Log in and Join us every Thursday and Friday nights
Your Computer Never Looked So Good
Everyone’s Do’n it, why not you?
Talk about SEX LIVE and on CAM with one of peers educators
Got sex? Let’s talk about it - from what you hate about condoms to advise about relationships. We’ll be on hand, live and on cam, to provide answers to your questions, and support you in your efforts to have a happier, healthier sex life. We’ll also be looking at the way you and your friends talk to each other about sex, to help us find better ways to talk to you and your peers about your sexual health, safety and satisfaction. So join us... For participation in the group on either nights listed below for 8 weeks, we will purchase your membership to the program for (1) year. With your paid membership, you will be able to view live videos from any of the hundred rooms located on paltalk.