21 futures Date:
Kay Harey
Omar Xavior R. Ford
Hi Kay, Just filling you in on some of the ideas and plans that 21 Futures came up with. Age group:
Hill Cooperati ve Youth Ser vices, INC. Jr STAFF Assistant Hill Cooperative Youth Services, INC. 158 Carlisle St New Haven, CT 06519 Phone: 203-624-4108
H .C .Y .S
Jr. Staff Assistants: sample21 Futures members that can be put into leadership roles will be givin one of these badges to wear. They must wear then in the building and during trips. M e m b e r s h i p C a r d Ja n 2 0 0 1 / Ja n 2 0 0 3
2 1 F utur es Hill Cooperative Youth Services, INC. 158 Carlisle St New Haven, CT 06519 Phone: 203-624-4108
Membership Cards: sample Each member will get a membership card and must carry it with them while in the building and on trips. 21 Future members that have had atleast a month of solid attendance will be given “Event Passes” 2 1 Fu t u r e s Ev e n t
Hill Cooperative Youth Services, INC. 158 Carlisle St New Haven, CT 06519 Phone: 203-624-4108
Pa s s 2 0 0 1 / 0 2
Th is pas s is v alid f o r F RE E e ntry into A NY 21 Futu res s po nso red e ve nt. V OID IF NO T STA M P ED BELOW
21 F utur es
*sample* This pass will allow them to come to 21 Futures sponsored events for FREE. This will cut down on people just coming for a few days to get into parties and other events for free.
21 Futures : Update Fundraisers: Aug 10th, 17th will be “Pam Bash” parties. The money raised during the 10th will be used to pay for any events we plan i.e. Great Adventures, Bowling. Then portions of the money raised on the 17th will be for Pam going away to college. Also we have started
the 21 Futures “HOT SHEETS”. *sample* During the parties, we will be taking orders for custom CDs. Each customer gets to select up to 15 songs from the hot sheets or request songs if they are not on the sheets and have them burned to a CD. NFTE: I called Ellian Williams and ordered 30 kits. We will begin the course as soon as the bags arrive. Sign in sheets: The “new” membership agreement. Each member is required to sign it and its kept in their file. I have the sign in sheets that I made but the ones for the previous months are not located as yet. I asked Manny for the other sheets for July. He informed me that they would be in his box. I told him that the sheets were not there and that they needed to be located to send to OPM. He told me to make copies of what we had and that we would have to “forge” signatures. I told him I would not be involved in something like that and that he would have to figure that out. 21 Futures Schedule: Mon, Wed and Thurs the NFTE classes will be held. Classes start 7:30 and run till 9:00. Tues is a recreational day and Fri will trips or events. 7:00 daily will be 21 Futures “meeting of the minds”. This meeting is to talk to the members and inform them of any changes in schedule or make any announcements. ATTACHMENTS: Pam Bash flier, sign in sheets and membership agreement, CD/Hot Sheet. So that’s a brief run down of what’s going on since we last spoke… Omar