Spanish and UK companies partner for new support ship page 5
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Wednesday 11 September 2019
Incisive firepower
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Day 2 cover with video panel.indd 1
The contender for the British Army’s key Challenger 2 Life Extension Programme (LEP) is being shown by Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land (RBSL, Stand S7-200) for the first time. features a brand-new nThis ullandit at dunt ullaore tin turret designed and built byting eugait loboreet, summod Rheinmetall armed eugue do od Defence tincill andignao with itsmolorem 120mm L55A1 higherit ad numsandre pressure smoothbore gun doloborercip eum quam.
coupled to a computerised fire control system, new Thales commander’s and gunner’s stabilised day/night sights, new displays and new allelectric gun control equipment. Originally, Challenger Met landipthe erat, sendreet, 2 LEP only aimed to replace corem velestrud eugiat obsolete turret subsystems, but iustiscilit amconul landio this offering goes well beyond. exerius cipsummy nonsenibh. continued on page 1 3
10/09/2019 17:19