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Janean Watkins
Janean L. Watkins is a writer, photographer, researcher, historian, autism advocate and bringer of the truth. This fresh, up and coming writer creates futuristic novels, poetry, articles, essays and short stories. She found her niche in writing and photography as a student at Northeastern Illinois University. During her time there, she created .:Seeds:., an award winning literary arts journal. As Editor in Chief, of Independent newspaper she led the production team to awards from both the Illinois College Press Association and Associated Collegiate Press. In May of 2010, an essay entitled, "We Are Still a Family: Same Gendered Family", was her first international publication in Ebony Magazine. In 2012, Janean was inducted to the '2012 Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities'. Janean is highly interested in career pursuits that revolve around writing, photography and new media.