101 secrets for weight loss success

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101 SECRETS FOR WEIGHT LOSS SUCCESS Losing weight is not always easy. We all know how hard it can be. And yet, more often than not, we insist on making it as difficult as possible for ourselves with an all or nothing “Do or Die” approach. We go all out on a strict diet and exercise regime and give up after two weeks, feeling like a failure. Then we start the cycle all over again with the next miraculous product or magazine article promising that we will drop a dress size in 2 weeks. Even though we want to lose weight quickly, it is in our nature to resist change. It’s a self-protection mechanism that is part of being human. Sooner or later (and more likely sooner), we sabotage any change that takes us too far from our comfort zone. If your comfort zone is eating fast food and watching TV every evening then your self-protection mechanism is going to kick up a huge fuss – pronto - when you set out to eat wall to wall fruit and vegetables and jog for 30 minutes a day. Before long, you’re back night after night in front of your favorite show eating chocolate to make up for feeling so bad about your “lack of willpower”. But there is nothing wrong with you: you are just being human. You were designed that way. So how will this success plan help? How is it different? This plan is designed to start you on the road to ending the typical diet cycle of strict regime/giving up/strict regime. It takes account of your resistance to change by giving you many small steps you can take one at a time. Here’s how it works. Every week or so implement just a handful of the suggestions – even just one at a time, if that is all you can easily adopt. Start with those which seem to offer the most benefit but are relatively easy to put in place. Take time to feel happy with each change before you move on. If you feel you’re not quite there, don’t make any further changes until you are sure that your new habit is here to stay. Or if you think a particular tip is never going to work for you, decide whether you will adapt the tip to suit your circumstances or try another. If you follow this simple plan, by the end of a few months you’ll have a body to be proud of without having gone through any major sacrifices. You’ll also be able to maintain the changes because you made them part of your life one step at a time. Here's to Your Success! One Step at a Time 1. Stop, slow down and think whenever you are about to indulge in food you don’t really need. Repeat to yourself: “Stop, slow down and think”. This can be just enough to give you the breathing space to change your mind about grabbing that chocolate cake after a heavy meal or a cookie at coffee time. So much of the food we consume is eaten The Total Evolution

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without thinking. If you say this phrase to yourself several times a day, it will eventually become automatic. Does this phrase work for you? If not, jot down a few alternatives, and use one of those instead. 2. Get some inspiration. Treat yourself to a health focused magazine and read inspiring stories of others who have succeeded at losing a lot of weight. Take note of their strategies, especially any that you could use for your own situation. Above all, realize that they are ordinary people just like you – not super-humans with unlimited willpower. Know that you can do this too if you want it enough. Jot down any tips from the magazine that you want to use in future. 3. Be good to yourself. See your weight loss efforts as being something you do to be good to yourself, not as deprivation or punishment. A healthy eating and fitness program involves saying “Yes” to life. It is a life affirmation, not a life sentence. It’s taking care of you, bringing out the best that you can be; the best shape, the best health. It’s about giving you the energy to do whatever you want with your life. Love your new healthy choices for what they are giving you! How good do the healthy foods you already eat make you feel compared to chocolate and fries? How do you feel after a walk in the countryside versus how you feel after a day when you have not moved much at all? 4. Make conscious daily decisions. Losing weight/living healthily is a choice you make 100 times a day rather than once at the start of your new diet plan. Learn to recognize each decision and consider it in light of your overall commitment to your health and your new shape. So, choose morning yoga or a jogging session over staying in bed. Choose to stop eating when you are full over having second helpings. Choose healthy food over empty calories. Each good decision you make helps form the new, healthy and slimmer you. This week just become aware of all the decisions you take. Where a healthy choice is as easy as an unhealthy choice-- make it! 5. Beware of dressings. Lettuce is not so healthy if you load it with gooey mayonnaise. Measure out dressings carefully – a tablespoon goes a long way if you toss the salad with it rather than drizzling it over the top. Try some different toppings for variety. Think about and note a few new ideas here for different toppings. How about a hardboiled egg or an apple? You can also use cooked sliced mushrooms (microwave for 1 minute with a little water and drain for a virtually calorie free topping that is tasty). 6. A simple salad won’t fill you up. If you only eat a huge salad with whatever protein source you choose you’ll probably be hungry again in an hour. To fill up for a while, add in some slow release carbohydrates such as a small baked potato, whole meal roll (without butter) or brown rice. Experiment with different “fillers”. What keeps you satisfied for longest? Try some others too: maybe a little plain pasta or Mediterranean The Total Evolution

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couscous. For more salad ideas check out Clean Eating Diet book. Here’s a tasty quinoa salad recipe from Clean Eating Diet for you to try.

Quinoa Salad With Asparagus, Dates and Orange

This is a tasty and easy to put together dish that combines whole grains and tangy fruit. Not only is this dish delicious, it is an excellent source of fiber and protein! Quinoa is packed with a large number of vitamins and minerals including magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium and copper. It’s a great base for many dishes. Serves 2 Salad ingredients: 2 cups of water ½ a teaspoon of salt ½ a cup of finely chopped onion (white) 1 teaspoon of olive oil 1 cup of uncooked quinoa 1 large, sectioned orange ¼ cup of chopped pecans The Total Evolution

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2 tablespoons of minced onion (red) 5 pitted and chopped dates ½ lb 2 inch long steamed and chilled asparagus slices ½ a diced jalapeno pepper Dressing ingredients: 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice ¼ quarter teaspoon of salt ¼ teaspoon of fresh ground black pepper 2 tablespoons of chopped mint (fresh) 1 minced garlic clove Mint sprigs for garnishing Method: Salad Heat the olive oil in a non-stick pan over medium-high heat. Add the white onions and sauté for two minutes, followed by the quinoa which you will sauté for five more minutes. Add the water and the salt and bring the mixture to a boil, then cover the pan and reduce the heat. Let this simmer for about 15 minutes, and then remove from heat and let it stand until all of the water has been absorbed. Place the mixture into a large bowl, add the rest of the ingredients and gently toss. Dressing Combine the lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic in a small bowl. Stir with a whisk. Add the dressing to the salad and toss gently. Sprinkle the fresh chopped mint and garnish with the mint sprigs.

7. Eat real food. Use as many fresh, whole foods as you can. Those that leave the supermarket as basic ingredients are generally far healthier than those that come with nutritional labels. If you cook for yourself you know what you are putting into your food – you somehow never find it necessary to add the chemical preservatives, flavor enhancers and bulk fillers found in the ready-made stuff, and you can limit the oil or fat you add to your recipes. Reduce your consumption of anything which has ingredients which sound like they come from a laboratory rather than a kitchen, and learn to cook healthily for yourself. Read the labels on your favorite ready-made meals this week. Yuck! Would you feed that stuff to a young child? Then why treat yourself in that way? Find recipes to prepare your The Total Evolution

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own tastier non-chemical versions. Try one or two this week. Think about how you could make the time to do this on a regular basis. 8. Family dinners: if eating with your family at the dinner table encourages you to overeat, leave serving dishes off the table and start the washing up while others indulge in fattening dessert so you don’t have to watch. Of course, if you are in control of the menu you can limit the fattening stuff and join them in a fruit salad. Make a note of your strategies for eating with others, whether or not you eat at home with your family. How do your eating habits change when you eat with others as opposed to eating alone? Think about what you will do differently from now on to avoid letting social pressures and family habits affect what you eat. 9. Leftovers: to avoid picking at leftovers, get them out of sight and in the trash, fridge or give them to the dog before you can pop a cold sausage in your mouth. When have you succumbed to the leftover challenge in the past? What thoughts run through your head? Come up with strategies to use to avoid acting as a human dustbin or trash can going forward. 10. Shrink and multiply your meals. If you can’t resist snacking between meals, avoid taking in many calories at one sitting. Save part of your meal for later on. Eat half your sandwich at lunchtime and finish the rest mid-afternoon. Save dessert for an evening snack. You’ll never go hungry, and you’ll keep your metabolism high. How does this strategy fit in with your way of eating? Try it this week, and continue with the most successful strategy. 11. Keep food fun. Enjoy your food while you diet and avoid feelings of deprivation. Try different recipes from around the world. Some of the healthiest low-fat meals come from other countries. Read our Mediterranean Diet book for delicious low fat recipes from Italy, Greece and Sardinia. Keep your taste buds alive! Have a browse through some cookbooks and make a note of the new recipes you will try this week. Also buy at least one new fruit or vegetable at the store and look for instructions on how to prepare it if you don’t know! Here’s a vegetable recipe excerpt from Mediterranean Diet to get you started. Roasted Vegetables with Balsamic Vinegar Brighten up your lunch with this colorful dish. Antioxidant rich veggies, like squash, zucchini and bell peppers, get a flavorful punch from balsamic vinaigrette. The recipe makes use of the extremely versatile yellow squash, which contains negligible fat and hardly any cholesterol yet has loads of magnesium, shown to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Yellow squash also has high concentrations of beta carotene and lutein, which is known to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. The Total Evolution

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Serves 4 Ingredients: 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar ½ cup extra virgin olive oil 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 ½ teaspoons fresh thyme, finely chopped 1 teaspoon finely chopped fresh basil 2 large red onions, halved, thinly sliced 1 yellow bell pepper, cut into ½-inch pieces 1 red bell pepper, cut into ½-inch pieces 1 orange bell pepper, cut into ½-inch pieces 1 eggplant, cut into ½-inch slices 1 yellow squash, cut into 1/3-inch-thick rounds 1 zucchini, cut into 1/3-inch-thick rounds Salt to taste Method: Preheat oven to 450°F. In a medium sized bowl, whisk vinegar and mustard. Gradually whisk in oil and stir in garlic, thyme, and basil. Season with salt and pepper to taste. The Total Evolution

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Toss onions, yellow, red and orange bell peppers, eggplant, squash and zucchini in large bowl and sprinkle salt and pepper on the mixture. Add dressing; toss to coat. Place on rimmed baking sheets and roast until vegetables are tender and slightly brown around edges. 12. Portion control: if you don’t want to change what you eat too drastically, exercise portion control. Experiment with eating two-thirds or half of your usual portion of meat, potatoes, rice or pasta. Eat more slowly and see how much it fills you up. If you still feel hungry- fill up on more salad, vegetables or fruit. How much did you miss the extra food? Was it a case of “it’s on the plate so I’ll eat it”? Did you boost your health by eating more vegetables to fill any gaps? Make notes about what you discovered about portion sizes this week. 13. Serving sizes: Check serving sizes when you use ready-made foods – you may be astounded to see how little you are meant to have! Weigh and measure your food this week and eat single serving sizes only. How do the serving sizes look on your regular food choices? Paltry? If they are, plan alternatives where you can eat a little more in quantity while consuming the same number of calories. 14. Be generous. Stop serving yourself the same amount as your partner especially if he or she is bigger than you and/or more active. Share your treats and don’t save them for when you’re home alone. You know the whole package will disappear if you do that. How does it feel to eat less than others? Sometimes we buy food pretending it’s a treat for the family when really we just want to eat it ourselves. Buy something this week which they like, and you don’t! 15. Don’t clean your plate! If you’re used to cleaning your plate at every meal, it’s a hard habit to lose and yet it means that you may be eating more than you need to be satisfied. Deliberately, at every meal, put food to one side of your plate which you have decided not to eat. If you’re cutting down on portions you may want to serve yourself your usual portion and then put the half to one-third you are not eating to the side of your plate until you lose the plate cleaning habit. Give yourself a gold star here for each time you manage to leave something on your plate this week 16. Fiber: fill up on fiber-rich foods. In addition to filling you up, fiber helps absorb calories in your system – they pass through your body before they can be absorbed. One gram of fiber can absorb 7 calories of fat! What can you add to your meals to use this strategy? Think about whole grains, seeds and fresh vegetables. Find a new way of preparing them this week that you will enjoy. Here’s a high fiber recipe from our book: Mayo Clinic Diet. Rancher's Eggs

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Dietitian's tip: The ingredients in this meal (the beans and whole-grain tortilla) will provide you a high-fiber dish. Serves 6 Ingredients: 6 whole-grain corn tortillas, 6-inch diameter 1 can reduced-sodium black beans, rinsed and drained 1 tsp cumin, ground 1 ½ cups egg substitute or 6 large eggs ½ cup reduced-fat Monterey Jack and cheddar cheese blend, grated 6 tbsp fresh salsa Method: Preheat oven to a temperature of 350°F. Spray 6 eight ounce custard cups generously with some cooking spray, and then place them on a cookie sheet. Heat the tortillas in the microwave until they become flexible and warm; this will take about 25 seconds. The Total Evolution

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Press the tortillas gently into each cup. Use the cooking spray to spray the top of the tortillas. Mash the beans coarsely with a potato masher or fork in a small bowl. Add the cumin to the beans, and stir them together until they are well combined. Divide the bean mixture evenly, and spoon it into the tortillas. Crack an egg over the bean mixture in each tortilla. Place the cookie sheet with egg cups in the oven and bake them until the yolks become soft and the egg whites set; this will take between 24 to 27 minutes. Sprinkle the eggs with the grated cheese blend and return it to the oven until the cheese melts; this will probably take a minute or two. Take the eggs from the oven and use a table knife to separate the tortillas from the custard cups. Transfer the tortillas to plates and serve them immediately, topped with the fresh salsa. Nutritional analysis per serving Serving size: 1 filled tortilla Total carbohydrate 32 g, Sugars 0 g, Calories 292 Monounsaturated fat 4 g, Trans fat 0 g, Saturated fat 5 g Total fat 10 g, Protein 17 g, Cholesterol 190 mg Sodium 536 mg, Dietary fiber 9 g

17. After eight: give up late night eating. The later you eat, the more likely you are to store the calories as fat rather than burning them as fuel. Eat your last meal or snack before 8pm. If you’re really hungry, eat no more than a low-fat yogurt or piece of fruit at bedtime. If you’ve gotten used to eating late, you can gradually have your dinner 15 minutes earlier each day so that your body slowly gets used to this. (Remember our one step at a time approach). Make a note in your calendar of the time you had dinner this week and monitor it closely until you are always eating dinner before 8pm. 18. Watch your drink calories. You can easily drink away a multitude of calories without filling yourself up at all. Do you know how many calories are in your daily Starbucks latte? In each can of cola you drink? In that small glass of orange juice? Prepare to find out and be horrified. Replace with herbal tea or water and a slice of lemon one drink at a time. You know you will feel deprived if you try to change all your drinks at once, so just replace one single drink each day until you get used to it and then one more and so on. 19. Be the designated driver: cut down on empty alcohol calories (and feel a whole lot better in the morning) by being the one who offers to drive after a night out. Your friends will love you, and you’ll save yourself from having to make excuses for cutting back on calorie-laden alcoholic drinks. Choose this strategy in a week with a full social calendar. Even if you just do this occasionally, you’ll cut down on loads of calories (provided of course that you choose a low-calorie soft drink or seltzer water as a replacement). Write down your experience about playing chauffeur this week. How did The Total Evolution

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you feel that evening? The next day? How did it affect how much you ate as well as how much you drank? 20. Slowly does it. Sip rather than gulp, if you do have an alcoholic drink. Enjoy it, and make it last. Don’t let anyone keep topping up your glass before you’ve finished – you can easily drink a lot more than you intended. Order a glass of water as well so that you don’t drink more than you want just to quench your thirst. White wine and spritzer is a good drink to choose – low in calories, and you can make it last. Champagne is good too! If you wouldn’t drink alcohol anyway, you can still try this strategy with any highcalorie soft drink. 21. Be an ice queen. If you drink ice cold water, your body has to use calories to raise the temperature of the water to body temperature. Drinking 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water a day would use up about 60 calories – in a couple of months you would have used up one pounds worth of calories! 22. Make your mouth minty fresh. Brush your teeth straight after dinner to remind yourself that you’ve finished eating for the night. You might have the sudden urge to pop something into your mouth after dinner, but brushing your teeth helps to avoid that temptation. 23. Chew on it. If you’re under stress or bored and just want to chew on something, try sugar-free gum. It’ll help distract you from food at the most trying times. 24. Early to bed: everyone has a limit to how much willpower they have. If you find your willpower fades later on in the evening, and you’re not really hungry but you feel like eating the cupboard bare, go to bed rather than trying to withstand your cravings. You’ll feel great after a restful night’s sleep and wake up with your resolve intact. 25. Bank it. For specials occasions, bank your calories. At breakfast and lunch fill up on foods which have as few calories as possible, leaving you with a reasonable allotment for dinner. If you know you are going to an event in a week or so, eat 100 calories less every day to allow yourself a little indulgence while at the event. Enjoy special events without piling on the pounds (or suffering remorse). 26. Forbidden fruit: don’t forbid food that you love. Just eat it in moderation and know that there will always be another opportunity in the future to have more of your favorite food. Telling yourself that you can’t have something is setting yourself up for a binge. 27. Sit down first. When you come in from work feeling tired and hungry, it’s all too easy to head straight for the fridge, grabbing the first foods that you find. Instead, take the time to make yourself a cup of tea (regular or herbal) in a beautiful cup and sit down to sip it. You can even try a popular weight loss tea. Kick off your shoes and relax for a The Total Evolution

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few minutes until you get going again. Recharge and unwind first, and you’ll make more sensible food choices later. 28. Nurture yourself. Learn to nurture yourself without using food. List all the activities you could do to make yourself feel better when you’re stressed or bored, lonely or anxious. Most of the times, people overeat when they become emotionally hungry. It is important to know what is causing the negative emotion and what to do to feel better. Look at the list every time you feel like eating but you’re not hungry. Take the time to figure out what it is that you really need. 29. Single servings: buy your favorite high-calorie foods in single serving packages – you automatically limit any damage, and you’ll see on the packaging how many calories you’ve consumed. 30. Eat more slowly. Studies have shown that people who eat fast tend to be more overweight than those who take their time with their food. The stomach takes about 20 minutes to send your brain the signal that you have had enough. If you eat too fast, you’ll end up filling your stomach before that signal gets to the brain, thus resulting in overeating. Try chewing slowly and putting your spoon or fork down between bites. 31. Track your calories. Know how many calories you are consuming daily by using a calorie counting app for Android or iPhone and by having a calorie budget. Set firm limits for yourself and be honest about how much you’ve actually consumed. You may be tempted to cheat, so hold yourself accountable by buddying up with someone who will make sure you are adhering to your calorie budget. You can also use a fitness watch that will track how many calories you have burned for the day. The information you collect from monitoring your calorie intake will help you plan an optimal strategy for shedding pounds. 32. Eat more fruit and veggies. Fruits and veggies are healthy and packed with pure vitamins, yet it has been discovered that most people rarely get enough of them in their diets. Add them to your snacks or as a salad dish for lunch and dinner. Fruits and veggies don’t have to be plain and boring. Come up with your own unique combo of meals to keep things interesting! Here’s a veggie recipe from Glycemic Index Diet that is perfect for those cold winter nights. Sweet potato and black bean stew Sweet potatoes pack a powerful nutritional punch. They have got over 400% of your daily needs for vitamin A in one medium spud, as well as loads of fiber and potassium. They have got more grams of natural sugars than regular potato but more overall nutrients with fewer calories.

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Serves 4 Ingredients: 2 red onions, diced 2 tbsp olive oil 1 ½ ounces (50 g) ginger, pounded small bunch cilantro, leaves only 5 tomatoes, pureed 2 tbsp vinegar 1 vegetable stock cube, crumbled 1 lb sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped into cubes ½ lb black beans, boiled Green peppers, to taste Method: Heat olive oil in a frying pan and sauté the diced onion. Add in the pounded ginger, pureed tomatoes and the crumbled vegetable stock cube. Add 2 cups water and bring to a simmer. Add the sweet potatoes and cook till soft. Now add the boiled black beans and the peppers. Scatter chopped cilantro leaves on top and serve. The Total Evolution

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33. Keep away from fatty foods and do your best to avoid dairy. We all know that consuming too much fatty foods is bad for your health. Reduce your use of saturated fats and oils when cooking and always go for fat-free dairy. Use alternatives to cow’s milk like almond milk or soy milk. 34. Avoid junk food. Junk food is tempting and sweet, but it contains unhealthy fats that will do you harm. These foods barely have any nutritional value but their impact on your weight and overall health is huge! Reduce your consumption gradually over time, and replace them with healthier options. 35. Drink more water. Drinking water can help you lose weight because it speeds up your metabolism by up to 30%, causing you to burn calories. There is no substitute for pure clean water, so juices and other beverages don’t count here. If you drink water before meals, you end up eating less and lose more weight! Drinking water after eating a meal will fill up any remaining space so that you don’t feel like you have room for more. This will prevent you going for a second helping or a snack. 36. Go organic. Organic foods are healthier as they are grown without pesticides and chemicals that can negatively impact your health, not to mention the environment. Always check the labels of the foods you buy to make sure that they have been grown organically. 37. Eat at home. Cooking and eating at home helps you control both your portion sizes and the ingredients used. This is better than eating takeout, which often comes in large servings and contains fatty, unhealthy ingredients. Preparing your own meals will help you control the kinds of ingredients you use and the method of cooking. Added up over time, this can make the difference between losing just 1 pound or losing 100. 38. Eat only when hungry. Snacking when you’re not hungry is a definite no-no. Eat only when you feel hungry, and even then, make sure it’s a healthy snack. 39. Eggs for breakfast. According to a research study, eating eggs for breakfast instead of grain-based foods helps you consume fewer calories over the next 1 ½ days. This will cause you to lose body fat. This spinach and potato frittata recipe is a delicious way to start your day and keep you satiated until lunch time rolls around.

Spinach and Potato Frittata

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Serves 6 Ingredients: 2 tbsp olive oil 6 eggs 1 cup spinach 6 small potatoes, sliced into rounds ½ cup cheddar cheese, shredded 1/3 cup milk 1 tsp garlic, crushed 2 tbsp green onions, sliced Salt and pepper to taste

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Method: Pour olive oil in a medium sized skillet and place over medium heat. Cook the potatoes in the skillet for ten minutes until tender but firm. Add spinach, garlic, and green onions into the skillet. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook for 2 minutes till spinach wilts. Mix the milk and eggs together in a medium bowl. Pour the mix over the veggies. Sprinkle the cheese, lower the heat and cover. Cook till the eggs are firm. 40. Drink black coffee. The health benefits of coffee are numerous. For example, coffee is high in antioxidants -- nutrients that help prevent tissue damage caused by molecules called oxygen-free radicals. Coffee also contains minerals such as magnesium and chromium, which help the body use the hormone insulin, which controls blood sugar (glucose). Research has shown that caffeine boosts your metabolism by up to 11%, thus burning body fat by up to 29%. Drinking black coffee in moderation will definitely do you some good when it comes to shedding a few pounds. 41. Drink green tea. Green tea has small quantities of caffeine and a powerful antioxidant known as catechins. Studies show that catechins work in tandem with caffeine to burn body fat. So drink green teas to promote fat burning in your body. When you ingest matcha powder you get the entire leaf, and it contains 137 more antioxidants than regularly brewed green tea. Below are a couple of green tea recipes. Make these in the morning and take them with you to work, so that you can get a healthy boost throughout your day. Matcha Green Tea Latte Serves 1 Ingredients: ½ tsp matcha powder 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

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Method: Heat the almond milk to a bare simmer at 165° F. Put the matcha powder in a large cup. Stir in a quarter of the almond milk. Whisk thoroughly till it becomes frothy. Stir in the remaining almond milk. Can also be refrigerated and served cold.

42. Cook with coconut oil. Replace regular cooking oil with coconut oil. It is healthier and has been proven to increase metabolism by 120 calories every day! It is also a natural appetite suppressant so you end up consuming fewer calories with every meal. 43. Consume less refined sugar. Sugar is everywhere in the modern diet, yet it is strongly linked to obesity and diabetes. How the body metabolizes the sugar in fruit and milk differs from how it metabolizes the refined sugar added to processed foods. The The Total Evolution

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body breaks down refined sugar rapidly, causing insulin and blood sugar levels to skyrocket. Because refined sugar is digested quickly, you don’t feel full after you’re done eating, no matter how many calories you consumed. Reduce your sugar intake by reading the labels on all the foods that you buy, including health foods. 44. Keep off refined carbohydrates. Refined carbs are carbohydrates that have their nutritional fiber removed. Some examples are refined sugars, flour, white rice corn starch and instant oatmeal. The lack of fiber causes an elevation in blood sugar, increased hunger and cravings. The end result – higher food consumption and weight gain. Try to minimize your consumption of refined carbs gradually, rather than just cutting it out completely. 45. Consume fewer carbs in general. This goes beyond just refined carbs. Studies show that a low carb diet helps you shed two to three times more weight than a low-fat diet. So keep track of your carb consumption in general, and you’ll be able to control your weight loss. Unhealthy high carbohydrate foods include dried fruit, cereals, crackers, cakes, flours, jams, preserves, bread products and potato products. Healthy high carbohydrate foods include vegetables, legumes (beans), whole grains, fruits, nuts, and yogurt. 46. Carry healthy snacks around. Keep healthy food around you so that you aren’t tempted to eat any unhealthy stuff when you get hungry. Yogurt, fruits, nuts, or carrots are all good choices. Here’s a recipe for a healthy snack you can eat freely without guilt: Parmesan Baked Zucchini Chips Serves 4 Ingredients: 3 small zucchinis 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese, grated ½ cup Italian bread crumbs 2 tsp oregano, fresh 2 tbsp olive oil

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Method: Slice the zucchinis into Ÿ inch thick rounds. Preheat the oven to 350° F. Put the zucchini slices in a bowl. Coat the zucchini lightly with olive oil. Sprinkle bread crumbs into the bowl and toss the mixture. Place the zucchini on a baking sheet, and sprinkle oregano and cheese over the coated slices. Bake for 15 minutes, or until the cheese turns brown and zucchini becomes tender. 47. Get spicy. Spicy foods and ingredients have been shown to raise metabolism and lower appetite. Capsaicin, the compound that gives cayenne pepper and other peppers their heat, may help fight obesity by decreasing calorie intake, shrinking fat tissue, and lowering blood fat levels, as well as fighting fat buildup by triggering beneficial protein changes in your body. Enjoy using different spices to keep your diet interesting. 48. Boost protein intake. When trying to lose weight, protein is the most critical nutrient. Boosting your protein consumption increases your metabolism by up to 100 calories daily, while keeping you feeling full such that you end up eating 441 fewer The Total Evolution

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calories daily. A high protein diet boosts the levels of the hormone that suppresses appetite, while also lowering the levels of the hormone that triggers hunger. The awesome result is an automatic drop in calorie consumption! Check out this highprotein recipe that will leave your taste buds tingling and your stomach satiated:

Spicy Halibut

Serves: 4 Ingredients: 1 ½ pounds red new potatoes (about 15), halved or quartered if large 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice 1 tbsp fresh thyme leaves Ÿ to ½ tsp crushed red pepper The Total Evolution

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¼ cup olive oil Kosher salt and black pepper to taste 4 6-ounce pieces skinless halibut, striped bass, or cod fillets 1 shallot, thinly sliced 1 bunch kale, thick stems discarded and leaves torn into bite-size pieces (about 12 cups)

Method: Fill a large pot with 1-inch water and fit with a steamer basket. Bring to a simmer. Place the potatoes in the steamer basket, cover, and steam until very tender, 15 to 18 minutes Meanwhile, whisk together the lemon juice, thyme, crushed red pepper, 2 tablespoons of the oil, and ¼ teaspoon salt in a small bowl. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Season the halibut with ½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon black pepper. Cook until opaque throughout, 3 to 5 minutes per side. Heat the remaining tablespoon of oil in a separate large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the shallot and cook, tossing occasionally, until tender, 2 to 4 minutes. Add ¼ cup water and as much kale as will fit and cook, tossing frequently and adding more kale when there is room, until tender, 6 to 8 minutes. Season with ¼ teaspoon each salt and black pepper. Serve the halibut with the potatoes and kale. Drizzle with the lemon-thyme vinaigrette. 49. Whey protein supplements. It is a fact that not all proteins are created equal. Whey protein has been proven to be more satiating than other proteins such as soy and casein. Since it is very filling, you will experience fewer hunger pangs and cravings for food. It will also boost your metabolism and help you burn more calories. By replacing some of your calories with whey protein, you can lose up to 8 lbs of fat and gain lean muscle. Here’s a whey protein recipe that will fill you up while helping you lose weight.

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Mixed Fruit Whey Protein Smoothie Recipe

Serves 1 Ingredients: 2 scoops of whey protein 1 banana sliced into chucks ½ cup yogurt 3 strawberries ½ cup skim milk ¼ cup blueberries Method: Place all the ingredients into a blender and mix together to create a nutritious and delicious whey smoothie!

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50. Eat according to color. Ensure that every meal includes food that is red, green or orange. These colors are in line with the most nutritious foods, especially fresh produce. To maximize weight loss keep your plate full of brightly colored produce instead of high calorie foods. 51. One less bite. Lose 75 calories daily by simply eating one less bite at every meal. Though it may seem like a slow process, if done gradually over time, you may end up losing 8 lbs in a one year just by using this tip alone. 52. Reduce salt intake. Salt causes weight gain and bloating. It makes you hungrier and thirsty, which leads to overeating. Store-bought meals tend to be filled with excess salt, so always check the labels and go for fresh instead of packed foods. Instead of salt, add spices to your meals. Try these flavorful substitutes: basil, bay leaves, cilantro, dill, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, tarragon, thyme and chives. 53. Diet soda isn’t for dieting. Diet soda contains artificial sweeteners which interfere with the regulation of calorie intake in the body. The body then craves more sugar, leading to overeating, high cholesterol and an expanding waistline. Here’s a recipe for a better alternative – iced tea. Raspberry Iced Tea Serves: 4 Ingredients: 7 cups water 1 ¼ gallon-sized tea bags 1/2 cup raspberries, fresh 3 ¼ tbsp powdered lemonade mix 3 ¼ tbsp sugar ½ lemon, sliced as garnish Ice cubes

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Method: Boil the water in a large pot. Add 1/3 cup raspberries, tea bags and sugar. Stir until all the sugar dissolves. Let the mixture steep (3 to 5 minutes) till it attains the desired level of flavor. Remove the tea bags, pour in the lemonade mix and stir. Serve the drink with ice cubes, remaining raspberries and lemon slices. 54. Keep food out of sight as you eat. This will help you resist reaching for a second helping. Serve food from the stove or kitchen counter, and sit at the table. Having to get up for more food will keep you mindful of how much you are eating. 55. Keep a food journal. Studies have shown that people who maintain food journals lose 2 times more weight than people who don’t. It may take a lot of discipline in the beginning, but it becomes easier. Jot down what you eat and drink; the quantity, the condiments used, present mood, and even your appetite. This information is useful in knowing what kind of emotions lead to your overeating, thus making you better prepared to tackle overeating when you are in a certain mood.

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56. Eat soup first. Penn State University researchers found that eating low-calorie veggie soup prior to a meal results in 20% less calories consumed. The soup tends to partially fill you up so that you don’t overindulge. Here’s a delicious cream of mushroom soup recipe from our book, Wheat Belly: The Anti-Diet, that will leave you feeling full: Cream of Mushroom Soup

Serves 6 Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil 1 medium yellow onion 2 cloves garlic 16 ounces of button mushrooms 3 cups of chicken stock 12 ounces of coconut milk 2 tablespoons of parsley (optional) Salt and pepper to taste The Total Evolution

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Method: Finely chop onions and garlic and sauté them over medium heat with oil in a large pan. While they are cooking, chop the mushrooms and then add them to the mix. Add salt and pepper to taste and cover the pan until the mushrooms have softened. Stir in the chicken stock and the coconut milk and allow the mixture to simmer for 4 minutes. Pour the mixture into a blender until it is smooth or to the consistency that you enjoy. Garnish with parsley. 57. Overcome your ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone which regulates your hunger and appetite. When it spikes, your food cravings go up. To control ghrelin, consume small balanced meals every 3 to 4 hours so as to prevent the hormone from spiking. Researchers have shown that a diet rich in either "good" carbohydrates (like whole grains) or a diet high in protein suppresses ghrelin more effectively than a diet high in fat. 58. Pre-cook for the week. Prepare healthy meals in advance so that you aren’t tempted to go for fast food options. Use your Sunday afternoons to plan and cook meals like brown rice, roast chicken and roast vegetables – all simultaneously. Store them in the fridge for later. During the week, spend just 15 minutes preparing your meals, rather than eating an unhealthy frozen pizza. 59. Breathe your cravings away. Slow, deep and conscious breathing enables you to send more oxygen to your brain, thus relieving stress. Do this throughout the day, and you will see positive changes. 60. Snack before an event. Avoid going to parties and other social events while hungry. It is very difficult to resist the temptation of all those delectable delights being served, especially if they are free. Enjoy a light healthy snack beforehand so that you don’t gorge on the carbs and fried foods being served at the event. 61. Eat using chopsticks. Most people find it hard to eat with chopsticks. Chopsticks force you to be attentive to your food because you cannot eat too fast with them. They also don’t scoop up as much food as spoons or forks. You will realize that you have had enough sooner than when using a spoon or fork. Chopsticks make you eat more slowly, enjoy your food and chew it better, which means you’ll end up eating less. 62. Replace butter with olive oil. The benefits of olive oil are numerous, especially when it comes to weight management. Olive oil is known for being full of monounsaturated fatty acids, which reduce the bad form of cholesterol (LDL). Studies have also shown that substituting saturated fats, like butter, with olive oil leads to a considerable reduction in weight, even if little exercise is involved. Olive oil also The Total Evolution

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contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for preventing cardiovascular disease. 1 tablespoon of olive oil contains 119 calories, 13.5 g of fat, 10 g of monounsaturated fats, 2 g of saturated fats, 1.5 g of polyunsaturated fat and 2 mg of Vitamin E. 63. Never skip breakfast. Most people who are overweight tend to skip breakfast for one reason or another, only to overindulge in fattening mid-morning snacks and lunches. Research has shown that eating a full balanced breakfast helps you stay satiated for longer, which means you will eat less during the rest of the day. Aim for 250 calories during breakfast, plus some protein, to keep the hunger away. 64. Cleanse at the start of every season. Try the Master Cleanse, a natural detox that will clean out your system and leave you feeling lighter. Beyoncé famously lost 20 lbs on the cleanse while preparing for a tour. The recipe is 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of rich Grade B Maple Syrup, 1/10 of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and 1 – 2 cups of fresh water. For more details on how to do it safely, check out our book, Master Cleanse. 65. Shopping when hungry. Don’t shop for groceries when you are famished. You’ll be tempted to buy fatty and sugary foods which are always within reach. Make sure that you schedule your grocery trips when you have already eaten. Alternatively, eat a light healthy snack before you head for the grocery store. 66. Keep unhealthy foods you’re addicted to out of the house. Don’t set yourself up for failure by storing foods that are bad for you around the house – no matter how delicious they may be. Anything that you are addicted to that is not very healthy should not be within reach in the house. 67. Ditch the scale. It’s normal to want to weigh yourself every now and then to see your weight loss progress, but this can actually be counterproductive. For people trying to lose weight, constantly weighing yourself creates stress and self-loathing, which can easily result in reverting to old habits. Focusing on a number can freak you out and discourage you. Instead, just weigh yourself once a month, same time, same day of the week on the same scale wearing similar clothes. This will ensure an accurate reading and keep you motivated. 68. Don’t be an armchair quarterback. Are you a sports lover? Is watching from the comfort of your armchair as far as it goes? It’s time to get off your butt and start playing sports. Burn off all those excess calories by doing something that you truly love, whether its football, rugby, soccer or tennis. Join a local club and learn a new sport if you want to. You can also arrange to meet friends at a park and kick around a ball. Lose the weight and have fun while you’re at it.

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69. Eat when seated at the table. Having all your meals while sitting at the table forces you to plan your food decisions well. No more standing at the fridge as you indulge yourself in some unplanned meal. This strategy will help you avoid any unplanned snacking that is caused by eating anywhere within the house. 70. Carry a jump rope in your pocket. Whenever you have a long work shift, why don’t you squeeze in 10 minutes of skipping and 50 push-ups? You can do it on your lunch hour or on an afternoon break. Partner up with a coworker, and you’ll have extra motivation. 71. Cook with less oil. We all know that too much oily food leads to the accumulation of more body fat. Instead of pouring oil onto the pan when sautéing, spray or rub oil onto the pan with a paper towel. Most people overestimate the amount of oil they need for cooking. A light coating is all that is required. 72. Get the word out about your weight loss goals. Tell people in the office and your friends about your decision to lose a few pounds. This will keep you motivated, and they will in turn hold you accountable if you start losing motivation. Better yet, make a weight loss spreadsheet and post it on the wall in your cubicle where everyone can see it. One you do this, there’s no going back. 73. Switch from mayo to mustard. Mustard is known to be fat free, unlike the 11 grams of fat contained in 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise. Simply replace mayo with a healthier choice. Even doing this occasionally will result in less calorie consumption, which can make quite a difference in your weight loss results. 74. Switch from frying to roasting. Instead of frying food like fish and meat, opt for cooking methods that do not require the use of oil. You could roast, broil or grill your food for a change. You don’t have to totally abandon frying if you can’t help it, but a gradual shift towards non-oily cooking methods will help you lose weight faster. 75. Cook and refrigerate stews and soups. When soups and stews are frozen, the excess fat in them will rise to the top. You can then easily scoop out the unwanted fat before reheating. This is a good way of reducing the fat content of meals that have already been prepared. 76. Check out restaurant menus beforehand. Many restaurants nowadays post their menus online, including the calorie counts of their dishes. It is best that you find out the lightest meals in advance so you know what to order. You don’t want get to a restaurant only to discover that they only serve dishes that clash with your weight loss goals. 77. Remove the bread basket. When eating out at a restaurant, get the waiter to remove the bread basket from the table. Bread is a high calorie nightmare that can

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destroy your diet plans, so eliminate the temptation the moment you sit down at your table. 78. Replace your old habits. Losing weight will require you to be mentally strong so that you don’t go back to your old habits. You have to replace old unhealthy habits with new ones. It is not easy and can take a lot of time, but the process is definitely worth it. 79. Be the first to order. When you go out to eat, always try to order before your friends or family so that they don’t influence your decisions. It’s easy to pick unhealthy foods when everybody else has already done so. Influence from peers is just one of the many factors you will have to overcome as you try to lose weight. 80. Don’t be a desk jockey. It’s normal to find people sitting at their desks the whole day with very little movement. If you want to lose weight, then you have to stand up often to burn off those excess calories. It’s a really simple technique that will make a huge difference to your weight loss program. Get up at least once every hour and stretch for about 5-10 minutes, then go back to work. Your body will become accustomed to regular movement, thus boosting your cardiovascular health. 81. Have a “big” goal or target. Stick to your fitness schedule by training for a special event such as a 5K run, local swim meet or ski vacation. It will give you something to aim for – just remember to set a new target after the event. Although you are setting a big goal for yourself need to follow the principle of using small steps as you train. Increase your speed, distance or intensity by no more than 10% a week, and never go beyond what is safe for your health and well being. Pick such an event and give yourself 4 to 6 months to work up to it. This week take action to get the information you need to enter and send off your entry. 82. Listen to music while you work. Alleviate the boredom of exercise by listening to your favorite music while you work out. Or listen to a podcast, audio book or the radio. Most gyms have TV monitors, and you can even use your workout time to watch your favorite show. Listening to music while you workout can be great for you psychologically and can help in pushing you to the limit. 83. Stick to the gym. Take strategy 82 even further and only allow yourself to watch your favorite show at the gym. If you’re not a member of a gym, use this one to persuade yourself to exercise in front of the TV. Make a note which TV shows you will use and the times they are on. 84. Take up aerobics. Aerobic exercise, or cardio, is an effective way to get rid of belly fat, burn calories and boost your overall health. You can join a class, work out at home, or better yet, get yourself one of those aerobic videos to keep you motivated. Jillian Michaels has a number of inspiring motivational workout videos. The Total Evolution

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85. Just dance. Take a dancing class to add some variety to your workout routine. Dancing is fun and helps to burn calories. If you like fast music, then go for hip-hop or salsa. If you prefer slow dance styles, try a ballroom dance class at your local YMCA. Find a good dance coach, and remember – have fun and kick up your heels as you reach for your goals. 86. Practice yoga. A study at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found that of more than 15,000 adults in their 50s, overweight people who did yoga at least once a week for 4 or more years lost an average of 5 pounds, while those who didn't practice packed on an average of 13.5—a difference of nearly 20 pounds. Additionally, yogis who started at a healthy weight were more likely to maintain their weight than those who never unrolled a mat. Check out this motivational yoga video to get you started. 87. Walk with your family. Rather than sit on the couch and watch TV all day, you could take the family out for walks. You’ll get to spend more time with them, and you’ll be moving closer towards your weight loss goals. Choose to park far from the entrance at the grocery store or walk your dog 3 times a day at your local park. 88. Tidy up while burning calories. Do some gardening or light cooking and cleaning on the weekends. Staying active is good for your health, so why not burn some extra fat while keeping your house spic and span? 30 minutes of digging in your yard will burn about 315 calories, the same amount burned by 45 minutes of bicycling on flat terrain. Digging tones the muscles of your calves, thighs, arms and shoulders. If you do it vigorously enough and continue the activity for 20 minutes or more, you can raise your heart rate and strengthen your cardiovascular system. 89. Jog after work. Why not go for a 15 minute jog after work instead of hitting the couch and watching TV? If you’ve spent the whole day sitting at a desk in front of your computer, you need to get that heart pumping. Jogging will keep your metabolism up and help burn calories. A person weighing 160 pounds can expect to burn 584 calories per hour by jogging at a speed of 5 mph. If you jog for 10 minutes, you would burn about 97 calories. 90. Maintain good posture. Engaging in good posture will not only strengthen your core, but will also add a small extra-calorie burn, because you're working slightly harder to maintain the position. If you find your shoulders rolling forward, practice interweaving your hands behind your butt as you talk to people. How to achieve it? Practice perfect posture—while sitting, standing, or walking—by tightening your abdominals (suck your belly button to your spine). Visualize a straight line from the top of your head down to your hamstrings, making sure to keep your neck

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and shoulders back and relaxed down away from your ears. Visualize a string pulling you up from the top center of your head—elongating your spine. 91. Lift weights. Dieting can result in loss of muscle tone, in addition to fat loss. So you don’t want to get to the point where you lose enough muscle mass to sabotage your weight-loss efforts. Muscle contraction is a primary engine of fat loss, so the more muscle mass you have to contract, the more calories you can burn. In addition, strengthtraining workouts that take large muscle groups to a state of burn will increase the release of hormones that aid in reducing body fat. So, anyone who wants to lose fat should make every effort to hang on to, and even gain, as much lean muscle mass as possible. Here’s a beginner’s guide for men, courtesy of bodybuilding.com and one for women from howstuffworks.com. 92. Get your post-workout meal right. Most people overestimate the number of calories they burn during exercise. This then leads to overeating. Since high intensity exercises lead to high food consumption, go for moderately intensive workouts so that you don’t feel like starved by the end of your workout. 93. Wear comfortable and appropriate workout clothes and shoes. This helps you feel confident when exercising, thus boosting your performance. Wearing the appropriate shoes can also protect you from injuries when exercising. If you are running, then get good running shoes. If you are dancing to lose weight, then ask your instructor to recommend the best shoes to buy. 94. Short daily workout sessions. Short regular exercise sessions are more effective than having long infrequent sessions. It is the daily effort you make that will determine your success at losing weight. Aiming for long workout sessions five days a week will set the bar so high, you may inevitably fail. If you stick to 30 minutes of walking a day, you will set an achievable goal because walking is exercise that can easily be fit into your daily schedule. So it’s more beneficial to keep your workouts short but regular. Remember – one step at a time. 95. Reward yourself. Every time you reach a goal, big or small, reward yourself with something special. It could be a book, new golf clubs, a facial at the spa or whatever you feel you deserve. You will train yourself to always overlook the present pain and challenges and instead focus on the future. It will be a double reward when you finally attain the weight you’ve been aiming for. 96. Glucomannan supplements. Glucomannan is a naturally occurring dietary fiber that is proven to aid in weight loss. It is derived from the roots of the elephant yam. It has this exceptional ability to absorb as much water as it can and then become viscous. The benefits of this soluble fiber are that its calorie content is quite low. Secondly, once The Total Evolution

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it absorbs water in the stomach, it occupies space and gives leaves you feeling full. This in turn makes you eat less. Lastly, it reduces fat absorption in the body. 97. Don’t let yourself go hungry. Hunger causes you to make poor food decisions and you end up eating whatever you can get your hands on. Plan meals ahead of time so that when you do get hungry, you have a healthy option readily available. When you starve yourself, your metabolism slows down considerably and your body initially begins to adjust by storing fat. This ultimately leads to weight gain. The best option is to aim for 1,200 to 2,000 calories daily depending on your metabolic needs and how much weight you are looking to lose. 98. Find a workout buddy. It’s easier to stick to your weight loss exercise plan when you have a friend to motivate you. It also helps to make the routine less boring. Get a friend or relative who likes to work out to join you during your exercise sessions. Don’t just look for a friend you really like, but rather someone who wants to see you reach your goals and is able to push you forward. Your workout buddy should be a motivator who can inspire you when the going gets tough, so find someone who will help you be your best self. 99. Sort out your food addictions. Most overweight people suffer from some kind of food addiction. If you are an addict, you need to get help before trying to reduce your weight; otherwise it will be extremely difficult to achieve your weight loss goals. Talk to a professional who can help you deal with your food addictions. Once the psychological barriers have been lifted, you will find that it’s easier to stick to your diet plan. 100. Forgive yourself. If you slip up, don’t punish yourself unnecessarily. Everyone goes through some kind of failure once in a while. Pick yourself up, assess your weaknesses, learn your lessons and keep going. Once you’ve admitted your mistakes, then you can move on. Stick to the plan you have set for yourself and resolve to do better on the next go around. 101. Stay positive! You can do it! It doesn’t matter how long you have been fat – even if it started in childhood, you can lose your excess weight. Nothing is permanent and no one is destined to be fat all their lives. Sometimes what a person needs is more of a psychological weight loss program than a physical one. The moment you believe that the weight will be lost, that is when you will start to see the true effects of your new way of eating and exercising. Stop critiquing your weight and build a healthy body image. Studies show that women who have a positive attitude and use positive language are able to lose weight and keep it off better than those who were constantly thinking and talking negatively. Exercise and dieting are simply physical aspects of a deeper mental state. By staying positive, you will find it easier to cope with the huge changes required for an effective weight loss program. As long as you follow sensible guidelines for fitness and dieting, you will get there. Believe in yourself. The Total Evolution

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So, there you have it. 101 strategies you can implement one step at a time. Choose those that appeal to you the most and get going with those first. Once you have enjoyed a little success, you will get some momentum going. Life is hard enough without making it more complex. This method will give you long-lasting success without complicating your life too much. Wishing you a fantastic future where you look and feel great! Below is a preview of Mediterranean Diet: 101 Ultimate Mediterranean Diet Recipes To Fast Track Your Weight Loss and Help Prevent Disease available on Amazon. Check out this book for delicious and heart healthy recipes from the Mediterranean region that are not only flavorful but also very beneficial for weight loss.


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Preview Of ‘Mediterranean Diet: 101 Ultimate Mediterranean Diet Recipes To Fast Track Your Weight Loss And Help Prevent Disease’

The Mediterranean Diet has evolved naturally and is the result of many centuries of cross-cultural exchange and refinement. It is not a diet in the strictest sense but rather a natural dietary tradition. It is therefore easier to adapt to because it is wholesome in its approach and contains comparatively fewer restrictions than most other modern diet plans. Go on a journey to the center of culinary history. The Mediterranean Diet is among one of the oldest diets known to man. It comes from a region where some of the earliest civilizations in the western world originated, the Greek and the Roman civilizations. The meaning of the term ‘Mediterranean’ which comes from Latin can be interpreted as “in between lands” or “in the middle of the earth.” This is significant since the Mediterranean Sea is situated where three continents –Africa, Asia and Europe – meet. Just as the Mediterranean region represents a geographical and cultural crossroad, the Mediterranean Diet is a combination of different culinary traditions. It is important to understand that the Mediterranean Diet represents not just a way of eating but a way of life. It makes sense therefore to adapt the Mediterranean Diet in a holistic manner by more than just choosing the right kind of food but also by preparing and eating it the way the ancient Greeks and the Romans did. Needless to say, combining the Mediterranean Diet with an active lifestyle will make it more enjoyable and produce healthier results. How did the Mediterranean Diet gain popularity? Awareness about the Mediterranean Diet in America and the rest of the world can be traced to studies conducted in the 1960s by Dr Ancel Keys, an American scientist who was interested in the relationship between diet and health in general and between diet and disease prevention in particular. He studied the dietary habits of the inhabitants of different countries in order to determine why Americans despite having what was then believed to be a healthy diet were more susceptible to heart diseases than some Europeans. The Total Evolution

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The findings clearly indicated that the American diet was more similar to the eating habits of the inhabitants of many north European countries. The dietary traditions of these countries predominantly consisted of meat, butter, dairy and animal fats and a comparatively lesser amount of fish, fruits and vegetables. In sharp contrast, the inhabitants of the Mediterranean region, especially Greece and Italy, including the islands of Crete and Sardinia, consumed fresh fish, fruits and vegetables on a daily basis while eating meat, eggs and dairy products in moderation. What are the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet? The Greek and the Italians had remarkable longevity while enjoying great health, and most of them were living completely disease-free lives. Most significant was the near absence of common modern day diseases like asthma, diabetes and cancer, as well as very low incidence of cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Dr. Keys’ theory was that the people who lived around the region bordering the Mediterranean Sea were healthier mainly because of their diet. More recent studies have indicated that this diet along with the active yet relaxed and stress-free lifestyle of the area’s inhabitants, contributed to improving metabolism, controlling cholesterol and blood sugar levels and preventing the onset of most modern ailments like diabetes and heart disease. The evidence for the truism, we are what we eat, has never been more pronounced than in the case of the Mediterranean Diet. While there are many studies that establish the healthy attributes of eating like the people in the Mediterranean region, a simpler way to approach things is to just look at the delicious variety of dishes that constitute the Mediterranean Diet. Lose weight without losing heart. From bruschetta to paella, from the gazpacho to the anytime snack of falafel, from the irresistible baba ghanoush to the tantalizing tzatziki, the Mediterranean Diet is as much an epicurean delight as it is a healthy diet. It is perhaps the only diet where eating is not associated with guilt or restriction but with pleasure. If you want to get healthy and lose excess weight, wouldn’t you like to enjoy it? Instead of asking you to give up eating food that you enjoy or asking you to eat less, the Mediterranean Diet recommends that you eat abundantly, albeit the right kind of food. The Mediterranean Diet is the perfect way of eating to follow if you want to lose weight and keep it off for life!

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Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn •

The origins and history of the Mediterranean Diet

How the Mediterranean Diet gained global popularity

The main ingredients used in Mediterranean Diet recipes

Why the Mediterranean Diet is good for weight loss

How the Mediterranean Diet helps prevent disease

101 recipes for preparing delicious low calorie meals high in nutritional value

And many more healthy tips

Grab your copy of ‘Mediterranean Diet’ today!

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