5 minute read
Conclusion and recommendations
Conclusion/ recommendations
According to the information analysed in this report, also the primary research that consisted into a store visit and a manager and costumer interview I can conclude that some advancements are required to the improvement of the brand.
Although they have been a successful brand without advertising, I guess that promote the brand through different channels, such as printed media can help to increase the clients base and expand the target market.
Apparently, the company have reached their goals, since that they still have loyal customers who will chose Anthropologie over the competition, but create awareness with their social media content and build a constant connection in which consumers can relate not only with brand values and its products, but also with the social media image upgrade their attitudes towards the brand and maybe based the behaviour purchase in cognitive more than feelings.
The sustainable image they want to express should be improved by development of collaborations with in-local artists raising competitive advantage and local appreciation of the brand. And by the improvement of the transparency in their supply chain and actively work for more sustainable habits in the sore environmental, such as, according with the interviewed, they should decrease or stop the plastic package in e-commerce and deliveries. And be aware of the manufacturers and supply source and continuously confirm if they are well adjusted with ethical and positive practices (work conditions, pay rate) as the brand promote, knowing that consumers are becoming more eco-literate and won’t be easily green-wash.
Image references
Figure 10 – photo taken by Jandira Torquato
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Figure 2 – photo taken by Jandira Torquato
Figure 3 – 2020. [image] Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofVMHwiL8N8> [Accessed 23 April 2020].
Figure 4 – 2020. [image] Available at: <https://www.anthropologie.com/en-gb/storieson-womanhood> [Accessed 23 April 2020].
Figure 5 - 2020. [image] Available at: <https://www.instagram.com/anthropologie/?hl=pt> [Accessed 23 April 2020].
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Figure1- photo taken by Jandira Torquato
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Interview: How costumers engage with the brand and its influences in their behaviour
Interviewer: Jandira Torquato
Interviewee A: Assistant Manager Anthropologie Marylebone High Street store, London
Interviewee B: Sales assistant (as a costumer) Anthropologie High Street store, London
1- Normally what is the costumer profile of this store? A: Mostly women from 30 to 50 years old, professionals who have a high income and mothers with free time.
They like to travel and spend time with friends. Usually do shopping in the neighbourhood and identify themselves with the brand style.
They like colourful, different and bold clothes, also home section and sustainable products.
2- In your opinion is this a sustainable brand? A: No, but the brand is working in new ideas to be more sustainable regarding their supply chain. For example, changing the delivery package.
B: No. As a consumer, I can see that they try to give costumers sustainable products. For example, some products are durable, I can use them more than once and they don’t damage fast, this is a way of decreasing waste and consumption, but the brand itself is not too sustainable. I call them ‘green wash’, they want to raise awareness although I can’t see any information about their positive responsible actions regarding environmental and social issues.
3- There aren’t many marketing campaigns to promote the brand, why do
you think costumers choose to buy Anthropologie?
A: the brand is more focused in provide a unique costumer experience and sell products that connect with the costumer. Most of the people who buy here are loyal customers, who first know about the brand through word of mouth and some through social media. I guess the perceptions they have about the brand is related to the fact that they want to belong to something different.
B: Personally, I feel more this brand as a lifestyle. I like the art displayed, the collaborations with small artists, and the sustainable products they sell. Makes me feel creative and explorer. In there I can buy trousers, a mug or a notebook.
4- How the brand deals with data?
A: they collect the data from membership card, from store Wi-Fi, also when we ask for email to electronic receipt, or ask for personal data to order online products from store or when they purchase directly from website. The company use the data for their behalf, to know how many people they can reach.
5- Attitudes from costumers towards the brand.
As a manager, how do you think people react when they come shopping and what are the opinions regarding the brand?
A: Costumers come looking for an experience. They want to feel unique and creative such as the environment of the store which is inspired in art, fashion and entertaining. They like the variety of the products and timeless trends.
As a costumer, how frequently you purchase? And what type of products? What is the main purpose of your purchase?
B: I like mostly the home section over clothing. I first came to buy in Anthropologie by recommendation from friends. Despite being a little too expensive for me, I do like the ambiance of the store. I think is different, cool and some of their products can be cute and useful. I only buy occasionally. It’s a good place to buy gifts.