By -
Stephanie Donithan
The Restoration comes to an end
The Meiji Restoration, its positive and negative aspects
The Meiji Restoration has brought many changes to Japanese Society. It was marked as Japan’s major turning point. It was a period in time when Japan decided to grow into a powerful nation in industrializing, modernizing and international affairs. Japan focused on heavy industry and international communications. Their main goal was to adopt western aspects of culture and business and impress them by using the aspects. Because of their rapid growth, Japan has finally been accepted by Western countries as a rich nation with a strong military, just as Japan hoped. In the end, Japan ended up conquering most of Asia, and in doing so, they were also building their greed. Japan got out of hand and killed many Chinese Soldiers in the SinoJapanese War and started the Russo-Japanese War by torpedoing a Russian naval fleet. They invaded China and tortured people in the Rape of Nanking and they bombed Pearl Harbor in an attempt to conquer US territory.
A Look Into the Past The Charter Oath & The Constitution of 1868
In April of 1868, Emperor Meiji have made the decision that it was time to modernize the country. He issued the ‘Imperial Oath of Five Articles’ or more commonly known as ‘The Charter Oath.’ The fifth article of the Charter Oath, ‘Knowledge shall be sought throughout the world so as to strengthen the foundations of imperial rule,’ became the most important for Japan because it promoted a new policy of modernization along western lines. The Charter Oath was a big step for the modernization of Japan. In order, to bring the Charter Oath into effect, the Constitution of 1868 was created June of 1868. The creation of the constitution ended feudalism.
A Modern Economy
Japan took it’s first step into modernization by establishing a constitution under western lines. By doing this, it meant they also have to basically rebuild their economy. Japan lacked a modern banking system so it established a successful European banking system. After that the government noticed they needed to reform taxation in order to ease the burden of heavy public spending. Therefore, a land tax was created. Farmers had to pay 3% of their annual crop to the government. Japan also established modern communications. THey began using telegraph and the first railway line was laid between tokyo and Yokohama in 1872.
Japan’s Cultural Revolution
During this time, most of the world was dominated by western nations such as Britain, France, Germany and the USA. Among the powerful nations, Japan felt that in order to feel equal they would have to adopt Western science and technology as well as all aspects of the western culture. This included the Japanese fashion, food and education. Western hairstyles and food such as meat, bread and beer were becoming more common and a rescript on education was written. This was the bassi of Japan’s philosophy on education until 1945.
The Constitution of 1889
There were a few problems with the Constitution of 1868. Since the constitution was made in a rush, it failed to deal with two basic problems: it did not provide Japan with a modern constitution and a national parliament that would ear western respect and popular support. The new Constitution brought new changes to Japanese society: - the emperor was the absolute ruler - the emperor could dissolve the parliament, create his own legislation, or veto any legislation which came form the Diet/parliament itself. - individual ministers who belonged to the cabinet (the decision making body of the ruling government) were responsible to the emperor, not to the Diet Japanese Soldiers during the Sino-Japanese war
Sino-Japanese War (1984-95)
A disagreement was going on between the people and the corrupt Korean government led by a popular religious group called the Tong Hak Society. The government wanted to preserve ‘Eastern Learning’ and get rid of all foreign influence. By the king’s request, Chinese and Japanese troops were sent to Korea to quash the rebellion but by the time the troops got to Korea, the rebellion was already put down. However, both countries refused to withdraw their troops. Japan demanded changes to the Korean government and eventually demanded that the King of Korea signed a treaty that expelled the Chinese. Two days later a Chinese troopship was sunk by the Japanese navy and that began a war between China and Japan. The war lasted less than a year with the Japanese defeating the Chinese. Yet, their triumph was soon over as Russia, Germany and France forced Japan to give up their claim on the Liaotung Peninsula. This was known as the Triple Intervention.
Creation of Treaty of Portsmouth
Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
Russia was beginning to advance into Manchuria. They had forced China to give them a 25 year lease on the Liaotung Peninsula and because of this, Russia began buidling railways and communication systems. Both Japan and Britain were worried about Russia sudden expansion so they formed a Anglo-Japanese Alliance. Since Japan now have Britain as an ally, they wanted Russia to recognize and respect their position in Korea and they would recognize Russia’s rights in Manchuria. However, without warning the Japanese torpedoed the Russian naval fleet anchored at Port Arthur. Russia eventually retreated from Korea and Manchuria, allowing Japan to take over Korea and Manchuria. Japan defeated Russia but the war officially ended with the Treaty of Portsmouth. The Treaty of Portsmouth stated that both Russia and Japan would act as peacemakers.
Effect of Meiji Restoration on Women
Unfortunately, improving the status of women was not one of the reforms of the Meiji Restoration. For many women, the Restoration was a disappointment. Their status wasn’t changed even the slightest despite their contributions to the success and speed of Japan’s industrial revolution. In fact, some families had to sell their daughters into a life of prostitution either in Japan or more often abroad.
Lifestyle Before
Kimonos (also known as gofukus) were the traditional dress of the Japanese. Kimonos were used in every event, ranging from an afternoon walk to the traditional wedding kimono used in every Japanese wedding.
Since the cultural revolution, kimonos are becoming less common and the traditional samurai topknot has been switched for western hairstyles. The appearance of western hairstyles became the official mark of westernization in Japan.
Before the Meiji Restoration, food in Japan was quite simple. A bowl of rice and fish would have sufficed. Then came the Meiji Restoration Period.
During the Meiji Restoration, Japan was allowing western nations to leave an imprint in Japan and Japan’s diet began to change. Foods such as bread, meat and diary were being introduced. As these foods were introduced, Japanese put a touch of their own. Their product of meat became Teriyaki.
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All Japan wanted was to be accepted by western nations and appeal to their better nature. The Meiji restoration was a good step forward into modernizing and industrializing. However, as Japan began realizing the potential it had to become more powerful than western nations it took it. They ended up invaded countries such as China, Korea, Dutch East Indies, French Indonesia and more. As they kept expanding to nations, they felt that they should demand things from the countries. For example, the 21 demands that they sent to China demanded that China give them trade ports. Japan was becoming powerful but for all the wrong reasons. They tortured people, killed people and continued to do so until they got what they wanted.