Custometer Benchmark 2011

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THE CUSTOMETER Benchmark 2011 October 2011 In association with


Î Who and Why?

ÎWhat and How? ÎThe benchmarks ÎConclusions ÎAppendix


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ÎWho and Why? ÎWhat and How? ÎThe benchmarks ÎConclusions ÎAppendix


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CUSTO: The Belgian Customer Media professionals

ÎSets and defends high standards for real professional customer publishing = CUSTO Quality Label ÎPromotes customer media by unlocking expertise and best practices ÎProvides efficiency benchmarks and ROI proof through neutral and independent research = Custometer Î


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:K\ ³7KH &XVWRPHWHU´ 3 reasons:



7KHUH¶V DOZD\V D QHHG WR SURYLGH WKH FXVWRPHU ZLWK IHHGEDFN about the quality of the specific medium/magazine.


7KHUH¶V D QHHG IRU WKH DVVRFLDWLRQ WR SURPRWH WKH TXDOLW\ ODEHO and the medium (custom publishing) as such.


Research results become more valuable when they can be compared with benchmarks.

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ÎWho and Why?

ÎWhat and How? ÎThe benchmarks ÎConclusions ÎAppendix


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Custometer = readers survey ÎNot a readership survey ÎWe do not measure the number of readers or the penetration of the medium in a given population (ex. CIM). ÎWe do not ask a representative sample of people who receive or have access to the medium whether they read it or not.

ÎA readers survey ÎFind out how readers read and appreciate the medium. ÎHow well does the medium fulfil its role? ÎWhat do readers expect?


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Which media are qualified for Custometer?

ĂŽCurrent medium focus op the Custometer is magazines, but this methodology can also be applied to measure the impact & evaluation of news letters, e-zines, ÂŤ

ĂŽAn adapted questionnaire is available for different target groups: consumers, % % HPSOR\HHV ÂŤ

ĂŽThe Custometer is independent of the distribution method (at home, postal, display, etc.)


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How is a Custometer conducted? Participation

ÎContact your custom publishing agency which is member of CUSTO

ÎThe following things need to be discussed with your agency: ÎTiming of the research project ÎTune the questionnaire to your specific needs by means the Ad Hoc questions ÎDetermine the data collection method ÎDecide upon a possible incentive

ÎYour agency will contact InSites Consulting in order to continue with the set-up of the research project


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How is a Custometer conducted? Data collection ÎThe research project is conducted by means of a online questionnaire ÎRespondents are informed about the questionnaire by means of a call to action in the magazine and / or a mailing directed towards the target group of the magazine ÎHow to motivate readers to participate? ÎIncentive by means of sweepstake ÎSupport charity ÎShare results of the research afterwards with the participants

ÎIn case requested the survey can also be conducted via postal survey ÎIn case requested the survey can also address non-receivers of the magazine in order to determine the impact of the magazine on the brand experience ÎThe impact is determined by comparing the magazine receivers & non-receivers ÎThe non-receivers of the magazine are recruited via the research panel of InSites Consulting


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How is a Custometer conducted? Reporting

ÎInSites Consulting generates a benchmark database based upon the results of the different Custometer projects ÎSpecific outcomes Î Table reports which outlines all the results with a split on relevant target groups Î PowerPoint presentation which gives a overview of the results and compares the performance of the magazine with the benchmark


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ÎWho and Why?

ÎWhat and How?

ÎThe benchmarks ÎConclusions ÎAppendix


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The custometer µ%HQFKPDUNV¶ October 2011 Based on 20 cases N= 24088 Average per case = 1204

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Reach Magazine consumption

Destination after reading Evaluation Future editions Word of Mouth 14

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Source of copy Almost 3 out of 4 readers receive their copy of the magazine (external focused) at home.

Based on 11 cases (External)


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Readers last edition 4 out of 5 readers has read the last edition of the magazine.

Based on 17 cases | External:11/Internal: 6


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Reading time 1 out of 3 readers spends more than 30 minutes on reading the magazine. The average reading time is about 23 minutes.

35% reads more than 30 minutes

Based on 19 cases


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Reading time External focused magazine are more often read for + 20 minutes. The average reading time for external magazines is 24 minutes, for internal magazines this is slightly lower (21 minutes).

External based on 13 cases | Internal based on 6 cases


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Reading Volume 9 out of 10 readers goes through at least half of the magazine pages. Moreover, 54% indicates to read the complete magazine. 90%

Based on 19 cases


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Reading Volume External magazines are slightly more intensively read compared to internal magazines.

External based on 13 cases | Internal based on 6 cases


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Destination after reading Almost 1 out of 2 readers passes the magazine on to other people after reading it. 28% keeps the magazine (entirely or some pages) and 1 in 4 readers throw it away.




Pass on


Throw away

Based on 20 cases


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Destination after reading Pass on behavior occurs less often for internal focused magazines. Readers of internal magazines, compared to external magazines, throw more often away after reading it.








Pass on



Throw away

External based on 14 cases | Internal based on 6 cases


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Evaluation of the magazine On average a magazine receives an appreciation score of 7,7 on 10, with the quality of the pictures rated the highest (8,1/10). Advertising integrated in the magazine receives the lowest appreciation.

Based on 20 cases


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Importance performance analysis: magazine Improvement areas: advertisement integrated in the magazine & the variation of the magazine content. Strengths: lay-out (also paper & format) & the readability of the magazine.




Performance (= average score aspect)

Nice- to- haves

Importance (= correlation with overall score) 28

Based on 20 cases In association with

Evaluation of the magazine: internal versus external Overall external focused magazines are more positively evaluated compared to internal focused magazines.

Based on 20 cases


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Evaluation magazine content The magazines succeed in offering the readers trustworthy & useful information which is interesting and teaches them new things. In terms of call-to-action (opinion sharing, trying new things, recommendation) there is still room for improvement. Info interested in Teaches me new things Info I can trust Useful info

Relaxing read New ideas Search for more Visit website Try an offer/coupon Make me want to buy Recommend brand/products Try new things Share opinion


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" !


Based on 19 cases


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Importance performance analysis: Content Improvement areas: call-to-action (try an offer, search for information and to make them buy) Strengths: integration of trustful, useful and interesting information




Performance (= average score aspect)

Nice- to- haves

Importance (= correlation with overall score) 31

Based on 20 cases In association with

Evaluation content: internal versus external In line with the general evaluation external focused magazines are also in terms of content more positively evaluated. External focused magazine especially perform better concerning the integration of useful information, bringing new ideas & the motivation to search more information & try new thing.


" !

" External based on 13 cases | Internal based on 6 cases


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Evaluation brand 4 in 5 of the readers indicate that a magazine outlines the willingness of the company for an open communication with its stakeholders Furthermore magazines are also successful in positioning companies as leading, human & innovative.

Based on 16 cases


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Importance performance analysis: Brand Improvement areas: give the readers a feeling of appreciation. Strengths: positioning of the company as leading & in favor of open communication.




Performance (= average score aspect)

Nice- to- haves

Importance (= correlation with overall score) 34

Based on 20 cases In association with

Evaluation brand: internal versus external Again external magazines are successful in generating a more positive brand experience after reading the magazine, especially regarding open communication & trust . Still internal focused magazines are more successful in positioning the brand as leading & giving the readers a appreciated feeling.


" !

" Based on 16 cases


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Looking forward to next edition 71% of the readers is looking forward to the next edition. For external focused magazines this score increases to 75%. Whereas 61% of the readers of internal magazines is looking forward to the next edition.

Based on 18 cases


External based on 12 cases | Internal based on 6 cases

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More editions? 2 in 3 readers thinks the current number of editions is just right. However 28% states there can be more editions. This number is larger for internal readers, here 1 in 3 thinks the magazine should have more issues.

Based on 16 cases


External based on 10 cases | Internal based on 6 cases

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Conversations 4 out of 10 readers have conversations about the brand or the magazine after reading the magazine. 13% discussed the brand and 1 out of 3 the magazine or articles from the magazine.

Based on 4 cases


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Conversations: tone of voice The tone of voice of conversations, which discuss the brand or the magazine, is very positive. This is even more outspoken for conversations which focus on the brand.

Brand Average= 7,6

Magazine Average= 7,5

Based on 4 cases


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ÎWho and Why?

ÎWhat and How? ÎThe benchmarks

ÎConclusions ÎAppendix


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Conclusions Overall very positive evaluation of the magazines by its readers, which is also outlined by the reading behavior and engagement. Magazines clearly help brands to reinforce and enhance their brand image among the different stakeholders. In general external focused magazines are more appreciated compared to magazines which target internal stakeholders. Î Overall, more than 1 out of 3 reads the magazine for more than 30 minutes and 90% of the readers flips through at least half of the magazine Î Almost 1 out of 2 readers passes the magazine on to other people after reading it. 28% keeps the magazine (entirely or some pages) and only 1 in 4 readers throw it away. Î Overall magazines are clearly appreciated and receive an average evaluation score of 7,7 on 10. In general readers identify the information in the magazine as trustworthy, useful and interesting. Î In general readers perceive the magazine as a demonstration of open communication by the company. Furthermore magazines are also successful in positioning companies as leading, human & innovative. Î 7 out of 10 readers are looking forward to the next edition. Î Magazines are also positive conversation starters: 4 out of 10 readers have conversations about the brand or the magazine after reading the magazine. More specifically 13% discussed the brand and 1 out of 3 the magazine or articles from the magazine.


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ÎWho and Why?

ÎWhat and How? ÎThe benchmarks ÎConclusions

ÎAppendix 44

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Appendix: interpretation priority matrix What is it? The priority matrix shows which aspects of the magazine need the most attention in order to enhance the overall appreciation of the magazine.

How is it build? The matrix is build by crossing the performance of an aspect with the relative importance of the same aspect on overall appreciation. Performance = The average score given to a specific item. Importance = The influence of the specific item ( correlation between the aspect and overall appreciation).

How to read? The matrix consists of 4 quadrants: : Strength: the aspect is relatively important and has a relatively high score. Nice-to-have: The aspect has a relatively high score, yet it is relatively less important. Weakness : The aspect is relatively important, however it has a relatively lower score. Threats : The aspect has relatively lower score, but i is also relatively less important.

The borders of the quadrants reflect the averages of the Performance- and Importance axes.


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Angie Deceuninck Research Manager T. +32 9 269 14 26 M. +32 474 883 173 Robin Lagrou Senior Research Consultant T. +32 9 269 15 23 M. +32 486 60 03 33

Katia Pallini Research Consultant T. +32 9 269 12 23 M. +32 494 705 215

InSites Consulting Head office Evergemsesteenweg 195 B-9032 Gent Belgium

Tel. +32 9 269 15 00 Fax. +32 9 269 16 00 Other offices Rotterdam | London | New York


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