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Janice Galán Peña

New York, United States

☁ ☀☁ ⚓ █▄█ █▀█ ▀█▀ ♥ █▀█ █▄█♡ █ bitch ツ Basicly; You Think Im A B|tch Cuz Of What I Say? Im Just Being REAL In Everyway I Say, What I Wanna Say And I Mean What I Say *No One Said You Had To Like Me..* Hater! -MY NAME IS JANICE- A term for a perfect woman. One who's style and beauty are difficult to describe. Who's scent intoxicates and excites. A truly beautiful soul with a smile and touch that can heal the infirm. The type of woman one searches for their whole life. "I think I've found my Janice. My life is complete." Janice is a beautiful woman who has a distinctive personality. She can laugh at anything, including herself and you too; at times. Janice is especially kind and caring towards others. She’s a woman who above all else knows the value of having fun, and not taking life too seriously. She is a woman that you can trust and count on when you’re in need of someone who cares and will brighten your


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