1 minute read
Carla White
All through my life the Nature Child archetype has always been there for me. Whether from playing in the woods as a child; collecting butterflies, feathers, and rocks; hiking in the mountains and woods; birding and the love of bird song; to photography and art quilting of all things natural.
My Winding Pathway is a curved ladder representing the path of my life. The ferns, birds and mushrooms represent parts of nature that I love. They are all entwined around the curving ladder and my life, as are the strips of fabric wound around the ladder. To me they represent eternal youth, new life, freedom, and joy.
My Winding Pathway is a three-dimensional fabric and wire sculpture where the ferns, small birds and ladder are re-positionable. The ferns were made from templates of ferns growing in my garden. The puffball mushrooms are simply stuffed fabric circles, and the larger mushrooms are stuffed figures made with wire and foam board. I found the perfect birds in my stash which were purchased several years ago.
My Winding Pathway 2022 54” x 24” 3-Dimensional Mixed Media NFS glowbirdy@gmail.com www.glowbirdyquilts.com 19