Internet Observation Collection Form
This form is designed to help you capture your personal observations while monitoring internet chat rooms activities, conversations and profiles that pertain to a target population of Young Men of Color who have Sex with Men or YMOCSM’s. This form should be completed each time you are monitoring chat rooms or websites. Please save this form, once completed, using the current date as the file name. EXAMPLE “save as: 3.17.05”. The file name should be in this format only. This form is for OBSERVATION ONLY. While observing, no contact with chatters should be made. A separate form will be issued once the “observation” phase has been completed. Part 1 About the Observer. For this section, answer the follow questions based on the computer you are CURRENTLY using to conduct your observation. Each time you conduct and observation, you must complete this form. Name Age Date Computer Type Please Select One - Please Select One Connection Speed Please Select One Connection Type Please Select One Internet Service Provider (ISP) Please Select One
Part 2 Monitoring Checklist For this section, list which sites you are monitoring, the name of the chat room, the time you entered, the time you left and approximately how many people were in the room at the time. Site Monitoring Time Logging In Time Logging Out Room count at log in
Web Address (http//www.)
Part 3 Monitoring Activities For this section, list screen name that make posts in the “open chat rooms” that are looking for sexual hook-ups. List screen names and demographic information. Such information might be located in their profiles. If the information is not listed, leave that section blank. Highlight, copy and paste the text of chatters that are looking for sex in the “terminology” section next to each chatters screen name (SN). If the text can not be highlight, copied and pasted from chat rooms, give a brief but descriptive and accurate account of the conversation. Make a separate notation for each SN Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date / Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date / Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date / Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date / Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date / Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date /
Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date /
Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date / Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date / Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date / Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date / Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date /
Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date /
Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date / Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date /
Screen Name Location Age ”Terminology” Time/Date /