pORTFOLIO Jan Baxewanos
Urban Zoning
Design Contest
Architecture Competition
Hands On
Studio Urban Design
Bachelor Thesis
(1st Price)
Social Housing (1st Price)
Exhibition and Crafting Skills
Studio Urban Design - We want to explore the desire for collectivity and interaction - which almost every human being has - and project that fundamental part of life on some kind of architectural idea. In this project which is documented in a 120
we approach the given site, and try to find an-
page book, we want to dive into the varieties
swers to the various social and organisational
of urban development, by letting us guide
questions, that are arising. This is done mainly
through experimenting with a well known
in a theoretical way, through various texts and
approach - the Grid. Decoupled from formal-
illustrations. In this process we do not commit
ism we want to explore structuralism’s facets.
to a certain architectural form, but try to search
Inspiring for us is the idea of an uncommitted
the discourse. Theoretical subject to architec-
generic structure - the idea of a transparent
tural object - best describes our approach.
and open Grid. With a structuralist mindset
Structure and Infill Is architectural design, that only follows aes-
of ideological ideas and opened ourselves up
thetic and atmospheric purposes comprehen-
to the specific atmospheric feel surrounding
sible? Is it of value, if it is hardly understand-
our project site. The goal is not to lose ourselves
able for the visitor? Is the visitor sharing the
in an open grid, but to find stillness in a struc-
projected ideas of the architect?
ture which provides the possibility for individual evolvement. A grid that becomes a “think
The question arises, if the architectural form
tank� for a self organised and freely structured
is responsible to fill a building with complex-
society. During our work we especially realized
ity and liveliness. We left this open for discus-
that complexity and life is often happening in
sion and explicitly didn´t make it our goal to
the narrowest alleys and the smallest corners,
impress with a singular geometrical form.
they just have to be discovered.
Our mindset was to assign every individual a fundamental role in our project. We realized in order to achieve that, it was absolutely essential to exchange ideas with the people at our project site. It was getting more and more important to shed every form of control. With that intention in mind, we wanted to provide a white canvas with as little constraints as possible. People should have the possibility to help shape their surroundings themselves. We started looking for a structural idea, which provides enough flexibility and development potential. After various analyses of different ideas, we decided to work with a grid-structure. We viewed it as the best frame, to spread the idea of an open, transparent and connected society. In the process we refused to indulge in any kind
Parcelling of the Projectsite
1 2 3 4
81600 38000 47200 20400
Fläche bebaut m² Fläche unbebaut m² 30600 38% 51000 22800 60% 15200 14400 31% 32800 10380 51% 10000
63% 40% 69% 49%
205 520 500 600
m² (Baugrund) pro Mitarbeiter 398,05 73,08 94,40 34,00
15900 65%
5500 54%
4500 58%
2800 21%
9 10 11
19300 15100 15000
5900 31% 5400 36% 6000 40%
13400 9700 9000
69% 64% 60%
9 100 138
2 144,44 151,00 108,70
12 13
25000 41000
9600 38% 23000 56%
15400 18000
62% 44%
9 24
2 777,78 1 708,33
1300 19%
7100 40%
1 466,67
3500 60%
4300 42%
2600 36%
19 20
14500 9800
1800 12% 5600 57%
12700 4200
88% 43%
16 13
906,25 753,85
21 22
7300 4600
1500 21% 1600 35%
5800 3000
79% 65%
15 59
486,67 77,97
2300 34%
13000 61%
25 26
46200 23000
17500 38% 9700 42%
28700 13300
27 28
29000 22000
20100 69% 12100 55%
8900 9900
29 30 31
3800 23800 16900
800 21% 2900 12% 9600 57%
3000 20900 7300
79% 88% x 76%
4700 34%
33 34 35
2200 7300 13100
700 32% 1500 21% 5100 39%
1500 5800 8000
68% 79% 61%
25 20 59
88,00 365,00 86,44
36 37 38 39
15500 7300 7100 27300
8400 54% 2000 27% 3200 45% 12200 45%
7100 5300 3900 15100
46% 73% 55% 55%
700 33 17 296
22,14 221,21 417,65 92,23
62% x 58%
x 84,87
31% 45%
90 350
322,22 62,86
5 x
Gathering of Data 40
Clustering of Businesses
Fläche m²
12800 71%
1500 29%
760,00 512,12
VW Mosburger AKG Firmen-DropDown 23 Kofax Honeywell Acelity Arjo Huntleigh Scholler bit Schulungscenter Brüel&Kjaer ARISTID Kistler Canon Come one Lemo Samsung Noris Werner Hoflehner KRECO Kaveg FHG PB Pyringer Brucker Top Akustikbau Marken IMAJE Firmen-DropDown 6 Pirelli imp it Krautzerlynn Jagd und Natur.tv Studios Netzwerk in time Firmen-DropDown 3 Dolenz Willis Reifenshop Austrowaren Firmen-DropDown 5 Abbvie Kone Kaefer MA 40 Gourmet Firmen-DropDown 9 Gabriel Konstruktionen IMI HeimkinoWelt Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik Bohle Interoute PANalytical Visotech 1080p Europcar Glas Ziegler Firmen-DropDown 3 Dentsply Nyrstar Ögussa Logotrade Firmen-DropDown 2 Erba Edtmayer Firmen-DropDown 10 Apfelreisen Austrian Incentive Service ECOP M&M Maske Vermietung MCL Real Garant SINTECA Timeless Soft WIT Firmen-DropDown 2 Citroen Supersport Firmen-DropDown 8 Klobutscha INGENIA Leopold Planer Lerch Christoph EDV Softwaretest PITP Planer Romana tec-Fachmarkt Firmen-DropDown 12 ARIA TRADE Bischoff Wolfgang Desirata Enrico Sperco EUROMAR Knabl LOGOTEAM Mirko nodecon Pagacs Staudinger Water&Wastewater Technic Firmen-DropDown MIRLOGISTIK RUSSIA-Fachspedition Bau Beton Firmen-DropDown 6 Dimitrov Dimitar Karlik&Samer Krleza Reifen Lubo Winkler Robert WNB Kremsmüller Firmen-DropDown 3 trainingscenter.at JET ERP Fistar Ivan Firmen-DropDown 5 Catering Cassablanca FBG Kral Christian GTG Grossauer Georg Firmen-DropDown 5 Ernst Fitscha ASP Wika Sedlak Hanikel&Wicho x Firmen-DropDown 8 DS Smith Group Bergmüller FutureGrow Maquet HT Tech EFD Danubix Schneiders Bekleidung Nothegger Firmen-DropDown 17 B&M VOLLMARKETING Triple A Aqua TEAM RED ÖMG Handelsgesellschaft Kathan Wolfgang HEROSS Gwozdz Gold Roman Gebr. Titgemeyer GEA CEE G. Blümel ECONOMA Drucktechnik Szerencsics BMB Birsen Rifat OMV Tankstelle H&M Logistik Firmen-DropDown 3 Hans Einhell KTS LGL Firmen-DropDown 3 Uniqua Auto-Stahl Franz Burghart FILL Hofer Firmen-DropDown 2 Billa Bipa Der Mann Zentrale TeroLab W.A Richter Firmen-DropDown 14 W.A Richter Rado Robert Planer Angel PERFECTIVA NILU Mayer Stefan Hirschmann Werner Hampel Christof Grochowska Renata Fuchs Energietechnick Czerny Robert BIGPRINT Bacher Rudolf Zorlu Duygu Firmen-DropDown 10 Polysan Reisinger Franz A.A.C Handelsgesellschaft pack&weg I.B.B.C. Startech Bosiokovic Liljana CarKlinik connect724 Skaterea Abbot
KFZ Produktion Verwaltung
Autohaus, Stellplatz Automatisch, Fließband, Verpackung Computer, Technik, Lagerung
VW, Porsche, Europcar, Skoda, Bentley Wellpappe Kopfhörer, Akkustik
IT Produktion Pharma Pharma IT Bildung Messung, Datenerfassung Beratung Datenerfassung Reperatur IT Produktion Reperatur Beratung Beratung Beratung Beratung Beratung Beratung Beratung Produktion Produktion Produktion
Computer Automatisch, Fließband, Technik Forschung Forschung Computer Fortbildung Computer, Statistik Fortbildung Computer, Statistik Technik, Händisch Computer Automatisch, Fließband Technik, Händisch Versicherung Versicherung Versicherung Versicherung Versicherung Versicherung Vermittlung Automatisch, Fließband, Technik Bauwesen Automatisch, Technik
Informationserfassung, Prozessmanagement Brandmelder, Notfallsysteme Medizinische Instrumente, Prothesen Medizintechnik, Betten, Lifte IT-Sicherheit, Systemoptimierung, Firewall Maturaschule, Seminare, E-learning Sound and Vibration Measurement Personalvermittlung Sensortechnologie, Industrie Processing Kameras, Drucker, Plotter Bankautomation, Regelungstechnik Präzisionssteckverbindungen, Kabel Telefone, Kommunikationstechnik Versicherungsmakler, Vermögensberater Beratung Wohn oder Gewerbeimmobilie Verwaltung und Verwertung von Immobilien Immobiliennmakler Kapitaländerung Immobiliennmakler Kapitaländerung Immobiliennmakler Kapitaländerung Personalvermittlung, Pesonalservice Messtehnik, Messinstrumente Innenausbauarbeiten, Akustikdämmungen Produktkennzeichnung, Rückverfolgung Autoreifen T Sicherheit, IT Performance, IT Optimierung Kommunikationssysteme, Eventkommunikation Tv Kanal, Medien und Kommunikation ... Verläge, Büchvertrieb & Logistik
KFZ IT Beratung Kreativ ... Handel
Verkauf, Montage, Lagerung Computer, Technik Technik, Computer Technik, Compuer ... sonstiges
Handel KFZ Handel
Montage, Installation Verkauf, Montage, Lagerung Technik, Werkzeug
Sonnenschutz syteme, Jalousin, Rollos Autoreifen Sortieranlagen, Siebetechnik
Pharma Produktion Produktion ... Lebensmittel
Forschung Automatisch, Fließband, Technik Bauwesen ... Gastronomie
Medikamentenforschung, Wirkstoffforschung Aufzugsanlagen und Fahrtreppenproduzent Wärme-, Kälte-, Schall-, Brandschutz ... Mittagessen, Snacks, Kantine
Planung Planung Planung Produktion Produktion IT Pharma IT KFZ Handel
Bauwesen Bauwesen Handel, Technik Automatisch, Fließband, Technik Handel, Technik, Werkzeug Computer, Technik Computer, Technik Computer, Technik Verleih, Stellplatz Produktion, Technik
Stahlbau, Maschinenbau, Anlagenbau, Hallenbau Infrastrukturbau, Hoch- und Tiefbau HiFi -Anlagen, Akutstiksysteme, Lautsprecher, TV Mess- und Wägetechnik, Sensoren Werkzeugen, Maschinen für die Glasbearbeitung Globale Telekommunikation Röntgendiffraktometer Softwarelösungen für den Strom und Gasmarkt in Europa KFZ-Verleih Flachglasgroßhändler
Pharma Produktion Produktion Logistik
Forschung, Produktion Handel, Technik Automatisch, Fließband Logistik
Dentalprodukte Herstellungen von Blei und Zinklegierungen Edelmetallverarbeitung und Recycling Logistik
Produktion Produktion
Handel, Technik, Werkzeug Handel, Planung, Montage
Werkzeuge, Maschinen Anlagenbau Verfahrenstechnik
Beratung Beratung Produktion Bildung KFZ IT Beratung Handel IT Beratung
Vermittlung Vermittlung Automatisch, Fließband, Technik Fortbildung Verleih Beratung, Computer Versicherung Technik Beratung, Computer Vermittlung
Reisebüro, Busreisen, Reiseveranstalter Reisebüro, Busreisen, Reiseveranstalter Maschinenbau, Wärme, Kälte und Energie Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Seminare, Coaching Vermietung von Autos IT Beratung, IT Inbetriebnahme, IT Schulung Versicherungs AG Armaturen, Gleitlager, Schmiertechnik Firewall, IT Bewertung, Softwarelösungen Personalvermittllung, Personalservice
Autohaus, Stellplatz Autohaus, Stellplatz
Citroen Alle Marken
Reperatur Weiterverarbeitung Produktion Produktion IT Handel Produktion Handel
Technik Technik Technik, Händisch Technik, Händisch Computer Computer Technik, Händisch Montage, Reperatur, Bauwesen
Tor - und Verladungstechnikreperatur Krantechnik, Verzinkungsanlagen, Feuerverzinkung Verglasung Großdrucke, Fassadenplakate Statistik, Daten EDV-Produkte Kunstverglasung Tore, Garagen, Zäune, Überdachungen
Handel ... Logistik Logistik Logistik Logistik Logistik Lebensmittel IT Lebensmittel IT Produktion
Automatisch, Fließband, Verpackung ... Logistik Logistik Logistik Logistik Logistik Handel Computer, Technik Handel Computer, Technik Technik, Montage
Verpackungsmaterial ... Logistik Spezialisiert auf Schifffahrts und Fluggesellschaften Kundenkreis: Spediteure, Importeure und Exporteure Logistik Logistik Logistik IT-Security Wein, Spirituosen IT-Security Chemieprodukte und Technik für Abwasserbehandlung
Logistik Logistik Produktion
Logistik Logistik Bauwesen
Logistik Logistik Beton
... KFZ KFZ KFZ Sport Logistik Produktion
... Handel Handel Verkauf, Montage, Lagerung Handel, Vermittlung Logistik Handel, Planung, Montage
... Handel mit KFZ-Teilen Handel mit KFZ-Teilen Autoreifen Verkauf von Sportartikeln, Sport-Schulungen Logistik Anlagenbau Verfahrenstechnik
Bildung IT Lebensmittel
Fortbildung Computer Handel
Lehrgänge, Beratung, Kurse Softwarelösungen Datasystems Catering Werksküchen, Mensabetrieb
Lebensmittel Produktion Produktion Produktion Handel
Gastronomie Bauwesen Technik, Planung Technik, Planung Technik, Planung
Catering und Restaurante Wärmedämmung, Verbundsysteme Anlagenbau, Regelungstechnik Gebäudeventilatoren Keilriemen, Lüftungskomponenten
Produktion KFZ Produktion Produktion Handel Logistik
Technik Planung Lackierung, Autohaus, Stellplatz Automatisch, Fließband, Technik Technik, Werkzeug Technik, Bauwesen Logistik
Spezialanfertigungen von Hydraulikzykindern ... Messtehnik, Messinstrumente Gussformen, Werkzeugbau, Fertigungssysteme Türen und Fenster Logistik
Produktion Sport Produktion Pharma Produktion Produktion IT Handel Logistik
Automatisch, Fließband, Verpackung Computer Technik Technik Technik Technik Computer Händisch Logistik
Recycled Packaging Leistungsdiagnostik, Fitnesspläne Hanfverarbeitung, High as Fuck Anästhesiegeräte Folientastaturen, Kunststofftechnik Induktionstechnikmaschinen Softwareentwicklung Bekleidungshandel Logistik
Reinigung Kreativ Produktion Reperatur Verwaltung Produktion KFZ Kreativ Produktion KFZ Handel Produktion Produktion Produktion Reinigung Logistik KFZ Logistik
Händisch Beratung Technik Bauwesen Logistik Bauwesen, Technik Verleih, Logistik Beratung Lackierung Produktion, Technik Technik Bauwesen, Technik Technik Technik Händisch Verpackung Handel Automatisch, Fließband
Industrie und Gebäudereinigung Werbeagentur Wasserspender Sanierung von Wasserschäden, Brandschäden Verpackungen, Vermietung von Lagerflächen, Transporthilfen Metalbau, Schlosserei Vermietung von Transportwägen Werbeagentur zb. Musikinstrumente KFZ-Bauteile Zentrifugen zur Trennung von Flüssigkeiten Metalbau, Schlosserei Anlagenbau Bedruckung von Werbeartikeln Schimmelbekämpfung Verpackung von Waren Tankstelle
Handel Produktion Handel
Technik, Werkzeug Technik, Händisch Verleih, Technik
Großhandel mit Werkzeugen und Gartengeräten Herstellung von Kabelkonfektionen für die Luftfahrtindustrie Verleih von Ton- und Lichtanlagen für die Filmproduktion
Beratung KFZ Handel Produktion Lebensmittel
Versicherung Handel Technik Bauwesen, Technik Handel
UNIQA Versicherungen AG Service Center Handel mit KFZ und Motorrädern Vertrieb von Stromverteilersystemen Metall- Glas- Fassadenbau Hofer
Lebensmittel Handel Lebensmittel Produktion Handel
Handel sonstiges Produktion, Verwaltung Technik, Forschung Technik, Werkzeug
Billa Bipa Der Mann Spritz-, Beschichtungs- und Schweißtechnik Großhandel für Präzisionsdrehteile und Präzisionswerkzeuge
Handel Reinigung Produktion Handel Produktion IT Lebensmittel IT Handel Handel Handel Kreativ ... Handel
Technik, Werkzeug Händisch Technik, Reperatur Reperatur, Verleih, Technik Bauwesen, Technik Computer, Handel Handel Computer Handel Technik, Beratung, Montage sonstiges Technik, Computer ... Reinigung, Reperatur
Großhandel für Präzisionsdrehteile und Präzisionswerkzeuge Reinigen von Büros, Sonderreinigung Tischlerei Reparatur von Pumpen Metalbau, Schlosserei Softwareentwicklung und Programmierleistungen Catering Datenverarbeitung und Datenbanken Handel mit Eisen, Stahl, NE Metallen und Halbfertigprodukten Beratung, Installation und Energietechnik Handel mit Airsoft-Guns Druckerei und Grafikstudio ... Teppich & Möbel Teppichservice
Handel Handel Handel Logistik Beratung Produktion Lebensmittel KFZ Logistik Sport Pharma
Technik, Handel Technik Händisch Logistik Bauwesen Forschung, Handel, Technik Handel Reperatur, Technik, Händisch Logistik sonstiges Forschung, Handel
Installationsbedarf, Heizungskomponenten, Rohrsysteme Sekundärrohstoffen, Ankauf- und Verkauf von Schrott Bekleidungshandel Verpacken und Transportieren Betoninstandsetzungen, Sanierungen, Injektionen Platten, Folien, Schläuchen und Profilen aus Kunststoffen Großhandel KFZ-Werkstatt Logistik Skatehalle Pharmazeutische Produkte, Hospitalbedarfsartikelnund Diagnostika
Clustering of Businesses with Grid
Restructuring of the Projectsite
Visualization of Data
How can we fill the Structure? The following catalogue should give an in-
versity of the products are directly linked
sight on how parts of the Grid can be filled
to the participation and the creativity of the
with modular elements by a user. Like in a
user. Like in grid-computing the merging of
furniture-catalogue there is the possibil-
different resources generates a bigger out-
ity to browse through different products.
put. The user should be able to participate
However the users are a part in the process
online and offline and be part of the general
of developing new products and are there-
development. But the fundamental idea of
fore able to influence their surroundings
a product-catalogue should also be viewed
directly. The platform functions like a cre-
critically. In our Grid the revenue of each
ative-cloud, where the number and the di-
individual element, should go to the users
Urban Zoning Bachelor Thesis - How can you fully preserve the qualities of nature and the qualities of urban areas? This project showcases a possible interaction between these very different living environments through very strict zoning. Horizontal Zoning The direct confrontation of dense nature and urban concreted areas make it possible to situate greenery right next to the thriving district surrounding the DC Towers designed by Dominique Perrault. Natur remains in the vicinity of the city. The qualities of both opposites are obtained by situating them right next to one another and dividing them by a long linear edge. Vertical Zoning The difference in height between the natural level and the urban level is seven meters. Three staircases make it possible to dive into the lower situated natural level. The dense greenery gives the impression that you are outside of the city. At the urban level, the elevation allows for a good oversight. This provokes curiosity to dive into the green lower level.
Point of Intersection / Promenade / Club Alongside the edge of the elevation there is a promenade on both levels and a ground floor zone under the edge. This forms the point of intersection between nature and the urban area. The ground floor zone interacts with the upper urban level through different interventions. Proposed is a dance club right next to the promenade. Alternative modern dance clubs interestingly situated in the outskirts of Vienna are becoming increasingly popular and a hotspot for gatherings of all kind. They are not just profitable, but manage to transform parts of city districts for the better.
Ground Floor
Abstract Section
Top View
Design Contest
(1st Price)
Thinking about our natural surroundings, the closed loop it represents quickly comes to mind. Therefore the design suggests a ring-shaped outer shell, in which climate changes are arranged in a circle. This represents the infinite cycle of nature. The shell reacts to the inner function with flow-
circular boulevard connects every main area
and autumn to the boulevard and are finally
ing transitions and changes of height. The roof
with one another. From there they are all vis-
flowing into a large lake in summer. Around
structure is lowered over the transitions areas.
ible, by strolling around. To make it possible
the generous Plaza, which is located in the
In the middle, it is raised to generate a high vol-
for the visitor to dive into a specific area, the
center of the whole structure, are infrastructur-
ume of air for every individual area. The inner
terrain is shaped to facilitate this idea. Every
al facilities, like a station for the skyliner with a
floor area is reacting inverted in the same way.
area has its own valley with mountain saddles
viewing point, a shopping center, hotels, offic-
The general diameter of the whole structure is
on each side. These saddles are functioning as
es for research and administration, event areas
700 meter. However it can be scaled down or
the transition areas, where the temperature
or staircases from underground garages and
up, depending on the requirements.
slowly changes. Every transition area has its
train stations located.
The climate changes are arranged in a circle
own elevated viewing point, which provides a
The following graphics and drawings should
around a central plaza. Four tunnel-shaped
general overview, and a train station from the
provide a visual aid to represent the general
entrances are providing a way to enter this
skyliner, which connects the whole structure.
idea of the shape and its function.
new world from every direction. A brought
Water streams flow down from spring, winter
Terrain Vegetation Waterflow Viewing Points
Buildings Central Plaza Boulevard Skyliner
Activities Sport Living Social Life
04 Architecture Competition
(1st Price)
Social Housing, Linz, Austria How can affordable high-quality living space be offered, with as little economic resources as possible? Compact and thoughtfully designed floor plans and the usage of cheap sustainable materials. The compact cubical 6 storey structure offers a
The footprint of the building measures just
total number of 35 apartments - 6 apartments
24 by 24 meters. The compact design reduces
each floor. There are 4 kind, ranging from 55 to
cost and the need for unnecessary construc-
85 m2. Every apartment has its own loggia or
tion materials. Because of the thoughtfully de-
garden and is oriented to the south, west or
signed floor plans the use of space is very eco-
east. The staircase in the center of the structure
nomical, which ultimately makes it possible to
is designed as an atrium and is illuminated by
offer relatively cheap high quality living space.
a skylight. The entrance area offers space for bikes. Every unit has its own storage space and parking spot underground.
Ground Floor
General Floor
35 Apartments in total
International conference and exhibition on academic DesignBuild Studios, from June 1st to 3rd 2016 at the University of Technology, Vienna, Austria. The conference discussed academic projects realized all over the world, by using design-build methods. It is used as a new form of architectural education, in which the student not only designs a structure but also conducts every other aspect of construction. The funding, organisation and actually building the structure is part of the learning process. The exhibition was designed, built and organised by a team of students from the Technical University of Vienna. It featured said DesignBuild Studios from all over the world and worked as a basis for the conference. Guest Speakers, among many others from Austria, Germany, Italy, Norway, Egypt, Great Britain, the United States or Canada: Andrew Freear - Auburn University - Rural Studios (US) Alfred Zollinger - Parsons School of Design - Design Workshop (US) Martin Self - AA School of Architecture - Design & Make (UK)