2 minute read
Diane Clapes
Queen Child KingServant Joker Victim Vampire Gambler Mother Saboteur Guide
Prostitute Judge Diane Clapes College Park GA
In June I focused on my archetypes through the eyes of the Saboteur. I was surprised to discover that the Miser makes a strong showing. The light side of my Miser helps to protect my time, aiding me in making wise choices regarding commitments. For this I am thankful. The shadow side of my Miser “hoards” fabric, and art supplies. I fear using things up so don’t use them at all. I have a very small studio and become frozen when I look around at the abundance and don’t know where to start. My Miser and Saboteur work hand in hand.
I resolved to give my fabric and supplies away or to use them. I gave away the fabric I would likely never use, but couldn’t bear to part with all my scraps and pre-fused fabric. So, I began cutting them up into rectangles. I find rotary cutting with a straight edge to be very soothing. I then began arranging rectangles, using color and value to drive my choices. I wanted to make something very big ending up with a 55” x 18” piece on my design wall. I wanted it to be even bigger but life got in the way. It still sits on the wall.
I knew I wouldn’t complete this large piece in time for the CST show. I wasn’t sure how to finish it (embellishments? edges? finished size?) so I decided to produce a small piece that would be a study for the larger one. I was having so much fun that two separate series sprouted, so I set it aside to construct other small works. When I returned to My Path is Not Straight the idea for the gold thread emerged and the beads (in my stash and not touched in 15 years) came to represent the distractions that appear to me along my way – beautiful – if I will take the time to enjoy them.
My mind is now full of ideas to continue working on my two series. I also have a plan for the big piece on the design wall, all because I discovered my Miser and followed my not so straight path.
Artist Damsel GossipServant REBEL Hero RescuerSLAVE Lover Don Jaun Knight SeekerHealer
My Path is Not Straight 2021 10" x 8" Mixed Media/Collage $175