001 tutorial

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S SDSGC0D/101/0/201 15

Tu utoria al lettter 10 01/0//2015 5 ctics Life Orient O tation Subject Didac

SD DSGC C0D ar Mo odule Yea Dep partme ent: Psycho ology of o Edu ucatio n ORTANT IN NFORMAT TION: IMPO This tutorial lettter contain ns importa nt informattion about you ur module.


INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3


Tutorial matter ................................................................................................................................. 3


myUnisa .......................................................................................................................................... 4


PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE ............................................................... 4


Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 4


Outcomes ....................................................................................................................................... 4


Assessment criteria ........................................................................................................................ 4


LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS .................................................................................... 5


Lecturer(s) ...................................................................................................................................... 5


Department ..................................................................................................................................... 5


University ........................................................................................................................................ 5


MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES .............................................................................................. 5


Prescribed books ............................................................................................................................ 5


Recommended books ..................................................................................................................... 6


Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves) .................................................................................................. 6


STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE ................................................................ 6


MODULE-SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN............................................................................................... 7


MODULE PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING ..................................... 7


ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................... 7


Assessment plan ............................................................................................................................ 7


Unique assignment numbers and due dates .................................................................................. 8


Submission of assignments ............................................................................................................ 8


Assignments ................................................................................................................................... 8


OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS............................................................................................... 8


EXAMINATION ............................................................................................................................... 9


Problems with examination results ................................................................................................. 9


Admission to the examination ......................................................................................................... 9


How your year mark is calculated ................................................................................................... 9


Examination period ....................................................................................................................... 10


Examination paper ........................................................................................................................ 10


Tutorial letter with information on the examination ....................................................................... 10


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .......................................................................................... 10


SOURCES CONSULTED ............................................................................................................. 11


CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................. 11


ADDENDUM ................................................................................................................................. 12





Dear Student It is with pleasure that we welcome you as a student to the course Subject Didactics: Life Orientation (SDSGC0D). I trust that you will find the course interesting, constructive and useful. The aim of the course is not only to enable you to pass the examination but to expand your insight and knowledge of the course. I will do my best to make your study of this module successful. You will be well on your way to success if you start studying early in the semester and resolve to do the assignment(s) properly. I hope that you will enjoy this module and wish you all the best! AFRIKAANS STUDENTS The following information applies to students who wishes to complete their assignments in Afrikaans: • • •

Although this tutorial letter is sent out to all the registered students in English, the Afrikaans tutorial letter is available on myUnisa as 151_2015_0_A. The workbook for Assignment 02 is also available in Afrikaans on myUnisa. The examination paper at the end of the year will also be available in Afrikaans.

Students are welcome to submit their assignments in Afrikaans.

NB 1.1

Once you have completed this course, you should be capable of being a Life Orientation educator!

Tutorial matter

The primary, but not sole study material which you must consult for the Subject Didactics: Life Orientation is contained in TWO study guides. In addition to these study guides you will have to make a thorough study of the topics covered by the assignments. During the academic year you will also receive other tutorial letters which must be regarded as part of your study material. It is essential that you have access to a series of Life Orientation textbooks. The focus of the module is mainly practical. We have tried to avoid endless theories. Instead, our aim is to present useful information that can be applied in practice. However, I have attempted to keep the information scientifically and educationally accountable. This tutorial letter (101) contains important information about the scheme of work, resources and assignments for this module. The actual assignments, assessment standards, instructions for the completion and submission of assignments, the prescribed study material and all other resources form part of this tutorial letter. I have also included certain general and administrative information about this module. Read it carefully and keep it at hand when working through the study material, doing the assignments, preparing for the examination and addressing questions to your lecturer. You must please read all tutorial letters you receive during the course of the year immediately and carefully, as they always contain important, and sometimes, urgent information.




If you have access to a computer that is linked to the Internet, you can quickly access resources and information at the University. The myUnisa learning management system is Unisa’s online campus that will help you to communicate with your lecturers, with other students and with the administrative departments of Unisa – all through the computer and the Internet. It is therefore of the utmost importance to get access to the Internet and to consult myUnisa on a regular basis. Please note that once you are registered on myUnisa you will also be able to submit your assignments online, have access to library resources, download your study material, etc. You will also be able to keep record of assignments submitted and have access to your marks, previous examination papers and examination dates.


There will be various discussions taking place on myUnisa during the year. I expect you to take part in these discussions AT LEAST once per month. Students usually enjoy the discussions as it is an exciting way to share all your concerns, success stories and challenges with regard to language teaching with fellow students. I am looking forward to your contributions!

To go to the myUnisa website, start at the main Unisa website, http://unisa.ac.za and then click on the “login to myUnisa link on the right-hand side of the screen. This should take you to the myUnisa website. You can also go there directly by typing in http://my.unisa.ac.za





The objective of the module is to provide students in Life Orientation with knowledge so that they could be in a position to support learners in all facets of Life Orientation. This module consists of • • • •


Information on the Life Orientation educator as a person; planning and organising the Life Orientation activities in the school; Life Orientation strategies in groups; and for individuals, and Planning a Life Orientation programme in accordance with the needs of the specific community.


Specific outcomes •

• •

The educator will be exposed to various methodologies which are required to work with learners in school while linking to the community, world of work, and the government. The educator deliberately develops competency to keep up with new information in his/ her learning area and interrelated ideas and subject fields. Educators explore learners’ interests, personality, values and aptitudes in an informal manner. This creates a learning environment in which the tone, spirit and general atmosphere towards teaching and learning are conducive to incidental, as well as inferential learning. Attention should be given to the establishment of a productive, encouraging, challenging and supportive environment for learners.


Assessment criteria

• •

Show interest and enthusiasm in their learning tasks Integrate various aspects of information about the school and its place and function in the community and larger population Show knowledge of interest fields in careers, of personality, values and aptitudes


SDSGC0D/101 • • • •

Design assessment media Show interest and enthusiasm in their learning tasks Be capable of applying assessment criteria to their own work Demonstrate an understanding of the theory and practice underlying the concept and culture of life-long learning Establish a school climate conducive to understanding learners in their various phases of development Demonstrate an understanding of the educator’s managerial and leadership skills.





You are most welcome to contact your lecturers when you encounter any problems with your studies or assignments. You may write to them, phone them or visit them. When you plan to visit your lecturers, you should first make an appointment. The lecturer responsible for this module are: Dr M van Breda Solomon Mahlangu Building Office number 2-21 E-mail address: vbredmj@unisa.ac.za Telephone number: 012 352 4131 Use the address provided above if you want to write me a letter. Please note that letters to lecturers may not be enclosed with or inserted into assignments. You can also contact me via the discussion forum on myUnisa.



The departmental secretary; Ms T Johnson Contact number: (012) 429-4900.



You should direct telephonic inquiries about administrative matters to the relevant department. Please refer to the brochure, my Studies @ Unisa which you received with your study material. This brochure contains information on how to contact the University (e.g. to whom you can write for different queries, important telephone and fax numbers, addresses and details of the times certain facilities are open.)


Always write your student number and the module code at the top of your letter.




Prescribed books

There is no prescribed book for this module. The Department of Despatch should supply you with the following study material for this module:


• •

TWO study guides Tutorial letter 101 (the letter you are reading now) contains essential guidelines to manage the module and the assignments for the year

Apart from Tutorial Letter 101, you will also receive other tutorial letters during the year. All study material will be posted to you after registration. If you have access to the Internet, you can view the study guides and tutorial letters for the modules for which you are registered on the University’s online campus, myUnisa, at http://my.unisa.ac.za


Recommended books

There are no recommended books for the course. You are welcome, however, to make use of any additional relevant subject matter and articles. It is essential that you have access to a series of Life Orientation textbooks.


Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves)

There are no e-reserves, recommended books or reading lists for this module.



For information on the various student support systems and services available at Unisa (e.g. student counselling, tutorial classes, language support), please consult the publication myStudies@Unisa, which you received with your study material. If you have any special needs, please inform me of your needs in your first assignment. Contact with fellow students and the forming of study groups It is advisable to have contact with your fellow students. One way of doing this is to form study groups. The addresses of students in your area may be obtained from the following department: Directorate:Students Administration and Registration PO Box 392 UNISA 0003

Information on tutorial offerings at Unisa Please be informed that, since 2013, Unisa offers online tutorials (e-tutoring) to students registered for modules at NQF levels 5 and 6 (i.e. qualifying first-year and second-year modules). Please communicate with your module leader to find out if any of the modules that you have registered for is in this category. Once you have been registered for a qualifying module, you will be allocated to a group of students with whom you will be interacting during the tuition period as well as an e-tutor who will be your tutorial facilitator. Thereafter you will receive an SMS informing you about your group, the name of your e-tutor and instructions on how to log onto myUnisa to receive further information on the e-tutoring process. Online tutorials are offered free of charge and are conducted by qualified e-tutors who are appointed by Unisa. All you need to participate in e-tutoring is a computer with an internet connection. If you live close to a Unisa regional centre or a telecentre contracted with Unisa, please feel free to visit any of these to


SDSGC0D/101 access the internet. E-tutoring takes place on myUnisa where you are expected to connect with other students in your allocated group. It is the role of the e-tutor to guide you through your study material during this interaction process. For you to get the most from online tutoring, you need to participate in the online discussions that the e-tutor will be facilitating. There are certain modules which students repeatedly fail. These modules are allocated face-to-face tutors, and tutorials for these modules take place at Unisa regional centres. These tutorials are also offered free of charge. Students are advised to contact the regional offices for the list of these modules. However, it is important for you to register at your nearest Unisa regional centre to secure attendance of these classes.


MODULE-SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN Use your my Studies @ Unisa brochure for general time management and planning skills.


I suggest that you note down the closing dates for all the assignments that you have to submit this year and compile a plan of study for each module according to the due dates. You can use the following as a guideline for planning your studies for SDSGC0D.


Familiarise yourself with the study material by scanning through the study guide and the relevant official Department of Education documentation. Introduce yourself to me and your fellow students on the discussion forum on myUnisa. Start working on assignment 01. Study the prescribed reading for assignment 01 Remember to take part in the discussion forum on myUnisa. Finalize and submit assignment 01. Start working on Assignment 02. Remember to take part in the discussion forum on myUnisa. Finalize and submit assignment 02. I suggest that you contact your fellow students via myUnisa and compare and discuss your answers. Start preparing for the examination. Work through Study guide 1. Remember to take part in the discussion forum on myUnisa.

March April May June July August September October




Start preparing for the examination. Work through Study guide 2. Remember to take part in the discussion forum on myUnisa. Prepare for and write the examination.


No practical work and work-integrated learning for this module




Assessment plan

For general information and requirements as far as assignments are concerned, see the brochure my Studies @ Unisa, which you have received with your study material.



Unique assignment numbers and due dates




Assignment 01


09 April 2015

Assignment 02


05 June 2015


Submission of assignments

For detailed information on assignments, please refer to the my Studies @ Unisa brochure, which you received with your study package to submit an assignment via myUnisa. To submit an assignment via myUnisa: • Go to myUnisa. • Log in with your student number and password. • Select the module. • Click on assignments in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen. • Click on the assignment number you wish to submit. • Follow the instructions.



It has always been our experience that students, who do their assignments regularly, generally achieve the best results in the examination. The assignments provide you with the opportunity of gaining the necessary practice in answering questions; of getting guidance in the composition of your answers; of familiarizing yourself with the standards required; and in general, in determining whether you are on the right track with your studies. After all, the assessment of your assignments is the only way in which to measure the standard of your work. The manner in which you present your work to the lecturers influences the value of your assignment with an average of 10%. • •

Read through the whole of your study guide before you begin to answer an assignment. Before answering the assignment, please make sure that you understand what is expected of you in order to avoid any misinterpretation!! NB! Keep to the point of the question and avoid padding as you will be given no credit for irrelevant information. Guard against long, unnecessary introductions. Lead the reader succinctly to the crux of the matter. Please approach your work systematically. Firstly work out a scheme. The method of explanation you adopt in your answer is of the utmost importance, because any question that you answer is virtually to test whether or not you can, of your own accord, collect data on a subject and mould it to form a logical whole. Your answer therefore always reflects your understanding of the question under discussion. Please make sure that you provide every assignment with a short, suitable TITLE, a detailed table of contents and a list of sources. Every assignment must begin with an introduction and end with a conclusion!!



• • •






For detailed examination guidelines, please use the brochure my Studies @ Unisa.


Problems with examination results

Should you have any problems with your examination results, we would like to draw your attention to the following extract taken from a communiqué by the then Registrar of Unisa, Prof L Molamu, regarding a decision taken by the Senate of Unisa on 28 March 2007. If you do experience problems with your examination results in the future, please follow the following procedures: •

Should a student wish to discuss any academic aspect of the marked examination script with the lecturer, then she/he may contact the lecturer telephonically or by e-mail or make an appointment to see the lecturer concerned to have the discussion. This will be at the student’s own cost.

The discussion is limited to academic matters and is not on the allocation of marks.

Students who are dissatisfied with their marks should follow the remark procedure of the University.

The lecturer will contact the examination section and request a copy of the marked script in order to analyse it prior to giving feedback to the student.

Your examination is based on the assignments, the content of the study guides, the prescribed books, the discussion during the day seminar, as well as the tutorial letters which you will be receiving during the current academic year.


Admission to the examination

The Department of Education requires the university to prove that a student was active during the period of tuition before the student will be subsidised by the Department of Education. Senate has approved that the submission of a compulsory assignment will be used to prove activity and also that students will be admitted to the examination by submitting the assignment Examination admission is solely dependent on submission of Assignment 01 irrespective of the mark you obtain and whether you have passed or failed. Assignment 01 covers the content of study guide 1. The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you as a student to make a thorough study of the study material. NO EXTENSION for the submission of Assignment 01 can be granted. Assignment 01 is compulsory for all students.



Remember assignment 01 gives you entrance into the examination.

How your year mark is calculated

Unisa follows a continuous assessment system. This means that you would be accumulating marks throughout the year which will contribute towards your final mark. Your promotion mark would therefore comprise a year mark of 20% and an examination mark of 80%. Rule 4.13 of the assessment policy will be implemented in the calculation of your final marks. The rule stipulates that a "sub-minimum of 40% in the examination is required, below which the year mark will not count".


Your year mark should contribute a maximum of 20% towards your final mark; and is compiled as follows: • •

Assignment 01 (compulsory) counts a maximum of 10% if you are awarded 100% for the assignment. Assignment 02 (compulsory) count a maximum of 10% if you are awarded 100% for the assignment.

The year mark therefore contributes 20% toward the final mark. This means that if you received 80% for each assignment, you would already have 16% of the final mark. Submitting a well prepared Assignment 01 and Assignment 02 will therefore be to your advantage! However, remember that you have to obtain a subminimum of 40% in the examination before your year mark can be added to your final mark. Also remember, that an examination mark of 100% can only contribute 80% towards your final mark as the other 20% is contributed by the year mark.


Examination period

This module is a year module. This means that you will write the examination in October/ November 2015 and the supplementary examination will be written in January/February 2016. During the year, the Examination Section will provide you with information regarding the examination in general, examination venues, examination dates and examination times.


Examination paper

Previous examination papers are available on myUnisa. We advise you, however, not to focus on old papers too much, because a new paper is set every year. You may, however, accept that the type of questions that will be asked in the examination will be similar to those asked in the assignments.


Tutorial letter with information on the examination

To help you in your preparation for the examination, you will receive a tutorial letter explaining the format for the examination paper, giving you examples of questions that you may expect and setting out clearly what material you need to study for examination purposes.



The my Studies @ Unisa brochure contains an A-Z guide of the most relevant information. Frequently asked questions in this module (SDSGC0D) are: Question: Answer:

I need extension of time for my assignment. It is not possible to give more than one week extension time. If you are compelled by necessity to hand in one of the essay-type assignments late, you have to ask permission to do so before the due date. No extension of time can be granted for multiple choice assignments.

Question: Answer:

I do not have Internet access. You can access the Internet at all Unisa Regional Offices.








I wish you the best for this year, the road ahead is sometimes a lonely one, demanding sacrifice and requiring perseverance and patience. However, success at the end of the road will compensate for all the hard work. Enjoy your studies.

Dr. M van Breda vbredmj@unisa.ac.za




ASSIGNMENT 01 Unique assignment number: 586839 COMPULSORY NB: Assignment 01 contributes 10% towards your final year mark (Submit on or before 09 April 2015)


In order to complete this assignment, you have to work through Study Guide 1.

Assessment criteria: (Study Guide 1: SDSGC0D) Show interest and enthusiasm in learning tasks; -

Integrate various aspects of information about the school and its place and function in the community and larger population.

Questions a)

Discuss the essential guidance activities within Life Orientation.


Axelson (1985) has identified number of activities that form part of the Life Orientation teacher’s task. Refer to these activities in Study Unit 13 and use these as a basis for explaining what a Life Orientation teacher’s tasks entail. (20)


Mention the considerations that a Life Orientation teacher must take into account when working with learners in a group. (10)


Explain the variables you should take into account when assessing learners from different cultures. (20)



Describe grief crisis.



(ii) Discuss Gillis’ (1994) guidelines on assisting learners in crisis caused by the separation of their parents (25) TOTAL: 100 Please feel free to consult other books and sources which deal with the topics covered in the assignments. These books together with the particular study guide must also be reflected in your bibliography. PLEASE COMPLETE CHECKLIST FOR SDSGC0D: ASSIGNMENT 01 ATTACH THIS AND THE PLAGIARISM DECLARATION TO YOUR ASSIGNMENT.



ASSIGNMENT 02 Unique assignment number: 586873 COMPULSORY NB: Assignment 02 contributes 10% towards your final year mark (Submit on or before 05 June 2015)


You need to work through Study Guide 2 to complete this assignment.

Assessment criteria: (Study Guide 2: FDEGD3V) •

Show knowledge of interest fields in careers, of personality, values and aptitudes

Design assessment media

Show interest and enthusiasm in their learning tasks.

Be capable of applying assessment criteria to their own work.

Demonstrate an understanding of the theory and practice underlying the concept and culture of life-long learning

Establish a school climate conducive to understanding learners in their various phases of development

Demonstrate an understanding of the educator’s managerial and leadership skills

Questions a) b)

Discuss the sources of information that a Life Orientation teacher can use to assist learners with career matters. (30) Differentiate between aptitudes, abilities, talents and skills and give examples of each. (20)


What are the advantages and disadvantages of interviews as they relate to Life Orientation? (10)


Discuss 4 general guidelines that a Life Orientation teacher can use in conducting career counselling within a cross-cultural context.



Explain the four factors that could be used as guidelines in establishing career possibilities.



List 6 critically important skills in determining the levels of occupational and educational success that culturally different learners may attain. (12) TOTAL: 100




STUDENT NUMBER: _____________________ Tick the items off which have been done correctly. I have identified the main theme/s of the assignment. I have incorporated the words which represent the main theme of the assignment in my title. I have written a short, suitable title at the top of the first page just before the Table of Contents. The heading TABLE OF CONTENTS appears beneath the title. I have numbered all the section in my whole assignment. The numbers and headings of the sections appear in my Table of Contents. All the pages in my assignment are numbered. I have written the page numbers in my Table of Contents. There is a suitable introduction. Where necessary, I have used subheadings to clearly demarcate my work. My writing is legible. I have used a black pen or "bold / near letter quality" in my work. (or computer) The conclusion reflects my own opinion which is based on my insights gained from the literature I consulted for this assignment. The reference books I have used are referred to in the text. The references are quoted in accordance with guidelines in this tutorial letter.


I have found the following new book interesting and relevant: .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................

I experienced the following problems when doing this assignment: .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................

I think these problems could be solved in the following manner: .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................

This assignment is relevant to my situation because .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................

I will be able to apply what I have learnt from this assignment in my community in the following way: .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. Thank you




I, ………………………………………………………………………..……….

(Student number: ……………………......................) declare that this

Assignment 01 of the Subject Didactic: Life Orientation: SDSGC0D, is my own original work. Where secondary material has been used (either from a printed source or from the Internet), this has been carefully acknowledged and referenced in accordance with departmental requirements. I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard. I have not allowed anyone else to borrow or copy my work.

___________________________________ Signature

_________________________________ Date



SDSGC0D/101 CHECKLIST FOR SDSGC0D: ASSIGNMENT 02 STUDENT NUMBER: _____________________ Tick the items off which have been done correctly. I have identified the main theme/s of the assignment. I have incorporated the words which represent the main theme of the assignment in my title. I have written a short, suitable title at the top of the first page just before the Table of Contents. The heading TABLE OF CONTENTS appears beneath the title. I have numbered all the section in my whole assignment. The numbers and headings of the sections appear in my Table of Contents. All the pages in my assignment are numbered. I have written the page numbers in my Table of Contents. There is a suitable introduction. Where necessary, I have used subheadings to clearly demarcate my work. My writing is legible. I have used a black pen or "bold / near letter quality" in my work. (or computer) The conclusion reflects my own opinion which is based on my insights gained from the literature I consulted for this assignment. The reference books I have used are referred to in the text. The references are quoted in accordance with guidelines in this tutorial letter.


I have found the following new book interesting and relevant: .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................

I experienced the following problems when doing this assignment: .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................

I think these problems could be solved in the following manner: .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................

This assignment is relevant to my situation because .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................

I will be able to apply what I have learnt from this assignment in my community in the following way: .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. Thank you PLEASE COMPLETE CHECKLIST FOR SDSGC0D: ASSIGNMENT 02 ATTACH THIS AND THE PLAGIARISM DECLARATION TO YOUR ASSIGNMENT.




I, ………………………………………………………………………..……….

(Student number: ……………………......................) declare that this

Assignment 02 of the Subject Didactic: Life Orientation: SDSGC0D, is my own original work. Where secondary material has been used (either from a printed source or from the Internet), this has been carefully acknowledged and referenced in accordance with departmental requirements. I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard. I have not allowed anyone else to borrow or copy my work.

___________________________________ Signature

_________________________________ Date


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