J eremy W inborg brushed W ith history
Jeremy Winborg is an accomplished artist knoWn for his bold brushWork and pallet knife Work. his unique style combines interesting, colorful backgrounds With realistic portraits of native a merican figures. What sets Jeremy apart from other artists is his attention to detail. he focuses on every inch of the canvas, ensuring that each section of the artWork is Worthy of the vieWer's attention. even though he Wants the completed Work to be a masterpiece, Jeremy believes that every brushstroke and pallet knife movement should be able to stand alone as its oWn individual Work of art.
Evening Sentinel
20" x 30" Oil
My Father, My Teacher 40" x 33" Oil
Drummer Dreaming 12" x 6" Oil
Close to Home
36" x 23.5" Oil
At the Ready 24" x 36" Oil
Midnight Rain
30" x 21" Oil
One Last Glimpse
16" x 12" Oil
40" x 20" Oil
Ray of Light
60" x 30" Oil
Sunlit Meditation 18" x 12" Oil
The Long Trail Ahead
32.5" x 21" Oil