1904-1990, Welsh photographer, set designer and cult figure, associated with Surrealism. The Peter Hone Collection, Christie’s South Kensington, 26th October 2016, lot 45.
143. A French Aubusson tapestry rug, in Louis XVI style, decorated with roses, 198 x 145cm. £200-300
144. A late 19th century French ebonised and marquetry lady’s work table, with brass mounts, the hinged top banded in walnut and thuya wood, inlaid with scrolling leaves and two cherubs, one writing, the other sewing, the kingwood interior with a pair of lidded compartments, the frieze drawer with a lift-out divided tray, on square tapering legs, 74.7cm high, 68.6cm wide, 41cm deep. £300-500
145. A French white painted canapé in Louis XVI style, the padded back, seat and armrests covered in en grisaille printed fabric depicting country scenes with figures in various pursuits, with a guilloche moulded frame carved with leaves and flowers, c.1900, 104.4cm high, 174cm wide, 70cm deep. £400-600
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146. A French painted and parcel gilt canapé in Louis XVI style, with a cane back and seat, with a squab cushion, the moulded frame decorated with leaves, c.1900, 103cm high, 180.5cm wide, 66cm deep. £300-400
147. A painted and giltwood centre table in Louis XV style, the serpentine moulded edge top inset with a later panel above a rocaille, scroll and flower decorated frieze, on pierced scroll legs united by a conforming ‘X’ stretcher, with an urn of flowers finial, 81.8cm high, 120cm wide, 69cm deep. £800-1,200
148. A French giltwood bergère in Louis XVI style, with a moulded frame and a surmount carved with ribbons, musical instruments and a floral wreath, on stop fluted legs and brass castors, 19th century. £100-150
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149. A French Louis XV style kingwood secrétaire in the manner of François Linke, with ormolu mounts, the rouge marble top above a hinged fall inset with a Vernis Martin painted panel depicting 18th century lovers in an arcadian setting, the satinwood interior with a shelf and four drawers, with parquetry sides and a frieze drawer, on cabriole legs with ram’s head masks, c.1900, 132cm high, 65.1cm wide, 40.4cm deep. £1,000-1,500
150. A French kingwood and marquetry side table in Louis XV style, the rectangular banded top inlaid with various specimen woods with an 18th century ballooning scene, with figures, horses, a dog, buildings and a landscape setting, above a frieze drawer, on square tapering legs, late 19th century, 74.6cm high, 75cm wide, 49.6cm deep. £1,500-2,000
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151. A French Louis XVI style mahogany and ormolu mounted desk by François Linke, the later top inset with green gilt tooled leather, with a leaf moulded edge, above a frieze drawer decorated with a mask of Bacchus flanked by cornucopiae, goats and scrolling grapevine, flanked by further panels of scrolling grapevine, leaves, an eagle’s head, a bird and a squirrel eating nuts, with corresponding panels to the sides and back, on square tapering legs headed by a flower and leaf patera and applied with ribbon tied garlands of leaves, acorns and grapes, on leaf sabot, c.1900-05, 74cm high, 128.3cm wide, 66cm deep. £8,000-12,000 Linke Index number 118, ‘Table Louis XVI, bois d’acajou bronze dores.’ The Linke archive has pencil sketches for a similar table in Linke’s First Daybooks corresponding with index number 118. It is recorded in the Linke archive that a version of this table was made in 1904-08, another version with a hinged glass top was made in 1919. Francois Linke (1855-1946) was the most important French cabinet maker of the end of the 19th century. His work reached its apogee with his spectacular stand at the Paris Exposition Universelle in 1900 where his Grand Bureau took the gold medal.
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152 153 152. A gilt brass table bell in the form of a turtle, the iron carapace with Spanish damascened decoration with a twin headed eagle, with a coat of arms and a crown, the underside stamped ‘BO.J PAT.NO. 19536 NO.30368’, with a clockwork mechanism, 20th century, 14cm long. £250-350 153. A 19th century gilt bronze watch stand, with an eagle surmount and with mythical beasts supporting a garland of fruits and £200-300 vegetables, 15cm high. 154. A pair of French Empire style ormolu curtain tie backs, decorated with rosettes and anthemion motifs, stamped with ‘G184’, 19th century, 40cm. (2) £80-120 155. A late 19th century Paris porcelain jardinière, of square section, decorated in gilt on a blue ground with classical portraits within laurel wreaths and with grapevine borders, the front painted with a coaching scene, on paw feet and mounted on a marble base, with a lift-out liner, 32.7cm high. £100-150
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156. A 19th century Meerschaum erotic pipe, the bowl carved with a couple making love, with a gold collar and an amber mouthpiece, 13.5cm long, in a leather case. £500-800 Provenance: Purchased by the current vendor from a member of the Thai Royal family around thirty years ago. By repute it was a gift to King Rama V when he visited Europe in the late 1890’s.
157. A 19th century papier-mâché box, the hinged lid painted with a naval battle scene, together with a 19th century papier-mâché cigar case in the manner of Stobwasser, painted with a scene of Venus and Amore after Correggio, 13cm (max). (2) £100-150
158. An Italian wax erotic rondel, polychrome decorated with a love making couple, in a velvet covered card frame, probably late 18th century, 13cm diameter. £100-150
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159. A pair of 19th century enamel oval plaques, depicting a lady and a gentleman, each in a woodland setting, 8.5 x 6.3cm, in giltwood frames. £300-400
160. A 19th century French novelty brass and marble table cigarette box, in the form of a book, the hinged lid on a sprung support, 16cm wide. £100-150
161. An Italian maiolica panel or tile, painted with an urn of flowers on a window ledge, 39 x 25.3cm, in a moulded wood frame. £80-120
162. An Italian leather desk blotter, with gilt tooled and faux marble decoration, the cover embroidered with silver and gold metal thread with a coat of arms, possibly the Arms of the Bishops of Turin, 31.5 x 22.3cm. £100-150 Provenance: By repute The Kennedy Collection.
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163. An Italian Grand Tour design for a fan, painted on chicken skin, with panels of ancient Roman classical buildings and decorated with grotesques, scrolls and swags, late 18th / early 19th century, 48.2cm across, in a later gilt and glazed fan shaped case. £300-500
164. A pair of Italian Rococo style carved pine models of dancing monkeys, each playing the tambourine and standing on rockwork bases, possibly Venetian, 19th century, 37.7cm high (max). (2) £300-500
165. A pair of French gilt and patinated bronze urns, of amphora shape, the bodies decorated with a Bacchus mask with a grapevine, on rouge marble plinth base, late 19th / early 20th century, 62cm high, 30cm wide. (2) £800-1,200
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166. An 18th century French tortoiseshell snuff box, with gilt brass mounts, the hinged lid decorated with a Rococo chinoiserie scene of a fisherman beside a lake with two swans, 7.7cm wide. £300-500
167. A late 18th century French copper and gilt brass globe inkstand, the cone finial with a button mechanism releasing hinged sides, revealing a glass inkwell, a lidded jar and a pounce pot and apertures for pens and other writing utensils, on lion’s mask headed supports, inscribed ‘Gage d’Amitié et de l’éstime’, 23.3cm high. £300-400
168. A 19th century French marquetry sarcophagus shape letterbox, inlaid with panels of palmettes, leaves and flowers, the hinged lid inset with a pair of slots and inscribed ‘Lettres’, 23.6cm high. £150-200
169. A 19th century French tôle jardinière, in the form of a Campana urn, painted to simulate marble or porphyry, with gilt winged male mask mounts and with a faux enamelled clock dial, with a lift-out liner, 32cm high. £300-400
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170. A William and Mary style oak three seater settee, upholstered in cream wool, with scroll arms, on turned and block supports united by stretchers, 35.9cm high, 159cm wide, 69cm deep. £300-400
171. An early 18th century walnut wall mirror, the later rectangular plate with a bevelled edge, within a moulded frame, 44.4 x 38cm. £100-150
172. A George II walnut bureau, the hinged fall with feather and crossbanding, revealing an interior with a cupboard flanked by pigeonholes and drawers, above two short and three long drawers and bracket feet, 100.4cm high, 95.4cm wide, 52.2cm deep. £400-600 Provenance: Purchased from Brian Rolleston, Kensington Church Street, London. The Property of a Cotswolds Private Collector.
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173. A Queen Anne walnut escritoire, the moulded cornice above a cushion drawer, the cross and feather banded burr veneered fall revealing an arrangement of ten drawers, with pull-out pigeonhole compartments, revealing secret drawers, around a central cupboard, revealing three further drawers, with a later leather lined writing surface, above two short and two longer drawers, on later bracket feet, the back with a paper Army and Navy label for ‘LADY KILLEARN’, 170cm high, 112cm wide, 51.8cm deep. £2,000-3,000
174. An early 18th century walnut bureau, inlaid with later banding and marquetry, the interior with an arrangement of pigeonholes and drawers, with a sliding well cover, above two short and two long drawers, on later bracket feet, 97.4cm high, 80cm wide, 47cm deep. £600-800
175. An Anglo-Dutch walnut and marquetry bureau, inlaid with fruitwood and mother of pearl panels of urns of flowers and scrolling foliage on an ebony ground, the hinged fall revealing a stepped interior of drawers and pigeonholes, with a sliding well cover, above two short and two long drawers, on later bracket feet, early 18th century, 106.4cm high, 100.4cm wide, 54cm deep. £800-1,200
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176. A mahogany bureau bookcase, the swan neck pediment carved with rosettes, above a pair of astragal glazed doors enclosing three adjustable shelves, the inlaid fall revealing a leather lined writing surface, drawers, pigeonholes, secret pilaster compartments and a central cupboard, above two short and three long graduated drawers, George III and later, 238.5cm high, 126cm wide, 57.5cm deep. £800-1,200
177. A George III mahogany tray-top bedside commode, the shaped gallery pierced with a pair of handgrips, above a pair of satinwood banded doors, the interior and pull-out base with adaptations, 81.8cm high, 56cm wide, 47.8cm deep. £200-300
178. A George III mahogany demi-lune card table, inlaid with boxwood stringing, the fold-over top on twin gate supports, 73.3cm high, 91.5cm wide, 45cm deep. £200-300
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179. A George III mahogany bureau bookcase, inlaid with barber’s pole stringing, with a swan neck pediment, above a carved pendant frieze, with a pair of geometric astragal glazed doors, above a hinged fall, enclosing an arrangement of pigeonholes and drawers, flanking a central cupboard door with an ivory escutcheon and with three secret drawers, above four long drawers on reduced bracket £600-800 feet, 247cm high, 142.5cm wide, 56.7cm deep.
Provenance: Purchased for £120 on 12th December 1957 from F. Laycock, Skipton.
180. A George III mahogany tray-top bedside commode, the gallery pierced with three handgrips, above a hinged and retracting door, above a pull-out base fitted with a pot aperture, 77.8cm high, 59.5cm wide, 44.7cm deep. £200-300
181. A George II mahogany card table, the fold-over top on a single gate support, with a concave frieze, on moulded and chamfered legs, 73.2cm high, 79cm wide, 39cm deep. £300-500
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182. A George III mahogany chest on chest, with a Greek key moulded cornice, above two short and three long drawers, flanked by canted angles, the base with three further long drawers, on bracket feet, 180.7cm high, 112.1cm wide, 57cm deep. £300-500
183. A late George II mahogany bureau, the hinged fall revealing a bank of six drawers and pigeonholes, above four long graduated drawers, on bracket feet, 103.7cm high, 103.4cm wide, 57.9cm deep. £300-400
184. A mahogany hanging wall shelf in George III style, with pierced fretwork ends, with three shelves with applied beading, the base with a pair of drawers, 115.2cm high, 63.5cm wide, 17.5cm deep. £300-500 184
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185. A late George III mahogany chest on chest, the dentil cornice above two short and three long drawers, the base with three further drawers, on bracket feet, 175.7cm high, 110cm wide, 55.5cm deep. £500-700
186. An early George III mahogany bureau, the hinged fall revealing a bank of seven drawers and pigeonholes, above four long graduated drawers, on bracket feet, 108.1cm high, 94.7cm wide, 53.7cm deep. £400-600
187. A George III mahogany hanging wall shelf, with pierced fretwork ends, the base fitted with two drawers, 90.3cm high, 91.8cm wide, 19.4cm deep. £500-700
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188. A George III mahogany serpentine sofa, the moulded scroll arms carved with husks and flowerheads, upholstered in striped silk, on moulded tapering legs and block feet, 92cm high, 211cm wide, 78cm deep. £800-1,200
189. A George III mahogany chest, inlaid with ebonised and boxwood stringing and satinwood and rosewood banding, the top with a moulded edge above a brushing slide and four long drawers, 83.7cm high, 86.5cm wide, 46.8cm deep. £400-600
190. A George III mahogany tripod wine table, the later dished top on a vase turned stem and channelled scroll legs, 56.2cm high, 34.5cm wide. £100-150
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191. A set of six George III mahogany dining chairs, each with a pierced ladder back, on moulded and chamfered front legs united by an ‘H’ stretcher. (6) £300-500
192. A George III mahogany bedside cupboard, with a hinged door, on square tapering legs, 74.1cm high, 36.8cm wide, 32cm deep. £150-200
193. A George III mahogany chest, the top with a moulded edge, above a brushing slide and four long graduated drawers, flanked by blind fret carved canted angles, on later bun feet, 81cm high, 88.5cm wide, 48.5cm deep. £500-800
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194. A mahogany side table in Adam style, the breakfront top with a guilloche carved edge, above a frieze decorated with a central urn tablet flanked by swags, on paterae headed square tapering legs carved with ribbon tied husks, possibly Irish, 18th century and later, 75.5cm high, 127cm wide, 69.2cm deep. £1,000-1,500
195. A mahogany and parcel gilt wall mirror in George II style, the shaped plate within a moulded slip, the frame with leaf and berry swags, with a swan neck pediment centred with a Ho-ho bird, 19th century, 129.5 x 65.2cm. £300-500
195 196. A George III mahogany wake style dining table, the oval drop-leaf top above a frieze drawer to either end, on channelled square legs, possibly Irish, 74.9cm high, 145.2 x 144.4cm (open). £800-1,200
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197. A mahogany kneehole desk in 18th century style, the panelled top inset with tooled leather, with a central hinged writing surface on a ratchet support, the carved cable edge above four drawers, flanked by fret carved panels, on chamfered legs applied with husks, on block feet, 19th century, 76.5cm high, 102cm wide, 64.5cm deep. £500-800
198. A pair of George III mahogany side chairs in French Hepplewhite style, each with a cartouche shaped back carved with scrolling leaves and palmettes and with three pierced elliptical splats, with a cane seat above a conforming serpentine front, on paterae headed stop fluted tapering legs and spade feet united by an ‘H’ stretcher, each with a squab cushion. (2) £300-500
199. A giltwood open armchair in the manner of François Hervé, with a padded back and armrests and a squab cushion, the guilloche moulded frame carved with leaves and with a ribbon tied leaf surmount, with urn arm supports, on turned tapering legs, late 18th century but with adaptations, 87.5cm high, 86.5cm wide, 54cm deep. £500-700
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200. A George III mahogany tub chair, with a moulded frame, on square tapering front legs and spade feet. £200-300
201. A small mahogany linen press in George III style, with a pair of cupboard doors with outline mouldings, enclosing a shelf, the base with a conforming drawer, on bracket feet, 105.8cm high, 84.5cm wide, 55.5cm deep. £300-500
202. A George III mahogany cutlery tray on later stand, with a pierced handgrip, above a wavy edge and two divisions, 65.7cm high, 40cm wide, 27cm deep. £100-150
203. A George III mahogany card table, of canted form, the fold-over top banded in rosewood and satinwood, on twin gate supports, possibly Scottish, 73.5cm high, 91.3cm wide, 45.1cm deep. £300-400
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204. A near pair of late George III painted pine bookcases, each with a pair of astragal glazed doors, enclosing adjustable shelves, the base with a pair of elliptical wirework and pleated fabric doors enclosing a shelf, 246cm high, 152.8cm wide, 36cm deep, 245cm high, 153cm wide, 34.5cm deep. (2) ÂŁ3,000-5,000
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205. A set of eight George III mahogany dining chairs, each with a serpentine top rail, above a pierced foliate splat back above a drop-in seat, on stretchered legs, some rails stamped with initials ‘W F’, comprising: a pair of open armchairs and six side chairs. (8) £800-1,200
206. An early 19th century satinwood and rosewood collector’s chest, of twelve paper lined graduated drawers, the top and sides inset with later gilt tooled green leather panels, on square tapering legs, 82.5cm high, 42cm wide, 27.7cm deep. £300-500
206 207. A mahogany console table in George III style, the crossbanded top inlaid with a fan motif, the frieze decorated with husk swags, on square tapering legs, on stripe veneered spade feet terminating in a brass ball , 19th century, 77.7cm high, 97cm wide, 47.8cm deep. £200-300 207
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208. A pair of satinwood and marquetry console tables in Sheraton style, each with rosewood crossbanding, the ‘D’ shaped top inlaid with urns with satyr mask handles, with scrolling leaves, palmettes and a fan motif, above a conforming frieze, on square tapering legs headed with burr panels and with bell flowers, on foliate cast brass sabot, 19th century, 81.3cm high, 74cm wide, 36.8cm deep. (2) £2,000-3,000
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209. A set of four George III ebonised and painted open armchairs in the manner of Gillows, each with a horizontal splat back decorated with columns and swags of flowers and fruit, with a central patera painted en grisaille with a classical maiden, with baluster turned arm supports, above a cane seat and tapering front legs, each with a squab cushion. (4) ÂŁ2,000-3,000
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210. A George III mahogany serpentine gentleman’s dressing chest attributed to Gillows, inlaid with boxwood stringing and fine crossbanding, the quarter veneered top above four long graduated drawers, the top drawer fitted with eight lidded compartments, a pull-out tray, a divided comb compartment, a double sided baize lined hinged writing surface and dressing mirror, with a side pen and ink drawer, flanked by canted angles and on slender French bracket feet, the lining of one drawer inscribed in pencil ‘W A Brigg 1914’, 86.3cm high, 106.5cm wide, 58.3cm deep. £3,000-4,000 See Lindsay Boynton, Gillow Furniture Designs 1760-1800, pl. 117, (no.11,108) for a design for a similar dressing commode dated 1789 made by Thomas Briscoe.
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211. A George II walnut fret-frame wall mirror, the later arched plate within a moulded frame and scroll decoration, 82.2 x 47.4cm. £100-200 Provenance: Ken and Joyce Adams Antiques, Seend, Wiltshire. The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
212. An early 18th century walnut wall mirror, the later bevelled shaped plate within a moulded frame, 61.4 x 42.4cm. £100-150
213. A George III mahogany dressing table mirror, inlaid with boxwood stringing, the later oval plate with scroll supports, above a serpentine box base fitted with three drawers, with turned bone rondels and handles, 61.7cm high, 46.5cm wide. £150-200
214. A mahogany dressing table mirror, the shield shape plate above a serpentine box base fitted with three drawers, George III and later, 60.2cm high, 49.5cm wide. £40-60
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215. A Victorian giltwood wall mirror in Chippendale style, with a central rectangular bevelled plate, surrounded by marginal plates, with a leaf spray, ‘C’ scroll and rocaille decorated frame, 201.8 x 100.5cm. £2,000-3,000
216. An early George III giltwood wall mirror, the later oval plate within a rocaille and ‘C’ scroll decorated frame, with a leaf pagoda and bell surmount, re-gilt, 125 x 57.5cm. £200-300
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217. A mahogany open armchair in George II Irish style, with a pierced and scroll vase shaped splat back, with scroll arms, above a drop-in leather seat, on leaf carved cabriole front legs and hairy paw feet. £400-600
218. A stained wood side chair in Hepplewhite style, the shield shape back with a tasselled urn splat, possibly Irish, together with a mahogany cockpen style elbow chair, with a Chinese style fretwork back. (2) £100-200
219. A stained wood window seat, partly composed from two Irish dining chairs, with a drop-in seat, on turned legs, united by a stretcher, 70.3cm high, 102cm wide, 39cm deep. £250-350
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220. A George II Irish mahogany side chair, with a scrolled interlaced splat, above a drop-in seat, on scroll hocked cabriole front legs and claw and ball feet. £1,000-1,500 See Christie’s, The Collection of Peggy and David Rockefeller: English & European Furniture, Ceramics and Decorations, Part I, New York, 9th May 2018, lot 237, for an armchair with a similar splat.
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221. A George II Irish mahogany side chair, with a vase shaped splat above a drop-in seat, on leaf capped cabriole front legs and faceted pad feet, together with another Irish mahogany side chair, with a pierced vase shaped scroll back. (2) ÂŁ300-500
222. A George II mahogany side chair, with a solid vase shaped splat, above a drop-in seat, on cabriole front legs and pad feet, together with a similar side chair. (2) ÂŁ100-200
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223. A George II mahogany side table, the associated mottled black marble top with a moulded edge, above a plain slightly shaped frieze, on leaf and scroll capped cabriole legs and hoof feet with carved fetlocks, possibly Irish, 79.3cm high, 93.7cm wide, 50.2cm deep. ÂŁ1,500-2,000
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224. A George III harewood tea caddy, of canted rectangular form, inlaid with banding and marquetry panels of conch shells, the interior with twin lidded divisions with ivory handles, 11.3cm high, 19cm wide, 11.7cm deep. £300-400
225. A George III fruitwood tea caddy, of canted rectangular form, inlaid with marquetry panels of conch shells and urns of flowers, with a divided interior, 11.5cm high, 18.2cm wide, 10cm deep. £150-250
226. A George III satinwood tea caddy, of canted rectangular form, inlaid with banding and with marquetry panels of conch shells, now with a vacant interior, 12.7cm high, 19cm wide, 11.7cm deep. £200-300
227. A George III satinwood knife box, with kingwood banding, the sloping lid marquetry inlaid with a conch shell, the interior converted for stationery with a parquetry star, 37cm high, 22.7cm wide, 29.4cm deep. £150-200
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228. A George III mahogany brass mounted navette shape bottle cooler, the top with twin hinged lids with apertures, revealing metal bottle holders and a lead lined interior, with a carrying handle, 23.9cm high, 38cm wide. £1,000-1,500
229 229. A pair of Regency red papier-mâché wine coasters, with old Sheffield plate mounts, with reeded bodies and ring handles, 14.3cm diameter. (2) £200-300
230. A George III mahogany bottle carrier, with a brass handle and two divisions, with shaped ends, 36.2cm wide. £100-150
231. A pair of Regency red papier-mâché wine coasters, with old Sheffield plate mounts, with reeded bodies, 14.2cm diameter. (2) £200-300
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232. A 19th century mahogany miniature bureau in George III style, the hinged fall revealing pigeonholes, above three drawers, on ogee bracket feet, 22.2cm high, 22.4cm wide, 13.7cm deep. £300-400 Provenance: Purchased from Christie’s, South Kensington, 22nd July 1992. 233. A George III mahogany decanter box, inlaid with marquetry conch shells, the interior with six divisions containing five glass decanters and stoppers with gilt decoration, 22.3cm high, together with a George III mahogany box, with a dome lid inlaid with marquetry flowers and leaves, the interior with three divisions, a secret drawer and base drawer, 31.5cm wide. (2) £200-300
235. A George III mahogany cheese coaster, of dipped form, with baluster turned lifts and a divided interior, on brass roller castors, 16.3cm high, 39.6cm wide. £300-400
234. A George III harewood and marquetry lady’s travelling writing cabinet, inlaid with fruitwoods with a basket of flowers and further leaves and flowers, with a tambour shutter revealing a silk lined drawer with divisions for pens and possibly originally a writing surface and with three drawers, above a further drawer with embossed floral cast brass ring handles, 14cm high, 20.8cm wide, 18.6cm deep. £500-700
236. A George III mahogany sarcophagus shape decanter box, inlaid with rosewood and satinwood banding, the hinged lid with an urn finial, revealing divisions for four bottles or decanters, the base with a drawer, on bracket feet, 59.5cm high, 27.5cm wide. £200-300
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237. Jacobite interest. A rare wax portrait bust of James II in the manner of David Le Marchand, probably after a portrait by Sir Godfrey Kneller, finely carved depicting the King wearing armour and a lace cravat, titled ‘JAMES the 2nd’, early 18th century, 13cm high, later mounted in a 19th century gilt and composition glazed box frame, 35.9 x 32cm. £2,000-3,000
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237A. A George III printed cotton / calico handkerchief, ‘The SPORTSMAN’S DELIGHT or the Art of Training, Chooseing, Ordering & Breaking of Pointers, Spaniels, Setters & c.’ with a central scene of a huntsman with his dogs surrounded by seven dogs and their histories and characteristics: the foxhound, pointer, greyhound, setter, tarrier, stag hound and spaniel, signed ‘Mary Ware Execudit Grayford Kent’, with embroidered initials and date ‘E E 1759’, 67.8 x 69.7cm. £200-300
238. Queen Caroline interest. A very rare George IV printed cotton / calico handkerchief, after the drawing by I. Slack, ‘A FAITHFUL REPRESENTATION OF THE TRIAL OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY CAROLINE QUEEN OF ENGLAND, IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS 1820’, with an explanation to the famous personages present, embroidered initials ‘E T’, 44.7 x 57.5cm. £200-300 Other examples can be found in the Museum of London and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
238A. Railway interest. A rare Victorian printed silk handkerchief, depicting the ‘RAILWAY MAP OF ENGLAND & WALES SHEWING THE ACTUAL & PROPOSED LINES ALSO THE DISTANCES TO THE PRINCIPAL SEAPORTS OF FOREIGN STATES’, published by W. Reed London, c.1845 embroidered initials ‘C B’, 83 x 87.6cm. £200-300 A similar example can be found in the National Library of Wales.
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239. A small 18th century carved wood mirror, the oval plate within a carved frame, with ribbon tied flowers and an acorn, 18 x 14cm. £150-250 Provenance: The Marquess of Tweeddale, Yester House, Gifford, East Lothian.
240. A George II Scottish ivory snuff mull, with silver mounts, the hinged lid with an oval plaque engraved with a coronet and a bear claw crest and with the motto ‘TURPIA NEC ROGO NEC FACIO ROGATUS’ and the date ‘1748’, 7.4cm high. £200-300
241. After William Hamilton (1751-1801). A set of four coloured stipple engravings by Francesco Bartolozzi, depicting children at play, published July 2nd 1787 by W. Palmer, 13 x 15.7cm, each in a titled and glazed giltwood frame. (4) £150-200
242. After John Hodges Benwell (1764-1785). A pair of coloured stipple engravings by Francesco Bartolozzi, of a St. Giles beauty and a St. James’s beauty, 17 x 13.5cm, each within verre églomisé mounts and a giltwood frame, the backs with labels for Henry Graves & Company Ltd. (2) £100-150
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243. A Victorian cast iron fire-grate, the back decorated with figures in a tavern, with a Gothic style front, with pierced finials, 45.5cm high, 45.7cm wide, 28.5cm deep. £100-150
244. A large wicker logbin, 77.2cm high, 108cm wide, 64.5cm deep. £300-500
245. A pair of Dutch brass andirons, with turned ball finials, above lion’s masks, on claw and ball feet, with iron supports, 19th century, 46cm high, 26.6cm wide, 39.5cm deep. (2) £200-300
246. A large copper logbin, with a riveted body, 55.3cm high, 73cm diameter. £100-150
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247. A large country house club fender, with a leather seat on a metal frame, late 19th / early 20th century, 50.3cm high, 240cm wide, 66cm deep. £500-700
248 249
248. A set of William IV steel fire irons, with entwined dolphin and leaf handles and with a pierced pan, 78.7cm long (max). (3) £300-400 249. A Victorian cast iron fire-grate in Gothic style attributed to Coalbrookdale, the scroll back decorated with a Bagot goat jumping a fence, above a railed front, with turned finials, 74cm high, 64cm wide, 28cm deep, together with a Victorian cast iron fender, probably by Coalbrookdale, decorated with a band of scrolling leaves, stamped ‘No. 96 48 & 54’, two Victorian Gothic fire irons, each with gilt bronze handles, stamped with a registration lozenge, £400-600 a brass coal box and cover, two copper log bins and a coal shovel. (8) Provenance: Lady Bagot, Blithfield Hall. The Bagot goat is believed to be Britain’s oldest breed of goat and has lived semi-wild at Blithfield Hall in Staffordshire for over six hundred years. 250. Three steel and bronze fire irons, the handles cast with leaves, with knopped stems and a pierced pan, William IV, but the tongs associated, 78.8cm long. (3) £100-150
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251. A cast iron and brass mounted fire-grate in George III style, the arched back above a railed front, with urn finials and a beaded brass apron, on baluster front legs, 64.2cm high, 73.5cm wide, 32.5cm deep. £200-300
252. An 18th century cast iron fire-grate, with a railed front and with adjustable pot hook arms, on front cabriole legs, with a separate basket, 78.5cm high, 113.5cm wide, 31.5cm deep. £200-300
253. A set of three late Victorian brass fire irons in George III style, with engraved decoration, each with an urn shaped handle and a part spiral twist stem, the pan with a registration number ‘166234’ for 1891, 67.4cm long. (3) £150-200
254. A set of three 19th century steel and brass fire irons, each with a berry and leaf handle, above knopped and scroll stems, 74.2cm long. (3) £200-300
Provenance: Ken and Joyce Adams Antiques, Seend, Wiltshire. The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
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255. A William IV gilt brass or bronze bowfront fender, with a band of lappet decoration above an ovolo moulding and on ribbed bun feet, 111.5cm wide, together with a brass bowfront fender, with a mesh guard and on paw feet, 101cm wide. (2) £150-200
256. An 18th century brass shovel, with a baluster turned and block stem and with a hinged suspension ring, 78.5cm long. £100-150
257. A set of William IV steel fire irons, with faceted and baluster turned handles, above knopped stems, with a pierced pan, 71.2cm long, together with two other sets of steel fire irons. (9) £300-400
258. A George III steel bowfront fender, with beaded and pierced decoration, 16.8cm high, 105.9cm wide.
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260 259 259. A late Victorian painted cast iron doorstop, in the form of a coat of arms, with a helm and leaf surmount and a crossed halberd and spear, the back with a registration number ‘RD 776857’ and ‘No. 552’, 63.2cm high, 37.8cm wide. £100-150 260. A Victorian brass doorstop, with a scroll handle and a lobed bell shaped weighted base, stamped with the numbers ‘3982 4197’, 43cm high. £100-150 261. A Victorian brass doorstop, in the form of a seated dog, with a registration lozenge and numbered ‘19’, 33cm high. £100-150 262. A Victorian cast iron doorstop by Kenrick & Sons, with a ribbon tied handle, stamped ‘A. K. & SONS NO. 44’, together with two brass doorstops, one in the form of a basket of flowers, the other bell shaped with an open handle, 46.2cm high. (3) £150-200 263. Two Victorian brass doorstops, one in the form of Punch, the other of Judy, 30.4cm high (max). (2) £200-300 261
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264. A garden urn on plinth, probably Haddonstone, with an egg and dart everted rim above a band of scrolling leaves and a lobed body, on a fluted spreading foot, the square base with panels, 135.5cm high, 57cm diameter. £400-600
265. A 19th century brass wheatsheaf doorstop, with an open handle, on a reeded leaf decorated stem and a weighted base, 40.9cm high. £100-150
266. Two late 19th century Dutch brass jardinières, each decorated with a grapevine and with lion’s mask ring handles, the oblong example on claw and ball feet, 31cm (max). (2) £150-200
267. A pair of late 19th century Dutch brass jardinières, each decorated with cartouches, on a strapwork ground and with lion’s mask ring handles, 21.6cm high, 25cm diameter. (2) £200-300
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268. A Victorian cast iron stickstand, naturalistically modelled with a seated dog below a tree, with two divisions and a detachable tray, 68.9cm high, 40.5cm wide. £200-300
269. An oak and brass bound barrel stickstand, 74.5cm high, 34.5cm wide. £100-150
270. An oak and copper bound barrel stickstand, decorated with a transfer printed Royal Coat of Arms, 61.8cm high, 36.5cm wide. £100-150
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A COLLECTION OF WALKING CANES LOTS 271-283 271. A George III gold and enamel mounted walking cane, the handle with initials’ SB’ within chased laurel leaf borders, interspersed with oval paterae and with five oval panels decorated en grisaille with the muses, with an indistinct and worn maker’s mark, with an ebony tapering shaft, 96cm long. £400-600
272. A Russian cloisonné enamel and silver mounted walking cane, the handle decorated with leaves £300-400 and flowers, the silver marked ‘84’, with a Malacca shaft, 93.2cm long.
273. A Russian cloisonné enamel and silver mounted walking cane, the handle decorated with leaves and flowers, the silver marked ‘84’, with a Malacca shaft, 88.9cm long. £200-300
274. A Russian silver and enamel mounted walking cane, the handle in the form of a poodle dog’s head, with glass eyes above laurel leaf borders and a band of green guilloche enamel, marked ‘88’, with an ebonised shaft and bone terminal, 89.4cm long. £200-300
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275. Two continental porcelain mounted walking canes, in Meissen style, one with a Rococo moulded handle painted with flowers and a gilt metal ferrule and an ebony shaft, 90.4cm long, the other with a knob handle painted with panels of flowers on a puce scale ground, with a gilt ferrule and a bamboo shaft, 88cm long. (2) £150-250 276. A late Victorian walking cane, the white metal handle decorated with a hare mask with bulrushes and entwined with a snake, with an ebonised shaft, 93cm long, a Malacca walking cane with a silver handle, hallmarked for London 1910 and a Sterling silver mounted hardwood cane. (3) £150-250 277. A late Victorian gilt metal and agate mounted walking cane, the top of the handle with initials ‘M M’ above repoussé scrolling leaf decoration, with bands of brown agate and two conforming ferrules, with a Coromandel shaft, 93.7cm long, together with a tiger’s eye handled walking cane with an ebonised shaft, a silver and enamel handled cane and a faceted glass handled example, with a hardwood shaft. (4) £150-250
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278. Two late 19th century Chinese ivory handled walking canes, carved with dragon’s heads, each with a pearl in its mouth, with gilt metal ferrules, one with a Malacca shaft, 96.7cm long (max). (2) £150-250
279. A late Victorian Malacca and silver mounted sword stick, the blade inscribed ‘PION PARIS’ and marked with a lion and numbered ‘5’, 87.3cm long, together with two Malacca walking canes, one with a silver plated handle engraved with a monogram, the other with a pommel handle. (3) £150-250 280. A Victorian walking cane, the ivory handle carved with a growling dog’s head, with glass eyes, above a Malacca shaft, 96cm long, together with an early 20th century Anglo-Indian ivory and hardwood cane, the handle carved with a dog’s head, a late Victorian ivory handled stick with a two-part hinged folding shaft and a boar’s tusk handled cane with a basket weave ferrule and a briar shaft. (4) £200-300
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281 281. Five ivory handled walking canes, one marine ivory, with differing shafts, including: Malacca, ebonised and palmwood, one with a worn silver hallmark, late 19th / early 20th century, 92.8cm long (max). (5) £200-300 282. A late 19th century walking cane, the ivory handle carved with Judith beheading Holofernes, with a hardwood shaft and a horn terminal, 92.5cm long, together with a late Victorian ivory handled cane, carved with scrolling leaves, flowers and fruit, with an ebonised shaft. (2) £150-200
283. A late 19th century sword stick, the horn handle carved with a dog’s head, with a brass ferrule and a steel blade, with a hardwood shaft, 97.7cm long, together with two Malacca walking canes on with a white metal handle, the top with an enamelled coin inscribed ‘STATES OF JERSEY ONE TWELFTH OF A SHILLING’, the other with a gilt brass handle, a Burmese walking cane with a silver handle and a palmwood shaft and another brass handled walking stick. (5) £100-200
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284. A Victorian folk art treen blackthorn walking cane, the handle carved with a grotesque bust of Punch, with glass eyes, 106.4cm long. £400-600
285. A Victorian ivory parasol handle, carved with an owl reading a book, perched on a branch with oak leaves and acorns, 29.5cm long. £300-400
286. A Victorian folk art treen blackthorn walking cane, the handle carved with a grotesque bust of Judy, with glass eyes, 104cm long. £300-500
284 287. A Victorian folk art penwork decorated walking cane, with a clenched fist handle, with a silver coloured metal ferrule and carved with a crocodile, engraved with various animals, birds and figures undertaking country pursuits, inscribed ‘TRADE MARK’ and ‘J. HOLTOM NOV 2ND 1870’, reduced, 74cm long. £100-150
288. A folk art treen staff, the handle carved in the form of a horse’s head, with glass eyes, above a bone ferrule and a yew shaft, late 19th / early 20th century, 138.2cm long. £150-200
289. A novelty walking cane by Briggs, the handle with a screw-off cap revealing a candle holder, stamped ‘G. BRIGGS PATENTEE’, with a bamboo shaft, together with a Japanese bamboo walking cane, 93.4cm long. (2) £100-200
286 287
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290. A pair of gilt brass occasional tables, probably by Mallett, each with an inset glass top with an 18th century Indian Vizagapatam ivory floral border, on castors, mid-20th century, 59cm high, 43.2cm square. (2) £800-1,200
290 top
291. An Anglo-Indian ivory and horn miniature games table, the octagonal top inlaid with a chequerboard, with pierced scrolling foliage and panels of lac decorated gods, on a turned stem and scroll feet, late 19th century, Vizagapatam, 19cm high, 27.2cm wide, together with an ivory part chess set, natural and stained red. (29) £300-400
292. An Anglo-Indian bone and porcupine quill work box, of sarcophagus shape and lac decorated with bands of scrolling foliage, the hinged lid with a compartment for letters and revealing a lift-out tray with three lidded compartments and further divisions, mid-19th century, 33.1cm wide. £400-600 292
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293. An Anglo-Indian hardwood octagonal occasional table, inlaid with bone, ivory and ebony, the detachable top decorated with a star, urns of flowers and scrolling leaf borders, the folding base with reticulated panels and arches, Hoshiarpur, late 19th / early 20th century, 52cm high, 54.8cm wide. £300-400
294. An Anglo-Indian hardwood octagonal occasional table, inlaid with copper, brass and ebony with star and foliage borders, the fixed top on a base with mihrab arch panels, probably Lahore, early 20th century, 61cm high, 64.6cm wide. £200-300 See Amin Jaffer, ‘ Furniture from British India and Ceylon’, page 293, pl. 115 for a similar example.
295. A Moorish walnut and marquetry octagonal occasional table, inlaid with mother of pearl and decorated with stars, scrolling leaves and geometric designs, late 19th / early 20th century, 53.4cm high, 45.6cm diameter. £150-200
295 296. An Anglo-Indian hardwood octagonal occasional table, inlaid with brass and ebony with scrolling foliage borders, the detachable top on a folding base with mihrab arch panels, probably Lahore, early 20th century, 51.8cm high, 55.5cm wide. £200-300
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297. An early Victorian Anglo-Indian ebony library table to a design by Richard Bridgens, the rectangular moulded edge top with a burr amboyna segmented panel, above pierced Gothic style trestle ends united by a central stretcher, with turned column supports, on leaf carved bun feet, 72.8cm high, 121.8cm wide, 61cm deep. £800-1,200 This present lot was designed by the 19th century architect, designer and artist Richard Bridgens and was published in his ‘Furniture with Candelabra and Interior Decoration’ of 1838. It was labelled as Elizabethan style and Bridgens is famous for his work in the Baronial style inspired by Scottish Renaissance architecture. Many of his designs were made by the Liverpool cabinet maker George Bullock and he worked with various architects including James Watt. See Jeremy Cooper, Victorian and Edwardian Furniture and Interiors, fig. 58, for a design for the present lot.
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298. An Anglo-Indian hardwood octagonal occasional table, inlaid with copper, brass and ebony with a central star and floral borders, the detachable top on a folding base with carved and pierced panels, probably Lahore, early 20th century, 61cm high, 64.6cm wide. £800-1,200 See Amin Jaffer, ‘ Furniture from British India and Ceylon’, page 293, pl. 115 for a very similar example.
299. Eight continental tôle peinte dishes for the Islamic market, each printed with a portrait of Muzaffar al-Din Shah Qajar, some with retailers marks for Haji Mohammad, late 19th / early 20th century, 19.2cm wide. (8) £300-500
300. An Anglo-Indian hardwood occasional table, the rectangular detachable top inlaid with ebony stringing and scrolls of brass and copper leaves and flowers, the folding base with a rectangular panelled frieze above mihrab arches, probably Lahore, late 19th / early 20th century, 77cm high, 76.1cm wide, 50cm deep. £800-1,200
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301. A rare Mughal carved ivory chess piece, of a kneeling Indian lady, above a ridged edge, with a rich treacle coloured patination, with traces of green decoration to the underside, 17th century, 4.7cm high. ÂŁ1,000-2,000
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302. An Indian brass shrine, the canopy with three turned finials, with pierced decoration and peacocks, 46cm high, 31.8cm wide, together with a small collection of brass items, including Buddhist and Hindu figures, a model of a horse stamped ‘RISING SUN J& CO JAIPUR’, a box and other items. (11) £200-300
303. Two 19th century Arabic brass coffee pots or dallah, of typical form, one with a turned finial and a shield shape maker’s mark to the body, the other with a pierced trefoil finial, 29.7cm high (max). (2) £200-300
304. A Persian hammered copper bowl in Safavid style, the everted rim above a band of panelled inscriptions, on a lattice type leaf and flower ground, 19th century, 22.4cm high, 34cm diameter. £200-300
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305. A 14th century Fars brass bowl, with interlaced decoration to the rim, the body engraved with oval cartouches with thuluth prayer inscriptions interspersed with rondels containing a seated ruler flanked by attendants, above bands of trefoil palmettes, with several inscriptions relating to previous owners, ‘Owned by Ghiath Ad-Din Mohammad bin Hajji Mohammad Mo'men’, then part scratched out and replaced with ‘ya hafeez’ and another ‘Owned by Abu Mohsen’, originally inlaid with gold and silver, traces of gold and black composition visible, West Iran, Ilkhanid period, 23.5cm diameter. £1,000-1,500 See The Arts of Islam, Hayward Gallery, 8th April-4th July 1976, Exhibition Catalogue, p.184, pl. 205 for a similar example at the British Museum. Also Christie's Art of the Islamic and Indian World, 5th October 2010, lot 173 for a similar example.
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306. A Mamluk copper alloy canteen, of octagonal form, the lid with a dual purpose handle / foot, all over decorated with scrolling leaves, with rondels of calligraphy and hatched designs and palmettes, the underside of the lid with an Armenian inscription, Egypt or Syria, 15th century, 24.2cm high, 42.5cm wide. £800-1,200
307. An Ottoman Islamic copper crescent form finial, the base edged with initials ‘AJ’ and the date ‘1922’, possibly 18th / 19th £200-300 century, 101.4cm high.
The inscribed date of ‘1922’ on this present lot probably relates to the Greek/ Turkish war which came to an end in October of the same year. There is a possibility that it was removed from a mosque or building by one of the armies.
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308. Two Japanese carved and painted ivory okimono of fruit, one of an apple, the skin partially peeled and stained a pink colour, the other of a tangerine orange, also partially peeled, Meiji 1862-1912, together with four Indian models of fruit / vegetables, two as scent boxes with screw-off stalks, late 19th century, 6.7cm high (max). (6) £1,000-1,500
Provenance: Given to the vendor by K. J. Hewett.
309. A 19th century Japanese lacquered Shibayama style table cabinet, with seven pull-out drawers, two sliding doors and a compartment, decorated with birds, bats, flowers, reishi, landscapes and musical instruments in mother of pearl, stained bone, soapstone and coral on a black lacquer ground, the inner part of the drawers in nashiji lacquer, the back with flowering prunus branches before a full £500-800 moon, 54cm high, 56.7cm wide, 29.4cm deep.
310. A collection of eighteen Japanese netsukes and carvings, ivory, marine ivory and bone, all of men in various pursuits, some holding fans, baskets and one with a fish, the seated figure with rats signed, the barrel carrier also with an inset red plaque signature, late 19th / early 20th century, contained in a late 19th century Chinese export ivory box. (19) £400-600
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311. A pair of Chinese porcelain famille verte vases, converted into table lamps, painted with ladies in various pursuits, together with a Chinese famille verte square section vase, decorated with boys, bats and ladies, 54.1cm high. (3) £200-300
312. Five Chinese gouache rice paper paintings, one of a Chinese official, the other four of soldiers, carrying shields and swords, late 19th century, 27 x 16.2cm, later mounted, framed and glazed, the backs with trade labels for ‘FROST & REED’. (5) £100-150
313. A Chinese porcelain famille rose vase, converted into a table lamp, with a brown glaze, painted with panels of figures, with gilt brass mounts, together with a garniture of three oriental style vase table lamps and another oriental lamp, on a hardwood stand, 46.3cm high (max). (5) £100-150
314. A 19th century Chinese export lacquer tea chest, decorated in gilt with buildings and figures in the process of producing tea, the interior with a lift-out pewter canister with an ivory handle, 12.3cm high, 23cm wide, 15.8cm deep. £80-120
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315. A Chinese hardwood cabinet on stand, of panelled construction, with a pair of cupboard doors carved with shou characters and bats, enclosing a shelf, with brass hinges and locking bar engraved with Chinese characters ‘Fu Shou Shuang Quan’, translating as happiness and longevity, the stand carved with an incense burner, vases and pots, late 19th century, 124.9cm high, 104.7cm wide, 52cm deep. £400-600
316. A quartetto nest of Chinese padouk occasional tables, each with a pierced frieze carved with a grapevine, on stretchered legs, late 19th / early 20th century, 69.8cm high,48.7cm wide, 34.7cm deep (max). (4) £300-400
317. A quartetto nest of Chinese padouk occasional tables, each with an inset glass top, above a carved and pierced frieze of a grapevine, late 19th /early 20th century, 71.6cm high, 51cm wide, 37cm deep (max). (4) £200-300
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318. Two Chinese glazed pottery figures of attendants, wearing tunics, boots and hats and holding offerings, Tang Dynasty, 27.3cm high, each on a later Perspex base. (2) £600-800
319. A pair of Chinese pottery models of votive chests in Han Dynasty style, partly glazed, probably Ming Dynasty, 14cm high. (2) £300-400
Provenance: Christie’s South Kensington, Oriental Works of Art and Ceramics, 25th March 1993, lot 258.
With certificate of authenticity from Vanessa Purcell & Co., 27th April 1995.
320. A Chinese pottery altar in Han Dynasty style, together with part glazed pottery offerings, probably Ming Dynasty, 25.5cm wide (max). (9) £300-500
321. Two Chinese ochre glazed pottery figures, each wearing robes and sporting a headdress, Tang Dynasty, 24.3cm high. (2) £400-600
With certificate of authenticity from Vanessa Purcell & Co., 28th April 1995.
Provenance: Christie’s South Kensington, Oriental Works of Art and Oriental Ceramics, 25th March 1993, lot 265.
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322. A set of three Chinese porcelain blue and white shallow dishes, painted with a bird in the house pattern, with borders of alternating panels of pine and bamboo, Qianlong, 35.3cm diameter. (3) £400-600 Provenance: Christie’s South Kensington, Oriental Works of Art and Ceramics, 12th October 1992, lot 292.
323. A pair of Chinese Imari saucer dishes, the interiors with a blue glaze and decorated in gilt with flowers, the exterior rims with hatched bands and with further flowers, first half 18th century, 29.3cm diameter. (2) £300-400 Provenance: Phillips, Oriental Export, 11th May 1994, lot 28.
324. A matched pair of Chinese porcelain blue and white saucer dishes, each decorated with scaly dragons chasing a pearl, Qing Dynasty, 28cm diameter. (2) £80-120 Provenance: Bonhams, Far Eastern Works of Art, 8th December 1993, lot 41.
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325. A set of three Chinese porcelain famille rose flattened baluster vases, with underglaze blue decoration and painted with vases of flowers, Qianlong, 29.1cm high. (3) £200-300 Provenance: Christie’s South Kensington, Oriental Works of Art and Ceramics, 10th September 1992, lot 313.
326. A Chinese ochre glazed pottery pilgrim flask, Liao Dynasty, 23.5cm high. £200-300 Provenance: Christie’s South Kensington, Oriental Works of Art and Ceramics, 10th September 1992, lot 447.
327. A small pair of Chinese porcelain blue and white yen-yen vases, together with a pair of blue and white baluster vases, with covers, and a single vase and cover, 18h century and later, 26.4cm high. (5) £200-300
328. A small pair of Chinese porcelain famille rose baluster vases, decorated with flowers on a scrolling foliage ground, 19th century, 19.1cm high. (2) £200-300 Provenance: Bonhams, Oriental Ceramics, 11th December 1992.
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λ 329. A massive 19th century Chinese ivory vase, the rectangular body finely and elaborately carved, with four panels depicting the story of the cowherd Niulang and the weaver girl Zhinü, within cloudy rocky landscapes with pine trees, buildings and other figures, the neck with two further panels and with lion dog mask ring handles, on a scrolling foliage ground, the base with further playful dogs above a Greek key band, 44.5cm high, together with a hardwood stand. £8,000-12,000
Provenance: An English Private Collection. The romantic legend of the two lovers Zhinü and Niulang is an ancient Chinese love story that has been told since the Han Dynasty. Zhinü was a weaver girl and Niulang a cowherd, and their love was not allowed, so they were banished to opposite sides of the Silver river (symbolising the milky way). Once a year on the 7th day of the 7th month of the lunar calendar a flock of magpies would form a bridge to reunite the lovers for one day. Their reunion is celebrated in China with the Qixi festival. The main panel (featured) on this vase depicts the couple secretly marrying in front of a pine tree spirit, the heavenly bridge can be seen at the top of the panel.
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330. A late 19th century Chinese Canton carved ivory tusk vase, with a reticulated ground and decorated with figures in various pursuits, in a rocky landscape setting, with pagodas and pine trees, on a hardwood base, 24.4cm high. ÂŁ200-300
Provenance: An English Private Collection, acquired in the early 20th century.
331. A pair of late 18th century paktong candlesticks, each with a fluted detachable drip-pan above a knopped stem, on a stepped square plinth foot, 26cm high. (2) ÂŁ500-800
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332. A Turkish Ushak carpet, with an all over design on a blue ground, West Anatolia, late 19th / early 20th century, 420 x 347cm. £500-800
333. A 19th century Ottoman embroidered panel, worked with metal thread with leaf and script borders, the centre with boteh and a star motif, with a later backing, 101 x 99cm. £150-200
334. A large Turkish Ushak ‘Waterloo’ carpet, with a central diamond medallion, West Anatolia, cuts and losses, late 19th / early 20th century, 626 x 424cm, together with a small Turkish Ushak rug, 182 x 95.5cm. (2) £200-300
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335. A Tabriz prayer rug, decorated with deer, birds and scrolling leaves, North West Persia, c.1960-70, 263 x 171.5cm. £300-400
336. A Tabriz rug, decorated with deer, birds and scrolling leaves, North West Persia, c.196--70, 297 x 206.5cm. £300-400
337. A Ziegler Mahal carpet, with an all over design, North West Persia, 512 x 309cm. £500-800
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338. A near pair of Tabriz carpets, North West Persia, early 20th century, each with a retailer’s label, ‘MAPLE & CO. LONDON’, 438 x 336cm and 420 x 341cm. (2) £500-800
339. A Kashan carpet, West Persia, 400 x 322cm.
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340. A Ziegler Mahal carpet, North West Persia, 363 x 273cm. £300-500
340 341. A modern rug, North West Persia, possibly Tabriz, with a central medallion, 150 x 104cm. £150-250
342. A Moroccan flat weave kilim rug, decorated with bands of geometric designs, 230 x 126cm. £100-150
343. A runner, possibly North West Persia or Caucasia, with long boteh, 393 x 91cm. £100-150
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344. A pair of 19th century giltwood nursing chairs, each with a padded back and seat upholstered with silk, with a moulded and ribbon carved frame, on fluted legs and brass castors. (2) £300-500
345. An early 19th century mahogany writing table, inlaid with boxwood stringing, the quarter veneered top above a pair of frieze drawers, on solid trestle ends and scroll feet, 73.3cm high, 110.5cm wide, 59.2cm deep. £250-350
346. A George IV goncalo alves easy armchair in the manner of Gillows, later button upholstered with gingham fabric, on ribbed tapering front legs, on brass caps and castors, stamped ‘COPE COLLINSON PATENT’. £400-600
347. An early 19th century mahogany side table, with a frieze drawer fitted with campaign style sunken brass handles, on ring turned tapering legs, 76.5cm high, 66.8cm wide, 44.6cm deep. £150-250
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348. A set of twelve Regency mahogany dining chairs, each with a curved tablet top rail, above a single vertical splat carved with husks and a further octagonal tablet, above a stuffed-over dished seat, on reeded tapering front legs on brass caps and ball feet, repairs and replacements, comprising: a pair of open arm chairs and ten side chairs. (12) £1,000-1,500
349. A Regency mahogany dining table, with a plain frieze and reeded tablet headed turned and tapering legs, comprising: a pair of ‘D’ ends and a drop-leaf central section, 74.6cm high, 270.5cm long, 111.5cm deep. £800-1,200
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350. A Regency rosewood side cabinet, with nulled decoration, the raised top with a gilt brass gallery and leaf decorated supports, the pair of panelled doors enclosing three adjustable shelves, flanked by two further doors, one side with a shelf, the other with a shelf and two later cutlery trays, the back with a metal trade label for ‘JOHN KEIL LTD 51 PARK STREET BRISTOL’ 126.9cm high, 176.2cm wide, 41cm deep. £800-1,200
351. A Regency burr elm sewing table, inlaid with ebonised stringing, the drop-flap top above a frieze drawer, with a false front and a silk bag, on a ‘U’ shaped stem on brass castors, 73.3cm high, 75.6cm wide (open), 45.7cm deep. £400-600
352. A Regency mahogany sewing table, inlaid with stringing and with gilt brass mounts, the crossbanded top above a frieze drawer and a silk work bag, on scroll supports and brass lion’s paw sabot and castors, 71cm high, 53.7cm wide, 45.5cm deep. £500-700
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353. A set of eight Regency ebonised dining chairs by John Gee, each with a pierced ladder back inset with a gilt rosette, above a cane seat, on sabre legs, the rails stamped with various initials, including ‘JG’, ‘FF’, ‘A’, ‘D’, comprising: a pair of open armchairs and six side chairs. (8) £600-800
354. An ebonised and green painted wood sarcophagus shape wine cooler, the later lift-off top revealing a part lead lined interior, above a scroll carved apron, on boldly carved lion’s paw feet, early 19th century and later, 54cm high, 103cm wide, 59.5cm deep. £300-500
355. A 19th century painted pine and parcel gilt side cabinet, the top decorated with a lattice design, above a pair of arched cupboard doors painted to simulate pleated silk, flanked by pilasters enclosing a shelf, 76.3cm high, 87.8cm wide, 36.3cm deep. £500-700
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356. A George IV mahogany bookcase cabinet, with a dentil cornice, above a pair of astragal glazed doors, enclosing adjustable shelves, the base with a pair of glazed and pleated silk doors, enclosing further shelves, on turned feet, 230.6cm high, 118cm wide, 53cm deep. £200-400
357. A Regency giltwood pier mirror, the later rectangular plate flanked by cluster columns with stiff leaf capitals, with a lattice frieze and a ball decorated cornice, 99 x 62.8cm. £200-300
358. An early 19th century Channel Islands mahogany bowfront chest, inlaid with stringing, the satinwood crossbanded top above four long graduated drawers, Jersey, 101.8cm high, 102.5cm wide, £600-800 53.3cm deep.
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359. A Regency mahogany bookcase in the manner of Gillows, the cornice with outline mouldings, above a pair of lancet astragal glazed doors enclosing two adjustable shelves, above a pair of panelled doors, enclosing two further shelves, flanked by panels, on reeded tapering feet, 228cm high, 107.3cm wide, 33.2cm deep. £300-500
360. A Regency giltwood pier mirror, the later rectangular plate flanked by leaf wrapped cluster columns with stiff leaf capitals, with a lattice and flowerhead frieze, 106 x 65.8cm. £150-250
361. A William IV Channels Islands mahogany chest, the inverted breakfront top above four long graduated drawers, flanked by a pair of spiral fluted pilasters, on leaf carved stylised paw feet, with a shaped apron centred with a flowerhead, 101.3cm high, 106cm wide, 52cm deep. £800-1,200
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362 362. A set of six Regency goncalo alves side chairs attributed to Gillows, each with a curved top rail, above a rosette and scroll carved horizontal splat, with a drop-in seat, on ribbed tapering legs, two stamped with initials ‘H L’. (6) £500-800 363. A William IV giltwood and gesso pier mirror, the rectangular plate within an ebonised reeded slip, with a baton decorated outer frame, 97.3 x 76cm. £150-200 364. A George IV mahogany pier mirror, the later rectangular plate within a baton and rondel decorated frame, 97 x 61.5cm. £150-200 365. A matched set of six Regency rosewood and brass marquetry inlaid dining chairs, each with a scroll carved top rail, above a palmette decorated horizontal splat and a drop-in seat, on sabre legs, repairs and restorations. (6) £500-700
363 364
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366. A George IV mahogany breakfront bookcase, the detachable cornice above a pair of geometric astragal glazed doors, enclosing adjustable shelves, flanked by further doors, the base with a pair of panelled doors with outline mouldings, enclosing two slides, flanked by two conforming doors, 246.3cm high, 209.5cm wide, 55cm deep. ÂŁ1,500-2,000
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367. A Regency mahogany bowfront chest, of three long graduated drawers, on French bracket feet, 84.3cm high, 94cm wide, 55cm deep. £300-500
368. A William IV mahogany kneehole dressing table, fitted with three drawers, on turned and ribbed tapering legs, 80.1cm high, 107.4cm wide, 52cm deep. £150-250
369. A William IV mahogany table bookcase, the shaped gallery above a pair of geometric astragal glazed doors, enclosing two adjustable shelves, flanked by leaf carved corbels and brass side carrying handles, 75.7cm high, 78.5cm £300-500 wide, 29.5cm deep.
370. A mahogany bedside cupboard, inlaid with boxwood stringing, the crossbanded top above a pair of cupboard doors and with two drawers, on bracket feet, with side brass carrying handles, George III and with later adaptations, 73cm high, 59.2cm wide, 48.2cm deep. £100-150
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371. A Regency Scottish mahogany extending dining table in the manner of William Trotter, the drop-leaf top with breakfront ends inlaid with ebony anthemion motifs, with a real moulded edge, on a concertina Wilkinson patent mechanism, accommodating four additional leaves, on ring turned and tapering legs and brass caps and castors, 72.5cm high, 296cm long, 106cm deep. ÂŁ1,000-1,500
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372. A large and impressive early 19th century giltwood overmantel mirror, the breakfront cornice with a leaf moulding above alternating cannon balls and pineapples, the frieze decorated with finely carved ribbon tied oak leaves and acorns, with scrolling acanthus leaves and oval paterae, the corners with lion’s masks above ostrich feathers and Prince of Wales plumes, issuing from a laurel leaf, ring and ribbon wrapped quiver of arrows, with scrolls of roses and daisies with further laurel leaves, terminating in an acanthus base resting on a neo-classical column with three scrolling leaf and scale decorated brackets with ram’s head terminals, with a later mirror plate, the top and sides with a guilloche moulding, 239.5 x 204cm. £10,000-15,000 Provenance: By family repute this mirror was one of a pair acquired from Lady Gwynne-Evans formerly of Oaklands Park, Awre.
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373. An early Victorian mahogany secrétaire bookcase, flame veneered, the detachable cornice above a pair of astragal glazed doors enclosing three adjustable shelves, the panelled secrétaire drawer with ribbed mushroom handles, the interior with a later leather lined writing surface, satin veneered drawers and pigeonholes, above a pair of panelled doors flanked by pilasters, enclosing a slide, on bun feet, 219.4cm high, 113.7cm wide, 42.6cm deep. £400-500
374. A Regency mahogany tripod occasional table, the circular tilttop inlaid with ebony stringing and disc decoration, on a baluster turned stem and panelled scroll legs, on brass lion’s paw sabot and castors, 73.4cm high, 62cm diameter. £200-300
375. A Regency mahogany occasional table, inlaid with boxwood stringing, the drop-leaf top with rosewood crossbanding, above a frieze drawer, on a ribbed baluster stem, 71.2cm high, 39.7 x 65cm (open). £200-300
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376. A Regency rosewood folio stand, the slatted supports with baluster lifts, each on a ratchet, on brass caps and castors, 106.4cm high, 73.7cm wide, 62cm deep. £500-800
377. A Regency rosewood Canterbury, with four dipped divisions, the central one pierced with a handgrip, with turned supports and a base drawer, on brass caps and castors, 51.3cm high, 46.5cm wide, 34.5cm deep. £300-500
378. A late Regency goncalo alves window seat in the manner of Gillows, the shaped back carved with scrolls and lappets, with a squab cushion above a cane seat, on disc turned tapering legs, 74cm £500-800 high, 116.8cm wide, 40.3cm deep.
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379. An unusual William IV mahogany dining table, in the form of a pair of Pembroke tables, each with a drop-flap top, above an end frieze drawer, on a faceted baluster stem and carved lion’s paw feet and brass castors, possibly Scottish, 71.7cm high, £600-1,000 210.7cm long, 110.5cm deep.
380. A George IV mahogany pedestal cupboard, the hinged top revealing a vacant interior, above a panelled door enclosing two adjustable shelves, with a base drawer on brass castors, 122.9cm high, 49.3cm wide, 44.5cm deep. £400-600
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381. A William IV rosewood breakfast table, the circular tilt-top with a moulded edge, on a baluster turned stem, on scroll and cartouche carved legs and brass castors, 72.4 x 136cm. £500-800
382. A George IV mahogany Daws patent reclining open armchair, with a leather upholstered padded back, armrests and seat, the adjustable back on a push button ratchet mechanism, on turned front legs and brass castors, stamped ‘R. DAWS LX GR CROWNED PATENT’. £400-600
383. A William IV mahogany chiffonier, the raised back carved with scrolls and leaves, with a shelf on turned supports, above a pair of frieze drawers with convex mouldings, the base with a pair of panelled doors enclosing an adjustable shelf, flanked by turned columns on bun feet, 136.5cm high, 100.8cm wide, 50cm deep. £200-300
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384. An early 19th century Scottish Mauchline ware sycamore and penwork snuff box, the hinged lid decorated with a tavern scene and with an indistinct inscription to the lower edge, the body decorated with oak leaves and acorns, 7.7cm wide. £200-300
385. A set of nine Victorian watercolour studies, depicting views of famous European and English tourist sights, 6.5 x 5.2cm (max), each titled and mounted in later ebonised and gilt frames. (9) £100-150
386. A Victorian ebony and Tunbridge ware table cabinet by Edmund Nye, decorated with micromosaic panels of flowers, with geometric borders, with a pair of doors enclosing three conforming drawers, on disc feet, the underside with a trade label inscribed ‘EDMUND NYE, Manufacturer, MOUNT EPHRAIM AND PARADE TUNBRIDGE WELLS’, 17.7cm high, 21cm wide. £300-400
387. A Victorian carved oak coat of arms, for the Assheton family, with a griffin’s head, above the battlements of a tower and a helm, the shield with a mullet and a crescent jules, with the motto ‘LABOR OMNIA VINCIT’, in an oak leaf and acorn ribbon tied frame, mounted on a later painted panel within a leaf carved outer frame, 69 x 59.5cm. £300-500
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388. A Regency rosewood and brass mounted inkstand, with a pair of cut-glass inkwells with rosette stoppers, flanking a lidded compartment with an elephant candle holder, with foliage decorated handles, above a drawer, on winged cast feet, 39cm wide. £300-400
389. A 19th century reverse glass print of an Italian villa, 8.8cm wide, in a moulded giltwood frame. £100-150
390. An early 19th century verre églomisé picture, depicting fisher folk on the sea shore, indistinctly signed and dated ‘1800’, 19.1 x 14cm, in a moulded giltwood frame. £100-150
391. A late 18th century verre églomisé portrait silhouette, of a man, 4cm diameter, in an ebonised frame. £80-120
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392. A pair of Victorian cut-glass and Wedgwood jasper twin-light candelabra in George III style, each with a central obelisk with a faceted finial with a drip-pan hung with drops, above four scroll branches hung with drops, two with obelisk finials, the other with candle sconces, the gilt brass plinth with leaf decoration and a blue cylindrical jasper ware drum base decorated with a classical lady, an athenienne and urns, 59.3cm high, 34.5cm wide. (2) £2,000-3,000
393. A closely matched set of four cut-glass tapersticks in 18th century style, each with a faceted knopped stem, on a domed foot, late 19th / early 20th century, 16cm high. (4) £200-300
394. A pair of early 19th century cut-glass lustre candlesticks, each with a detachable drip-pan and hung with faceted drops and with a baluster stem, 24.3cm high. (2) £300-400
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395. A pair of Napoleon III ormolu figural six-light candelabra in Louis XV style, each with a winged cherub supporting a leaf cornucopia issuing scroll branches, with rocaille decoration, 66.8cm high. (2) £800-1,200
396. A set of four ormolu twin-light wall appliques in Louis XV style, 43.3cm high, 31.7cm wide. (4) £200-300 396
397. A pair of French white marble and gilt brass mounted candelabra in Louis XVI style, the urn body applied with satyr masks and ribbon tied swags and flowers, issuing leaf scroll branches and flower sconces, late 19th century, 48.7cm high. (2) £400-600
398. A pair of Victorian gilt spelter figural candlesticks, in the form of a young maiden, possibly Flora, standing on a leaf base, the underside with an oval plaque inscribed B. B & CO. LONDON PATENTED 30 SEPTEMBER 1847’, 32.4cm high. (2) £80-120
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399. A pair of early 19th century gilt and patinated bronze candlesticks, each with a detachable drip-pan above a spiral fluted urn nozzle supported by an athenienne, on a tripod eagle monopodia, the beaks supporting chains, with a bud pendant and finial on a circular base, 25.3cm high. (2) £400-600 See Christie’s European & Noble Collections, 30th April 2015, lot 237 for a similar pair of candlesticks catalogued as possibly Viennese.
400. A pair of early 19th century French gilt and patinated bronze figural twin-light candlesticks, each modelled with a classical maiden holding a pair of scroll branches, on an engine turned plinth and circular base, 38cm high. (2) £200-300
401. A pair of Louis XVI gilt bronze candlesticks, each with a beaded detachable drip-pan, above an urn shaped nozzle, on a stiff leaf decorated stem and domed circular foot, 28.3cm high. (2) £300-500 401
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402. A pair of late Victorian cut-glass cricklite candle lamps, each with a detachable shade, with an engine turned brass mount inscribed ‘CRICKLITE’, above a moulded bowl, inscribed ‘CRICKLITE CLARKE’S PATENT TRADE MARK’, with a part bronze and faceted cut-glass stem and domed foot, 44.2cm high. (2) £300-400 403. A set of four brass wall lights in Dutch Baroque style, each with an urn applied with a winged cherub mask, with scroll arms and a lobed pendant base, with shades, 30cm high, 31.7cm wide. (4) £150-250 404. A gilt bronze table lamp, with a fir cone finial above an opaque glass shade, with twin lights, the naturalistic stem and base modelled with flowers and a lion, late 19th / early 20th century, 57.2cm high. £200-300 405. A collection of vase table lamps, including: a 19th century English bone china example, painted with flowers and bird’s eggs in a nest, a pair of Doulton vases, a Royal Copenhagen example, together with a bronzed metal putto lamp, 58.4cm high (max). (8) £100-150
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406. A pair of copper hall lanterns in Regency style by Jamb, each with a verdigris finish and a gilt cone finial, above a lobed top and palmette appliques, with tapering glazed panels and a single light fitting, 20th century, 87.5cm high, 58.3cm wide. (2) ÂŁ3,000-5,000
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407. A French bronze hall lantern in 18th century style, with a verdigris finish, with a leaf corona above scroll supports with cone finials, with a cylindrical body, with bands of Vitruvian scroll decoration, with a four-light fitting and a bud pendant, 123cm high, 57cm wide, £800-1,200
408. A Victorian japanned tôle and parcel gilt candelabra, converted to a table lamp, with three lights, above a ball stem and tripod monopodia legs and paw feet, with a pleated shade, 100.7cm high. £200-300
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409. A Regency patinated plaster figural torchère, of a classical maiden personifying summer and holding a cornucopia of flowers and fruit in one hand and a glass storm lantern in the other, the base inscribed ‘Published as the Act Directs 1806 By J. D. Giansetti’ and ‘No. 33 Cock Lane Snow Hill London’, 97.5cm high. £400-600
410. Three 19th century giltwood and painted Masonic warden’s columns, to simulate marble, with Doric, Ionic and Corinthian capitals and each on a stepped base, each with a later brass candle holder, 74.2cm high (max). (3) £300-400
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411. A Regency mahogany mantel clock by Barwise, the eight day three train movement striking on nine musical bells, the backplate inscribed ‘Barwise LONDON’, the circular silvered dial with Roman numerals and pierced handles, signed ‘Barwise LONDON’, in a brass and ebony inlaid arched case, with swag and palmette decoration, 43.7cm high, 26.7cm wide, 15.4cm deep. £1,000-1,500
412. A William IV ebonised mantel clock, the eight day twin fusee movement, with an anchor escapement and striking on a gong, the rectangular dial with a silvered chapter ring, with Roman numerals on an engraved scrolling leaf ground, in a pagoda shape case, decorated with brass scrolls, fluting and nulling, with four bevelled glass panels, on brass ball feet, 25.5cm high, 20cm wide, 17cm deep. £1,500-2,000
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413. A mahogany longcase clock by Joseph Dudds of London, the eight day brass movement with five turned pillars and an anchor escapement striking on a bell, the 12inch arched brass dial with Roman and Arabic numerals, with a silvered chapter ring, with subsidiary seconds dial and date aperture, with cast Rococo spandrels, the silvered rondel inscribed ‘Josp Dudds LONDON’, the hood originally with finials and turned columns, with an arched and moulded trunk door, the base with outline mouldings, 233.5cm high. £500-800
414. A mahogany longcase clock by William Bullock of Bath, the eight day movement with four turned pillars and an anchor escapement striking on a bell, the 12inch arched brass dial with Roman and Arabic numerals, with subsidiary seconds dial and date aperture, with a painted and engraved moonphase signed ‘WILLIAM BULLOCK BATH’, the hood with a blind fret cornice and brass capped columns, above a shaped trunk door flanked by fluted canted angles, above a conforming base, 218cm high. £600-800
415. A late 19th century Austrian Vienna regulator wall clock, the eight day movement striking on a gong, the enamel dial with Roman numerals and a recessed centre, in a simulated rosewood case, 101.5cm high. £150-250
416. A Regency mahogany banjo barometer by Gally & Co. Exeter, with a 9inch silvered dial, signed, the case inlaid with stringing and marquetry conch shells and paterae, with a brass urn finial, 100cm high. £200-300
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417. A large George III style mahogany chiming longcase clock of exhibition quality, the substantial brass three train movement with deadbeat escapement and Harrison’s maintaining power, chiming the quarters on eight tubular bells and the hour on a separate gong, with three brass cased weights and a mercury pendulum, the shaped gilt brass dial engraved with scrolling foliage, with a silvered chapter ring, with Arabic numerals and subsidiary seconds, chime/silent and Westminster/ Whittington dials, inscribed ‘MAPLE & CO. LTD. LONDON’, in a carved Chippendale style case, the arched hood carved with leaves and with turned finials, above a trunk with three glass panels decorated with acanthus leaves and latticework, flanked by fluted baluster columns, on a conforming plinth and ogee bracket feet, late 19th / early 20th century, 269.3cm high, 66cm wide. £6,000-8,000
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418. A late 19th century French ormolu and porcelain mounted mantel clock, the eight day brass movement with an outside countwheel and striking on a bell, stamped ‘46909 H Y MARC PARIS’, the dial painted with a cherub and with Roman numerals, the Louis XVI style bleu céleste and jewelled case with an urn surmount, decorated with scrolls and grapevine, 31.5cm high, 34.5cm wide, together with a pair of £150-250 associated gilt spelter and porcelain urns, 26.2cm high. (3)
419. A late 19th century French champlevé enamel four-glass mantel clock, the eight day movement striking on a gong and stamped ‘MEDAILLE D’ARGENT’ and numbered ‘1659411’, the circular brass dial with Arabic numerals and decorated with enamel, the serpentine front case with a green onyx top and base and enamel borders and with bevelled glass panels, 31.6cm high, 21cm wide. £500-800
420. A late Victorian walnut mantel clock, the eight day German movement by Lenzkirch striking on two gongs, the silvered dial with Roman numerals and inscribed ‘E. J. VOKES, BATH’, the arched case with gilt metal 18th century style mounts, 37.4cm high, 28cm wide, 20cm deep. £400-600
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421. A large late Victorian carved mahogany Westminster chiming bracket clock, the eight day three train brass movement striking the Westminster chimes on eight bells and five gongs, the arched dial with a silvered chapter ring, with gilt brass Roman numerals and three subsidiary dials, with cast gilt brass spandrels decorated with leaves and flowers, the substantial case all over carved with leaves, the front with Jacobean style caryatids and masks, 69.5cm high, 41.8cm wide, 31.2cm deep, together with a matching bracket, with an applied shield carved with a crest, 42.2cm high, 47cm £1,500-2,500 wide, 35.5cm deep. (2)
422. A Victorian ebonised chiming bracket clock, the three train brass movement striking the Westminster chimes on eight bells and a gong, the arched dial with a silvered chapter ring, with Roman and Arabic numerals, inscribed ‘DODD & SON 146, LEADENHALL STREET’, with three subsidiary dials and with cast gilt foliage shell and mask spandrels, the arched case in 18th century style, with gilt bronze mounts and side carrying handles, 60.6cm high, 36cm wide. £1,200-1,800
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423. A late 19th century French gilt bronze mantel clock by Leroy & Fils, the eight day movement striking on a bell and stamped ‘LEROY & FILS A PARIS NO 7967’, the circular onyx dial with Roman numerals and inscribed ‘LEROY & FILS 1315 PALAIS ROYAL PARIS 211 REGENT STREET LONDON’, the case decorated with a central pedestal, surmounted by a palette and a sculpted torso and flanked by two classical maidens personifying the arts, 45.7cm high, 46.2cm wide. £800-1,200
424. A late 19th century French gilt brass carriage clock, the eight day movement with a platform lever escapement, striking on a bell, with a white enamel recess dial, with Roman numerals and faint retailer’s mark, with an engine turned surround, in an engraved case, 13.3cm high. £300-400
425. A late 19th century French gilt brass carriage clock, the repeating eight day movement with a platform lever escapement and striking on a gong, stamped ‘2846’, the circular dial with Arabic numerals and inscribed ‘MAPPIN & WEBB LONDON’, with a painted flower and scrolling foliage surround, the four-glass case with bevelled panels, 15.4cm high. £200-300
426. A late 19th century French gilt brass carriage clock by Bolvillier, the eight day movement with an outside countwheel and a platform lever escapement, striking on a bell, the backplate stamped ‘BOLVILLIER A PARIS CROOK’ and numbers ‘330 LM’, the enamel dial with Roman numerals and signed ‘BOLVILLIER A PARIS’, the case decorated in the Renaissance revival manner with scrolling leaves, classical figures, greyhounds, lions and satyr masks, 15cm high. £200-300
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427. A Victorian walnut cased two day marine chronometer by Frodsham & Keen, the circular single fusee brass movement with four turned pillars and Harrison’s maintaining with an Earnshaw type spring detent escapement and split bi-metallic balance and helical balance spring, with an engine turned backplate, the 4inch silvered dial with Roman numerals, subsidiary seconds and up/down dials, signed ‘Frodsham & Keen, 17. South Castle St. Liverpool’ and numbered ‘No.3390’, mounted on a brass gimbal, the twin hinged case with brass mounts and mother of pearl maker’s plaque and escutcheons, the lid with a vacant brass plaque, the sides with sunken brass handles, 18.8cm high, 18.3cm wide, 18.2cm deep, together with a book on the Frodhsams, Vaudrey Mercer, The Frodshams, The Story of a Family of Chronometer Makers. (2) £2,000-3,000
428. A Philips’ twelve-inch terrestrial globe, made of twelve gores, with an oval titled panel, with a brass semi-circular ring holder, on an ebonised base, 43.8cm high £200-300
429. A French tortoiseshell and ormolu mounted mantel clock, the brass eight day twin train movement with turned tapering pillars and an outside countwheel, striking on a bell, the backplate signed ‘A PARIS, Baltazar Martinot’, the brass circular dial with enamelled Roman numerals, the centre chased with musicians, above Helios, the sun god, in his chariot, the arched case with flaming finials, above a female mask and with scrolling acanthus leaf mounts, the interior with a parquetry floor and a marquetry inlaid door, 60.8cm high, 35.5cm wide. £800-1,200
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430. After the antique. A 19th century Italian bronze model of Spinario, 32.5cm high. £200-300
431. After the anique. An Italian Grand Tour bronze figure of the dancing faun, 19th century, 15.8cm high. £100-150
432. After the antique. An Italian bronze Grand Tour figure of a drunken faun, holding grapes, a shepherd’s crook and a panther skin, accompanied by a goat, the base inscribed ‘Chiurazzi Napoli, £1,000-1,500 70.9cm high. This bronze is after the original red antique marble statue that can be found in the Capitoline Museum in Rome. It is a Hadrianic replica (117-138 A.D.) of a Greek Hellenistic original. It was discovered in 1736 at Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli.
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433. A pair of Italian bronze Grand Tour models of the Borghese vase, of Campana shape, the body cast in relief with mythological figures, with a pair of handles with satyr mask terminals, late 19th / early 20th century, 31cm high, 21cm wide. (2) ÂŁ400-600
434. A pair of 19th century bronze Grand Tour classical urns, in the Greek style, of amphora shape, decorated with a band of figures and with further bands of leaf decoration, on scroll feet, 45.8cm high. (2) ÂŁ400-600
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435. After the antique. An Italian alabaster Grand Tour model of the Medici vase, the detachable rim with an egg and dart moulded edge, above a body carved with classical figures, with a pair of handles with satyr masks, on a fluted spreading foot and a square plinth, late 18th / early 19th century, 48cm high, 39.5cm diameter. ÂŁ4,000-6,000 Provenance: Formerly part of an aristocratic collection at a large country house. The Medici Vase is a monumental bell-shaped krater sculpted in Athens in the second half of the 1st century AD. It re-appeared in the inventory of the Villa Medici, Rome in 1598 and was transferred to the Uffizi Gallery in the 18th century. It features in many prints during the 17th century for example works by Stefano della Bella.
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436. After Andrea del Verrocchio (Italian 1435-1488). A 19th century Italian bronze Grand Tour equestrian group of Bartolomeo Colleoni, the base stamped ‘FONDERIA NELLI ROMA’, on a black and verdo antico marble plinth, 59.2cm high, 38cm wide. £400-600 437. After Giambologna (Flemish 1529-1608). An early 19th century bronze figure of Mercury, holding a caduceus, on a fluted rosso antico marble socle and gilt bronze plinth, 68.4cm high. £400-600
438. After Giambologna (Flemish 1529-1608). A pair of late 19th century figures of Mercury and Fortuna, Mercury holding a caduceus and Fortuna blowing a horn, signed ‘J. Bologne’ on black marble and relief cast bronze bases, 86.6cm high. (2) £500-700
439. After Della Robbia. A plaster relief wall plaque of the Virgin and Child, possibly by Brucciani, numbered ‘326’, 53.7cm high, 56.8cm wide, 16cm deep. £150-200
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440. A glazed pottery Grand Tour bust of the Roman Emperor Titus, wearing a laurel wreath, mounted on an associated marble column with a bronze plinth, the underside etched ‘DWIGHT FULHAM STONE WARE’, late 18th / early 19th century, 26cm high. £150-250
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441 441. Albert Ernest Carrier-Belleuse (France 1824-1887). A bronze figure of Eutherpe, leaning on an organ, with books of music, signed ‘A. CARRIER FECIT’, 28.9cm high, 41.5cm wide. £600-800 442. An early 19th century bronze group, of a scantily clad young shepherd holding a lamb, standing on a naturalistic rocky base, 22.7cm high. £400-600 443. Armand Jules Le Veel (French 1821-1905). ‘Ligueur’ a late 19th century French bronze figure of a soldier, with a musket slung over his shoulder, the cobbled base titled and dated ‘1847’ with Victor Paillard foundry mark ‘VP crowned’, 56.3cm high. £300-500 444. A pair of 19th century French bronze figures of Mars and Minerva, each on an ebonised socle, 29.6cm high (max). (2) £200-300
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445. An early 19th century marble bust of a gentleman, wearing a classical toga, 72.4cm high, 63.5cm wide, on an associated marble term pedestal, 111.6cm high. (2) £1,000-1,500
446. A Victorian marble bust of a bearded gentleman, wearing a jacket, on a turned socle, 73cm high, 44.5cm wide, on an associated marble cylindrical pedestal, 100.4cm high. (2) £500-800
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447. A pair of early 19th century bronze busts of Homer and Seneca, each titled and on an integral waisted socle, 12.5cm high. (2) £200-300
448. An early 19th century bronze and black marble paperweight, modelled with a sleeping cherub, 14cm wide. £100-150
449. An early 19th century bronze bust of Sir Walter Scott, 16.2cm high. £150-200
450. A pair of 19th century walnut and parcel gilt portrait reliefs, of Dante and John Henry Newman, mounted on a pine back, within a moulded and flower decorated frame, 34.3 x 33cm. (2) £150-200
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451. A large 19th century French terracotta figure of a tavern girl, leaning on a tree stump, with a pitcher of ale and holding a mug, 138.7cm high, on a pedestal base, decorated with laurel leaves, 68.5cm high. £600-800
452. Georges van der Straeten (Belgian 1856-1928). A lead figure of a late 18th century gardener, holding a flower in one hand and a spade in the other, signed ‘Straeten’ and dated ‘87’, on an alabaster socle, 56cm high. £500-700
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453. Constantin Émile Meunier (Belgian 1831-1905). ‘Maternity’, a bronze group of a mother feeding her baby, signed ‘C. MEUNIER’, 44.4cm high. £800-1,200 Another example of this piece is displayed at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium.
454. An early 20th century French bust of a boy, signed ‘DONATELLO’, on a green serpentine plinth with an applied dedication plaque, 18.9cm high. £100-200
455. Émile-Louis Picault (French 1833-1915). A bronze tazza, titled ‘CHERERIS MYSTERIA ELEVSINE’, with a central female mask, with a relief cast outer border of classical figures, on a spreading foot and red marble base, 16.8cm high, 34.5cm diameter £200-300
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456. An Austrian cold painted bronze model of a bird by Bergman, possibly a canary, stamped ‘B’ in a vase, ‘GESCHUTZT’ and numbered ‘6428’, together with a guinea pig, a rat stamped ‘B’ in a vase for Bergman and a bronze group of a lady with a dog, 19th century, 8.5cm high (max). (4) £100-150
457. Seven Austrian cold painted bronze models of birds, comprising: a turkey, a kingfisher, a snipe, a wren and three other birds, two stamped with ‘B’ in a vase for Franz Bergman, late 19th century, 8.7cm high (max). (7) £100-150
458. Six Austrian cold painted bronze model animals, comprising: two foxes, one stamped ‘GESCHUTZT’, an elephant with a bone tusk, a poodle, a terrier and a bear, late 19th century, 8.2cm long (max). (6) £100-150
459. An Austrian cold painted bronze miniature model of Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit, together with a lobster, a pug dog, a poodle, a rabbit and a cat, together with eight cold painted metal miniature animals and insects, including: a water boatman, a bumble bee, a frog, a penguin and a watering can, late 19th / early 20th century, 5.5cm high (max). (14) £100-150
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460. A bronze model of a cockatoo after Franz Bergman, perched on a branch, stamped ‘GESCHUTZT’ with ‘B’ in a vase and numbered ‘33 053’, 29.5cm high. £400-600
461. An Austrian cold painted bronze model of a lobster, mounted on an ebonised plinth, together with a similar model of a crayfish, early 20th century, 22.7cm wide (max). (2) £80-120
462. Three Austrian cold painted bronze models of dogs, comprising: a spaniel, a German shepherd, and a Munsterlander, early 20th century and later, 17.7cm high (max). (3) £100-150
463. After Prosper Lecourtier (French 1851-1924). A pair of onyx and bronzed spelter bookends, each mounted with the head of a dog, one a spaniel and one a bloodhound, signed ‘Lecourtier’, early 20th century, 20cm high. (2) £100-150
464. A 19th century French bronze group of a seated farmer, with his horse, on a naturalistic base, 26.4cm high, 31cm wide. £400-600
465. An Austrian cold painted bronze model of a bulldog, stamped ‘DEPOSE GESCHUTZT 1065’, late 19th / early 20th century, 17.8cm long. £300-400
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466. Four pairs of leather riding boots, all with wooden trees, one pair with ivorine labels inscribed ‘MOORE BROS. MILITARY BOOT MAKERS SALISBURY’, together with a pair of leather ice skating boots and two bootjacks. (12) £500-700
467. A cast iron country house boot cleaner, painted green, with a rotary mechanism and a hedgehog brush, with an applied maker’s label ‘ROBERT BOBY LTD ENGINEERS BURY ST. EDMUNDS ENGLAND’, early 20th century, 115cm high, 82cm wide, 93cm deep. £300-400
468. A mahogany and elm country house shoe / boot cleaner, with a hinged top and brass side carrying handles, late 19th / early 20th century, 53cm wide. £200-300
469. A lady’s brass mounted boot-pull, late 19th / early 20th century, 37.3cm wide. £100-150
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470. A Victorian painted cast iron wall hanging whip rack, formed with a pair of crossed whips, centred with a fox’s head, 71 x 54.5cm. £800-1,200
471. A William IV mahogany whip and boot stand in the manner of Gillows, with an urn finial, above two revolving tiers, one applied with eight hooks, with a baluster turned stem on paw feet, 99.2cm high, 45cm diameter. £500-700 A very similar design features in the Gillow’s Estimate Sketch books, dated 1828 p.3624 and is referred to as a ’hat and boot stand’.
472. A late 19th century Black Forest style wall hanging whip wall rack, carved and painted with the head of a dog, with glass eyes and with antler hooks and holders, 55.2 x 80.5cm. £400-600 472
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473. A late 19th century Black Forest carved and painted wood royal stag head mount, applied with a set of real thirteen-point antlers, 124 x 77cm. £800-1,200
474. An antler six-light chandelier, of open crown form, with an opaque glass shade, 90.9cm high, 94cm wide. £500-700
475. A gilt brass mounted hoof paperweight, with a swing handle, together with a Victorian brass and glass inkwell by Benham and Froud, the lead weighted base stamped with an orb and cross, 14.3cm high (max). (2) £80-120 475
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476. A pair of giant clam shells (Tridacna Gigas), each pierced with a hole and with a lichen and moss encrusted finish, early 20th century or earlier, 86cm wide. (2) £800-1,200
The giant clam is the largest living bivalve mollusk.
477. Taxidermy. A preserved Texas horned lizard, in a naturalistic desert setting, in a glazed simulated rosewood case, late 19th / early 20th century, 15.6cm high, 22.9cm wide. £200-300
478. A specimen group of coral in a naturalistic setting, in a glazed ebonised case, late 19th / early 20th century, 21.4cm high, 28.8cm wide. £200-300
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479 479. A pair of 1920s coloured lithograph prints of mushrooms, depicting poisonous and edible mushrooms, 70.3 x 49cm, in glazed moulded pine frames. (2) £80-120 480. A leather carrier, possibly for foraging mushrooms, with a leather handle and copper studs, with a wooden base, late 19th / early 20th century, 23.7cm high, 47.5cm wide. £80-120 481. Two oak and wicker bound portable whiskey barrels, one quart and four quarts, with leather carrying straps, with a brass padlock, both with initials ‘H. G. M.’, early 20th century, 32.6cm high (max). (2) £200-300 482. A milliner’s wooden hat stretcher, with a metal handle and mounts and an ivorine head size chart, 35.1cm high. £200-300
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483. A croquet set, comprising: four mallets, two by Slazinger with hickory shafts, one smaller by Ayres, together with hoops, balls, pegs and marker posts, in a green stained box, inscribed ‘Croquet de Luxe JAQUES LONDON’. £200-300
484. A late Victorian mahogany tennis racquet holder, with a brass sunken handle and applied with a white metal shield shape plaque, inscribed ‘R.N.C. GREENWICH Racquet Handicap WON BY J. E. Cameron Esq. R.N. 1895’, containing four later racquets, 30.8cm wide. £200-300 484
485. An early 20th century French papier-mâché and felt model of a French bulldog, with glass eyes and a nodding head, growler mechanism not working, on wooden castors, £200-300 26.5cm high, 52cm long.
486. An Edwardian painted dappled grey rocking horse, on a wooden base, restored, early 20th century, 100.8cm high, 119cm long. £100-200
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487. An Edwardian walnut ophthalmological doctor’s lens cabinet, the glazed hinged lid inset with a brass plaque, inscribed ‘H. H. McNabb’, revealing a lift-out tray fitted with concave and convex lenses, with ivorine titled plaques, the base with a drawer fitted with further optical equipment, 59.2cm wide. £300-500 Dr. H. H. McNabb M. D. was based at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, where he became a consulting surgeon and vice president.
488. An early 20th century crocodile leather suitcase by Army & Navy, the hinged lid with gilt initials ‘B. S.’ with a later lined interior and handle, stamped ‘15 ARMY & NAVY C.S.L. MAKERS LONDON’, 16.2cm high, 60.7cm wide, 36cm deep. £100-150
489. A George V crocodile leather fitted suitcase, with silver mounted glass bottles, a flask and jars, with ivory handled brushes, a shoe horn, glove stretchers, a hone, razors, crocodile leather jewellery box, a cigarette box, mirror and comb case, with two silver corkscrews and other fittings, some probably associated, 21.3cm high, 63.4cm wide, 45.8cm deep. £1,500-2,000
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THE REMAINING COLLECTION OF POND YACHTS FROM THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN HENRY BRUCE PROLE 490. 'Bibi Liz'. A mid-20th century racing pond yacht, of plank on frame construction, with full complimentary rigging, on later stand, 92.5cm long. £150-200 Provenance: The Estate of the late John Henry Bruce Prole.
491. 'Lily'. An Edwardian clipper bow pond yacht, of plank on frame construction, with brass fittings and associated mast and sails, 93cm long. £200-300 Provenance: The Estate of the late John Henry Bruce Prole.
492. A mid-20th century 6m class racing pond yacht, of plank on frame construction, with associated masts and sails, on a later painted stand, 121cm long. £200-300 Provenance: The Estate of the late John Henry Bruce Prole.
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493. A modern 10 Rater class racing pond yacht, of plank on frame construction, with associated masts and sails, on a folding cradle, 174cm long, together with a modern fibreglass racing pond yacht, with associated sails and stand, 144cm long. (2) £100-200 Provenance: The Estate of the late John Henry Bruce Prole.
494. 'Margie', A mid-20th century marblehead class racing pond yacht, of plank on frame construction, with associated masts and sails, on a cradle stand, 128cm long, together with a modern pond yacht, with associated masts and sails, 106cm long. (2) £100-200 Provenance: The Estate of the late John Henry Bruce Prole.
495. 'Phoebe'. A modern 36inch restricted class pond yacht, with associated masts and sails, on a later pine stand, 91.5cm long, together with a modern pond yacht, with associated masts and sails, on a cradle stand, 93cm long. (2) £100-200 Provenance: The Estate of the late John Henry Bruce Prole.
496. A 20th century model of a Dutch barge, with fittings, masts and sails, on a cradle stand, 16.5cm long, together with a model of an Arab dhow, with fittings, masts and sails, 77cm long. (2) £100-200 Provenance: The Estate of the late John Henry Bruce Prole.
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497. A George III fruitwood dockyard or navy board style scale model boat, possibly a shallop, with painted decoration, one side cut-away to show how the hull is constructed, possibly a didactic model for students, 33cm high, 121cm long, on a later stand. £2,000-3,000
498. An early 20th century model passenger steam boat, painted wood, with metal details and with a rigged mast, the lift-off top revealing a Stuart Turner engine, above a lead keel, on a pine cradle, 138cm long. £800-1,200
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499. A folk art naive painted wood model of a steam ship, titled S. S. Carlton, with rigging, cotton wool steam and a painted plaster sea, in an ebonised glazed case, early 20th century, 51.6cm high, 115.3cm wide, 19cm deep. £200-300
500. A 19th century sailor’s scrimshaw whale’s tooth, decorated to one side with a twin-masted sailing ship, 14cm long. £200-300
501. An early 20th century model three-masted sailing ship, painted wood, with a metal canon, flying the White Ensign, fully rigged, mounted in a naturalistic plaster sea, with an ebonised base and a later glass cover, 41cm high, 55.4cm wide, 33.9cm deep. £200-300 501
502. An ivory scrimshaw letter opener, with a clenched fist handle, one side polychrome decorated with a whaling scene and inscribed ‘Ship FRIENDSHIP fairhaven’, the reverse with stars and stripes, the date ‘1852’, the American Eagle and a lady holding the American flag, 25cm long. £250-350
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503. A late Victorian mahogany twin pedestal partner’s desk, the top inset with later gilt tooled green leather, above an arrangement of nine panelled drawers, the back with the same configuration, with two pull-out slides, 80.6cm high, 149.5cm wide, 116.3cm deep. £800-1,200
504. A Victorian mahogany desk chair, button upholstered with maroon leather, the splat carved with scrolls, with a serpentine front seat, on turned front legs and ceramic castors. £200-300
505. A mahogany stool in George II style, the stuffed-over seat on leaf capped cabriole legs and claw and ball feet, early 20th century, 49.5cm high, 94.5cm wide, 42.5cm deep. £200-300
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506. A Victorian mahogany twin pedestal partner’s desk, the moulded edge top inset with gilt tooled green leather, above an arrangement of nine drawers to either side, on a later plinth base, 76.8cm high, 154.7cm wide, 131.2cm deep. £500-800
507. A mahogany desk chair in George III style, with scroll arms, on leaf carved cabriole legs and brass roller castors, in need of recovering, late 19th century. £200-300.
508. A mahogany stool in George II style, on acanthus carved cabriole legs and claw and ball feet, 52.3cm high, 67cm wide, 49.5cm deep £200-300
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509. A pair of Victorian walnut and parcel gilt hall chairs, each with an architectural panelled back incised with scrolls, flowers and palmettes, with a hinged seat revealing a vacant compartment, on cabriole front legs. (2) £200-300
510. An early Victorian ebonised cabinet on stand, with nulled, flower, leaf, scroll and paterae mouldings, with a pair of glazed doors, enclosing a paper lined interior, the brass hinges stamped ‘HORNE PATENT’, above two drawers with gilt brass drop handles, the stand with a fret carved frieze, with birds and beasts flanking a central angel mask, applied with brass Latimer crosses, on spiral twist legs and a shaped undertier, with two paper labels inscribed in ink ‘ABERDUNANT 1871’, 160.7cm high, 91.2cm wide, 56.5cm deep. £500-800 The design of this cabinet is based directly on the series of cabinets commissioned by William Beckford to furnish the St. Michael’s Gallery at Fonthill Abbey. The Latimer cross illustrates William Beckford’s descent from William, Lord Latimer of Corby (d.1302). It was one of his most favourite heraldic emblems and he employed it in his decorative schemes at Fonthill.
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511. A pair of large Victorian oak and polychrome decorated Glastonbury chairs in the manner of A. W. N. Pugin, in Gothic style, each with a carved toprail decorated with a grapevine, above a quatrefoil back with the Lovelace coat of arms and the motto 'LABOR IPSE VOLUPTAS', the spandrels with the symbols of the countries of the United Kingdom, above a solid seat with a squab cushion, on 'X' shape supports with sunken brass castors united by turned stretchers. (2) ÂŁ2,000-3,000 Provenance: Commissioned for Horsley Towers, Surrey, by the 1st Earl of Lovelace, probably between 1846 and 1860. The Contents of Torridon: Home of the Earls of Lovelace, Lyon & Turnbull, Edinburgh, 28th October 2015. The present chairs derive from an original medieval Glastonbury chair that survived in the Bishop's Palace at Wells. Pugin visited Wells in 1835/1836 and produced his own version for the Bishop's House of St Chad's Roman Catholic Cathedral, Birmingham, in about 1840. See the Victoria & Albert Museum, British Galleries, Room 122, case 8. The coat of arms on the present lot date from the 30th June 1838 when William King, 8th Baron King of Ockham, was elevated to the titles of the 1st Earl of Lovelace and Viscount Ockham.
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512. A Victorian rosewood lady’s writing table, the top with a lift-up screen with a fret carved gallery and a silk panel, with a single drop-flap on a pull-out ratchet, the right side with two drawers, one with an inkwell compartment, the left with a deep drawer with a false front, on spiral twist supports and leather castors, 92.5cm high, 86.5cm wide, 80.7cm deep. £250-350
513. A Victorian walnut hanging wall shelf, with a fretwork carved gallery and ends and with four tiers, 72.7cm high, 57.5cm wide, 20.5cm deep. £150-250
514. A Victorian rosewood duet music stand, the adjustable revolving top with a pair of hinged fretwork pierced rests, each on a ratchet and decorated with a wreath, on a carved tripod base, 127.6cm high, 46cm wide. £300-500
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515. A large Victorian satin walnut stool attributed to Blain of Liverpool, the drop-in seat covered in ivory damask fabric, on scroll and leaf carved cabriole legs united by a fluted lappet ‘X’ stretcher, originally on castors, the frame inscribed in pencil, ‘J B 621’, 49.5cm high, 103cm wide, 70.5cm deep. £400-600
516. A Victorian walnut nursing chair, with a moulded frame and a padded back and seat, on cabriole front legs and ceramic castors. £100-200
517. An early Victorian mahogany piano top Davenport, the formerly rising top, now stuck, with a brass baluster gallery above a hinged lid revealing a pull-out leather lined writing surface on a ratchet, with divisions for pen and ink and with two drawers, the right side with four drawers, one with a gilt brass trade label inscribed ‘DRUCE & CO. UPHOLSTERERS & CABINET MAKERS BAKER STREET PORTMAN SQUARE’, with leaf scrolled cabriole front legs, on castors, 99cm high, 58cm wide, 60cm deep. £300-500
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518. A Victorian teak campaign chest, in two halves, fitted with two short and three long drawers, with later knob handles, the brass locks stamped ‘AUGHAN 1893’, with removable bun feet, 104cm high, 89.4cm wide, 44cm deep. £200-300
519. A Victorian satin birch wallshelf, with shaped ends and four graduated shelves, 102.5cm high, 76.1cm wide, 23.3cm deep. £80-120
520. A Victorian birch campaign sedan chair, with a cane back and seat. £100-150
521. A 19th century mahogany bowfront chest, with two short and two long drawers, on disc feet, 105.5cm high, 110.7cm wide, 59.7cm deep. £100-150
Provenance: The Collection of Christopher Jenkins.
Provenance: Tyntesfield House, Bristol. A gift to the present vendor’s family from Richard Gibbs 2nd Baron Wraxall.
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522. A Victorian papier-mâché games table, the glazed rectangular tilt-top with a chequer board, the white squares painted with landscapes, oriental figures, insects and animals, 72.4cm wide, 51.8cm wide, 45.4cm deep. £400-600
523. A Victorian papier-mâché bread basket, decorated in gilt with leaves and flowers, the base stamped ‘CLAY 18 KING ST. COVT. GARDEN’, 34.7cm wide. £100-150
524. A Victorian papier-mâché side chair by Jennens & Bettridge, inlaid with mother of pearl and decorated with gilt highlights, with a cane seat, the underside stamped ‘JENNENS & BETTRIDGE LONDON BIRMM’. £200-300 524
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525. A Victorian rosewood breakfast table, the circular tilt-top on a faceted baluster stem and lion’s paw feet with brass castors, 72.3cm high, 119.3cm diameter. £300-500
525 526. A mahogany spider leg table in George III style, the drop-leaf top above a frieze drawer, on ring turned and block legs united by stretchers, on pad feet, late 19th / early 20th century, 69.5cm high, 60.9cm wide, 67cm deep (open). £80-120
527. A Victorian rosewood and ebonised lamp table, the segmented top on a baluster turned stem and tripod scroll feet, 73.5cm high, 39.3cm wide. £200-300
528. A Victorian walnut card table, the burr quarter veneered hinged and swivel top above a carved stem and scroll legs, with ceramic castors, 74.3cm high, 92.5cm wide, 46cm deep. £300-400
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529. A Victorian armchair, later upholstered and on giltwood turned legs, with applied faux bamboo spindles. £200-300
530. A pair of Victorian giltwood footstools, 15.2cm high, 27.5cm square. (2) £150-200
531. A Regency style painted and parcel gilt occasional table in the manner of Mallett, the glazed top above an inset Japanese lacquer and shagreen panel, with a painted border, on faux bamboo supports, the panel 19th century, the table 20th century, 50.5cm high, 54.7cm wide, 41cm deep. £150-200
532. A pair of mahogany and ebonised occasional tables in Regency style, with parcel gilt decoration and three tiers, the underside of one with an ivorine plaque, inscribed ‘W. MAY & CO. FURNITURE DEALERS & REMOVERS 1 & 3 PRATT ST CAMDEN TOWN, N.W.’, first half 20th century, 73.8cm high, 49cm wide, 38.5cm deep. (2) £500-800
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533. A pair of Victorian amethyst glass and gilt bronze tazze, each with a shallow bowl with a rosette boss, above a scroll, ivy and grapevine decorated urn on a turned slate base, 24.5cm high, 36.6cm diameter (slight differences). (2) £800-1,200
534. A silver plated and cut-glass centrepiece in 18th century style, the detachable bowl with a frosted centre, on scroll supports, with female masks, above a circular base, late 19th / early 20th century, 36.5cm high, 29cm diameter. £200-300
535. A pair of French cut and moulded glass vases in the manner of Baccarat, each with a petal rim and a stylised flowerhead body, late 19th / early 20th century, 26.3cm high. (2) £200-300
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536. A giltwood and gesso overmantel mirror in Adam style, with a central rectangular plate, flanked by marginal plates within guilloche, leaf and ribbon frames, below a band of flower rondels, late 19th / early 20th century, 130 x 167.5cm. £500-800
537. A giltwood and composition wall mirror, the oval plate within a frame decorated with flowers and leaves, with an outer border of strapwork and cartouches, 124 x 107.2cm. £200-300
538. A 19th century giltwood wall mirror, with a central rectangular plate surrounded by marginal plates, within a carved slip applied with capitals and palmettes, the sides decorated with scrolls, with a leaf and palmette surmount and shell pendants, 113.6 x 74.5cm. £500-700
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539. A Victorian gilt composition and ebonised wall mirror, the bevelled rectangular plate within a flower border and a laurel frame, 76.5 x 52.9cm. £100-150 540. A pair of modern wing armchairs in George III style, each covered in studded ivory corduroy, on square tapering legs united by an ‘H’ stretcher. (2) £500-700 541. A pair of composition wall mirrors in early George III style, each with an oval plate, within a rocaille decorated frame, with a leaf surmount, 114 x 73.5cm. (2) £300-400 542. A late Victorian painted pine twin pedestal desk, with a raised back, above an arrangement of nine drawers, with a plush lined foot rest, on wooden castors, 83.3cm high, 153cm wide, 60.5cm deep. £400-600
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543. A mahogany triple pillar dining table in Regency style by William Tillman, the top with a reeded edge, on ring turned stems and moulded splay legs with brass caps and castors, the underside with a maker’s plaque, with two additional leaves, 20th century, 72.8cm high, 383cm long, 134.8cm deep. £1,000-1,500
544. A set of eight mahogany dining chairs in Chippendale style, each with a leaf and scroll carved pierced splat back, above a stuffed over leather seat, on acanthus capped cabriole front legs and claw and ball feet, late 19th century, comprising: a pair of open armchairs and six side chairs. (8) £800-1,200
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545. A set of ten mahogany dining chairs in Chippendale style, each with a leaf carved stop fluted splat back, above a drop-in seat, on chamfered front legs united by ‘H’ stretchers, one stamped ‘J. HARRIS’, late 19th century, comprising: a pair of open armchairs and a set of eight side chairs. (10) £1,000-1,500
546. A mahogany tripod table, the octagonal tilt-top carved with shell rondels, on fluted splay legs, 19th century, 66.5cm high, 75.8cm wide. £50-100
547. A late 19th century ebonised two seater settee, with a curved slatted back, above a zebra skin patterned seat, on baluster turned front legs, 77.9cm high, 137.5cm wide, 62cm deep. £200-300
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Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 25% plus VAT
548. A matched pair of late Victorian walnut tub armchairs by Howard & Sons, each with a button upholstered back, with scroll arms, on turned front legs and brass castors stamped ‘HOWARD & SONS LONDON’, the inside of one back leg on one stamped ‘1932 9034’, the other ‘12325 8229 HOWARD & SONS BERNERS ST’. (2) £800-1,200
549. A late Victorian walnut armchair by Howard & Sons, covered in Howard floral ticking, on turned front legs, on brass caps and castors, stamped ‘HOWARD & SONS LONDON’, the inside of the £600-800 back left leg stamped ‘18898 113’.
550. A late Victorian walnut open easy armchair by Howard & Sons Ltd, with later button upholstery, with turned front legs and brass caps and castors, stamped ‘HOWARD & SONS LTD LONDON’, the inside of the back left leg also stamped with numbers ‘..878 192’. £1,000-1,500
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551. A modern sofa in Howard & Sons style, covered in oatmeal fabric, on turned beechwood front legs and brass castors, 85.3cm high, 184cm wide, 99cm deep. £700-1,000
552. A late Victorian walnut open easy armchair by Howard & Sons Ltd, with later button upholstery, with turned front legs and brass caps and castors, stamped ‘HOWARD & SONS LTD LONDON’, the inside of the back left leg also stamped with numbers ‘... 4530’. £500-700 553. A Victorian ebonised and parcel gilt open bookcase, with adjustable shelves, 106.7cm high, 114.2cm wide, 30.2cm deep. £200-300
554. A pair of late Victorian Aesthetic Movement ebonised nursing chairs, one with parcel gilt decoration, with later covers, on turned legs and castors. (2) £100-200
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Each lot is subject to a Buyer’s Premium of 25% plus VAT
555. A late Victorian rosewood and painted side cabinet in the manner of Collinson and Lock, the raised top with a kingwood crossbanding, above a pair of astragal glazed doors, enclosing an adjustable shelf, above three drawers, the centre one marquetry inlaid with ivory dancing figures heightened with penwork, on an Adam style base, with parcel gilt decoration and with a frieze drawer, £800-1,200 134.5cm high, 75cm wide, 39cm deep.
556. A set of six giltwood open armchairs in George III style, each with a shield back, the moulded frames carved with leaves, with a serpentine seat, on tapering front legs, late 19th century. (6) £2,000-3,000 Provenance: Formerly in the Collection of Charles Clore.
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557. A late Victorian satinwood bowfront single wardrobe in Sheraton style, inlaid with stringing, the swan neck cornice inlaid with a dog tooth band, above a pair of oval and circular panel doors enclosing brass hooks and a hanging rail, the base fitted with a drawer, on swept bracket feet, 226cm high, 121cm wide, 60cm deep. £600-800
558. A Victorian satinwood oval occasional table, with kingwood banding and inlaid with dog tooth and barber’s pole stringing, the quarter veneered top inlaid with a central fan and banded with foliage, with a conforming undertier, 71.3cm high, 67.5cm wide, 52.8cm deep. £300-400 557 559. A late 19th century satinwood oval occasional table in Sheraton revival style, the crossbanded top painted with musical instruments and ribbon tied garlands of flowers, on square tapering legs united by an undertier, 67.8cm high, 50.5cm wide, 33.7cm deep. £300-400
560. A mahogany and painted side cabinet in Regency style, the top painted with a band of flowers, above a pair of cane panelled doors enclosing an adjustable shelf, flanked by a pair of concave open shelves, 20th century, 83.1cm high, 123cm wide, 35.5cm deep. £400-600
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FURNITURE, WORKS OF ART & CLOCKS Wednesday 9th January 2019 Closing date for entries: 2nd November 2018
A George III mahogany serpentine commode attributed to Gillows. Estimate: £3,000 - £4,000
ENQUIRIES Mark Yuan-Richards | Tel: +44 (0)1722 411854 | myr@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
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ENGLISH & EUROPEAN CERAMICS & GLASS Tuesday 16th October 2018
ENQUIRIES Clare Durham Tel: +44 (0) 1722 424507 cd@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
A North Devon slipware small jug dated 1808. Estimate: £2,000 - £3,000
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Wednesday 17th October 2018
A silvered bronze sculptural table lamp, ‘La Voie Lactée’ (The Milky Way) by Leo Laporte-Blairsy. Estimate: £20,000 - £30,000
ENQUIRIES Michael Jeffery | Tel: +44 (0)1722 424505 | mj@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
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Tuesday 30th October 2018
A pair of Queen Anne silver candlesticks, by John Barnard, London 1705. Estimate: £15,000 - £20,000
ENQUIRIES Rupert Slingsby | Tel: +44 (0)1722 424501 | rs@woolleyandwallis.co.uk Lucy Chalmers | Tel: +44 (0)1722 424594 | lc@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
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Thursday 1st November 2018
A ruby and emerald Renaissance gimmel ring, late 16th century Estimate: £4,000 - £6,000
ENQUIRIES Charlotte Glyde | Tel:+44 (0)1722 424586 | cg@woolleyandwallis.co.uk
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