DRAFT COPY Revision a2 Suggestions from Hannah, Darren, David, Jerry, Dominic, Jackson & Ricky ●
Link to others in the kombucha community ○ Kombucha Kamp (Hannah Crum) More information about Kombucha Kamp from Kombucha Dave. Hannah Crum is kamp counselor and she can fill you in on all the details! ○ Food Renegade ○ Synergy Synergy Kombucha is a popular Kombucha Tea drink like those found on GetKombucha.com without the Kombucha Brewing Systems ○ GT Kombucha GT Kombucha is another popular prepackaged Kombucha Product, not a Kombucha Brew kit ○ Kombucha Brooklyn (Brooklyn Kombucha?) ○ Cultures for Health ○ WonderDrink ○ Celestial Seasonings ○ Kombucha Dog ○ Kombucha Coupon
I dont know, let me think it over D I like it but im not sure about the order Jerry I dont want to list all these companies it may detract fromt he point of the PDF J.Nanna Good point, send this to the round table and lets get a final answer Rick Jackson
order kombucha or make your own kombucha tea, find kombucha recipes and enjoy the benefits of kombucha Brew, Buy, Learn & Love Kombucha Tea with GetKombucha.com & Kombucha Dave © 2015, GetKombucha.com, a Dave Lindenbaum Production