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For this project, I will be designing a more interactive space within Mile End park. The park goes through the Regents canal from Victoria Park all they way to Limehouse Basin so it covers quite a bit of land. However some areas are more popular than others and contain fewer activities for people. Therefore I've chosen a section of the park that doesn’t contain as much and decided to create a series of pavilions as there is a lack of seating, sheltered space, as well as a café for so there is a socialising space. Queen Mary University is located right by the park, perfect for students to come hang out, study and enjoy the green space away from the busy London roads.

For this project I would like to create a social space people can rely on in all kinds of weather and to combine the aesthetics of nature and architecture in one, in hopes of attracting more people to enjoy this specific part of the park. I want my café and pavilions to be inspired by nature, and keep an organic theme all throughout it. To keep this theme, on the second level of the café, there is going to be a small rooftop garden with seatings, which will create an extra space for people to come and pass their time and enjoy the natural environment surrounding them.

As time has passed, architecture got almost lost into the contemporary and modern styles of today. A lot of the buildings and structure in London especially are mainly for functionalities, and not a lot of it relies on aesthetics. And for those buildings that are a sight for the eyes, are heavily influenced my the modern theme we have going at the moment.

Hence I wanted to create something that had more than one purpose; as well as it being a place to get together, eat and drink, I wanted to make sure that it was a structure that reflected on its surroundings, so that there wasn’t yet another building that pretty much looked the same to all the other buildings around it.


• Sheltered space

• Indoor and outdoor seating

• Keep as much of the green space as possible

• Café with two levels – cafe itself just one level

• Pavilions

• Bicycle parking

• Rooftop garden walking garden

Mile End park was created on industrial land devastated by World War II bombing. Some of this land is separated by roads, railways and waterways. This site has a lot of history and was only developed a couple years ago, in 1999.

The plan for this park was to create several green routes connecting different area of London to the River Thames.

Although holding so much history behind it, this park isn’t recognised very widely and it isn’t very popular, unlike Victoria Park which is right above Mile End park. Victoria Park holds more popularity and since they are so close to each other, Mile End park does not attract many people. Hence why I wanted to create a space for socialising in the park, so it welcomes members of the public to hang out in this specific space; by having a café and pavilions, the site will look more pleasing to the eyes, as well as having community cohesion within.

The park is in the middle of a busy urban area, surrounded by many homes and shops, as well as being next to the main road. Very close to it is mile end station, so accessibility is very convenient. There are also many bus stops surrounding this area, and they are very short walking distances from my location

The green highlighted parts is the green space of this part of the park and the locations where the shapes are placed is where I would like to create my café and pavilions.

Victoria Park Mile End Park


The highlighted parts are the areas I am going to focus on for the project

Mile end station Houses



My site

The yellow circled are education places, going from primary school until university, and since they are so close to my chosen area, a café would be perfect for students to go to socialise and hang out, and just have a cosy environment whilst enjoying the surrounding green space.

fountain canal

I used cad mapper to further research my site, so that I was aware of the scales needed and also compare heights with existing buildings around, this allowed me o have a starting point even before having to visit the site.


I have also taken measurements by using Google Earth so that when it comes to making my model, I am clear with how big or tall my design must be, and how to use this space as efficiently as possible.

From the photos I have taken of the site, I have pointed out on the map the primary spots that I will be working with. From this we can see that it's close by and the location sits right in front of the river, which enforces the atmosphere and theme I am going for: nature and organic.

In my main area, I am building a café and I am able to work with a lot of space, since most of it won’t be needed. I would like to keep as much of the trees in this area as possible, and keep its green space, so I can create a space that can compliment its natural location and merge architecture with nature

By visiting my site, I was able to work out the scale of the place and understand with how much space I am working with. It also helped me visualise where my café and pavilions would go, and gave me a greater understanding of what can and cannot work.




In this project, I've chosen a location that is surrounded by trees and nature, and just like Frank Lloyd, I would like to have my design blend in with its surroundings and keep as much of the green space as possible. For this I need to consider colours and material I am going to use for my café and pavilions, as well as the shape.

Frank Lloyd was a very famous American architect, known for his beautiful homes which were mainly built around nature. One of his most famous works is the "Fallingwater", where he built a holiday home right above a waterfall, giving the impression that water is coming out of the building. What I like about this work is how he integrated his design into nature itself so it that the home doesn’t look out of place, it blends perfectly in because of the choice of colours and materials he used, which can be seen and found around the location.


He was also known for his philosophy's, especially around the idea of "natural and organic". He believed that for a structure to fall under this theme, it cannot be only one factor only, for example just the exterior; it needs to be carried out all throughout the building, exterior as well as interior, hence he also designed furniture and elements that contributed into the interior of a space.

The Sacher park café is located in Jerusalem and the idea for this was the lack of green in the central urban park and not having diverse activities. Therefore, this has been created as the main attraction and socialising space. It is also purely solar powered, so it is called the green lung of this space.

This place was created for multipurpose use, to hold different activities, as well it being a leisure place and welcome guests as well as locals.

This design has been integrated into the site and connected with the small hill behind it, which creates a promenade to allow the public to have an overview of both the old and new city of Jerusalem. I think this design is minimalistic but it attracts the eye because of its curvature shape. It is a very open space which creates a the customers to be around the nature around them and create a comfortable, serene atmosphere.

The uses of colour is also minimal, and this ensures that it does not strip off of the natural surroundings.

The structure extends out to create a sheltered pavilion like space. This has outdoor seating so there is a variety of options to accommodate customers.

Plan view

These rough sketches shows the different elements of this café and how it is built into the land.

Instead of making the land flat, this was built so it followed the natural levels of the ground, which also created levels for the actual café itself.

Front elevation
Land fold Supporting wall Ridge Pavilion Promenade

Form of the pavilion based on the form of cylinder and does not have a certain facade: the pavilion fits in any context because it demonstrates equal relation to any object in the environment. The structure given by the surface of the double helicoid the minimum screw surface. The surface of the helicoid allows to divide the space of the pavilion into two independent parts, which makes it possible to combine different formats of events inside it.

This pavilion relates to the theme I have picked of organic. The structure itself is purely made from wood and has a spiral like design which can be seen in many places in nature. It reminds me of the patterns we can see when a trunk had been cut and there's just swirls going around. It also fits well within the environment. There is minimal colour to the pavilion and the natural shade of the wood has been kept. This way the pavilion does not look out of place.

I would like to take some inspiration from this for my own designs by using the spiral structure and have my final product blend in with its surroundings.

Front elevation Back elevation Close up of the wooden fences surrounding the pavilion

I really like this space because I am able to correlate it to my projects theme; organic and nature. The curves shapes remind me of shapes I am able to find in nature and the use of bamboo as well as the shape again, links to the theme “organic”. Although the landscape is almost random, it adds an aesthetic to the space and it was a great addition to have to that site.

Seating space that is placed randomly, some under the shade and some out in the sun, so people are able to sit to whatever their liking is.

This pavilion was designed to create a public space in front of the terminal and by the car parks, and its aim was to welcome everyone to an open space where they could wait, chat or say goodbyes in a relaxed environment.

The large curved shapes create a very permeable space and although every day thousands of people come and go, the design has full circulation flow, avoiding over crowding.

These structures are made of bamboo and metal.



To start off my own ideas, I have taken some primary photos of the inside of tree logs. Since my theme is organic and nature, this fits my theme. I wanted to explore the patterns inside and saw how they are almost just a continuous line that goes in a circle. I've simplified this pattern and reduced the lines to help me give an idea for a pavilion. The round section of the paper model is quite smooth, but I am going to use the staggered lines in the development of the model.

Top view Elevation view

I took inspirations from this and turned it into a simple paper model. This way I can slowly start developing some ideas for pavilions and create a variation of ideas.



I drew two different ways in which I can create this pavilion and have also taken inspiration from research. One way would be not keeping gaps in between each section, and layer it up so each progressively becomes bigger than the one in front of it. This would create a completely sheltered pavilion and would also have the back closed off.

Another design would be having the gaps between each section, but they still get bigger as it progresses back however the back will be open, creating access from all sides.

Idea with gaps in between, creates a slightly more open space.


This café was designed to create something special for the town, not just architecturally but also economically They wanted to create something different, that would not only enhance the natural landscape, but put Littlehampton firmly on the map. The interior is simple and functional. In contrast to conventional maritime aesthetic of pastel colours, the East Beach Café is raw and tanned, its structural steel casing finished with an oil-based coating that gives it a finish of rust. I like the overlapping feature of this structure. Because of its irregularity, it makes the structure a lot more interesting and more eye catching for the public, it has responded to its surroundings well and it over all has great functionalities.

These elevations of this café of both front and the back allowed me to understand the shapes that has been put together and the different levels and heights it has

This has an overlapping structure of irregular shapes that gradually get bigger the further it goes back. It is almost like cladding however the shapes are been together. I would like to incorporate something similar to this for a pavilion design



This pavilion is part of a wider project, and it is along the promenade. It is a sculpturally shapes rest shelter, which is ideal from the tropical heat in Singapore. It is a steel structure with aluminium cladding, and its shape is a dynamic swirling form that draws inspiration form elements of the area, emulating the rolling sea waves and corkscrew shell. The external cladding is put together out of a single triangulated module, which gives its distinctive geometric shape.

Although it being simple, I find this pavilion quite unique because of the way it stands. I like the idea of it starting completely full and then one by one, a part of it is being removed, until only half of it remains.

The location of the pavilion is also nice as it is by the riverside and it is a great place for people to come by and appreciate the view in front of them. This creates a very cosy, calm atmosphere, which is the outcome I would like with my design, hence why I quite liked the idea of this pavilion specifically.

The exterior follows this structure, where it is fully complete on one side, and while it progresses to the other side, pieces are gradually removed, achieving this interesting shape for the whole pavilion


Plan view

By using strips and bending card, I've created this simple pavilion which can be used as a shelter, and it is also available for the public to sit. I then developed it through my drawings and have also created a Sketchup version to see how it fit with my space and what the right scaling would be.

I took inspiration from previous two researches I've done and created this organic form which would complement well with its surroundings.

As well as being a sheltered and seating space, I wanted it to also be an attraction in the park.

Small gaps in-between


From primary photos to secondary research, I've created the SketchUp version of my previous model, which includes the wooden strips over the covered pavilion. I've kept gaps between each strip so that it doesn’t turn out to look and feel to crammed and allows it to have an open and free atmosphere. Although this pavilion is architecturally simple, I think it fits my space quite well because my aim is to create a café and pavilions that can complement my site, rather than have it stand out and take the attention away from its surrounding. I think this design does blend in with the area.

Main pavilion, sheltered with bench Placed pavilion onto the to-scale site to see what size and angle works best to place it there.


From a primary image I took of the inside of a tree bark, I focused on the small repetitive shapes it has a seen that it goes in a circular motion. From the shapes, I've simplified to one single rectangle and used blocks to give an idea for a layout for my café. I then created two possible outcomes by drawing to see how it works out with my space.

Drawing onto the site itself allowed me to see what the scale of my building should be, and if the shapes extending out were going out of the site itself.



I’ve decided to experiment of Sketchup with the design crated, to se if I could turn this into a café space, and also see if it fitted with my location. I think it works well and I will probably keep this when developing into my final design.

When breaking down the shapes of the tree trunk, I have simplified it quite a bit which left me with only these four arms extending out. To resemble the tree a bit more, I have added extra benches on the exterior of the café which can be seen later on in the project. I have also added extra steps on the ground that lead to the seats, and the entrance, so that it is easier for walking if the ground happen to be wet. This is also added into the final model.

This spiral structure look like it has come out of the ground. The way it connects to the ground is like it is part of it. This design was successful in making it flowy and functionable. The building is entirely the spiral structure, with curved windows in between, which create a very futuristic and open atmosphere.

I like how the shape is infinity like; it allows you to access the exterior in any way and it is also available to walk on. This structure really elevates the site and makes it more interesting, especially as it is places right next to a traditional, house shapes building.

I want to utalise this idea for my structure to create a sense of movement and flow to my site. As my theme is organic, it is important that there isn’t a lot of harsh line when making my design, as it would be a distraction from the nature surrounding it. Having a flowy structure will aid in enhancing the surrounding shapes.

These are the layers of each part of the structure and materials used


The chapel consists of two intertwining spiral staircases that ascend independently but ultimately unite at the top. The stairs spiral around each other, creating a beautiful and symbolic structure. This design represents the coming together of two individuals in marriage, symbolizing their shared journey through life and their eternal bond.

This spiral structure has an infinity type of shape. It is not very clear where it starts and ends, and it is very continuous and flowy.

The interior of the chapel is also as astonishing as the exterior. The spiral shaped is consistent throughout the whole structure, and makes the place seem even mor extravagant.

This is the highest point of the structure. It allows people to oversee a beautiful site and enjoy the presence of nature That is one aim I would like to have for my final design.

To create this structure, there needs to be a strong base for the shape to stay in place, and hence beams and frames were used for this. Then on top of those, the structure was

The exterior of the Ribbon Chapel is composed of sleek white walls, emphasizing its clean and minimalist aesthetic

Here I have researched into two walkways to see how they function. As I want it to be included in my design, it was important for me to understand the layout for some of these, and I investigated these two. They both have a higher level to get to which is what I wanted for my design. One of them is utilised as a bridge, while the other is almost like a rooftop, as it is located above the main building. My design leans more towards the rooftop idea, as I want to include something that is above the main café. I want to be able to create a space that is diverse in activities. Which allows in an increased amount of cohesion in the location.


I have firstly drawn out the basic shape of the model, which helped me create an idea for my café. I've made a basic plan and elevation of the model to roughly see how the shapes work and if I'm able to create the main body of the café, which would be the blocks in the middle. However, it did not work for me, so I created a drawing with circular shapes for both the top and bottom and created an initial idea for the final design.

To develop further from the block model, I've used a pipe and wire to create a spiral structure, inspired from research, this way my café will have two levels. The café itself is one level and I'm going to have a ramp going up to the second level, which will have some sort of use for either seating or just to walk around.

Spiral shape it follows


Here I am experimenting with the spiral shapes and creating a full structure that led to the top part of the structure. I used segments and placed them together. It was challenging to create it in the way where the structure gradually went up however, I was able to finalise it.


Not full circle shape

Plan, four legs sticking out, bridge leading down, rooftop on to pof café.

By using the bocks and some card, I created another outcome my café could have. It is still quite like idea 1, however this one doesn’t consist of the spiral that wrapped around the café. However, the spiral structure is something I would like to include into my design. I made this model to get an idea of how a bridge like, would come down onto the ground and how it would function. This will be added onto the spiral structure later.

I have created some drawings and an elevation to create a set design, so that I can be inspired for my final design.

I am going to keep the shape of the café consistent throughout my designs as it is the best shape that works when having to wrap the spiral structure around.


Having the structure just end in one point was boring. It would’ve made my space look a bit too empty hence I extended the segments and put them together in a wavy shape. Here I have drawn and created Sketchup versions of the final spiral structure that I am going to incorporate into my final design.

This is the final spiral structure I have created with the segments, in which I had adjust to create a reasonable height, as well as stretch it across my site a little further. I did this by repeating the curves and ended it off with a circular shape to create a full

I used these two segments to create my continuous spiral structure, and by rotating them


The concept behind the "Please Be Seated" Pavilion was to create a space that encourages social interaction and community engagement while also showcasing sustainable design principles. The installation consists of a series of concentric arches made from scaffolding planks, which curve and weave together to form a dynamic and fluid structure.

One of the most notable features of the pavilion is its functional seating elements. The curving arches create a series of benches and seating areas where visitors can sit, relax, and interact with one another. The design of the seating areas allows for different configurations and encourages people to come together and engage in conversation. The structure is constructed using reclaimed scaffolding planks, which not only add a rustic and industrial aesthetic but also promote sustainability by repurposing materials that would otherwise go to waste. The planks are arranged in such a way that they create a visually striking pattern, emphasizing the fluidity and movement of the design.



Here I have taken inspiration from the “please be seated” pavilion and took one segment of it to create this simple pavilion. Since the spiral of my design is quite eye catching, I wanted to keep my pavilions quite minimalistic so that it didn't look and feel overcrowded in the site.

I have used the curved shaped to create two sheltered, very open pavilion which I would create a bike parking spot for. Since it is open on both sides, it allows a very flowy atmosphere, and allows people to still be part of the natural environment surrounding them.

These SketchUp versions allowed me to finalise a scale for the pavilions, and make sure the proportionalities with everything else was correct. It also allowed me to see how it fit into the site.


I have researched two garden layouts to understand the general layout walking gardens have. As my one is quite curvy, I didn’t want to overcrowd it with too many plants and flowers, because then it would leave little space for walking, hence I decided to keep them mostly right at the edge. This allows more walking space and doesn’t make it seem too cramped. I also have the final SketchUp version of the walking garden which allowed me to investigate what worked and didn’t and was able to finalise with this design.

Plan drawing

I have researched this specific café because I think it really fits into the theme I am going for. Since my theme is natural and organic, I wanted to keep as much green space as possible as well as having my design around the green space. This café specifically does that and it is almost integrated around a lot of trees and green areas. It consists of a lot of big windows which allows lots of natural light in and it also allows the customers to see and feel the green space from indoors.

The interior is also set up in a way where it would avoid congestion so that there is a lot of free walking space, which helps to keep a serene, calm atmosphere.


Here is my final café floor plan that was inspired by my previous research. It doesn’t quite take elements from it, but the idea of it related to mine. I wanted to make sure even from the interior of the café, there was an element of nature, hence I created a mainly glass structure, which are windows from ceiling to floor. This interior has a lot of free space, and it isn’t too crammed. It allows for people to walk by comfortably.

Sketchup plan




My final design consists of a café, which has a walking rooftop garden as well as two pavilions. I have used elements from the surroundings to create a structure that reflected nature, and the organic shapes found in nature. I created a space that is welcome to anyone and to increase cohesion in the park.

The colours for this building are consisted, with mainly being wood colours which help to blend in with the numerous amounts of trees on the site. This brightens up the site a lot more as there is now an active place to go to, but also visually there is a structure that elevates the space.

The pavilions are a nice way to create some shelter in the park




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