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Lucy Snyder
As a fiber and mixed media artist, I remember being fascinated with beautiful fabrics and colors since the age of seven. Over the years I have worked with embroidery, quilting, clothing design and liturgical art and design, of soft furnishings for churches and other public spaces.
In recent years I have focused primarily on old and new processes, to manipulate or alter textiles in my art quilts. The content of my work comes from the natural world, specifically the oceans, but I am also involved with exploring photography and how it can be successfully incorporated into fiber art.
I am committed to producing mixed media art that is innovative and tells a story, while using commercial and hand painted fabric, colors that express a theme, and other non-fabric embellishments.
Take Two – Archetype Haiku 2022 13.5 x 34.5 Mixed Media on Fabric NFS davelucysnyder@gmail.com