EYE The Dutch Touch 2

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Th To e uc Du h tc 2 h Children’s films from the Netherlands

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Features: New Arrivals Features: Highlights Shorts: New Arrivals Shorts: Highlights Documentaries: New Arrivals Documentaries: Highlights New media

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New Media

Features Shorts Documentaries New media Children’s films as priority







Children’s films from the Netherlands


The Dutch Touch 2


In Spin Ritalin


Picknick with cake


3 preface

The Dutch Touch 2 Over the past 20 years Dutch feature films and documentaries for children have become a household name. They have become so popular internationally, at festivals and at markets, that we felt the need to publish our first edition of The Dutch Touch in 2012. The booklet contained a short overview of the sector with emphasis placed on the groundbreaking films and the key filmmakers of the Dutch children’s film industry. We added a comprehensive list of all Dutch children's films as a kind of catalogue of Dutch films for kids from 1989. This was the year that Ben Sombogaart made My Father Lives in Rio, a film that was generally regarded as marking a turning point in the industry, nationally and internationally. It was an adult way of telling the story of a child and his problems. Many successful features would follow and it did not take long for documentaries for children to be introduced. Over 200 documentaries have been produced in the past fifteen years and have found their way around the world.

In The Dutch Touch 2 we take a look behind the scenes: the history, structures and policies that support the Dutch youth film culture and interviews with filmmakers playing key roles in the success of Dutch children's film. Besides feature films, documentaries and shorts a new genre is becoming more and more important: New Media projects. From original apps to games to web based series. This booklet includes a concise catalogue with the highlights of the past twenty years and some facts and figures regarding the formal side of this industry. With this overview and the extensive background information about the Dutch children’s film industry, we hope we can serve you better than ever in selecting great films by very talented Dutch film makers. Claudia Landsberger Head of EYE International EYE Film Institute Netherlands

4 introduction

About the Dutch Touch A successful youth film culture has existed in the Netherlands for years ‘We, here at the TIFF Kids International Film Festival in Toronto, Canada have been longtime supporters and fans of the great quality of children’s films coming out of the Netherlands, and 2014 is no exception. As leaders in children’s entertainment, we are thrilled to be able to screen the local and international premieres of many fantastic Dutch features and shorts, as it is films like these that help make TIFF Kids such an international festival,’ as said by the festival’s director, Elizabeth Muskala. And not only in Canada are Dutch children’s films held in high esteem; all around the world they are well-received, selected for important film festivals and regularly awarded prizes. This is not surprising, as a successful youth film culture has existed in the Netherlands for years. Making films for children is seen as equally valuable as making films for adults. There is an impassioned group of talented filmmakers, screenwriters and producers, who believe in children’s cinema and have become specialised in the field. They are actively stimulated by several subsidy funds and public broadcasters.

Social Developments The fact that children’s cinema is held in high regard in the Netherlands is a direct result of the social developments rooted in the late 1970s. Children were taken more seriously and given a bigger say in their own lives. Consequently books, television programmes and films for children gained in importance. The subsidy funds strove for more quality and this was reflected on the programmes aired on television. Drama productions and documentaries were made especially for children with ‘the reality of everyday life’ as its core. A critical mirror was held up to the viewer and the programmes were accessible for parents and children alike. Public broadcasters also found it important for new talent to get the chance to prove itself. Many young directors and writers made their dramaor documentary debuts in children’s television and regularly devised new, innovative formats. The successful programmes and series that they made, caused a revolution in the television world and irrevocably changed the manner in which stories are told and conveyed.

5 introduction

- about the dutch touch

The wealth of experience that these young makers gained, resulted in a fresh new way of working with and directing children.

An active policy of stimulating quality youth productions An important stimulator of these developments was and still is the Media Fund that, ever since its founding in 1988, has conducted an active policy of stimulating qualitative youth productions for television. The fund has always reserved a significant, standard sum for youth drama and documentaries, which brings a return of a large amount of high-quality productions for television. By displaying quality, the fund hopes that children will learn to recognise

Frogs & Toads

high-quality films and television programmes. Ultimately children will learn to make more selective choices in their viewing behaviour; a concept which corresponds fully with that of the autonomy of the child. The initiatives in Dutch children’s television had a strong influence on children’s cinema. Because of their considerable level of quality, television programmes and films for children took up an increasingly more important place in the media world of the 1980s. This resulted in producers and directors being motivated to broaden their horizons and implementing their expertise on feature films. Initially this meant the making of films based on popular, long-running television series, and when the Netherlands Film Fund started taking a more active stance in the matter in the 1990s, it became an independent genre. The qualitative Dutch children’s cinema was born.

6 introduction

- about the dutch touch Winter in wartime


Anything goes

Dutch productions distinguish themselves This also resulted in the first international children’s film festival in the Netherlands. In the late 80s a club of passionate children’s film enthusiasts wanted youth productions to acquire a more serious role and sought for a broader range of films on the big screen for children to enjoy. The children’s film festival Cinekid is founded. The organisers hope simultaneously to create a meeting ground for local and international film professionals by organising an international film market for youth cinema during the festival. Since then


Cinekid has blossomed into a full-fledged media festival that has now existed for over twenty-five years. The festival no longer only shows international and local films and television programmes, but also sports a media lab for new media. Furthermore Cinekid strives to keep the festival accessible to children throughout the Netherlands and to that effect organises screenings in schools and other programmes in various locations nationwide.

Success abroad The high quality of Dutch children’s cinema didn’t go unnoticed abroad either. From the early 90s on, youth and children’s films from the Netherlands managed to achieve more and more

7 introduction

- about the dutch touch

Winky’s horse

success at international festivals. The Dutch productions distinguished themselves from other productions by how children and their problems were taken seriously. The stories were told from the child’s perspective and were firmly rooted in real life. Their feelings and relationships with adults and each other were conveyed in a realistic manner, which allowed both children and adults to identify with the films’ characters. In addition Dutch children’s films reflected a society that was becoming ever more multi-cultural and were praised for being both fun and informative. The Dutch proved to be apt in combining humour and emotion, a combination that also had an international appeal, resulting in film programmers from across the globe wanting to screen Dutch children’s films.

The Dutch proved to be apt in combining humour and emotion

8 introduction

Feature film Passionate filmmakers are involved in making films for children

In the shaping of youth film culture in the Netherlands, a number of passionate filmmakers were involved, who can be regarded as the pioneers of Dutch children’s film. In the 1950s and 1960s Henk van der Linden was the first filmmaker to concentrate entirely on the production of children’s films. Van der Linden is a versatile character: not only did he write, produce and direct his films; he also operated the camera, built the sets

and was responsible for the editing. Between 1951 and 1985 he made one, and sometimes even two films per year. This has resulted in an impressive oeuvre of 37 children’s feature films as well as numerous short films and documentaries, with which he managed to put Dutch youth cinema on the map. From the 1970s onwards Karst van der Meulen played an important role in the professionalising of children’s film. He wanted the making of cinema for children


9 introduction

- feature film

The flying liftboy

to be taken seriously and so budgeted his films as if they were regular films, requested substantial amounts of subsidy and attracted professional crews. And in order to reach a broad audience, he implemented a revolutionary idea; he approached famous actors and television personalities for roles in his films. Van der Meulen wanted to confront his audience with emotions of others and with that intention introduced social themes to his films. Finally the target audience was taken seriously. In the 1980s producer Burny Bos and filmmaker Ben Sombogaart are pivotal to a new way of making films. They decided that films should be accessible for the whole family: both for adults as for children. Where Sombogaart was labelled ‘the new Bergman of children´s cinema’, Bos went down a completely

different route. He had revolutionary plans and aspired to a new way of looking at the production of youth cinema: bigger, more mature, more American. Bos felt this didn’t have to come at the expense of quality.

‘Films should be accessible for the whole family’ With his views he opened the door for a new type of Dutch children’s film: the family film. With the adaptation of the popular Dutch children’s book The flying liftboy (1998) Bos attained his goal: the breakthrough of Dutch family film in cinemas.

10 introduction

- feature film


Commerce versus social engagement When at the dawn of the 21st century an alternative way of financing films was introduced, the Dutch film industry made a giant leap forward – on that also profited children’s film. Whereas before then it was tough going financing a family film, from then on it was an altogether smoother affair. Children’s cinema gained in professionalism and once and for all found its place with makers and audience alike. The range of Dutch youth film was rather broad in the early 2000s. There was a clear difference in approach between big, commercial films, often based on well-known books, and auteur’s cinema, in which the authenticity of the maker

is of vital importance. The commercial productions were predominant, because the safe path was more often chosen. Still there were filmmakers that did wish to concentrate on original stories. The motivation in doing so is often to tackle a socially-engaged subject.

Children’s cinema gained in professionalism Film producer Leontine Petit of Lemming Film also saw the importance of emphasising serious themes in children’s films and of authentic stories. Petit found it important for children to be offered diversity and thought it time

11 introduction

- feature film


Authentic stories that complement the family films for original children’s stories to stake their place in the total spectrum of youth films. Together with the Media Fund, the Netherlands Film Fund and the public broadcasters, she initiates the project Cinema Junior, which gives writers and directors the opportunity to conceive authentic stories that complement the family films prevalent in cinemas.


Fidgety Bram

12 introduction

Short film Filmmakers developed their own way of making children’s film The endeavour for more uniqueness and quality in children’s television in the 1980s resulted in numerous drama productions, mainly in series and short films. Through short film public broadcasters provided young talent with the opportunity to experiment with children’s film. Filmmakers developed their own way of making children’s film and of how to give children directions.

Besides the many ‘separate’ films, a number of large-scale programmes for short films are initiated. In 2001 the public broadcasters launch the cooperative project KORT!, together with the Netherlands Film Fund, the Media Fund and CoBO (Co-production Fund for Domestic Broadcasting). The aim was to stimulate the production of short films in the Netherlands and every year ten short

Absoluty Afro



Munya in me

13 introduction

- shorts

Donkey girl

films were produced, which were screened at festivals and aired on television. In this project several short children’s films were produced. The films were often a springboard for talented filmmakers and were awarded many prizes. Furthermore the Media Fund felt the importance and urgency of having stories told about multi-cultural society and wished to stimulate culturally diverse writing talent. Through the programme Kind en Kleur, talented writers were given advice and guidance by renowned screenwriters, directors and producers for producing short children’s drama. Presently the project for the realisation of culturally diverse youth drama is known as Nu of Nooit! Yearly the project Nu of Nooit! allows for the realisation of six short films for children.

‘Having stories told about the multi-cultural society’

14 introduction

Documentary Youth documentary has developed an identity of its own in the Netherlands

Youth documentary developed an identity of its own when the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) decided to devote a separate section of its programme to this genre. Ever since the founding of the festival at the end of the 1980s, IDFA has reserved a place for youth documentary. In 1998 youth documentary became a special section of the festival programme. The following year Cinekid also created a regular festival section especially for youth documentaries.

Professionalisation Because both the quality and quantity were not of an exceptional standard, Cinekid and IDFA decided that the genre needed a boost. In order to be able to programme better children’s documentaries at their festivals, they felt the genre would benefit from more recognition among filmmakers. Furthermore makers needed to be stimulated to portray the personal stories

The Hide outÂ

15 introduction

- documentary

Flying Anne

of children at a higher quality, instead of the reportage-like productions that where common at the time. In 1999, together with the Media Fund, they initiated the Kids & Docs workshop. To date this initiative has proved to be a driving force behind the success of the genre. In the Kids & Docs workshop directors work intensively on the development of a film plan for a youth documentary under the guidance of experienced documentary filmmakers. Much time is spent on research, the development of a relationship with the main character and telling the story in a cinematically interesting way. Filmmaker and project are matched up with a public broadcasting corporation, that subsequently also helps with the development of the plan. At the workshop’s conclusion the film plans

can be submitted for realisation at the committee of the Media Fund. The bar is set high: the goal of the Kids & Docs workshop is to increase the level of quality of both the individual filmmaker as youth documentary as a whole. The filmmakers must first work out a plan for a documentary with an artistic and personal style; exactly what do they want to convey and how do they plan on visualising this? This is new. Whereas previously it was often a case of ‘just start shooting and we’ll see what we end up with’, here a professional way of making documentaries is stimulated. By now it has become a successful institution in the Netherlands, which generates high-quality documentaries and well-educated filmmakers.

16 introduction

- documentary

Lydia stays

Television and education In 2010 the public broadcasting corporation NCRV took the initiative to launch a special programme for youth documentary. For years NCRV had been airing the programme Dokument in which both self-produced and acquired documentaries are shown and thus the broadcasting corporation boasted a wealth of experience and expertise. After several Dokument-makers participated in the Kids & Docs workshop, NCRV became hooked on the genre and has been airing many children’s documentaries ever since as Dokument Junior. The added advantage of this is the continuity that it brings: now those makers that have

become acquainted with and gripped by the genre have a platform. Filmmakers no longer have to limit themselves to one-off attempts and in the meantime a new generation of youth documentary makers has emerged. Due to the increasing interest of schools to show documentaries as a part of their curriculums, children’s channel Zapp changed its television schedule a couple of years ago and decided to air youth documentaries in the mornings. Since then teachers were able to show the films in the classroom. Still however it proved difficult to incorporate these moments into all school schedules. Teachers indicated that they would rather watch these documentaries at the times that most suit them. But this

17 introduction

Online platform for youth documentaries was easier said than done. Because of the differentiated broadcasting environment in the Netherlands, the films were produced under the guidance of various broadcasting corporations and therefore often hard to find. The public broadcasting corporation VPRO had a long tradition of making children’s documentaries and presided over an extensive film archive. The broadcasting corporation wished to open up this archive for the public and with this goal took the initiative in 2011, together with

- documentary children’s channel Zapp, for an online platform for youth documentaries. Zapp Echt Gebeurd (zappechtgebeurd.nl) became an internet platform spanning all public broadcasting corporations open to everyone containing many of the documentaries produced in the Netherlands. On the website the documentaries are presented with a special frame so as to make them attractive and clear to children. The documentaries are listed according to theme, are provided with an introduction by a reporters’ theme of enthusiastic children and are accompanied by a special learning letter downloadable for teachers. In this way the documentaries can be seen both at home and at school on a smart board at any given moment.

Wool fever


Through Ellen’s ears


18 introduction

New Media By taking part children can experience the subject

In the world of new media too productions for youngsters play an ever more important role. Children and especially adolescents opt less for the traditional media channels and spend a large chunk of their time on the internet, where the new media manifest themselves most clearly.

Cross media New media is in fact an overlapping term for a broad spectrum of digital productions – games, apps, tools, processes and installations with one important, common characteristic: interactivity. For children this is a very important aspect; they don’t have to watch something passively but can take part in the story. And new media productions can thus make a story personal for children. By partaking in the story, the child can experience the subject matter first hand.

ibb & obb

In the Netherlands many new media productions are so-called ‘cross-media productions’; they are linked to a traditional medium. For example an online component or application is added to a children’s programme or series. The idea is that a child may have seen something on television or heard something from friends or at school and would like to know more about the subject. It is now possible to actively learn about the subject online. Children thus have several media at their disposal to experience a story. Characteristic for Dutch productions is that the game, app or tool often aims to make a difficult subject accessible and tries to get children to think about what the story’s subject actually implies. The power of interactivity is that it is possible to make dilemmas tangible for children.

Foto: Harrie van den Berg


19 introduction

- new media

Stimulating children In comparison with other countries, the Netherlands had access to the internet at a very early stage. Currently almost everyone has an internet connection and the Netherlands is at the cutting edge of the development of the possibilities of new media. The various methods for implementing new media are constantly evolving.

Source of inspiration What sets Dutch new media apart from foreign new media is that here too children are taken seriously and that the different programmes stay close to their level of understanding and experience. Often the makers collaborate with children and from an early phase children take part in development and testing. Whereas in other countries there is a clear hierarchy and children are guided in or shielded from the use of new media, children in the Netherlands are seen more as an autonomous source of inspiration for others. Children are closely listened to and this reflects in the new media developments. Above all the strength of new media is that they stimulate children to do things themselves. They can take action and form part of the solution.

Picknick with cake

High quality

Explore it!

In the Netherlands there is a vast amount of new media productions being made. This is partly due to the fact that there are subsidy funds, such as the Media Fund, that stimulates innovative media with financial support. This fund has also been stimulating new media culture with the public broadcasting corporations for years and their joint vision on the target audience results in a high quality of productions. In education in the Netherlands new media play a large part as well. Not only are there many courses with new media as their main subject, but in many regular courses new media form a natural, integral part of the curriculum as well. This ensures that interactivity automatically plays a very important role, that students are able to use all forms of media and are able to think past the well-worn, traditional paths.

World of difference

20 introduction

- the netherlands film fund

Children’s films as priority Strong support from the Netherlands Film Fund The Netherlands Film Fund considers films for children, youth and family as one of its priorities. These films can boast both successful domestic and international track records. Almost one quarter (23%) of all Dutch films released over the past ten years in the Netherlands have been children’s and family films, and together they drew almost half (45%) of the total number of visitors to Dutch film in Dutch cinemas. In 2013 the top 10 Dutch films at the domestic box office included four films aimed at children, youth and families. Internationally, Dutch films within this sector are widely appreciated and acclaimed, a fact underlined by their many festival selections and awards.

Children’s films with their compelling scripts offer a young audience the opportunity to experience stories and themes related to their own lives and world, themes such as school, friendship, parents and animals. And they offer numerous opportunities to apply related educational materials on contemporary, historical and universal themes. The Film Fund also offers children a broader view on the world by supporting distribution schemes that bring high quality European children’s films to the cinema. And to give children outside the Netherlands the opportunity to enjoy the Dutch films through its support for international dubbing costs.





25% of all films supported by Film Fund are children’s & family films

23% of all Dutch films released over the last ten years are children’s & family films

45% of all cinema admissions for Dutch film are children’s & family films

26% of all films supported by Film Fund are children’s & family films

21 introduction

- the netherlands film fund


Films made as co-productions Dutch children’s films made as co-productions are expected to benefit from the newly launched € 20 Million Netherlands Film Production Incentive scheme offering a 30% cash rebate on Dutch spend for film productions in the Netherlands. In 2014 the Co-Development Children’s Film Fund will be launched by The Netherlands Film Fund and Germany’s Mitteldeutsche (MDM) regional fund in order to bankroll script development on films for young audiences. Both sides will contribute to the new initiative and it is expected that more German regional funds will come on board in the near future.

The Germans like the Dutch system, all the way back to our Cinema Junior funding scheme. Launched in 2003, Cinema Junior launched the careers of such films as Bonkers (Martin Koolhoven, 284,170 visitors, 57 international festivals, international awards, 108 international sales), Kauwboy (Boudewijn Koole, 27,000 visitors, 101 international festivals, 23 international awards, 21 international sales) and Fidgety Bram (Anna van der Heide, 130,000 visitors, 9 international festivals). In 2013 both The zigzag kid (Vincent Bal) and Miffy the movie (Hans Perk) were selected for TIFF kids in Toronto, The zigzag kid was also selected for Berlin Generation the same year. Finn (Frans Weisz) and A Christmoose story (Lourens Blok) were selected for Berlinale 2014. Secrets of war (Dennis Bots) was selected for TIFF 2014, as were Finn, Regret! (Dave Schram), Pim & Pom, the big adventure (Gioia Smid).



Tripple double


Confetti Harvest

23 catalogue

Feature films New Arrivals

24 feature films

- new arrivals


2014 / 93 min Director: Tim Oliehoek Script: Tamara Bos Producer: Bos Bros Festival contact: Bos Bros Sales: In the Air

Johannes discovers a little creature in the kitchen cupboard, hidden behind a jar of peanut butter. His name is Wiplala and has magical powers. Then Wiplala accidentally

Tamara Bos scriptwriter of a.o. Wiplala, Winky’s horse, Minoes, Fidgety Bram

I find it important that children’s films are of the same quality as films made for adults, because it’s beneficial to their development. Just like good literature, good films give an insight in the thoughts and experiences of others. It may sound soft, but I truly believe this contributes to a better world. Children are open-minded and therefore ‘learn’ whatever you put in front of them, whether it’s pure entertainment or not. Unfortunately not everyone sees the educational value of youth film. I attempt to make stories that are fun and educational, full of ideas and tools with which to be able to handle life better. I’m usually very optimistic about humanity

transforms the Blom family to little people, as little as himself. It marks the beginning of a exciting adventure. Will Wiplala manage to transform them back to normal-sized people?

in my work. For example I prefer to create a world in which people’s conflicts are caused by misunderstandings instead of by characters that are purely evil. I dislike dividing the world into good and evil, because I don’t believe in it. I think it’s a lot more beautiful if you show people’s inabilities. Like a conflict between adults and children, where they have conflicting interests or don’t understand each other. In my stories I wish to give children an insight into people’s motivations, so that you better comprehend why people do what they do. And that everyone is only trying their hardest. I think my childhood was the most thrilling time of my life. Being able to regard the world without prejudice and the fact that everything is new. It’s something I find beautiful and it’s such a shame that we lose that. But at the same time it’s extra special to be given the opportunity to write for that group of young people. If you do it well, they’ll never forget it!

25 feature films

- new arrivals

Confetti harvest

2014 / 100 min Director: Tallulah H. Schwab Script: Chris Westendorp Producer: Column Film Festival contact: Column Film Sales: Column Film

Young Katelijne grows up in a strict protestant peasant family. As the only girl among six brothers she is hardly involved with farm work and is continually left out of day-to-day conversations. So she lets her imagination run free by indulging in

biblical stories, gossip and even fairy tales, although these are forbidden as they keep her away from the Truth. During her brother’s wedding, however, she literally overwhelms her family with literature, saying goodbye to her childhood.

Secrets of war

2014 / 95 min Director: Dennis Bots Script: Karin van Holst Pellekaan Producer: Rinkel film, Bijker Film & TV Festival contact: Rinkel film Sales: Sola Media

It’s 1943, but for friends Tuur and Lambert (12), the German occupation is merely inspiration for their exciting cave-war games. Then the Jewish Maartje joins their class. Tuur distances himself from Lambert when he discovers his own father is a member of

the resistance, while Lambert's father is a member of the Dutch fascist party. Maartje is arrested after Lambert tells his father about her hidden pig. Lambert makes up for his betrayal by helping Tuur and his family escape to Belgium.

26 feature films

- new arrivals


2014 / 90 min Director: Saskia Diesing Script: Saskia Diesing, Ester Gerritsen Producer : Saskia Diesing Festival contact: KeyFilm Sales: KeyFilm

Summer 1989, and cracks are appearing in the Wall. Europe is holding its breath to see what autumn will bring. When her disabled father attempts suicide, Nena (16) is hurt to the core. Meanwhile she is falling deeply in

love for the first time - with Carlo, whose own father has just come out of the closet. While discovering her own lust for life, she comes to realize that the life of her father Martin is growing ever bleaker.


2014 / 78 min Director: Mischa Kamp Script: Chris Westendorp, Jaap Peter EnderlĂŠ Producer: Pupkin Film Festival contact: Pupkin Film Sales: M-Appeal Sales

Sieger is training for the national relay championships when he meets the intriguing and unpredictable Marc. The friendship that develops seems nothing out of the ordinary,

but Sieger secretly harbours stronger feelings for Marc, engaging in a lonely struggle with himself. But then it emerges that Marc is also in love with him‌

27 feature films

- new arrivals


2014 / 100 min Director: Tamar van de Dop Script: Tamar van de Dop Producers: Revolver Media, IJswater Films Festival contact: Revolver Media Sales: Wide

Meis lives in the back of beyond and aspires to a wonderful and stirring life, but all that happens is - nothing at all. She dreams of a young car driver called ‘Brad’, whom she would like to take care of and maybe make

love to. One night, deliverance finally arrives. Outside her house, a car is enveloped in a cloud of dust. Inside lies the solution incarnate, all crumpled up. He is around 19 and his name could very well be Brad.

Life according to Nino

2014 / 80 min Director: Simone van Duseldorp Script: Urzula Antoniak Producer: Family Affairs, Waterland Film Festival contact: Family Affairs Sales: Attraction Distribution

Life is good for eight-year old Nino with a terrific older brother Lucas (14), a wise father (Bruno) and an angel of a mother (Marla). But when Marla suddenly dies in an accident, Bruno can’t cope with her death. Lucas joins

an anarchic organization of teenagers. And Nino - he is now alone. So when he discovers that he understands the language of animals, he is more relieved than surprised. Now at least he can talk with his pet rabbit Bobby…

28 feature films

- new arrivals

Pim & Pom, the big adventure

2014 / 70 min Director: Gioia Smid Script: Fiona van Heemstra, Tingue Dongelsmans Producer: Flinck Film Festival contact: Pim & Pom BV Sales: Attraction Distribution

During a picnic, two nieces plan to ‘kidnap’ Pim and Pom. The cats escape, but they must survive by roaming the streets. When they meet a gang of alley cats, Pim falls under the spell of the gangleader, but Pom doesn’t want

to obey the rules of the gang, so she leaves. But then Pom finds out that their worried owner is searching for them. Can everybody be happily re-united, and can the alley cats help achieve this?

Tripple double

2014 / 65 min Director: Paco Vink, Albert van ‘t Hooft Script: Arnout Roijken, Michiel Snijders Producer: Il Luster Festival contact: Il Luster Sales: Attraction Distribution

The pets would like to celebrate Animal St Nicholas. Under the guidance of the energetic Fretje, they make their own wish list. And because the holiday is readily approaching, Fretje, together with his friends Takkie the

stick insect and Kari the canary, decide to deliver the list to St Nicholas themselves. They experience an adventurous journey on their way to St Nicholas’ boat.

29 feature films

- new arrivals

Mister Twister on stage

2014 / 90 min Director: Barbara Bredero Script: Tijs van Marle Producer: PVPictures Festival contact: PVPictures Sales: Dutch Features

Mister Twister’s class is working on a school play. Everyone is enthusiastic, until they find out that the play the headmaster has chosen his terribly boring. What’s more, the play has to be performed in the nearby elderly home;

quite a creepy location. Mister Twister tries to solve these problems and manages to give the play a twist like no one but Mister Twister can.

Boy 7

2014 / 90 min Director: Lourens Blok Script: Marco van Geffen, Philip Delmaar Producer: Lemming Film Festival contact: Lemming Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

A boy wakes up in a crowded metro train. How he got there is a total mystery to him, just like who he is or where he is from. With the help of passer-by Lara, he tries to find out

the answers to these riddles. But the more he discovers, the more dangerous the situation becomes for the both of them. Will he risk his life for the truth?

30 feature films

- new arrivals

Loonies II

2014 / 90 min Director: Johan Timmers Script: Karin van Holst Pellekaan, Martin van Waardenberg Producer: Topkapi Films Festival contact: Topkapi Films Sales: Topkapi Films

Nursing Home Zonnedael has been shut down and the psychiatric in-patients Bep Brul, the Major, Fats, Mrs. de Haas and Dr. Doolittle are re-introduced into society against their wishes. The kind Nurse ten Hoeven is grieving as her main purpose in

life has gone. To make matters worse, she is kidnapped. When the patients hear of this they immediately embark on a mad and risky rescue mission, which reveals the incredible truth behind the kidnapping.

Witches don’t exist

2014 / 83 min Director: Aramis Tatu Script: Adel Adelson, Mustapha Boudellah, Trui van de Brug Producer: AM Pictures Festival contact: AM Pictures Sales: AM Pictures

At full moon a secret council of witches that protect the world from evil comes together. But one of the five witches has bad intentions. When the witch council expels her, the circle

of five is broken and the forces of the witches are incomplete. A new Star Witch needs to be found. The search leads to Katie who discovers just how strong her powers are.

31 feature films

- new arrivals


2014 / 99 min Director: Tessa Schram Script: Maria Peters Producer: Shooting Star Festival contact: Shooting Star Sales: Mountain Road

Casper lives alone with his mother. He has a passion for music and plays the piano as much as possible. He has never met his father, but when his mother becomes seriously ill, he goes in search of him. Casper

would do anything to make his mother better and to build a relationship with his father. But it all turns out to be a lot more difficult than Casper thought‌

Dummie the mummy

2014 / 80 min Director: Pim van Hoeve Script: Tijs van Marle Producer: PVPictures Festival contact: PVPictures Sales: Dutch Features

Ten-year-old Goos would love to be braver and have more friends. When he vocalises this wish during a thunderstorm, an old mummy comes to life. Goos finds the sorry pile of rags on his bed and manages to cheer the mummy

up. Goos’ father allows Dummie to stay and the two become the best of friends. Goos brightens up and learns almost as much from Dummie as the mummy does from him.

32 feature films

- new arrivals


2014 / 90 min Director: Rolf van Eijk Script: Bastiaan Tichler Producer: Dutch Mountain Film Festival contact: Dutch Mountain Film Sales: Dutch Mountain Film

Eleven-year-old Tibor has only one friend: his outdated house robot T.I.M. When his father replaces the faulty robot, Tibor manages to save T.I.M. from destruction. Together they set out for the mythical robot maker Hector Sammler, who is rumoured to live in the far

north in an ancient lighthouse. During their adventurous quest through unchartered territory, T.I.M. continues to fall apart and their journey ends in a race against the clock to reach Hector in time.


2014 / 70 min Director: Mark de Cloe Script: Maarten Lebens Producer: NL Film Festival contact: NL Film Sales: NL Film

Winnie (12) and Siem (12) meet when their parents fall in love in the playground of their school. They quickly form a ‘patchwork family’. Siem and Winnie get on really well and are looking forward to the upcoming wedding of their parents. But when irritations

and bickering start to take over between their parents, Siem and Winnie’s faith in a new happy family takes its first knock. They decide to help their parents out by making an ‘instruction video’ for them with useful relationship tips.

33 feature films

- new arrivals

Scrap wood war

2014 / 85 min Director: Margien Rogaar Script: Tijs van Marle Producer: Pupkin Film Festival contact: Pupkin Film Sales: Pupkin Film

At summer club, best friends Ziggy and Bas (12) are on opposing sides for the first time in their lives. Different secondary schools, different parental expectations and now falling in love with the same girl lead to

all-out war between them. They begin to fight. Initially, tougher Bas fights hard, but soon has doubts about the row. Meanwhile, the gentle Ziggy gradually toughens up and becomes determined to win…


2014 / 92 min Director: Lodewijk Crijns Script: Lodewijk Crijns Producer: Bos Bros Festival contact: Bos Bros Sales: Mountain Road

On the fourth floor of a hospital live the ‘baldies’. Or at least, that’s where they should be. Especially at night, the young cancer patients grab any opportunity they can to sneak out to the other wards to spy on their

doctors or race their wheelchairs along the corridors. Two of the boys have had a leg amputated, and all of their lives are in danger. But at these moments none of that matters. These facts can be dealt with later.

34 feature films

- new arrivals


2013 / 90 min Director: Frans Weisz Script: Janneke van der Pal Producer: Flinck Film Festival contact: Flinck Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

Nine-year-old Finn lives with his father in the countryside. He would like to make music, but his father wants him to play football, just like all the other boys. Near an abandoned farm, Finn meets an old man who plays the violin so beautifully that he is totally

enchanted. While his father thinks he is playing football, Finn is secretly going to the farm to practise. Is Finn the only one who understands how enchanting music can be? Or is something else going on?

Bobby and the ghosthunters

2013 / 90 min Director: Martin Lagestee Script: Nancy Stevelinck, Martin Dewitte, Wijo Koek, Martin Lagestee Producer: Lagestee Film Festival contact: Lagestee Film Sales: T Films

Sanne (13) joins her father on a ghost-hunting mission on the steamship Rotterdam. When the ghost of young Bobby tells Sanne he would really like to see his mother one more

time before passing through to the hereafter, Sanne decides to help him and the other ghosts in solving their earthly problems. But that’s easier said then done...

35 feature films

- new arrivals

A Christmoose story

2013 / 85 min Director: Lourens Blok Script: Marco van Geffen, Daan Bakker Producer: Lemming Film Festival contact: Lemming Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

A giant moose crashes through the roof of Max’s garage! A moose that talks! A moose that claims to work for Santa! While the moose recuperates and bonds with Max, Max’s neighbour is chasing him for his

beautiful antlers… In the meantime Max and Moose have to find Santa, or no one will receive a Christmas gift this year! Is Max able to get Moose and Santa flying again?

Mister Twister goes camping

2013 / 81 min Director: Barbara Bredero Script: Tijs van Marle Producer: PVPictures Festival contact: PVPictures Sales: Dutch Features

Class 6b is going camping, led by Mees Kees and Mrs. Dreus. But after Dreus strains her back all responsibility suddenly rests on the shoulders of Kees. When things go wrong, he

begins to doubt himself. But he soon learns that it is not about making mistakes, but about how to solve them.

36 feature films

- new arrivals


2013 / 95 min Director: Dave Schram Script: Maria Peters, Dick van den Heuvel Producer: Shooting Festival contact: Shooting Star Sales: Mountain Road

Jochem’s classmates bully him all the time. His friend David doesn’t join in, but he is scared to say anything. On the face of it Jochem doesn’t seem to let the harrassment get to him, but one morning the headmaster

tells the class that he didn’t come home after a party. David feels guilty. Together with a friend, he sets out to find Jochem and tell him they are sorry. But during their search, they find Jochem’s bagpack in a lake.

Miffy the movie

2013 / 70 min Director: Hans Perk Script: James Still, Fine Trossel Producer: Telescreen Filmproducties Festival contact: Telescreen Filmproducties Sales: 6 Sales

Miffy and her friends (and her dog Snuffy too) set out on a treasure hunt through the zoo. Father and Mother Bunny give them five riddles hidden within a song, about a colour, a shape, a movement, a number and a sound.

In finding the answers, Miffy and her friends learn how to find creative ways to work together and to reward each other for a job well done. And in the end, they are rewarded with an even bigger surprise.

37 catalogue

Feature films Highlights

38 feature films

- highlights

Kauwboy One day Jojo finds a jackdaw, and decides to take care of it even though his father disapproves. When his father finds out they have a huge argument and the jackdaw flies away.

Taking chances Kiek is worried as her father works in a war zone. To lengthen the odds of her father getting hurt, she comes up with a strange and unique idea.

Cool kids don’t cry Akkie loves soccer. When she is diagnosed with leukemia she is no longer able to play soccer. Only through her love for a boy in her class, can she accept the inevitable.

SWCHWRM, my adventures Swchwrm (9) has only one ambition: to become a writer of books that leave people astounded. He writes an adventure that moves even the seemingly impenetrable Queen to tears.

Alfie the little werewolf During the night Alfie becomes 7 years of age he turns into a little werewolf. But Alfie doesn’t want to be a werewolf. He’s afraid his foster parents won’t want him anymore.

Tony 10 Tony’s father used to be a humble crane driver, but suddenly becomes Secretary of State. As a result Tony’s parents get divorced. Tony asks the Dutch Queen to help him out.

2012 / 87 min Director: Boudewijn Koole Script: Jolein Laarman, Boudewijn Koole Producer: Waterland Film Festival contact: Waterland Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

2012 / 87 min Director: Nicole van Kilsdonk Script: Lotte Tabbers Producer: Lemming Film Festival contact: Lemming Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

2012 / 90 min Director: Dennis Bots Script: Karen van Holst Pellekaan Producer: Rinkel Film, Bijker Festival contact: Rinkel Film Sales: High Point Media

2012 / 85 min Director: Froukje Tan Script: Helena van der Meulen Producer: Flinck Film Festival contact: Flinck Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

2012 / 90 min Director: Joram Lürsen Script: Tamara Bos Producer: BosBros Festival contact: BosBros Sales: Attraction Distribution

2012 / 85 min Director: Mischa Kamp Script: Mieke de Jong Producer: Lemming Film Festival contact: Lemming Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

39 feature films

2012 / 80 min Director: Anna van der Heide Script: Tamara Bos Producer: BosBros Festival contact: BosBros Sales: Attraction Distribution

2012 / 93 min Director: Maria Peters Script: Mirjam Oomkes, Willemine van de Wiel Producer: Shooting Star Festival contact: Shooting Star Sales: MountainRoad Entertainment Group

2012 / 88 min Director: Johan Nijenhuis Script: Wijo Koek Producer: Nijenhuis & Co Festival contact: Nijenhuis & Co Sales: Mountain Road

2012 / 85 min Director: Will Wissink Script: Zebi Damen Producer: A’dam Films Festivals contact: A’dam Films

2012 / 90 min Director: Vincent Bal Script: Vincent Bal Producer: BosBros Festival contact: BosBros Sales: Attraction Distribution

2012 / 81 min Director: Barbara Bredero Script:Tijs van Marle Producer: PVPictures Festival contact: PV Pictures Sales: Dutch Features

- highlights

Fidgety Bram Fidgety Bram thinks a lot about the world around him and can’t sit still. But his old-fashioned teacher doesn’t care about Bram’s internal, mobile, unfocussed world and does whatever it takes to make him do things right.

Mike says goodbye! Mike is hospitalized for many months and wants to go home. But his mother never shows up to take him home and Mike is sent off to a children’s institution. How will he manage to get home?

Bennie Brat Benjamin ‘Bennie’ Brat is a bit of a naughty boy who has only one wish: he wants his dad to come home when Saint Nicolas comes to bring his presents. When he learns that his wish cannot be fulfilled, he cooks up a plan.

My dad’s a detective - the battle Sam and his friends help Sam’s father, who is a detective. They enter with their band into a talent contest and are swept up into an increasingly fierce competition. Then, right before the final, one of them is kidnapped.

The Zigzag Kid Because Nono is constantly getting into trouble, he is sent away to his uncle. But when he meets master-burglar Felix Glick, he enters a world of disguises, chases, and adventure.

Mister twister, class of fun Tobias is pretty smart and cheerful, but Miss Sanne could never see it. She could just see his problems. The arrival the new teacher couldn’t have come at a better time for Tobias.

40 feature films

- highlights

Bon voyage Grandfather is very ill and is very determined in ignoring his disease. The family members each have to find a way of coping with this.

Penny’s shadow The black stallion Shadow survived an accident years ago in which his rider, Kai’s mother, died. Years later Kai runs a farm where young people come for riding holidays. For Kai, the arrival of Lisa will change everything.

The strongest man in Holland Luuk’s mother raised her son on her own, and would tell him the most amazing stories about his father. Then Luuk’s mother finally tells him the truth.

Furious Sven (15) wants to be a movie director. He asks Roosmarijn to participate in his first feature film. But under no circumstances can she know about the beatings Sven receives at home.

Chubby drums Dik is a happy, honest and slightly overweight boy who has moved to Thin City. Dik is having trouble blending in and is, for the first time, aware of his own body.

Fuchsia the miniwitch Fuchsia is allowed to go to witches’ school. There, Fuchsia learns how to make wind and conjure with the clouds. But her magic quite often has unexpected results.

2011 / 82 min Director : Margien Rogaar Script: Tijs van Marle Producer: Pupkin Film Festival contact: Pupkin Film Sales: Pupkin Film

2011 / 100 min Director: Steven de Jong Script: Lars Boom Prod: Two Young Rights Festival contact: Steven de Jong Producties Sales: Mountain Road

2011 / 90 min Director: Marc de Cloe Script: Maarten Lebens, Pietr Bart Korthuis Producer: NL Films Festivals contact: NL Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

2011 / 93 min Director: Dave Schram Script: Maria Peters, Dick van den Heuvel Producer: Shooting Star Festival contact: Shooting Star Sales: Shooting Star

2010 / 85 min Director: Arne Toonen Script: Luuk van Bemmelen, Mischa Alexander, Wijo Koek Producer: Eyeworks Film & TV Festival contact: Eyeworks Film & TV Sales: Attraction Distribution

2010 / 88 min Director: Johan Nijenhuis Script: Sander de Regt Producer: NL Film & TV Festival contact: NL Film & TV Sales: Attraction Distribution

41 feature films

2010 / 93 min Director: Joram Lürsen Script: Frank Ketelaar Producer: Topkapi Films Festival contact: Topkapi Films Sales: Attraction Distribution

2010 / 78 min Director: Simone van Dusseldorp Script: Marco van Geffen, Anna van der Heide Producer: Lemming Film Festival contact: Lemming Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

2010 / 85 min Script: Mieke de Jong Producer: Lemming Film Festivals contact: Lemming Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

2009 / 70 min Director: Simone van Dusseldorp Script: Simone van Dusseldorp Producer: Lemming Film Festivals contact: Lemming Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

2009 / 100 min Director: Dave Schram Script: Maria Peters Prod: Shooting Star Festival contact: Shooting Star Sales: Shooting Star

2008 / 90 min Director: Nicole van Kilsdonk Script: Tamara Bos Producer: BosBros Festivals contact: BosBros Sales: Attraction Distribution

- highlights

The magicians Ben learns tricks from a master magician. But after a special trick his friend Sylvie disappears forever, and Ben has to find out what is real and what is illusion.

The secret letter 11-year old Eva is fed up with all the tension at home. She decides to run away and hide at her best friend’s house. But she finds a secret letter and gets caught by a criminal organisation.

Eep! Birdie is a little girl with wings instead of arms, who is found by Warre and Tine. While Tine does her best to raise Birdie as a normal little girl, Birdie inevitably flies away to the South.

Frogs & toads Six year-old Max must find some frogspawn for his older brother. Together with his girlfriend Jesse he journeys over fields and through a forest and they discover all kinds of animals.

Lover or loser Eva meets Ricardo, a streetwise hustler who cheers her up. But instead he drags her to a sex club where she’s held prisoner. Mees, on whom she has a crush, decides to rescue her.

How to survive myself? Thirteen-year old Rosa finds it difficult to live with her new step-father. She creates an overly-confident version of herself and begins to exhibit increasingly extreme behaviour.

42 feature films

- highlights

Morrison gets a baby sister Five-year old Morrison is not that happy that his mother is having a new baby. After the baby is born, Morrison runs away. And he takes his newborn sister with him.

Winter in wartime Michiel is eager to do something during the World War. He is asked to deliver a letter, but goes wrong and Michiel soon learns there’s only a small distinction between good and evil.

Desperate Yara is a beautiful teenager with a crush on her classmate, Paco. When her mother arranges for her to audition for a modelling agency, Yara develops some strange dietary habits.

Sniff the dog After his parents are killed during World War II, Tom moves to his uncle’s farm to hide from the enemy. He is given a beautiful German Shepherd to keep him company, and the two become inseparable.

The letter for the king 16-year-old Tiuri receives an order from a dying knight to deliver a letter to the King in the utmost secrecy. But under no circumstances may the letter fall into the wrong hands.

Dunya & Desie in Morocco Moroccan Dunya and Dutch Desie are best friends. Dunya’s family wants her to get married and Desie wants to meet her biological father. They decide to go to Morocco to find answers.

2008 / 70 min Director: Barbara Bredero Script: Sjoerd Kuyper Producer: BosBros Festivals contact: BosBros Sales: Attraction Distribution

2008 / 103 min Director: Martin Koolhoven Script: Paul Jan Nelissen, Mieke de Jong, Martin Koolhoven Prod: Isabella Films, Fu Works Sales: High Point Media Group

2008 / 110 min Director: Dave Schram Script: Maria Peters Producer: Shooting Star Festival contact: Shooting Star Sales: Shooting Star

2008 / 100 min Director: Steven de Jong Script: Jasper Beerthuis Producer: Steven de Jong Producties, Bridge Entertainment Group Festival contact: Steven de Jong Producties Sales: Mountain Road

2008 / 110 min Director: Pieter Verhoeff Script: Maarten Lebens, Pieter Verhoeff Producer: Eyeworks Film & TV Drama Festival contact: Eyeworks Film & TV Drama Sales: Attraction Distribution

2008 / 90 min Director: Dana Nechushtan Script: Robert Alberdingk Thijm Producer: Lemming Film Festivals contact: Lemming Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

43 feature films

2007 / 100 min Director: Steven de Jong Script: Mischa Alexander, Steven de Jong Producer: De Scheepsjongens van de Bontekoe CV Festival contact: Steven de Jong Producties Sales: Steven de Jong Producties

2007 / 90 min Director: Lourens Blok Script: Bart Juttmann , Rolf Visser Producer: AAA Pictures Festivals contact: AAA Pictures Sales: AAA Pictures

2007 / 90 min Director: Mischa Kamp Script: Tamara Bos Producer: BosBros Festivals contact: BosBros Sales: Attraction Distribution

2007 / 105 min Director: Dave Schram Script: Maria Peters Producer: Shooting Star Festival contact: Shooting Star Sales: Shooting Star

2006 / 108 min Director: Maria Peters Script: Maria Peters Producer: Shooting Star Festival contact: Shooting Star Sales: Shooting Star

2006 / 120 min Director: Ben Sombogaart Script: Ben Sombogaart , Bill Haney, Jean-Claude Van Rijckeghem, Chris Craps Producer: Kasander Film Festivals contact: Kasander Film Sales: Celsius Entertainment

- highlights

Bontekoe’s young sailors Three teenagers from a Dutch harbour town set out to sea as members of Captain Bontekoe’s crew. The ship is bound for exotic lands and every day introduces the boys to new challenges.

The seven of daran ‘the battle of Pareo Rock’ Jimmy goes to Africa with his mother. A mysterious talking giraffe tells him about an upcoming battle between two quarrelling African tribes. Jimmy has to stop the battle.

Where is winky’s horse? Winky must take care of St Nicholas’ horse. What she really wants is to ride the horse, but that’s not allowed because the horse is too big. Then Winky does something very naughty.

Timbuktu Isa and Kars parents bought a camping site in France so they have to move to France. They find it difficult to adjust. Especially when war is declared to their camping site.

XTC, just don’t do it Melissa is thrilled but scared to be chosen to dance in a new rap video. One of the cast members wants to help her calm down and offers her a pill. And before she knows it, she’s hooked.

Crusade in jeans Fifteen year old Dolf breaks into his mother’s advanced physics laboratory which holds an experimental time machine. Dolf accidentally sends himself to the 13th century.

44 feature films

- highlights

Bonkers Bonnie is living with her sweet but unusual mother. Luckily grandma is always around to look after things. But when grandma has a traffic accident, everything changes.

Kameleon 2 Again the two twin boys are the local heroes. The inhabitants of the village threaten to fall victim to a moneyhungry real estate developer and the twins come to rescue.

The horror bus Bullied at school, eleven-year old Onnoval writes ghost stories in which he takes revenge on the other children. But then a classmate gets his hands on his stories.

Schnitzel paradise Nordip takes a job washing up in a hotel. Here he meets Agnes, the owner’s niece and intended successor of the hotelowner. They start a secret relationship, but get stuck between two cultures.

Winky’s horse When 6-year old Winky moves to a new town, she meets a couple who own a pony. They teach Winky how to ride. Now Winky is desperate for a pony of her own.

Lepel Lepel flees from his mean grandmother Koppenol. He hides out in the local department store and becomes friends with Pleun. Together they start looking for a new mother.

2005 / 84 min Director: Martin Koolhoven Script: Mieke de Jong Producer: Lemming Film Festivals contact: Lemming Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

2005 / 90 min Director: Steven de Jong Script: Steven de Jong, Jean Ummels Producer: Kameleon Produkties Festival contact: Steven de Jong Producties Sales: Mountain Road

2005 / 100 min Director: Pieter Kuijpers Script: Burny Bos, Pieter Kuijpers Producer: BosBros Festivals contact: BosBros Sales: Attraction Distribution

2005 / 82 min Director: Martin Koolhoven Script: Marco van Geffen Producer: Lemming Film Festivals contact: Lemming Film Sales: MDC International

2005 / 96 min Director: Mischa Kamp Script: Tamara Bos Producer: BosBros Festivals contact: BosBros Sales: Attraction Distribution

2005 / 92 min Director: Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen Script: Mieke de Jong Producer: Lemming Film Festivals contact: Lemming Film Sales: Attraction Distribution

45 feature films

2004 / 76 min Director: Mijke de Jong Script: Helena van der Meulen Producer: Eyeworks Film & TV Drama Festival contact: Eyeworks Film & TV Drama Sales: Attraction Distribution

2004 / 97 min Director: Gidi van Liempd Script: Cecilie Levy, Gidi van Liempd Producer: Eyeworks Film & TV Drama Festival contact: Eyeworks Film & TV Drama Sales: Attraction Distribution

2004 / 93 min Director: Joram Lürsen Scenario: Frank Ketelaar Producer: Topkapi Films Festivals contact: Topkapi Films Sales: Topkapi Films

2004 / 90 min Director: Ben Sombogaart & Pieter van Rijn Script: Tamara Bos Producer: BosBros Festival contact: BosBros Sales: Attraction Distribution

2003 / 105 min Director: Maria Peters Script: Maria Peters Producer: Shooting Star Festival contact: Shooting Star Sales: Shooting Star

2003 / 100 min Director: Steven de Jong Script: Steven de Jong, Jean Ummels Producer: Kameleon Produkties Festival contact: Steven de Jong Producties Sales: Mountain Road

- highlights

Bluebird Thirteen year old Merel is is being bullied by classmates for no apparent reason. As the bullying escalates, Merel pulls away from her family, and pushes her in the wrong direction.

Eric in the land of insects Eric is a dreamer who prefers to fantasise. He discovers a magic world filled with adventure when he unexpectedly ends up among the insects, in an old painting.

In orange Eleven-year old Remco is a very talented soccer player with only one dream, to play for the Dutch national team. But Remco’s world falls apart when his dad dies.

Pluk and his tow truck Pluk is a little boy with a beautiful red truck and a soft heart for animals. He finds out the Turtle Garden is threatened with demolition, and must find a solution to rescue the animals.

Peter Bell 2: The hunt for the tsar crown Thanks to Peter Bell and his infamous ‘Gang of the Black Hand’, the villainous newspaper tycoon Stark is safely locked behind bars. But even from prison Stark still rules.

The skippers of the Kameleon Two twin boys, about 12 years old, are the local heroes of a small village. When a mysterious series of robberies plague the town, they solve the crime and take after the criminals.

46 feature films

- highlights

Polleke 11 years old Polleke is in love with Mimoen, a Moroccan boy who lives opposite to her. But his parents force him to stop seeing her because they don’t share the same cultural background.

Young Kees Young Kees has a strong imagination and dreams about things that he could never achieve in real life. Then a desperately intense adolescent romance hastens changes his life.

Peter Bell Set in early 30’s Peter Bell is a 10-year old rascal who has his own little army ‘Gang of the Black Hand’. One day their adventures appear in the newspaper headlines.

Minoes Tibbe, a shy junior journalist, meets the extraordinary Miss Minoes, who claims she used to be a cat. As she supplies him with scoops from the cats, he decides to make her his assistant.

The black meteor 15-year old Felix becomes friends with the black South-African soccer player Steve Mokone. Felix gets trapped between the narrow-minded milieu of the provincial town and the star player’s sophisticated attitude to life.

Missing link Rick is growing up with his mother and never knew his father. One day after a fight with his mom he runs away from home and discovers the true identity of his missing father.

2003 / 95 min Director: Ineke Houtman Sc: Rob Arends, Maarten Lebens Producer: Eyeworks Film & TV Drama Festival contact: Eyeworks Film & TV Drama Sales: Attraction Distribution

2003 / 96 min Director: André van Duren Script: Bob In’t Hout, Maarten Lebens Producer: Sigma Pictures Festivals contact: Sigma Pictures Sales: Sigma Pictures

2002 / 110 min Director: Maria Peters Script: Maria Peters Producer: Shooting Star Festival contact: Shooting Star Sales: Shooting Star

2001 / 88 min Director: Vincent Bal Script: Tamara Bos, Vincent Bal, Burny Bos Producer: BosBros Festival contact: BosBros Sales: Attraction Distribution

2000 / 108 min Director: Guido Pieters Script: Kees van Beijnum Producer: Sigma Pictures Festival contact: Sigma Pictures Sales: TrustNordisk

1999 / 90 min Director: Ger Poppelaars Script: Timo Veltkamp Producer: Theorema Films Festivals contact: Dutch Mountain Film Sales: Dutch Mountain Film

47 feature films

1999 / 119 min Director: Maria Peters Script: Maria Peters Producer: Shooting Star Festival contact: Shooting Star Sales: Shooting Star

1998 / 110 min Director: Ben Sombogaart Script: Burny Bos Producer: BosBros Festival contact: BosBros Sales: Attraction Distribution

1998 / 85 min Director: Ineke Houtman Script: Rob Arends, Maarten Lebens Producer: Eyeworks Film & TV Drama Festival contact: Eyeworks Film & TV Drama Sales: Attraction Distribution

1997 / 80 min Director: Peter van Wijk Script: Peter van Wijk Producer: Molenwiek Film Festival contact: Molenwiek Film Sales: Molenwiek Film

1996 / 108 min Director: Ben Sombogaart Script: Lou Brouwers Producer: BosBros Festival contact: BosBros Sales: Attraction Distribution

1995 / 115 min Director: Esmé Lammers Script: Esmé Lammers Producer: First Floor Features Festivals contact: Cupola Stories & Pictures Sales: Cupola Stories & Pictures

- highlights

Little crumb Kruimeltje (Little Crumb) is a 10-year old street rascal, raised by bad-tempered Mrs Koster. But because of his humour, persistence and lust for life he knows how to survive.

The flying liftboy 11-year old Abeltje who gets a job as the cool little lift-boy at a department store. But Abeltje presses the wrong button and flies through the roof into the wide world.

Daisy- scratches in the table Madelief’s grandma has died and Madelief wants to know all about her. She finds a mysterious shed in the garden and sets off to unravel grandma’s secret.

The dandelion game 12-year old Maurits mourns the death of his mother. His father is not able to offer him any solace. But when he meets Moniek, he finds tender friendship and love with her.

The boy who stopped talking Memo who lives in Turkey. When war threatens, his father decides to move to the Netherlands. Memo doesn’t want to leave, so arriving in the Netherlands he decides to stop talking.

Long live the queen Sarah’s father is a mystery. When Sarah finds out he is an international chess champion, she is determined to learns how to play chess. With a special set where the pieces come to life.

48 feature films

- highlights

The purse snatcher Alex is very close to his Grandma. When Grandma is robbed, the robbers start blackmailing Alex. They force him to steal handbags from old ladies, otherwise they’ll hurt his grandma.

The penknife Mike and Tim are best friends. When Tim is moving to another town, Mike discovers he still has Tim’s penknife. He wants to return the knife and starts a lonely search to find his friend.

My father lives in Rio Liesje’s father lives in Rio. One day she decides to buy a plane ticket to visit him. But as it turns out, her father is not living in Rio, but is in Holland, serving a prison time for smuggling.

Mieke de Jong Screenwriter of a.o. Lepel, Bonkers, Winter in wartime, Tony 10 I write scripts for children's films but I hate childish films. A good children's film is a good film for everybody, not just for children. I want my films to be about something substantial. I am convinced that you can tell every story to children, as long as you use a child's perspective. The subject can be very serious, but when you tell from the point of view of a child and you stay within his logic, the young public will understand what they are looking at. I wrote about war, about a mother with a bipolair disorder, or child's abuse. I cannot always give a happy end at every children's film, but at least I write a hopeful end. And, how serious the subject can be, never underestimate the importance of humor!

1995 / 94 min Director: Maria Peters Script: Maria Peters Prod: Shooting Star Festivals contact: Shooting Star Sales: Shooting Star

1992 / 90 min Director: Ben Sombogaart Script: Sjoerd Kuyper Producer: BosBros Festival contact: BosBros Sales: Attraction Distribution

1989 / 100 min Director: Ben Sombogaart Scenario: Burny Bos en Ben Somboogaart Producenten: PV Pictures Festival contact: PV Pictures Sales: PV Pictures

When I write for children I want the story to be both amusing and moving - the golden combination. Due to thinking in target audiences, youth cinema has changed and has professionalised. It’s now clearer for whom a film is made and that’s why they are drawing more viewers. I believe we make really strong children’s films in the Netherlands and that they boast a lot of originality. There is a tradition in Netherlands of taking youth films seriously. Dutch films are humourous and moving and are have something universal about them. Cinekid is really important for Dutch youth film. Around the world people know the festival and want to go there. It’s an attractive festival for both children and parents and for professionals. In other countries the scale of children’s festivals is a lot smaller.

49 catalogue

Short films New Arrivals

50 short films

Simone van Dusseldorp Director of a.o. Life According to Nino , The Secret Letter, Frogs & Toads, Doggie, The monstrous toilet, My crazy nanny! I can only direct with the idea that a child should be able to understand. Whenever I make something, I think back to what I used to enjoy or what my children enjoy. But I don’t want to be educational. I look at the child in me, at what used to interest me as a child. These can be really banal or very pompous things. And I also believe that things don’t always have to be hunky-dory

- new arrivals

in youth films. Children find struggle and conflict interesting. You shouldn’t burden children with very heavy stuff, but the story doesn’t have to be all sappy either, because children know the world isn’t like that. Working with children really is something you have to learn. You need to make as many hours as possible. I really learned a lot working for TV Because I was allowed to make many programmes and experiment, so I could educate myself. How you approach children is something you grow into. I tumbled into every pitfall there is and eventually find my own way of directing.

Go Daan Go!

2014 / 15 min Regie: Mari Sanders Scenario: Lianne Damen Producers: KRO / IJswater Film Festival contact: IJswater Film Sales: KRO

Nine-year-old Daan becomes interested in swimming when he finds his mother’s old medals in the attic. But for his mother his new passion is literally heart-rending. She doesn’t want Daan to start training, until he

is proven to be free of the heart problems she had. But Daan can’t wait that long. Before the results are in, he starts working on his big dream: participating at the Olympic Youth Games.

51 short films

- new arrivals

Marc Jacobs

2014 / 15 min Regie: Sam de Jong Scenario: Lianne Damen Producers: NTR / 100% Halal Festival contact: 100% Halal Sales: 100% Halal

Nine year old Soufyane, son of a Moroccan father and Dutch mother, lives with his mother and sister. His father, whom he never


2014 / 2 min Regie: Mascha Halberstad Scenario: Mascha Halberstad Producers: Viking Film Festival contact: Viking Film Sales: Viking Film

A boy is playing soccer in his neighbourhood. He dribbles, headbutts, slide and‌ scores! All of a sudden a UFO hangs above the field. Is the UFO after the boy or the ball?

sees, invites him on a journey to Morocco. Soufyane is thrilled and prepares for the trip. He has to get a pair of Marc Jacobs sunglasses.

52 short films

- new arrivals


2014 / 2 min Regie: Patrick Raats Scenario: Patrick Raats & Dick Bouquet Producers: Valk Producties Festival contact: KLIK! Distribution Service Sales: SND Films

Sophie and Sven play the game ‘Dog-e’. At night, when they are in bed, the game comes to life on their father’s iPhone and iPad. The iPad turns into Rascal-e and the iPhone

becomes Dog-e. This leads to a spectacular chase through the living room and the kitchen.

Anything goes

2013 / 22 min Director: Steven Wouterlood Script: Maarten van Voornveld, Chiel van der Wolf en Steven Wouterlood Producers: VPRO / Bind Film Festival contact: Bind Film Sales: Bind Film

Just after moving to Amsterdam, elevenyear-old Tygo from Brabant gives a school presentation on Carnival. He talks about the

rules of Carnival, or rather the lack of rules, because during Carnival everything goes. And Tygo dreams of becoming a majorette.

53 short films

- new arrivals

Point taken Swim or sink

2014 / 10 min Director: Michiel Vaanhold Script: Michiel Vaanhold, Jaakko Toivonen Producers: NTR / BosBros Festival contact: BosBros Sales: BosBros

A dance film in which eight adolescent boys meet in a deserted and dried up indoor water park. The boys are absorbed in a game in which they continually challenge each other to take things a step further.

Waiting for Marissa

2013 / 25 min Director: Rolf van Eijk Script: Zoubaid Sheik Joesoef Producers: NTR / Dutch Mountain Film Festival contact: Dutch Mountain Film Sales: Dutch Mountain Film

Anil and Adam meet one another in a glade in the woods. Initially they eye each other with suspicion. It appears they have both arranged

to meet the same girl, Marissa. Whom shall she choose? Until the girl shows up, the boys are condemned to each other.

54 short films

- new arrivals

Johnny Bakru

2013 / 25 min Director: Ineke Houtman Script: Drama Queens Producers: VPRO / Revolver Media Festival contact: Revolver Media Sales: Revolver Media

Ten-year-old Rose leads a happy life until the charming pub singer Johnny Ster appears and Rose’s mother falls head over heels in love

with him. Rose sees Johnny as a bakru trying to bewitch her mother. It’s up to Rose to fend off this bakru spirit.


2013 / 25 min Director: Johan Timmers Script: Floor Paul Producers: KRO / IJswater Films Festival contact: IJswater Films Sales: NPO Sales

Ara and Mo are ‘blood brothers’. They live in a centre for asylum seekers and dream of a shared future in the Netherlands. But

suddenly Mo and his family are gone. Does this mean Ara needs to go through life without friends.

55 short films

- new arrivals

Munya in me

2013 / 20 min Director: Mascha Halberstad Script: Fiona van Heemstra Producers: VPRO / Viking Film Festival contact: Viking Film Sales: SND Films

Heavy Munya is ten years old. On her daily route to the Turkish supermarket she tries but fails to avoid the group of bullies. Until

one day she realises that she shouldn’t hide at all. She should allow herself to be seen…

The boy who thought he was good as he was

2013 / 25 min Director: Tami Ravid Script: Roslin Prager Producers: KRO / IDTV Drama Festival contact: IDTV Drama Sales: KRO

Latif enjoys playing his keyboard and it often takes him into his own fantasy world. In school he is also easily distracted and his

grades are suffering. His parents think he should take medication, but isn’t he fine just the way he is?

56 short films

- new arrivals

As boys grow

2013 / 5 min Director: Charlotte van Ottenloo Script: Mieke de Jong Producers: Lemming Film / Viking Film Festival contact: Lemming Film Sales: Lemming Film

Whenever Ben spots a cute girl, all the musicians in his body come together for a parade in his nose. What starts as a concert of upbeat funky jazz music, ends in a big

sneeze - every time! Ben is ashamed and feels lonely.....until the day he notices a cute girl sneezing so loud like he has never seen before.

Pony place

2013 / 10 min Director: Joost Reijmers Script: Thomas van der Ree Producers: NTR / Topkapi Films Festival contact: Topkapi Films Sales: SND Films

When young Emma isn’t allowed to take her iPad on holiday with her, she hands the care for her digital horse paddock over to her grandma Koba. Grandma and grandpa dive into the world of their granddaughter.

57 catalogue

Short films Highlights

58 short films

- highlights

Mimoun When the young boy Mimoun needs to get his hands on some money to buy his big love Soraya a gift, he seems to get dragged into the criminal wake of his older brother Ab.

Sweet love Mini Movie Musical and an epic love story in a city where all the candy is in the hands of one man. The candy factory owner, the mayor and even the policemen, all parts are played by children.

Anouar and the moon At the home of Iranian Anouar (10) the curtains are closed day and night and his mother lies in bed all day. To get the light back in the house and to give his little sister comfort, he decides to catch the moon for her.

The datcha Jordy is an eleven year old boy who’s mother went back to her homecountry Russia. Jordy devises a masterplan to get her back. He builds a Russian house, a datcha, in the backyard of their house.

Yim and Yoyo Yim has no friends in school and is alone quite often. At home he has the biggest adventures with his imaginary friend Yoyo, the panda bear he has been drawing for years.

Smoke like a Turk It’s time for a party, because Cihan, a Turkish boy, is about to be circumcised. Cihan isn’t quite sure what to expect, but becomes more and more convinced of the significance of the event.

2012 / 26 min Director: Tallulah H. Schwab Script: Cecilie Levy Producers: VPRO / Bind Film Festival contact: Bind Film Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 24 min Director: Albert Jan van Rees Script: Martijn Hillenius Producers: VPRO / Family Affairs Festival contact: Family Affairs Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 25 min Director: Michiel van Jaarsveld Script: Amarins Romkema Producers: NTR / IJswater Films Festival contact: IJswater Films Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 25 min Director: Nina Spiering, Mirka Duijn Script: Nina Spiering, Mirka Duijn Producers: EO / Revolver Media Festival contact: Revolver Media Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 24 min Director: Anna van Keimpema Script: Marianne Riphagen Producers: KRO / Volt Films Festival contact: Volt Films Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 10 min Director: Remy van Heugten Script: Mustafa Duygulu Producers: NTR / IJswater Films Festival contact: IJswater Films Sales: IJswater Films

59 short films

2011 / 10 min Director: Sanne Vogel Script: Sanne Vogel Producers: NTR / IDTV Film Festival contact: IDTV Film Sales: SND Films

2011 / 15 min Director: Mirjam de With Script: Hakima Elouarti Producers: VPRO / Family Affair Films Festival contact: Family Affair Films Sales: NPO Sales

2011 / 15 min Director: Michiel van Jaarsveld Script: Amarins Romkema Producers: BOS / IJswater Films Festival contact: IJswater Films Sales: NPO Sales

2011 / 15 min Director: Simine van Dusseldorp Script: Glynis Terborg Producers: EO / Talent United Festival contact: Talent United Sales: NPO Sales

2011 / 15 min Director: Boris Paval Conen Script: Zoeteke Lugthart Producers: KRO / IJswater Films Festival contact: IJswater Films Sales: NPO Sales

2011/ 3 min Director: Bastiaan Schravendeel Script: Bastiaan Schravendeel Producers: il Luster Films Festival contact: il Luster Films Sales: il Luster Films

- highlights

Small Noortje, a 12-year old girl, experiences her first massage, but she is not yet prepared to feel the hands of a stranger on her skin.

Mina Minoes Little stubborn Mina is crazy about Minnie Mouse. She puts on her black ears to school everyday. Her mother and teacher want her to act normal and think she should dress the same as the other children.

Papa’s tango Hannah loves to dance and adores her father. Her father is homesick and wants to go back to his family and friends in Argentina. But leaving the Netherlands also means saying good bye to his daughter.

My crazy granny! Saäda is thrilled her grandma from Surinam is moving to Holland, only weeks before her birthday. But due to her dementia grandma seems to be confused, making Saäda think her granny is crazy!

Mister Braker When Ramon (11) is on survival camp with his older brother he suspects that their camp leader, Mister Braker, is a werewolf. But Ramon’s brother isn’t interested in the horror fantasies of his little brother.

Now you know it anyway At a flea market, Robin tries to sell her own made-up stories. Meanwhile, all the main characters listen in, anxiously and intensely.

60 short films

- highlights

Back and forth day Through the eyes of 8 year-old Linus we experience the day that his mother, and her new boyfriend, come to collect her stuff.

Broken moon When a father and his six-year old son fly to the half-broken moon in order to repair it, they discover that mother is there too.

Pecker A little pecker hops onto an infant ox. The ox tries to get rid of that annoying pecking bird, he doesn’t succeed. But when the pecker disappears, his life becomes unbearable!

Missing A 7-year old girl is taken to school by her mother. She will go on a school trip with her class. But bringing her daughter to school isn’t a very ordinary occasion for the mother.

Jacco’s film Jacco (10) talks about his friends, girlfriends, interests, everyday activities and the wonders of nature. To Judge by his behaviour, he is an extremely talented, loved and in every respect successful young man.

Swimming paradise Two ten-year-old girls spend a day at an indoor water park. In the wave pool they are distracted by teenaged girls with actual breasts and older boys who blockade the slide.

2010 / 10 min Director: Mirjam de With Script: Martine Nijhoff Producers: Family Affair Films: Festival contact: Family Affair Films Sales: Family Affair Films

2010 / 11 min Director: Arno Dierickx Script: Rogier Cornelisse en Arno Dierickx Producers: NTR / Caramel Pictures Festival contact: Caramel Pictures Sales: Caramel Pictures

2010/ 3 min Director: Erik van Schaaik Script: Erik van Schaaik Producers: The Drawing Room Festival contact: The Drawing Room Sales: The Drawing Room

2009/ 12 min Director: Jochem de Vries Script: Jochem de Vries Producers: True Works Festival contact: True Works Sales: Premium Films

2009/ 25 min Director: Daan Bakker Script: Daan Bakker and Sammy Reijnaert Producers: Netherlands Film and Television Academy Festival contact: Daan Bakker Sales: Daan Bakker

2009 / 10 min Director: Lodewijk Crijns Script: Lotte Tabbers, Anne Barnhoorn Producers: BosBros Festival contact: BosBros Sales: BosBros

61 short films

2009/ 10 min Director: Froukje Tan Script: Inge Hardeman Producers: IJswater Films Festival contact: IJswater Films Sales: SND Films

2009 / 15 min Director: Ties Schenk Script: Marielle van Sauers Producers: Pupkin Film Festival contact: Pupkin Film Sales: Pupkin Film

2009/ 15 min Director: Nathalia Alonso Casale Script: Roslin Prager Producers: SNG Film Festival contact: SNG Film Sales: SNG Film

2009 / 17 min Director: Floris-Jan van Luyn Script: Tjyying Liu Producers: Family Affairs Festival contact: Family Affairs Sales: Family Affairs

2009 / 14 min Director: Remy van Hugten Script: Gert Altena Producers: VPRO / Pupkin Film Festival contact: Pupkin Film Sales: Pupkin Film

2007 / 10 min Director: Anna van der Heide Script: Lotte Tabbers Producers: NTR / Eyeworks Festival contact: Eyeworks Sales: Eyeworks

- highlights

Father’s day When little Keetje wants to surprise her father with a fathers daybreakfast, she’s confronted with herself in a painful way.

Bente wants a father Bente is almost ten and a child of two white mothers. For her birthday she has only one wish: her African father. This wish is not easily granted, so she decides to go in search for him herself.

Hammada Hammada walks away from home after an argument with his father. Will a special encounter at the river show him the way back?

Monkey king Anna and her Chinese grandpa understand one another without really speaking each other’s language. Together with the Monkey King they go on a journey in an attempt to prevent grandpa’s impending death.

Wet Marvin dreads school camp because he still wets the bed. But when he gets up at night because he has wet his bed again, it turns out he is not alone.

Missie Poo 16 In her video diary Rosan (14) talks about light, everyday things. But soon it becomes apparent that her webcam recordings are the only way for her to show her emotions.

62 short films

- highlights

Doggie When little Dédé says something, no one listens to him. One day Dédé befriends a dog and from that moment on he no longer talks, but barks instead.

Breath Twelve-year-old Erik goes swimming with Sofie and her father. Sofie fancies Erik, but he is actually more interested in her father.

Chicken! Hicham doesn’t like the chicken that his mother prepares. While with his friends Wesley and Rajeev, he discovers that chicken can be really tasty. It’s time for Hicham to take action.

Firuze Firuze is a seven-year-old girl who leads a happy life with her parents. She loves her Barbie dolls and is passionate about jazz dance. But then he grandmother from Turkey arrives…

Ebony The twelve-year-old Surinamese girl Ebony accidentally causes a row between her parents. Ebony thinks she saw her father with another woman and tells her mother.

Free as a bird Out of sheer necessity, 8 year-old Roy overcomes his shyness during the search for his grandfather’s most prized possession from Surinam.

2007 / 10 min Director: Simone van Dusseldorp Script: Mieke de Jong Producers: NTR / Lemming Film Festival contact: Lemming Film Sales: Lemming Film

2007 / 10 min Director: Margien Rogaar Script: Tjyying Liu Producers: NTR / Bos Bros Festival contact: Bos Bros Sales: Bos Bros

2007 / 14 min Director: Remy van Heugten Script: Gert Altena Producers: NTR / Pupkin Film Festival contact: Pupkin Film Sales: Pupkin Film

2007 / 15 min Director: Hilt Lochten Script: Nurgul Ozkanli-Kasikci Producers: KRO / IJswater Films Festival contact: IJswater Films Sales: KRO / IJswater Films

2007 / 16 min Director: Ineke Houtman Script: Zulile Blinker Producers: VPRO / JensenFrisbee Festival contact: JensenFrisbee Sales: JensenFrisbee

2007/ 15 min Director: Melinda Jansen Script: Jeanine Cronie Producers: KRO / Rinkel Film Festival contact: Rinkel Film Sales: Rinkel Film

63 short films

2006 / 11 min Director: Jelmar Hufen Script: Jelmar Hufen Producers: Kairos Films Festival contact: Kairos Films Sales: Kairos Films

2006 / 10 min Director: Johan Timmers Script: Paula Udondek Producers: KRO / IJswater Films Festival contact: IJswater Films Sales: NPO Sales

2006 / 15 min Director: Hanro Smitsman Script: Elissa Capelle Producers: EO / Guapo Productions Festival contact: Guapo Productions Sales: Guapo Productions

2006 / 14 min Director: Ties Schenk Script: Rosalin Prager Producers: VPRO / Lemming Film Festival contact: Lemming Film Sales: NPO Sales

2006 / 11 min Director: Simone van Dusseldorp Script: Sabrina Sugiarto Producers: KRO / IJswater Films Festival contact: IJswater Films Sales: NPO Sales

2006 / 10 min Director: Dorothee van den Berghe Script: Klaartje Dullemond Producers: NTR / Pupkin Film Festival contact: Pupkin Film Sales: Pupkin Film

- highlights

For a few more marbles more Four children are driven off their favourite playground by two alcoholics. There is only one solution they can think of: getting the help of a ‘dangerous’ boy who lives a couple of streets further on.

Dobli Recently Dobli has been forced to share the affection of his parents with his baby brother Sem. Dobli finds this difficult and sees Sem as his big rival, the intruder.

Martijn-Kerem When you are half Turkish - half Dutch for which country do you choose? That’s the question for Martijn-Kerem an eight year old half Turkish-half Dutch boy.

Donkey girl Farouzi (12), a Dutch-Arabic girl is daydreaming while she at work at a fishery. One day a girl comes by on a scooter. The arrival of this self-willed girl makes Farouzi go after her and search for luck.

The monstrous toilet When Esther’s father has to work late, she is forced to go to Mrs Richmond after school. Esther is petrified, because Mrs Richmond’s toilet has already swallowed numerous children whole.

Absolutely afro Hanneke is twelve years old and ashamed of her frizzy, African hair. She makes numerous attempts to straighten her hair so that she can go to school with a different hairdo.

64 short films

- highlights

Holi Vanita doesn’t like the father of her friend Romero. When she goes to play with him and they head to the market, she manages to escape. She ends up in the middle of the colourful Holi festival.

Engel and Broer In a dump two children re-enact their parents’ divorce, which leads to an unexpected conclusion.

Sweet tomato One morning the adopted MinGu finds a ‘sweet tomato’. The taste stirs a memory in him that won’t let him go. He goes out in search of the fruit’s origin.

Queen in the attic For a poetry contest at school, Lies writes a poem about her grandma; the attic queen. Her poem is the winning entry, but the girl next door Bernizcha gets a visit from the real queen.

Dajo Ten-year-old Rutger hates the constant coming and going of her mother’s lovers. He buries all of their presents in the forest. But then he is given a puppy.

Father and daughter A Father says goodbye to his young daughter and leaves. In time the daughter grows old, but within her there is always a deep longing for her father.

2006 / 10 min Director: Marco van Geffen Script: Seema Ouweneel Producers: OHM / Lemming Film Festival contact: Lemming Film Sales: Lemming Film

2004/ 10 min Director: Hanro Smitsman Script: Anjet Daanje Producers: NTR / IJswater Films Festival contact: IJswater Films Sales: SND Films

2004 / 8 min Director: Paul Rigter Script: Paul Rigter Producers: KRO / Topkapi Films Festival contact: Topkapi Films Sales: Topkapi Films

2004 / 15 min Director: Sytske Kok Script: Mylene Gordinou de Gouberville Producers: KRO / Phanta Vision Festival contact: Phanta Vision Sales: Phanta Vision

2003/ 10 min Director: Hanro Smitsman Script: Anjet Daanje Producers: NTR / IJswater Films Festival contact: IJswater Films Sales: SND Films

2000 / 9 min Director: Michaël Dudok de Wit Script: Michaël Dudok de Wit Producers:CinéTé Filmproductie Festival contact: CinéTé Filmproductie Sales: CinéTé Filmproductie

65 catalogue

Documentaries New Arrivals

66 documentaries

Meike Statema Head of education and programmer children's documentaries IDFA What is most valuable about a youth documentary is what it can do with a child, as regards to experience, knowledge and insights. That it gives you insight into different situations or that it’s similar to you and that that does something with you. Move you or make you angry or happy. Drama can do that too, but the idea that something really happened, brings it closer.

- new arrivals

In Dutch youth documentaries every single theme in a child’s world is open to discussion. Identity, children’s rights, family, love, sexuality, gender, illness, death, divorce, friendship, bullying, street culture. Everything goes, as long as it’s told in a natural and beautiful way. Particular to Dutch youth documentaries is that visually they are quite stunning, with a lot of attention going into cinematography and editing. Abroad youth documentaries are so successful because the Dutch directness is acceptable coming from children and because of the high level of filmic quality.


2014 / 15 min Director: Niki Padidar Producer: Zuidenwind Filmprodukties / NTR Festival contact: Zuidenwind Filmprodukties Sales: Zuidenwind Filmprodukties

Ninnoc (13) is a sensitive, beautiful and special girl. She analyses the world in her own typical manner; she is a talented dancer and excels at school. But being sensitive also has a downside. At her last school Ninnoc

was excluded by her class and always alone. And now Ninnoc has decided to hide her sensitivity in order to survive in her new class. When it all gets too much for her, Ninnoc retreats into her own world.

67 documentaries

- new arrivals


2014 / 16 min Director: Sjoerd Niekamp Producer: Cerutti Film / NCRV Festival contact: Cerutti Film Sales: NPO Sales

Johan (12) dreams to go out and discover the world. He decides to join a camping trip: a survival week in the woods. Being the new kid at camp, he finds it tough to secure his place in the group. When night falls he suffers a

pitch black attack of homesickness. Johan fights an internal struggle to overcome his fears, leave his comfort zone and become a valuable member of the scouting group.

My dearest f#cking phone

2014 / 15min Director: Eef Hilgers Producer: Een van de jongens /IKON Festival contact: Een van de jongens Sales: Een van de jongens

Claudia (14) can’t live without her telephone. Throughout the day she keeps a close eye on Instagram and Facebook and she follows several blogs of people around the world, to whom she looks up. But she herself has made

sure she is hard to find online. When Claudia goes on holiday, this makes her nervous: two weeks without internet! But this holiday ends up being a turning point for Claudia.

68 documentaries

- new arrivals


2014 / 16 min Director: Arianne Hinz Producer: KRO-NCRV / Hazazah Pictures Festival contact: KRO-NCRV Sales: KRO-NCRV

Mathilde, Elian and Isabel have all lost something different - but did it feel the same? Can looking at one type of loss teach us about other types? The film ‘Losers’ follows these

children through different situations and experiences as they talk about what it feels like to lose.

Veni Vidi Vissie

2014 / 15 min Director: Margot Schaap Producer: BALDR Film / VPRO Festival contact: BALDR Film Sales: BALDR Film

During diving practice Hugo doesn’t think twice before doing a double-somersault from the seven metre high diving board, and because of his favourite Wii game ‘Endless Ocean’ he is an expert in the underwater

world. But in his normal life, Hugo finds it harder to find his way. Now that he is attending secondary school, he is determined to swim with the other children of his school.

69 documentaries

- new arrivals

Chellina / da beast

2014 / 15 min Director: Zoeteke Lugthart Producer: Hazazah Pictures / AVRO Festival contact: Hazazah Pictures Sales: Hazazah Pictures

Chellina is 15 and multiple kickboxing champion. After the first time Chellina stood in the ring, she was certain: this is where she belongs. Despite the fact that kickboxing is an extreme sport when Chellina is in the ring she feels no fear or pain and wins one title

after another. Because of her strength girls keep canceling fights on the last minute. Unfortunately there is nobody left to fight in her age category and Chellina is too young to become a pro. Will she continue kickboxing or give up? .

Giovanni and the water ballet

2014 / 15 min Director: Astrid Bussink Producer: Een van de jongens / NCRV Festival contact: Een van de jongens Sales: Een van de jongens

Ten-year-old Giovanni has a dream: he wants to participate in the Dutch Synchronised Swimming Championships. His dream isn’t embraced by everyone, because synchronised

swimming is seen as a real girl’s sport. But Giovanni chooses his own path and his friend Kim understands him. When they are together they chatter happily.

70 documentaries

- new arrivals

In, Spin, Ritalin

2014 / 18 min Director: Susan Koenen Producer: Hollandse Helden / NCRV Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

Nike is a disarming and streetwise girl of seven. At home and at school she has to take Ritalin for her ADHD. But if she had it her way, she would stop taking it immediately. Nike doesn’t want to be different to her friends. And the pills even taste bad too.

But a child isn’t allowed to make important decisions herself. Parents do that. After a lot of persuading, Nike is allowed to go a school day without Ritalin. She hopes to show everyone that she doesn’t need pills.

Hanna’s party

2014 / 15 min Director: Rachel Visscher Producer: Rachel Visscher Festival contact: Rachel Visscher Sales: Rachel Visscher

For the last couple of years Hanna has thrown a party on a little island in the Oostvaarderplassen. Because of the overwhelming success, she does the same this year. Throwing parties and receiving gifts are an

important part of the friendship between Hanna and her friends. And there are no boys invited to this party! The worlds of boys and girls of ten and eleven are still too far removed.

71 documentaries

- new arrivals

Black and white

2014 / 15 min Scenario & Regie: Susan Koenen Producer: IKON Festival contact: IKON Sales: NPO Sales

Jason is in his last year of primary school and used to be bullied because other children found him different. He prefers acting and singing to football. But Jason isn’t planning on changing himself. He sees class as a game of chess: the white pieces are his friends and

the black pieces are the enemy. And he has to attempt to reach the other side. When Jason gets a major part in the school musical and has to work together with the entire class, something happens which sets all the different pieces in motion.

Gabriel reports the world cup

2014 / 15 min Regie: Els van Driel Producer: IKON Festival contact: IKON Sales: NPO Sales

Because of the 2014 World Cup, the life of the Brazilian Gabriël is turned upside down. A new rail line is being developed straight through his neighbourhood. Houses are being demolished, entire families are forced to move and even the children’s local football

pitch will soon disappear. For Gabriël this is a nightmare. Gabriël is angry at the inequality in his city and puts self-made footage of bulldozers tearing down his neighbourhood on a blog. By becoming a journalist he tries to stand up for his rights.

72 documentaries

- new arrivals


2014 / 15 min Regie: Annelies Kruk en Anneke de Lind van Wijngaarden Producer: IKON Festival contact: IKON Sales: NPO Sales

His nickname Haiduc means gangster and it matches Nicu’s tough character. He lives in a rough world; he ran away from home aged seven, spent years literally underground, in the sewers of Bucharest, and is addicted to

drugs. Now he lives with Raluca. She keeps an eye on the boys that, just like Nicu, came from the streets. He has a bed and is given meals. But the drugs have all but ruined his body and he has to decide: stop or become even sicker.

How Ky became Niels

2014 / 15 min Regie: Els van Driel Producer: IKON Festival contact: IKON Sales: NPO Sales

Ky has been unhappy for years because she has a girl’s body. Last summer Ky finally managed to tell her parents she wants to become a boy. And she wants a different name: Niels. Together with her friend Sterre,

who used to be called Tibor and therefore has a boy’s body, they tell their new secondary school class that they are transgender children. It is the beginning of a new life as Niels.

73 documentaries

- new arrivals

Tough cookies (series)

2014 / 12 x 25 min Director: div regisseurs Producer: IDTV docs / VPRO Festival contact: IDTV docs Sales: NPO Sales

Doing the laundry, ironing, helping someone out of bed, cheering them up, making sure there’s food on the table… These are not things you often think about as a kid. Yet for many kids it’s a daily job. At home they help

care for their ill or disabled father, mother, brother or sister. Tough Cookies delves into their lives full of responsibilities, which they shoulder with perseverance, humor and love.

We stay friends (series)

2014 / 6 x 5 min Director: div regisseurs Producer: Een van de jongens / BNN-VARA Festival contact: Een van de jongens Sales: Een van de jongens

Doing the laundry, ironing, helping out of bed, cheering others up and taking care of dinner… Not the first things that come to mind when thinking of a child. But for many children this is part of their daily routines.

They help out at home with the care of their sick or handicapped father, mother, brother or sister. This documentary series portrays their lives full of responsibilities; burdens they carry with determination, humour and love.

74 documentaries

- new arrivals

A home for Lydia

2013 / 17 min Director: Eline Helena Schellekens Producer: KRO Festival contact: KRO Sales: KRO

Lydia’s mother is from Cameroon, her father from Nigeria, but she and her brother were born in the Netherlands. None of them have a Dutch residence permit, and that’s a concern for Lydia. After they’ve moved for the seventh

time Lydia is sick and tired of it. She doesn’t want to have to make new friends again. Lydia tells her story partly in the expressive and moving songs that she made in improvisation sessions with musician Sean de Vries.

Little Miss Piggy

2013 / 18 min Director: Ellen Vloet Producer: Cerutti Film / VPRO Festival contact: Cerutti Film & TV Sales: NPO Sales

Little Miss Piggy is the story of Brechtje Jans (11) who is raised on a farm. It used to be part of Brechtjes everyday life, but the girl is growing up and starting to turn away from the agrarian lifestyle. Where she used to

love the pigs, she now finds working in the stables boring and smelly. And the farm is far removed from the village, away from the ‘real life.’ Her daily bicycle trips back and forth to school add to her sense of isolation.

75 documentaries

- new arrivals

4 Ever

2014 / 15 min Director: Reber Dosky Producer: Conijn Film / Human Festival contact: Conijn Film Sales: Conijn Film

Vera has to miss her best friend Arbesa. A few years ago Arbesa got deported to Kosovo with her family by the Dutch government. Arbesa is born in the Netherlands and lived here for eleven years. Her presence that became

naturally for Vera, abruptly ended. They keep contact through Skype. How do they experience their friendship when they are now living in two completely different worlds so far away from each other?


2013 / 20 min Director: Eefje Blankevoort Producer: Witfilm / NCRV Festival contact: Witfilm Sales: NPO Sales

Eight-year-old Congolese Tanans grew up in a refugee welcome zone in Uganda. Together with his family he has come to the Netherlands as an ‘invited refugee’. In the refugee camp, they were selected by the

UNHCR to be resettled in the Netherlands and start a new life here. For the first time he lives in a beautiful house, tries to find his balance on a bike, speaks Dutch. But above all, he tries to make sense of this strange, new world.

76 documentaries

- new arrivals

Through the fire

2013 / 16 min Director: Miguel Narings Producer: AVRO Festival contact: AVRO Sales: AVRO

Armando wanted to be a stuntman since the age of six, and dreams of a career in Hollywood. With his family he travels to various towns during the summer to demonstrate spectaculair stuntshows.

Now he’s going to drive through a sea of fire. But at the last minute he pulls out – apparently, he’s not the daredevil he thought he was after all. Life’s not easy with a father who is also a stuntman.

Straight with you

2013 / 19’ Director: Daan Bol Producer: Vossen Films/ VPRO Festival contact: VPRO Sales: VPRO

Eleven-year-old Melvin has a secret: he is not into girls. Although his family knows, he’s afraid to tell his schoolmates, as he thinks they might start bullying him. What should

he do when the coolest girl in his class sends him a love letter? What does it mean to be different? What is it like to have a secret? And how do you really know who you are?

77 documentaries

- new arrivals

Tonight we’ll become women

2013 / 15 min Director: Josefien Hendriks Producer: OHM / Witfilm Festival contact: Witfilm Sales: Witfilm

Neighbors and best friends Ismini (13) and Komal (12) regularly sleep over at one another’s houses. They know everything about one another. But of course they don’t know everything about life yet, so there’s a lot to talk about. During a long night together,

Ismini and Komal will cover all the issues teenage girls think about, and they will begin the transformation into young women. The girls are filmed from above while they discuss all kinds of topics in voice-over.

Hear this!

2013 / 16 min Director: Soulaima El Khaldi Producer: Hollandse Helden / BOS Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

10-year-old Tristan has deaf parents, and Tristan and his little sister can both hear. They communicate effortlessly with their parents and their mostly deaf friends. They can live with it just fine, but it’s hard for

Tristan to take the fact that his soccer club doesn’t want his father to train Tristan’s non-deaf team. After all, his father is on the Dutch national soccer team for the deaf and he knows everything about the game.

78 documentaries

- new arrivals

You should’ve been there

2013 / 17 min Director: Anneloor van Heemstra & Susanne Helmer Producer: Hollandse Helden / NCRV Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

The 17-year-old Willem is the mastermind behind the successful, four-headed band Palio Superspeed Donkey. Already at the age of 14 they were picked up by the media. They’ve now joined a well-known record label

and have their own manager. The producer wants to record a successful CD with them, but Willem is determined to keep in control of his music at all costs.

Once upon a tree

2013 / 15 min Director: Marleen van der Werf Producer: Human Festival contact: Human Sales: Human

Eleven-year-old Filine’s favorite tree stands in the middle of the woods: a huge old oak. She love to climb in it and looks out at the world and to examines the lives of various insects on the tree itself. The young nature lover

notices that several trees have been cut down. She is very worried they will they cut down her favorite tree too. Filine comes up with a creative plan to save the rest of her beloved woods from destruction.

79 documentaries

- new arrivals

Through the looking glass

2013 / 20 min Director: Martijn Blekendaal Producer: AVRO Festival contact: AVRO Sales: NPO Sales

Even though Marijn is only 12, he has known for years that he wants to be an artist. Marijn is a promising talent and has vision, so he gets admitted to a preparatory course at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague. It’s an

exciting time for him, as he starts preparing for his first big exam. The fact that his work will be judged by real experts is great, but at the same time it’s complicated. Will his work be good enough?

Language is not really my thing

2013 / 15 min Director: Xander de Boer Producer: Hollandse Helden / NCRV Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

Dennis is thirteen years old and has trouble finding the right words. Dennis has a severe language disorder which prevents him from saying what he really thinks and to understand what people ask him. He is a

handsome boy and spends hours in front of the mirror modelling his blond locks. By the looks of him there’s nothing wrong with him, but when he has to tell a story he often fails to find the right words.

80 documentaries

- new arrivals

Wool fever

2013 / 15 min Director: Astrid Bussink Producer: Zeppers Film & TV / NCRV Festival contact: Zeppers Film & TV Sales: NPO Sales

Every year in May, a small village in the Dutch countryside is turned upside down. Everybody is seized by parade fever. The village has the largest wool parade in the world! The wool parade is popular with the

youth and for months, everyone goes out of their way to win the coveted first prize. The rivalry is huge; they are both determined to beat the other group. What started off as fun seems to lead up to a true “battle of the sexes”.

Jamey’s fight

2013 / 15 min Director: Denise Janzée Producer: ZeeFilm / NCRV Festival contact: NCRV Sales: NCRV

Jamey (16) has had a stammer since age four and doesn’t know any different. He’s tried any number of things, but nothing helped. Still he manages to pluck up courage once more

to clear the last hurdle and overcome his stammer, since he wants to apply to a sport academy where he will have to teach classes.

81 documentaries

- new arrivals

Youssef please say NO!

2013 / 15 min Director: Marjolijn Heijnen Producer: Hollandse Helden / NCRV Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

Fourteen-year-old Youssef is always busy. He dashes from one appointment to the next. He has to work, take care of his brothers, do volunteer work in the community centre and practise sports. Youssef always wants to help everyone and disappoint nobody.

So he says YES to everything. Because of these activities his homework often gets sidelined. A talk to his mentor makes Youssef realise that he really needs to make a decision if he is to reach his ultimate goal: to become a judge.

Feifei - hide and seek

2013 / 15 min Director: Els van Driel Producer: IKON Festival contact: IKON Sales: NPO Sales

Feifei is an 8-year-old Chinese boy, born in the Netherlands, who officially doesn’t exist. He is undocumented, together with his mother. He is an illegal resident. His friend Mees thinks it is totally weird that Feifei doesn’t

have a passport. Feifei himself also doesn’t understand a thing about all this paperwork, but he hopes that a special Children’s Regulation will give him the papers he needs to start a normal life in a decent house.

82 documentaries

- new arrivals

Merlijn and the red apple

2013 / 20 min Director: Susan Koenen Producer: IKON Festival contact: IKON Sales: NPO Sales

Merlijn (11) is a happy, smart boy with a head full of ideas. He is the self-crowned king of his room and has a best friend who is always there for him. But there’s one big problem: Merlijn is autistic and unable to attend

school. A classroom full of children is too crowded for him. That’s why he hasn’t gone to school for years now. What kind of education will help children like Merlijn?

Imraan is freed

2013 / 15 min Director: Els van Driel Producer: IKON Festival contact: IKON Sales: NPO Sales

Imraan is only ten years old when he leaves the house of his parents in the countryside of India. He goes to Delhi to find work so he can bring money to his parents and pay off the debts of their hospital bills. But he has to

work until late at night and gets bad food. He is never allowed to leave the workplace and also gets beaten up. He misses his mother, who is ill. What will Imraan’s future look like?

83 documentaries

- new arrivals

Queen - letter to the queen

2013 / 15 min Director: Anneloor van Heemstra Producer: IKON Festival contact: IKON Sales: NPO Sales

Queen is a 10-year-old girl that is close to becoming homeless and having to live on the streets together with her Nigerian mother. Queen is an ‘illegal alien’ in The Netherlands. They are extremely poor by Dutch poverty

standards and often have nothing to eat. She writes a letter to our ‘alien’ queen Maxima, who was born in Argentina: where will she stay over at Christmas and New Year’s eve?


2013 / 10 min Director: Frans Bromet Producer: Bromet & Dochters / NCRV Festival contact: Bromet & Dochters Sales: Bromet & Dochters

Paulina (12) moved from Poland to the Netherlands five years ago. Her parents, brother and sister have difficulties with the Dutch language. Not Paulina, so she helps her father with the administration of his construction company and she is constantly

busy with translation work at home too. She enjoys helping others, but sometimes it gets on her nerves. She would really like to just play outside or hang out at the shopping centre sometimes.

84 documentaries

- new arrivals

Room for myself

2013 / 25 min Director: Frans Bromet Producer: Bromet & Dochters / NCRV Festival contact: Bromet & Dochters Sales: Bromet & Dochters

Orhan is an eleven-year-old Turkish boy, who lives with his parents, brother and sister in Amsterdam. When Orhan wants to be by himself, he goes into the bedroom they all share. But he is constantly disturbed in there as people walk in and out all the time. That is

really annoying when he is writing in his diary or trying to hide the money he has saved up. Orhan is saving for a computer that he will put in his own little bedroom. Because Orhan is getting his own room.

Joëlla - Best friends forever

2013 / 15 min Director: Eefje Blankevoort Producer: IKON Festival contact: IKON Sales: NPO Sales

At first glance Joëlla (13) seems perfectly normal. She is in her first year of secondary school and loves to dance. But Joëlla is different; she has FAS, Foetal Alcohol Syndrome. During her pregnancy her mother consumed a lot of alcohol, which resulted

in Joëlla’s brain being different to those of healthy children. Because of the ‘fault’ in her brain, Joëlla finds it difficult to remember things. And it’s hard for her to make friends too. But Joëlla isn’t planning on giving up.

85 documentaries

- new arrivals

Louis the ferris wheel kid

2013 / 17 min Director: Tara Fallaux Producer: 100% Halal Productions / NTR Festival contact: 100% Halal Productions Sales: 100% Halal Productions

Louis is the child of a traveling carnival family. This year he will go to high school and not only has to leave behind his old school, but his home as well. Home for Louis is the amusement park, where he knows everyone

Menna Laura Meijer Director of a.o. Girls, Boys and Sexy. I want children to enjoy a documentary. Although I know that children essentially dislike watching documentaries… So something inside should sparkle to grip that audience. Actually it’s the same as when you want children to eat vegetables; you

and everyone knows him. But now he has to leave this all behind and live in a home with other carnival kids on weekdays. And Louis is going to miss his much younger little brother the most.

put together something fun on the plate. We make something fun, something creative and challenging, and something that is enjoyable for children. In my opinion children’s documentaries should be on television everyday. They do make a difference, because children will pick up something from then anyway. Therefore I also think that filmmakers should be creative and try to be innovative and distinctive.



2 Brothers

I'm agirl


87 catalogue

Documentaries Highlights

88 documentaries

- highlights

Sounds for Mazin Mazin has been deaf since birth, but soon he’s going to get a cochlear implant. He is very excited about this, and a bit scared.The implant will radically change his world in more ways than one.

Little Mo Mo is a twelve-year-old rebel from a working-class neighbourhood and is not afraid of anyone. But as he’ll be going to high school next year he has to change his behavior to work on a better future.

Taking the plunge Kaleigh is 10 years old and can’t swim yet, even though most of her peers can. There’s a special reason why Kaleigh didn’t manage to get a certificate. But this time she’s sure it’s going to work out.

The hideout Coming-of-age film about four boys from a small village in the Netherlands. Their friendship is analyzed down to the minutest detail in their hut they built themselves and which the boys use as their club house.

Just a girl, you know Thirteen-year-old Maria has got her own YouTube channel, where she shares her vlogs, shoplogs and video clips. Is Maria losing herself in the digital world, or will she find her own voice?

Jan’s mom The mother of 11-year-old Jan is in prison. If there’s something he wants to ask or tell his mother, he records these things with a voice recorder. Most of all Jan wants to ask his mother how she’s really doing.

2012 / 19 min Director: Ingrid Kamerling Producer: Hollandse Helden / EO Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 15 min Director: Sjoerd Oostrik Producer: BALDR Film / VPRO Festival contact: BALDR Film Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 16 min Director: Michiel Brongers Producer: Selfmade Films / NCRV Festival contact: Selfmade Films Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 15 min Director: Astrid Bussink Producer: KRO Festival contact: KRO Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 20 min Director: Eef Hilgers Producer: St Joost Academy Festival contact: Eef Hilgers Sales: Eef Hilgers

2012 / 16 min Director: Anneloor van Heemstra Producer: Hollandse Helden / NCRV Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

89 documentaries

2012/ 30 min Director: Marijn Frank Producer: Dahl TV & Blazhoffski / VPRO Sales: Dahl TV & Blazhoffski Festival contact: VPRO Sales

2012 / 17 min Director: Anne Kleisen Producer: Blackframe / BOS Festival contact: Blackframe Sales: NPO Sales

2012 /15 min Director: Janetta Ubbels Producer: Bananaz / NTR Festival contact: Bananaz Sales: Bananaz

2012 / 17min Director: Annelies Kruk Producer: Hollandse Helden / NCRV Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 15 min Director: Susan Koenen Producer: Hollandse Helden / NCRV Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 19 min Director: Neske Beks Producer: Zuidenwind Filmproductions / NCRV Festival contact: Zuidenwind Filmproductions Sales: Zuidenwind Filmproductions

- highlights

Bente’s voice Bente auditions for the TV show The Voice Kids because she’s desperate to become a singer. But when she is selected she’s forced to make adult choices. And at school she’s suddenly popular.

Sarah’s night Sarah can’t seem to fall asleep. She and her little brother live with foster parents as her mom is very sick and hasn’t been able to take care of her since she was five. Can she stay in her foster home?

Delete The father of 15-year-old Jurre has Alzheimer’s, a disease that is taking bites out of his memory. Jurre is afraid that in the end his father will forget him.

Father wanted: with a piggy nose 13-year-old Jaël is the child of an anonymous donor. She’ll be allowed to make contact with him when she turns 16, but she doesn’t want to wait that long. Did she get her upturned nose from her father?

All of me Diede and Emma are best friends, they share almost everything. But Diede has a secret: she’s clairvoyant. And she’s afraid to tell Emma as she doesn’t want Emma to think she’s nuts.

Mookie Mookie is a very cute and cheerful Antillean/Surinamese boy who bursts of imagination. But sometimes he’s not well as he has a chronic disease that can leave him tired and sore.

90 documentaries

- highlights

Cap or kippah Bram (14) keeps it a secret at his high school that he is Jewish. He grew up in a small village where he was seriously bullied about it, so decided not to tell it anymore. And now he lives in two worlds.

When I look into the mirror 15-year-old Dilan was badly burned by a flame from a fire brazier. Her good looks were changed forever in just three seconds. Can she accept that her face and life will never be the same again?

Dancing in style 14-year-old Eugène loves ballroom dancing since he was 6. He’s been teased about it for years, but he’s fed up with being laughed at and decides to show his classmates what he can do.

Bullied: Lwiza Lwiza has been bullied since she was in the first class. She doesn’t understand why and with a camera in her hand, she asks the children from her class what they think about bullying.

Bullied: Justin Justin has been bullied at school for years. Why do they always pick on him? At his new school, things are a little better, but he’s still being bullied. Justin thinks it’s because he is a ‘softie’.

Nadia’s tics Nadia is a bright and openhearted young lady, but there’s also something special about her. She candidly explains how she struggles with her obsessivecompulsive neuroses and anxieties.

2012 /15 min Director: Susanne Engels Producer: Zuidenwind Filmprodukties / Joodse Omroep Festival contact: Zuidenwind Filmprodukties Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 15 min Director: Saskia Gubbels Producer: Hollandse Helden / NCRV Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 15 min Director: Xander de Boer Producer: Hollandse Helden / NCRV Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 15 min Director: Frans Bromet Producer: Bromet & Dochters / NCRV Festival contact: Bromet & Dochters Sales: NPO Sales

2012 / 15 min Director: Frans Bromet Producer: Bromet & Dochters / NCRV Festival contact: Bromet & Dochters Sales: NPO Sales

2011 / 18 min Director: Laetitia Schoofs Producer: Key Docs / BOS Sales: Key Docs Festival contact: NPO Sales

91 documentaries

2011 / 15 min Director: Annelies de Wit Producer: Selfmade Films / NCRV Festival contact: Selfmade Films Sales: NPO Sales

2011 / 17 min Director: Saskia Gubbels Producer: Hollandse Helden / NCRV Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

2010 / 21 min Director: Catherine van Campen Producer: Zuidenwind Filmproductions / NCRV Festival contact: Zuidenwind Filmproductions Sales: NPO Sales

2010 / 19 min Director: Willem Baptist Producers: Kaliber Film / VPRO Festival contact: Kaliber Film Sales: NPO Sales

2010 / 15 min Director Hilt Lochten Producer: KRO/RKK Festival contact: KRO/RKK Sales: NPO Sales

2010 / 16 min Director: Susan Koenen Producer: Hollandse Helden / NCRV Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

- highlights

My granny Lien Christel loves her 84-year-old Granny Lien, who’s getting senile. Her grandmother took care of her for years and Christel wonders how it will be once Lien no longer knows her.

Through Ellen’s ears Eleven-year-old Ellen is deaf, just like her parents and most of her family, and only communicates through sign language. But she would like to attend a normal high school for hearing.

Flying Anne Anne suffers from Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome. Anne sometimes finds it hard to cope with her illness, especially in school. She’s afraid that others will bully her or laugh at her.

I’m never afraid! Eight-year-old Mack is is big a motocross fan since the age of three. He was born with a congenital heart condition and things looked really bad for him. But Mack is a tough guy who’s never afraid.

2Brothers Eleven-year-old Rino and his nine-year-old brother Nik have a strong bond. Nik has a neuromuscular disease and is wheelchair-bound. But the boys always look for ways to try and play together.

I am a girl 13-year-old Joppe is a typical adolescent girl; fascinated by boys and make-up. But Joppe used to be called Job and was born a boy. And now she’s in love with Bart. Will she tell him the truth?

92 documentaries

- highlights

A dress for Anuschka 9-year-old Anuschka father is getting married to stepmother Kitty. Anuschka dreams about having a fantastic dress for the wedding. But the family has hardly enough money to live on.

Living in 2 houses: Renee Julia’s parents got divorced and her life has changed a lot. She lives partly with her father and partly with her mother. Her family is much bigger now and therefore her family life is much more vibrant.

We are boys Jim and Sam have been friends and are inseparable. But after the summer vacation, Jim will be going to high school. Sam thinks that they will stay friends forever, but Jim is not entirely convinced.

Plank Because his father did not keep his word about paying for soccer, 15-year-old Dutch-Moroccan Nassim started skating — it is free, after all, and you can do it anywhere.

Laura & Anne 4-Ever Laura ‘s best friend Anne died six months ago of leukaemia. Laura was convinced she would recover and explains what Anne meant to her and what she continues to mean.

Pets in pots Marth is a 13 year-old-girl who has a great fascination for animals, whether alive or dead. She strongly believes that only animals understand her. In her bedroom she is keeping her dead animals in pots.

2010 / 16 min Director: Annelies Kruk Producer: Hollandse Helden / NCRV Festival contact: Hollandse Helden Sales: NPO Sales

2010 / 16 min Director: Frans Bromet Producer: Bromet & dochters / NCRV Festival contact: Bromet & dochters Sales: NPO Sales

2009 / 16 min Director Tomas Kaan Producers: 100% Halal / VPRO Festival contact: VPRO Sales: NPO Sales

2009 / 15 min Director Billy Pols Producers: Hazazah Pictures / NTR Festival contact: Hazazah Pictures Sales: Hazazah Pictures

2008 / 23 min Director: Susan Koenen Producer: KRO/RKK Festival contact: KRO/RKK Sales: NPO Sales

2008 / 15 min Director: Simonka de Jong Producer: Pieter van Huystee Film&TV / OHM Festival contact: Pieter van Huystee Film&TV Sales: NPO Sales

93 documentaries

2006 / 24 min Director: Anneke de Lind van Wijngaarden Producer Doña Anna Productions / VPRO Festival contact: VPRO Sales: NPO Sales

2006 / 6 x 25 min Director: Mischa Kamp Producer: Submarine / VPRO Festival contact: VPRO Sales: Submarine

2005 / 25 min Director: Anneloek Sollart Producer: VPRO Festival contact: VPRO Sales: NPO Sales

2005 / 15 min Director: Wilma Ligthart Producer: Lemming Film / VPRO Festival contact: Lemming Film Sales: NPO Sales

2005/ 29 min Director: Katinka de Maar Producer: VPRO Festival contact: VPRO Sales: VPRO Sales

2004 / 16 min Director: Annelies Kruk Producer: NCRV Festival contact: NCRV Sales: NPO Sales

- highlights

How Nikita got herself a horse Nikita was terribly bullied in primary school. But when her mother gave Nikita a horse the animal marked a change in her life. Nikita worked miracles with the beautiful black stallion.

Naked A six part series in which children tell us their funny and personal stories about the changes their bodies are going through. The documentary footage has been playfully animated with a computer.

Raw (series: Surviving in the Netherlands) Tom is only allowed to eat raw food, like carrots, apples and nuts. His mother thinks all food should be eaten as nature intended it, as she is convinced that eating raw is healthier,

Ayla, the tsunami girl During the Christmas holidays, Ayla and her family were staying in a sea­­side hotel in Sri Lanka when the tsunami of 2004 hit the coast. She is still dealing with the trauma on a daily basis.

Busje (series: Surviving in the Netherlands) Henk, Jeremy, Abdel-Aziz, Segino en Oumaina have to travel to school with a special bus every day. They don’t always like it, because the children are not always nice to each other.

Nima Nima is a Somali teenager, who lives in a centre for refugees, after she had fled for the war in her country. She hopes she can stay here for good as here she is having fun with her friends and she attends school.

94 documentaries

- highlights

Girls Three boys (aged 14) talk about what they understand least and what fascinates them most: girls. The three boys have been friends since first grade. Sex and girls are their favourite topic of conversation.

My father lives in Venezuela (series: And rightly so!) Roxana’s father has been in prison in Venezuela for two years after being arrested for drug smuggling. She speaks about how she kept in contact and how much she has missed him.

Laura is my father (series: Unexpected blow) Alisa’s father wanted to be a woman. Alisa approved and they agreed about a name. But her friends at school and the people in the village don’t know what to think of it.

Search for Loedertje Willemijns whole neighbourhood was wiped out by a firework explosion. She lost her house and all her things, but most importantly she lost her cat Loedertje. She goes back to the area to look for him.

The day I decided to be Nina The eleven-year-old Guido was born as a boy, but feels like a girl. Guido calls himself Nina now. As long as he can remember, he has played with girl’s toys and wanted to wear dresses.

Tommie Tommie’s father has passed away. He was a composer and Tommie discoveres a string quartet that his father composed before his birth. ‘For Tommie,’ it says. Tommie hears it for the first time.

2003, color, video, 25 min Director: Menna Laura Meijer Producer: IKON Festival contact: IKON Sales: NPO Sales

2003 / 25 min Director: René Roelofs Producer: Lemming Film / VPRO Festival contact: Lemming Film Sales: NPO Sales

2003 / 15 min Director: Juul Bovenberg Producer: Lemming Film / IKON Festival contact: Lemming Film Sales: NPO Sales

2001 / 16 min Director: Juul Bovenberg Producer: NCRV Festival contact: NCRV Sales: NCRV

2000 / 15 min Director: Ingeborg Jansen Producer: Lemming Film / VPRO Festival contact: Lemming Film Sales: NPO Sales

2000 / 20 min Director Boudewijn Koole Producer: VPRO Festival contact: VPRO Sales: VPRO Sales

95 catalogue

New Media

96 new media

Kika & Bob Online game

2014 & 2007 Concept & design: Submarine, Ranj Producer: Submarine Sales: Superights

Interactive web games connected to the animation series Kika and Bob. Firefighter Bob and the girl Kika travel the world trying to get home and save Kika’s kitten Tiger.

In line with the tv-series, players travel the world, making sure Kika & Bob survive a series of hazards and dangers, with the goal of rescuing Kika’s cat from the church spire.

Small steps in a big war Interactive webcomic

2014 Concept & design comic: Gustavo Garcia, Ivan Petrus Adriaenssens, Maarten van der Duin Producer: NTR, Submarine Sales: Superights

On the basis of letters, diary entries, archive material and dramatised scenes, different events from the First World War are told and experienced. All stories in the series and situations in the comics are based on people

and events from the past that actually existed or took place. In the comics the player has to make his own decisions, which allows the events to be re-experienced first hand.

97 new media

Cinekid AppLab Application

2013 Concept & design: Marco Coenradie Producer: Cinekid Sales: Cinekid

A mobile application with a selection of apps that have been evaluated and recommended by Cinekid, which functions as a tool for finding beautiful, creative, safe and high-quality apps for young children. This

app allows fine-tuned searches for age-appropriate apps in different categories and themes. The categories correspond with specific developmental phases. Clips and reviews of the apps can also be viewed.

Explore it! Tablet-app

2013 Commissioning editor NTR: Loes Wormmeester Concept app: Anneke Dorsman, Astrid Poot Design: Fonkmobile Sales: NTR

Explore it! is part of a science tv-series. The tablet-app takes science into your own household. How can you make scientific inquiries yourself? With the app families can

do experiments on their own kitchen table. Not in the app, but in real life, with their own hand and senses. The app guides the process and is used as a visual log.

98 new media

The Wonderkamers Museum game

Foto: Gerrit Schreurs

A museum game that leads young visitors through the world of fine art, haute couture, architecture and the decorative arts. Art comes to live through this interactive game

2013 Concept & design: Kiss the Frog, Kossman.deJong Producer: Kiss the Frog Sales: Gemeentemuseum Den Haag

because the visitors of the museum become a curator by putting together an art exhibition. They learn about art in a playfully way.

Bounden Physical and digital game

2014 Concept & design: Game Oven Producer: Game Oven, Dutch National Ballet Sales: Game Oven

A whimsical dancing game for two players, with choreography by the Dutch National Ballet. Twist and twirl elegantly, or get entangled with a friend. Holding either end

of a device, you tilt the device around a virtual sphere following a path of rings. You swing your arms and twist your body, and before you know it, you are already dancing.

99 new media

On the ground reporter Educational game

2013 & 2010 Concept & design: Butch & Sundance Media Producer: Butch & Sundance Media Sales: Uitgeverij Deviant

Interactive quests for student, who are sent as a reporter to different parts of the Netherlands, as well as foreign countries with the assignment to only return with a good story. During the trip the students will

learn about different cultures, democracy, or media dynamics. The game helps students to develop a broad, unprejudiced, and open view on the world.

The world of difference Serious game

2013 Concept & design: Monkeybizniz Producer: Monkeybizniz, MCC Flevoland Sales: Monkeybizniz, MCC Flevoland

The World of Difference is a place where young people can share their (imminent) grief. A virtual world to help them deal with their grief, fear and other worries, but also to

encourage them to remember and rejoice. In addition, it is an online platform to keep and share memories with other young people reminding them that they are not alone.

100 new media

ibb & obb Video game

2013 Concept & design: Sparpweed Producer: Sparpweed / Codeglue Sales: Sparpweed

A two player cooperative game set in a puzzle filled world where gravity goes both up and down. In a colorful adventure the players

become ibb and obb. Everything revolves around the interaction between the two, both on and off the screen.

Picnic with cake Interactive game and animation series

2012 Concept & design: Jorrit de Vries, Gijs Kattenberg, Karel Brascamp Producer: Submarine Sales: Superights

Website with interactive game connected to the tv-series Picnic with cake. Mr. and Mrs. Dog baked two delicious cakes for a picnic with all their animal friends. But once they arrive at the picnic spot‌.The cakes

are missing! The heart of the website is an interactive story world where children can join the animals enjoying the Picnic with Cake and jump between characters and switch perspectives.

101 new media

Papiria Museum game

2012 Concept & game design: Kiss the Frog, Platvorm Producer: Kiss the Frog Sales: Children’s books museum

Foto: Harrie van den Berg

Papiria is a museum game about books and words. A terrible beast consumes the words he finds, leaving behind only blank paper and interrupted stories. Visitors to the exhibition are trusted with the urgent task to stop the

monster before Papiria is destroyed. The only way they can do this is to create new stories, by writing their own with the words they find and collect around the museum.

Animaltracker Interactive identificationkey (app & website)

2012 Commissioning editor NTR: Loes Wormmeester Concept key: Anneke Dorsman, Hansjorg Ahrens, Berry van der Hoorn Design: Dawn / IJsfontein Sales: NTR

Which animals live in your garden? With the Animal Tracker, an interactive animal identification key tied in to the television series, children discover the varied animal world in their own back gardens. Children can find

out the animals’ names and their characteristics for themselves. The identification works based on characteristics that are relevant for children, such as colour, number of legs or wing shape.

Film Producers Netherlands

Film Producers Netherlands is the association of film producers in the Netherlands. Our aim is to stimulate and support a dynamic and creative film industry. Many of our members are experienced in international co-productions. Members BALDR Film, Bijker Film & TV, BosBros, Cadenza Films, Circe Films, Richard Claus & Co. / Cool Beans, CTM Pictures, Eyeworks Film & TV Drama, Family Affair Films, Farmhouse TV & Film, Fu Works, Graniet Film, Johan Nijenhuis & Co, Jos Stelling Films, Keren Cogan Films, KeyFilm, Lemming Film, Mountain Road Entertainment Group, Mulholland Pictures, Phanta Film, Pupkin Film, PVPictures, Rinkel Film, Rotterdam Films, Sigma Pictures Productions, Sluizer Films, SNG Film, Submarine, Talent United, Topkapi Films, Volya Films, 24 FPS Features

Board members Marc van Warmerdam (Chairman, Graniet Film), Ate de Jong (Mulholland Pictures), Marleen Slot (Viking Film), Maarten Swart (Eyeworks), Sander Verdonk (CTM Pictures), Joost de Vries (Lemming Film)

Contact Marjan van der Haar (Managing Director) Film Producers Netherlands Korte Zoutkeetsgracht 2, 1013 MC Amsterdam, The Netherlands Mobile +31 6 317 90 017, Office +31 20 627 00 61 info@filmproducenten.nl, www.filmproducenten.nl

103 contact producers

100% Halal +31 20 6391402 contact@100procenthalal.nl www.100procenthalal.nl

BosBros +31 20 5244030 info@bosbros.com www.bosbros.com

Cupola Stories & Pictures +3120 620 4992 info@cupola.nl www.cupola.nl

AAA Pictures +31 20 305 9107, info@aaa-pictures.com www.aaa-pictures.com

Bromet & dochters +3120 436 3594 info@bromet.nl www.bromet.nl

Dahl TV +3120 630 1080 info@dahl.nl www.dahl.nl

A'dam Films BV +3120-4899022 mail@amsterdamfilms.nl www.amsterdamfilms.nl

Butch and Sundance Media whitesmoke@butchandsundance.nl www.butchandsundance.nl

Dutch Mountain Film +31 20 688 1843 info@dutchmountainfilm.nl www.dutchmountainfilm.nl

Filmproducenten Nederland

Cerutti Films +31 (0)6-50208648 info@ceruttifilm.nl www.ceruttifilm.nl

AM Pictures +31 (0) 6 417 491 95 info@am-pictures.nl www.am-pictures.nl Filmproducenten Nederland

Cinekid +31 20 531 78 90 info@cinekid.nl www.cinekid.nl

BALDR Film +31 20 3032670 info@baldrfilm.nl www.baldrfilm.nl

CinéTé Filmproduktie BV +31 20 6855339 info@cinete.nl www.cinete.nl

Bananaz +316 44042556 info@bnnz.nl www.bnnz.nl Filmproducenten Nederland

BIND Film +3120 364 0030 joram@bindenwillink.nl www.bindenwillink.nl Filmproducenten Nederland

Bijker Film & TV Ph. +31 20 2260100 info@bijker.tv www.bijker.tv Blackframe +3120 3318635 info@blackframe.nl www.blackframe.nl BlazHoffski Productions B.V. +31 20 3018450 info@blazhoffski.nl www.blazhoffski.nl

Circe Films +31 20 6253591 info@circe.nl www.circe.nl

Een van de jongens +31 20 894 36 28 jongens@eenvandejongens.nl www.eenvandejongens.nl Filmproducenten Nederland

Filmproducenten Nederland

Filmproducenten Nederland

Column Film +31 20 572 2700 info@columnfilm.com www.columnfilm.com Conijn Film +31 6 412 352 89 info@conijnfilm.com www.conijnfilm.com Corrino Films +31 20 4233002 info@corrino.com www.corrino.com

Eyeworks Film & TV Drama +31 20 3463700 film@eyeworks.tv www.eyeworks.tv Family Affair Films Ph. +31 20 7071713 info@familyaffairfilms.nl www.familyaffairfilms.nl Farmhouse TV & Film +31 511539510 info@farmhousefilm.nl www.farmhousefilm.nl Flinck Film BV +31 20 570 31 30 info@flinckfilm.nl www.flinckfilm.nl

Filmproducenten Nederland

Fu Works +31 20 5307110 info@fuworks.com www.fuworks.com Game Oven Studios +31 6 4967 8083 info@gameovenstudios.com www.gameovenstudios.com

104 contact producers

Hazazah Pictures +31 20 4226422 pictures@hazazah.nl www.hazazahpictures.com

KeyFilm +31 20 4231596 info@keyfilm.nl www.keyfilm.nl

Pieter van Huystee Film +31 20 421 0606 info@pvhfilm.nl www.pvhfilm.nl

Hollandse Helden +31 20 33 17 417 mail@hollandsehelden.nl www.hollandsehelden.nl

KeyDocs +31 20 4222607 info@keydocs.nl www.keydocs.nl

IDTV Drama +31 20 3143100 drama@idtv.nl www.idtvdocs.nl

Kiss the Frog + 31 15 2400 100 info@kissthefrog.nl www.kissthefrog.nl

IDTV Docs +31 20 3143100 docs@idtv.nl www.idtvdocs.nl

Lagestee Film BV +31 20 6273374 info@lagesteefilm.nl www.lagesteefilm.nl

Rachel Visscher +316 1402 4391 rachelhalinavisscher@gmail.com www.rachelvisscher.com

Lemming Film +31 20 6610424 info@lemmingfilm.com www.lemmingfilm.com

Revolver Amsterdam +31 20 8208987 welcome@revolver.nl www.revolver.nl

IJswater Films B.V. +31 20 4421760 info@ijswater.nl www.ijswater.nl

Filmproducenten Nederland

Filmproducenten Nederland

Filmproducenten Nederland

Filmproducenten Nederland

Filmproducenten Nederland

Pupkin Film +31 20 4895088 info@pupkin.com www.pupkin.com PVPictures +31 35 6774776 mail@pvpictures.nl www.pvpictures.nl

il Luster B.V. +31 30 2400768 info@illuster.nl www.illuster.nl

Molenwiek Film +31 20 6252296 info@molenwiek.nl www.molenwiek.nl

Isabella Films +31 20 4229199 info@isabellafilms.com www.isabellafilms.com

Monkeybizniz +31 30 214 52 25 info@monkeybizniz.com www.monkeybizniz.com

Selfmade Films +31 20 6060789 mail@selfmadefilms.nl www.selfmadefilms.nl

Mountain Road Entertainment Group +31 35 6235559 info@mountainroad.nl www.mountainroad.nl

Shooting Star Film Company BV +31 20 6247272 info@shootingstar.nl www.shootingstar.nl

Johan Nijenhuis & Co BV +31 20 7601960 info@nijenhuisenco.nl www.nijenhuisenco.nl

Filmproducenten Nederland

Kaliber Film info@kaliberfilm.nl www.kaliberfilm.nl

Filmproducenten Nederland

Filmproducenten Nederland

NL Film & TV +31 20 5747626 info@nlfilm.tv www.nlfilm.tv

Kasander Film +31 10 4333043 info@kasanderfilm.nl Filmproducenten Nederland

Phanta Film +31 20 6260255 info@phantavision.com www.phantavision.com

Rinkel Film BV +31 20 616 32 31 info@rinkelfilm.com www.rinkelfilm.com

Sigma Pictures +31 20 5353320 info@sigmapictures.com www.sigmapictures.com SNG Film +31 20 6867837 sngfilm@xs4all.nl www.sngfilm.nl

105 contact producers

Filmproducenten Nederland

Filmproducenten Nederland

Sparpweed +31 643755618 richard@sparpweed.com www.sparpweed.com

Volt Films +31 20 8932332 info@voltfilms.nl www.voltfilms.nl

Steven de Jong Productions +31 515 558558 steven@stevendejongfilms.nl www.stevendejongfilms.nl

Vossen Films +316 44042556 randy@nietopmeisjes.nl

Submarine BV +31 20 3301226 info@submarine.nl www.submarine.n Talent United Film & TV +31 20 4129644 info@talentunited.nl www.talentunited.nl Telescreen Filmproducties +31 35 699 9999 info@telescreen.nl www.telescreen.nl The Drawing Room +316 242 844 66 info@drawingroom.nl www.drawingroom.nl Theorema Films / Feature Partners 31 20 670 7536 frank@featurepartners.nl

Filmproducenten Nederland

Topkapi Films +31 20 3032494 info@topkapifilms.nl www.topkapifilms.nl Valk Producties info@valkproducties.nl www.valkproducties.nl

Filmproducenten Nederland

Viking Film +31 20 6254788 info@vikingfilm.nl www.vikingfilm.nl

Waterland Film +31 20 7630663 mail@waterlandfilm.nl www.waterlandfilm.nl Witfilm +31 20 6885049 info@witfilm.nl www.witfilm.nl Zeppers Film & TV +3120 6758594 info@zeppers.nl www.zeppers.nl Zuidenwind Filmproductions +31 76 5140871 info@zuidenwind.nl ww.zuidenwind.nl

106 contact broadcasting companies

AVRO +31 35 671 7238 info@avro.nl www.avro.nl

IKON +31 35 672 7272 ikon@ikon.nl www.ikon.nl

NTR +31 35 677 9333 info@ntr.nl www.ntr.nl

BNN +31 35 655 5333 bnninfo@bnn.nl www.bnn.nl

Joodse Omroep +31 35 677 1777 info@joodseomroep.nl www.joodseomroep.nl

TROS +31 35 671 5715 publieksservice@avrotros.nl www.tros.nl

BOS +31 35 677 1611 bos@bosrtv.nl www.bosrtv.nl

KRO +31 35 671 3911 info@kro.nl www.kro.nl

VARA +31 35 671 1911 acquisition@vara.nl www.vara.nl

EO +31 35 647 4747 info@eo.nl www.eo.nl

Omroep Max +31 35 677 5409 info@omroepmax.nl www.omroepmax.nl

VPRO Television +31 35 6712911 info@vpro.nl www.vpro.nl

Human +31 35 672 2020 cora.van.dijk@omroep.nl www.human.nl

NCRV 31 35 672 6890 info@ncrv.nl www.ncrv.nl

contact sales agents

6 Sales +34 49 1172 3734 marina@6sales.es www.6sales.es

M-Appeal +49 30 61 50 75 05 sales@m-appeal.com www.m-appeal.com

T Films +352 621 36 52 72 hthym@tfilms.lu www.tfilms.lu

Attraction Distribuution +1 514 846 1222 info@attractiondistribution.ca attractiondistribution.ca

MountainRoad Entertainment Group +3135 623 5559 info@mountainroad.nl www.mountainroad.nl

TrustNordisk ApS +45 3686 8788 info@trustnordisk.com www.trustnordisk.com

Celsius Entertainment +44 2071931801 in@celsiusentertainment.com www.celsiusentertainment.com

NPO Sales +31 35 677 3561 info@nposales.com www.nposales.com

VPRO Sales +31 35 6712212 sales@vpro.nl www.vpro.nl

Dutch Features +31 35 677 4777 info@dutchfeatures.com www.dutchfeatures.com

SND Films +31 20 404 0707 info@sndfilms.com www.sndfilms.com

Wide +33 1 53 95 04 64 infos@widemanagement.com www.widemanagement.com

Highpoint Media Group +44 20 7424 6870 info@highpointfilms.co.uk www.highpointmediagroup.com

Sola Media +49 711 479 36 66 post@sola-media.com www.sola-media.net

In the air +3120 524 4038 info@ita-rights.com www.ita-rights.com

Superights +33(0) 9 60 111 333 www.superights.net


Little miss piggy

Cool kids don’t cry

The monstrous toilet



Index 2Brothers 4 Ever A Christmoose story A dress for Anuschka A home for Lydia Absolutely afro Alfie the little werewolf All of me Animaltracker Anouar and the moon Anything goes! As boys grow Ayla, the tsunami girl Back and forth day Bennie Brat Bente wants a father Bente’s voice Black and white Bluebird Bobby and the ghosthunters Bon voyage Bonkers Bontekoe’s young sailors Bounden Boy 7 Boys Breath Broken moon Bullied: Justin Bullied: Lwiza Busje Cap or kippah Chellina / Da beast Chicken! Chubby drums Cinekid applab Confetti harvest Cool kids don’t cry Crusade in jeans

91 75 35 92 74 63 38 89 100 58 52 56 93 60 39 61 89 71 45 34 40 44 43 98 29 26 62 60 90 90 93 90 69 62 40 97 25 38 43

Daisy- Scratches in the table Dajo Dancing in style The boy who thought he was good as he was Delete Desperate Dobli Dog-e Doggie Donkey girl Dummie the mummy Dunya & Desie in Morocco Ebony Eep! Engel & Broer Eric in the land of insects Explore it! Father and daughter Father wanted: with a piggy nose Father’s day Feifei - Hide and seek Fidgety Bram Finn Firuze Flying Anne For a few more marbles more Free as a bird Frogs & toads Fuchsia the miniwitch Furious Gabriel reports the world cup Giovanni and the water ballet Girls Go Daan go! Haiduc Hammada Hanna's party Hear this!

47 64 90 55 89 42 63 52 62 63 31 42 62 41 64 45 97 64 89 61 81 39 34 62 91 63 62 41 40 40 71 69 94 50 72 61 70 77

109 index

Holi How Ky became niels How Nikita got herself a horse How to survive myself? I am a girl I’m never afraid! Ibb & obb Imraan is freed In orange In, spin, ritalin Jacco’s film Jamey's fight Jan’s mom Joëlla - Best friends forever Johan Johnny Bakru Just a girl, you know Kameleon 2 Kauwboy Kika & Bob Language is not really my thing Laura & Anne 4-Ever Laura is my father Lepel Life according to Nino Little Crumb Little Miss Piggy Little Mo Living in 2 houses: Renee Long live the queen Loonies II Losers Louis the ferris wheel kid Lover or loser Marc Jacobs Martijn-Kerem Merlijn and the red apple Miffy the movie Mike says goodbye!

64 72 93 41 91 91 100 82 45 70 60 80 88 84 67 54 88 44 38 96 79 92 94 44 27 47 74 88 92 47 30 68 85 41 50 63 82 36 39

Mimoun Mina Minoes Minoes Missie Poo 16 Missing Missing Link Mister Braker Mister Twister goes camping Mister Twister on stage Mister Twister, class of fun Monkey King Mookie Morrison gets a baby sister Munya in mij My crazy granny! My dad’s a detective - The battle My dearest f#cking phone My father lives in Rio My father lives in Venezuela My granny Lien Nadia’s tics Naked Nena New Nima Ninnoc Now you know it anyway On the ground reporter Once upon a tree Painkillers Papa’s tango Papiria Paulina Pecker Penny’s shadow Peter Bell Peter Bell 2: the hunt for the tsar crown Pets in pots

58 59 46 61 60 46 59 35 39 29 61 89 42 55 59 39 67 48 94 91 90 93 26 75 93 66 59 99 78 31 59 101 83 60 40 46 45 92

110 index

Picnic with cake Pim & Pom, The big adventure Plank Pluk and his tow truck Point taken - sink or swim Polleke Pony place Queen - letter to the queen Queen in the attic Raw Regret! Rhubarb Room for myself Salam Sarah’s night Schnitzel paradise Scrap wood war Search for Loedertje Secrets of war Sickos Small Small steps in a big war Smoke like a Turk Sniff the dog Sounds for Mazin Steal Straight with you Supernova SWCHWRM, my adventures Sweet love Sweet tomato Swimming paradise T.I.M. Taking chances Taking the plunge The black meteor The boy who stopped talking The dandelion game The datcha The day I decided to be Nina The flying liftboy The hideout

100 28 92 45 53 46 56 83 64 93 36 32 84 54 89 44 33 94 25 33 59 96 58 42 88 50 76 27 38 58 64 60 32 38 88 46 47 47 58 94 47 88

The horror bus The letter for the King The magicians The monstrous toilet The penknife The purse snatcher The secret letter The seven of Daran ‘The battle of Pareo Rock’ The skippers of the Kameleon The strongest man in Holland The wonderkamers The world of difference The zigzag kid Through Ellen’s ears Through the fire Through the looking glass Timbuktu Tommie Tonight we'll become women Tony 10 Tough cookies (series) Tripple double Veni Vidi Vissie Waiting for Marissa We are boys We stay friends (series) Wet When I look into the mirror Where is Winky’s horse? Winky’s horse Winter in wartime Wiplala Witches don’t exist XTC, just don’t do it Wool fever Yim en Yoyo You should've been there Young Kees Youssef please say no!

44 42 41 63 48 48 41 43 45 40 98 99 39 91 76 79 43 94 77 38 73 28 68 53 92 73 61 90 43 44 42 24 30 43 80 58 78 46 81

111 colofon

The Dutch Touch 2 is a publication of EYE International.

The Dutch Touch is supported by:

Editor: Esther Schmidt Editor in chief: Claudia Landsberger Thanks to Anneke Dorsman, Paulien Dresscher, Bruno Felix, Annette Haverkamp, Kaisa Kriek, Anna Pedroli, Remco Pijpers, Astrid Poot, Monique Ruinen, Meike Statema, Sabine Veenendaal. And the interviewed experts, producers, festivals, broadcasting companies. Graphic Design: Jannemieke Oostra Print: Eco Drukkers Edition: 1000 Copyright: All photographs are the copyright property of the producers of the concerning productions. Besides the filmcredits, all texts are written by Esther Schmidt; all rights reserved. Publisher: EYE International Contact EYE International T: +31 20 758 2375 international@eyefilm.nl www.international.eyefilm.nl Š EYE International 2014

Film Producers Netherlands

Documentary Drama Youth

NPO Sales Bart de Graaffweg 2 1217 ZL Hilversum The Netherlands T. +31356773561 info@nposales.com

Our catalogue is available to screen online at www.nposales.com Mimoun > BIND and VPRO Television Foto: Ivo de Bruin

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