TABLE OF CONTENTS introduction page 3 how to handle page 3-4 teeth/dental page 5 feeding page 6-7 bathing page 8-9 dressing page 10-11 diapering page 12-13 sleeping page 14-15
INTRODUCTION Hello my name is Janavia jones and I am writing this book for those parents who just had a newborn baby and to help them with any and everything you have to do for your child, for example like how you feed them and what should you feed them. I hope you enjoy reading and learn about the different types of steps to help you and your child progress into the bright future you plan for them.
HOW TO HANDLE Handling your newborn can be very easy, but it can also be very hard if you make it hard. Here are some steps on how to handle your newborn the correct way. 1. Always wash your hands or use hand sanitizer because we may be immune to the germs around us but a baby's immune system is not strong enough to fight off those germs. 2. Its very important that we support the baby’s head because they are not able to lift it up because their neck are not strong enough to hold their heads up. So if you're holding your baby upright or laying them down support their head because it's very sensitive. 3. Do not shake your baby out or frustration or shake them while you're playing because it can cause serious bleeding in the brain and cause death. if you need to wake your baby up blow on their face or tickle their little tiny feet but do not shake.
Teething/Dental Care` When a baby starts teething their new teeth pushes through their gums making it painful for your child. â—? Teething rings are helpful it helps soothe thier pain â—? They may drool, be fussy, cranky, and maybe have a low grade fever.
FEEDING Well let's get down to feeding your baby, some parents don't know the types of ways to feed a baby, well there are two types of feeding. You could either breastfeed or use formula. ● If you're breastfeeding you need to feed them every 2-3 hours, you should give your newborn 10-15 minutes on each breast just to make sure they are getting enough. If you're using formula you need to feed them every 2-3 hours. ● If you are using formula you should make sure it is mixed very well because you wouldn’t want your baby not to get all of their nutrients and it's very easy to monitor how much they are drinking each time they are feed. ● To avoid spitting up sit your newborn in a upright position.
FEEDING CONTINUED â—? Make sure you know your child's allergies because it can be deadly. So that means when you introduce new foods to your baby introduce one food at a time to figure out if they are allergic to that food. â—? When you introduce solid foods separate them at least around 4 days apart.
parents are sometimes on edge when they are bathing their babies because they are afraid of them drowning, but if you're worrying here are some steps to help you while you're giving your newborn a bath. â—? You need to first prepare for your child's bath and it would be a help for you to gather all your supplies like wash clothes ,towels, shampoo, baby bathtub,a clean diaper and clean clothes. Make sure your baby's bath water is not too hot and not too cold but warm. Do not fill the tub over two inches of water â—? When placing your baby in the tub make sure you are supporting their heads and makes sure they are going in feet first .
BATHING CONTINUED ● Use clear water and a damp wash cloth without soap to wash off the baby's face and pat dry. ● You should wash your baby's hair at least twice a week at the most.
DRESSING Hmm lets talk about how to dress your newborn. Dressing a baby takes practice because with first time parents they tend to overdress or underdress their newborn baby, but most first time parents don’t know that babies can easily lose or gain body heat which is very sensitive to a newborn baby. ● Dressing a baby always depends on the season and temperature. They don't need expensive clothing that the newborn can grow out of within a month. ● Buying clothes for newborns depends on their length, size, and weight. ● Buy clothing that is going to allow the baby to move around because if you didn’t know babies are very active and they tend to lose weight the first month of life.
DRESSING CONTINUED â—? pullover garments,open front shirts and one piece garments with feet are very good choices for your child to wear. â—? when undressing your child make sure you move fast when changing them because they don't like to be cold.
DIAPERING When you are changing your baby's diaper it can sometimes get a little messy sometimes and you can also decide what type of diapers of diapers you want you child to wear. ● If your newborn gets diaper rash it’ s very important to let them air out because it helps dry out the moisture. ● After each bowel movement or when they have a wet diaper lay your baby on their backs to remove their dirty diapers.
DIAPERING CONTINUED ● when changing a boy please be careful because exposure to air may make the urinate. ● when changing a girl wipe her genital area from front to back to avoid a urinary tract infection
SLEEPING Us as new parents you should really keep an close eye upon them during the night. â—? Babies wake up very often during the night, and at least 4 times during the night you should feed them because their stomachs are very small. â—? When you're putting your newborn to bed make sure there is nothing covering their face because it can cause sudden infant death (SID)
SLEEPING CONTINUED ● Sleep is very important for an babys growth ● Remove all stuffed animals from the baby's crib before you put them to sleep. ● A newborn sleeps 16 hours, they take at least 5 naps a day.