Mars internet intake form

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Young Adult Client Intake Form (Internet Version) Please type in your responses, save this file and email to Or come into our office and fill out this form in person. Date      /     /      First Name

Date of Birth      /     /

Last Name

Current Age

Middle Name       Address       Check one: Brooklyn /Queens /Bronx Other      Phone

/Manhattan /Staten Island/ /New Jersey



Email address      @

Check all that applies. How did you hear about The MARS Project? The GMAD Website Referral from another agency

Outreach information if so, which agency



Missing DATA use: 9999 The purpose of this survey is to collect data, which focuses on “What are the perceived challenges that AAYMSMs face that inhibit their community mobilization, prevention and education efforts and increase their risks of infection and transmission of HIV/AIDS?”

[1[ Gender

[2] Sexual Orientation

1.Male 2.Female 3.Transgender (TG) 3.1M to F 3.2F to M 4.Other_______

[5] Race

1.Gay/Lesbian 2.Bisexual 3.Heterosexual 4.Down Low (DL) 5.Questioning 6.Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) 7.Same Gender Loving (SGL) 8.Other

[6] Enter the Zip code you reside in

1.African American/Black 2.Asian Amer/Pac. Is./Filipino 3.Caucasian/White 4.Native Amer/ Amer. Ind. 5.Mixed Heritage 6.Other

[3] Age

[4] Ethnicity

1.13-16 2.17-20 3.21-24 4.25-36 5.37-49 6.50 & over

1.Hispanic 2.Not Hispanic/Latino 3.Ethnicity Unknown

[7] Highest Education

[8] HIV Status

1.Some High School 2.High School 3.GED 4.Some College 5.College 6.Post Grad 7.Other_____

1.Positive 2.Negative 3.Don’t Know 4.Prefer not to answer

9. Do you believe that Black Gay, Bisexual, Bi-curious, DL/MSM/ SGL/TG are members of your Community? (Check all that apply) Black Gay Black Bisexual Black Bi-curious Black DL MSM 7.1Yes Black SGL Black TG

7.1Yes 7.2Yes 7.1Yes 7.1Yes 8.1No 7.1Yes 7.1Yes

8.1No 9.1Don’t Know 8.2No 9.2Don’t Know 8.1No 9.1Don’t Know 8.1No 9.1Don’t Know 9.1Don’t Know 8.1No 9.1Don’t Know 8.1No 9.1Don’t Know


10. Do you feel isolated from the gay community? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

11. Do you associate with the Black Gay community? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

12. Do you believe that Black Gay, Bisexual, Bi-curious, MSM/ SGL/TG people are isolated within the Black Community? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

13. Can a person identify as a Black/Gay Male/Same Gender Loving Male and still be comfortable with themselves?


5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

14. Do you find it difficult to identify as a Black, Gay Male? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

15. Do you feel comments from rappers like Ice Cube “Real niggers ain’t gay!” represent African American beliefs? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

16. Do you perceive African American communities to be more homophobic than other ethnic communities? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

17. Do you believe that a Black Gay, Bisexual, Bi-curious, DL/MSM/ SGL/TG person can be comfortable being Out to their Family in the Black Community? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

18. Rejected by mainstream community is a possible barrier to being a part of the Black Gay, Bisexual, Bi-curious, DL/MSM/ SGL/TG Community? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

19. Lack of identification with the community is a possible barrier to being a part of the Black Gay, Bisexual, Bi-curious, DL/MSM/ SGL/TG Community? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

20. Not being able to “come-out” is a possible barrier to being a part of the Black Gay, Bisexual, Bi-curious, DL/MSM/ SGL/TG Community? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

21. How do you see yourself primarily by race/ethnicity, gender identity, or by sexual orientation? 1. Race/Ethnicity (e.g. Black, Latino, etc) 1. Yes 2. No 2. Sexual Orientation 1. Yes 2. No 3. Transgender 1. Yes 2. No 4. Other 1. Yes 2. No

SGL=Same Gender Loving, DL=Down Low, TG=Trans Gendered 22. Physical or verbal abuse is a perceived risk for people who publicly identify as Gay, Bisexual, Bi-curious, DL/MSM/ SGL/TG? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

23. Estranged from my family & black culture is a perceived risk for people who publicly identify as Gay, Bisexual, Bi-curious, DL/MSM/ SGL/TG?


5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

24. Condemnation by church or faith-based organizations is a perceived risk for people who publicly identify as Gay, Bisexual, Bi-curious, DL/MSM/ SGL/TG? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

25. My sexual orientation Conflicts with my racial/ethnic identity and is a perceived risk for people who publicly identify as Gay, Bisexual, Bi-curious, DL/MSM/ SGL/TG? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

26. My sexual orientation Conflicts with my gender identity and is a perceived risk for people who publicly identify as Gay, Bisexual, Bi-curious, DL/MSM/ SGL/TG? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

27. Physical or verbal abuse is a perceived risk for people who publicly identify as Gay, Bisexual, Bi-curious, DL/MSM/ SGL/TG? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

28. Do you feel that by having sexual orientation as a label/category that this is a barrier for a cohesive community? 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

29. Do you identify as Down Low (DL) in the Black Gay community? (See question 2) 5.Strongly Agree

4.Somewhat Agree


2.Somewhat disagree

1.Strongly disagree

30. Rate your level of safety in the Black Community? 1. Un-Safe

2. Moderately Safe

3. Safe

4. Very Safe

31. Would you be interested in doing further work in community mobilization? 1. Yes

2. No

3. Don’t Know

What other topics would you suggest for future workshops?       Thank you! Your answers will help GMAD plan future programs. REMEMBER, SAVE this file and email to MARS@GMAD.ORG.


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