Reconditioning For A New You

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Reconditioning For A New You What do emotional eating, alcohol and smoking have in common with one another? Stress. It is the denominating factor in most people who tend to indulge in emotional eating, binge drinking, or smoking. Self-medicating tactics rarely help; according to several experts, self medication can actually compound the problem. The situation usually ends up in the person having a weight problem, or else becoming a chronic smoker or an alcoholic. Emotional Eating Eating that's brought about by stressful situations is known as emotional eating. Unfortunately, it's a habit that's becoming increasingly common as a way to deal with negative emotions. The thing is, there's a wide range of emotions that cause people to turn to emotional eating, besides feeling stressed. People eat when they're worried, bored, tired, lonely, scared, or even guilty. Sometimes, even when they don't feel anything, they eat to fill that void. Because of this, statistics show that emotional eating is the single biggest reason people put on weight. Some people may think of using hypnotherapy for weight loss programs, but sometimes just don't know where to look. Excessive Drinking Alcohol has long been thought of to help reduce stress, and, in typical paradoxical fashion, actually does the opposite. As proven by independent studies and researches, it actually increases the body's stress response. It does this by stimulating production of the same hormones the body produces when under stress. So that glass (or bottle) of wine becomes counter-productive as your stress-coping mechanism. Offhandedly though, practitioners of hypnotherapy have proven it to work for cases of chronic drinking, relapse drinking, and stress management. Chronic drinkers will be the first to tell you that changing isn’t easy. DIY how-to programs aren't easily followed, nor do they work for everybody. Smoking Nicotine from cigarettes creates an immediate sense of relaxation. People smoke in the belief that it reduces stress and anxiety. This feeling of relaxation is only temporary, soon giving way to withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes, there are increased cravings for either food or alcohol.

Smoking another stick then helps to reduce these anxiety-like withdrawal symptoms through the release of dopamine – the substance that triggers positive feelings. It's what causes your body to crave a particular sensation time and time again. Trying to quit smoking can be a challenge to some individuals, especially those working high stress jobs. Most have turned to methods like patches, gums, even shock therapy. When these therapies fail, they feel frustrated, tending to reach for the emergency stick stashed at the bottom of the drawer. The nicotine returns the body’s dopamine supply. An enigmatic response of the brain to this faux dopamine is to stop its own dopamine production. Low dopamine triggers more smoking and the cycle continues. Another interesting point is this: although people understand that smoking harms their and other's health, many smokers don't quite feel the urgency. That's simply because they feel it helps them cope with stress, and stressful situations. Those who do want to stop usually look to hypnosis, for them to learn how to truly quit smoking. It only takes a few sessions, and one will be afforded a number of techniques to deal with peer pressure and personal pleasure. All in all, it results in an individual having a better grasp of his addiction, and a better ability to deal with real-world frustrations and pressures. Multiple treatments are available to the enterprising individual who’d like to quit the habit; hypnotherapy being a natural and effective method to do it. So why not check on registered therapists among the listings for hypnotherapy Adelaide? Go the natural, safe route to a new you!

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