Jeremy Winborg - Grit & Grace

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Winborg Grit & Grace


-Jeremy Winborg

Grit and Grace is a collection of paintings I’ve put together to showcase the strength, unyielding courage and beauty of Indigenous people. From an elder with work-worn hands and wisdom in his eyes, to a young maiden looking heavenward seeking wisdom from her Creator, I hope you, too, can find the Grit and Grace in each of these paintings.

3 Jeremy Winborg Grit & Grace R eception : F R iday , a ugust 26 th 5-7 pm o n V iew : a ugust 26 th - s eptembe R 5 th , 2022 Legacy Gallery • 225 Canyon Road • Santa Fe, NM 87501 • 505-986-9833 • Santa Fe

4 A Peaceful Moment 20" x 40" oil

5 Last Light, Last Shot 24" x 24" oil SOLD


“I found inspiration for this piece when I stumbled upon a classical painting that featured two sisters back to back. My painting didn’t end up looking at all like the inspiration, but I do love the way this composition turned out. The background is inspired by my trips with my family to the desert. There’s something so awe-inspiring when you’re at the edge of a canyon rim.”

-Jeremy Winborg

7 Canyon Dreamers 34" x 48" oil

8 Brown Eyes, Blue Skies 24" x 36" oil SOLD

9 Looking Up 10" x 15" oil SOLD


-Jeremy Winborg

“My model for this painting is a kind-hearted, soft spoken gentleman. I wanted to portray the elder of the tribe with a stern look, but trying to get him to look tough was a challenge at first because he’s such a gentle man. Once we broke the ice, he was able to start scowling, but he was still all smiles between takes. The people I usually respect the most in life are soft spoken and kind hearted but firm when needed, just like my model here.”

11 Speak Softly and Carry a Big Gun 60" x 37" oil

12 The Chase 24" x 12" oil SOLD

13 Calm, Cool and Collected 24" x 12" oil SOLD


“I was feeling discouraged the day I photographed my models for this painting because the sky was so cloudy and the light was flat. Then, just before the sun went behind the mountains, the sun peaked out and gave us a brilliant, colorful sunset. It was the perfect way to end the day and it made for a great painting.”

-Jeremy Winborg

15 Quiet Reflections 52" x 36" oil SOLD

16 Grit and Grace 48" x 30" oil

17 Legacy Gallery • 225 Canyon Road • Santa Fe, NM 87501 • 505-986-9833 • Santa Fe

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