Joy Wang 4B, Newspaper

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THE RISING SUN December 1875


ed murais dress Picture of sant. At least for an eve eserved c u l t u r e i s p rr e . . e h w e m o s







N E W S P A P E R E V E RY 5 Y E A R S

“It’s not just a change in outfits, it’s a complete change in culture.”

T h e C h an g e from one outfit to a n o t h e r? J oy Wang


he tea store on Yokunami Street had been taken down and turned into a French cafe just this spring. Last winter, the fashion magazine “Fuji” announced that corsets were “in”. See a change in pattern? Japan seems to be adopting western ideas and fashions. Seems like the nation is trying to copy whatever the French are wearing, whatever the British are doing, or whatever the Germans are eating, from bread to dirty bratwurst, from champagne to beer. Would anyone fancy a sake or two in between? Didn’t think so. Meat is now eaten often, even though buddhist beliefs consider it immoral. People are dressing like the white people too. Western-style

haircuts are seen all over the place. the top-knot is becoming less and less popular. One woman commented “I have never seen such a shift in culture in Japan in all these years, even way back when the American’s forced themselves on Japan. When I see my younger sister trading her kimono in for a corset and a bundle of frills, you see that the entire nation is doing the same thing. it’s not just a change in outfit, it’s a complete change in culture.” Ball room dancing had in fact, become the nations favorite pastime. Would Japan ditch it’s Asian Culture forever and become a “Western Country”?

sue s I s i h In T The Door to Education. Open? Could it be? His Highness is having all children in the nation go to school. Read more on page 2

Shh! Secrets to dressing French revealed! Ever wonder how the french women always look so regal and western? Read more about the secrets of these blue-eyed, gold haired women and what their secret is to looking fabulous! Read more on page 3

Food Hottest Cruisine Page 3 tells us all about the hottest food eaten this year. Make sure you keep reading for the names of best rated restaurants in town!

Our Brave Samurais Samurais. Do we still need them as much for fighting purposes as much as we did before? Do they really need to keep up the whole Samurai look? Read more on page 2

Opening the Doors to Education. Is it really? Joy Wang n the year 1868, ordinary children were seen prancing around the streets at 6 am in the morning, carrying oversized book bags, and heading for school with wide, wide grins on their faces. What does this mean?


So, are the people happy with this new improvement? One child said: “It is so great to finally be part of what I used to stare at longingly through the window while sewing frills on dresses each day. My parents are happy to see me go to school everyday and earn new things. My friends gets to go to school too! I finally feel like I can dream, to wonder where all this would take me

Children going to school.

eventually instead of knowing I would be sitting in front of a shabby sewing machine for the rest of my life for a couple of copper coins.” Certainly, the children are happy. This new custom really modernized society. So this was a good idea after all. It’s great to see Japan make some changes to benefit the people. However, it is heard that there is going

to be a rescript on Education in the near future, something along the lines of being loyal to the throne.

problem. Because the throne is what is now improving our lives, which, had just met a new start into a new era. Long Live Meiji!

Editorial Section Joy Wang This lingering question of whether or not samurai really are needed in society always seems to be present. But in a society like todays, ARE they really necessary? Probably not. Nowadays, the fight for dominance

no longer seems to lie in having more land, but being economically and industrially powerful, and even if defence was needed, we now have guns and other modern technology of the sort. Samurai were once important. They protected us from intruders, but now they

We all know that won’t be a

Samurai don’t really have anything to do other than learn or practice the way of the bushi for character building purposes. Even so, they still carry around 2 swords and wear a topknot everyday, looking like they are ready for battle. Or at least, some kind of action.

d A Samurai an his Bow.

“Ordinary people are now taught reading, writing, and the abacus.” said one officer. Apparently, a Ministry of Education was established t provide education to everyone, no matter where they come from or what their family does, regardless of social class or gender. In 1972, it was decreed that all Japanese children must have at least 4 years of education. Further research showed that right now, 90% of the Nations students are receiving compulsory education, and the numbers are still increasing. We owe it all to His Highness and the terayoka.

Sec re ts to l oo k i n g F r e n c h R e v e al e d !


od o F ” n I The “

Spritz some of this perfume on your wrists and neck. You’ll smell extravagant and you’ll leave your significant other wanting more... *wink*

Here are some of most popular food eaten now. The maps below show you the restaurant that serves the best of them! Read on!

Beluga Caviar Ick, What IS that? Frills, frills, frills! They are all the rage this winter. wear them oin your neck, your back, your buttocks, even on your shoes! The more frills you have on, the more elegant you look. Now, this is a new thing. Instead of the usual perm and updo, try adding on a small hat with lace netting. Have it cover a part of your face to look regal and at the same time, mysterious. try black netting, it’s more stylish than white.

It may look utterly revolting, but it tastes like absolute heaven. These rare fish eggs are marinated in something special and is served with crackers.

How to eat it? Bring on the vodka! Pour this western sake into a tiny glass shot cup and sip teeny tiny sips of it whilst chewing the caviar.

French women are always so tall and noticeable. Guess what? There’s a solution for that! slip on some high heel shoes and look breathtaking. You’ll capture everyone’s attention in the room!


Western Household Cook!

This delicious snack is made of flour, sugar, eggs and vanilla. It tastes like fresh cream and can be eaten with jam, chocolate and whipped cream. Makes a great breakfast or dessert. FRENCH ALERT!

“Hi, i’m bob, and i’m looking for a home to cook for. I can make French, German, British and American styled foods. I can also make Japanese food.”

Baked beans

Want western food daily? Constantly craving steak and fries? HIRE HIM!

This British special is essential to eating in-style. The Blue-eyed seem to eat this with everything at every meal. There must be a reason to that!

2500 yen per meal. Any day of the week. call 213456234313


An interview with the emperor.. Joy Wang

he emperor agreed to answering some of our questions on how he feels about society today and whether or not he likes the changes.

adopting not just western technology and science, but all aspects of all western culture so we can be just as powerful, maybe even more than them.

TRS: Your highness, what have you been up to lately?

TRS: Wow, that sure does sound like a lot of work. Tell me, when you first took over and Nariyuki became sheesho, how did that work?


E: I’ve been really busy with trying to renew Japan and turn it into a world power. Japan’s future is shifting. I am very proud with what i have done so far.

TRS: Wow, sure does sound like a lot of work. What have you done so far to improve Japan? E: Well, at the start of my rule, I was still a young boy, 15 or so, so i didn’t not really have any power. My friend Nariyuki helped rule the first part. We issued the Charter Oath, then created a constitution to enforce the charter oath, ended feudalism and started building a modern economy by creating a banking system and a new land tax. We also installed railways and telegraphy in the country recently. Right now, Japan is undergoing a cultural revolution. We are

E: He dismissed the shoguns and gave me a head start on the modernization of Japan and it’s entry into the international world. Emperor Meiji sitting on his chair

TRS: Tell us about the samurai. How do you feel about having them around? E: They’re still a symbol of japanese culture, but i wouldn’t expect anything out of them when really defending the country. The nation now has machine guns and all those other power technology can use to defend ourselves, so the Samurai, even though eager to defend the country and continue serving the nation with honor, isn’t

really much use to us. I can see that the government is trying to convert them into normal human beings now, even though the samurais are resistant.

E: Alrighty then, your highness, thank you very much for your time!

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