Jane Youn Portfoilo

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Globalization in the 21st century has combined with recent developments in genetics to provide a rekindled interest in the orign of man. Focusing on environmental graphics, I used this year to create what I hope will someday find its way into the National History Museum in Washington DC.

Main poster series for the ORIGIN OF MAN exhibition. The posters are divided into two main ideas, the hypothesis of where early men were from, and how researchers confirmed (backed up) the African Ancestry hypothesis.

The introduction poster for the exhibition. The info graphic on the poster represents the migration path that the early human ancestors took. The ethnic group is marked with different colors: African,

European, and


(left) Museum poster about the African Origin Theroy(Single Origin Theroy). (right) The Human Evolution Graphic.Shows current view of the geographic distributution of hominid popultion

Environmental design for the ORIGIN of MAN. The Gallery starts up with the gigantic replica of a human fossil. The colored dots on the bone represent the significant dates in history of paleanthropology, which relates to the graph on the wall on the right.



EXIT cytoplasm



Front and back of the ticket. Main color palette has been used. The continuous connected tickets represents the link between humans.It shows that all humans are all related and linked together. Button badges and brochure design for the exhibition. Quotes and graphical elements relevent to the concept of the show have been used.

Book design for the ORIGIN of MAN exhibition. Info graphics and supporting graphics have been used to help the reader understand the content.

Genealogist has tracked the routes and timing of migration, Based on a synthesis of the mtDNA and Y chromosome evidence with archaeology, climatology and fossil study.



Gates of Grief


the earliest member of the

85,000 years ago a group crossed the mouth of the Red Sea-the Gates of Grief-prior to travelling along the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula toward India. All non-African people


human species appeared about two million years ago in the Great Lakes

are descended from this group.

region of Central Africa.

160,000-135,000 Four groups travelled as hunter/ ga-therers south to the Cape of Good Hope, south-west to the Ivory Coast, carrying the first generation of mtDNA gene types ‘L1’

Herto Man

85,000-75,000 From Sri Lanka they continued along the Indian Ocean coast to western Indonesia, then a landmass attached to Asia. Still followingthecoasttheymovedaroundBorneo to South China.


Reconstructive Eve

135,000-115,000 125,000 years ago, a group travelled across a green Sahara through the open northern gate, up the Nile to the Levant. 1st EXIT.

74,000 MtToba Kota Tampan

Eruption of Mt. Toba, Sumarta, causing a 6 year nuclear winter and instant 1000 years ice-age with a dramatic population crash, to less than 10,000 adults.Volcanic ash from the eruption up to 5m deep covered India & Pakistan

Dr. Albert Chuchward, distinguished scholar, anthropologist, and archeologist theorizes that the earliest member of the human species appeared about two million years ago in the Great Lakes region

Timeline that shows human migration paths.

of Central Africa. This early human species eventually spread over the entire continent. Many individuals in Dr. Churchward’s field generally agree with his theory, including Dr. L.S.B. Leakey. In 1963, Leakey found

The graphic shows when people moved from one

primitive human fossils, 1.2 million years old in East Africa. Further discussion on this theory was published in Newsweek Maga-

place to another. Where they settled,and the dis-

zine, January 11, 1988, in an article called “The Search for Adam & Eve.” The subject was about the collection and testing of a global assortment


coveries that have been made related to the event

The branch that reached the Levant died out approximately 90,000 years ago. A global freeze - up turned this area and north Africa into an extreme desert. This regieon was later reoccupied by Neanderthal Man.

that happened at the time have been mentioned.

74,000 -65,000 After the devastation of the Indian subcontinent,repopulation took place.Groups crossed by boat from Timor into Australia and also from Borneo into New Guinea. There was intense cold in the Lower Pleniglacial in the north.

to colonize the rest of the world.

of genes. A trail of DNA was found that led them to a single woman from whom we all descended. The evidence indicates that Eve lived in Sub-Saharan Africa, between 80,000 and 200,000 years ago. These descendants began migrating from their original homeland, inhabiting

The African ancestry of human is now generally accepted as a fact. Dr. Eric Higgs, of Cambridge University has made a study of the migration of ancient men, and claims that the first man of Europe came to the continent from central and east Africa about 200,000 years ago. Professor Chester Chard, of the University of Wisconsin,

The text boxes are interlocked, representing the

has studied the routes of early men who left Africa to colonize the rest of the world, and he has concluded that there were four prehistoric migration routesfrom Africa to Europe.

dna pattern, that is significant to the reaserch of finding human ancestry.

22,000-19,000 During the last Ice Age, Nothern Europe, Asia and North America were de-populated, with isolated surviving groups locked in refuges. In North America the ice Corridor 65,000-52,000 Dramatic warming of the climate 52,000 years ago meant groups were finally able to move north up the Fertile Crescent returning to the Levant. From there they moved

19,000-15,000 The last Glacial Maximum18,000 years ago. In North America, south of the ice, groups continued to develop diversity in language, culture and genes as they crosses into South America. Austrailian rock art52,000-45,000 Mini Ice Age. Aurignacian Upper Palaeolithic culture moved from Turkey into Bulgaria, Europe. The new style of stone tools moved






Groups from the east Asian coast moved west through the centeral Asia steppes towards Northeast Asia. From Pakistan they moved into Centeral Asia, and from


Indian Rock

Monte Lu-

40,000-22,000 Meadow-


Centeral Asians moed west towards eastern Europe,North into the Arctic Circle and joined East Asians to start the spread nto north-east Eurasia. This period saw the birth of spectacular works of art, as in the Chauvet cave in Frnace.. Ancestors of the Native Americans who crossed the Bering land bridge connecting Siberia to Alaska, either passed through the ice cor-

Continued amelioration of the global climate. Coastal route recommenced. Monte Verde, Chile-human habitation; radio-carbon dating from 11,790 to 13,565 yeasr ago. Stone tools such as flakes and cobbles were excavated. Recoccupatio n of North America 12,500 years ago from south of the ice going north. In the sub-Arc tic 11,500 years ago people moved out from the Beringean

10,000-80,000 Dabous

The final collapse of the Ice Age heralded the dawn of agriculture. The Sahara was grassland, as implied by the life-size giraffe petroglyphs in Niger.

Each individual piece here is an important step in my evolution as a designer. The visions, the processes, and the sucesses and failures of the projects have made me stronger. I am displayin g my work here so you may view my different skills and styles such as basic layouts, possibles themes, and other various topics that might be of interest.

Infographics on Natural Disasters that happened around the world: California wild fires, Hurricane Katrina, and the China Earthquake. Statistics on damages, injuries, restoration budget, and other information were used to build these graphics.


The purpose of this kit is to help children build better vocabulary. Giving cultural clues, such as icons, religious symbols, foods, and origins, helps children build their vocabulary. Parents are suggested to guide children through the explanation on the back of cards.



This series shows the process of expression through the sense of watching, tasting, smelling, and hearing. It shows how our brain reacts and functions through different inputs. The type treatment represents how we take language for granted. We use language everyday but do not know how it works

Book cover designs on various topics, using typographic treatment relevant to the subject matter. These designs cover fiction, nonfiction and biographical works.

These are three book cover designs for J.D. Salinger’s works, Franny and Zooey, The Catcher in the Rye, and Nine Stories. The concept of loss of innocence was achieved by collages of characters being destroyed.

This is a reinterpretation of the classical Frankenstein cover. Anatomical illustrations are collaged together with different textures to create a sense of destruction. The interior of the book shows the monster’s isolation from the world by separating the text blocks from one side to another.

These are book cover designs for the Lady in the Tower, Anne Frank, and Alice in Wonderland. Different textures and images are used to express the gloomy and darkness of the stories.

These are book cover designs focusing on typographic treatment. Overall the stories deal with what happened in the past. The nostalgic theme is expressed by using images and typographic treatment that complement the stories..

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