Startup incubator Execute your idea the right way With Star tup Incubator
What is startup incubator?
Now that you have your idea well defined, it’s time to see how it will perform in the real world. This phase involves MVP development, product testing, focus groups, iteration and getting the company ready for investment
Star tup Incubator is physically locating your business in one central work house with several alternative startup firms. In several cases,
the startups in these incubators will all be venture funded by an equivalent capitalist cluster. you'll keep within the house as long as you wish to, or till your business has grown up to the size it must relocate to its own house.
The mentorship is usually provided by evidenced entrepreneurial investors, and by shared learning’s of your startup chief executive officer peers.
How Innovify can help?
Innovify can give your company help to blast your way through Star tup Incubation.
Seed Funding to get money to develop your prototype and enter the market
MVP Design lets you develop a workable prototype with minimal investment
Proposition Development to identify ways to improve your product and make it much more attractive to investors
Fundraising Help so you can use our industry contacts to get the funding to make it to the growth stage.
Par tner Ser vices give you help with company formation, accounting, office space, legal, hack athons, mentoring, and more.
What can go wrong?
Creating a successful MVP can be difficult, even for experienced companies.
You haven’t defined prototype requirements
You haven’t selected the right technology to power it
You can’t manage budget constraints
You can’t manage time constraints
You don’t have a workable system for collection MVP feedback
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