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Oil saving innovation with VITOconnect
Vito, a leading manufacturer of commercial oil ltration, has launched VITOconnect – an intelligent, cloudbased platform for use in modern, fully connected kitchens.

Chefs have come to expect data and remote monitoring at their ngertips, and VITOconnect will enable this for oil management, with the ltering of used oil and the ability to monitor the e ectiveness of results. Remote access to information on usage is via smartphone, tablet or PC, anywhere and at any time.
From timestamped HACCP documentation, demonstrating ltration cycles, to the ability to generate custom usage reports for individual sites, VITOconnect drives functionality and operability. Ideal for multi-site, group and chain accounts, VITOconnect allows a head o ce team to set ltration target goals, o ers custom alerts, and can deliver email noti cations if a ltration target is not met.

Designed to reduce running costs, VITOconnect helps improve operating procedures, resulting in a rapid ROI and greater oil quality and, ultimately, less waste. With instant access to data, presented on an easy-to-read dashboard, VITOconnect is fully compliant with the food safety and monitoring regulations, achieves complete transparency and delivers a permanent record log.
As exclusive distributor for the Vito range in the UK foodservice sector, Steve Elliott, sales director at Valentine & CuisinEquip, said: “VITOconnect takes oil ltration to a new level. Harnessing the power of smart, connected appliances, it allows operators to record, monitor and analyse their oil ltration cycles, remotely and at any time. Accessed through any connected device, VITOconnect keeps a constant, accurate record of when and for how long each cycle takes place. For greater transparency and understanding, the dashboard can even detail the total oil, expense and CO2 emissions that have been saved. Broken down by individual unit, kitchen or region, VITOconnect is equally useful for independent sites as it is for franchises, groups or national accounts.”
VITOconnect comes as standard with many of the most recent ltration units in the Vito range.