A complete tool for collecting & analyzing customer feedback
Are your customers happy? How often do you talk to them?
Can customers share feedback/suggestions?
Complete Feedback Tool
“ Offer your customers a tool to easily share their feedback and suggestions.”
Anywhere, Anytime
At home solution via user’s own device
In-store solution
Completely Customizable
Integrated Solutions
Short URL
wer.ac/brico ďƒ
Wide range of extensions Rewards
Customized Look & Feel
Data export
Analytical Reporting
QR-Code & Short URL
Urgent Push Messages
Comprehensive Analysis
Monitoring & Tracking
Use we!react as a platform to collect your customers opinions, before they go public. We!react’s comperhensive analysis will enable you to improve your customer satisfaction, leading to more loyal customers and better business results. Visit wereact.biz for more info