Region One ESC 2011-12 RtI Meeting and Training Schedule

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Region One Education Service Center

Response to Intervention Meeting and Training Schedule



Effective Implementation Levels of Response to Intervention Implementation ………………………………………… 3 Support from the State ………………………………………………………………………… 4 Culturally Responsive Response to Intervention Assessing Your Needs ………………………………………………………………………….. 5

RTI CTRL: RTI Classification Tool and Resource Locator Self Assessment (of School or District’s Current RtI Implementation Level) ………………6 References ………………………………………………………………………………………..7 Meeting and Training Schedule for 2011-12 ……………………………………………… 8-13 Additional Resources of Interest……………………………………………………...……….13


Getting from Where We Are to Where We Need to Be “Would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here?” asked Alice. “That depends a good deal on where you want to get to” said the Cat. “I don’t much care where-’ said Alice. “Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said the Cat. “-so long as I get somewhere,” Alice added as an explanation. -Excerpt from Lewis Carroll‘s Alice in Wonderland (1865)

Effective RtI Implementation Effective implementation of Response to Intervention (RtI) is an important but overwhelming task. The National Center on Response to Intervention (NCRTI) says ―Implementing RtI is a process that requires thoughtful, purposeful planning and continuous evaluation and refinement.‖ Dr. George Batsche articulates the need for districts to establish long term plans of RtI implementation and emphasizes that it will take 4-6 years (or more) for full implementation. A caveat to this statement is what is instituted in those 4-6 years must be aligned with best practice which includes local changes in policy, staff development and transformation of building and campus level procedures (2007). Levels of Response to Intervention Implementation According to the Center on Instruction (COI, 2008), there are six levels of RtI implementation including exploration, installation, initial implementation, full implementation, innovation, and sustainability (Adapted from Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman and Wallace, 2005) The focus of the exploration level of RtI implementation is to decide if the time is right for RtI implementation in your district. Conversations must occur to evaluate the readiness and consensus to begin the process but most importantly, evaluate the district’s current capacity to devote the amount of time, commitment and resources that will be necessary to implement RtI properly. The installation level begins by preparing for the implementation of RtI. The district will be preparing for systemic change and adopt behaviors that are in line with second order change (Galvin, 2007 - See Table 1). Districts that are in the initial implementation level has spent time educating all stakeholders, provided extensive training to all staff, has leaders from the district and campus level that are knowledgeable in the components of RtI and actively support all activities. The district in this stage has established an interdisciplinary district level RtI committee that holds regular monthly meetings, conducts training and provides support to all internal and external stakeholders and conducts regular evaluation of RtI implementation.


In the full implementation level, RtI has become ―part of typical practice.‖ All processes clearly defined for all stakeholders and these processes are integrated with other district and campus initiatives. RtI is seen as a model that includes ALL students in the district or building and all misconceptions about the purpose of RtI have been dissolved. Extensive and ongoing professional development in the area of RtI has become the focus and the new norm for this district. ―Until stakeholders are clear about what is being implemented and why it is being implemented, many may be reluctant to support implementation efforts‖ (Hall, 2011) . Hall further stresses that one of the most common RtI implementation ―pitfalls‖ is confusing [RtI] awareness training with implementation training. Hall also highlights the need to move beyond RtI Overview-type sessions to establishing follow-up training opportunities for stakeholders to firmly grasp each critical component of the RtI model and receive on-going and coaching on the specifics of the process. Table 1. Characteristics of First- and Second-Order Changes First-Order Change

Second-Order Change

● An extension of the past

● A break with the past

● Within existing paradigms

● Outside of existing paradigms

● Consistent with prevailing values and norms

● Conflicted with prevailing values and norms

● Implemented with existing skills and knowledge

● Requires new skills and knowledge

● Implemented by experts

● Implemented by stakeholders

Retrieved from

The proposed activities in the innovation level involve intensified capacity-building efforts, all processes are completed with high fidelity, schools have been reconfigured and refined and RtI is not seen as an ―add on‖ but a new way of ―doing school.‖ Finally, RtI implementation efforts must include plans for sustainability. At this level, the district recognizes how RtI fits into the broader context of education to include preparing for and embracing changes in national and state educational trends. Support from the State To support RtI implementation efforts in Texas, the Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk funded by the Texas Education Agency established a web page titled Building RtI Capacity. The goals of this collaborative project are to support Texas schools in efficient and effective RtI implementation as a means to improve student achievement by ―enhancing the knowledge and skill of educators …to providing all students with opportunities to be successful learners‖ (2011). The focus is to build capacity of all district and campus level staff in implementing each critical component of RtI and underscores the need for school staff to learn new practices, use these new practices in instruction on an ongoing basis, use data to inform instruction and make adaptations to instruction, schedules, staff and revise professional development plans as needed.


Culturally Responsive Response to Intervention ―The American educational system was designed for students from two-parent nuclear families with middle class money and values, who came to school with all the necessary materials and preparation. However these ‗ideal‘ students are not the only ones who walk through the doors of the schoolhouse every morning. The real students of today are from various ethnicities, financial backgrounds and family structures‖ (Kunjufu, 2002). What this means for school staff is that we must address the needs of our underserved populations and hold courageous conversations about the changes that must be considered to make RtI ‗work‘ at our school. (Jones, 2007). When interventions are applied to students who are culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD), we must ensure that the methodologies used do not place these groups of students at greater risk by using assessment tools or procedures that were not normed on certain student groups (Harris-Murri, Rostenberg, 2006). When implemented with culturally responsive practices in mind, RtI has the potential to support a wide range of learners and ensure that all children receive an adequate opportunity to learn (Brown and Doolittle, 2008). Region One Education Service Center accepts the responsibility to unite with the national and state RtI implementation guidance and provide current information our area stakeholders. Our mission, ―to lead and serve school communities in enhancing student success and school efficiency by providing quality services‖ continues in the 2011-12 academic school year with our RtI meeting and training offerings. Our focus will be in guiding school systems in using culturally responsive practices in RtI implementation. We commit to be of assistance to you in this journey.♦

Assessing Your Needs In order to target your needs, we are asking your district or campus to take this brief survey from the Center for Instruction. After taking this survey, you will be able to identify which of the six stage of RtI implementation your campus is in terms of Definition and Alignment, Leadership, Capacity, and Instructional Aspects. Once you complete the survey, you will be able to print your results and get a personalized link to retrieve your report as needed. On this page you will also get recommendations and additional resources to support your implementation efforts. The Region One Response to Intervention trainings and meetings this year will be coded with the first four levels of implementation. This year we will not offer trainings for the innovation and sustainability levels.


Click on the tab below to be routed to the survey:

Please take a moment to complete this survey for your district or campus. For optimal results, you are encouraged to collaborate on the responses with your campus or district level RtI team. If you are not able to access the link from the tab provided above, please copy and paste the URL below to your Internet browser. Once you access this site, you will need to scroll down the page to begin the self assessment. This survey is free and is NOT affiliated with Region One Education Service Center. Your survey results will not be accessible to Region One ESC. For a printable version of this survey, go to:

When you print your results you will receive levels assigned for each of the four Implementation considerations: Definition of RtI and Alignment With Existing Initiatives (DA), Leadership (L), Implementation Capacity (C), and Instructional Aspects of Implementation (IA). Each of these components will serve as a TRAINING CODE on the schedules below and will guide you in understanding the intended audience and purpose for each of the sessions offered.

All trainings are FREE unless otherwise indicated.


References Batsche, G. (2007). Problem-solving and response to intervention: focusing on improved academic achievement for all students. Retrieved from Brown, J.E. & Doolittle, J. (2008). A cultural, linguistic and ecological framework for response to intervention with english language learners. Retrieved from . Center on Instruction (2008). Levels of implementation. Retrieved from Fixsen, D. L., Naoom, S. F., Blase, K. A., Friedman, R. M., & Wallace, F. (2005). Implementing research: a synthesis of the literature. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, NIRN (FMHI Publication #231). Galvin, M. (2007). Feature article: implementing response to intervention (rti) considerations for practitioners. Retrieved from . Hall, S. (2011). Create your implementation blueprint: avoiding implementation pitfalls. Retrieved from .

Harris-Murri, N., King, K., & Rostenberg, D. (2006). Reducing disproportionate minority representation in special education programs for students with emotional disturbances: Toward a culturally responsive response to intervention model. Education & Treatment of Children, 29(4), 779-779-799. Retrieved from . Jones, S. J. (2007). Culturally responsive instruction. Leadership, 37(2), 14-36. Kunjufu, J. (2002). Black students middle class teachers. Chicago: African American Images. National Center on Response to Intervention (2011). Implementing rti. Retrieved from Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk (2011). Building capacity for rti project. Retrieved from


Meeting and Training Schedule (By Level of Implementation) EXPLORATION LEVEL Exploration — actively considering a change; thinking about making use of RTI (this requires some degree of awareness that leads to acquisition of information and exploration of options). Related Article:

Trainings to Support the Exploration Level Training Code-See Page 6



November 1, 2011


November 9, 2011



November 9, 2011


DA, L, C

November 13December 18, 2011

DA, L, C

December 2, 2011


RtI OverviewTrainer of Trainers

Online Webinar 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.

DA, L, C

December 2, 2011


RtI OverviewTrainer of Trainers

Online Webinar 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Workshop Number

Workshop Title



Common Barriers to RtI Implementation

Online Webinar 9:30 a.m. to 10: 45 a.m.

36139 (3 different registration processes required-call for details)

Online RtI Resources to Support RtI Implementation Efforts Online RtI Resources to Support RtI Implementation Efforts The RtI Guide: Developing and Implementing a Model in Your Schools

Computer Lab B 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Computer Lab B 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Online Course (4 weeks) $50 FEE

Related Online Resources/Professional Learning Community Support: National Center for Response to Intervention: RtI Action Network: Building RtI Capacity (Texas-Based): Region One ESC RtI Site: Implementation Blueprint and Self-Assessment for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports:


INSTALLATION LEVEL Installation — preparing for the implementation of RTI. Resources are being expended on active preparation for doing things differently, in keeping with the tenets of RTI. Structural supports necessary to initiate RTI are put in place. Related Article:

Trainings to Support the Installation Level Training Code- See Page 6




TBD by Requesting District November 3-4, 2011 May 10-11, 2011

Workshop Number

TBD by Requesting District

35591 35592

Workshop Title


RtI Academy 3 Days (Prerequisite Online RtI course or equivalent REQUIRED) Creating Behavior IEPs and BIPs Creating Behavior IEPs and BIPs RtI and the Classroom Teacher (Administrators ONLY) Multisensory Strategies for Reading Instruction

Training is provided on-site by request only $2500 FEE/up to a 10-member District Level Team Fort Ringgold Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fort Ringgold Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

L, C

January 20, 2012



October 25-26, 2011



October 27, 2011


Scientific Spelling


December 7, 2011


Evidence-Based Writing Instruction for Struggling Writers


March 4- April 5, 2012


October 27, 2011


November 15, 2011

36154 (3 different registration processes required-call for details)



The Culturally Proficient School Practical Strategies for Managing the Angry, Aggressive, and Impulsive Student What Do I Do with a Student that Did Not Qualify (DNQ) for Special Ed?

Willacy Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Cameron Room 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. $225 FEE Cameron Room 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. $150 FEE Cameron Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. $150 FEE Online Course (5 weeks)-a signed commitment form is required $50 FEE Falcon Dam/La Lomita/Sal Del Rey Rooms 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Willacy Room 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.


INSTALLATION LEVEL Additional Trainings to Support the Installation Level Training Code-See Page 6


Workshop Number

Workshop Title



November 15, 2011


What Do I Do with a Student that Did Not Qualify (DNQ) for Special Ed?

Willacy Room 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


December 6, 2011


Multisensory Grammar

Cameron Room 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. $155 FEE


February 23, 2012


DA, L, C, IA

November 1, 2011


Response to Intervention-What’s Culture Got to Do With It? (Pathways to Cultural Proficiency and Family/School Partnerships) Dropout PreventionUsing the Early Warning Data System (EWDS) Tool

Willacy Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Online Webinar 1:30 p.m.-2:45 p.m.

Related Online Resources/Professional Learning Community Support: Resource Finder/Filter: National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems (NCCRESt): Equity Alliance Learning Carousel: Addressing Diversity in Schools Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Culturally Responsive Differentiated Instructional Strategies: pdf Becoming Culturally Responsive Educators Rethinking Teacher Education Pedagogy: IRIS Resource Locator: Response to Intervention Ensuring Achievement for All (16-min video):

All trainings are FREE unless otherwise indicated. Additional training dates coming soon for Laredo area!


INITIAL IMPLEMENTATION LEVEL Initial Implementation — actively engaged in implementing and supporting RTI. Implementation requires making changes and providing education, practice, and time for skill levels, organizational capacity, organizational culture, and so on, to mature. Related Article:

Trainings to Support the Initial Implementation Level Training Code-See Page 6


L, C, IA

November 1011, 2011


L, C, IA

December 1314, 2011


L, C, IA

January 24-25, 2012


L, C, IA

June 13-14, 2011


DA, L, C, IA

November 16, 2011



October 23November 5, 2011

Workshop Number

36141 (3 different registration processes required-call for details)


TBA Edinburg and Laredo Area


TBA Edinburg and Laredo Area

Workshop Title **Systems of Support Intervention Team Training (2 days) **Systems of Support Intervention Team Training (2 days) **Systems of Support Intervention Team Training (2 days) **Systems of Support Intervention Team Training (2 days) The Role of Student Evaluation Personnel in Schools Implementing RtI Turning Around Chronically LowPerforming Schools Texas Early Mathematics Inventory (TEMI) for Kindergarten English and Spanish Texas Early Mathematics Inventory (TEMI) for Grades 1-2English and Spanish

Location/Time Webb Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Willacy Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Willacy Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Willacy Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Online Webinar 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Online Course



** The campus PRINCIPAL must attend with the intervention team of 5-8 persons. Principals, please select the best training dates for you and your team to attend.

Related Online Resources/Professional Learning Community Support: Developing an RtI Guidance Document: RtI Implementation Blueprints-School Building Level: RtI Implementation Blueprints-District Level: Intervention Central: Doing What Works:


FULL IMPLEMENTATION LEVEL Full Implementation — RTI is part of typical practice. It is integrated into practitioner, organizational, and community practices, policies, and procedures. At this point, RTI becomes fully operational with full staffing complements, RTI is being used with all students, and all of the other realities of ―doing school‖ with RTI are being managed. Related Article:

Trainings to Support the Full Implementation Level Training Code-See Page 6


DA, L, C, IA

January 15February 19, 2012

Workshop Number 36179 (3 different registration processes required-call for details)

DA, L, C, IA

January 26, 2012


DA, L, C, IA

November 30, 2011


L, C, IA

February 9, 2012



January 31, 2012



January 12, 2012




November 17, 2011 December 15, 2011



Workshop Title


RtI in Middle School and High School

Online Course(5 Weeks)-a signed commitment form is required $50 FEE

Diagnostic Tests to Rock your World! (Reading, Mathematics and Behavior) Scottish Rite-Rite Flight Comprehension and Fluency Adolescent Literacy Using Easy CBM for Progress Monitoring Grades K-8 (advanced training) Conducting Curriculum Based Measurement (CBM) in Mathematics, Spelling and Writing Using the DIBELSDynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills Using the IDELIndicadores Dinámicos del Éxito en la Lectura

Sal Del Rey Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Webb Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. $25 FEE/BOGO Willacy Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Computer Lab B 8:30 4:00 p.m.

Zapata Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Cameron Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Zapata Room 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Related Online Resources/Professional Learning Community Support: CBM Warehouse (Intervention Central): Curriculum-Based Measurement: A Manual for Teachers: Research Institute on Progress Monitoring:

Additional Resources of Interest: Straight Talk for Parents (information booklet): Spanish – color version: Spanish - printer friendly version: English – color version: English – printer friendly version: Beginning Reading Instruction Practical Ideas for Parents: English version: Spanish version: Instructional Decision-Making Procedures for Ensuring Appropriate Instruction for Struggling Students in Grades K-3: Response to Intervention An Alternative to Traditional Eligibility Criteria for Students with Disabilities: Professional Learning for Culturally Responsive Teaching: Preparing for Culturally Responsive Teaching: K.E.W.L. (Kids Excellent Web Links): Sites for Teachers:


For additional information contact: Jannette Reyes Region One ESC 956-984-6175 956-984-6261


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