Paleo diet ultimate guide to weight loss

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What is Paleo Diet? The Paleo Diet is the healthiest way you can eat because it is the ONLY nutritional approach that works with your genetics to help you stay lean, strong and energetic. Research in biology, biochemistry, opthalmology, dermatology and many other disciplines indicate it is our modern diet, full of refined foods, trans fats and sugar, that is at the root of degenerative diseases such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, depression and infertility. The Paleo diet is an example of a so-called Stone Age diet or caveman diet. The idea is that food that comes directly from nature is the best food for humans. All methods to influence food with modern techniques, or other methods by the food industry, are in theory unnatural. Until agriculture came to the scene, about 10 thousand years ago, humans ate no cereals, beans, potatoes, milk or processed sugars. Therefore, do not do it yourself either.

So Why Go Paleo? We started eating the Paleo way about 2.5 million years ago, and then we drastically changed our diets about 10,000 years ago when we began cultivating grains and legumes. That’s not much time for evolution to catch up with us, meaning our bodies are still most adept at eating the way we used to eat: meat, vegetables, fruits, and some nuts and seeds. When I say not a lot of time, think of it like this: 10,000 years out of 2.5 million is equivalent to a little under 2 months of a 40 year old man’s life, or .4% of his life – not very much. Switching from our evolutionary diet of animal products, veggies and fruit to a diet full of grains and legumes is like that movie Super Size Me where Morgan Spurlock goes from eating his normal diet to eating only McDonald’s food for 30 days. His health plummets – he gets fat and depressed, and he develops fatty liver and sexual dysfunction. That’s basically what’s happened on a grand scale over the last 10,000 years of humanity. We’ve replaced wholesome, clean plant matter and animal foods with a high carbohydrate, low nutrient, high toxic chemical diet and we’ve gotten sick.

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We’ve shrunken in size, our bones are osteoporotic, we have more cancer, obesity and diabetes, an alarming incidence of heart disease, inflammation of all kinds, skin problems and the list goes on and on. We are sick. But our Paleolithic ancestors were not and the hunter gatherer tribes that still exist are not.

15 Real Benefits of the Paleo Diet

1. Healthy Cells - You may not realize it but every cell in your body is made from both saturated and unsaturated fat and your cells depend on a healthy balance of the two in order to properly send messages in and out. The paleo diet naturally provides a perfect balance of fats because it suggests both in healthy amounts while other diets limit one or the other.

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2. Healthy Brain - One of the best sources of protein and fat suggested by the paleo diet comes from cold water fish. Salmon fat is packed full of Omega 3 Fatty Acids which is lacking in the average american diet. This is a problem because within omega 3 fatty acids contains DHA which is known to be good for the eyes, heart and most importantly for the brain development and function. 3. More Muscle, Less Fat - The paleo diet relies heavily on animal flesh and with it comes healthy protein. This protein is very anabolic and is used for building new cells like muscle mass.The more muscle you have the better your metabolism will work, period! This is because muscles require energy to move in and in order to move bigger muscles you must store more energy in them. This allows your body to send energy to muscle cells instead of fat cells. 4. Better Gut Health - Sugar, man-made fats and other processed junk all cause inflammation within your intestinal tract. Unfortunately when you match too much processed foods with a lot of stress you can get what’s called “leaky gut syndrome” which is when your intestinal walls are breached and things that don’t normally leave the tunnel end up leaking out. 5. Circle of Life - The paleo diet suggests eating pasture-raised meats and eggs. This means that the animals are truly able to roam in grass for their entire lives. Ideally cows and chickens will roam the pasture together as this creates synergy. In nature, chickens will follow cows around and eat the larvae and bugs found under the cow pies. Naturally, the cow pie will get broken up which fertilizes the grass which then provides food for the cow. It’s beautiful.

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This natural diet is great for the animals but it also serves you a long list of nutrients when you eat them due to their healthy diet! It’s the circle of life at its finest. 6. Get All Your Vitamins & Minerals - The paleo diet suggests eating the rainbow! Vegetables are a large part of the diet and it’s recommended to get a variety of veggies depending on the seasons. The different colors of veggies are dependent on the nutrients they contain! By eating the rainbow you ensure you get all your vitamins! 7. Limits Fructose - The paleo diet recognizes that the human body digests fructose differently than other carbs. It's this reason that the paleo diet suggests limiting and strategically choosing the perfect fruit for the job! Skip the banana and eat a kiwi instead! Unless you know what you're doing, limit yourself to 2-3 pieces of fruit per day.

8. Better Digestion and Absorption - The paleo diet suggests eating foods that you’ve adapted the ability to digest over thousands of years. There are no questions whether or not you can tolerate starch or grass-fed beef. You’re ancestors both survived and thrived off these foods. If you are having digestion problems, try a strict paleo diet for 30 days and you will feel better, guaranteed. 9. Less Allergies - The paleo diet suggests that you minimize foods that are known to be allergens to certain societies. Some people incapable of digesting seeds (grain) and dairy which is why the paleo diet recommends that you remove these foods at least for a month (unless the milk is raw Big gift for weight loss download at ==>

People often bash the paleo diet because we don’t eat “whole grains” and this couldn't be further from the truth. The truth is simply that grains aren't the best tool for the job, so we avoid them most of the time, but not always. If you are an athlete, you probably should be eating a cup of oats every now and then. 10. Reduce Inflammation - Research suggests that inflammation may be the leading factor behind cardiovascular disease. The great thing about the paleo diet is that a lot of the foods are anti-inflammatory so you will me minimizing your risk. The large focus on omega 3 fatty acids is one of the reasons the diet is so anti-inflammatory. Pasture-raised animals have a much better ratio of omega 3 to 6 ratios and the other veggies and herbs encouraged with the paleo diet will help as well. 11. More Energy - Every wonder why energy drinks have become so popular in the last decade? It’s because everybody’s diet sucks. A typical American breakfast consists of a sugar coffee matched with a muffin or bagel with cream cheese. Not only will this eventually lead to type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, it won’t even keep you satiated. With the paleo diet you strategically choose the right foods for any occasion. 12. Increased Insulin Sensitivity - If you had ice cream with every meal, every day for six months, I guarantee you that eventually you would start hating ice cream. Whenever a bowl of ice cream would be put in front of your face, you would kindly reject it. Well the same is true for your body. When you constantly feed your body cheap, sugary foods (like the typical American diet) your body desensitizes itself to them because it doesn't want or need them.

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Your body only needs so much energy, and when you reach that threshold your cells reject the fuel and store it as fat. If this happens for too long you will develop insulin sensitivity which means your body will be incapable of recognizing when your cells are full or not. 13. Reduce Risk of Disease - The paleo diet isn’t perfect, but the main focus is to avoid foods that can potentially harm your health. The paleo diet makes it easy to avoid crap foods by giving you a simple blueprint; only eat what a caveman would be able to eat. While this isn’t perfect, it will ensure you eat whole foods, and limit your risk for disease by avoiding the foods known to cause them. 14. Shrink Those Fat Cells - Most people don’t realize that fat cells shrink and expand based on your diet. A lean person doesn’t have less fat cells, they simply have smaller cells. In order to keep your fat cells tiny you must choose healthy fats and limit your carb intake; all things the paleo diet suggests. Healthy fats are packed tightly together within your cells and are readily available for energy when you are insulin sensitive. It’s basic synergy at work here; the paleo diet naturally provides the foods that will add muscle and keep you insulin sensitive which will ensure your fat cells stay compact. The avoidance of carbs will ensure your cells stay healthy and able to burn that fat.

15.Weight Loss - The paleo diet is a low carb diet by design. Simply removing processed foods will drastically reduce your carb intake to fuel weight loss. By limiting carbs to around workout times you will avoid unwanted fat gain which is often caused by these excess carbs. Big gift for weight loss download at ==>

Studies on Paleo Diet for Weight Loss This study on a Paleo diet for weight loss is great because it’s relatively long-term. You can get study subjects to adhere to just about any random bizarre diet for a week (especially if they’re being paid to do it) and if they lose enough water weight, you’ll get some impressive numbers even if your diet is completely unsustainable. But this study is was relatively long-term (2 years), so it gives a good idea of how Paleo works in the long run. The study compared the effects of a Paleo diet to the effects of a standard low-fat diet on 70 obese postmenopausal women. Paleo was a high-protein, moderate-carb, low-ish- fat version of Paleo, “based on lean meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, berries, and nuts. Dairy products, cereals, added salt, and refined fats and sugar were excluded.” The diet was not very low-carb: the researchers didn’t include daily food logs, but given the reported amounts of carbohydrates eaten, it could have easily allowed for a few servings of starchy vegetables every day. Unfortunately, dietary adherence was pretty lousy in the Paleo group, which makes it hard to tell whether or not the diet as written would have worked. Specifically, none of the women ate the recommended amount of protein. But the results are still encouraging.

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At 6 months, the Paleo group lost 6.5 kilograms (14.3 pounds), and the low-fat group lost 2.6 (5.7 pounds). At 12 months, the Paleo group was down 8.7kg (19 pounds), and the low-fat dieters were down 4.4 (9.7 pounds). Both then regained some of that weight: at 24 months (2 years), the Paleo group was still down 4.6 (10.1 pounds), while the low-fat group was down 2.9 (6.4 pounds). The subjects in the Paleo group also had lower triglycerides. They didn’t show a significant increase in insulin sensitivity, but that was because they had normal insulin sensitivity at baseline.

SAMPLE MEAL PLAN: WEIGHT LOSS Breakfast: Shrimp scramble with basil and steamed spinach. Âź cup blueberries. Espresso. Lunch: Chicken salad with red onions, romaine lettuce, artichoke hearts and mixed bell peppers. Dressing: Lemon/Olive Oil with a hint of garlic. Green tea with lemon. Snack: Grilled shrimp & veggies with a hand full of macadamias. Dinner: Baked pork loin with ginger cabbage and olive oil. Dessert: shaved almonds over 1/4 cup mixed berries.

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SAMPLE MEAL PLAN: THE ENDURANCE ATHLETE Let’s assume an early run, bike or swim interval session. Depending upon your preferences you may opt to train on an empty stomach. If you prefer a small snack before training here is a good way to start your day: Pre-training Snack: 2 oz chicken OR 2 scrambled eggs 1/2 to 1/4 honey dew melon OR 1 cup of blueberries. Post Training Breakfast: (best if consumed within 30 min of training) Salmon scramble, 1/2 honey dew or rock melon+1 cup of blueberries. OR Grilled salmon, sweet potato hash browns with olive oil and cinnamon. Lunch: Grass fed ground beef marinara over baked spaghetti squash. Snack: Can of sardines, medium orange, hand full of almonds. Dinner: Baked Halibut, large Artichoke. Garlic-pistachio “pesto” for the halibut and as a dipping sauce for the artichoke.

SAMPLE MEAL PLAN: THE POWER ATHLETE Breakfast: 4-6 egg omelet with 1 whole avocado. 1/2 cup blue berries. Pre-workout snack: 2-4 oz grilled chicken, handful of almonds or macadamias. Post-workout meal: 6-8 oz grilled salmon, asparagus, mushroom, bamboo shoot, coconut milk curry. Snack: Canned salmon salad with olive oil, avocado, tomatoes and red onion. Dinner: Grilled grass fed Rib eye with grilled shrimp. Large mixed salad with greens, red onions and ginger sesame dressing

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