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✞‫ﷲﷲ‬웃RIP✞ Ⓘm am a ♂ CONCEPT to become an ♔ IDEAL and end up a LEGEND ☠ ✞‫ﷲﷲ‬웃RIP✞ ™ Not a pick up line or proposition.. just anotha RPer whos into the "disturbin"... i'm workin on a project and it focuses on a UNIVERSE unlike anythin anyones ever seen... See the whole story Like

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But suppose God is black? What if we go to Heaven and we, all our lives, have treated the Negro as an inferior, and God is there, and we look up and He is not white? What then is our response? Robert Kennedy

People just like you People just like you have raised $80+ million for causes they and their friends care about. Start your own campaign

✞‫ﷲﷲ‬웃RIP✞ Ⓘm am a ♂ CONCEPT to become an ♔ IDEAL and end up a LEGEND ☠ ✞‫ﷲﷲ‬웃RIP✞ ™

The ⓂARS ‫ק‬roject from JamReloaded JamDik Flux


People have been killing because of racial diꇂ繲erences since the https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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time of Adam and Eve, but in this country racism has been primarily aimed at African Americans. Bob Cousy

Liberal whites are the greatest enemy of African Americans. James Meredith

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It is a revenge the devil sometimes takes upon the virtuous, that he entraps them by the force of the very passion they have suppressed and think themselves superior to. George Santayana




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Let us in shaping our own Destiny set before us the qualities of human JUSTICE, LOVE, CHARITY, MERCY AND EQUITY. Upon such foundation let us build a race, and I feel that the God who is Divine, the Almighty Creator of the world, shall forever bless this race of ours, and who to tell that we shall not teach men the way to life, liberty and true human happiness? Marcus Garvey

Marcus Garvey speech




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(-(-_(-_-)_-)-) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ -Its nothin’ personal… just REVENGE-Afro Samurai

Groups like the NAACP, The Anti-Defamation League, NOW and GLAAD, will respond to derisive language directed at their constituents. The price paid by those who cavalierly chose to verbally disrespect the dignity of African Americans, Jews, women and homosexuals is steep. John C. McGinley




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Every day in America, African Americans are reminded of their race in ways large and small. Every day. Jennifer Granholm -NEVER DO BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE WHO WONT DO BUSINESS WITH YOU–☯™




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☠ⒿʌMđ!ⓚ☠ƒ!ûχ㊚™ ⚣ BIO: The Making of a HERO We African Americans have now spent the major part of the 20th Century battling racism. Constance Baker Motley




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☠ⒿʌMđ!ⓚ☠ƒ!ûχ㊚™ ⚣ HD

The separate water foundations, park benches, bathrooms and restaurants of the Jim Crow South startled me. These experiences motivated my lifelong study of the status of African Americans and the sources of improvement in that status. James Heckman

Đ€ムtђ Måd乇 Ŧレesん African Americans have always known that a little bit of paranoia was healthy for us. Cynthia McKinney




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§ûи☯乙ü: Ÿøù'rє 刀ö乃øđý †ⓘℓ... from JamReloaded JamDik Flux


African American history is really American history because African Americans really helped build this country. Don Lemon




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During the days of segregation, there was not a place of higher learning for African Americans. They were simply not welcome in many of the traditional schools. And from this backward policy grew the network of historical black colleges and universities. Michael N. Castle




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§øи Ⓞƒ †ђє Κℓåηđ from JamReloaded JamDik Flux


The notion that religion can actually be something... attached to progressivism seems so bizarre. But all you have to say is that Abolition wouldn't have happened without it. The way in which African Americans managed to achieve a degree of selfdetermination was through the church. Simon Schama

Jamrock-Jamiaca Land We Love

When it comes to African Americans and African American https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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actors, Hollywood has always felt that if you can make us laugh, that's 췡▤ne, but we don't need to see you do a 'Schindler's List,' where there's no jokes or music or comedic through-line. Hill Harper (-(-_(-_-)_-)-) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ 乃➍ the "Gr➇ [✞]" the ☿ races 웃 walk'd the earth... NEGROID, MONGOLOID, CAUCASOID...

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➀day, someone (not pointin' 췡▤ngahz [☝]) *cough-cough* felt the other 2 were gettin' 2 cozy, fear'd they would get 2gether & steal their bangerz and mash...(as if)




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ŦUX ¢LUB ♬TUNEŽ♭: KeyCity Presents Wisdom from JamReloaded JamDik Flux


The history of African-American repression in this country rose from government-sanctioned racism. Jim Crow laws were a product of bigoted state and local governments. Rand Paul

(-(-_(-_-)_-)-) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ The Unequal O...

Å plot is hatch'd[卍]... forcin' all the NEGROIDs into "enslavement" https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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What we forget is that African Americans made the largest contribution to America, economically, before the Civil War of any sector of society. I read that the railroads were worth about $2 billion, but slavery was a $3 billion asset. Andrew Young

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"a negro has no rights that a white man is bound to respect". https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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Justice Roger B. Taney

"The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people," former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman told Harper's writer Dan Baum for the April cover story published Tuesday.

"You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin.




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And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities," Ehrlichman said. "We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did." Former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman

Post traumatic Disorder Dr Joy de Gruy Leary

Drapetomania was a supposed mental illness described by American physician Samuel A. Cartwright in 1851 that caused black slaves to ‫ﬥﯻ‬ee captivity.




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Today,drapetomania is considered an example of pseudoscience and part of the edi췡▤ce of scienti췡▤c racism.

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[(-(-_(-_-)_-)-)] forgettin' their legacy [♔] thus settin' the stage for these continued mind [☠] fux that show up through-out HISstory[(⊙...⊙ )] -FUX BLACK©




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ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳTHESE ARE OUR STORIESҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ Inside your INBOX is a little Ⓐdult Ⓔntertainment about 乃lack ♏en, with 乃lack ♏en, by 乃lack ♏en, ➍ 乃lack ♏en™ from the #22nd century. Thanx for all your support!!

The ⓂARS ‫ק‬roject 刀EXT ⒼENERATION from JamReloaded JamDik Flux


Freedom is the oxygen of the soul. https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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Moshe Dayan

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Anonymous Message to the Indigo Children of ...

I would argue that the objective evidence shows that big government is not a friend to African Americans. Rand Paul

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I was able to do To Sleep with Anger, a very powerful 췡▤lm about African Americans, their spirituality, and the things that happened within a small community and a family. https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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Danny Glover

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"The Black homosexual is hard pressed to gain audience among his heterosexual brothers; even if he is more talented, he is inhibited by his silence or his admissions.




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This is what the race has depended on in being able to erase homosexuality from our recorded history. The "chosen" history. But these sacred constructions of silence are futile exercises in denial. We will not go away with our issues of sexuality. We are coming home."




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WASHINGTON — Lawmakers here are learning the hard way that trying to apologize for historic injustices isn't as easy as saying "I'm sorry." The Senate found that out two weeks ago when it passed a resolution calling on the U.S. to apologize formally for more than three centuries of enslavement and segregation of African-Americans.

Senators thought they'd done the right thing. The feel-good moment was short-lived, however, after several members of the Congressional Black Caucus vowed to 췡▤ght the measure when it reached the House of Representatives. They object https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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because it contains a disclaimer saying that the resolution can't be used to support legal claims against the U.S. by those seeking reparations, or cash compensation for the suꇂ繲ering endured by blacks.

So instead of an elaborate July 7 signing ceremony in the stately Capitol Rotunda with Senate and House leaders delivering an apology, lawmakers are struggling to 췡▤nd common ground that would soothe Black Caucus members while satisfying senators that the nation is su펄㥶ciently protected against lawsuits.

Most Americans Unaware, US Govt. Found Guil...

"Apologies are never easy," said Melissa Nobles, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology political science professor and author of "The Politics of O펄㥶cial Apologies." "These things are always hard-fought, never mind the political stuꇂ繲, the implications of what they mean down the line, and https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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who's sponsoring the resolution."

The slavery apology resolution is one in a long line of recent measures written by Senate and House members seeking to acknowledge the government's role in some of the most painful episodes in U.S. history.




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Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., and Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark., introduced companion bills last month calling for the placement of a marker in the Capitol Visitor Center's Emancipation Hall to acknowledge that the Capitol was built on the backs of slave labor.




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The House and Senate also recently passed bills to award the Women's Airforce Service Pilots the Congressional Gold Medal, the nation's highest civilian honor. The women were civilian pilots employed to ‫ﬥﯻ‬y military aircraft during World War II by the U.S. Army Air Corps.

Though they were ‫ﬥﯻ‬ying military missions and aircraft, the female pilots were denied full military status and bene췡▤ts, and their records sealed and classi췡▤ed for more than 30 years.




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They will join the World War II-era Tuskegee Airmen as gold medal recipients. Surviving members of that barrier-breaking African-American ‫ﬥﯻ‬ying squadron received their medals from former President George W. Bush in 2007.

The moves to honor those discriminated against while in service to their country re‫ﬥﯻ‬ects generational change and a desire to honor these group members while some are still alive, Nobles said.




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ҲҲҳ ƒUX Gåmëş ҳҲҳ

Apologies by governments for long-standing, deep-seated grievances, however, are a tougher proposition, scholars say. "Politically, you have issues of who's the best person to make the apologies, to whom?" said Brian Weiner, a University of San Francisco politics professor and author of "Sins of the Parents: The Politics of National Apologies in the United States."

"What's really key is some sense of sincerity. Part of the sincerity — with lovers and friends — you can see face-to-face. But in the political realm, how can you test the sincerity of the U.S. government? In that case, it usually comes to money, and that's a problem politically." The issue of reparations has been divisive and one that's a nonhttps://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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starter for many politicians, including President Barack Obama.

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A 2002 CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll found that nine out of 10 whites opposed reparations payments to descendants of slaves, while more than half of African-Americans supported such payments.

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Former Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, R-Colo., addressing Native American leaders last year, suggested that fear of https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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reparations contributed to the demise of congressional resolutions in 2008 that called on the government to apologize to tribal governments and Native Americans nationwide.

The word "reparations" doesn't appear in the Senate's slavery apology resolution. Senate aides, however, said the disclaimer was added to satisfy senators who worried that the resolution could open the door to claims against the nation. The resolution wouldn't have passed without the disclaimer, the aides say.

Supporters of a slavery apology insist that the disclaimer, in a resolution that doesn't have the force of law, wouldn't bar slave descendants from seeking reparations.




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웃 ƒUX ƒïηαηc€ 웃

Hilary Shelton, the director of the NAACP's Washington bureau, said the venerable civil rights group has no problem with the resolution and the disclaimer. The group is looking forward to some sort of ceremony during a historically signi췡▤cant year for blacks that includes the NAACP's 100th anniversary, the 200th birthday of Abraham Lincoln, the 80th birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and year one of the nation's 췡▤rst AfricanAmerican president.

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"It opens up a discussion, an opportunity for Americans to start a healing process," Shelton said. "There are those who would like to see us move quickly in the House and have a ceremony."

ƑUX アages

However, he quickly added that concerned Black Caucus members should take their time if they "need a moment" to thoroughly study the resolution before making a decision whether or not to try and block it.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said he's done that. "Respectfully, all of us are members of the NAACP, probably," Thompson said of the Black Caucus membership. "But the vote https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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is vested with us, members of Congress. If they bring the resolution up and it still reads as it does, I'm going to vote against it."

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MIT's Nobles thinks that the worries of some African-American lawmakers might yield to the signi췡▤cance of the moment and the impact of Obama's election. "The country may now be able to look back at its history honestly," she said. "We can look back and say we've overcome things. We have a triumphant ending to the story instead of a painful one."




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Transcript: Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) Introduces U.S. Apology for Slavery, Jim Crow (-(-_(-_-)_-)-) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ #BLACKLIVES...

July 29, 2008




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July 29, 2008 Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and Mr. Chairman. It is with pride that I introduce this resolution with 120 co-sponsors from both sides of the aisle. It is with pride that I serve as a member of this institution, in this building that was built with slave labor, and for which the new Visitors Gallery will be known as Emancipation Hall.

It was a gentleman from this side of the aisle, the party of Lincoln, Representative Zach Wamp from my state, and this side of the aisle, Representative Jesse Jackson Jr., who eloquently spoke to a subcommittee of which I'm a member, urging the remembrance and recognition of the work of the slaves who helped construct this magni췡▤cent capitol building and have the entryway named Emancipation Hall.




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This country had an institution of slavery for 246 years and followed it with Jim Crow laws that denied people equal opportunity under the law. There was segregation in the south and other places in this country, at least through the year 1965 when civil rights laws were passed.

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There were separate water fountains for people, marked white and colored, there were restaurants, there were separate hotels, there were job opportunities that were not available to African-Americans. There were theaters that were segregated.




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웃 ƒUX ƒïηαηc€ 웃

It's hard to imagine, in 2008, that such a society existed and was sanctioned by law, that the laws of the nation provided for segregation and enforced slave fugitive slave laws. In fact, the history of slavery goes not just through the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to our constitution, but as so eloquently written, just yesterday, in "The Baltimore Sun" in an editorial by Mr. Leonard Pitts Jr., that slavery existed up until about World War II,but it was a form of slavery where people were bought and sold for debts, it was slavery by another name.

In a book called Slavery By Another Name by Douglass Blackman, a correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, when he https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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talked about a convict leasing system in the south where in poor black men were routinely snatched up and tried on false petty or nonexistent charges by compliant courts, assessed some 췡▤ne they could not aꇂ繲ord, and then put into the servitude of an individual who bought them. This system continued up until World War II.

The fact is, slavery and Jim Crow are stains upon what is the greatest nation on the face of the earth and the greatest government ever conceived by man. But when we conceived this government and said all men were created equal we didn't in fact make all men equal, nor did we make women equal.




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We have worked to form a more perfect union, and part of forming a more perfect union is laws, and part of it is such as resolutions like we have before us today where we face up to our mistakes and we apologize, as anyone should apologize for things that were done in the past that were wrong. And we begin a dialogue that will hopefully lead us to a better understanding of where we are in America today and why certain conditions exist.




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웃 ƒUX ƒïηαηc€ 웃 Dr King speaks deep

In 1997, President Clinton talked to the nation about the problem this country had with race. And he wanted a national dialogue. He considered an apology for slavery. I happened to run into President Clinton at that time, at the Amtrak station here in Washington and discussed with him having an apology for Jim Crow as well as slavery.

I encompassed that in a letter dated July 2, 1997 that as a state Senator in Tennessee I wrote to President Clinton. In that letter, I urged him to have a slavery apology and a Jim Crow apology and to mark it on the 30th Anniversary of the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, and that event tragically took place in April of 1968 in my city and that the appropriate time for https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



(­(­_(­_­)_­)­) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ by JamReloaded Flux

President Clinton to have that apology would be on that 30th anniversary.

In going through my papers as I was elected to congress, I found this letter and I thought about it and I said to myself, you're a member of congress, you don't need to wait on a response from the President of the United States, which my friend, the president's o펄㥶ce, failed to make a response. I can take action myself.

So I introduced the resolution in February of 2007 with 120 sponsors joining me as time went on. It is important on this day that we admit our error, that we apologize. I've been in this body and voted with the rest of the body on unanimous voice vote to encourage, this past year, the Japanese Government to apologize for its use of Chinese women as "comfort women" during the war.




(­(­_(­_­)_­)­) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ by JamReloaded Flux

And not a voice was raised questioning that resolution which passed unanimously on us calling on a foreign country to apologize for its use of "comfort women."

ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX ÇLUB ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ™ First Flight from JamReloaded JamDik Flux


Twenty years ago this congress passed a bill apologizing for the internment of Japanese citizens during World War II. In fact, subsequent to the consideration of this resolution, the distinguished lady from California, Ms. Matsui, has a resolution recognizing and celebrating the 20th anniversary of the passage of that bill.




(­(­_(­_­)_­)­) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ by JamReloaded Flux

(-(-_(-_-)_-)-) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ

This Congress did the right thing in apologizing for the imprisonment of Japanese-Americans during World War II and in encouraging the Japanese Government to apologize for the use of "comfort women." But the fact that this government has not apologized to its own citizens, African-Americans, for the institution of slavery and for the Jim Crow laws that followed and accepted that fact and encouraged changes in our dialogue and understanding in the actions of this country to rectify that is certainly a mistake.

And today we rectify that mistake. This is a symbolic resolution but hopefully it will begin a dialogue where people will open their hearts and their minds to the problems that face this https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



(­(­_(­_­)_­)­) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ by JamReloaded Flux

country, from racism that exists in this country on both sides and which must end if we're to go forward as the country that we were created to be and which we are destined to be.

So it is with great honor that I speak on this resolution and urge the members of this body to pass this historic resolution, recognize our errors, but also recognize the greatness of this country, because only a great country can recognize and admit its mistakes and then travel forth to create indeed a more perfect union that works to bring people of all races, religions and creeds together in unity as Americans part of the United States of America.

Mr. Speaker, I thank you for the time and I urge my colleagues to vote unanimously to pass this resolution today. Thank you.




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Ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX Šports ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ

H. RES. 194 In the House of Representatives, U. S., July 29, 2008 RESOLUTION Whereas millions of Africans and their descendants were enslaved in the United States and the 13 American colonies from 1619 through 1865;

Whereas slavery in America resembled no other form of involuntary servitude known in history, as Africans were captured and sold at auction like inanimate objects or animals; https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



(­(­_(­_­)_­)­) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ by JamReloaded Flux

Whereas Africans forced into slavery were brutalized, humiliated, dehumanized, and subjected to the indignity of being stripped of their names and heritage;

Whereas enslaved families were torn apart after having been sold separately from one another; Whereas the system of slavery and the visceral racism against persons of African descent upon which it depended became entrenched in the Nation’s social fabric;




(­(­_(­_­)_­)­) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ by JamReloaded Flux

Whereas slavery was not o펄㥶cially abolished until the passage of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865 after the end of the Civil War;

ƑUX アages

Whereas after emancipation from 246 years of slavery, AfricanAmericans soon saw the ‫ﬥﯻ‬eeting political, social, and economic https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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gains they made during Reconstruction eviscerated by virulent racism, lynchings, disenfranchisement, Black Codes, and racial segregation laws that imposed a rigid system of o펄㥶cially sanctioned racial segregation in virtually all areas of life;

Whereas the system of de jure racial segregation known as Jim Crow, which arose in certain parts of the Nation following the Civil War to create separate and unequal societies for whites and African-Americans, was a direct result of the racism against persons of African descent engendered by slavery;

(-(-_(-_-)_-)-) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ

Whereas a century after the o펄㥶cial end of slavery in America, Federal action was required during the 1960s to eliminate the https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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dejure and defacto system of Jim Crow throughout parts of the Nation, though its vestiges still linger to this day;

Whereas African-Americans continue to suꇂ繲er from the complex interplay between slavery and Jim Crow—long after both systems were formally abolished—through enormous damage and loss, both tangible and intangible, including the loss of human dignity, the frustration of careers and professional lives, and the long-term loss of income and opportunity;

(-(-_(-_-)_-)-) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ

Whereas the story of the enslavement and de jure segregation of African-Americans and the dehumanizing atrocities committed against them should not be purged from or https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



(­(­_(­_­)_­)­) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ by JamReloaded Flux

minimized in the telling of American history;

Whereas on July 8, 2003, during a trip to Goree Island, Senegal, a former slave port, President George W. Bush acknowledged slavery’s continuing legacy in American life and the need to confront that legacy when he stated that slavery was . . . one of the greatest crimes of history . . . The racial bigotry fed by slavery did not end with slavery or with segregation. And many of the issues that still trouble America have roots in the bitter experience of other times. But however long the journey, our destiny is set: liberty and justice for all.;

(-(-_(-_-)_-)-) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ Dr. Nina Simone

Whereas President Bill Clinton also acknowledged the deephttps://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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seated problems caused by the continuing legacy of racism against African-Americans that began with slavery when he initiated a national dialogue about race; Whereas a genuine apology is an important and necessary 췡▤rst step in the process of racial reconciliation;

ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX ÇLUB ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ™ from JamReloaded JamDik Flux


Whereas an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices cannot erase the past, but confession of the wrongs committed can speed racial healing and reconciliation and help Americans confront the ghosts of their past;

Whereas the legislature of the Commonwealth of Virginia has recently taken the lead in adopting a resolution o펄㥶cially https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



(­(­_(­_­)_­)­) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ by JamReloaded Flux

expressing appropriate remorse for slavery and other State legislatures have adopted or are considering similar resolutions; and

Whereas it is important for this country, which legally recognized slavery through its Constitution and its laws, to make a formal apology for slavery and for its successor, Jim Crow, so that it can move forward and seek reconciliation, justice, and harmony for all of its citizens: Now, therefore, be it

웃 ƒUX ƒïηαηc€ 웃

That the House of Representatives— (1) acknowledges that slavery is incompatible with the basic https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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founding principles recognized in the Declaration of Independence that all men are created equal;

(2) acknowledges the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow;

(3) apologizes to African Americans on behalf of the people of the United States, for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suꇂ繲ered under slavery and Jim Crow; and




(­(­_(­_­)_­)­) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ by JamReloaded Flux

(4) expresses its commitment to rectify the lingering consequences of the misdeeds committed against African Americans under slavery and Jim Crow and to stop the occurrence of human rights violations in the future.

(-(-_(-_-)_-)-) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ: AmeriKKKan H...

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JamReloaded Flux ☠ⒿʌMđ!ⓚ☠ƒ!ûχ㊚™ ⚣ BIO: DNA of a HERO Like 1 · Comment · Contribute · Share · 3 weeks ago Write a comment ...

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ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX ÇLUB ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ™ -Its nothin' personal... just REVENGE-Afro Samuri -NEVER DO BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE WHO WONT DO BUSINESS WITH YOU--☯™ ✞웃RIP✞ Ⓘm am a ♂ CONCEPT to become an ♔ IDEAL and end up a LEGEND ☠ ✞웃RIP✞ ™ Not a pick up line or proposition.. just anotha RPer whos into the "disturbin"... im workin on a project and it focuses on a UNIVERSE unlike anythin anyones ever seen... RED or BLUE pill... ⒿʌMDiⓚ ☯-Nothin’ personal… itz just REVENGE-Afro Samuri-NEVER DO BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE WHO WOULDNT DO BUSINESS WITH YOU☯™Inside your INBOX is a little Ⓐdult Ⓔntertainment about 乃lack ♏en, with 乃lack ♏en, by 乃lack ♏en ➍ 乃lack ♏en™ from the #22nd century.Thanx for all your support!! ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX ÇLUB ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ™ http://t.co/IxNm4zZ1ep

ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX ÇLUB ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ™ (@fuxclub) * Instagram photos and videos OOVOO: xxxfux_clubxxx https://instagram.com/fuxclub/

☠ⒿʌMđ!ⓚ☠ƒ!ûχ㊚™ ⚣ ☠ⒿʌMđ!ⓚ☠ƒ!ûχ㊚™ ⚣ is on Mixcloud. Join to listen to great radio shows, DJ mix sets and https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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Podcasts http://www.mixcloud.com/jamreloaded/


Jamreloaded Flux | Flickr - Photo Sharing! http://www.‫ﬥﯻ‬ickr.com/photos/jamdik/


Inside your INBOX is a little Ⓐdult Ⓔntertainment about 乃lack ♏en, with 乃lack ♏en, by 乃lack ♏en ➍ 乃lack ♏en™ from the #22nd century. Thanx for all your support!! ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX ÇLUB ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ™ Road Trippin' aXXXcess code [0000] http://t.co/IxNm4zZ1ep

JamReloaded Flux added 1 media item Like · Comment · Contribute · Share · 9 July 2015




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JamReloaded Flux posted an update Story update

Not a pick up line or proposition.. just anotha RPer whos into the "disturbin"... im workin on a project and it focuses on a UNIVERSE unlike anythin anyones ever seen... RED or BLUE pill... Ⓐdult Ⓔntertainment about 乃lack ♏en, with 乃lack ♏en, by 乃 lack ♏en ➍ 乃lack ♏en™

JamReloaded Flux added 1 media item Like · Comment · Contribute · Share · 15 April 2015

JamReloaded Flux posted an update Story update

✞‫ﷲﷲ‬웃RIP✞ Ⓘm am a ♂ CONCEPT to become an ♔ IDEAL and end up a LEGEND ☠ ✞‫ﷲﷲ‬웃RIP✞ ™ Not a pick up line or proposition.. just anotha RPer whos into the "disturbin"... im workin on a project and it focuses on a UNIVERSE unlike anythin anyones ever seen...




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JamReloaded Flux added 1 media item Like · Comment · Contribute · Share · 1 December 2013

JamReloaded Flux posted an update Story update

In case you didnt know... MAY is Masturbation Month ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX ÇLUB ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ™ Ⓐdult Ⓔntertainment about 乃lack ♏en, with 乃lack ♏en, by 乃lack ♏en ➍ 乃lack ♏en™


Like · Comment · Contribute · Share · 3 May 2013

JamReloaded Flux posted an update Story update

In case you didnt know... MAY is Masturbation Month ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX ÇLUB ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ™ Ⓐdult Ⓔntertainment about 乃lack ♏en, with 乃lack ♏en, by 乃lack ♏en ➍ 乃lack ♏en™ http://www.xtube.com/community... https://fundrazr.com/xxxfuxclubxxx?ref=ab_65aa7d



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Like · Comment · Contribute · Share · 3 May 2013

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Page 1 of 1 Heritage of 154 Christopher St., #1D, Pride, Inc. Telephone: 212.80.PRIDE • Fax: 212.807.7436 • New York, NY 10014 Web: http://www.nycpride.org 2013 NYC Pride March Registration Rates Early Bird (3/1 ­ 4/30) Rate Type Marchers Only Vehicle Float(D) Regular (5/1 ­ 6/7) Only Vehicle RequirementsMust be Marchers Float(D) Discounted unaffiliated $0 $350 $700 $0 $700 $1,500 corporate nonprofit Must be Nonprofit with a partner unaffiliated Discounted small corporate $350 $750 $1,500 $550 $1,200 Rate(A) with a Small Business $2,400 Standard business partner None $2000 $2,000 $4,000 $3,600 $3,600 Rate(A)(B) (includes Rate(C) $7,000 Corporate Notes A. Please note that any float/marching contingent with LGBT Groups) will be subject to corporate logos/images not previously authorized or approved B. Small Business Rate is designed for locally­based ejection from the business organizations without a corporate by NYC Pride businesses such as bars, restaurants, stores, small theater March. presence. NYC Pride reserves the right to make C. If you are part of a corporate organization, corporate groups and other contact us at 212 807­7433 or this determination. LGBT affinity group, or franchisee of a corporate D. Float registration fee does not include the cost of march@nycpride.org for more details vendors please reach out to the organization please building/delivering the actual float itself. For information on prior to registration. March Director at float/sound system march@nycpride.org.


Like · Comment · Contribute · Share · 14 March 2013

(-(-_(-_-)_-)-) ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ ƒUX 乃lack ҳ̸ Ҳ̸ ҳ has its first contributor Milestone Like · Comment · Contribute · Share · 26 April 2012




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Dwayne Thompson gave generously Like 1 · Comment · Contribute · Share · 26 April 2012

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