Region One ESC Fall 2012 RtI Training Schedule

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Region One Education Service Center-Fall, 2012

Fall 2012 Schedule

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Region One Education Service Center-Fall, 2012 “Rigorous implementation of RtI includes a combination of high quality, culturally and linguistically responsive instruction; assessment; and evidence-based intervention. Comprehensive RtI implementation will contribute to more meaningful identification of learning and behavioral problems, improve instructional quality, provide all students with the best opportunities to succeed in school and assist with the identification of learning disabilities and other disabilities.� -The National Center on Response to Intervention, 2012

Commitment to Quality Serving as an intermediary agency between the U.S. Department of Education (USDE), the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and our local school districts, Region One Education Service Center (ESC) is dedicated to providing on-going quality in the area of Response to Intervention (RtI) implementation. Our direct line of communication with these parent agencies allows Region One ESC to provide our area districts up to date information on essential matters related to RtI such as awareness of available resources, legal updates and state-recommended best practices in curriculum use, instruction, assessment and school-wide positive behavioral supports. For the 2012-13 academic school year, Region One ESC will continue to offer guidance on efficient and effective RtI implementation that is in line with the nation and the state. Region One ESC also strives to connect intervention guidance in the areas of academics and behavior to support our schools in preparing for learning experiences that match the rigor of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).

Focus on the Core The RtI framework not only enhances the quality of classroom instruction and school-wide positive behavioral support systems but it also empowers teachers to provide struggling learners wide-ranging supports while remaining in the general education setting (Walker, 2008). In addition, Region One ESC recognizes the need to support our area schools with instructional support systems to address the language

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Region One Education Service Center-Fall, 2012 and literacy needs of our English Language Learners (ELLs). When the linguistic supports of the ELL population are embedded into quality core instruction the possibility of inappropriate classification of ELLs in special education is dramatically reduced. Students who are gaining proficiency in the four domains of language –listening, speaking, reading and writing-can benefit from systems where the core content needs are being adequately and intentionally addressed (Calderón, Slavin, and Sánchez (2011).

Culturally Responsive Response to Intervention Region One also understands the need to supply educators with best practices to enhance student engagement by providing learning experiences that are rigorous and relevant to students. Barbara Cervone, President of What Kids Can Do, (2010) reports that the in addition to the three Rs (reading, writing and ‘rithmetic) schools should strive to “nourish teacher-student relationships grounded in trust, respect and responsibility.” In order to most effectively serve a diverse population, schools must be cognizant of multiple approaches to instruction and behavioral supports. “Similar considerations must be applied to the design and implementation of interventions for individual students” (Harris-Murri, King, and Rostenberg, 2006). The

intentional use and understanding of culturally responsive pedagogy allows school systems to appropriately address the individualized needs of all students and to eliminate any potential barriers to learning. Culturally responsive systems allow schools to create an “arsenal for addressing the numerous needs associated with the achieving gap” (Schellenberg and Grothaus, 2011). and create these essential teacher and student relationships that serve as a basis for learning.

New RtI Coordinator Support Schools are continuously evolving systems and with this growth come changes in administrative and teaching assignments. It is important to Region One ESC that we continue to build leadership capacity by offering a wide range of training to new and existing staff. An Page | 3

Region One Education Service Center-Fall, 2012 established process of continuous growth and improvement ensures that schools can continue the proper implementation of a coordinated instructional process while maintaining a strong leadership infrastructure (Mercier Smith, Fien, Basaraba, and Travers, 2009). Region One will offer specified trainings and meeting opportunities to provide new campusbased and district level RtI Coordinators the opportunity to efficiently learn new knowledge and join in a network of support to ensure that appropriate RtI processes continue to be implemented within their existing systems. (See the details in the pages that follow.)

Summary Region One ESC’s vision and mission statements highlight our commitment to educational excellence, equity and to provide quality services. We understand and accept this responsibility to provide our area schools with supports that are necessary to maintain alignment to state standards that are rooted in culturally responsive practices. Further we understand the need for continued growth and the demands of incorporating new school staff into existing systems for the betterment of all children. We are excited to be your provider of choice on the topic of Response to Intervention. ♌

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Region One Education Service Center-Fall, 2012

References Calderón, M., Slavin, R., & Sánchez, M. (2011). Effective instruction for english learners. Future Of Children, 21(1), 103-127. Cervone, B. (2010). Powerful learning with public purpose. New Directions For Youth Development, 2010(127), 37-50. doi:10.1002/yd.361 Harris-Murri, N., King, K., & Rostenberg, D. (2006). Reducing Disproportionate Minority Representation in Special Education Programs for Students with Emotional Disturbances: Toward a Culturally Responsive Response to Intervention Model. Education & Treatment Mercier Smith, J. L., Fien, H., Basaraba, D., & Travers, P. (2009). Planning, Evaluating, and Improving Tiers of Support in Beginning Reading. Teaching Exceptional Children, 41(5), 16-22. National Center on Response to Intervention, (2012). What is rti? Retrieved from Schellenberg, R., & Grothaus, T. (2011). Using Culturally Competent Responsive Services to Improve Student Achievement and Behavior. Professional School Counseling, 14(3), 222230. Walker, B. J., (2008). Adjusting instruction to meet students’ needs. Reading Today, 25(6), 1819.

“What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.” -Joseph Addison, Writer

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Region One Education Service Center-Fall, 2012

Recommended Trainings and Meetings for New RtI Coordinators/Facilitators Session Title/ CPE Credits/Fee

RtI Overview Trainer of Trainers (3 CPE Hours, Free)


September 14, 2012





Begins September 30, 2012 and ends October 28, 2012



Begins January 13, 2013 and ends February 10, 2013



8:45 a.m. to 12 noon

September 14, 2012 12:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Response to Intervention 101 RtI Guide ONLINE Course (12 CPE Hours, Free)

October 24, 2012 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Common Barriers to RtI Implementation: What They Are and How to Avoid Them. (3 CPE Hours, Free) October 31, 2012 12:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.

September 21, 2012 9:00 a.m to 10:00 a.m.

Help! Where Do I Go to Find RtI Stuff? (1 CPE Hour, Free)

Workshop Number


September 21, 2012 11:00 a.m to 12 noon

September 21, 2012 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.











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Description This ONLINE live webinar session will offer general information about Response to Intervention (RtI) for NEW district or campus RtI coordinators. The participants will receive access to trainer of trainer materials which can be used as a tool for training school or district staff on the BASICS of RtI. This course is 100% online. The objective of the course is to orient you with the basics of Response to Intervention. You will read the RtI Guide by Dr. John McCook and take a basic comprehension quiz with each section of the reading. A course syllabus/commitment form is required for this class. The book is provided. Call for additional details. This session is intended as an introduction on what some of the most commonly reported and observed RtI implementation barriers within our state. The purpose of this session is to provide guidance and support to area schools and districts in efficient and effective RtI implementation in order to avoid any potential barriers which include system-wide understanding of the purpose of RtI, who should lead implementation efforts, and what should be the "non-negotiables" of your RtI implementation plan. Come learn how to avoid any the confusion about the process and how to build capacity of universal understanding within your district to maximize your use of funds and your time. If you were "put in charge" of RtI, this session is for you! In just one short hour you will learn about some websites of interest that offer general to specific information about Response to Intervention. You will learn about various national and state resources that will support you in your understanding of the critical components of RtI. This will be a hands-on session. Be prepared to be amazed at all that is out there at your disposal to help build your capacity of understanding of RtI basics.

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Region One Education Service Center-Fall, 2012 Session Title/ CPE Credits/Fee

The Culturally Proficient School-Prepares for RtI (20 CPE Hours, Free)


Begins November 4, 2012 and ends December 9, 2012



Workshop Number


Description In this ONLINE COURSE you will take a journey through a fictitious school district that is struggling with issues of understanding diversity and how to close the academic achievement gap for student sup groups that are not achieving to their highest potential. This course is a MUST for any campus or district that is implementing Response to Intervention. You will learn about how a pervasive philosophy of "high expectations for ALL" can support school improvement efforts. This ONLINE course requires a signed syllabus/commitment form from each participant. The book for the course is provided and is yours to keep with successful completion of the course. Call 956-984-6261 or 956-984-6175 for complete details.

General Response to Intervention Trainings Session Title/ CPE Credits/Fee


September 20, 2012 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Workshop Number

Region One Computer Lab B


Region One Computer Lab B


Using EasyCBM for Student Progress Monitoring Grades K-8 Reading and Mathematics for RtI (6 CPE Hours, Free) October 19, 2012 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

RtI and the Classroom TeacherADMINISTRATOR SESSION (6 CPE Hours, Free)

November 7, 2012 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Willacy Room


Description This is an ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY USE SESSIONgeneral knowledge of computer navigation skills are a prerequisite. We will learn the basics of Curriculum Based Measurement (CBM) for student progress monitoring. You will learn how to use a free online resource to administer brief screening tests for reading and mathematics to students K-8th grades. This session will be conducted in a computer lab and no food or drinks are allowed in the lab. Campus and District Level administrators will receive a FREE book by the same title as part of this training. You will learn how to foster buy-in and build commitment by the classroom teacher in the RtI process. RtI cannot happen without the teacher and it is critical for administrators to know how to build teachers' capacity of instructional practices that foster success in RtI implementation. This session will allow for administrator to administrator discussion as well as whole group discussion to help guide participants in understanding the importance of the principal's and central office administrator's role in the RtI implementation process.

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Region One Education Service Center-Fall, 2012 Session Title/ CPE Credits/Fee


October 11-12, 2012 8:30 a.m. to 4: 00 p.m.

Systems of Support Intervention RtI Team Training (12 CPE Hours, Free)

November 9-10, 2012 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Workshop Number

Zapata Room


Willacy Room


Willacy Room


Note: Day 2 is on a Saturday

December 7-8, 2012 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Note: Day 2 is on a Saturday

*This three day intensive academy is designed to align your district for preparation for RtI Implementation and assist you in creating a guidance document for your district. Each member of the district level team will receive a resource notebook with the following materials: District Level RtI Implementation Blueprints School Level RtI Implementation Blueprints Book titled, Leading and Managing RtI: Five Steps for Building and Maintaining Infrastructure (McCook, 2009) Much more!

Description This training is intended for CAMPUS-based interdisciplinary intervention teams led by the PRINCIPAL (principal's attendance required WITH the team-no exceptions). Teams of general and special educators will learn the "whys" involved in creating an individualized intervention plan for a student who requires instruction beyond Tier 1 in an RtI framework. Also the team will learn the “how� in conducting an intervention team meeting for the purpose of developing an individualized intervention plan for students who struggle either academically or behaviorally. A typical team consists of 5-7 members from the same campus, led by the principal. iPads, laptops computer or other internet accessible devices are encouraged.

This training is available by request. Cost*: $2,500 for a ten member DISTRICT level interdisciplinary team. Call 956-984-6175 for details. *Includes extensive follow up support as requested.

The academy is limited to 10 team members. All team members must participate in an online RtI course prior to the academy. The online course date perimeters can be tailored to your individual needs. Call 956-984-6175 --

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Region One Education Service Center-Fall, 2012

Jannette Reyes, M. Ed. Region One ESC 1900 West Schunior Edinburg, Texas 78539 Email: Phone: 956-984-6175

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