Martinez colortheory book

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My name is Janaisys Martinez (Jana). I am Cuban born in the capital: La Havana. I studied Architecture in Cuba and then moved to United States to continue my studies. I chose to major in Interior Architecture at Florida International University because I wanted to be able to bring color and creativity into the beautiful architecture I studied. I enjoy traveling around the world and learning all I can in terms of design so that I can be a well rounded designer. I am currently a grad student about to enter Grad 3, which gives me the opportunity to attend the Cruise Ship Program at Florida International University and I will be graduating with a Mater in Interior Architecture in 2017. I LOVE to travel! I have gone so far to Boston and Atlanta through FIU and I really enjoyed both trips. COLOR & I Black and white with a pop color is my favorite combination. I love contrast of hues and the monochromatic palettes. ABOUT THE BOOK This book is a compilation of all the assignments and the knowledge I took from this amazing class. I hope you ďŹ nd it interesting and fun! Take a look at it!




M.4 color theory

Luis Barragan house & studio. mexico city 1948

For this interesting assigment the objective was to search about the architecture of one of several famous designers and describe the use of color in his architecture. This assignment was really interesting because I got to know the Mexican architect Luis Barragan and his amazing projects with the use of color. It was incredible how a perceptual detail like color can add so much emphasis and interest to our projects.




ARCHITECT’S BACKGROUND Luis Barragan, engineer, architect and landscape architect was born in 1902 Jalisco, Mexico. The 1980 Pritzer Prize winner grew up on a ranch near Guadalajara and attended The Free school of engineers , getting his degree in Civil Engineer in 1923 and later continuing his studies of Architecture. Barragan started to travel to Europe in 1924, during this period he discovered the work of the German-born French landscape Architect and illustrator Ferdinand Bac. Four years later returned to Europe and met Bac and Le Corbusier, both of whom were to have a great influence on his work. Established back in Guadalajara, Barragan created started developing a new type of architecture called “Emotional”, that had bases on meditation and quietude. As he has said: “It is very important for humankind that architecture should move by its beauty; if there are many equally valid technical solutions to a problem the one which offers the user a message of beauty and emotion, that one is architecture... . Some of the elements of his mature period are the use of color, water features and the extensive use of native colors, aspect that distinguishes his design form the modern mexican architecture.


“ house is my refuge, an emotional piece of architecture, not a cold piece of convenience” Luis Barragan



ENTRANCE HALL The entrance hall is quite small, forming as it were an emotional step before finally encountering the house as Barragán designed it, which in his use of vivid color (as he always did) starts to amaze every visitor with the first corridor, which is a quite vivid pink, with yellow spaces.


_ ground floor plan (hall area selected above)




RECEPTION AREA This colorful background contrasts with the white color in the rest of the room, around which the circulations are organized in both the first level (to the services area as well as to the social area) and the second level, a massive volume without railings reminiscent of mestizo colonial architecture (it was inevitable my association of this space with some spots of the Monastery of Santa Catalina in Arequipa ). Precisely the stairs are decorated with a golden painting of Matthias Goeritz, Polish painter who was a friend of Barragán for many years.


_ ground floor plan (reception area selected




LIBRARY From the intimate scale of the lobby, we passed to the double height library room where space is expanded with a dose of monumentality. However, is not a direct entrance as we face a screen, but after turning around, the garden can be seen, which frankly is integrated into the space by a square window framing a cross.


_ ground oor plan (library area selected above)




DINING ROOM There is a complementary use of color in the living room.


_ ground oor plan (dining area selected above)




LIVING ROOM The colors in this room are monochromatic. There is an amazing work with the use of natural light entering through a window wall that brings the nature to the inside. The most saturated color in this room is a dark brown present in the furniture.


_ ground oor plan (living area selected above)




TERRACE The On the terrace, which is accessed from the Room of the Christ on the second oor, the architect deploys his expertise to embellish some functional facilities such as water tanks, laundry and utility rooms, wrapping them with poetry through a series of planes and volumes that form an abstract composition and a color experiment.


_ third oor plan (terrace area selected




WHITE ROOM This room has the same monochromatic colors of the living room. The only difference is an accent on the left corner of the room given by the contrasting use of a green table top and a red lamp shade.


_ second floor plan (white room area selected




SUMMARY Barragan's work must be considered ans an enormous contribution to the modernist search, although he called his life work as completely autobiographical. The quality of his Architecture must be appreciate it three dimensionally and cannot be gasped by studying plans alone. In his surrealistic compositions we can appreciate the pioneer use of color in architecture. Luis Barragan in fact was not afraid of color and he used it extensively thought all his designs, at point that it became the mayor distinction of his architecture. He loved magenta and cobalt blue, adobe walls, lattices of warm summer yellow and sunset pink, those juxtaposed with shifting angle and light are the perfect combination that makes his House and Studio one his more distinguished architecture designs.




REFERENCES _Critique: architecture, memory and place.(designs of famous Mexican architect). _The colours of serenity; Luis Barragan. _Abstract Neo-Plasticity and Its Architectural Manifestation in the Luis Barragan House/Studio of 1947. _Luis Barragan. rag%C3%A1n

_Luis Barragan. _Luis Barragan House & Studio.




The objective for this assignmentwas to watch a movie and describe the roll played by color palettes to transmit a language and emotions to the spectators. I picked the movie “Her” because I had heard about it a long time ago, and now I finally had the opportunity to watch it and judge whether it lived up to its reputation or not. It is amazing how important the color palette was for this movie.; to the point that it acquires its own personality. Different colors play difrent roles in each scene and help viewers get involved in the story. I'm very excited watch movies with a different lens.




SUMMARY The color palette selection had a great impact in the film Her by Spike Jonse. The movie follows the story of the romantic and vulnerable Theodore Twombly, a man who develops a relationship with Samantha, an intelligent computer operating system personified through a female voice. The drama recreates the idea of a modern future but without criticizing it. Jonse uses soft curves, nice fabrics and technology in a way that humans are still the main focus, also a beautiful color scheme of several pinks in a pastel palette (for example we see them at the office of Beautiful Handwritten Letters” where Theodore the principal character works) also they use salmon tones, brown and beige, shots of purple, yellow and neutral whites and grays. Each color has a specific meaning in the film, they help spectators to get involved within the story in a way that the aesthetic of the film acquires a personality of its own. This film has evidenced the great impact of color in evoking emotional responses in viewers; nowadays it’s become a valuable tool for directors. Besides its strong appeal to emotions, color plays other significant functions in movies such as informational, compositional and expressive.




ANALYSIS RED + PINK Red/Pink =Love + loneliness The use of red is a major mood -setter in this movie. We find color in several scenes and pieces (the clothes of Theodore, furniture, windows even lamps shades and the computer software screen). In my opinion the palette tells a lot about the character and his lifestyle, also serves as identification to people who are using the OS operation system, mostly romantic and lonely characters like Theodore and his friend Amy.

PALETTE LIGHT PINK Compassion, nurturing and love in the ambient of the movie.

RED Love + physical and affection needs of the characters.

BEIGE Warmth and happiness. Creates an emotional strength and balances the scenes

BROWN This color represents a strong need for security and a sense of belonging.




ANALYSIS YELLOW Yellow = Uncertainty and confusion The yellow palette, although used less than the red one, is present in very signiďŹ cant scenes. This color seems to be related with the insecurity the character feels when he realizes he is dating a computer. At the beginning we notice only certain pops of yellow in the scenes (clothes and owers bouquets), for example the scene where he tells his niece that Samantha doesn't have a human body, but later on, the scenario becomes brighter and a yellow hue is used to intensify the sensation of doubt and uncertainty.

PALETTE YELLOW This color relates to the acquired knowledge and insecurity of the character when he realizes his sentimental situation.

BEIGE Warmth and happiness. Creates and emotional strength and balances the scenes

BROWN This color represents a strong need for security and a sense of belonging.




ANALYSIS WHITE + GREY White/Grey = Neutrality/Acceptance This palette is the second more used, after red, it represents the neutrality, sadness and confusion of the main character. I noticed ďŹ rst the color scheme when Theodore meets with his ex-wife to sign the divorce papers. They both had a beautiful love story and breaking up makes Theodore very sad. A lot of shadowed days and images of gray buildings scenes come after that scene of the movie representing the confusion of the character. In the ďŹ nal part of the movie, this palette comes into play once again to depict his acceptance of the situation.



The color represents neutrality and acceptance. Sometimes is blended with pops of other colors like magenta meaning the beginning of a new period for Theodore.

GREY This color is used to express the sadness and depression of the main character and also a state of emotional transition.

BROWN This color represents a strong need for security and a sense of belonging.




M.6 RENDER This assignment was an extra credit work where we were given an image and had to use its color palette to render a space based on the strategy 60-30-10. This project was quite a joy, I really enjoyed it! We learned the theory to achieve balance in our spaces and also how to determine the dominant, secondary and accents of a color palette.




YELLOW: The color of sunshine, hope, and happiness, stands for

freshness, positivity, clarity, energy and optimism.

GREEN: The color of life, renewal, nature, and energy, is associated

with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility, and environment.

GREY: Cool, neutral, and balanced color. The color gray is an

emotionless, moody color that is typically associated with meanings of dull and dingy, as well as formal, conservative, and sophisticated.










The color scheme of grey with pops of green and yellow is one of my favorite palettes because together those colors look very clean, classic and modern at the same time. The purpose of this palette was to create a bright and fun room; a happy place to stay in. As a color strategy, I used grey walls and ceilings with yellow and green accents through the space(cushions, furniture, accessories and feature walls) to blend all colors. Also I added a geometric rug that contained all the palette which helped defining the space. This color scheme in my opinion, it is the perfect combination of a traditional and modern design.


DESCRIPTION This color palette is a perfect combination of an analogous and a monochromatic color harmony. It is composed by three adjacent hues (Yellow- orange/ yellow/ yellow-green) and one of the hues (yellow-green) has variations in tone to add interest to the scene. The yellow is a primary/ tint hue. Yellow-orange is a tertiary/shaded hue and yellow-green is also a tertiary hue but in this case with a tint. In working with the strategy of 60-30-10 rule, the dark grey shade will be the dominant, the secondary colors are the lighters shades of yellow-green and the accents are ochre, yellow green and yellow- orange.







EXPERIENCE + RESULTS This assignment was a really fun experience. I personally got to practice part of the knowledge from previous projects and I also learned a lot about color unity and harmony. Before this class I had the thought that it was very hard to recognize and differentiate colors in a specific palette, making color selection a difficult aspect in our designs, but this assignment gave me the confidence I needed to select the color scheme for my future projects. After choosing the hues I used to render the perspective and searching about the meaning of all of them, I discovered they were the perfect combination to create a chic and bright space, great for lounges, living rooms and other zones to rest and talk.




The purpose of this assignment was to visit a retail establishment and investigate about the use of color to make emphasis through the different spaces within the store. This was my first time ever visiting a West-Elm store and I loved their collections. They use a lot of contrasting textures and focal points to get the attention of customers while maintaining harmony, variety and balance. I also liked the concept that the store’s color palette changes depending on the season.




ORIGINS West Elm is a furniture store born in Brooklyn, NY in 2002. Since then, the store has been helping customers to express their personal ideas at home. West Elm is also committed to improve the life quality of the community by oering high quality and sustainable products. Every season, the new color palette used by the store combines easily with the previous collection; it always has a refreshing, neutral trims with accents walls or accessories. They use beautiful combinations of hues in every space of the house.




CONTRAST OF HUE We create an emphasis using a contrast of hue when 2 colors that are completely opposite in the color wheel are place one next to another to generate an interesting focal point. The less saturated the color, the more diďŹƒcult the contrast for dominance is to attain. The picture show the perfect contrast of a blue wall right next to numerous accent accessories of decoration that form a chromatic balance.




CONTRAST OF VALUE The contrast of value is one of the easiest emphasizes we create with color when designing. We achieve this type of contrast in three ways: by mixing with white to lighten the value of the color (tint), adding black to darken the color (shade) or also by mixing with gray or the complement to either lighten or darken the value (tone). In the picture shown we ďŹ nd both contrast of value by tint and shade of two opposite colors, orange and blue.




CONTRAST OF A DESIGN FEATURE A design feature is an element of emphasis in a space given by its shape of color. This dominance is used at the store in several ways. The examples above show the contrast between two design features, both used to emphasize areas with new merchandise.




CONTRAST OF TEXTURE This furniture store plays a lot with the contrast of dierent textures as we see in the examples above. Rough table vases contrasting with the smooth glass of the table itself, or rough canvas placed on a polished wood table, or glass pendant lights against a rustic wood table are some of the mixture y the store uses to create emphasis.




FOCAL POINT A focal point is a single design element that gets the greatest visual attention in a space. This emphasis can be accomplish among other things by highlighting elements by contrasts of size and/or color. In the picture, we can see how the composition of the brownish wall and the furniture in front of it are a focal pint that contrasts with the white surrounding on that side of the store.




REFERENCES _Reed, Ron. University of North Texas. (2010). Color + Design Transforming Interior Space. _DeLong, M. R., & Martinson, B. (2012). Color and design. London: Berg _Pile, J. F. (1997). Color in interior design. New York: McGraw-Hill.





THE MONDRIAN MIAMI BEACH This was a very fun assignment. We had to visit the Mondrian Hotel at South Beach and make an analysis of the use of texture, lines, shapes and patterns associated with color to create emphasis, contrast and variety. This project was very interesting and exciting because I had been previously to this hotel but never stopped to analyze it as a designer. This work gave me a new way at looking at the same things, a new filter to study and understand the different elements employed to create its beauty. The hotel makes a great use of lines, shapes, patterns, and textures to create variety and rhythm which helps maintaining the freshness of the space. Another important element in the design is the use of focal points and feature walls that create visual emphasis and help defining the spaces. No doubts that as we gain knowledge about the different elements of color, we are able to critically analyze and comprehend things we had overlooked before.




DISCUSSION The Mondrian Hotel at South Beach is one of the most beautiful and elegant hotels in the area. The revolutionary designer Marcel Wanders wanted to recreate The Sleeping Beauty’s Castle with the interior of this amazing place and so he did. Once I entered into the lobby, I was able see a beautiful view of the bay and my eyes got caught at the “floating staircase” masterpiece . The color palette used in the hotel is very sophisticated and it has a monochromatic harmony that varies in shades and tint. These color scheme goes from light to dark, giving the eye a visual force to the darkest areas(for example the staircase). This force known as visual weight is one of the most utilized design tools through the Mondrian to create hierarchy. The oversized bell-shaped lights on the ceiling are also a focal point for the spectator and help empathize the social area at the bar. The use of colors white, gold and the high levels of brightness presented in the hotel increases the readability of the space and help with way finding. Each color serves a purpose in the scene and the combination of those with a variety of shapes, textures, lines and patterns create diversity and contrast in all the spaces. These aspects are a common factor for the two areas discussed in this analysis. In the staircase area, the use of a soft/curved line on the ceiling and balcony create movement, gives a perceptual scale of the lobby and increases the perception of being in a relaxing, peaceful space. The staircase is also an example of a organic shape that represents a fluid movement inside the space and adds rhythm to the design. The use of color in texture is clearly seen in the lighting features. The exteriors of the lamps have a matte finish that contrasts with the high gloss finish of the translucent light itself creating a point of emphasis. Another hint element that creates variety in this area is the repetitive pattern of the staircase handrail which adds more rhythm to this beautiful piece.


DETAILS Line, texture, shape, and pattern appear in textures, materials and furniture/decorative elements trough the hotel.












The second area I found very interesting in terms of color variety was the reception. The color palette used is the same as the previous scene (monochromatic harmony with variety of shade and tint). A predominant focal point is conformed by several circular shapes with a naturally rough texture that contrasts with the high-gloss paint of the back of the wall. The horizontal lines of the ceiling and drop ceiling of the reception emphasize the width; technique very effective because this area is a very small space. One of the most attractive design elements in the Mondrian is the white/black pattern used in the floor. This interesting element not only creates a rhythm, it also serves as way finding for users and adds variety and harmony to the space.


Lines, textures, shapes, and patterns appear in textures, materials and furniture/decorative elements trough the hotel.










GREAT! I finally get to talk about my country and its beautiful colors. For this assignment we needed to express the meanings of color for our culture and also investigate about the symbolism of colors for a culture of our interest. This particular assignment had a personal meaning to me for it meant to get back to my roots and analyze it from a different perspective. It resulted quite an interesting experience to determine what I consider is Cuba’s basic color palette or the colors that better represent the island. To compare color usage, I contrasted Cuba’s palette with India’s and arrived to the conclusion that both countries had not-so different color palettes. In fact, some shared colors had the same basic meaning for both cultures. Thus, I came to the conclusion that through its history, each country forges its own identity and the color palette included in it. These colors come to represent the country, its culture and its values.





Cuba is the largest island from a group located at the entrance of the Gulf of Mexico. It was inhabited by native Indians before Spaniards discovered it in 1492. After the industry boom in the early 1800s, a massive number of black slaves from Africa were incorporated in the island to be used as work force. Several independence wars happened between 1869-1958, until the country ďŹ nally achieved its independence in 1959. Because of its history, Cuban culture is a mixture of dierent ethnicities and traditions of its own settlers and that diversity is also expressed in its extensive color palette.




CUBA COLOR PALETTE YELLOW: One of the three primary colors, yellow is the lightest one on the basic color wheel. It was introduced in Cuba by the

African bondage as a representation of their folklore and religion. The color was also used as a political resource in the campaign to rescue the 5 Cuban spies caught in USA. The color yellow is one of the most commonly seen in the fabrics of the traditional costumes in the colonization period and its become one of the favorite paint colors of the facades of many buildings through the country.

BLUE: The ocean blue color found in the stripes of the Cuban flag represents our beautiful sky. This color also means that Cuba is

an island surrounded by sea. Blue was popular in Cuba during the colonization period and it is also known as one of the more used colors of the Art Deco movement with great acceptance in the island.

RED: The color red is also brought by Africans to Cuba as a very powerful symbol of their religion. The slaves used it as the color of

the fabrics worn by the religion chief when he was on duty or performing a ceremonial act. Red is also present in the Cuban flag forming the masonic triangle, a symbol which represents the Cuban blood shed in the struggle for its independence and freedom.

WHITE: We find this achromatic color in the Cuban flag and also in the national flower :”White Ginger”. The meaning of this color

for Cuba was adopted during the several independence wars the country fought. White represents for Cuba purity of ideals, faith in victory and spirituality. White is also seen as the color of “The Lone Star”, a masonic symbol of the Cuban flag which stated the consolidation and freedom of the nation. The 2 white stripes of the Cuban flag are a representation of the 2 regions the island was divided in the XIV century. We find the same color as I said before in the autonomous flower of this country. The White Ginger was used in the independence war by the womens involved in the movement, they utilized the flowers that contained hidden messages to decorate their hairs and share information without being caught.





India is one of the most populated countries in the World, following China. It is located in the Asian Continent and divided in three main regions: the Himalayan region in the North, the Gangetic Plain, and the Plateau region in the South and Central part. Indian history is well known for its diverse empires and its famous commercial and cultural trade route. The country has a rich culture which includes more than 4 different religions, being Buddhism the principal. India has under its cultural roots a strong reference to religion influenced as well by British traditions; country that administrated India for long decades until it finally became a free nation in 1947. The amazing color palette of this country is determined by its vast history and traditions.




INDIA COLOR PALETTE WHITE: This color has great meaning for the Indian population, because it is the only color widows can wear when they want to disconnect from the life surrounding the; it is also the only color used for funerals. The color white represents in India purity and peace. The Hindu religions leaders also cover themselves with white ashes to represent their spiritual rebirth.

RED: The color red is associated with the goddesses in the Hindu mythology (Durga). It is the color preferred by brides for their

garment because of its relation with purity for the Indian people. Red does not only appear in the wedding garment of the bride but also in most of the ‘’tikkas”(spot on forehead) which is the sign of marriage. Other meanings of the color are fertility and positive energy, and it is also seem in traditional Indian spices like chilies.

YELLOW: The color yellow is the primary color in the herbs used to paint the body and face of the sub continent women. This

color also lies in the powers of the mythical good and symbolizes sanctity. For the Indian people yellow is known as the color of happiness, peace and meditation. Lord Vishnu, the God of knowledge wears a yellow dress, same as Lord Krisha and Ganesha. Yellow is also the color of most of the clothes worn at the spring festivals.

BLUE : We find blue as the color associated with Lord Krishna, one of the most orates goodnesses in India. This color is also related to braver, manliness and determination, the ability to deal with difficult situations.

GREEN: Green is the color of nature and it represents the manifestation of the Indian goodnesses and also the Islam religion. As

the color of agriculture, green symbolizes a new beginning, harvest and happiness.

PURPLE: The color purple represents the Indian Royalty of the West of the country and also in the Christian culture. A deep,

mystical shade of purple in India symbolizes wealth and health. This color also represents religious abstinence; wearing it defines that a person has renounced to the world and quest for light. It has a very mystical meaning.





I believe this class has been a magnificent journey through one of the most important features of our lives: color. Although we are exposed to colors since we are born, rarely we pay close attention to its meaning, characteristic, and relationships. As most of us, I thought colors were just a something additional and that any color I liked would fit my design. Couldn't I have been more wrong? Through these assignments I could realize the importance of color in each aspect of our daily lives and how they influence directly our moods and well-being. Colors define us from birth: blue is boy, pink is girl. It shapes us as human beings and consequently it affects us for better or for worse. As a designer, I grew my love for color as a fundamental part of my designs. For the appropriate selection of colors can make or break any space even if everything else if well designed. Color transmits feelings and emotions. It’s an expression of our inner self, our world view, our way of communicating with others. With this course I learned how different color palettes can express different meanings and how colors can affect human’s perception psychologically. The use of color is closely linked with the use of form. I loved to see how colors can command actions without using words. Through the assignments we had the opportunity to evaluate and analyze the use of color in a wide array of settings ranging from movies to nature retail stores. With this practical exercises I learned how nature plays perfectly with harmonies and palettes to create such a beautifully balanced environment, how the right color can enhance the message of our project, and how the proper combination of analogous and complementary colors may live together in harmony within the same space. Understanding the properties of color did not only help me improve my interior design projects, but it made me easier to apply them to other environments like 3D models. Long live the color!




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